Olivia: Part 7-9
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Story continues with a little more background on Olivia.


“Who is this?” A thin red haired blue eyed woman answered. “It’s Hoban and Zoe we’re landing at the docks in about ten minutes so no time for you to pack up and leave.” “Hoban dear how many times do I tell you to call before you come.” “Every time, but I don’t for the reason that you would leave town as quick as possible.” The woman glared back at Wash. “Oh I know you hate surprises so I’ll inform you that your granddaughter will be there too.” “You had another kid that you can not take care of so you’re handing her over to me.” “No we’re bringing Olivia.” Wash grinned seeing his mother mad made him very happy. “Olivia, that’s not possible she died.” “She didn’t die mom! You lied to me and Zoe that our only child was dead!” “We’ll finish this discussion when you get here.” The comm link died as Wash sat back in his chair. *** “Here’s Draggie, you gona need anything else?” Momma was with me down in her and daddy’s bunk. “You must be really scared.” She said kneeling down to my level. “Why you say that?” I questioned with my thumb in my mouth. “Never mind sweetie.” She looked at my blue eyes and patted me on the head. It felt weird when we landed. I hit my head on the wall because the shaking threw me off balance. Momma told me to sit down in the galley with Book. “You have really made Zoe and Wash happy little one.” I hadn’t really talked to Book very much since I’ve been on Serenity. “I’m scared ‘bout goin’ back, don’t want to see grama and papa again.” “Well your momma and daddy won’t let anything happen to you; they don’t want to lose you again.” He was smiling probably because he’s a preacher. “Olivia it’s time to go!” I jump off my chair and ran out of the galley. “Wash before you leave,” Book stopped daddy as he was leaving the room and whispered something in his ear. “Got it,” He turned to me and smiled again, “come on sweetheart lets go catch up with your momma.” *** “Why does he think I’m lying I had to watch his daughter die. She was such a good kid I would never lie to him and Zoe about Olivia’s death.” Remy Washburne paced up and down the kitchen watching her shoes. “John you remember how hard it was on me and your father to watch are granddaughter die.” “Yes mom I know I had to watch too.” He looked up at a picture on the wall. It was sweet little Olivia when she was only a year old. “Maybe he thinks you lied because they have her with them now and they wouldn’t if she was dead.” “The doctors told me she had died. Your father couldn’t sleep for days. He had a bond with her that no one could break.” She looked out the window toward the docks this day was bound to be pure torture for everyone. *** Daddy’s hand wrapped tight around my wrist. He didn’t want me to go wandering off. Some people waved at me, some just stared, all of them whispered with secrets to share. Momma held my hand and told me not to worry. Everything would be over soon if we hurry. “Hoban what you doing back so soon, thought you would never come back after the fight a few years back.” A storekeeper called from a window. He was smiling until he saw me. “Yeah didn’t think I would be back either.” “Daddy how much further.” “Not much we’ll be there in about ten minutes.” “How long is ten minutes?” Momma realised that daddy had started the sweet game of the never ending questions. “All you do is count to six hundred.” “1-2-3-4-5-10-6-8-13-7 like that?” “No like this, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16.” “Is that six hundred?” “No six hundred is 600 not 16.” “What’s the difference?” “The difference is sixteen is…is…umm Zoe can you explain this one?” Momma looked over to daddy. “Nope you got yourself in this mess now you got to get yourself out of it.” “But she won’t stop asking questions!” Daddy was frustrated I thought it was funny. “What’s a question?” “See!!” Momma rolled her eyes at him. “That’s a question!!!” “No it’s not!!” “Can I ride on your shoulders?” “Maybe.” “Maybe means no!” “No it doesn’t.” “So can I?” “We’ll see.” Momma was holding daddy’s other hand. “We’ll see is the same as maybe.” “No it’s not.” “Yes it is.” “No it’s not.” “Is too.” “Is not.” “Both of you stop!” Momma was mad at us I think so I stuck my tongue out at daddy. “Olivia that’s not very nice.” “Sorry daddy.