Best Films of the past 10 years

UPDATED: Monday, October 7, 2024 07:23
VIEWED: 12094
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Monday, March 21, 2016 6:33 PM


I'd like to compile a list, both for reference regarding what Browncoats like and recommend, and for a list of films to look for, considering the dwindling outlook for films this year.

I am thinking of the following, and when I get to it, will group them by year of release:

The Prestige (2006)
The Astronaut Farmer (2006)
300 (2006)
Tristan & Isolde (2006)
Invincible (2006)
Casino Royale (2006)
The Davinci Code (2006)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
The Departed (2006) - ShinyGoodGuy
Little Miss Sunshine (2006) - ShinyGoodGuy
V for Vendetta (2006) = ShinyGoodGuy
Babel (2006) = ShinyGoodGuy
X-Men (2006) - Brenda
The Illusionist (2006) - ecgordon
Letters From Iwo Jima (2006) - ecgordon
Volver - (2006) - ecgordon
Rocky Balboa (2006) - Brenda

The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
No Country for Old Men (2007)
Enchanted (2007)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
Cabin in the Woods (2007/2012)
Atonement (2007)
Transformers (2007)
Children of Men (2007)
Juno (2007) - ShinyGoodGuy
Zodiac (2007)
Across the Universe (2007) - ecgordon
The Darjeeling Limited (2007) - ecgordon
Eastern Promises (2007) - ecgordon
The Man From Earth (2007) - ecgordon
Persepolis (2007) - ecgordon

Taken (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008)
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
In Bruges (2008)
The Fall (2008) - ShinyGoodGuy
Happy-Go-Lucky (2008) - ShinyGoodGuy
The Reader (2008) - ShinyGoodGuy
Wall-E (2008) - ShinyGoodGuy, ecgordon
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) - ecgordon
Doubt (2008) - ecgordon
Iron Man (2008) - ecgordon

Terminator Salvation (2009)
Star Trek (2009)
Avatar (2009)
Inglorious Bastards (2009)
District 9 (2009)
Blindside (2009)
The Secret In Their Eyes (2009)
Bad Lieutenant (2009) - ShinyGoodGuy
Hurt Locker (2009) - ShinyGoodGuy
Precious (2009) - ShinyGoodGuy
Up in the Air (2009) - ShinyGoodGuy
The Wrestler (2009) - ShinyGoodGuy
Up (2009) - ShinyGoodGuy, ecgordon
Coraline (2009) - ecgordon
Moon (2009) - ecgordon
The Road (2009) - ecgordon
Watchmen (2009) - ecgordon
Where the Wild Things Are (2009) - ecgordon

Inception (2010)
RED (2010)
Secretariat (2010)
Kick-Ass (2010)
Unstoppable (2010)
Winter's Bone (2010)
The Expendables (2010)
The Debt (2010)
The Social Network (2010) - ShinyGoodGuy
King's Speech (2010)
127 Hours (2010) - ecgordon
Biutiful (2010) - ecgordon
Monsters (2010) - ecgordon
Restrepo (2010) - ecgordon

The Debt (2011)
The Help (2011)
Super 8 (2011)
The Skin I Live In (2011)
Paul (2011) - Riverlove
The Tree of Life (2011) - ShinyGoodGuy, ecgordon
Hugo (2011) - ShinyGoodGuy
Drive (2011) - ShinyGoodGuy
The Descendants (2011) - ShinyGoodGuy
Another Earth (2011)
Marilyn (2011) - ShinyGoodGuy
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Hugo (2011) - ecgordon

Avengers (2012)
Man on a Ledge (2012)
Jack Reacher (2012)
D'Jango Unchained (2012)
Hunger Games (2012)
Looper (2012)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012) - Riverlove
Cloud Atlas (2012) - ShinyGoodGuy, ecgordon
Life of Pi (2012) - ShinyGoodGuy
End of Watch (2012) - ShinyGoodGuy
Argo (2012) - ShinyGoodGuy
Cosmopolis (2012) - ecgordon
Safety Not Guaranteed (2012) - ecgordon

42 (2013)
Belle (2013)
The Sessions (2013)
The Hobbit (2013)
Oblivion (2013)
Ender's Game (2013)
12 Years a Slave (2013)
Blue is The Warmest Color (2013)
Man of Steel (2013)
Prisoners (2013) - ShinyGoodGuy
Her (2013)
Gravity (2013) - ShinyGoodGuy
Before Midnight (2013) - ecgordon
Blue Jasmine (2013) - ecgordon
Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - ecgordon
Frances Ha (2013) - ecgordon
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) - ecgordon
Lone Survivor (2013) - ecgordon
Nebraska (2013) - ecgordon

Under the Skin (2014)
John Wick (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Sin City 2 (2014)
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Fury (2014)
American Sniper (2014)
Imitation Game (2014)
It Follows (2014) - Mutt999
The Lego Movie (2014) - Mutt999, ShinyGoodGuy
Camp X-Ray (2014) - Riverlove
Selma (2014) - ShinyGoodGuy
Birdman (2014)
Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - ShinyGoodGuy
Water Diviner (2014) - Brenda
Boyhood (2014) - ecgordon
Love & Mercy (2014) - ecgordon
The Theory of Everything (2014) - ecgordon

Ex Machina (2015)
Woman in Gold (2015)
Creed (2015) - ShinyGoodGuy, Brenda
Spotlight (2015) - ShinyGoodGuy
The Revenant (2015) - ShinyGoodGuy
Mad Max (2015) - ShinyGoodGuy
Inside/Out (2015) - ShinyGoodGuy
Straight Outta Compton (2015)
The Age of Adaline (2015) - ecgordon
Brooklyn (2015) - ecgordon
The Martian (2015) - ecgordon

Deadpool (2016)
London is Falling (2016)
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016)

What are your favorites, given so much hindsight? And knowing that every single one of these followed Serenity, having the benefit of the Special Effects standard being displayed.

I had not intended for the list to be unwieldy, but it is larger than I had intended. I didn't even list "300" until just now (8 days after original post), there are so many. I will continue to add other's to it, but I will also mention my 5 Best from the above list.
Edge of Tomorrow
The Davinci Code

Even if you list more, what are your 5 Best as well?

