Where there is life, there is hope - Part 2 of 3 (revised and improved)
Sunday, May 22, 2005

It continues...


Part 2 of 3 : The job

The day of the job had finally arrived. Mal pulled Jayne aside at breakfast and had a serious chat with him. Mal had decided that everyone needed to go along on the job. “Jayne, I trust your judgement and your knowledge of the man we are dealing with. Before you start protest’n again, I would like to remind you that I am captain of Serenity. I talked to him last night to confirm that we were still on for the job today and he sounded a little funny. He insisted that the entire crew tag along. Just in case anything should happen, I want you to stay close to the ladies. Inara and Zoe have no trouble, could handle things themselves just fine, but I’m not so sure about River and Adreana. Adreana seems to be coming along with the knives and all, but throwing knives at a target is something completely different to throwing them at a man’s head.” In a way, it made sense for Jayne that the women also went along. Because what if they left them alone on the ship and couldn’t get back to them in time…

“Trust me Mal. I won’t let anythin’ happen to them.” Mal had never heard Jayne sound so convicted in all his time with him. Mal wondered why, but didn’t have time to ask. Just as he opened his mouth Wash came hurrying in and reminded them that they had to be at the rendezvous point in less than half an hour and that the ship wasn’t even planet side yet.

Jayne had become accustomed to Adreana’s presence on the ship. Even when she and River would play hide and seek to pass the time while Adreana waited for results on some test on River’s medication, he would tolerate them running around the ship. Hell, he even enjoyed it. Hearing laughter…joyful laughter. Adreana even caught him smiling a few times. She had asked him to join them once, but he declined with a snort and walked away. River had a field day with that one.

Mal had told everyone to go to bed early and get enough rest. Kaylee had borrowed one of Adreana’s books and was returning it when Simon called her to help with some last stock taking in the lab. Adreana just smiled as Kaylee blushed and walked after him. He had come looking especially for her to help him. Adreana sincerely hoped she would find the same some day.

“Whoa, Nelly! Not to worry, just a little turbulence.” Wash was having more trouble than usual landing Serenity.

The rest of the crew was waiting in the cargo area. Jayne was standing behind Adreana. He had brought his favourite gun, Vera, along. Just in case.

“Here” he whispered. “Just in case things get hairy” Adreana took the sheathed knife from Jayne. She refused to carry any type of gun with her. She looked at the knife for a few seconds before putting it in her belt and pulling her shirt over it.

“I thought you big, strong men were going to protect us woman-folk” she said in a comical cowboy voice.

“Nah, looks to me like the woman folk are more aggressive than us men” Jayne smiled (well, rather smirked) back at her.

“Do you really think this job is gonna go south?” Adreana was really worried. What if she did something to screw up the deal…

”Sure hope not.” She could tell that he was also genuinely concerned and really worried.

“If it’s alright with you, Mal, I’m going to stay a little behind you guys. Don’t want them assosiatin’ you with me at first glance…”

“That’s fine, Jayne, just not too far behind…it already strikes me as suspicious that they wanted the entire crew to come and meet with them. And somehow I don’t think their story about seeing if we were trustworthy is true.” Adreana purposely walked behind Mal out in front. She could feel everyone’s tension. River walked next to her and Zoe and Wash walked behind them. Kaylee and Simon walked a little farther behind. Adreana turned around to see where Jayne was. She couldn’t see him anywhere. She had a very bad feeling about this job…

From the very first second they stepped into the house she knew. There was going to be trouble…big trouble. The man said that they were late and he wasn’t going to pay what he said he would. A great deal less in fact. She had never seen Mal so serious. He was cool and calculated. He stated that they had had an agreement and he would have to pay them or they leave. The man looked around the room at the “small army of misfits” that Mal had brought, as he called them. “You afraid of little old me?” the man asked. Mal simply stated “ pay us now or we go”.

