The Dark Chronicles - Chapter 4: Death Proof ?
Monday, June 11, 2007

A man who betrayed his own side in the War for Independence which side he betrayed is another story,now a bounty hunter searches his days trying to find the meaning of life.


Name of the Fan Fiction: The Dark Chronicles

Genre: Action/Fan Fiction

Author: Darkfly

Time Period: After Serenity

BDFDR (Big Damn F*cking Darkfly Rating Board): The chapters could be any of the following ratings but the majority of the chapters are 12A’s or 15’s with the few exceptions

12A, 15, or 18 (to the US, PG-13, R, or NC17)

Author Notes: This is my 1st ever fan faction, it’s actually my 1st ever completed story I’ve written, since most stories haven’t been interesting enough to actually finish. Don’t mind if my writing ain’t that good. It will coincide with Tina’s (TinaDoll) Verse & some stories will be intertwined into each other’s stories or related. My friends say I have a slightly odd sense of humor, you have been warned, just wait until the ant scene in Chapter 7.

Disclaimer: Firefly & Serenity are the rights of Fux (yeah I said Fux, sound cool wouldn’t you agree it should be there permanent name from now onwards), Universal, & Joss Whedon & in no way is this an official byproduct of Firefly or Serenity. Fux just you remember you cancelled Firefly, Drive, Dark Angel Family Guy twice, Tru Calling, & many other classic shows, you bastards.

Rating: 12A or PG-13 rated The following contains: No Swearing, a life threatening scene, & No Sex(honest)

Chapter 4: Death Proof ?

Matt wakes up from a little nap as the alarm for entering planet atmosphere alarms, he glances up and sees the underbelly of the ship and with the light shining on it he notices coincidently it actually has a purple-belly. He overrides the auto-pilot to take the ship into the atmosphere being careful to stay as close as Scorpion’s ship without crashing into it, as he hits the override auto-pilot for good luck whenever he enters atmo he touches a picture of his father John Dark and a picture of Maria Therese de Jesus, the only two people he’s ever loved. As he breaks atmo he hears a thud from the side of his ship, he looks out of his cockpit and sees that his left thruster is failing, he hits his third big red button which ejects his left thruster, he glances at the two pictures again, and the ship starts to spin out of control while burning through the atmosphere. Using the afterburner as a last resort he hits the silver button activating the afterburner, the ship starts to straighten up but still is wobbly, still nowhere straight enough to even consider making an emergency landing. He ponders the thought of activating the Firefly engine to see if there is any juice left in it, he hits the second big red button activating the engine, the ship fly’s through the last layer of the atmosphere as fast as a speeding bullet on steroids, the ship blinking onto everybody’s radar within about a 1000 mile radius right about now. The Scorpion falls like a thunderbolt from the sky, getting closer and closer to the ground with every passing millisecond. He forces his eyes to open but with the vertical descent along with the G’s he’s pulling he can only open them half way, realizing he’s about 10 seconds from hitting the ground and becoming a pancake. He pulls on the red lever as hard as he can with all his might, wishing he had done those extra 10 weights lifts a day. Reaches for the huge red button, and presses it detaching the engine from the ship, turns the last remaining thruster horizontal and pulls as hard as he can on the red lever. The ship like a dart hitting a dart board slices through the air. Matt thinks of all the good things in his life, Father, love, freedom, and not forgetting guns, girls and computers. Finally he thinks about being reunited with his father John Dark once again in the heaven above, everything turns white…



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The Dark Chronicles - Chapter 4: Death Proof ?
A man who betrayed his own side in the War for Independence which side he betrayed is another story,now a bounty hunter searches his days trying to find the meaning of life.

The Dark Chronicles - Chapter 3: The younger Matt’s new beginning
A man who betrayed his own side in the War for Independence which side he betrayed is another story,now a bounty hunter searches his days trying to find the meaning of life.

The Dark Chronicles - Chapter 2: Tracking is hard when you’re tracking a Warrior Woman!
A man who betrayed his own side in the War for Independence which side he betrayed is another story,now a bounty hunter searches his days trying to find the meaning of life.

The Dark Chronicles-: Chapter 1 - The Beginning of a new man, the ending of the old
A man who betrayed his own side in the War for Independence which side he betrayed is another story,now a bounty hunter searches his days trying to find the meaning of life.

The Dark Chronicles: The Prologue - The Girl
A man who betrayed his own side in the War for Independence which side he betrayed is another story,now a bounty hunter searches his days trying to find the meaning of life.