Olivia: pats 5-6
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Olivia's parents are... Well read and you'll find out.


The rest of dinner went in silence. Things were getting really weird and I think everyone was just a little spooked. Zoe stopped me and asked me how much I remembered about my grandparents. I looked up and started to cry. She then immediately took me into shuttle two because no one went there. “Do you remember anything?” She sounded very, very concerned. “No! I don’t remember anything but how I got this!” I pulled back my hair to show a scare from the corner of my left eye to right above my left ear. “Sweetie how did you get that?” Zoe was hugging me it felt strange she didn’t seem like the person to give hugs that was more Kaylee or Inara. “I was little and fell down the tile stairs. My grama told me I was fine so she didn’t do anything but make sure it would stop bleeding.” She sat down on a box and motioned for me to sit next to her. “Mal had Wash set course for Paquinn, Wash and I have family there.” “You do that’s were my grama lives. I don’t want to go! I don’t want them to find me they’ll hurt me!” Zoe rocked me back and forth. “They won’t hurt you, no one on Serenity will let them come within ten feet of you, got it.” “I still don’t want to go!” “What if I let you come along with me and Wash. You could play with Draggie the dragon.” I looked up at her, she was smiling. “I thought Wash liked dinos?” “Well he wouldn’t share his dinos with Olivia so he got her a dragon puppet.” “But it’s Olly’s I don’t want to take her stuff anymore.” “What if Simon could tell you that you were Olly? What would you do then?” “He can do that!!” “Yes he can. He told me and Wash right after lunch, but he wanted one of us to tell you.” “So you’re my momma and Wash’s my daddy?!” She hugged me tighter and had her chin resting on my head I could feel tears through my hair. “Yes that’s exactly what it means.” There was a knock on the door and Zoe…momma quickly whipped her tears away with the back of her hand. “Come in.” It was Wash…daddy. “Hey, you two ok?” I looked up at him and smiled. “Hey is for horses.” *** “Wash are you going to Wave them or are we just going to drop in unwanted as usual.” “Zoe I think we might change it up a bit I’m gona wave them as soon as we’re in spitting distance.” He paused and took a deep breath. “How’s she taking the news?” “Well for all she’s been through I’d say fairly well. She loves it here already.” “That’s good I still can’t believe it’s her.” He laughed a little. “Neither can I. She’s scared doesn’t want to go back to Paquinn.” “Does anyone? Last time we were here it ended with Jayne and Mal knocked out cold.” “I think you had a reason to be mad but you didn’t have to start that did you?” “All I did was make Mal mad and he knocked out Jayne and obviously River didn’t like the fact that someone besides herself could knock him out.” “Umm…can I come in?” Momma and daddy both turned around to look at me. “Yeah…sure, come on in you can sit any where.” Wash…daddy said with a huge grin. I ran over and hugged him I giggled when he lifted me onto his lap. “Do you want to know what this button does?” It was a black spinning one with a red dot in the center. “This one when you turn it to your right it turns on the communication camera. Then you can practically call anyone you want as long as they’re in range.” “Are you going to use that?” He smiled again. “Yes I am. I’m gona call my parents.” He winced when I looked up at him. “Why are you going to call them? Are you going to tell them about me? Please don’t?” “Sweetie they’re going to find out sooner or later. And with how they react to surprises we’d rather tell them sooner then later. Ok.” I shrugged I didn’t want them to know. “You want to go into the galley for a little bit, maybe annoy one of your uncles.” “I’ll go find unckie Jayjay.” “That’s my girl now get a smile on and have some fun.” As I left I turned around and smiled. “Zo, think we should call?” “Yeah should be getting pretty close now.”



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Olivia: Part 12
Well last repost new stuff coming soon.

Olivia: Part 11
More reposting. Olivia belongs to me everyone else belongs to Joss Whedon.

Olivia: Part 10
More reposting. Most characters belong to Joss I just play with them.

Olivia: Part 7-9
Story continues with a little more background on Olivia.

Olivia: pats 5-6
Olivia's parents are... Well read and you'll find out.

Olivia: Parts 3-4
Story continues. Characters not mine except Olivia.

Olivia: Part 1-2
Well I wrote this story a while ago but I took it off and I don't know why. well here it is again.