“I think our friends are gonna need some convincin’ to move our special cargo.” Some men that were cloaked in the shadows suddenly appeared. “You see Mal, we know all about your merry gang. Seems to be one missing though. But I know he will turn up sooner or later. A dog’s never far from his master. Now, either you do what I say or you’re all dead. By my hand, or the Alliance. Your choice. You all don’t have any idea what you’re worth to the Alliance at the moment.

Now I suggest your ladies get back on the ship to fix us some grub and you strong boys help us load the cargo.” The cargo was definitely not pigs. It was crates, very heavy crates. It hit Adreana – they were smugglers. And their cargo was to valuable to them to let Mal transport it without them being present. It made sense. What if Mal had just desided to see what is in the crates? So that’s why they wanted the ride. To pick up the money from the Alliance for their produce, as well as for Malcolm and the rest of his crew.

Everyone waited for Mall’s reaction. He just turned around and motioned for everyone to follow him. The men started picking up the crates. Adreana never took Mal for a coward, so it didn’t take long for her to figure out what his plan was. She took River by the hand and started walking to the ship. For a fleeting moment she looked at Mal and gave him a nod. He nodded back. Kaylee followed Zoe, who was leading, reluctantly. Zoe was intent on staying with Mal until the man threatened to shoot all of them. Inara had walked right behind Adreana and River.

“Mal is allowing them onto the ship because we are outnumbered and outgunned. He has no choice. But if we get a chance to take them, we have to be ready for it.” Adreana thought out loud.

“Great! So you’re ready for the big fight?” Jayne suddenly said sarcastically. “Think you can handle what’s comin’?” Adreana just stared at him in surprise. She had never seen his face so grim and his eyes so cold. Not even on those few occasions when she first came to be part of the crew.

“What else can we do?” Inara said in a stern voice, having noticed the stunned look on Adreana’s face.

“You could run. Run and hide as fast as your feet’ll carry you. ‘Cause you ain’t got no idea who you’re dealin’ with, ladies.” Jayne was really upset. Even more so than usual.

“We’re not running, Jayne.” Adreana got her voice back.

After considering the amount of conviction in her voice, Jayne continued: “Then I am beggin’ you, just stay out of sight and let me handle this.” It almost sounded as if he was pleading with her. Looking straight into her eyes she saw the urgency in his.

“Why?” She couldn’t believe that this man could change so much in a matter of seconds.

“Please, just trust me.” Adreana looked at Zoe, whom she knew didn’t trust him for one split second.

“O.K. Jayne, we will stay out of sight, but near enough to provide backup if you guys need it. Can’t let you boys have all the fun.” Zoe said and Jayne had no choice but to only nod. Adreana could read the relief on his face. She couldn’t understand why he was saying this, but she knew that there had to be a very good reason for his behaviour. He was after all a mercenary and, in her opinion, use to things like this. When he’s not causing them his own self…

Just as they were settled into their hiding spots, the heavy door of the cargo area opened. There were three of the “farmer’s” men with Mal and the others. Apparently things had gotten a little rough, as Simon had a bruise on his left cheek. Kaylee looked at Adreana. Adreana whispered, “Just wait, you’ll get your chance to repay them”.

Adreana wondered where Jayne was hiding. Last she saw of him was when he made sure they weren’t noticeable in their spots.

A few seconds later all hell broke loose. It was as she had feared. Mal had planned an ambush only it hadn’t quite worked out that way. Bullets were flying from where Mal, Wash, Simon and Book had taken cover behind several larger crates. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jayne with Vera in his hand aiming at the big boss behind it all. Right after he shot the guy right between the eyes, he looked up into Adreana’s eyes. It startled her. The anger, almost primal. She wondered why he had aimed for the furthest man who was posing no immediate danger. But she didn’t have time to ponder. Zoe had joined in the action from where she was stationed on the ramp above the cargo bay. The shooting went on for a few seconds more when Mal finally shouted: “You had enough yet?” The men were out of bullets. One of the henchmen held up his gun with a “that we have”.

