Going Green with ~6string

UPDATED: Monday, March 18, 2013 10:53
VIEWED: 1192
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Sunday, March 10, 2013 7:20 AM


I haven't bought a "new" clothing garment, save for boxers and socks since 2008. Unfortunately, I might have to break that streak for my upcoming interview if I can't find something really nice by the 26th, but Goodwill all the way baby....

Those thrift-store wearing, black finger nail painted freaks in my high school really were on to something. Here I was blowing a majority of my Christmas or birthday money on one or two items of high priced clothing while they got a lot of stuff for next to nothing.

Kids are dumb. I'm, of course, only speaking about how dumb I was when I was a kid.

I'm gonna pop some tags... only got 20 dollars in my pocket, i'm... i'm... i'm huntin', lookin' for a come up. This is F'n awesome!

EDITED TO ADD: Had the wrong vid up.. sorry!!!! Fixed now!


Monday, March 11, 2013 7:04 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Back in high school I'd look in the used T shirt rack and try to find the randomest shirts in there. I didn't usually buy too many, because I've never been fond of clothes shopping as a general rule, but it didn't seem so bad when it was shirts that said randomly cool things. My mother discouraged this practice, another reason I wasn't able to take as full of advantage of it as I wanted. We don't go to the thrift store anymore though so I don't get to do it anymore. I suppose I could go down there on my own and check them out. There was one that I really wanted and didn't get, those are the kinds of things you'll never see again. Of course wearing a silly T shirt to your interview is probably a bad move. I've got so many T shirts now though, so buying more would be silly and since my clothes last years and years I don't buy more often.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:25 AM


Hey Riona,

When I was in Jr. High I was a slave to brand names. "IOU", "BUM Equipment", "Cavarachi" (or however you spell that.....)

No wonder I didn't get much else as far as "allowance" or b-day or Christmas presents as I grew up. I was a mindless slave to name brands and made my parents pay for them.

In my defense, I only did it because I was only 3 removed from the shortest guy in my grade and i weighed in at a buck 73 with glasses and braces. I really hated myself....

Hehe... seems funny now..... I don't even recognize names of new artists on the radio when people only a year or two younger than I am ask me about them. I'm stuck listening to 98% what I grew up with and only letting a very small amount of new songs filter in. The last few years I had a radio in my car, I listened to mostly talk radio and sports. Because of my electrical issues in my car, I had to remove my radio. (On the plus side, if somebody looks at my 17 year old Camry with a flashlight in the parking lot while I'm working, they'll just move to the next car because if I don't have a radio, I probably have nothing worth stealing in there).

I'm actually starting to re-think this "genius" plan of mine.....

Being so out of the loop of what was popular was cool for a week or a month, but after years of it, I've grown apart from anybody my age pretty much.

How do you completely remove yourself from the temptations of the trappings of pop culture, yet still stay in any way relevant today?

That's another thread all in itself though.....

This one is about the thrift shop......... :)

20 dollars in my pocket buys me about 17 T-shirts after taxes on 1/2 price Saturday!

20 dollars in my pocket buys me about 6 pairs of jeans on 1/2 price Saturday! (Assuming I can find them in my midget size)

With prices rising everywhere, it's nice to know that the thrift store is waiting there for us when we grow up and we can buy an entire wardrobe for the price it would cost to buy 3 new garments at whatever store is popular at the mall today.

And just like M said, when I show up to the club wearing it, I won't be one of the 6 guys wearing the same shirt they all paid 90 bucks for when I get there......


DeLorean for the Win!!!!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:30 AM



How do you completely remove yourself from the temptations of the trappings of pop culture, yet still stay in any way relevant today?

Why would you want either? Relevance is what happens when people care too much about bullshit.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 10:45 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Why would you want either? Relevance is what happens when people care too much about bullshit.

I want to be right there behind you on that comment Byte, but I've worked (surprisingly) just shy of 40 hours the last 3 weeks. I might actually be in the black for the year by about 20 bucks, if I watch my spending.... I've been taking every day that any other employee wanted off.

So..... I'm "flush" for the year come next check.....


I am 33 and I'm not a part of anything that matters for the first time since my eyes were opened.

I'd much rather be blind and dumb and happy and married and struggling to put kids through college that "might" land them a part-time minimum-wage job in 2028 if they're lucky.....

As you said... relevance is BS... it always was.....

But in a world where Relevance is king......

Smart people like us are relegated to "elders" far before our time... if we're lucky....

If I was making what my bro/sisnlaw made, I'd have my house and college paid off before I was 35 at their age..... But they keep spending.....