Other Favorite film lists:


Monday, March 21, 2016 6:48 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I've seen nine of the films on your list, but would put at most three of them on a 'Best Of' List. I'm too tired to compile my own list right now, but I'll get back to this after thinking about it, and also checking on release dates.

What's the decade we're talking about? 2006-2015?


Monday, March 21, 2016 7:33 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I've seen nine of the films on your list, but would put at most three of them on a 'Best Of' List. I'm too tired to compile my own list right now, but I'll get back to this after thinking about it, and also checking on release dates.

What's the decade we're talking about? 2006-2015?

Which 9? Which 3?
Let us say 2006 to current.
It is not my comprehensive list. It is still a work in progress, but I invite your help. Bits and pieces are also welcome.


Monday, March 21, 2016 8:37 PM


Are those "best of" if you are a guy?

'Cuz there's a bit too much testosterone in the list.

What's bad is that I just had a look at all the movies I've ever watched on Netflix, and 99.9% were made BEFORE 2006. Hubbs is right, we HAVE peaked.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016 9:29 AM


Three popped into my head right away:

1) It Follows (2014)
2) The Lego Movie (2014)
3) Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Guess I'm stuck in 2014.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016 10:37 AM


Zero Dark Thirty
The Help
Django Unchained
Man Of Steel
12 Years A Slave
The Debt
Slumdog Millionaire
Camp X-Ray (not a great movie, perhaps not even a good movie, but so infectiously irresistible that I am compelled to watch it whenever it plays on Showtime)


Tuesday, March 22, 2016 6:40 PM


I should mention, that I plan to make a list of these in the thread opener, but if only one person mentions it, i'll post their name next to it.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
Are those "best of" if you are a guy?

Not at all. But because I am a guy, what popped into my mind may not be estrogenic.
Since this is a site derived from a Sci-Fi basis, I do fear the list may lean too far to the male side.
You can help balance that.


Saturday, March 26, 2016 5:33 AM


I'll preface this by saying that these are films I have actually seen, either in the theater or on video. There are those that may be on your list (meaning the general your), that are recognized as the best, but that is mainly because I haven't gotten around to seeing them, that may not be on mine.

Having said that, here it goes, in no particular order:


The Departed
Little Miss Sunshine
V for Vendetta


Pan's Labyrinth
Children of Men
No Country for Old Men


The Dark Knight
The Fall
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire


Bad Lieutenant
Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Up in the Air
The Wrestler


The Social Network
King's Speech
Kick Ass
Winter's Bone


The Tree of Life
The Descendants
Another Earth


Cloud Atlas
Life of Pi
End of Watch


12 Years a Slave
Blue is The Warmest Color


Lego Movie
Grand Budapest Hotel
Under the Skin


Ex Machina
The Revenant
Mad Max
Straight Outta Compton


Saturday, March 26, 2016 5:23 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I'll preface this by saying that these are films I have actually seen, either in the theater or on video. There are those that may be on your list (meaning the general your), that are recognized as the best, but that is mainly because I haven't gotten around to seeing them, that may not be on mine.

Having said that, here it goes, in no particular order:


The Departed
Little Miss Sunshine
V for Vendetta


Pan's Labyrinth
Children of Men
No Country for Old Men


The Dark Knight
The Fall
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire


Bad Lieutenant
Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Up in the Air
The Wrestler


The Social Network
King's Speech
Kick Ass
Winter's Bone


The Tree of Life
The Descendants
Another Earth


Cloud Atlas
Life of Pi
End of Watch


12 Years a Slave
Blue is The Warmest Color


Lego Movie
Grand Budapest Hotel
Under the Skin


Ex Machina
The Revenant
Mad Max
Straight Outta Compton

Are you just copying the list of Oscar nominees?
Your list was suspect even before noticing that, and more so after.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 2:27 AM


Tell me something, why ask for best films (according to our own tastes) and then question our choices? (or, in this case, my choices) I did not question your choices, because those are YOUR choices. If you think they're the best, who am I to say "no, you're wrong"

As I stated, these are movies I've actually watched over the years. I've always enjoyed watching films ever since I was a kid and I enjoy discussing them after.
I even enjoy making these lists, but I prefer discussing the films.

Tell me something, have you ever seen some of the movies I listed on any Oscar lists; such as:

Bubble - was not Oscar nominated. I made a mistake, it was made in 2005 but released in the US in 2006, not 2007.

Zodiac is another film that was never nominated for an Oscar, despite that it was, and is, one of the best films in the last 10 years.

V for Vendetta - never nominated for an Oscar.
The Fall - same as above
Bad Lieutenant - same thing, never nominated for an Oscar
Kick Ass - same as above
Drive - same as above
Another Earth - same as above
Cloud Atlas - was famously, or infamously, snubbed by the Oscars
End of Watch - no Oscar noms
Blue is The 'Warmest Color - no Oscar noms
Prisoners - No Love from Oscars
Lego Movie - same as above

Under The Skin - there is an actual article, written by Andrea Towers of Entertainment Weekly (2/4/15) who's headline read: Nominated for Nothing: Under The Skin

There are several movies on the list that received nominations for other than Best Picture, like Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Sound & Film Editng, etc. I did not comment on those; only the ones that were never nominated for an Oscar. So that's 14 films, on my list, that never got a nomination from the Academy.

Like I said, if you find my list objectionable, that's fine, you have every right to disagree. But to say I copied from a list of Best Pictures just to say so, now that's downright insulting. The list I compiled, as I have stated, were from films I actually watched and enjoyed. Full disclosure: I did, however, check on the year of release of the films on my list, for accuracy, because I know how anal some folks get about that sort of thing.

Speaking of which, Marilyn (listed for 2011) is not the full title; it's: My Week with Marilyn. Also it received 2 nominations; one for Best Actress and one for Best Supporting Actor. So I guess I need to remove it from my list, according to your criticism.



Sunday, March 27, 2016 2:48 AM


One more thing. I took another look at your list and I found I overlooked some movies that I enjoyed; such as:

Edge of Tomorrow
American Sniper
Imitation Game
Guardians of the Galaxy
Cabin in the Woods
Hunger Games
The Help
Zero Dark Thirty
Casino Royale
The Sessions
Super 8
District 9
John Wick

Out of this list I would add Edge of Tomorrow on my Best of 2014. Sometimes it pays to look at something a second time to appreciate it.



