If I were President...

UPDATED: Saturday, November 16, 2013 18:20
VIEWED: 4707
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Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:20 PM


I would ______?


Thursday, November 7, 2013 6:02 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

To do what I would like to do I would have to be God, not just the President.


Thursday, November 7, 2013 8:04 PM


Alright, you've been promoted to God. *Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

What, then?


Friday, November 8, 2013 11:21 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I would ______?

" I'd say Hey now, Who do you think you're foolin?"


Friday, November 8, 2013 11:17 PM


I'll take "evil overlord" for $500, Alex...

And yanno, first thing I would do is hand out copies of the new and improved TESLA TELEPHONIC DEATHRAY, bwahahahaha!
Telemarketers bothering you, Political Harrassment, Bill Collectors threatening you over some jerk who never lived at that address, even those horrible Robocalls, no longer a problem - why with one flip of the switch, anything and everything within 10 feet of the other end of the connection is instantly subjected to 10^100 volts at 666amps, thus being effectively VAPORIZED whether it be animal, vegetable, or mineral!

And with a small donation of $29.96 to Overlord Services, LLC, you can even add your own downloadable ringtones as a final fare-thee-well!

Plugs right into any standard RJ45 Jack, so even VOIP customers can finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that none of those annoying calls is EVER gonna happen twice!

So get out there, vote like you mean it, and lets get some competent villainry at the top for once!

Brought to you by OVERLORD2016 Campaign Services, Inc.



Monday, November 11, 2013 11:10 AM


When I'm president, you can be head of the "Evil Overlords Cabinet"

I didn't get one serious answer though, really?

I think I'd legalize pot and prostitution, lower the drinking age to 19 (since- if you know any teens you know most don't pay any attention the that law at all)
Stop sending aid to all these screwed up countries and save it for disasters only so we can have enough to help FIX instead of pass out water and look busy, install tern limits on members of congress, Tax some of these freaking megachurches and millionaire "pastors" Make sure all wealthy people pay a fair amount of taxes - no absolute loophole zero taxes for ANYONE, make separation of church and state an ACTUAL amendment instead of just a suggestion, and one month paid leave for all new parents( if Switzerland can do six months, we can do ONE) Make progressive penalties for repeat offenders universal (you hit the max, we just take you out and shoot you as you are a waste of space.) Raise minimum wage a small amount every year, invest in rail public transport, and legalize humane euthanasia of terminal people that wish it.


Monday, November 11, 2013 3:19 PM


I'm not eligible to be President [of the USA]. However I would :-

1. Make FGM illegal

2. Legalise drugs and set up clinics to distribute them, along with clean needles and helps to quit. Cut out the pushers and jail their asses.

3. Legalise prostitution and thereby make both working ladies and gents into fine upstanding tax payers out of the reach of pimps.

4. Put politicians onto minimum wage with limited expenses.

5. Make minimum wage [or above] mandatory across the board for all workers.

6. ALL political donations must be declared. This includes all 'gifts' from big business to whatever individual or party.

7. Set up something similar to the UK Charity Commission through which all charities and good causes must register. This will include the publishing of publicly available annual accounts.

8. Ban any senator/lawmaker from talking for more than an hour on any vote. If you can't defeat a bill by fair means, tough cookie.

9. Devolve as much government as possible to the local level.

10. Men and women to receive equal pay for equal work.

Devout Keeper of Jayne's Lunchbox


Monday, November 11, 2013 4:08 PM



Originally posted by VeraSamuels:
I'm not eligible to be President [of the USA]. However I would :-

1. Make FGM illegal

3. Legalise prostitution and thereby make both working ladies and gents into fine upstanding tax payers out of the reach of pimps.

6. ALL political donations must be declared. This includes all 'gifts' from big business to whatever individual or party.

1. Ouch, YES.

3. Not to mention, if they make it a union job and require testing every year these people could have real healthcare for once in history, and rape and assault levels would go down...What's not to like here? Maybe we as a country could use just those profits to paying off China and screw our way to financial solvency

6. I've always thought political spending should be regulated more. We have the internet now so it's a lot easier to find out just about anything and if you wanna win it better be because you have a plan and ideas not just money money money...


Monday, November 11, 2013 6:09 PM


...take a dump in the Rose Garden.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013 1:24 PM


Legalize it!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013 3:55 PM


Hubbs always says we should put all elected officials on one day trials after their terms are over and reward or punish accordingly, and I tend to agree...


Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:42 AM


We already have that -- it's called Election Day. More often than not, the incumbents are rewarded.


Thursday, November 14, 2013 9:15 AM


Yeah, but...don't seem to be a whole lotta thought going on on that day in particular.

