UPDATED: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:55
VIEWED: 3740
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Saturday, October 9, 2004 4:01 PM


Billions of years ago out of the great void came the universe, its galaxies and star systems. Everything that exists, and will ever exist, was spawned from the primordial plasma of time's beginning. As time went on, the universe continuously split into infinite number of parallel universes positioned next to our own in alternate dimensions, which could collectively be called the multiverse. A parallel universe is another universe that is a copy of our own. It has stars and solar systems and galaxies. Some have planets that are exact copies of our Earth. These parallel Earths exists in that dimension in a space equivalent to that occupied by our Earth in this dimension. Some of the parallel Earths are nearly identical to ours and some of them are drastically different.

These universes lie parallel to our universe in a six-dimensional continuum: three dimensions of space, and three of time. The dimensions of space (height, width, and depth) are familiar. The linear motion of time (past-present-future) can be considered one "dimension" of time. Time's other dimensions are made up of probability fields that are the "height" and "width" of time. In essence, these temporal dimensions encompass every possible past, present, and future that could exist, and does, "elsewhere" in the continuum.

In these higher temporal dimensions lie a potentially infinite number of these timelines, running parallel to our universe. The amount of divergence between universes - essentially the difference between their quantum signatures - determines how "far apart" they are in temporal terms.

Everything in a particular universe has a unique energy "signature" that can be measured on the quantum level, and cannot be changed by any means known to science. This quantum signature is normally of little interest, since it is common to everything in the universe. However, objects from outside the universe have a different quantum signature. This includes people and objects from a parallel dimension. A quantum scan can determine whether or not something is from the same universe as the scanner. If the quantum signature of the subject's home dimension is known, then it can also be identified.

Although the quantum signature of matter cannot be altered by any known means, it is possible to place matter in a state of quantum flux. This causes the affected matter to become "unstuck" in the space-time continuum, shifting "sideways" through time into another dimension.

Most parallel dimensions are what might be termed alternate histories. History wise, they diverge from each other at a particular place in space-time, known as the divergence point. From that moment on, they follow their own history, but before the divergence point, they are identical save for a difference in quantum signature. Some parallels appear to have diverged so long ago that it is difficult to determine the divergence point.

There are however exceptions to this rule. Although some universes have histories quite different from each other, going back centuries at the very least, many aspects of those respective universes are remarkably similar, including the presence of certain individuals in both universes. With a history that diverged even decades previously, much less centuries, the odds of several separate parallel universes having identical people are astronomical. And yet they exist in those separate universes.

This is because these universes represent a kind of "quantum inversion field," an almost literal "mirror" of each other. The inversion field creates universes that duplicate each other on a macroscopic scale, while altering events and personalities on a smaller scale. Take the example of looking at your reflection in a mirror. The image looking back at you appears nearly identical to you, but if you were to hold up a book or a sign, the writing in the mirror appears backwards. So it is with those parallel universes. The large-scale things are nearly the same but many of the details, the "writing" of the universe, are the opposite of what they are in other universes.

One result of this phenomenon is what scientists call "quantum mirroring." This essentially describes the fact that events and individuals often appear duplicated in these universes despite the larger-scale differences between them. For example, the lives of individuals from the universes are often extremely similar, even down to the smallest details, despite larger difference in personality and attitude.

Quantum mirroring somehow "synchronizes" certain events between the universes. Scientists are uncertain how this happens, or why certain events are mirrored almost exactly, while others are distorted or altered, and some events are not mirrored at all. They speculate that it may be possible to influence the events in another universe through a greater understanding of the phenomenon, but to what degree remains unknown.

The only known means of travel between alternate universes involves putting a subject into a state of quantum flux matched to the particular quantum resonance of the other universe. The affected matter shifts out of one universe and into the other. Returning to the original universe is a matter of once again placing the subject in a state of quantum flux and matching the resonance of the original universe. This is somewhat easier, since the subject's natural quantum signature always matches that of the subject's home universe.


