The secrets of the tenth crew member chapter 7
Thursday, March 3, 2005

well they finally find out jazz's past


It was late in the night and everyone was asleep except for Jayne. He couldn’t sleep so he was passing the time in his bunk. Then went to the cargo bay to do some weights, but he was still restless and couldn’t calm down. He couldn’t stop thinking about Jazz. He was going back to he’s bunk. When he past the infirmary, he looked inside and saw Jazz laying, there tossing and turning, whimpering. He was turning to leave when he heard her scream. “No! Please not again,” she pleaded in her sleep. He turned and sat beside her. He didn’t know what to do. She tossed and turned. “No I don’t want to watch,” she pleaded incoherently as he watched. “No!” she screamed as she sat up with a jolt and grabbed Jayne’s shirt and sunk into him and began to cry. “Help,” was the only thing she said. And she cried into his chest. She had a death grip on Jayne’s shirt as she cried. “Shhh,” he said looking at her hair, “Stay here,” he said as he got up. “Help me bury it,” she said to him. And he left to find the Doc

“Doc, she’s awake,” Jayne yelled as he pulled open the door to his room, but he wasn’t there. “Damn gorram doctor. Never around when you need him,” Jayne opened the door to River’s room and found the doc on the floor with River. “Awake, awake, awake,” River kept saying. “Yes, Jazz is awake,” Jayne said looking at her. A smile came over her face and she settled down. “What do you mean awake?” Simon asked, getting up from the floor. “She’s awake, Jazz is awake” Jayne said. “What’s going on?” Kaylee asked in a sleepy voice, rubbing her eyes. “Jazz is awake,” River said still smiling. “Shiny,” Kaylee said all excited “Zoë, Wash, Mal wake up!” Kaylee yelled into the ship’s intercom. Really loud so everyone could hear. It was so loud that Mal woke up with such a start that he fell out of bed. “Gorram hell,” he yelled as he hit his head on the corner of the bed.

Simon and Jayne went to the infirmary to check on Jazz. “So how did she wake up?” Simon asked, looking at Jayne. “And how did you know that she was awake?” he asked, looking at Jayne in a suspicious fashion. “I was walking by the infirmary and I heard her yelling, so I went in and she woke up, put death grip on my shirt and she just woke up,” that’s all Jayne said, looking at the doc all innocently. The doc and Jayne were walking down the stairs when Jayne looked into the windows.


Friday, March 4, 2005 5:16 PM


that's really alot better. much easier to read.
poor jazz. having to go through all that again.
good job, keep it up.

no power in the verse


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