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The crew and Marshals learn of Lt. Britx' death.
Disclaimer: Joss is GOD
######################################## Chapter 2
Patience is a virtue.
That’s what they say.
Right now, Mal wasn’t feeling very virtues.
Neither was Jayne, Zoe noted, but he wasn’t squirming as much as the Captain as they waited for High Lieutenant Britx to get back from his date with Inara and pay them for the cargo.
“God, what’s taking so long?” Mal complained. “He was s’pose to be here over half an hour ago.”
“I assure you, Captain,” Sgt. Reevs said. “He’ll be here soon.”
Mal snorted and leaned back in the uncomfortable chair that he was sat in. He broke his stare on Reevs and looked around the Marshal’s Office. It was just like all of the other jails he’d ever seen or had the distinct pleasure of staying in. It reminded him of the one where he and Zoe had been kept during the train job for Niska.
“Maybe she liked him enough to give him some bonus time?” Jayne suggested cruelly. “Never met a whore who’d give anyone more than the time he’s paid. This Britx guy must be good.”
It took ever inch of Mal’s control not to pull out his gun and shoot his dumb ass merc then and right there. His hand went to rest on it just in case.
Zoe noticed Mal’s move rather quickly and turned and slapped Jayne dead in the face.
“Ow!” he exclaimed and held his cheek. “What the fuck!?!”
“The next time you speak, Jayne,” she said, calm, but menacing. “I will not use an open hand.”
Jayne scowled and grumbled to himself for the next ten minutes as Mal tried to regain his calm.
“Reevs!” someone screamed from outside. “Reevs!”
The Sergeant bolted from his seat and ran out of the station. With a bewildered look to Zoe, Mal rushed out after him, Zoe and Jayne right behind him.
They found Reevs and another Marshal crouching over a bleeding man lying in the street, he to, was a Marshal.
“Sir!” the man with a huge hole in his stomach gasped. “Sir, it was Blake. He killed... Thomas!”
“Shit!” Reevs swore and stood. “Get him to the hospital,” he ordered the other Marshal.
“What’s goin’ on?” Mal asked as Reevs passed them going back into the station. “Hey!” he reached out and grabbed the man’s arm when he didn’t respond. “What is going on?”
Reevs glared at him, but answered. “Are own local terrorist,” he spat. “He shot my man over there and killed another. Lt. Britx is in danger.”
With that, Reevs tore his arm away from Mal’s grasp and hurried inside.
“Inara,” Mal whispered to himself and took off down the street to the Marshal’s mule. Leaving Jayne and Zoe behind, he sped off towards Inara’s meeting point, hoping that she was okay. Please God, let her be okay...
“Inara!?!” Mal shouted when he arrived at her shuttle. Leaping from the mule, gun in hand, he rushed past the blood mess of the dead Marshal and inside the small ship. “Inara!?!”
He didn’t stop when he saw Lt. Britx lying dead with his face missing. His heart was in his throat. He was terrified.
She was lying on her bed, blood splattered on her bright dress. He couldn’t tell if she was breathing or not.
“Jesus, Inara!” he cried and rushed to her.
As soon as she was in his arms, he found she was alive. Letting out a sob of relief, his hands quickly searched her body for injuries.
“Mal?” he heard her small call.
With another sob, Mal cradled her to him, looking down at her beautiful face. He rested his hand on her cheek and caressed it gently. “Hey, darlin’,” he said softly.
She reached her own hand up to his cheek. “Why are you crying?” she asked.
“I’m not-” Mal sniffled and just then realized he was crying. He turned to look away. “Was worried,” he told her.
“About me?” she asked.
He looked back down to her. “Is that so hard to believe?” he asked in a whisper.
She almost thought she was dreaming right then. Malcolm Reynolds so close that she could literally reach out and touch him. She’d had this dream before. Never expected it to come true. She didn’t want to waste it.
The next thing Mal knew was that Inara’s lips were on his own. Having been wanting to have that for so long, Mal was quite stunned at first, but it didn’t take him forever to react. He kissed her back, pouring all his fear, worry and love for this woman into it.
Neither really knew how long the kiss lasted, but it ended far too soon in their opinion. The distant clomp of hoofs and men’s boots hit their ears and they pulled back. They stared into each other’s eyes until the sounds of shouting came closer.
Reevs and Zoe both raced into the shuttle at the same time.
“Shit!” Reevs shouted when he found Britx.
Zoe rushed towards them. “Sir, are you two okay?” she asked.
“She’s not hurt,” Mal replied, not taking his eyes from the woman’s in his arms. He blinked. “Right?” he asked Inara. “Are you hurt?”
She shook her head slightly. “No... No, I’m not hurt.”
“What happened?” Reevs stormed over to them. “What happened?” he demanded again.
Inara looked over to the glowering Marshal and then back at Mal. “Nothing happened,” she told him so that only he could hear and then addressed the lawman. “We were talking and then all of a sudden, we heard gun shots and then this man broke in and shot him.”
Reevs seethed. “How long ago was this?” he asked hotly.
“I- I don’t know,” she replied. “I was... scared and I don’t recall the time... We had just sat down a minute before...”
Reevs gave her a curt nod and turned to Mal. “Captain Reynolds, you and your crew are not to leave. Your ship will be grounded until we get this settled or until I say differently.”