Monday, March 28, 2016 7:53 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Tell me something, why ask for best films (according to our own tastes) and then question our choices? (or, in this case, my choices)

This is a fair question. Plagiarism on the internet is rampant and apparent copycat lists seems suspect. Since others might notice this, I asked the same question they might think. In this reply you have alleviated concerns that you were not fully honest. Thanks for that.

As I stated, these are movies I've actually watched over the years. I've always enjoyed watching films ever since I was a kid and I enjoy discussing them after.
I even enjoy making these lists, but I prefer discussing the films.

Tell me something, have you ever seen some of the movies I listed on any Oscar lists; such as:

Bubble - was not Oscar nominated. I made a mistake, it was made in 2005 but released in the US in 2006, not 2007.

Zodiac is another film that was never nominated for an Oscar, despite that it was, and is, one of the best films in the last 10 years.

V for Vendetta - never nominated for an Oscar.
The Fall - same as above
Bad Lieutenant - same thing, never nominated for an Oscar
Kick Ass - same as above
Drive - same as above
Another Earth - same as above
Cloud Atlas - was famously, or infamously, snubbed by the Oscars
End of Watch - no Oscar noms
Blue is The 'Warmest Color - no Oscar noms
Prisoners - No Love from Oscars
Lego Movie - same as above

Under The Skin - there is an actual article, written by Andrea Towers of Entertainment Weekly (2/4/15) who's headline read: Nominated for Nothing: Under The Skin

Speaking of which, Marilyn (listed for 2011) is not the full title; it's: My Week with Marilyn. Also it received 2 nominations; one for Best Actress and one for Best Supporting Actor. So I guess I need to remove it from my list, according to your criticism.


Bubble - didn't see. Is is like Israeli Good Old Fashioned Orgy?
Zodiac - Despite Jake and Downey, I was hoping the likes of Ruffalo, Edwards, Cox, Koteas, and Sevigny would adequately buoy it. Alas, far too much screen time was allotted the 2 twits.
V - Had to watch Portman, Weaving, but disappointed.
The Fall - you mean from 2006? Have not seen.
Bad Lieutenant II - Wasn't thrilled with the first, and 09's Port of Call was more dark than I cared for, but I had hoped Cage and Balk would elevate it.
Another Earth - didn't see.
End of Watch - despite Pena and Kendrick, I think I managed to avoid another Jake entry.
Blue is the... - I considered adding this in, but it was one of the contenders that I didn't think was BEST, but I have recommended it. I don't recall if I have seen the full trilogy, tho.
Drive - ditto.
Under the Skin - ditto. I have recommended it on this board.
Prisoners - I think I managed to avoid another Jake entry.
Cloud Atlas - Saw it. So forgettable that I started watching it a second time.
Kick-Ass - on my list.
Lego - the portrayals were too dramatic for me. I did like the part where the falling anvil smashed the coyote's head into the ground while the ACME dymamite blew out his bung.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016 7:50 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Tell me something, why ask for best films (according to our own tastes) and then question our choices? (or, in this case, my choices)

This is a fair question. Plagiarism on the internet is rampant and apparent copycat lists seems suspect. Since others might notice this, I asked the same question they might think. In this reply you have alleviated concerns that you were not fully honest. Thanks for that.

I should have also mentioned that the films that your listed which were Oscar winners were the ones most suspect, from my PoV.
Part of the criteria I have used is what I thought was better than what was Oscared.


Thursday, March 31, 2016 7:29 PM


OK, I just sorted the list in the OP by year.
Looks like 2011 and 2015 were lean years.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Let's see. My list includes

American Sniper(even though I'm not much on war movies)
BlackHawk Down
Avengers(all of them)
X-Men(I'd say all)
Man of Steel
Expendables 1 & 2
Water Diviner( set after WWI with Russell Crowe)2014)

I've seen District 9 and it was alright. Don't think I could watch it again. My late guy loved it.

Other films I like which I think sort of fit into your catergory are MIB 1 &2 also Blade 1 & 2.

Blackhawk Down was 2001/2 - unless you meant something else.
MIB III was 2012 - did you want that one?
Blade franchise ran from 1998-2004. Did you have another in mind?


Friday, April 1, 2016 5:21 AM


Let me answer with this: I love movies, always have. I have too much respect for the craft, and for myself, to plagiarize - that is a big no-no for anyone who aspires to the lofty goals of the art form. Seriously, I love to write and would love to create a film (preferably with my son) one day.

Having said that, I understand that it may appear that way, but you had asked
that we compile a list of "our" choices for Best Film. Even if I did copy my list
from an Oscar website, they are still my choices. It would be plagiarism if I
passed off the comments and critiques of those films as my own ideas.

I will answer the second part later today or tomorrow, because that will take more time, as I have a few comments right off the top of my head and I want to take
time to reply properly.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Tell me something, why ask for best films (according to our own tastes) and then question our choices? (or, in this case, my choices)

This is a fair question. Plagiarism on the internet is rampant and apparent copycat lists seems suspect. Since others might notice this, I asked the same question they might think. In this reply you have alleviated concerns that you were not fully honest. Thanks for that.

As I stated, these are movies I've actually watched over the years. I've always enjoyed watching films ever since I was a kid and I enjoy discussing them after.
I even enjoy making these lists, but I prefer discussing the films.

Tell me something, have you ever seen some of the movies I listed on any Oscar lists; such as:

Bubble - was not Oscar nominated. I made a mistake, it was made in 2005 but released in the US in 2006, not 2007.

Zodiac is another film that was never nominated for an Oscar, despite that it was, and is, one of the best films in the last 10 years.

V for Vendetta - never nominated for an Oscar.
The Fall - same as above
Bad Lieutenant - same thing, never nominated for an Oscar
Kick Ass - same as above
Drive - same as above
Another Earth - same as above
Cloud Atlas - was famously, or infamously, snubbed by the Oscars
End of Watch - no Oscar noms
Blue is The 'Warmest Color - no Oscar noms
Prisoners - No Love from Oscars
Lego Movie - same as above

Under The Skin - there is an actual article, written by Andrea Towers of Entertainment Weekly (2/4/15) who's headline read: Nominated for Nothing: Under The Skin

Speaking of which, Marilyn (listed for 2011) is not the full title; it's: My Week with Marilyn. Also it received 2 nominations; one for Best Actress and one for Best Supporting Actor. So I guess I need to remove it from my list, according to your criticism.