Jayne stepped in to take his gun, but never noticed the other man sneaking up behind him. With a knife to Jayne’s throat the man exclaimed in a triumphant voice: “Throw down your weapons and surrender or he dies. Seeing as we are still on the ground, your pilot can just take us to where we wanna go and the Alliance never has to know we saw you.” He pressed the blade against Jayne’s throat and a small stream of blood formed where the blade broke his skin. Adreana saw Jayne flinch. What came next, Adreana never imagined possible. For Jayne to be selfless and think of the others’ safety. He simply stated: “if you do as he says you’re all dead. Shoot him through me if you have to Mal, just don’t let him live”. Adreana couldn’t believe it. He was being genuinely serious. She could feel it. Mal simply stood there. Adreana knew she had to do something to draw his attention away from Jayne and give Mal a chance to get a clear shot. She stood up from where she had been hiding and waited for him to notice her. “What the…”

“Suppose we do what you say, what becomes of us when we drop you three miscreants off?” Everyone looked at Adreana in utter surprise. She continued as calmly as she had started, without giving the man time to answer: “Let him go and we might do as you say.” Her accent was perfect. Almost as good as Inara’s.

The dirty bearded guy looked at her in amazement for a moment and evilly smirked the next. “So, you gonna offer yourself in his stead?” He laughed his vile laugh.

“That’s not what I said…” She could see Jayne’s expression change. She would have to explain her plan to him later. She found herself not wanting to hurt his feelings. Not wanting him to think that she wouldn’t trade places with him in a heartbeat. But that thought would have to wait until another day.

“You let him go and maybe we’ll let you live.” She said as viciously as she could. He knocked Jayne’s knees out from under him with his leg and let him drop to the floor and took out his pistol. It was aimed right at her head Adreana noticed with fright, her heart skipping a beat.

“Deal” he smirked like a spoiled child who had just gotten his way again.

“But until we get to the planet, me and my men have the run of the ship, understand? Anyone gets out of line, they get shot. Oh, and by the way, throw down your weapons and kick them over here. That’s good. While we rest for a while, my compatriots will search the rest of the ship for any more weapons.“ And with that the other men collected every gun from every room on the ship they could find. Including Jayne’s very impressive collection. Only the one man remained to watch the crew – Jayne getting very agitated at his prize possessions being treated so vially as the men returned one by one almost each with an armful of guns. They threw down Jayne’s guns with not even an ounce of respect for their uniqueness!

“Steady there Jayne, you’ll get your chance I promise!” Mal forcibly whispered to Jayne.

“What is there to stop you from killing us and taking our ship?” Mal’s clear voice resounded across the cargo bay.

“Ah, hell, I might as well tell you. Our contacts on our destination planet know you by reputation as well as face, capt’n Reynolds. They will only take delivery and pay us if the goods are delivered by you. So you see my dilemma.” Mal stepped out from behind the crate. Now the truth comes out, he thinks to himself. Maybe the men waiting for delivery is Alliance. Without another word to the men, he turned around and told Wash to set their course as if they didn’t exist. Maybe they could play the men waiting for the delivery against these guys – causing a shootout wherein no one sees the crew of Serenity making off with the cargo, or the money, or money and cargo, whichever one comes first…Malcolm smiled to himself. “That was a clever plan if I have to say so myself…”

* * *

Inara took Adreana’s hand and put her other arm around River’s shoulders. Zoe walked up to Adreana and smiled. “Don’t worry, I can see our captain already has a plan brewing…”

“I…I’m so sorry…I don’t know what came over me…” Adreana started.

“Don’t worry, everything will be alright” Kaylee gave her a brave smile, but somehow it wasn’t any comfort.

