Rivers Diary: Part Three
Friday, April 8, 2011

Part three of the diary of River Tam, as written some years after the events in BDM


sleeptime. dancing dancing pretty lights Inara says suppose to go to bed but daddy can't sleep at night. twirling  Kaylee, come with me we can dance in our sleep while the little mice creep around  Serenity.


The Crew. jumble jumble its all a mess / got to fix the influx capacitator afore it busts again/ all their heads reeling every minute of every day / got to get my hands on some more oil or my triggers is gonna start pulling/ so full my  head is leaking / need to find us a new job and fast, crew aint been paid in some time start’n to feel the pinch/ can’t sort out what's mine, what's not / I’m going to do it. I’m going to ask her. oh Xióngmāo niào, I can’t do it. what if she says no/ hardly ever fall these days but when I do it's bad /oh jesu, I miss him so much/ can’t they quiet for a spell? only Inara bothers to hide. Serenity is much to loud tonight.


Breakdown. Serenity finally cracked her influx capasi-something, so we are on this little moon till Kaylee can fix it. Capn and Zoe are nervous, don’t wanna remind the crew that they caused a ruckus some years back with Jayne. nobody remembers. But Capn don't know that. Inara kept me with her all morning, Laundry Day in the black. just cause we be made of dust don’t mean we gotta be dusty, no. Hiding in my vent until she stops looking. River mouse knows all the crumbs, won't fall for lunch trap, no. squeak squeak - River


the Rain. I’m counting the space between raindrops outside. the sound is awfully loud after the silence of space. I can almost hear myself think.


Repairs up and down and pass the crew laughing flowers, silly faces, chasing chasing, can’t catch River, quick like river. quick like wind. duck down, curl up tight quiet now everyone dashing past, laughing panting, trying to find River River hidden, won’t find soon. Kaylee didn’t need to fix the IC today.


Make up their Gorram minds already.

Kaylee has to work, Jayne is just bad news, I can't stay in the bridge all day, go, play, but not too far. River come, River go, River I'm busy right now. Don't do this, don't go there, please, River, just TRY to help, dong ma?

I don't want to sit, I don't want to learn to cook. I can't leave the ship, its dangerous. Please. I'm dangerous. Everybody's busy, but River can't work, no. she's too young, she's too crazy, she just doesn't know how.

I wish that we were back in the black, just me, Serenity, and the endless space of us. two more days, until the engines fixed. I hope we make it. -River.

*read Rivers new entries everyday at or search FB under Rivers Diary*


Friday, April 8, 2011 6:18 AM


Just wanted everyone to know, Rivers last entry in Part three, won't even be posted on Tumblr until later today, so everyone on FFF gets to read it first! (a little gift for everyone being so nice and supportive to me. Browncoats Rule!) ~Ji~

Friday, April 8, 2011 1:55 PM


"Hiding in my vent until she stops looking. River mouse knows all the crumbs, won't fall for lunch trap, no.

squeak squeak"

I think that's my favourite line.

Friday, April 8, 2011 3:29 PM


that is actually my favorite line I have written in three years :)

Friday, April 8, 2011 7:36 PM


Much as I have to agree with Bytemite about River's mouse analogy being awesome, my favourite part is the first section of this entry into River's seems to hearken back to the opening of "Objects In Space," what with River mentally trolling the ship and overhearing various things floating through her crewmates' heads.

Sunday, April 10, 2011 3:33 AM


This was a good snapshot of what River has to put up with, with all the thoughts of the crew swirling around in her already chaotic brainpan. Makes you realise just how sane she is to be able to cope at all. Ali d :~)
"You can't take the sky from me!"


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Allie's Adventures; Part One
Ni Hao! My name's Alleyne Mei Washburne, or Allie for short, and I just turned fourteen. And this, is my Cortex Blog! Sure, its super duper secret and encrypted by River so no one can see it but me, but hey! Blog! One step closer to pretending to be normal. And with my family, that's never easy.

River's Diary: Part Nine.
the final part of Rivers Diary, as pertaing to events five or so years after BDM.

River's Diary: Part Eight.
part eight of the diary of River Tam, some years after the events in BDM

River's Diary: Part Seven.
part seven of the diary of River Tam, some years after the events in BDM.

River's Diary: Part Six
Part Six of the Diary of River Tam, some years after the events of BDM

River's Diary: Part Five
Part Five of the Diary of River Tam, some years after the events in BDM.

River's Diary: Part Four.
part four of the diary of River Tam, some years after the events in the BDM.

Rivers Diary: Part Three
Part three of the diary of River Tam, as written some years after the events in BDM

Rivers Diary: Part Two
part two of the Diary of River Tam, some years after the events in BDM.

Rivers Diary: Part One
the Diary of River Tam several years after the events in BDM.