Bubble - didn't see. Is is like Israeli Good Old Fashioned Orgy?
Zodiac - Despite Jake and Downey, I was hoping the likes of Ruffalo, Edwards, Cox, Koteas, and Sevigny would adequately buoy it. Alas, far too much screen time was allotted the 2 twits.
V - Had to watch Portman, Weaving, but disappointed.
The Fall - you mean from 2006? Have not seen.
Bad Lieutenant II - Wasn't thrilled with the first, and 09's Port of Call was more dark than I cared for, but I had hoped Cage and Balk would elevate it.
Another Earth - didn't see.
End of Watch - despite Pena and Kendrick, I think I managed to avoid another Jake entry.
Blue is the... - I considered adding this in, but it was one of the contenders that I didn't think was BEST, but I have recommended it. I don't recall if I have seen the full trilogy, tho.
Drive - ditto.
Under the Skin - ditto. I have recommended it on this board.
Prisoners - I think I managed to avoid another Jake entry.
Cloud Atlas - Saw it. So forgettable that I started watching it a second time.
Kick-Ass - on my list.
Lego - the portrayals were too dramatic for me. I did like the part where the falling anvil smashed the coyote's head into the ground while the ACME dymamite blew out his bung.


Sunday, April 3, 2016 2:18 AM


Bubble - (IMDB description) - Set against the backdrop of a decaying Midwestern town, a murder becomes the focal point of three people who work in a doll factory.

Soderbergh used unknown actors and shot this film with a small budget, a little over a million. My guess is you will not like it.

The Fall - Yes, from 2006. Directed by Tarsem Singh, brilliantly shot and a good story, worked as a fable.

Bad Lieutenant - 2009 film with Nick Cage (Port of Call) Cage was masterful; which is why I put................

Kick Ass on my list. Cage and Chloe Grace Moretz; especially the scene when Big Daddy is burned alive - the emotional highpoint and solid drama.

The others you had an opinion about, so no need to comment further; except......

Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. It occurs when a writer duplicates another writer's language or ideas and then calls the work his or her own. (internet dictionary meaning).

I wanted to share that with you to inform you what exactly it means to plagiarize.
To be honest, I was surprised and insulted at your accusation. Well, maybe not so surprised, but definitely insulted and a bit confused. How could one plagiarize a list of one's own favorite list of anything? Well, I could have copied someone
else's list, I guess, and palm it off as my own. But, I did not do that. You
refer to the list of Oscar-nominated films, but you did not do your homework to
check and see that many were not nominated. Actually you had not seen a handful that were on my list, which contradicts your claim. So, right there, you fucked

Tell me, had you seen such a list anywhere else? I would take a wild guess and
say - No. Then why accuse someone? You really need to think before you jump
to conclusions. To anyone who writes, or aspires to the art of writing, it is a serious accusation. I'm telling you as a fellow Browncoat, do not toss that
around mindlessly.

We have a good thing here in Cinema, handle with care.



Sunday, April 3, 2016 2:23 AM


I hear you Brenda. It irks me that we have to do this, it shouldn't be necessary.



Originally posted by Brenda:
And I just replied with what I liked or like. I have been too busy this decade to truly pay attention to films coming out. And I DO NOT watch the Oscars or go to that website.


Sunday, April 3, 2016 4:13 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm unlike JewelStaiteFan, in that I do not let my like or dislike of an actor or director, particularly their politics, determine whether or not I see a movie. I think Mel Gibson is scum, but that didn't stop me from watching The Beaver, and actually liking the film and his performance, although it is not on the following list. When JSF criticizes or questions other's taste, I have to wonder if he gets his ideas from some website all about "boycott these movies because those guys' politics suck."

I am like ShinyGoodGuy. I've been a film buff almost as long as I can remember, and that's a long time. I'm 65. In addition to watching movies from a young age, my employment for nearly 20 years was in related fields, first as a video operator for a movie channel with an independent cable outlet in the mid-70s, to over 13 years as a film projectionist. I like a wide range of films, including independent films some others might not have had a chance to see. I don't go to the theater as much these days, so I had to research for years certain films came out that I didn't see until later on disc or Netflix.

There are still quite a few recent ones I have not seen yet: The Revenant, Spotlight, The Big Short, Room, The Danish Girl, Trumbo, and Deadpool. The only film released this year that I've seen so far is Batman v Superman. It is not on the following list for sure. It took me a while to whittle the list down, it originally had many more titles. I started with 2005, for a reason I'm sure Browncoats will understand, and ended it with a few good ones from 2015. If only I could go back one more year, because I really loved The Incredibles from 2004. They are not ranked for the year, merely in alphabetical order. No one should assume a title is on my list for any other reason than that I liked it. If something is not on my list it means I didn't like it (enough) or I haven't seen it. If you don't like my list, tough shit.

Batman Begins
Broken Flowers
Good Night and Good Luck
A History of Violence
Sin City

Children of Men
The Illusionist
Letters From Iwo Jima
Pan's Labyrinth
The Prestige

Across the Universe
The Darjeeling Limited
Eastern Promises
The Man From Earth
No Country For Old Men

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
Slumdog Millionaire

District 9
The Road
Where the Wild Things Are

127 Hours
The King's Speech

Another Earth
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Tree of Life

The Avengers
Cloud Atlas
Safety Not Guaranteed

Before Midnight
Blue Jasmine
Dallas Buyers Club
Frances Ha
Inside Llewyn Davis
Lone Survivor

American Sniper
Edge of Tomorrow
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Imitation Game
Love & Mercy
The Theory of Everything

The Age of Adaline
Ex Machina
The Martian
Straight Outta Compton


Monday, April 4, 2016 6:15 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I hear you Brenda. It irks me that we have to do this, it shouldn't be necessary.