We could have the people to be punished fight Greco-Roman style? C'mon this could be fun AND educational


Thursday, November 14, 2013 2:41 PM


I respectfully disagree about a lack of thought going on on Election Day. There are multiple factors in play. One is that our system is not supposed to change easily, so there are a ton of checks and balanced to keep things "neutral."

Another issue is that many local voting lines have been gerrymandered into ridiculousless, subverting the will of the people. For example, in the 2012 House elections, Democrats got more votes (approximately 49% to 48% -- but remember, on the national stage, a 1% swing IS decisive), yet Republicans still hold a 54% to 46% advantage in terms of seats.

Does that seem right to you?

Fact is, we live in an unprecedented era of ungentlemanly lack of compromise. (You already know this to be true if you are liberal/Dem and have hit "reply" to support me, or if you are conservative/Rep and hit "reply" to tell me how wrong I am).

People tend to forget that Obama spent the better part of his first year or two in office trying to reach across the aisle, only to have his hand slapped away repeatedly by Congressmen with a STATED top priority of making sure that he would't be reelected. Although politicians (on both sides) are generally egotistical and of questional ethics, in my lifetime I've never seen it instititionalized and accepted on such a horrifying scale.

In days gone by, we would not have seen this ridiculous crusade to bring down The Affordable Care Act, because, guess what? If polled on what it accomplishes, a majority of Americans support it. A majority of self-reported REPUBLICANS support it. Something of this scale takes fine-tuning to get right (and anyone with any ounce of common sense knew it wasn't going to come out of the game perfect), yet rather than try to fix it, one party is dedicated to destroying it... simply because the other party created it.

Don't get me wrong: if it were BushCare or National RomneyCare, I suspect the Dems would be just as self-destructive right now, but that's not the way the numbers laid out.

The question, "If I were President," is a deceptive one, because there are really not a lot of great answers... and many of them are incredibly ingnorant and uneducated.

When I was in college, one of my friends said that if she were President, the first thing she would do is abolish Congress.

The second thing would be to send the Army to arrest and imprision her high school nemesis.

Two moves, and already a psychotic despot.

If I were President...

I'd quit.


Thursday, November 14, 2013 11:51 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
One is that our system is not supposed to change easily, so there are a ton of checks and balanced to keep things "neutral."

Fact is, we live in an unprecedented era of ungentlemanly lack of compromise.

Although politicians (on both sides) are generally egotistical and of questional ethics, in my lifetime I've never seen it instititionalized and accepted on such a horrifying scale.

Don't get me wrong: if it were BushCare or National RomneyCare, I suspect the Dems would be just as self-destructive right now, but that's not the way the numbers laid out.

If I were President...

I'd quit.

That's my point, a system of checks and balances no longer works in an unbalanced society. The psychos are running the asylum... Literally. You are more likely to have psychopathic traits if you want to lead or rule, but who wants to be ruled be psychos??? We know what our candidates stand for but we don't KNOW them or what skeletons they hide, whereas in the past with smaller societies EVERYONE knew EVERYONE. The crazies never would have made it as far as they do today...

So many things lately always lead me back to the "War Games" solution...."The only winning move is... not to play"

Until we get a grip on mental disfunctions, we are just going to remain a poo-flinging primitive culture I think...


Saturday, November 16, 2013 10:22 AM


"The only winning move is not to play" is a cop-out that allows the system to get worse.

Democracy is based on collective responsibility. It works when the participants are engaged and educated. Even if you feel you're voting for "the lesser of two evils," you're taking a stand and saying that you understand that there IS a greater of the two evils. Dropping out of the system sends the message that you don't care. And that's how bad stuff happens.

I'm just saying I don't want to be the poor joker who gets blamed for the whole thing...


And don't kid yourself -- "psychos" were no less successfully in the past. Heck, in days gone by, the media would often bury secrets to avoid sullying reputations. Now, with the Internet, a few hundred bucks, and a few days time, you can find out anything about anyone. The question is, does anyone CARE? Is anyone paying attention?

Again, the antidote is great -- NOT LESSER -- engagement... a person at a time, if need be.


Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:20 PM


To believe the system isn't going to get worse is naive at best...

Two words for ya- Miley Cyrus. 50 years ago she would have never made it to the STAGE let alone...You'd have to be a kid to believe that was about liberation and not debasement. Wanna guess what will be on the stage 50 years from now?? You ever TRIED to fight a psycho? I have and lemme tell you it's about as no-win a scenario as ever there was...This new era of toleration mean tolerating waaay more on the crap scale then we will ever see from the intelligent side.

Look, for me it's a personal thing...I just can't deal with people. It...damages my calm in a way that's just not worth it for me. If I were living with Vulcans or with people that were capable of reason, it would be different. I could exist and interact in a way that makes sense, but NOTHING here does to me and I cannot change that. Ever tried to play a game when there's no rules?? It's pointless... Might as well make your own game and stay away from the reavers on the other side of the board






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