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Continuation of my fic Heirloom
Heirloom, the continuation
Disclaimer: Hail Joss, our father though out in... where every he is.
Rated: R for language and some sexual content.
A/N: I told you that there was more. :} Thanks to the ones that gave me the encouragement. I love you for it.
“Well that was easy enough,” Spike commented as they came to a stop after sliding down the side of a mountain from the training house.
“Handy little escape route,” Buffy nodded in concurrence.
“You okay, luv?” Spike asked Inara who was panting slightly.
“Yeah,” she nodded. “I’m fine.”
Buffy knelt down to the things that they had backed and shoved on the mountainside first and checked it over. “Stuff’s intact,” she reported.
“Good,” Spike picked up one of the larger bags and flopped it over his shoulder. “We should get moving.”
“Which way?” Buffy asked as she took the other large bag, leaving Inara the lightest.
Inara heaved her bag over shoulder as well and nodded to the east. “That way.”
“Normally I’d say ladies first,” Spike began. “But I can see in the dark.”
“You got it stud,” Buffy waved him forward. “Lead the way.”
“How long do you think before they find him?” Inara asked as she tried to keep up.
Spike looked up at the shining stars above and considered this. “Don’t know much ‘bout military in this age, but I’m guessin’ they’ll be after us by dawn. If not earlier.”
“Well he’s in an obvious place,” Buffy added. “They should find him.”
“Also depends on their orders,” Spike continued. “If he was their commanding officer than there’s no one to tell ‘em what to do. Plus he’s the only one who’s seen us. I’d say we’re safe for now. They don’t know where we’re goin’ or who we are.”
“That’s good,” Inara gritted out, the weight of her bag becoming too heavy.
“Here give me that,” Spike stopped and plucked the bag from her grasp and continued on easily.
“You’re making me feel useless here,” she pouted, but followed closely.
“You should feel ashamed, half this stuff is yours,” he replied teasingly.
Inara blushed through the darkness of the night and didn’t reply.
“What time are they s’pose to be here?” Buffy asked her great-granddaughter.
“Mal said they could make it by eleven hundred,” Inara told her.
“How are they gonna’ find us if we don’t even know where we’re going?” Buffy asked turning to her.
“Mal has my GPS codes,” she replied. “I’ll turn it on when it’s time.”
“But can’t the Alliance track us then?”
“We just have to trust that he’ll be here before they do,” Inara told her and looked up at the sky to give a silent prayer that he would make it in time.
“Zoe, the ship is yours. Jayne take shuttle two. I’ll take one,” Mal ordered. “GPS will be on at 11 so spread out. Once you got ‘em radio back and we’ll get the hell out of here.”
“Yes sir,” Zoe nodded and headed for the bridge.
“Be good havin’ ‘em back onboard,” Jayne said as he and Mal went for the cargo bay. “Spike’s a right entertaining fella’.”
“He is at that,” Mal nodded as they passed the infirmary. “Simon, get the lab prepped, don’t know what kinda’ shape they’ll be in.”
Simon nodded as they passed and Jayne turned to Mal. “Sure they’ll be fine. What them two done to those Reavers, don’t think the Alliance could stop ‘em.”
“It’s not them I’m worried ‘bout...”
“Ow!” Inara cried out.
“You just twisted it, you’ll be fine,” Spike said as he inspected her ankle.
Buffy rubbed the girls back and said, “We all have our clumsy moments, sweetie, don’t worry.”
“It runs in the family,” Spike pointed at Buffy.
Inara laughed when Buffy smacked him upside the head.
“Watch it!” he rubbed his head and then froze. “... Something’s coming.”
“Mal, I found ‘em!” Jayne said through the radio. “They got trouble!”
He watched as he came to the clearing where Inara, Buffy and Spike were fighting a few Alliance men. Well, Buffy and Spike were fighting, Inara was taking cover behind a tree.
“On your left!” Buffy called and Spike struck out to the left behind him knocking an officer off his feet.
“Thank you,” he replied and attacked another.
“Look!” Inara called from her covered and pointed to the sky. “They’re here!”
Shuttle two came down fast, making the rest of the Alliance soldiers scatter.
Spike took Inara’s hand and pulled her up into his arms. Buffy met them at the door of the ship as it opened and they ran inside.