Originally posted by Brenda:
And I just replied with what I liked or like. I have been too busy this decade to truly pay attention to films coming out. And I DO NOT watch the Oscars or go to that website.

I get it. BlackHawk Down was a film that was recommended to me by my late guy and that is why I watched it. I like Vampire movies and things which is why Blade made my list.

And as for award shows they bore me to tears. Used to watch them when I was a teenager but not any more.

Brenda. I suspect you may have misunderstood me. The only comments I directed at you were my seeking clarification of whether I had correctly interpreted your list. I did in fact agree with those on your list, however they were not within the time frame, and I did not want to exclude a film you had intended but I might have assumed was another.
I don't think I have any qualm or quibble with you.

If I didn't say so before, thank you for your contribution.
Did you intend for MiB III to be included?


Monday, April 4, 2016 6:30 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Bubble - (IMDB description) - Set against the backdrop of a decaying Midwestern town, a murder becomes the focal point of three people who work in a doll factory.

Soderbergh used unknown actors and shot this film with a small budget, a little over a million. My guess is you will not like it.

I was asking if you meant this, listed by imdb as 2006:

But you meant this, listed by imdb as 2005:
That looks interesting, the sort of film I might have sought out. But at that time I wold have been very busy and likely unaware it existed and unlikely it was shown at my local theater.

The Fall - Yes, from 2006. Directed by Tarsem Singh, brilliantly shot and a good story, worked as a fable.

That synopsis sounds similar to The English Patient. Was it? I don't recall seeing it.

Bad Lieutenant - 2009 film with Nick Cage (Port of Call) Cage was masterful; which is why I put................

Masterful? I might try it again.

Kick Ass on my list. Cage and Chloe Grace Moretz; especially the scene when Big Daddy is burned alive - the emotional highpoint and solid drama.

Precisely the scene that rogerebert had SPOILERED.

The others you had an opinion about, so no need to comment further;



Monday, April 4, 2016 6:37 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The others you had an opinion about, so no need to comment further; except......

Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. It occurs when a writer duplicates another writer's language or ideas and then calls the work his or her own. (internet dictionary meaning).

I wanted to share that with you to inform you what exactly it means to plagiarize.
To be honest, I was surprised and insulted at your accusation. Well, maybe not so surprised, but definitely insulted and a bit confused. How could one plagiarize a list of one's own favorite list of anything? Well, I could have copied someone
else's list, I guess, and palm it off as my own. But, I did not do that. You
refer to the list of Oscar-nominated films, but you did not do your homework to
check and see that many were not nominated. Actually you had not seen a handful that were on my list, which contradicts your claim. So, right there, you fucked

Tell me, had you seen such a list anywhere else? I would take a wild guess and
say - No. Then why accuse someone? You really need to think before you jump
to conclusions. To anyone who writes, or aspires to the art of writing, it is a serious accusation. I'm telling you as a fellow Browncoat, do not toss that
around mindlessly.

We have a good thing here in Cinema, handle with care.


You have brought this up again. Previously, I had thought it best to leave it rest.
I understand the meaning of the word, and have for a very long time.
I will take this opportunity to apologize for offending you so, and making you think I was insulting you.
I had not intended it as an actual insult, more of a confirmation. Based upon your response, I may have used too strong of a word for your liking.
As I already stated, your initial response asserted adequately that you did not merely use the Oscar list as your template. Additionally, anybody else reading your list and wondering the same thing should also be satisfied.
I knew which of your list were Oscar winners, nominatees, and not just in actor/director categories, because some wonderful films in the past 10 years have won for technical or lesser categories than what most people focus on. I also was aware of which films were not.

Yes, I have previously seen people take a list of Award winners and add to it a bit, and submit it as their own.
In the film industry itself, there are many "critics" or "reviewers" who submit reviews of films they have not seen or watched. One of the worst was Leonard Maltin. The slang is they "mailed it in" and also refers to performances.

I hope that you will let this rest now. I do appreciate your input, both your list and your discussion.
I had also considered placing a link on some of the titles to threads here which discussed those films. Many of those listed in this thread have had discussions on and some multiple threads.


Monday, April 4, 2016 6:53 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I'm unlike JewelStaiteFan, in that I do not let my like or dislike of an actor or director, particularly their politics, determine whether or not I see a movie. I think Mel Gibson is scum, but that didn't stop me from watching The Beaver, and actually liking the film and his performance, although it is not on the following list. When JSF criticizes or questions other's taste, I have to wonder if he gets his ideas from some website all about "boycott these movies because those guys' politics suck."

I am like ShinyGoodGuy. I've been a film buff almost as long as I can remember, and that's a long time. I'm 65. In addition to watching movies from a young age, my employment for nearly 20 years was in related fields, first as a video operator for a movie channel with an independent cable outlet in the mid-70s, to over 13 years as a film projectionist. I like a wide range of films, including independent films some others might not have had a chance to see. I don't go to the theater as much these days, so I had to research for years certain films came out that I didn't see until later on disc or Netflix.

There are still quite a few recent ones I have not seen yet: The Revenant, Spotlight, The Big Short, Room, The Danish Girl, Trumbo, and Deadpool. The only film released this year that I've seen so far is Batman v Superman. It is not on the following list for sure. It took me a while to whittle the list down, it originally had many more titles. I started with 2005, for a reason I'm sure Browncoats will understand, and ended it with a few good ones from 2015. If only I could go back one more year, because I really loved The Incredibles from 2004. They are not ranked for the year, merely in alphabetical order. No one should assume a title is on my list for any other reason than that I liked it. If something is not on my list it means I didn't like it (enough) or I haven't seen it. If you don't like my list, tough shit.

