Justice - Chapter 4
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Jayne brings Stocks back to Mal and they begin to try and find Blake.


Disclaimer: Joss is GOD

A/N: And we're back! I know you all were suffering from the wait I put you through, so I'm here to kill your pain. The much awaited Chapter 4!(ps: incase you didn't notice, that was sarcasm.) Thanks to those who reviewed... or the one person who reviewed. Really people! Do you want me to think that you don't like this?... Don't answer that... Okay, you know what? Let's just get on with the story.

######################################## Chapter 4

“That was damn near poetical,” Jayne told his “companion” after he had let out along string of Chinese curses. Jayne guessed that Stocks didn’t like being dragged the way that he was. Not that he blamed him. He’d be spouting off curses if he was being dragged through dirt, gravel and sand on the way to Serenity. The tight chafing ropes around his ankles and wrists must be spurring on his creativity.

Well it certainly hadn’t been easy to get the giant into this position. Probably the best fight he’d ever had in a one on one instance. Stocks was all matter of strong, and for once Jayne, had to rely on speed and skill. Strategy had taken the giant down. This was a new feeling for Jayne. He’d never been “David” in the “Goliath” situation.

He’d thought about questioning him back in the Skirts, but he didn’t want to miss anything. Mal would want to talk with this guy, and he wasn’t gonna’ let this mother go until he was certain that he didn’t have to go wrangle him again.

So Jayne tugged the rope and trudged on forward. The ship was in sight and he was thankful. It was a long enough walk without towing a giant by his feet. The sun was bright and hot. No breeze to speak of. This led Jayne to start asking where the gorram lake was that this place was named after. Shouldn’t there be a grand silver looking body of water on a place that was called Silverlake? That made sense, right? He would have asked Stocks, but he seemed a bit busy at the moment.


Mal knocked gently against Kaylee’s bunk. He could still hear her crying in there. “Inara? Kaylee?”

After a moment, the little light next to the bunk that indicated it was locked, blinked out and Mal pushed the door open and climbed on the into the bunk.

As soon as his feet hit the floor, he had an armful of his engineer. Lil’ Kaylee sobbed into his chest and Mal wrapped his arms around her, murmuring comforting things into her hair as if she was his own child.

As Kaylee cried Mal caught Inara’s eyes over the younger girl’s head. She looked shaken as well, though he knew she would never break down as Kaylee would. She wasn’t near as sensitive as ‘Lil Kaylee was. She’d put on a brave mask and beat those feelings down into her before she let someone see her in a state like Kaylee was in.

He gave her a small smile and held out one of his hands to her. “Wanna’ hug too?” he asked.

Inara closed her eyes and laughed slightly. She shook her head with a smile that mirrored his own. One that gave away her relief that he had arrived and sad that he needed to there to protect them from something of such a nature.

Rape, or the threat of rape was something that Mal appalled. He never thought that it would get on his ship. Things like that never happen on Serenity and if he had his way, which he planned to, it would never be there again.


“He’s dead,” Simon said evenly as he pulled his hand away from the dead Marshal’s neck. A neck that happened to be bent at a funny angel.

Zoe stood over him looking down at the body and nodded. “Let’s get him out of sight and into the infirmary.” She’d taken pity on him and River and lowered the mule for them when Kaylee didn’t show. River ran off as soon as it was low enough to jump down yelling that it wasn’t right to defy nature.

“Good idea,” Simon agreed and took the man’s arms as she got his legs. “Okay... Lift.”

The marshal was heavier than he looked. The heaved the body up and waddled out of the cargo bay and passed the common room.

“Let’s get him on the counter,” Simon said as they entered infirmary.

They both grunted and plopped the dead man on top on the metal counter with a sigh. “Haulin’ dead weight around,” Zoe shook her head. “This is Jayne’s job.”

“’Dead weight’?” Simon asked as he washed his hands in the sink. “Is that a joke?”

“You got somethin’ to cover him with?” she ignored his question.

“In the cupboard next to you,” Simon motioned with a nod. “Where is Jayne? He wasn’t with you guys last night.”

Zoe dug around in the cupboard under the dead man. “Out lookin’ for leads.”

“Oh,” he nodded and then realized he had no idea what was going on. “Leads for what?”


“What happened to the Marshal?” Inara finally asked when Kaylee had calmed down.