The group of hijackers had taken up residence in the cargo area and was now seated on crates playing cards on one in the middle. One of them always had his gun in his hand. Ready for anything Mal and the others might try. As ready as Mal was to throw the trash out of his ship, he didn’t want any member of his crew to get hurt. For their sake he would play it safe…for now…

The men didn’t even give much notice when Mal and Simon carried their dead comrade to the infirmary. The women were in Inara’s shuttle on Mall’s orders. Adreana was staring down at her hands wondering were Jayne was when Mal came walking through the door. She immediately looked him in his eyes: “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do what I did, I don’t know what came over me…I thought they were going to kill you guys…” she almost lost trying to battle back her tears. But he noticed the moisture in her eyes and crouched beside the chair where she was sitting. He took both her hands in his. She couldn’t believe that it was admiration she read in his eyes. “You did good. I didn’t expect that from you, but I must say that I am pleasantly surprised. We need Jayne on our side, and I don’t much mind being alive my own self. You were right to do what you did. Now we have to figure out how to further this brilliant plan of yours. Don’t look so surprised. I think I know you a little by now and that brain of yours works at the speed of white light. So, did you girls discuss your master plan while us boys were busy? You know using those womanly wiles and all? ”He ended his speech in his old familiar joking tone of voice. When Inara threw him a intense frown, he continued: “Well, give it some thought, I have to go and find out what Simon did with the body. Can’t have the thing stinking up my ship.” She just couldn’t believe how calm he was being. Even optimistic.

“I have to get a few things from my room. I’ll see you again soon.” Inara wanted to accompany Adreana, but she made the excuse that the men wouldn’t come near the rooms and stay where they could keep an eye on the men, seeing as they thought the women didn’t really pose a threat – with no weapons and all.

With a racing heart Adreana walked out of the shuttle. She didn’t go to her room. She was starving and just had to get something to eat. So she walked to the mess hall. She was slicing some bread to eat when she heard footsteps behind her. She tried to turn around with the knife in her hand. But he was to fast for her. Before she could turn completely around she felt a hand over her mouth and an arm around her waist. Her heart almost stopped.

“Don’t scream, it’s just me.” Jayne breathed into her ear. Suppressing a shudder she turned around slowly. Her eyes were wide with terror and her lips were trembling. He could see that she was near to crying. “You gonna give me another trophy with that?” he asked in a husky, hushed voice with his characteristic crooked smile. She snapped out of her trance and looked at the knife in her hand he was pointing at. “Trophy?” she asked, the look of bewilderment changing to puzzled. “Wha…what?”

“Another scar darlin’…when we have a moment I’ll show you the rest of my scars. Chicks dig scars.” She was surprised to find herself wanting to smile and letting out the breath she had been holding. Suddenly they heard that vile laugh again. “So, what do we have here? Two lovebirds, I gather. Not that I blame you, Jayne, I wouldn’t mind getting’ my hands on a nice piece of fresh meat like that…” He looked her over with his beady eyes. It almost made her physically ill. Jayne stepped in front of her. “You touch her and it will be the last thing you ever do in your life.”

“You forget what you said at our last meeting, Jayne Cobb, mister macho man. If anyone could hear what you were sayin’ through your cryin’ like a baby.” Adreana gripped the arm Jayne used to nudge her in behind him and was still holding her there. She felt him jolt at the man’s words. “You won’t ever have the pleasure of having me under your means of persuasion, Benjamin Blarni. This time the odds have changed. You’re in my territory now and I will be watching you like a hawk. You come anywhere near her, and I will gorram skin you alive. That I swear.” For a moment Adreana thought that the other man was going to pull out the knife she knew he had in his boot and kill both of them right then and there. But then Blarni gave another of his vulgar laughs and turned around. “When you and I square off, Jayne, you too will be armed proper-like. I’m a lot of things but a coward aint one of them .”

“If a coward doesn’t stand by and watch a man get tortured within an inch of his life on his command, then I guess you ain’t one. But understand this, you chose the wrong person to mess with this time. Me, I can handle myself, but if you harm a single hair on her head, I will look you in the eye as your final second in this ‘verse passes.

