New Who - New Thread (Spoilers Allowed, No Trainers)

UPDATED: Monday, March 28, 2005 11:35
VIEWED: 2254
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Sunday, March 27, 2005 12:22 PM


Well, given the other thread is kind of top heavy with pre-show anticipation, thought I'd throw in a new one having caught the show.

The Good

Eccleston's Doctor - Funny, edgy, moving - his speeches contained real emotion and really gave me a sense of the wish to protect us "apes".

Rose - Not sure yet, but Billie Piper seems to be doing okay at the role.

The Trailer - Great idea; second episode into the future, shows a funky effect and some very impressive looking make-up jobs to entice

10 million viewers - apparently, which is pretty damn good in this day and age.

The Bad

The Music - not the title, which was fine (but I wish they had the Doc's face, but the awful music. We're used to so much better on most TV drama these days - Barrington Pheloung (sp?) on Morse, the Poliakoff dramas, Spooks. This was as bad as some of the crap that the old Who had.

The Pace - Faster than most British TV, but seemed to do that at points by skipping things, or rushing emotional reactions. Russ needs to go back and watch Buffy and get used to the pacing of US TV, but that may come with experience.

The Sonic Screwdriver - if that prop gets used one more time in the series, so help me...

The Ugly

Video - really? Who thought that was a good idea? It made what seemed like some nice shots look cheap, and I fear will have an effect on sales overseas. Short-sighted at best, a worrying indication of the importance they place upon the show at worst.

All in all though, a good start, and the second episode looks a cracker.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, March 27, 2005 12:53 PM


and you missed out the most bloody awful bit in the 1st showing

Graham `Bloody` Norton saying `where am I` and an audience cheering - obviously somebody didn`t close the mikes & the feed to his `come freaky dancing` or whatever it was called before Dr. Who

They`ve tried to fit in a lot into the 1st 45 minutes - although, I like the Q&A session about the TARDIS and the doctors quirkiness - he`s also not afraid to act (unlike previous incarnations) - getting stuck in there straight away with bombing the roof of a department store! also when asking Rose to come with him at the end - he was very strict in saying "not you" to her boyfriend - could the doctor have more on his mind than just a companion?

The effects were OK, and the new center console might upset a few fans with it`s new look (again)

The trail for the second episode next week didn`t really inspire, a case of look at all the Aliens and the sun going boom.

And finally, there`s a sense of scene to scene without any cliff hanger scenario

I will definitely support the show (as I have for many years) including the repeats on UKGold etc.

One of the Sunday papers had an exclusive of Daleks that fly - well, that`s not new, but the new look Dalek is slightly different - neon-look lighting seams to be in fashion again.


I love it!

Darin (Zol.)


Sunday, March 27, 2005 1:59 PM


I'm about to do a blog on the new show but yes, it was great and more than that, it's taken a hold of the mainstream. Two national papers devote most of their front pages tomorrow to it beating Ant n Dec (a show on at the same time) in the ratings.

Second series here we come!


Sunday, March 27, 2005 2:11 PM



Originally posted by Zol:
and you missed out the most bloody awful bit in the 1st showing

Graham `Bloody` Norton saying `where am I` and an audience cheering - obviously somebody didn`t close the mikes & the feed to his `come freaky dancing` or whatever it was called before Dr. Who

Is THAT what that was? We thought it sounded like Graham Norton, but I was out at the Bradford Shindig at the time, so Mam taped the introductory programme, let the tape overrun, rewound it, and taped the show over the top - so we naturally assumed it was just our tape that had cacked up and have since chucked it! :lol:

Ahhh well, it was a bit old anyway!

I'm not missing Ant & Dec, though - thank God for ITV2! Liked their mentions to Dr Who, actually - the phone-in game this week being called Eggsterminate made me laugh!


Sunday, March 27, 2005 3:00 PM


I really liked the episode but I have to say the title music was disappointing - they've remixed out alien feel and oomph of the original music. The old version had a very distinctive sound but the new version sounds like a generic trance tune - though the classic melody is still intact.

It had a couple of great humourous moments too.


Monday, March 28, 2005 6:56 AM


I watched the first episode and enjoyed it. It was a refreshing experience!

Select to view spoiler:

Christopher Eccleston was brilliant as the Doctor! He had the right balance of humour and 'alien quality'. The new Doctor seems more of an anti-hero too, as though he doesn't enjoy his work but has to do it.

The dialogue was really sharp and funny at times. There wasn't any bit of the story that seemed predictable either.

Billie Piper was also good as Rose. She was strong and streetwise. It'll be interesting to see how the relationship between her and the Doctor unfolds throughout the series..

There were a few parts in the pilot that I thought didn't work very well. (There was bad acting from minor characters (Rose's mum) and certain bits of the action wasn't scary enough. The CGI was 'too clean' and seemed pretty unrealistic.)

Although it didn't take away my enjoyment of the show too much.

There was enough to keep me intrigued and on the edge of my seat throughout - especially the role of the new Doctor and the 'war going on beneath your noses' comment that he made to Rose amongst other things.

The pacing was alright and introduced the major characters fairly comfortably.

The new series has captured the essence of classic Dr Who.

I'm definitely tuning in next week! Saturday nights aren't gonna be the same ever again. :)


Monday, March 28, 2005 11:35 AM



Originally posted by Zol:

The trail for the second episode next week didn`t really inspire, a case of look at all the Aliens and the sun going boom.

I'd agree - I hope future trailers show something with a hook, because frankly BBC effects aren't going to "wow" us (Mox Of Balhoon? looked only marginally better than Sil - though my memories may be playing tricks on me, which was a pretty cool effect for its time).


And finally, there`s a sense of scene to scene without any cliff hanger scenario

I'd have to rewatch - but it seemed to suffer from BBC1 syndrome. One plus of commercial TV is it enforces the act structure - by all means step outside of it, but it provides a useful pace to a television hour.

"I threw up on your bed"






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