Batman Begins
Broken Flowers
Good Night and Good Luck
A History of Violence
Sin City

Children of Men
The Illusionist
Letters From Iwo Jima
Pan's Labyrinth
The Prestige

Across the Universe
The Darjeeling Limited
Eastern Promises
The Man From Earth
No Country For Old Men

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
Slumdog Millionaire

District 9
The Road
Where the Wild Things Are

127 Hours
The King's Speech

Another Earth
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Tree of Life

The Avengers
Cloud Atlas
Safety Not Guaranteed

Before Midnight
Blue Jasmine
Dallas Buyers Club
Frances Ha
Inside Llewyn Davis
Lone Survivor

American Sniper
Edge of Tomorrow
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Imitation Game
Love & Mercy
The Theory of Everything

The Age of Adaline
Ex Machina
The Martian
Straight Outta Compton

Thank you for your contribution. I also had to whittle, and discard much.
Other than Good Night, I own all titles from your 2005 list.
I feel that parts of your first 2 paragraphs are intermixed, but I suspect that I comment more readily on threads where I disagreed with the common idea.
I enjoy seeing good films that nobody else has seen, and telling folks about it.
And one of those from 2011 I just remembered thanks to you.
In fact, that was one reason I started this thread - to find what gems other Browncoats knew about that I or we could seek out. I have added some films to my viewing list since this thread was started.
I don't think I had heard of Frances Ha. Was that in theater?
That does not mean that I will look for Michael Moore trash costumed as documentary.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016 1:27 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I don't think I had heard of Frances Ha. Was that in theater?

Very limited release I am sure. Low budget independent film. I saw it first on disc rented from Netflix, now it is streaming.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016 6:57 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I'm unlike JewelStaiteFan, in that I do not let my like or dislike of an actor or director, particularly their politics, determine whether or not I see a movie. I think Mel Gibson is scum, but that didn't stop me from watching The Beaver, and actually liking the film and his performance, although it is not on the following list. When JSF criticizes or questions other's taste, I have to wonder if he gets his ideas from some website all about "boycott these movies because those guys' politics suck."

You may have leapt from a conclusion.

Just because a director or actor knows for an absolute fact that the Earth is flat and the Sun revolves around it once per day, does not mean that I disagree with their politics. When their knowledge of Flat-Earth is the bedrock of their story or portrayal, it becomes a jarring inconsistency which knocks out my suspension of disbelief. I can admit that I have become somewhat more lazy in age, and oft do not endeavor to strain myself in suspending my disbelief for these works, when readily available are Science Fiction works from those who pretend that the Earth is a spheroid which also orbits Sol, and I can more easily suspend my disbelief with those works. This also does not define their politics, just their common sense.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016 10:45 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Which actors or directors are you talking about here, ones who believe in a Flat Earth? Or is that just some metaphor you use to describe someone who holds a view different from yours?


Wednesday, April 6, 2016 5:27 AM


My intention was merely to state and clarify my position. I wanted it to be
known that I love movies (I know we're not supposed to say we love an inanimate object, but there you have it). Also too that I'm not in the habit of plagiarizing. Ok, we got that out of the way.

Apology accepted.

I am somewhat surprised about Leonard Maltin, but be that as it may, I'm sure
there are those that "cheat" and take shortcuts in the industry. Amateurs tend
to be more forthcoming, because of their love of the medium. This, meaning
Cinema, is one of the few places where I take comfort in expressing myself
because all who come here love to discuss movies. I also feel that we come here
free from the real world events and that we leave our political "shoes" at the
door, so to speak. Unless, of course, the film being discussed is of a political nature.

It is, in a word, a sanctuary.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The others you had an opinion about, so no need to comment further; except......

Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. It occurs when a writer duplicates another writer's language or ideas and then calls the work his or her own. (internet dictionary meaning).

I wanted to share that with you to inform you what exactly it means to plagiarize.
To be honest, I was surprised and insulted at your accusation. Well, maybe not so surprised, but definitely insulted and a bit confused. How could one plagiarize a list of one's own favorite list of anything? Well, I could have copied someone
else's list, I guess, and palm it off as my own. But, I did not do that. You
refer to the list of Oscar-nominated films, but you did not do your homework to
check and see that many were not nominated. Actually you had not seen a handful that were on my list, which contradicts your claim. So, right there, you fucked

Tell me, had you seen such a list anywhere else? I would take a wild guess and
say - No. Then why accuse someone? You really need to think before you jump
to conclusions. To anyone who writes, or aspires to the art of writing, it is a serious accusation. I'm telling you as a fellow Browncoat, do not toss that
around mindlessly.

We have a good thing here in Cinema, handle with care.


You have brought this up again. Previously, I had thought it best to leave it rest.
I understand the meaning of the word, and have for a very long time.
I will take this opportunity to apologize for offending you so, and making you think I was insulting you.
I had not intended it as an actual insult, more of a confirmation. Based upon your response, I may have used too strong of a word for your liking.
As I already stated, your initial response asserted adequately that you did not merely use the Oscar list as your template. Additionally, anybody else reading your list and wondering the same thing should also be satisfied.
I knew which of your list were Oscar winners, nominatees, and not just in actor/director categories, because some wonderful films in the past 10 years have won for technical or lesser categories than what most people focus on. I also was aware of which films were not.

Yes, I have previously seen people take a list of Award winners and add to it a bit, and submit it as their own.
In the film industry itself, there are many "critics" or "reviewers" who submit reviews of films they have not seen or watched. One of the worst was Leonard Maltin. The slang is they "mailed it in" and also refers to performances.

I hope that you will let this rest now. I do appreciate your input, both your list and your discussion.
I had also considered placing a link on some of the titles to threads here which discussed those films. Many of those listed in this thread have had discussions on and some multiple threads.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016 6:11 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Tell me, had you seen such a list anywhere else? I would take a wild guess and
say - No. Then why accuse someone? You really need to think before you jump
to conclusions. To anyone who writes, or aspires to the art of writing, it is a serious accusation. I'm telling you as a fellow Browncoat, do not toss that
around mindlessly.

We have a good thing here in Cinema, handle with care.


Yes, I have previously seen people take a list of Award winners and add to it a bit, and submit it as their own.
In the film industry itself, there are many "critics" or "reviewers" who submit reviews of films they have not seen or watched. One of the worst was Leonard Maltin. The slang is they "mailed it in" and also refers to performances.

I am somewhat surprised about Leonard Maltin, but be that as it may, I'm sure
there are those that "cheat" and take shortcuts in the industry.