Saturday, October 9, 2004 4:02 PM



Alpha Universe

Sir Isaac Newton is more than just the credited discoverer of gravity. In 1669, Newton also formulated the scientific disciplines of calculus. However, rather than wait until 1704 to publish his theories as The Calculus, Newton went public with his findings right away. Europe and the United States, already awash with the beginning of the Enlightenment Period in 1651 with the publication of Leviathan by Hobbes, jump started an age of intellectual refinement that continues unabated to this day.

On this world, intellect is revered rather than ignored, and as a result many of the ills of society have been supplanted by the benefit of wisdom. The classical composers are still considered popular music, libraries are open until midnight so that people can pore over ancient texts. Universities are the most venerable institutions in the world. People here are always thirsting for knowledge.

In order for people to exercise more muscles than just their brain, a simple game called Othello was updated and turned into a fast-paced athletic competition called Mindgame. Two squads must answer questions from a variety of topics and land strategic squares around the board. The team with the most amount of squares at the end is declared the winner.

However, every civilization is not without some level of corruption. There is an underground racketeering syndicate that also accommodates those who want to gamble on Mindgame or other happenings.

On this world, intellectual stimulation is the driving force of civilization.

Beta Universe

In the throes of countrywide depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Community Construction Coalition (CCC) goes bankrupt despite massive federal backing. The country, already feeling the pain of unemployment and skyrocketing interest rates, never fully recovers.

During the Second World War, United States involvement was kept to a minimum while Mexican interests, spurred by oil barons looking to secure the petroleum rich fields of the Yucatan, invest in a Mexican war machine that dominates much of Germany. Mexico, the new "hero" of the Great War, becomes an industrial giant. People emigrate from the United States in droves.

Technological gains crawled to a standstill in the U.S., forcing many industries to adopt change. The compact disc, long heralded to be a new avenue in music and data storage, is rebuffed in favor of vinyl LPs. Green traffic lights, used in Mexico, are changed to red in a vain attempt to spur a cultural heritage in the weakened United States.

On this world, President John F. Kennedy was never assassinated, and continued to serve as president well into his twilight years. A fitting choice for an impoverished nation, since wife Marilyn Monroe served in her capacity as First Wife, raising spirits while the economy plummeted.

Scientists are currently worried that the earth's tendency towards precession - the rotation of the Earth's axis, is bringing about a new Ice Age.

Gamma Universe

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, spies who stole atomic weapons secrets from the U.S. on Earth Prime and were summarily executed. After their death sentence was carried out, FBI head J. Edgar Hoover assumed the office of the presidency instead of Lyndon Johnson.

As a result of Hoover's rise to power, much of the Constitution was abridged and martial law was declared. In the Second Gettysburg Address, Hoover spoke out against the ills of civilization, saying that democracy was leading to godless amorality and the breakdown of the family unit. Hoover remained as president for 22 years, up until he died in 1985. Martial law effectively allows for a police state.

Martial law has changed the face of the nation in several ways. Hotel guests must be fingerprinted by order. Cop killing is punishable by electrocution. The drinking age - 27. Alcatraz is still open and is the second biggest tourist attraction in the nation, right behind Hoover's tomb. Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Sam Kinison are housed there as political prisoners.

Citizens are only allowed to listen to music that is state–approved, mostly mellow and wholesome standards sung by the likes of Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain. Apparently, Donny Osmond is the Michael Jackson of this world.

Lyndon P. LaRouche is currently President of the United States. Judge Nassau was a judge in the California Supreme court and got in the FBI's black book by trying to acquit a man that the FBI wanted found guilty. Radio Free America is an underground pirate radio station dedicated to preserving freedom.

Japanese computers are illegal due to an embargo, but some can be found on the black market.

Delta Universe

In 1270, the eighth and final campaign known as the Crusades began. Hordes of fighters from around Europe descended upon the Holy Land, Palestine, leaving their wives and children behind. Papal farms grew dependent on the labor of women, and feudal kings grew weak without their support.

