The secrets of the tenth crew member chapter 2
Saturday, February 26, 2005

jazz has been with the crew of serenity for meny years but she has some dark secrets and has Jayne finaly met hes match? feed back plz


“GOOD” Mal said looking at jazz

Next day

“River what are you doing here by yourself” jazz said looking at the pal girl “What are you doing here?” she said with a smile on her face “Nothing” jazz said “Well then I an doing nothing” river said with a cheeky smile on her face “Ok then now that we have that sorted out” jazz said looking away from River “Do you want to know what Jayne and the others feel” River said “I can already feel what they feel” jazz said looking at River “but you cant see them” River said putting her hand on jazz’s hand

Jazz felt faint and collapsed on to the floor with the rush of images in side her head jazz stood up when she had control of the images in her minds eye “I see” she said softly her eyes still closed “Now you see what I see” River said Jazz felt a rush of adrenalin through her body as she felt Jayne’s felling scream at her. She felt what everybody felt she could hear everything “Dose Simon like me?” Kaylee thought “Kaylee is so beautiful” “Why do I like Mal?” Jazz shook her head to clear it “That’s what you feel every day” jazz said River just shook her head “Yes” River said “Can you show anyone the feelings that people have on this ship?” Jazz asked “No you’re special like me” “No I am not” “Yes you are and you know it you are a bad liar when you try to lie to me” River said with a little giggle “I know but you can tell anyone!, ok” “our little secret” River said “Yes our little secret” Jazz said

Jazz felt different she felt a burning sensation in her heart as she thought of Jayne and what he’s feeling for her was about “Common then” Jayne said like a impatent little boy and he got into the shuttle “Ok” Mal said getting in to the shuttle “Lets go I want to get payed for a job” Jayne said “Ok, ok Jayne Zoe said



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coments plz

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The secrets of the tenth crew member chapter 2
jazz has been with the crew of serenity for meny years but she has some dark secrets and has Jayne finaly met hes match?

feed back plz

The secrets of the tenth crew member
jazz has been with the crew of the serenity for meny years but she has some dark secrets beneth her calm personalty and has jayne met he's match ?
chapter 1
would love to here coments plz