Maltin was caught more often than others. After getting caught giving bad review for a great film, he would subsequently "rewatch" the film and change his score to a high rating. His books only show the after-hit ratings, not the "preview" or "critic" rating, which would be the one that most viewers would be interested in - the predictor. Re-editing his past performance made him look like he had a clue or actually watched the films he claimed he reviewed. I have never been convinced that he actually did rewatch any of the films - he could have just copied the review of a sensible person and claimed it as his own.
Pauline Kael was pretty bad as well, but she didn't care what people thought, she was smarter than anybody else in the world. Just ask her.


Saturday, April 9, 2016 5:03 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Include also

The Last Samurai(2004) (One of the few Tom Cruise movies I can stand)
Gladiator (2008)
Rocky Balboa (2006)

I could not find a Gladiator from 2008, or 2007, 2009. Was that the complete name, or did you mean the 2000 film with Russell Crowe, after Mel Gibson turned it down?


Saturday, April 9, 2016 5:36 PM


For those reading along, recall that this is CINEMA forum.


Originally posted by ecgordon:
Which actors or directors are you talking about here, ones who believe in a Flat Earth? Or is that just some metaphor you use to describe someone who holds a view different from yours?

I am trying to recall which film you are referring to. Where facts and truths are considered "viewpoints" and lies and fabrications are the acknowledged and agreed-upon standard. And anybody who disagrees with the lies and favors the truth and the facts is considered "political" rebel?
Was it Harrison Bergeron? Or Idiocracy?

Is that what you are sarcastically implying? Or are you saying that you are really somebody who considers spheroid Earth, and orbit around the Sun, and 11 is more than 9 to be "viewpoints" and well-known truths like Flat Earth and 9 is greater than 11 to be the accepted norm and therefore the truth, the biased fact? And that anybody favoring "viewpoints" derived from fact and truth over pseudo-intellectualism based solely on lies and falsehoods is playing "politics"?


Sunday, April 10, 2016 11:57 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
For those reading along, recall that this is CINEMA forum.

Originally posted by ecgordon:
Which actors or directors are you talking about here, ones who believe in a Flat Earth? Or is that just some metaphor you use to describe someone who holds a view different from yours?

I am trying to recall which film you are referring to. Where facts and truths are considered "viewpoints" and lies and fabrications are the acknowledged and agreed-upon standard.

I wasn't referencing any film, I was just trying to get clarification about something you had said previously. Sorry I didn't quote you at the time, but since it was immediately after your post, and you were the only one who had said anything about 'Flat Earth' I assumed you would know what I was asking. What exactly did you mean, or who were you talking about, when you said this:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Just because a director or actor knows for an absolute fact that the Earth is flat and the Sun revolves around it once per day, does not mean that I disagree with their politics.

You constantly call into question the motivations of others for their opinions, but when asked to clarify something you've said you go into obfuscation mode instead. Again, all I want to know is what the hell you were talking about with that statement.


Sunday, April 10, 2016 3:49 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Which actors or directors are you talking about here, ones who believe in a Flat Earth? Or is that just some metaphor you use to describe someone who holds a view different from yours?

Less a metaphor than an example or anecdote.
Less clear cut examples would confuse people.


Sunday, April 10, 2016 3:51 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Include also

The Last Samurai(2004) (One of the few Tom Cruise movies I can stand)
Gladiator (2000)
Rocky Balboa (2006)

I could not find a Gladiator from 2008, or 2007, 2009. Was that the complete name, or did you mean the 2000 film with Russell Crowe, after Mel Gibson turned it down?

Thanks for the correction JFS. I meant the one with Russell Crowe. I couldn't read the year on the DVD. So I do apologize for that. I will edit it now.

Yep. Alas, none of the recent lists of films include the period for Gladiator.


Sunday, April 10, 2016 5:13 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Since we have a thread about films from the 20s-50s, and one from the 60s-90s, why not edit the title of this one and adjust the criteria to 2000-present instead of just last 10 years?


Sunday, April 10, 2016 6:13 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
Which actors or directors are you talking about here, ones who believe in a Flat Earth? Or is that just some metaphor you use to describe someone who holds a view different from yours?

Less a metaphor than an example or anecdote.
Less clear cut examples would confuse people.

Thank you for making that as clear as mud.


Monday, April 11, 2016 1:43 AM


Thumbs Up!



Originally posted by Brenda:
Include also

The Last Samurai(2004) (One of the few Tom Cruise movies I can stand)
Gladiator (2000)
Rocky Balboa (2006)


Monday, April 11, 2016 2:15 AM


Methinks thou dost protest too much. Do us all a favor and stay out of the
Elderberry Wine, it tends to fog the



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
Which actors or directors are you talking about here, ones who believe in a Flat Earth? Or is that just some metaphor you use to describe someone who holds a view different from yours?

Less a metaphor than an example or anecdote.
Less clear cut examples would confuse people.


Monday, April 11, 2016 2:16 AM


Good idea.



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Since we have a thread about films from the 20s-50s, and one from the 60s-90s, why not edit the title of this one and adjust the criteria to 2000-present instead of just last 10 years?


Monday, April 11, 2016 7:29 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Since we have a thread about films from the 20s-50s, and one from the 60s-90s, why not edit the title of this one and adjust the criteria to 2000-present instead of just last 10 years?

Mine was first.
So there.

Actually, my intention was to focus and isolate the exact decade following the year that Serenity was released. Although the bar for Special Effects standard was raised with Firefly on TV, this continued and had greater exposure with Serenity. Much of what made Firefly and Serenity dear to our hearts has been copied, and influential to the films that have followed.
Lately I have been watching some reruns of various TV shows, and I am reminded of how Due South seemed to set the standard for soundtrack with Sarah MacLachlin tunes, and how much subsequent shows have inflected melancholy with similar music. I sometimes hear audio reminiscent of Greg Edmondson, and other than following soundtracks actually done by him, I want for more.
I wanted to point out the block of films that had the Serenity example to grow from, whether these films made use of this or not.
I feel confident that Star Trek (EFX), Inception (story developement) did so.
I do not object to the films from before this period getting included with another period, like 1960-2005.
As it is, Dark Angel made some advance from 2000-2001, and Firefly started an advance in 2002 which wound up with Serenity in 2005.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:05 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Include also

The Last Samurai(2004) (One of the few Tom Cruise movies I can stand)
Gladiator (2000)
Rocky Balboa (2006)

Thumbs Up!