Maybe they're doing right though.... Whatever 1 dollar they spend today will probably be worth a dime in 3 years the way our President is spending the money.

Maybe I'm the idiot.....

Bankruptcy is free, right?

Maybe I should just max out my all of my credit cards, buy about 25 years of health insurance with it, claim bankruptcy, and ruin my credit? Why should I care at that point?

My only weakness now is that since I don't have health insurance that the hospital can take my house. If I could plug that up with credit card debt I can't pay on your dime, how would I be any different than any of the other 150 million Americans working to destroy this country?


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:15 PM


I guess? Intellectual elitism, credit card debt, and bankruptcy. Not sure exactly how any of that follows the topic of conversation but okay.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 1:53 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

My mother has always been more interested in brand names than me, So I always had a few brand name things throughout my growing up years, because she liked me having them so I at least dressed like the other kids. You want to know a secret? I still give her money and have her bring home clothes for me, because clothes shopping sucks and I don't really know what I'm supposed to pick out and she does fine most of the time. I don't really think she likes it, but I think she finds it easier than bringing me with her to choose things. I have no idea who I'd go with to shop if I didn't have her, none of my friends seem like apropriate people to ask. But Jack has me thinking I should go down to Family Thrift like in the olden days and choose out some funny T shirts. Again though I have plenty of shirts already so I think having more might not be good? I did get my River costume at that store though a couple of years ago, 5.99 and its totally a dress that our River would wear. If I go barefoot and wear it and take my hair out from behind my ears I look like her!

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 2:28 PM


My favorite store for a long time was The Garment District in Cambridge, MA. Saturday mornings they had (and maybe still have?) buck-a-pound: a room FULL of clothes in knee deep piles to dig through, and everything was indeed a dollar a pound. Man, what $20 could get! I scored many good things. It got me through grad school, though my mom used to complain that I dressed like a homeless person. A homeless person who likes sparklies!

I admit, now that I have an actual salary I've found some discount fashion outlets in the city (NYC, that is), and I'm not so thrifty as I use to be. I don't consider myself fashionable, but I've come to appreciate good fabrics and good cuts. They just feel lovely to wear! Like last weekend I got a $450 Gaultier skirt for $100. Totally worth it - it's super fun, looks awesome, and it'll last forever. I can't wait till it's warm so I can wear it!


Friday, March 15, 2013 5:25 AM


You don't like clothes shopping for yourself????? You don't know what you're missing out on Riona! I feel really funny being a guy telling you this... especially since the only time I throw out socks and boxers is when they are so worn they get holes in them

Most situations in my life currently, I don't feel comfortable wearing much more than a clean t-shirt and jeans. I LOVE having the excuse and some free money to put a "bling" outfit together and a chance to wear it though.

When my buddy P got married a few years back, I went to Carson's and spent about an hour working with the clearance suit tops and bottoms with, non-clearance shirts and ties. Yanno... the "Up to 85% off when you take an additional 50% off the reduced price" clearance. To make the story even funnier, I was walking around at Carson's at the mall that day and I spotted a rent-a-cop that seemed to be following me back and forth from the 1st to the 2nd floor and back, I'm sure, because I was wearing my "work clothes".... a torn pair of jeans and a dirty t-shirt.

In the end, I got a brilliant subtle pinstripe suit with a "Joker" purple dress shirt and a tie that would be hard to explain unless you saw it. When I was paying for it at the register, the girl said that I put an amazing outfit together. :)

I've been friends with P since grade school, but I don't do the whole "standing up thing". He knew I might not show up if I was expected to do that. He probably figured my showing up otherwise was 50/50. I did though, and I got so many compliments about my clothes I wish I could find an excuse to wear that outfit every day. When I wore it to my Bro and Sis-in-law's rehearsal dinner, my step-mom and step brother said I look awesome in a suit.

In the end, by my standards, it was a VERY expensive outfit. $120 for the suit top/bottom, 45$ to get it taylor fit (by a ma and pop Italian shop that somehow is still not closed to this day), $20 for the tie, $25 for the shirt, and $50 for the dress shoes. $260 for an outfit I've only worn 3 times in my life. They're still in mint condition and I put them back in the plastic sleeves when I'm done.

When I rented a tux for my Bro's wedding when I stood up, it cost me more than that entire outfit for a 2 day rental. Retail price of the outfit was over 1k before the clearance and sale.

I understand your lack of desire and throwing that on your mom to pick out the outfit for you. That can be a lot of responsibility... how you look when you go out in public.

I don't know your age Riona (and I'm not asking, particularly here), but I always assumed I had at least 5-8 years on you.

