SIX, this one's for you- some actual thoughts about Covid-19

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 14:28
VIEWED: 1279
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Friday, April 10, 2020 4:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Many nations have minimized, ignored, or even welcomed SARS-Cov2 ("Take it on the chin" Boris Johnson) only to crumble to political pressure when serious illnesses and deaths skyrocked and corpses starting piling up.

Now, SOME of those nations (India comes to mind) have neither the infrastructure, social cohesion, government control, or real goods or monetary surplus to weather -let alone even institute- anything like an effective lockdown, so what they'll probably do is just lie about their numbers.

Many other nations have done a U-turn on their passive policy, and instead of stomping out the ember when in was little wound up battling a raging inferno.

But there are two nations that have (so far) resisted the siren call to lockdown, and they are Sweden and Brazil. They're doing exactly what YOU think everyone should be doing, which is ... nothing.

So we should be looking to them ... Sweden in particular because we can trust their reporting more ... to see this particular experiment's results.


Friday, April 10, 2020 6:45 PM


Cool. I hope it works out better for Swedes than when they sat by idly and let their government give away their country to Muslim invaders.

I have a feeling it will.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 12, 2020 4:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, since Sweden's policy is a bit of a "wait and see" game and we may need to do some research to see if they're reporting honest numbers, how about kicking around some actual thoughts about Covid-19, and not engaging people who're just TDSers?

All right, so I DO see a generic government interest in treating Covid-19 as a crisis, and that is: more control.

It doesn't matter whether the government is Chinese or American, or Democratic or Republican, or Russian or Iranian or Indian or South African, if government's fundamental drive is "more power" then ANY crisis will do. 9-11 was a pretty good excuse to pass the so-called Patriot Act and give GWB carte blanche to pursue military action anywhere in the world under the guise of GWOT. (Wow, Global War on Terror.... it's like a relic from some long-ago past. Who remembers THAT now? Some day we will probably find out 9-11 was a joint Israeli/Saudi operation with tacit approval of some neocons in the WH.)

And the phony RUSSIA!RUSSIA! "crisis" was whipped up to remove a sitting President.
The RUSSIA HACKED OUR ELECTIONS was just a giant excuse to censor the internet.

But a pandemic ... now THERE's a real handle on people! Whatever happened to all of the protests going on, like the Gilet Jaune in France? Poof! GONE! It is illegal to even go out and exercise in France ... and I believe that Macron ordered that in particular just to prevent Gilets Jaunes from gathering under the guise of "exercising".

The right to assembly and anywhere: vanished.

With the inability to go to work, people become ever-more dependent on the government teat. So while the Fed just bought up TRILLIONS of bad investments from big banks over the past few days and trillions more in bailouts for big firms are in the wings, people are just hanging on, waiting for that government money to come in and grateful for the charity; small businesses are scrambling for loans to tide them over and cover their losses. Some day, those loans might come in ... but not soon enough to save 50% of businesses from going under. It's like 2008 all over again, when Obama bailed out the bnks but not the people, but worse. And the turd topping this shit sandwich is Big Pharma, slavering to offer us a chance at a "normal" life with our new "immunity papers".

As an aside: SIX, while I do appreciate that SARS-CoV2 is a real threat, at the same time I see that the reaction is also a threat.

Never let a good crisis go to waste. The wealthy and powerful have many opportunities to weaponize any crisis, whether real or fake. The rich do as they please, the poor do as they must.

What to do???

Well, first of all, I think we should be very alert to ANY law or dictum that threatens to become permanent. What has the Patriot Act gotten us, except a permanent surveillance state? Government at all levels have passed laws against gun sales, alcohol sales, abortion, outdoor exercise, or whatever hobby-horse the mayor, city council, governor, or state legislature happened to be riding that day. Whatever controls are instituted should obviously have sunset clauses attached to them, and they should be enforced.

Unfortunately, this depends on an alert population, and I don't see much of that around.

The other, more permanent issue is the amount of debt that the Fed and the Federal government have racked up. If the debt was unpayable before, it's surely insurmountable now.
There are only two endings to this orgy of debt-creation: either out-and-out default by the USA government on its outstanding loans, or steady loss of dollar value. The only thing saving the USA dollar from Zimbabwe-type inflation is that the EU and China are also busy pumping debt into their economies, and the EU is closer to politicalinstability so the dollar might hang in for longer than the Euro.

In the meantime, any increased debt that people have racked up, especially small business loans, are going to be a millstone around their necks. Whatever revenues are coming in will wind up going to the banks, and stall out any hope of recovery.