Always been a big Rocky fan. Also love Russell Crowe.

Were you a fan of L.A. Confidential? The Quick and the Dead?


Thursday, April 14, 2016 4:57 AM


Big fan of LA Confidential.......I also liked Master & Commander, an underrated film.



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Include also

The Last Samurai(2004) (One of the few Tom Cruise movies I can stand)
Gladiator (2000)
Rocky Balboa (2006)

Thumbs Up!


Always been a big Rocky fan. Also love Russell Crowe.

Were you a fan of L.A. Confidential? The Quick and the Dead?

I've seen it and it was good. Also loved a "Beautiful Mind" .

Also "American Gangster" from 2007 which included Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington.


Thursday, April 14, 2016 6:36 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Include also

Gladiator (2000)
Rocky Balboa (2006)

Always been a big Rocky fan. Also love Russell Crowe.

Were you a fan of L.A. Confidential? The Quick and the Dead?

I've seen it and it was good. Also loved a "Beautiful Mind" .

Also "American Gangster" from 2007 which included Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington.

Big fan of LA Confidential.......I also liked Master & Commander, an underrated film.


Very good film "Quick and the Dead". I couldn't get into "Master and Commander". Didn't care for the writing.

Also good was "3:10 from Yuma" which was done in 2007. Starring Russell Crowe, Christian Bale and Alan Tudyk was in it.

I felt the original 3:10 From Yuma from 1957 was better.


Monday, April 18, 2016 5:59 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I'd like to compile a list, both for reference regarding what Browncoats like and recommend, and for a list of films to look for, considering the dwindling outlook for films this year.

I have loved movies/films as long as I can remember - even went to school in Cali (briefly) to be in the film business. BUT... after looking at your list it occurred to me that recently I am more impressed by long story form TV shows. Breaking Bad, The Wire, Game of Thrones, etc... about as powerful as the medium can make.

I had hoped Firely would be a long story form show.
Do you consider all of this type to be binge-worthy, or do you prefer bite sized segments, for separate sittings?


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 1:02 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

No one can confirm or recommend to someone else that a show is "binge-worthy" or not, since we all approach shows from different perspectives. Even if something leaves you anxious to find out what happens next, it doesn't mean you're emotionally prepared to take it in large doses. "The Wire" was that way for me. Love it, but wouldn't think of bingeing it.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:31 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Even if something leaves you anxious to find out what happens next, it doesn't mean you're emotionally prepared to take it in large doses. "The Wire" was that way for me. Love it, but wouldn't think of bingeing it.

Exactly the type of input I was hoping for.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:02 AM


Yep, everybody has their take, sometimes I forget that.



Originally posted by ecgordon:
No one can confirm or recommend to someone else that a show is "binge-worthy" or not, since we all approach shows from different perspectives. Even if something leaves you anxious to find out what happens next, it doesn't mean you're emotionally prepared to take it in large doses. "The Wire" was that way for me. Love it, but wouldn't think of bingeing it.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016 7:13 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
No one can confirm or recommend to someone else that a show is "binge-worthy" or not, since we all approach shows from different perspectives. Even if something leaves you anxious to find out what happens next, it doesn't mean you're emotionally prepared to take it in large doses. "The Wire" was that way for me. Love it, but wouldn't think of bingeing it.


Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I had hoped Firely would be a long story form show.
Do you consider all of this type to be binge-worthy, or do you prefer bite sized segments, for separate sittings?

Me too on Firefly.
Those shows are definitely binge-worthy. I think it depends on the viewer and the show though as to how much you can watch in a sitting. House of Cards is rather depressing imho, so I don't usually watch more than an ep at a time, but it's mostly (except for the occasional GIANT shark jumping) a really strong tv show.

Would either of you mind if I copied your replies over to the Binge-worthy thread?


Thursday, August 25, 2016 1:47 AM


A good film and solid performance by Sly. I thought for sure he would get an Oscar, but that's me.

Every once in a while I listen to someone else and take on a suggestion for a
movie to watch, I'm talking about from a fellow movie goer, and it seems to
work out for a good experience. Glad you enjoyed it, it was a pleasant surprise for me.



Originally posted by Brenda:
Having just seen "Creed" in the last couple of months. I would definitely agree that it is a top film of this decade.


Thursday, August 25, 2016 6:45 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
A good film and solid performance by Sly. I thought for sure he would get an Oscar, but that's me.


What did you think about Copland?
I think I forgot to include that in the best films of that period.

And now I remember:
In Bruges (2008) IIRC my gut hurt a lot from the humor. And maybe I choked on or spit out my soda a few times.
The Debt (2010) Perhaps my favorite Jessica Chastain performance to date. It seemed to me a similar feel as Munich (2005) did.


Friday, August 26, 2016 1:13 AM


Hey JSF,

I liked Copland, but it's been a while since I last saw it, so I really don't remember much of it.

I haven't seen The Debt, but I love In Bruges - hilarious!!

Quiet as it's kept, Sly is a good actor and in the right hands a great actor.
He should have won an Oscar for Creed.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
A good film and solid performance by Sly. I thought for sure he would get an Oscar, but that's me.


What did you think about Copland?
I think I forgot to include that in the best films of that period.

And now I remember:
In Bruges (2008) IIRC my gut hurt a lot from the humor. And maybe I choked on or spit out my soda a few times.
The Debt (2010) Perhaps my favorite Jessica Chastain performance to date. It seemed to me a similar feel as Munich (2005) did.


Friday, August 26, 2016 5:51 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
A good film and solid performance by Sly. I thought for sure he would get an Oscar, but that's me.


What did you think about Copland?
I think I forgot to include that in the best films of that period.

And now I remember:
In Bruges (2008) IIRC my gut hurt a lot from the humor. And maybe I choked on or spit out my soda a few times.
The Debt (2010) Perhaps my favorite Jessica Chastain performance to date. It seemed to me a similar feel as Munich (2005) did.

Hey JSF,

I liked Copland, but it's been a while since I last saw it, so I really don't remember much of it.

I haven't seen The Debt, but I love In Bruges - hilarious!!

Quiet as it's kept, Sly is a good actor and in the right hands a great actor.
He should have won an Oscar for Creed.


Did you like Munich?






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