Adreana couldn’t believe what Jayne just said. Would he have said that if it were one of the others on the ship getting threatened? She decided to ignore the thought that had just sneaked into her mind. He said what he said because he apparently had a huge score to settle with this man called Blarni. After Jayne was sure the man had left, he turned around and they just stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds. “Thank you, Jayne” she said softly but seriously. And then just to ease the tension “that was the noblest thing I’ve seen you do so far”. She quickly walked out of the room so that he wouldn’t see her tear filled eyes. So quickly in fact, that she didn’t hear him sigh. “Been a long time since I had anythin’ to fight for ‘cept my own ass” he added in a John Wayne kind of voice. If anyone else were around, they would be speechless. No one had ever heard Jayne make a joke with no filthy punch line before.

She was shaking like a leaf when she finally reached Inara’s shuttle. Nobody asked what had happened. Inara just came to the door, put her arm around Adreana’s shoulders and led her to a chair. After a lengthily silence, Adreana finally told them what had happened in the kitchen. “I don’t believe it!” River exclaimed out of the corner. “What?” Adreana said, startled. “I told you so, I told you that one day a butterfly will whisper in your ear, do you remember?” Adreana almost started giggling, “Yes River, I remember”.

“Let me tell you about the Dairanian butterflies…” and Inara told them about the wonderful insects and animals on one of the planets she often visits.

* * *

The deal had gone exactly like the men had said, except for the part where their customers refuse to pay them for the merchandise. Again a gunfight broke out. Only this time Mal and the rest of the crew were on the same side of the hale of bullets as the thugs that had tricked them in the first place. Everyone had to take cover anywhere they could, seeing as the middle of town didn’t have much cover.

Adreana didn’t know exactly how it happened, but she got separated from the rest of the crew and hid behind two crates. Mal rushed everyone into Serenity, which Wash had managed to get to and keep hovering above the raging fight. Only Adreana was too far. She motioned for them to take off without her. Jayne was drawing the fire of the two men remaining in order for the rest to get to the ship. “I’ll come back for you two as soon as I can” Mal shouted over the mighty roar of Serenity’s engines. “Ship’s runnin’ low on fuel capt’n, we gotta go! We’ll have to refuel and come back for them!” Adreana could feel Kaylee knew that Mal had no other choice. “Go! We’ll be around here somewhere when you come back!” Jayne managed to shout before Wash took Serenity up.

She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She closed her eyes and counted to three before looking to see where Jayne was hiding. He wouldn’t be able to outshoot the two men, no matter how much of a well oiled machine he and Vera was. She looked over at him and judged the distance. The gunmen’s attention wouldn’t be on her, so maybe she could make it. No. She was going to make it. Three, two, one. She half crawled half rolled over to him and landed behind him. He didn’t look at her directly, but she could feel that he also felt that that was the only logical plan to be had at that moment.

Suddenly a huge vehicle carrying hay passed in between them and the men that didn’t seem to be running out of bullets. Jayne grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet. They ran to the nearest ally. It was actually a labyrinth of allies between the small dirty buildings of the town. They ducked behind a metal dumpster. It was already dusk. The dumpster was the same colour as the walls, which were the same colour as the greyish black starting to cover everything. She didn’t hear the men pursuing, but sat as still as possible. She couldn’t speak.

Her legs started to ache from being in an uncomfortable position.

She wasn’t even aware of the fact that Jayne admired her more at that moment than he had admired any woman ever in his life. Not for the usual reasons he admired women, but for everything about her. Courage of her convictions above all and doing something she was afraid of just because she thought it was right.

She began to shiver. It had started raining some minutes after they took cover in the alley. Now it poured into the spot behind the big metal dumpster where they were hiding. All she could think about was how scared, wet, cold and hungry she was. She wanted to start crying. No, she wanted to die. Right then and there. She closed her eyes in an attempt to get hold of her emotions. She couldn’t take it anymore.