In the long run, the only way for people to recover from this situation is to STOP TAKING ON DEBT. It was clear from the number of small businesses going under that they had no cushion, and from the number of families in distress tht they had no cushion either.

Yanno, I've heard all kinds of excuses on why people "can't" save money, but one of my employees agreed to let me bank $10 a week from her paycheck. I paid interest on it. She didn't miss it, despite the fact that she said she "couldn't" do without it, but when it came time for her to buy a new (used) car, she had $1000 painlessly saved up, and that money saved her bacon and a crap-ton of interest on a car loan.

We collectively should be striving to be as independent as we can be, from the government but especially from lenders.

A lot of people -not everyone- have a small patch of ground. For those that do: grow a garden for fucksake. Set aside a couple of weeks-worth of food. Have a rainy-day fund. If you're a business, set aside a reserve; stop paying for next week's inventory with this week's loan; that's like operating on a permanent payday loan for chrissake.

The problem is, hardly anybody will do ANY of this because it takes away from screen time.

And the cheapest and least complicated way to get back to business is #WEARAMASK

It's just unfortunate that all of our masks are made in China, like just about everything else.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, April 12, 2020 4:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

A very lengthy but interetsting article, laying out evidence that this virus was deliberately altered, possibly in the Wuhan lab but funded by all kinds of American interests including the DOD.

I was also emailed "In search of Patient Zero" which also makes the case that this virus is altered, THEIR contention is that it was in Fort Deitrich. It does bring up those mysterious death clusters that were attributed to "vaping" and additional clusters of atypical pneumonias earlier (June/July 2019 as I recall) which makes them wonder whether the virus was already extant in the USA. I will try to find the link

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, April 12, 2020 4:40 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

In search of "patient zero": the scientists are looking for a person, which began with the outbreak of coronavirus



Sunday, April 12, 2020 12:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Chris Martensen, Matt Taibbi

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, April 12, 2020 12:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

In search of "patient zero": the scientists are looking for a person, which began with the outbreak of coronavirus


It has the same title, it even starts with the same few paras, but then becomes completely different. There is no mention in there about vaping lung failures with "ground glass" Xrays, or Fort Dietrich, or the other clusters of atypical pneumonias in June/July.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, April 12, 2020 1:02 PM


I appreciate the read there, Sigs.

Thanks for reassuring me that you're still thinking out of the box and looking at the bigger picture.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 12, 2020 2:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

AH, here's the link:


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, April 12, 2020 6:28 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I scanned though the article and a fair chunk of its links, and I find it frustrating. It appears to be cobbled together out of bits and pieces of a variety of sources. But those bits and pieces are severely truncated and lead to questions about them, rather than conclusions about the premise.

"The following month (September 2019) 20 the Deputy Director of the CIA participated in a pandemic tabletop exercise, Event 201"

I've read many different articles that say different things - for example, it all goes back to Dark Winter, or it all goes back to Crimson Contagion ... while avoiding background of ALL of these various games, simulations, table-top exercises etc. (FWIW none of the articles mentioned Clade X.)

This is the most comprehensive list I've been able to compile:

Dark Winter (22-23 June 2001)
Atlantic Storm (14 January 2005)
Clade X (15 May 2018)
Crimson Contagion (January - August 2019)
Event 201 (18 October 2019)

Obviously these aren't exclusive rare occurrences, and I can't think of a compelling reason to pick one over the other since 2018.

What would be more instructive to me is a compilation of global public, academic, and private research laboratories working on dual-function and/ or artificial viruses - and their bankrollers. But that list would be so long, it wouldn't tell anybody anything except - holy crap! - is the sapiens species really, really stupid!

If SARS-COV-2 can be traced back to anything it's hubris.

"In 2018 the White House pushed Congress to eliminate $252 million for disease security programs and reduce health spending by $15 billion by cutting the global disease-fighting operational budgets of the CDC, NSC, DHS, and HHS and eliminating the $30 million Complex Crises Fund. The President ordered the National Security Council’s Global Health Security unit shut down and reassigned Adm. Timothy Ziemer and his team. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton pressured Adm. Ziemer’s DHS counterpart, Tom Bossert to resign, too, and neither team was replaced. Much of the staff of the CDC’s Global Health section was laid off and cooperating countries were cut from forty-nine to ten, and CDC Director Robert Redfield sought a further $7 billion cut for FY 2021."