“Now, wait a second,” Mal said, anger building in him. “You want us to stay here while there’s a terrorist on the lose?”
“That’s exactly right,” Reevs told him. “And while you’re here, you’ll do as I say. We are under Marshal law and what I say goes, got it?”
“Marshal law?” Zoe repeated.
“Do you have a problem with you ears?” Reevs asked snidely. “Yes, Marshal law. I’m God on this planet,” he turned and began to stomp out of the shuttle, stopping at the exit. “The Companion is a whiteness and this shuttle is evidence, get out of it now and be escorted to interrogation.”
Mal swore and let Inara up and off of the bed. “Zoe, call Serenity. Tell them what’s going on. And tell them to get Simon and River hidden yesterday.”
“Yes sir,” she nodded and started out of the shuttle.
Mal looked back to Inara. She was looking around at all of her things. Her lip was trembling.
“Hey,” he said softly and she let him put his arms around her. “It’ll be okay.”
“This is my home,” she whispered. “They’re taking my home.”
“We’ll get it back,” he told her. “I won’t let them have it for long.”
He looked down at the dead guy and them picked her up into his arms. “Let’s get out of here.”
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she nodded into his chest and he carried her out, not letting her see the mess that was once High Lieutenant Michael Britx.
“Did you get him?” was the first thing that he heard when he entered the hideout.
Blake looked over to Mary-Louis and nodded. He made his fingers a gun and put it to her forehead and pretended to shoot her.
She smiled in grim satisfaction as Lamen entered behind Blake. He smiled at her and grabbed her hands and started dancing her around the room.
“God, you would have loved it, Mare,” he told her. “’Please! Have mercy!’” he cried putting a hand to his chest for the dramatics.
Mare giggled as he spun her and let her go.
“Who’d ya’ think the girl was?” Lamen asked Blake as he took off his coat and gun belt.
“Well, we all know that Britx couldn’t get a date to save his life,” Blake said and sat down in an old lazy chair. “I’m guessin’ she was from that ship. Companion maybe,” he shrugged.
“Oooh, rich pussy,” Lamen grinned. “Only got a quick look, but I don’t think Lt. Britx got any of that fine piece of tits and ass.”
“She was fully robed. He died an unsatisfied man,” Blake nodded. “She tried to talk me out of it even.”
“Are you losing your touch, Tien?” Mare asked teasingly. “Can’t even scare little girls anymore?”
“It’s not little girls I’m after,” he told her. “She was just an unfortunate bystander.”
“She’s a whore, you should have killed her too,” Mare sneered. “Better off without people like that in the world.”
Blake looked at the young nineteen-year-old girl for a moment and regarded her. She wasn’t the perky; nothing can get her down, type of girl anymore. After he’d saved her, she turned dark. He couldn’t blame her. Not at all. But it still hurt to remember that something he was a part of did that to her.
“A Companion’s not a whore,” he said after a long moment.
Mare snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. “Right. Whatever you say.”
“How much do you think it’d take for me to get her for a night?” Lamen asked, breaking the tension in the room.
Blake laughed. “All the money in the ‘verse wouldn’t get that woman into bed with you. You’re one ugly piece of shit.”
Mare giggled as Lamen glared at Blake. “Don’t worry sweets,” she cooed. “You’re not that bad.”
Lamen’s face lit up when the young white girl wrapped her arms around his neck and did a suggestive sway of her hips.
“I didn’t need to see that,” Blake said and stood from his comfy chair. “I’m goin’ to see Colin. Get him up to date,” he put his guns back on and then his coat. “No having sex in my chair!” he called back as he closed the door.
He could hear Mare’s outraged shout as he started down the street. “As if!”
That had to improve a man’s ego, he thought sarcastically as he pictured Lamen’s face from that comment.
After about five blocks he heard the distinct sounds of a tussle not far away. The Marshal in him, made him run towards it.
On an off street of the main, he found Stocks, a man he’d been after for a few months before Lamen took him to help Mare. He was a big man. More then seven feet tall and strong as an ox. On more than one occasion he’d managed to get his ass kicked by this giant, but not without laying in some damage himself.
Stocks was attacking two people, trying to rob them probably. For such a powerful man, Stocks was small time. It was dark, but Blake could make out that it was a young couple. A red haired a man in a Hawaiian shirt and a longhaired girl in coveralls.
“Stocks!” he shouted as he neared and the big man stopped beating on the guy and turned to him. “You got three seconds to walk away before I put a bullet in you,” he told him and drew his .50 pistol from under his coat.
Stocks wasted no time and turned and ran off down the street. Blake watched him go and when he was out of sight, he turned back to the couple. They looked a little shaken up as the girl helped up the guy.
“This is the first time I’ve ever been mugged on my way to the cops,” the man said as he dusted himself off. “Thanks man.”
“Yes,” the girl said. “Thank you.”
Blake nodded and put his gun back in its holster. “You should get out of here,” he told them. “It’s a bad part of town.”
“We were just on our way to the Marshal’s office,” the man said nodding up the street.
These two had to be from that ship with the Companion, he realized. “That’s the bad part,” he said and turned around, leaving the couple in confusion as he made his way down the street and out of sight.
A/N: A special thanks to TamSibling for reviewing and rating. I'm honored that a writer of such calaber is interested in 'lil old me and my almost futile atempts at writing.
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Monday, October 16, 2006 5:18 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006 7:11 PM
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