“Come on we gotta’ go!” Jayne called.
“Give me a sec!” Spike shouted and set Inara down and rushed back out the door.
Sprinting back to where the bags lay Spike knocked down more soldiers. He picked up the bags and threw them as hard as he could over to the shuttle doors.
“Ah!” Inara yelped and jumped back as their three bags shot through the door.
Buffy caught her before she fell back as Spike came back and shut the door. “GO!” he shouted to the merc and Jayne lifted off. “Everyone okay?” he turned back to Buffy and Inara.
“You almost clocked her with the bags,” Buffy told him.
He grimaced. “Sorry luv.”
“It’s okay,” she told him as Buffy helped her over to the co-pilot’s seat. “I got it Jayne,” she said and took over flying.
Jayne let go of the controls as Spike slapped him on the back. “How’s it goin’ Jayne?”
He grinned and shook his hand strongly. “That G thing worked.”
Spike laughed. “I bet you’re very popular now.”
The impulse to hug Inara when he stepped out of the shuttle was just as great as her impulse to hug him.
So when they didn’t, Spike stared intently at the pair and laughed. “Bloody ridiculous,” he shook his head and left them on the catwalk.
Both Mal and Inara blushed at his comment and looked anywhere, but to each other.
Rolling her eyes at their antics, Buffy stepped up with a smile. “Mal, hi.”
He nodded. “Good to have you back onboard, Buffy.”
“I heard you got an eyeful before, sorry ‘bout that,” she shrugged. “So what’d we miss?”
“Can someone explain to me why River’s experimenting with bondage?” Spike asked as the crew gathered in the mess.
He was met by blank faces and a “Huh?” from Jayne.
“Did she and Jayne hook up or something? ‘Cause she’s handcuffed in that room back there,” he pointed over his shoulder.
“Mal?” Inara asked.
“Girl went crazy,” Jayne shrugged and sat down at the table.
When no one elaborated, Wash jumped in giddily. “She kicked Jayne’s ass!”
“Really?” a grin slip Buffy’s face.
Jayne sat sulking as Mal explained what happened on Maidenhead.
“She went berserk. Started hittin’ everythin’ in sight,” Mal said. “Fought like you two. Almost shot me ‘fore the Doc put her out.”
“Really?” Buffy asked, serious this time. She looked over to Spike. “You think maybe...?”
Spike nodded. “We could test her I s’pose. Girl’s a seerer, why can’t she be a slayer?”
“You think my sister’s a slayer?” Simon asked. “No. No, she’s not some fate chosen demon fighter. She’s just a normal girl, okay?”
“I think there’s evidence to the contrary, Doc,” Spike replied. “Won’t hurt to test the theory.”
“Test how?” he asked.
“You know, weights, speed, instinct. Things like that,” Spike shrugged.
“Nothing that will hurt her?” Simon asked still not convinced.
“She’ll be fine Simon,” Buffy told him. “We have a lot of experience with this kind of stuff, don’t worry.”
Simon sighed, but nodded and sat down across from Jayne at the table.
“We’ll worry ‘bout that when we get to Haven,” Mal said. “Everyone just try an’ settle down, get situated an’ all. Deal with this later.”
“But in the meantime, she stays locked up?” Simon asked bitterly.
“Yes,” Mal nodded and started up to the bridge.
A long moment passed.
“So,” Wash said. “I hear you two have an interesting line of work now?”
“What is your obsession with our sex life?” asked Buffy crossing her arms. “Is it ‘cause we’re like a hundred times older than you and still getting more play?”
“Ouch!” Wash exclaimed and covered his chest. “That was brutal!”
“He jus’ had to bring it up after we’s all saw you’s naked on the cortex,” Jayne told her, leering a bit.
Spike burst out laughing when Buffy went bright red.
“And why were you all watching my and Mal’s conversation?” Inara asked. “There is a thing called privacy, you know?”
Simon raised his hand. “I didn’t see anything.”
Inara glared around at all of them before stomping out of the room towards her old shuttle.
Kaylee smacked Jayne on the shoulder. “It’s bad enough the Cap’n knew we saw, now you had to go an’ tell her too!”
“Not like it’s a secret, them two dancin’ ‘round each other!” he protested.
