Olivia: Part 12
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Well last repost new stuff coming soon.


It was cold, but not the cold I remember from the skyplex. I could feel things moving around me. I could hear someone talking to me from far away. “Olivia wake up!” The voice kept saying over and over again. It felt weird being so still. Am I dead? I can’t be dead. Can I? Everything felt so strange my hands didn’t function right. I couldn’t open my eyes I didn’t want to know what had happened to Mal. “Olivia wake up! Please Olivia don’t do this again!” the voice was louder this time. I can’t, my brain won’t let me. I need to remember how. “Aunt Zoe what happened to Olivia?” Someone else was talking now. “I-I d-don’t know.” It sound as though momma was about to cry. “Zo, she’s gona be ok. We’ll get her back to Serenity and Simon will know what’s wrong.” I’m obviously not ok. I am unconscious and can’t wake up. Now does that sound ok to you? “I’ll get it!” The door bell had rung and everyone jumped when it did. “Yes they’re here. How do you know them?” there was a short pause before she let them in. “Uncle Wash it’s some guy named Simon.” “Simon thank god you’re here…wait how did you know what happened?” “River told me. She said that something was wrong with Olivia.” Yes! Finally someone that knows what they’re doing! “Wash please go stand by Zoe. She needs some room.” My eyes flickered open and I saw that momma and daddy standing right next to Simon. My reaction to everything was delayed but expected. I screamed for momma and daddy. River held them back told them that they couldn’t help. My screams got louder and Simon noticed they weren’t going to stop till I got what I wanted. River let go of momma and daddy, then Simon let go of me. I jumped up and ran towards momma not screaming but still crying. Momma held me really tight and I didn’t want her to let me go. Daddy was standing next to her; his eyes were all red and puffy. Simon looked at me and River explained the obvious. “She blacked out.” “Sweetie are you ok?” I shook my head violently and that made the spinning worse. My grip on momma’s shirt got stronger as the room kept spinning and spinning. “Simon what’s happening to her?” “Zoe if I knew I would tell you.” Simon said something that I couldn’t hear and then everything went black again. *** Flashback Hours went by on the skyplex. No one had come for me. The other girl had died and I was truly alone. The screaming had stop and the alarms went off a few minutes before shooting stared. I tried to ignore them at first, but now all I could do was wonder if it was Niska’s men getting killed or Mal. I sat as still as I could and stayed very quiet until I heard Jayne. “Girl where are ya?!” His voice was a comfort. I jumped up and started banging on a door. “JAYNE HELP ME!! I’M IN HERE! HELP!” “Wash it’s the door on the left.” I kept yelling until a skinny blonde man opened the door. “Oh my God. SIMON!” I didn’t know what he was yelling about; but then again I hadn’t been able to see anything behind me. I started to turn around but the blonde man grabbed me and put his hands over my eyes. “You should not have to see that. SIMON!” A tall guy with fancy clothes ran up. “Wash I need to get her to the infirmary. That room is so small and with how many bodies are in there it probably didn’t have much oxygen.” I held on tighter to the blonde man’s bright Hawaiian shirt. “Simon she isn’t letting go.” “Then you’re going to come with me.” “What about Zoe?” “She’s already over there.” “What about the…” “I’m sorry but he didn’t make it.” The blonde man stiffened. “Wash I truly am sorry. But you know even if the baby did live he wouldn’t have filled the hole Olivia left.” He paused. “He was abandoned. Wash if he found out what kind of life he really was apart of…He would have left.” “Mr. Sir, I’m not feeling so well.” “Kid you’re gona need to tell the nice man over there your name.” “I can’t. I’m not aloud to talk to strangers.” *** They took me back to their ship and took me to the infirmary. It was cold there too. Simon, the doctor, told me not to move so he could draw some blood. “I don’t like needles.” “Umm…ok I’m going to go get someone and I’ll be right back.” He left me in the room all alone. I didn’t like being in the infirmary by myself. There were too many sharp pointy things to get hurt from. Simon brought Kaylee in when he came back. She didn’t want to be in there either. “Ok I need you to look right at Kaylee don’t look anywhere else, just at her.” I did what he told me to do but as soon as I felt the pinch from the needle I fainted. *** Present time “I’m fine just leave me alone.” I said as Simon drew more blood. “Blacking out twice is not good. Blacking out twice for no reason is worse.” He looked at how pale my face was. “You aren’t feeling well are you?” I looked around the infirmary really quick and noticed momma’s face looked really pale too. I smiled and it made everyone curious. “Momma’s gona have a baby.” I whispered so only Simon could hear. He looked very scared and took a giant step backwards. “Zoe you didn’t tell her did you?” “No I haven’t told her yet.” “Wash did you tell her?” “Simon, no one told me. I sort’ a figured it out.” I looked up at… *** “Olly stop telling Stories!” Momma walked in and noticed me sitting on the floor talking to the little ones. “Momma they ain’t scared.” I looked around at three wide awake toddlers. “They might be a little hyper but they’re not scared.” “Your sister ran out of here ‘bout an hour ago crying. Now what does that tell you?” “That my stories touch her little heart.” “Livy, are you gona tell us another story tomorrow?” “I might but it’s never tomorrow until you go to sleep.” My sister and cousins ran away without another word, and mom smiled at me. “I thought I told you to keep those stories to yourself.” “I did agree but you never told me I couldn’t keep my memories to myself.” “MOMMY I WANT YOU TO SAY GOODNIGHT!!” My sister Cody definitely loved her life. “Well mom, Cody’s calling.”



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Olivia: Part 12
Well last repost new stuff coming soon.

Olivia: Part 11
More reposting. Olivia belongs to me everyone else belongs to Joss Whedon.

Olivia: Part 10
More reposting. Most characters belong to Joss I just play with them.

Olivia: Part 7-9
Story continues with a little more background on Olivia.

Olivia: pats 5-6
Olivia's parents are... Well read and you'll find out.

Olivia: Parts 3-4
Story continues. Characters not mine except Olivia.

Olivia: Part 1-2
Well I wrote this story a while ago but I took it off and I don't know why. well here it is again.