Geoffrey Chaucer writes in the foreword of his Canterbury Tales that an Anne Murray, a peasant farmer in the York region of England began a grass roots movement to overthrow their feudal lord and establish a democratic state. In 1281, Murray and dozens of women stormed the castle and fought off the guards, many of whom did not feel comfortable doing battle with a woman. The lord imprisoned, Murray established a Senate and presided over it under the directive of the Great National Plebiscite.

News spread and other cells of women's suffrage moved throughout Europe. By the time news had spread all the way down to Jerusalem, the Moors had the Christian forces and the Knights Templar in fierce battle. When the armies limped back to their respective countries, they found everything to be well in order... and ruled by women.

Over the centuries, men have gradually come to recognize the benefit of female leadership. No war, social issues are handled swiftly and efficiently and crime is almost non-existent. However, it is definitely a caste system - men have little avenues of employment aside from modeling, secretarial work and nannying.

Presidents of the United States include Hillary Clinton and Susan B. Anthony.

Procyon Universe

The Lone Star State. Bring thoughts of Texas to you? It should. But not here - it might be more appropriate to call it the Lone Star Country. Why? Because Texas is its own nation, and it's taken a couple states with it.

During the Civil War, when the North was embroiled in bitter fighting with the Southern States, Texas, which was barely a state and was still hotly contested territory with the Mexicans, solidified its hold as a sovereign nation and began gobbling up land north and west of its borders. Without the troops to stop them, the United States and the Republic of Mexico let this formidable country expand in size and power to the state it is today.

In this San Francisco, legal battles have taken on a whole new level, as lawyers settle their difference with the Code of the West - basically, a gunfight. The fastest on the draw is the winner. If a man shoots another man, a preemptive move, they must go before a district judge while the Bar Association gets a hand in the matters. Lawyers are called 'negotiators.'

The largest employer in the company, Drexal-Bullock, has 1,300 gunfighters on his staff with offices in Houston, Austin, Los Angeles and is headquartered in San Francisco. Industrialist Bullock put more people back to work during an unspoken depression than any other in his region - including Silicon Valley.

Bullock's risk arbitrage division is dubbed the 'Outriders' because they always are on the lookout for the best companies to take over. The S.E.C. (Securities Exchange Commission) holds power and jurisdiction over the lawyers. Unfortunately for Mr. Bullock, he was arrested in 1996 for massive tax fraud and for the murder of Cliff Sutton. He is now serving a commuted life sentence in Alcatraz.

Serpens Universe

The mainland of the North American continent was first sighted by the Spanish explorer and treasure hunter Don Juan Ponce de Leon on Easter, March 27, 1513. He claimed the land for Spain and named it La Florida, meaning "Land of Flowers". Between 1513 and 1563 the government of Spain launched six expeditions to settle Florida, but all failed. At least, that's how it goes on Earth Prime.

The initial colonization of La Florida was successful, and Spanish civilizers fought off the French establishment of a fort and colony on the St. Johns River in 1564. Without any kind of imperial powers blocking its advance, Spain's treasure fleets ran unabated through the Caribbean and Mexico.

King Phillip II named Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Spain's most experienced admiral, as governor of Florida, instructing him to explore and to colonize the territory. Aviles did his job better than his double on Earth Prime - striking accords with the native population, Aviles strengthened Spanish land holdings until they stretched across the North American continent, driving out any pirates or settlers of other nations found there.

On October 15, 1791, Spanish settlers weary of persecution of the indigenous cultures of Central America (many of whom were wed to Spanish viceroys) staged a successful revolt against Spanish conquistadors, liberating the Aztec, Inca and Maya and heralding a radical change in colonial government. La Guerra de los Revolucciones (Revolutionary War) signaled an end to Spain's control over its colonies, and the North American continent became three sovereign nations - Mexico, Nueva España and Canada, where the British and French joined under a commonwealth of nations that survives to this day.

The capitol of Nueva España, El Puerto de San Francisco is a thriving villa, as evidenced by the Golden Gate Bridge's famous shadow along the Bay. Many Canadians, impoverished in their native land, are flocking to California for better jobs and higher standard of loving. Ironically, La Migra (Immigration Services) seek to expel these "furbacks" from Nueva España. There is an underground movement entitled La Raza Blanca (The White Race) that seeks to free illegals being deported to Canada.

