The Hobbit on screen

UPDATED: Friday, November 5, 2004 12:28
VIEWED: 3637
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Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:11 AM


I know that Peter jackson was going to remake King Kong before turning his eye to the Hobbit, but does anyone else in here think that's a bad plan? personally I would much rather see a live action Hobbit than another retelling of giant monkey smashes things. I bet it was hard enough spending 3 years working on the LotR trilogy, but there's also the age of some of the actors he would need to bring back to consider.

Does anyone else think that the Hobbit should be first? Do you all think that there should be a different actor than Ian Holm for Bilbo? Should Aragorn and Arwen show up in the background of Rivendell?

"Could be he's harboring some resentment at us for putting his man through our engine."

I'm Zark and I approve this message.


Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:17 AM


I agree with you and I'll tell you why. My reasons aren't good though. They're purely selfish.

For one, The Hobbit is cool, and King Kong is not.

Next, Big monkeys scare me.... and I don't like being scared. (I like the girl with me at movies to be scared, so she needs me for protection, but other than that, I have no use for scary)

Lastly, how big of a hit was LOTR? It's obvious that the Hobbit would also be a huge money-maker.


Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:21 AM


or a huge monkey maker.

"Could be he's harboring some resentment at us for putting his man through our engine."

I'm Zark and I approve this message


Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:41 AM


I really agree...
and it confuses me, the Hobbit would make more money
and get more recognition (after getting Best Picture for 'Return of the King')
King Kong has had one lame remake after another
who really cares?
what can you possibly say or do that hasn't been done already?

Besides I want Gandolf to be played by Ian McKellan, and he is not getting any younger....


Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:44 AM


I think Bilbo can remain the same actor. They can do wonders with makeup and cgi to make him look a bit younger.

I don't mind waiting for The Hobbit. Everyone is pretty down on prequels right now. Thank you Mr. Lucas. Give things some time to settle down. And give Mr. Jackson some time to work on something else for a while.

Oh and no Arwen and Aragorn. Just lots and lots of Beorn! yay!


Thursday, November 4, 2004 10:00 AM


I think Peter Jackson already proved to everyone what a big monkey he had when he made the LOTR films, there's no need to awaken the kong.


Thursday, November 4, 2004 12:13 PM


I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but where have you people been? PJ and NZ are already in day 40+ of production on King Kong (their video diaries are at www.kongisking.net) so I doubt he will jump ship and take on The Hobbit. Speaking of which I did read an article recently that said Sir Ian McKellen is interested in reprising Gandalf and I would love to see a live action Hobbit.

Anyway I think anyone who, like me, thought the LOTR movies were the best movies ever (though I think the BDM(s) will give them a run for their money) I think you might want to consider giving a PJ retelling of King Kong a chance. I am anyway.

So I think that was about 'two cents' times 20 srry


Thursday, November 4, 2004 12:25 PM


I think spending 7 years of your life in Middle-Earth is enough to earn anyone a break. Just because he could make it now doesn't mean he wants to.

Also there's the problem that you just go make the hobbit. There are all sorts of legal problems, in that one studio has the rights to make it and the other the right to distribute. Neither studio wants to sell their half of the rights and the property is so expensive it can't be bought out. If we ever see the hobbit, it won't be for a long time yet.

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Thursday, November 4, 2004 12:38 PM


I found the article i talked about in my previous post :

It talks a little about what Chronic was saying


Thursday, November 4, 2004 1:27 PM


America loves a winner!

I think PJ needed a break. The LOTR was a work of truly biblical scale. I think for his sanity, he neeed to take a breather and come back to Middle Earth for a fresh start.

As for the actors, I'm thinking Ian Holm might be a bit old to play a younger Bilbo. It worked for the prologue of FOTR, but I doubt he'd be overly convincing for an entire movie. As for the other characters, Gandalf, Elrond, and Gollum are the only main ones who would be needed. Since Legolas was 'from the Wood', it's possible he and Bilbo could have crossed paths, but that would be a bit akward for the story as the Elves didn't treat Bilbo's company all too kindly. Sauron was also in The Hobbit, but in a different form, and wasn't even part of Bilbo's adventure. ( As was referenced in the prologue of FOTR )

I think it would be best for the movie if it had as few returning characters as possible.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, November 4, 2004 5:19 PM


You people are missing a major plot piece here. The rights to the hobbit are owned by a different company. However it looks like there is a good chance that they could end up in the right hands: http://filmforce.ign.com/lotr/articles/531/531520p1.html

Peter Jackson has already said that if New Line can get the rights, he'll make the film. As for King Kong, it's the reason he became a director--so I think we owe it a great debt for giving us such a talented director. I'm going to humor him and give his remake a chance.


Friday, November 5, 2004 12:28 PM


America loves a winner!

Probably the 1st time I've replied to my own post, but I wanted to add a thing or 2 on Ian Holm and Bilbo. He did a fine Bilbo in LOTR, and I almost convinced myself that he'd be the right choice as Bilbo again in The Hobbit. But the more I thought about Bilbo's adventures, the more I struggle w/ the idea of Ian Holm . He just ain't the right age for the part. As I recall, Bilbo does a fair amount of running,thieving, slaying of spiders and riding barrels. While he's not exactly taking on Orcs or Warg riders.well, I guess he does some at the end...he still has a brief encounter w/ a full sized Dragon. So, I guess I'm torn, but leaning more one way than the other.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "






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