“There is a thing call subtlety Jayne,” Zoe told him.
“You actually think he knows that word?” Simon asked.
“You heard of anything called Miranda?” Zoe asked Buffy and Spike.
“Who’s that?” Buffy asked and Spike shook his head.
“Don’t know who or what, but it’s on River’s mind,” Zoe told them.
“You know,” Spike began. “I do have some experience in dealing with girls that aren’t all there. I could talk to her, maybe figure something out?”
“That’s a good idea,” Zoe nodded and Spike slid off his coat and went over to the store room where River was chained up.
“How long ‘til we get to Haven?” asked Buffy.
“’Bout a day or so,” Wash replied.
“Thanks,” Buffy nodded and turned and went to find Inara.
“Do you think Spike can get through to her?” Simon asked after a moment.
Kaylee put her hand on his shoulder. “All’s we can do is hope.”
“Hello William, it’s good to see you,” River said as Spike entered the store room.
“You too,” he replied and sat down next to her on the floor. “How ya’ doin’?”
She shrugged. “A bit crazed actually.”
“Well seein’ as your crazy that is understandable,” he nodded. “What’s Miranda?”
She was acting in a completely unprofessional manner, she knew that. But she couldn’t bring herself to stop. Or to care.
Inara had been humiliated before, but this wasn’t like being in training and having your classmates pull a prank on you. No, here she actually cared what people thought of her.
They thought she was a joke! Some form of entertainment for an overly bored band of petty thieves. These were her feelings! How dare they? The ones she came to love as a family were all laughing at her!
As she huffed, puffed and paced, Buffy was leaning against the door to the shuttle and watched with a mix of amusement and sympathy.
“You should probably stop that.”
Inara jumped at her voice and blushed.
“Those are really nice shoes and I don’t think they were made to withstand such strenuous activities,” Buffy continued and entered the shuttle.
Still flustered, Inara tried to compose herself and she sat on the trunk she’d left behind.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
Buffy rolled her eyes and went and sat down beside her. “You can’t be sorry for feeling what you feel, Inara.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes after that.
“You wanna’ talk about it?” Buffy suggested. “Maybe vent a little and save your shoes your wrath?”
“No thank you,” Inara replied, wanting very much to just scream her problems right now.
Buffy must have noticed. “You are allowed to yell, you know? To stomp around and pout? To say what’s bothering you.”
“I know,” she said, losing her internal battle.
“No Companion Guild to slap your wrist and tell you to behave,” she continued. “So come on,” she nudged her. “Give your old lady an earful.”
Inara laughed slightly and then sighed. “It’s just...”
“Yeah?” Buffy urged.
“It’s like Mal and I are some soap opera for them all to watch and laugh at,” she complained. “It’s not funny! Any time we show any... How dare they laugh at us???”
“’Us’ as in you and Mal?” Buffy asked.
“Yes! Mal and I! Okay, I said it. There’s an us!” she threw her hands up and started pacing again.
“They’re not laughing at you, sweetheart,” Buffy told her.
“Yes they are!” Inara exclaimed. “Even Spike does!”
“Spike will laugh at anything, don’t worry about him,” Buffy waved that off. “He just wants to see you happy. He doesn’t understand why you hold back. Because if he wants something, he walks up and take’s it. And if he can’t reach, then he fights for it. All out, it’s just the way he is.”
“... I guess you’re proof of that.”
“I am,” Buffy nodded. “And so are you. I doubt if Spike hadn’t been the way he was, you never would have been here. The monks wouldn’t have used his strength to make sure he’d protect the Key. Dawn.”
“I can’t be like him,” Inara said.
“Of course you can. It’s in your blood,” Buffy told her. “And this is something I learned the hard way, no one has the right to tell you what you feel. If you need something, then you need it. You can’t let your friends, or your job, or your government dictate your feelings.”
“... What should I do?” Inara asked mournfully. “I’ve been told my whole life what to do and what to feel. I don’t know anything else. A Companion loves, she does not fall in love.”
“They tell you that in your manual?” Buffy questioned and Inara nodded. “So what’s it tell you to do after you’ve already fallen in love?”
“Miranda’s a planet?”
Spike nodded. “From what I can gather, yeah.”
“But how can you be sure?” asked Simon.