Tucana Universe

Minor seeds were sown to create this entirely different reality, but they took to fruition in late April, 1789.

On this world, Thomas Jefferson took the oath of office at Federal Hall, not as President but as king. Jefferson, long admired as an eloquent statesman and writer, was impressed upon to lead the fledgling United States at the end of the Revolutionary War. George Washington, it seems, was never a contender on this world.

Why? After Washington's retirement, not even the faulty Articles of Confederation could drag him back into the political spotlight. Jefferson, acting on behalf of the states and a central government, championed the Constitution to ratification. That, coupled with his fiery words in the Declaration of Independence, made him a natural choice to lead.

Jefferson's ascendance to the throne created a great alliance with the country of France. Already working closely with Ben Franklin during the French Revolution, Jefferson's sympathetic eye to their change in government helped secure the release of many war debts. After shrinking the standing army, Jefferson strengthened the central government, bolstered state's rights and leant much of the new Royal Navy to the French to help fight. Those that didn't return to battle in Europe fought Barbary raiders.

Jefferson's wife Martha died in 1801 of a throat infection, and he took freed slave Sally Hemmings as his second bride. Two decades later, slavery was abolished at her bequest.

Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, 50 years to the day he penned his famous declaration against British tyranny. His now mostly African-American family continues to rule to this day, spending half the time in the family residence in Monticello and half at the castle in Hemmingshire in California.

Monoceros Universe

The Japanese, after bombing Pearl Harbor, engaged the United States on its own soil. Fighting a beleaguered U.S. Army back, block by block, the Japanese advanced through both Los Angeles and San Diego. In a final act of desperation, FDR recalled all troops from the European theater and dropped two hydrogen bombs, one on Los Angeles, one on San Diego. The world, startled by America's determination to use atomic weapons to stop war (even on their citizens), came to a standstill on that day. A quick peace was brokered with Japan; Europe surrendered to Germany.

Peace was short-lived. The Nazi regime was almost immediately brought to task by the British and Russians, while the United States sat out World War III to lick its wounds. Europe was eventually liberated through teamwork and Nazi foolishness, and America's newfound isolationism bred resentment from their former Soviet allies.

So much resentment it seems that the U.S. and the Soviet Union became bitter enemies. The Cold War here raged white hot, with constant skirmishes over both territories. However, both countries never took it to the next level: full-scale nuclear attack.

This world actually has a robust, warlike history and some interesting musical deviation.

Canopus Universe

In short, the American colonies lost the Revolutionary War. In 1779, George Washington was captured and executed as a war criminal. Without the American Revolution to fuel revolutionary sentiment in other countries, France, China, Spain, Japan and Russia maintained their centuries-old aristocracies.

The North American continent is largely ruled by the British government and is separated into two large territories: the Western and Eastern Americas. Mexico is ruled by Spain, although Canada on this world is a constant battleground between the French and the Brits.

Visiting this world is like flying to London without the eight-hour jetlag. Annoying tabloids, market saturation of soccer as popular support, supremely cool art nouveau architecture and terrible food. Travel across the bay to Oakland and you'll be treated to a glorious private nature reserve instead of gangland warfare and modified exhaust pipes. Beware, though; entering the glade will get you killed by either royal security or a group of brigands known as the Oakland Raiders.

Hydra Universe

On November 1, 1688, the Reverend Samuel Parris was walking to the livery stable in Boston when he was attacked at knifepoint, his lung punctured. Fearing the evils of civilization, Parris returned with family in tow to the sugar plantation his father founded in Barbados.

At around the same time, Doctor William Griggs was struck by lightning while coming in from a thunderstorm, killing him.

What does this have to do with anything, you ask? The divergence on this world prevented Parris from speaking two weeks later as a minister in Salem, Massachusetts. He would never later become the head minister of Salem, and his daughter Betty never caught cold. Likewise, without Griggs' erroneous medical opinion that other sick girls in Salem were "bewitched," the Salem Witch Trials never happened.