I did look into this (posted elsewhere) and it really has nothing to do with US preparedness. Most of it was non-specific economic aid to foreign countries to shore up their economies so that they (theoretically) would be more capable of dealing with epidemics of (generally) Ebola before they become pandemics. As for US internal hierarchies, I looked into who exactly was in them (generally non-medical) and what exactly they were supposed to do, or what they had done in the past. I came up with nothing.

That the US was and is unprepared is evident from the most recent exercises, including Clade X, and without actually shoring up preparedness, no amount of hierarchy imo could change that.

"In early August the CDC expanded its pneumonia patient detection system and, in an unprecedented civilian intervention in military affairs, shut down the Army’s main military biowarfare lab (and Superfund site), Fort Detrick, MD where, a senior scientist said, the atmosphere was one of “fear and mistrust.”"

This is a very long story that goes far further back than the article implies - all the way back to dubya when it became apparent (after the anthrax attacks) how deeply deficient oversight of deadly biological materials and the laboratories that work on them was. (Also posted elsewhere.) A system was put in place for tracking inventories and breaches over time, starting back then, and the CDC's role was gradually expanded (iirc in 2014) to finally include both announced and unannounced laboratory inspections. Fort Detrick wasn't 'suddenly' closed - that came after a series of inspection failures plus failures to address documented deficiencies, culminating in a surprise inspection that - finally and in the totality of the record - made the CDC close down the laboratory. (It has since been partially reopened.)

An example of one of the links I went through and the incomplete story it presented:
One Chinese researcher claims that the reason why the US is the source of SARS-COV-2 is because it has more varieties than anywhere else ...
But there's an even more telling part of the story which - as a researcher he must have known - but that got left out of the retelling - is this:
You can sequence virus evolution over time by looking at the necessary sequence of mutations. For example, a virus with mutations ABC must have come from a virus with mutations AB, and that in turn must have come from a virus with mutation A.
Simply counting up the number of varieties doesn't locate the source, unless one of those varieties is the genetic Adam/Eve.
So that link? Sketchy because of what looks like deliberately incomplete information. And for that I fault the people who wrote this article, since they obviously accessed the original and apparently decided to distort what I think was a more complete picture.

BTW, my personal opinion is that the virus is a result of research, not natural mutations. And I sincerely hope that honest doctors and scientists will track down the original source, as well as how long it's been quietly spreading in various countries. And imo, that was at least a month before, and somewhere on the globe that's not necessarily China, and the 'index' case in Wuhan.


Monday, April 13, 2020 3:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks for the analysis, KIKI. I read it but didn't analyze it.

I DID, tho, do a general search for studies and exercises related to pandemics and they are pretty much an ongoing thing, conducted by a host of entities including health departments, think tanks, universities, or Federal agencies.

The one thing that makes me think this wasn't a deep-state planned - or even anicipated- event was that it seemed to take the media a long time to weaponize the coverage against Trump, and we have all seen how the media carries the deep-state's narrative to the public.

Unless, of course, the deeep state is SO devious that they distracted Trump with impeachment and fed him soothing words about this virus while the pandemic built itself into a giant shit-show?

Anyway, needs further thought.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I've been looking at Sweden at this website

It does a number of things with the data that I find useful. First of all, it's historic. Secondly, it's interactive. Under each chart you will be able to select 1) which nation is highlighted and 2) which parameter you wish to chart, for example "deaths" or "confirmed cases" or "new deaths per day"

But more importantly, it has a chart that divides the #of [cases] [deaths] [new deaths/day] [new cases/day] by that nation's population, so large nations with a large number of cases don't look abberantly worse than smaller nations.

Using the PER CAPITA chart, and highlighting Sweden just to make it easier to see, Sweden's PER CAPITA cumulative death rate is right up there with the more well-known shit shows like Spain, Italy, Belgium and France. At one point it was lower than about a dozen other nations, it has now climbed up into 7th or 8th place, depending on where you look at the data. It's also much higher than the other Nordic countries, which have instituted mandatory social distancing.

It does have a strange pattern to the data ... the per capita death rate will climb drastically, then level off, then climb dramatically again. Like Italy's detailed data, it shows a 7-day pattern, so I believe this is an artifact of recording and reporting.

However, like other nations that are instituting lockdowns, its curve is also heeling over. This might simply be a result of the virus hitting the most vulnerable first and causing a a sudden spike in deaths. But if the curves continue as currently shown, Sweden will achieve first place in per capita deaths in about 20 days.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake







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