“Well it’s not an exact science Dr. Tam, but near as I can figure, Miranda is a planet,” he told him.
“Wash, see if you can’t find anything on the cortex, maybe we can find this mystery planet of ours,” Mal ordered.
“Aye, aye Cap,” Wash said and headed off to the bridge.
“Good work,” Mal nodded to Spike.
Spike just shrugged. “Spent a hundred years with a girl like that. Hard not to pick something up.”
“All the same,” Mal shrugged to.
“It’s all good,” Spike told him. “Now, have you seen my girls anywhere?”
“Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours ago-ho,” he hummed as he tromped into the shuttle. “I wanna’ be sedated.”
“I’m sure Simon could help you with that,” Buffy smiled from her spot next to Inara.
“There are my gorgeous girls,” he gave them a dazzling smile and moved towards them. “Been lookin’ for you two.”
“Get anything out of River?” Buffy asked as he sat down between them and put his arms around their shoulders.
“I did,” he nodded and gave them a squeeze and they laid their heads on his shoulders. “Miranda’s planet. Wash is tryin’ to find out what’s what about it.”
“I guess those years with Dru finally have a purpose now,” Buffy teased.
Spike snorted. “That’s what I said... So, what am I interuptin’?”
“Just girl talk,” Buffy told him.
He nodded and placed a kiss on the top of Inara’s head and asked, “You okay?”
She gave him a smile and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine now.”
He smiled back. “Good, can’t have my favorite great-granddaughter upset. That happens, then I start hitting high commandin’ Alliance officials and then we have to run and tromps through the woods, and get into fights with even more officers with the law.”
“And sprain your ankle,” Inara added.
“And almost get hit by a barrage of huge overstuffed bags,” Buffy finished.
“Get my point?” Spike asked. “Gotta’ keep my girls happy.”
“I think I’m gettin’ the hand of that,” Buffy said after the ship had set down. She held up her hand. “See? No shaking.”
“I’m very proud of you,” Spike kissed on the cheek and took her hand as they entered the cargo bay.
“-And maybe have a real bath,” Zoe was saying to Wash as the came down the stairs.
“This is going to be a good leave,” Wash nodded in agreement. “We should do this more often.”
“How long we stayin’ Cap?” Kaylee asked.
“I’m thinkin’ a week or so,” Mal replied. “No rush to be anywhere. Can’t stay forever, though. Need to move if the Alliance is on us.”
“So did you’s kill that guy back on Melbourne?” Jayne asked Spike.
“No I’ve been tryin’ to cut back on that,” Spike told him. “But he won’t tell anyone who we are.”
“How’d ya’ know?”
“I broke his jaw and all his fingers. And unless he can write with his toes, I think he’ll be mute for awhile.”
“............ ‘Mind me not to make you’s angry...”
Buffy rolled her eyes watching Spike love playing the bad boy and intimate the larger man.
“So you spoke to Shepherd?” Mal asked Inara.
“Yes, he told me there was an empty house open, but we could start building a new one if we want,” she replied.
“Build?” Mal asked surprised. “How long you plannin’ on stayin’?”
“I’m not sure,” she told him. “I don’t know if there are any warrants for me and Spike and Buffy. I’m not sure I can go back.”
Mal nodded thoughtfully. “You can always say we kidnapped you,” he suggested.
“You don’t want me around, Captain?” she asked a little hurt.
“No! That’s not what I- I mean, if you want to go back-” he fumbled. “... I don’t want you to leave Inara.”
She smiled then and Mal was glad he finally got that out. “I don’t want to leave either Malcolm,” she told him seriously. “I didn’t the first time.”
“You need any help makin’ this house of yours?” he asked. “I’m thinkin’ we could make Haven a regular stop from now on, and I’m handy with a hammer.”
Buffy nudged Spike and motioned over to the Captain and their great-granddaughter. He smiled at the scene. Both of them wearing smiles and awfully close to each other.
“’Bout bloody time,” she whispered to him and he laughed and picked her up and spun her around. This of course got everyone’s attention.
“What are they so happy about?” Simon asked Kaylee and the newly freed River.
“Things are coming together,” River replied and Simon caught Kaylee’s eyes and smiled. “It took long enough.”