As a result, the slow to grow witchcraft and Wicca movements made their way through the elite circles in Bostonian society. Much later, when Thomas Jefferson admitted to his affair with slave Sally Hemmings, he confessed an appreciation for Wicca, thus preventing the long-standing tradition of Christian presidents before it had a chance to get started.

Over the centuries, the Hydra Universe has definitely become something of a fascinating place regardless of dimension. Doctoral studies have been replaced with earthy healing techniques performed by shamans, failure to pay medical bills results in retribution substitution (they get a body part), and subpoenas are delivered by Grim Reapers. The Golden Gate Bridge has been supplanted by the Golden Gargoyle Gate Bridge.

Previous presidents of the United States of America in this world include Ed Wood, Junior, the creator of such abysmal cinematic outings as Plan Nine from Outer Space on our Earth. Recent government hooplas include the fight between the right and the left over separation of coven and state. Ouija boards are verboten in schools on this world.

Anubis Universe

Spain was not the only European nation that found Florida attractive. In 1562 the French protestant Jean Ribault explored the area. Two years later, fellow Frenchman René Goulaine de Laudonnière established Fort Caroline at the mouth of the St. Johns River, near present-day Jacksonville.

These French adventurers prompted Spain to accelerate her plans for colonization. Pedro Menéndez de Avilés hastened across the Atlantic, his sights set on removing the French and creating a Spanish settlement. Menéndez arrived in 1565 at a place he called San Augustín (St. Augustine) and established the first permanent European settlement in what is now the United States. He accomplished his goal of expelling the French, attacking and killing all settlers except for non-combatants and Frenchmen who professed belief in the Roman Catholic faith. Menéndez captured Fort Caroline and renamed it San Mateo.

French response came two years later, when Dominique de Gourgues recaptured San Mateo and made the Spanish soldiers stationed there pay with their lives. French dragoons and militia took the southeast by storm, fighting back Spanish forces under the aegis of de Gourges and pirate leaders, who were given 100% booty, scot-free under French agreement.

The French foothold in North America continued to grow. Francis Drake's 1586 attack of Forth Caroline was rebuffed, forcing him to limp home to England. He would later die without ever reaching Nova Albion - the San Francisco bay.

France moved northward and westward, conquering the lands east of the Mississippi through fair and honest trade deals established with the native populace. British settlers were expelled, and Spain, happy enough with its land holdings in Central and South America, sold the rest of North America to the French government in 1672. The agreement, called Le Veritable Traite De Terre solidified the French in North America.

As many colonial powers go, the French settlers in Nouvelle France became disenfranchised with their empirical leaders in Europe and revolted. Le Révolutionnaire Guerre lasted from 1744 until 1751, leaving New France its own nation, which promptly split into two disparate countries, with the Mississippi the natural border. Nouve Aquitaine lies to the East, and Nouvelle Versailles lies to the west. The city of Versailles West sits where San Francisco would on our world. The familiar Eiffel Tower sits overlooking the bay, a few blocks from the Transamerica Tower.

Scorpio Universe

The Confederate Army stunned the Union forces in the Battle of Gettysburg, temporarily swinging momentum in their favor. By 1866, the war had severely weakened the United States and the European nations made their move. The British allied with the South forcing the North to sign a pact with France. But this deal came with a price. For reasons both altruistic and self-interested, France forced the North to turn over the West Coast to the Native Americans. Even then, France could see that America had the resources to become a burgeoning world power and thus it was a potential threat to French hegemony. By cutting them off from the West Coast, they could stem America's global influence. And by handing the territory over to the indigenous people, fiercely loyal to France of course, they looked like liberators instead of conquerors.

Those living there already were none too pleased with President Lincoln's arrangement. Many refused to depart when the Natives took over, and the two peoples have been fighting ever since in an endless cycle of violence that rivals our troubles in the Middle East. The squatters have been barricaded into reservations of sorts. Though their environments are pristine, they remain at the mercy of the Californians.