Mal was sitting on the cot next to Inara, Kaylee still pressed against his chest as she curled up on the small bed.

“Kicked him off the catwalk,” Mal replied petting the younger woman’s hair. “He won’t be botherin’ ya’ anytime soon.”

Inara frowned and put her hand on his. “Mal, not that I’m not grateful or that I didn’t want to hurt that man myself, but,” she paused. “You kicked a Federal Marshal off the thirty-foot catwalk?”

“I’m well aware of what I’ve done ‘Nara,” Mal replied. “And the repercussions to come.”

“Is he alive?” she asked.

Mal shrugged. “Dunno’. The Doc should be seein’ to him.”

Inara let out a long sigh and laid back against the bunk’s wall, resting her head on his shoulder. “What is wrong with this planet?”

“Marshal Law,” he told her. “Ultimate power in the hands of deranged bastards.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know,” he replied with a sigh of his own. “Haven’t given it much thought yet. We’ll figure it out... Jus’ wanted to make sure you two were okay.”

She leaned in a bit closer. “Worried again were you?”

He didn’t get a chance to answer. A loud knock on the door sounded, followed by Wash’s voice. “Cap? You in there? Jayne’s back and he brought someone for you to meet.”

Mal looked back to Inara with an apologetic smile.

She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. “Go on. We’ll be okay,” she told him with a soft smile.

He gave her another smile and Kaylee moved off of his lap so he could get up. “Thanks Cap,” Kaylee said sniffling a bit more.

He gave her one last hug and kissed the top of her head before climbing up the ladder and out of the bunk.

When the hatch closed behind him Kaylee turned to her friend. “I know there’s a lot of things goin’ on right now, but how come you didn’t get around to tellin’ me that you was on kissin’ basis with the Cap’n?” she accused narrowing her eyes.


“Mal, meet Stocks. Stocks, meet Mal,” Jayne nodded to the captain and the man bundled up on the floor of the bay.

Mal looked over to his pilot. “This the guy that roughed you up?”

“That’s him,” Wash nodded.

“He’s certainly big,” Mal commented. “You weren’t lyin’.”

“Yeah, but in the dark he seemed...” Wash trailed off.

“Bigger?” Jayne asked.

“Smaller,” Wash corrected and shuddered. “If I had known he was this big when he was attacking me, I probably would have peed my pants.”

“Good work Jayne,” Mal nodded over to the merc.

Jayne felt a smug smile come over his face and he looked back down at the giant. Stocks had stopped struggling when Jayne hauled him on the boat and people with guns surrounded him.

“What do you want?” the giant growled up at Mal.

“You attacked two of my crew last night,” Mal reminded him. “I tend to frown on that.”

“So you’re what?” he asked. “Gonna’ kill me?”

“Never said that,” Mal replied. “Though the look on Jayne’s face makes me think he wants to have you stuffed and put on his wall.”

“Never killed myself a giant before,” Jayne grinned.

“It’d be an ugly wall piece Jayne,” Zoe told him from her spot next to her husband.

“If y’all are gonna’ kill me just do it already,” Stocks growled.

Mal drew his gun and knelt down next to him. “We ain’t gonna’ kill ya’... well not yet,” Mal said. “What do you know about a man called Blake?”

“Marshal,” the giant growled in response.

“That don’t make no sense,” Jayne said frowning. “If he’s a Marshal then why’s the others after him?”

“Whole town’s fuckin’ corrupt,” Stocks told them. “Law’s the worst though. They go ‘round arrestin’ people who ain’t done nothin’. Take their shit. Lock up the guys, rape the girls. And it’s legal! They make the rules as they go along. Nothin’ nobody can do.”

“Where’s Blake fit in?” Mal asked.

“He’s the one good guy,” Stocks snorted. “Fuckin’ do-gooder. Found out ‘bout all his buddies stuff. Now he goes ‘round knockin’ ‘em off one by one.”

“So if he’s one of the bad guys, then why’d he save Wash and Kaylee when you’s robbed them?” asked Jayne.

“’Cause he ain’t one of the bad guys!” Stocks growled at him, wondering how in the hell this man was able to best him. “Ain’t you listenin’? Tien Blake’s a good guy.”

Mal holstered his gun and stood. “We cut you loose, you gonna’ bring heat down on us?” he asked.