“I could hunt,” Buffy said at the dinner Book had set up for the whole town. “There has to be something here to kill.”
“You wouldn’t be able to kill it with your hands pet, don’t that take the fun out of it?” Spike asked as he picked up some meat and slapped it down on his plate and moved to the next item on the buffet table.
“Well, I’m no good at building things and I suck in the kitchen, what am I s’pose to do?” she put her hands on her hips.
“Book told ‘bout some crops we could plant. And livestock,” he suggested with false cheerfulness. “Maybe we could be farmers?”
“Maybe you could teach?” Kaylee tried.
“Me, a teacher?” Buffy snorted. “I don’t think so. What would I teach?”
“History?” Spike smirked. “Give them your infinite knowledge of twenty-first century pop culture?”
Buffy rolled her eyes.
“I didn’t mean books and stuff,” Kaylee said. “Maybe teach people to fight? Or you three can start your own trainin’ house like on New Melbourne?”
“Self-defense, yes,” Spike said. “But there are some really pretty people on Melbourne and not so many here. I’ll pass on the latter.”
“That’s not very nice,” Kaylee said.
“Says the little girl with the handsome young Doctor in her sights,” Spike teased and grinned when she blushed.
“Leave her alone, Spike,” Buffy scolded. “But I don’t think I could make the training house work either. I like the self-defense idea.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” Inara told them as she and Mal joined them at the large buffet table. “Might get out all of those violent urges.”
“Well not all of them I hope,” Spike smirked again and Buffy smacked his shoulder and shooed him down the line.
“So how ‘bout you, ‘Nara?” Kaylee asked. “What are you gonna’ do?”
“I haven’t really thought about miemie,” Inara replied and picked a few things from the table before moving further down.
“Well I want to design the house,” Spike was saying. “You saw what I did with the place on Melbourne. I’d make it good.”
“What do you know about houses Spike?” Buffy asked.
“Supports, foundations, walls, ceiling, roof, I can do it,” he replied. “And if I can’t, we’ll just find the nicest house on the block and ask for help.”
“Talk to Book,” Mal told them. “He does follow a carpenter’s footsteps you know?”
“He’s building the church across the square,” Inara nodded over to the construction area past the canapé above the dinning tent.
“Oh! Food!” they all turned to Wash who nearly sprinted for the buffet. “Real food!”
“Don’t forget,” Zoe said, as she came up behind him. “This has to feed everyone, dear. It’s not all for you.”
Wash nodded and took a mouthful of bread. “Yes honey,” he mumbled through the food.
“Damnit, I said get off me!” Jayne growled.
“Giddy up!” River cheered as she clung to the merc’s back and shoulders.
“Someone get her off!” he yelled.
“River that’s not sanitary!” Simon told her. “Get off of him before you catch something!”
“I don’t pay you to give piggyback rides, Jayne,” Mal told him trying to sound stern. “Quit foolin’.”
“She like a big old tick!” he replied. “I can’t get her off short of rammin’ her into somethin’.”
Spike looked River in the eye for a whole second and she suddenly blushed bright red and leaped off of Jayne’s back and hid behind him.
“You’re mean!” she pointed from behind the big man.
“Yes, I’m a bad man,” he laughed at her and turned back to pick up his food and head for a place near the bonfire.
“What was that?” Mal asked for everyone as they caught up with him.
“Girl’s a mind reader,” he replied with a shrug. “Jus’ though ‘bout somethin’.”
“What was it?” Simon asked.
He smirked back at them and shook his head. “You don’t wanna’ know.”
(A/N: use your imagination :}) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The next few months that passed were some of Buffy’s most peaceful she’d ever had since she’d been called. She started her defense classes and they were a hit. Inara, having been trained to fend for herself by the Guild, assisted her and taught the basic 101 courses, while she training herself with Spike.
Spike had surprised Buffy once again, by teaching music. He’d seen generations of it, watched it evolve over the years. He had formed a choir and a small orchestral band. He taught the classics that Inara new and some more mainstream rock music that no one had heard in years. He was very put out to learn that rock and roll didn’t existed anymore. Had ranted about it for three weeks. He was now dead set to bring it back. In Buffy’s opinion, he was a new aged Mozart/Kurt Cobain.