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw a kitty-cat. “Daddy can I pet it?” “No.” “Why not?” “Because it’s dangerous.” “Momma can I pet it?” “Your daddy said no.” “That’s not fair.” I stomped my foot and whined a little. “The joy of having a six year old, with the vocabulary of a ten year old, and the mouth speed of an Olympic marathon runner is fun!” “What’s an Olympic marathon runner?” “Thank God we’re here.” “I though that was a bad thing?” “Zoe do you have to encourage her?” “Yes, who would she be without a little bit of encouragement?” “A quiet little six year old.” *** 6 years, 5 months back “Wash I’m fine it’s just the morning sickness.” “The baby is questioning your food, we need to go somewhere with real food.” “The food here is fine!” Zoe had gotten real tetchy being pregnant and all. “We need to tell Mal.” He didn’t know why he going into this again. “He’ll figure it out soon enough.” “Zoe you’re almost four months pregnant if he hasn’t noticed yet he’ll never notice.” Zoe shot him a death look. “I’m not showing that much!” “You are starting to wear my flight suits, because most of your clothes don’t fit!” “Fine you tell him!” “Why can't you tell him?” “Because he would…” “We can both talk to him.” “Let’s do that.” Mal was sitting in the cargo bay joking with Inara. Kaylee and River were playing jacks and Jayne was lifting weights with Shepherd. “Mal…me and my husband need to talk with you.” “Yeah what is it Zoe?” “I’m pregnant.” She didn’t hesitate or nothin’ just said it. Mal looked at Wash and chuckled. “Zoe are you pullin’ my leg or somethin’ cause you two with a kid on my boat is just down right outrageous.” Mal watched Zoe face change. “Umm…your not joking are you?” “No Mal we’re not. Zoe is gona have a baby in ‘bout five months.” “You’ve been hiding the fact that there is gona be another crew member for four months!” “Just about, I'll be four months along on Tuesday.” “Wash why didn’t you at least give me a hint you’re good at that.” “Every time I did I got an elbow to the gut and had to sleep on the couch.” “I won’t even ask. Zoe why didn’t…” “Because I knew you wouldn’t let me go on any jobs.” “Well I let you go until you can’t get that vest on any more.” “Then she can’t go.” *** 6 years, 3 months back “Hey Zoe how's my baby boy doin’ in there?” Wash questioned. “It is doing fine. I’m starting to get a little tired though.” “I’ll come to bed as soon as I can.” Wash stopped working for a second to look up at his beautiful wife. “Have I told you how much I love you, and how beautiful you are?” “Not today.” Zoe said with a bit of amusement. “Well then let me say that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I love you very, very much.” “You can’t think I’m beautiful I’m so fat!” “You are not fat! You have our little baby boy to take care of!” Wash pulled Zoe onto his lap. “How do you know it’s a boy?” “I don’t. Just think every daddy-to-be wants to have a little boy to play games with.” “I still think it’s a girl.” “Well we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we?” Wash kissed Zoe on the cheek then on her forehead. “Not now Wash.” *** 6 years, 1 month back “Kaylee where’s Simon and my husband?” “Why, Zoe is something wrong?” “Well umm yes.” Zoe looked down at her now rather large belly. “My water broke, and I’m not due for another two months.” Wash and Preacher showed up laughing at the entrance. “I’ll go get Simon.” Kaylee was gone within seconds she was back with the doc behind her. “Zoe you need to come to the infirmary.” He was very calm but Wash wasn’t. “Bao bei, what’s going on?” “I’m in labor.” Wash’s eyes light up then he looked all worried then happy again. “Make up your mind on how worried you’ll be.” “Let me help you.” “Wash I can…ouch.” Zoe took a deep breath in and released it. “Never mind…you can…help.” *** 6 years, 29 days back “Zoe what’s today?” Wash was looking at all the tubes that were placed in his daughter. When Zoe didn’t answer him, he turned to see if she was okay. Zoe was fine she was just sleeping. “Wash it’s the 14 of April.” *** Present time While we were walking, daddy and momma couldn’t stop thinking about what happened before they found out that I was Olivia, and how they found me.



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Olivia: Part 12
Well last repost new stuff coming soon.

Olivia: Part 11
More reposting. Olivia belongs to me everyone else belongs to Joss Whedon.

Olivia: Part 10
More reposting. Most characters belong to Joss I just play with them.

Olivia: Part 7-9
Story continues with a little more background on Olivia.

Olivia: pats 5-6
Olivia's parents are... Well read and you'll find out.

Olivia: Parts 3-4
Story continues. Characters not mine except Olivia.

Olivia: Part 1-2
Well I wrote this story a while ago but I took it off and I don't know why. well here it is again.