As for Canada, they could see which way the wind was blowing. In 1867 they declared their independence from Britain and promptly allied with France and the North. Together they crushed the British/Confederate alliance and ended the Civil War in 1869. With the United States in desperate straits, they relied primarily on Canadian industry to rebuild. This planted the seeds to the world's largest economy today.

The United States is a weakened nation. Its endless atrocities on its western border have sullied its reputation in the international community. Sympathies are clearly with the nation of California, a common name agreed to by all the tribes that makes their homes there. Both France and Canada heavily support California, which also comprises what we know as Oregon and Washington. An attack on it is considered an attack on the French-Canadian Alliance. Tread with care.

Magna Universe

In 1629, the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan learned his wife, Mumtaz Mahal was ill. Fearing her death was near, he ordered a small fleet built on the pretense that the ocean air would help her bronchitis and sailed off. The Indian fleet landed in the San Francisco Bay, and Mahal died two weeks later. Grieving, Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the mausoleum Taj Mahal after her death. Designed by a Turkish architect, it was built (1630-48) in a walled garden with an oblong reflecting pool and overlooks the Bay Area.

With Indian settlements cropping along the California coastline, skirmishes with the Spanish conquistadors in nearby Mexico were frequent. In 1651, Shah Jahan purchased the California territory from the Spanish and delegated the land as New India.

Over the centuries, New India has become a thriving cultural center and major exporting territory. It shares the North American continent with the English, French, Dutch and Spanish in true harmony, and no major wars have erupted since 1709.


Sunday, October 10, 2004 10:41 AM


I just want to say this is some really interesting and informative stuff you've posted AnonymousPoster, you rock!

All of this is the most fascinating info you've posted!


Monday, October 11, 2004 7:21 AM


Man, I love these postings! Alternate universes and the real possibilities (probabilities) of them simply excite me!! I'm going to read them over some more and post something better later on...meanwhile I have to go teach to my Juniors.


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. Rockin' the "Riviera" (67-K62) hardcore!


Monday, October 11, 2004 11:57 AM


Okay, finally had a chance to read all this. Wow! AP, I must know if you came up with these potential 'verses on your own or if you found 'em somewhere. Anyway, the first section on quantum mechanics and so forth sounds much like the "Unrealized Realities" episode of Farscape (one of my fave eps). And the Alt.Histories are really neat...except in a couple places where things seem to go a little too far and it starts sounding like a bad episode of Sliders. I mean, I live no more than 40 miles from Oakland, CA and I can't say it's even close to my favorite place on earth, but I could never imagine any alt.history turning it into a gangland preserve!


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. Rockin' the "Riviera" (67-K62) hardcore!


Monday, October 11, 2004 1:07 PM


The first post states these ideas as though they are facts... quite disturbing.


Monday, October 11, 2004 1:22 PM


I've added two more worlds, Gamma and Delta!


Monday, October 11, 2004 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Grounded:
The first post states these ideas as though they are facts... quite disturbing.

Indeed. And many people will take them as such

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:39 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
The first post states these ideas as though they are facts... quite disturbing.

And who is to say they're not facts? There's so much about the universe we don't know. All that fun quantum stuff is definitely grounded in some stuff that I've read over the years.


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. Rockin' the "Riviera" (67-K62) hardcore!


Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:46 AM


I loved "Sliders" too :)

But the series lost some of the feel later on. Maybe it was the introduction of the Kromaks, or the stupid brother of Quinn that made me stop watching, not sure actually.

Keep flying,



Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:55 AM



Originally posted by Gavida:
I loved "Sliders" too :)

But the series lost some of the feel later on. Maybe it was the introduction of the Kromaks, or the stupid brother of Quinn that made me stop watching, not sure actually.

First of all its Kromaggs, not Kromaks. I loved that show too, and it I'll tell you what things made people stop watching it. It first jumped the shark when Professor Arturo was killed off, and then when Jerry O'Connell left the show they essentially killed off the show itself, it should have just ended right there and then.

And the character of Wade should not have left either!






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