Stocks thought for a moment before shaking his head.

“Good. Jayne?”


Mal sighed. “Untie him and get him off my boat- Wait! One more thing,” he turned back to Stocks. “Where can I find him?”


“No one is to leave the ship until we get back, ya’ here?” Mal told his crew. “Seal up tight. No one opens those doors less of blowin’ ‘em off.”

“You three just be careful out there,” Book said putting his hand on Mal’s shoulder.

He nodded and turned back to the crew. “Wash, your in-charge. Simon, anyone do come knockin’, you an’ your sis find a good place to hide.”

He received nodded in return and he, Zoe and Jayne moved towards the bay doors.

“Mal,” Inara called and he waited for her to catch up.

Zoe and Jayne headed down the ramp leaving him and Inara alone.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Um well, I wanted to apologize for the way I was back in my shuttle,” she told him.

Mal felt his stomach drop. This wasn’t something he needed before he went in search for a renegade Marshal. “You mean the...?” he trailed off.

“No!” she said quickly. “Not the kiss!”

“Oh... Thank god,” Mal sighed.

“What I meant was,” she tried again. “... I was unkempt. Shook up you could say. I’m sorry... for breaking down like that.”

“Breaking-?” Mal shook his head. “Nothin’ to be sorry for darlin’. If that’s you ‘not’ being in control then... I understand,” he settled.

She gave him a shy smile and took a step forward. “Thank you,” she told him softly.

Mal’s lips quirked and he set his hands on her hips lightly. “Now... ‘bout that kiss...” he bent down and brushed his lips to hers.

The kiss was sweet, gentle, caring, lov-

“Mal! C’mon man, let’s go!” Jayne hollered

And once again, far too short.

They broke the kiss and pulled back.

“Be careful,” she told him.

“Yeah, you too,” he replied. “And hey. Keep an eye on Kaylee would ya’?”

“Of course,” she nodded and they moved closer again.

“Hurry up!”

Mal gave her a quick peck and then moved down the ramp backwards. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go kill Jayne,” he said with a frustrated sigh.

“No, by all means, I wouldn’t want to keep you from that,” she smiled and waved.

“A woman after my own heart,” he smirked and then almost tripped at the end of the ramp, effectively killing any and all suave he had the moment before. “We’ll continue this later,” he said when she giggled.

I’ll hold you to that, she thought and moved back inside. She looked back for one last glance before hitting the controls for the airlock door.


A/N: Playing jokes on Mal is so fun. :)

Okay, I know this one was kind of short, but... okay I just couldn't think on how to make it longer, sorry. Reviews make me very happy. So long as they say nice things and don't injure my extremely limited ego.

Let me know what you think! REVIEW!!!


Sunday, October 22, 2006 10:15 AM


While I do agree that playing jokes on Mal is hi-larious, this has got to be the best line of the whole piece:

>When the hatch closed behind him Kaylee turned to her friend. “I know there’s a lot of things goin’ on right now, but how come you didn’t get around to tellin’ me that you was on kissin’ basis with the Cap’n?” she accused narrowing her eyes.<

So very Kaylee and completely appropriate. I'm digging on the story is building so far, although the Silee fan in me wishes they were together so Simon could have been the wone to comfort her and not the captain ... But still, cool!

Sunday, October 22, 2006 12:42 PM


Loved this and I really like Jayne's pleasure at being praised on a job well done, it doesn't happen that often but at least it's meant when it does. This seems a really crappy planet so I hope our heroes take care out there and I liked Kaylee wanting to know how long Inara and the Captain have been at the kissing stage. So like her to want all the gory details. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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Justice - Chapter 5
Stocks warns Blake about the crew and said crew finally find Blake.

Justice - Chapter 4
Jayne brings Stocks back to Mal and they begin to try and find Blake.

Justice - Chapter 3
The crew are interrogated and Jayne heads out to find leads.

Justice - Chapter 2
The crew and Marshals learn of Lt. Britx' death.

Justice - Chapter 1
The crew land on a planet that is under Marshal Law.

Heirloom 2
Continuation of my fic Heirloom

Spike and Buffy went down with the Hellmouth. And a pretty little amulet is handed down through the ages to Inara as an heirloom.

Spike and Buffy went down with the Hellmouth. And a pretyy little amulet is handed down through the ages to Inara as an heirloom.