Whether I'm right about that or not, I do think it's high time you considered "stepping out" and showed the world what you want to be, neigh, who you really are.....

In the mean time, if you must exhibit any of your predesposed proclivities to berate your choices either while buying or while showing "buyer's remorse" when you are afraid to wear it in public, I'll just remind you that we live in the age of Lady Gaga, and her "meat suits".....

Don't use Halloween to be your yearly excuse to be "you".....

Of course, we can't all dress up like we do on Halloween every day unless we're rockstar-famous-crazy, but I can guarantee you that you'll up your self-esteem quotient by 10 when you're going out wearing what you like and you get a few compliments about it. To get to that point may even take a little bit of experimenting, but take it from somebody who knows.... being "rejected" by somebody for clothing choices is a lot easier than being "rejected" by somebody you're trying to pick up.

As thoughtful and talented and intelligent as you are, I'm shocked to hear that you have very little input into your regular daily (and........ I'm assuming..... nightly) wear....

You're young and beautiful and potentially in control of so many aspects of your life but your timidity will let you watch the next decade pass you by if you continue to let it control you.

I talked to girls in HS that were popular years later at parties that (in my mind) I considered much more popular than me. On more than one occasion, I've had conversations with these women who were drunk at the time that said that they would have ravaged me in HS if they thought they had a chance. Not only did I suffer from a massive self-induced inferiority complex, but I seemingly put up a front so impenetrable that even at least three of the girls I fantasized about in HS would have said yes if I asked.....

Stupid me then.... Stupid wedding rings now.... Grumble... Grumble.....

Here's your homework assignment for the weekend. I want you to go out, to goodwill or even to Carson's at their clearance racks (they always have a few). Pick out something you really like and forget what "other people might say".

Then wear it out on Saturday night.

Your friends might comment and say that it's not "you", but they won't say it looks bad. In fact, as it grows on you and you become more comfortable on you, they'll start telling you that it looks good on you.

Then you'll want to buy another outfit next week :)


Friday, March 15, 2013 5:43 AM


Imagine that. Some women don't really care about security, money, sales, clothes, shoes, or generally what other people think about them, and consider shopping to be a tedious business.

Perhaps the genders are not an exercise in stereotypes.


Friday, March 15, 2013 8:42 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

That sounds too stressful. It is what it is. For what its worth she always gets me things that are fine and that I don't mind wearing, she's thoughtful that way. She gets me Firefly stuff when she can find it, and Irishy stuff too. Speaking of clothes its St. Patrick's Day on Sun. (my favorite day of the year) so I'm excited about wearing my St. Patrick's day outfit. I don't like wearing skirts or dresses, unless its a special occasion like faire or St. Patrick's day.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, March 18, 2013 9:22 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
That sounds too stressful. It is what it is. For what its worth she always gets me things that are fine and that I don't mind wearing, she's thoughtful that way. She gets me Firefly stuff when she can find it, and Irishy stuff too. Speaking of clothes its St. Patrick's Day on Sun. (my favorite day of the year) so I'm excited about wearing my St. Patrick's day outfit. I don't like wearing skirts or dresses, unless its a special occasion like faire or St. Patrick's day.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

My mom did all the clothes shopping for me and my bros too after she booted my "not so bad dad"....

Her heart was surely in it, no question....

Actually, if you look at the "grunge style" of the mid 90's, she was actually way before her time. I remember being made fun of because I wore button up plaid shirts in grade school and a lot of them were plaid that Kurt K would have worn proudly 10 years later....


Monday, March 18, 2013 10:53 AM


Here's me with my Goodwill V-neck sweatshirt...... 2 dollars :)

The foliage in the background.....? Not Goodwill, but my bro and sis-in-law got them at a storage locker auction for 10 dollars and gave them to me because they know I love that kind of shit.... :)

Slightly used by an elderly couple Lazy Boy couch I use as a bed in the hot summer months.... 120 bucks. The TV was new, but I got it on sale, delivered, for only 699.00 back in 2007 when it was normally going for 1,299.00.

The cool spiral oil painting was a hand me down from my younger bro since his new house has no room for it. I'll find a good place for it :)

The top left is a "De-motivational Poster". A beautiful picture of a perfect beach, and under it says "if a pretty picture and a cute saying are all it takes to motivate you, you probably have a very easy job. The kind that robots will be doing soon."

Oh, and here's my "Thoughtful, Presidential Pose".

Seriously, don't vote for me even if I ran. Whatever "white" European descendant next to be voted in is likely the Anti-Christ......

I have enough weighing on my conscience....

Here's hoping ya'all have fun in 2015-16 :)






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