Mal had come through on his promise of stopping frequently and Serenity was a familiar sight to the people of Haven. Sort of like a home base. Every now and then, Spike would accompany them on jobs when he was bored and his students were on break.
Inara and Mal had their first date about two months ago and were spending almost every day that Serenity was docked together. Not long after they’d arrived on Haven those months back, Simon finally wised up and he and Kaylee hooked up. Mal had protested at first, as everyone knew he would, but eventually relented. No one knew for sure, but they all thought it was Inara’s doing.
And with about three months of work, they’d managed to build that house. Spike came through once again, it was beautiful. And to Buffy’s delight, it was big. Two stories, a huge wraparound deck and all of the decorations they had from New Melbourne. It was big enough to fit some of the crew if they needed to stay planet side for awhile, weather it begin because of injuries or Simon and River hanging back to the crew could take jobs from the Core.
Not bad for a dust ball of a planet.
“You’re father and I are coming to get you,” the old blue haired lady said.
“No! Nana Rose, you can’t!” Inara tried to tell her. “I’m safe, honestly. You can’t come here.”
“Are know where you are and we’re coming child,” Nana Rose told her. “Your father’s been so worried after you disappeared from New Melbourne.”
“You can tell him I’m fine,” Inara protested, hating herself for taking this wave when the Shepherd told her it was incoming. How had they found her? Would they bring the Alliance?
“You can tell him yourself when we’ve landed this evening,” the elder woman replied sternly. “My family has been taking care of yours for generations, I’m not about to go tell your father that you’re fine and head home. This is just as bad as when you left Sihnon.”
“This evening?” Inara repeated dreadfully. Oh god.
“Yes, we’ll see you then,” Nana Rose turned off the transmission before Inara could say another thing.
“This can’t be happening,” she whispered and put her face in her hands.
“Like that?” Jayne asked skeptically, looking up at Spike for appraisal.
“That’s... almost right, you’ve almost got it, just-” he reached out and adjusted his fingers. “There you go.”
Jayne tried out the new finger position and they both heard Buffy gasp.
“Oh god!”
“Hey, I’m gettin’ the hang of that one now!” Jayne cheered.
Spike looked up at Buffy. “You okay, luv?”
Jayne put down his guitar and turned to the two woman who’d joined them out on the deck.
(A/N: you all thought it was something dirty, didn’t you? :} )
“We have a problem...”
The sun fell too early in their opinions. Spike, Buffy, Inara and Jayne all waited anxiously for Inara’s father’s shuttle to arrive.
“How’d they’s even find ya’?” Jayne asked the ex-companion. “Couldn’t have track Serenity.”
“I don’t know,” Inara replied. “Nana Rose always find’s me somehow.”
“Think they put a tracer on ya’?” he asked.
“Damnit Jayne, I have no idea!” she exclaimed. “Tamada!”
“We all just need to calm down,” Buffy said and moved to Inara. “It’ll be okay, sweetheart, we won’t let them take you.”
Inara sniffled and blinked back tears and nodded. “I know. I don’t want you to hurt them though.”
“We’ll figure something out, pet,” Spike told her.
“Which one’s your kid?” Jayne asked. “Her ma or pa?”
“My father,” Inara told him. “God, I really with Mal was here.”
“He’ll be here in a few days baby,” Buffy hugged her. “And so will you.”
“They're here,” Spike said quietly, looking up at the sky.
Three people exited Mr. Serra’s ship when it landed. Leonard Serra, an aging man, but not unattractive. Maybe Spike in twenty years, but with softer yet familiar features. Nana Rose, a very elder woman with long blue hair. And a man in his mid twenties. Inara hadn’t seen him before. Buffy and Spike had.
Buffy and Spike both stared at him and he and Nana Rose both stared at them.
The man just looked curious, but Nana Rose was wide eyed in shock like Buffy and Spike.
“Buffy?” she asked in almost awe. “Spike?”
Spike’s eyes left the shorter man and looked the old woman in the eye. “Well, well. Look’s like Red has turned herself blue.”
Once again, Buffy was shocked. “My god... Willow?”
A/N: So there was the next installment. I know it was shorter than the first, but I had writers block for a day. I hope you liked. More to come.
Wednesday, October 4, 2006 6:19 PM
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