“Anything would be better than this!” she sobbed onto her knees as she sat crouched in the corner formed by the dumpster and the corner of the adjacent alley.

“You’re wrong about that, sweetheart.” Jayne said just load enough for her to hear.

“It would be better to die from hunger or cold, than die at the hands of those sadistic bastards.” She looked up at him. Something in his eyes gave her heart a shock. After a few seconds she risked asking. “What exactly did they do to you, Jayne?”

At that moment a cat sprang out from behind a few boxes and almost gave her a heart attack. Instinctively she grabbed the nearest thing to her, which was Jayne’s shoulder. She pressed her face against his wet shirt and covered her other ear with her right hand. He too was caught a bit off guard. He acted on instinct as well. In a fraction of a second she was pressed against the wall and his body shielded hers. For a fleeting moment everything was silent, even the rain. All she could hear was the sound of their hearts beating wildly. Hers mostly from fear. Partially from something she did not yet want to admit to herself.

“We can’t stay here overnight,” he finally said. As he let go of her, her body immediately mourned the loss of heat his body had offered. It’s true what they say: body heat is the best source of comfort. Better than the chocolate she had had so many months ago. She liked chocolate, white, brown, it didn’t was the extreme hunger and pain in her left ankle talking now.

Adreana closed her eyes and began to pray. She wasn’t sure for how long.

Jayne too was shivering now. She sat as close to him as possible. He tried to hide it, but she could see it in his eyes. He was scared. Scared that whoever was after them would find them. At first she was afraid that Mal and the others would just leave them there and get the hell out of Dodge. But it was only a fleeting thought. She knew they wouldn’t. They were just laying low until it was safe enough for them to set foot on the planet again. She wished she could see into the future.

She couldn’t help herself. She again felt as if she just wanted to cry. Never stop crying. She had always been proud of being able to keep her emotions on track, but these past few weeks had proven the opposite. She felt so out of control. So very lost. But she again remembered the words of her grandfather that had kept her going through all the tough situations in her life: “Always be thankful for what you have, it could have been worse. They may have you cornered, but you never, NEVER give up.”

Jayne was right. The worst thing would be for the men to catch them. She didn’t want to ask about what had happened to him again, but from what she could gather, he had good reason to feel that way. At least they still had hope.

If the Alliance caught her, they would surely find a way to make her tell them where the Tamm’s where and if the people that were after them now caught them…Suddenly a thought sprang to her mind. What if they could outsmart the men by making them think Jayne would do anything they asked him to. “Jayne…” she whispered. “Shhh! You wanna get us ruttin’ caught?!” he forcibly whispered (or rather snarled).

“Why don’t…” she started.

And exactly at that moment they heard voices. Jayne put his hand over her mouth. Just hard enough to quiet her. Three men were approaching. “These two alleys converge into a dead end alley around the next corner, Fred. They wouldn’t hide in a dead-end alley. Jayne might be stupid, but he’s not that stupid. Not when it comes to things like this. He probably headed for the nearest ship. Let’s try the docking bay. When, not if, we find them, I got dibbes on the girl. She would be a fine addition to my collection.” He paused for a few seconds, just to make his disgusting point and then smiling suggestively added: “If you know what I mean.” They broke out in hysteric laughter that made Adreana want to gag. She couldn’t look at Jayne. “Not while I’m still breathin’.” Jayne said, more to himself. Not seeming to notice that he had spoken out load. They heard another noise from farther in the alleys and froze.

Jayne dropped his hand from her mouth and just sat like a statue. About five minutes went by. It might sound short, but when fearing for one’s life, a second can feel like a lifetime. Adreana looked around. For the first time she noticed that Jayne was holding his breath. She looked for something else to keep her mind off the situation…to keep her from going crazy and start screaming when something caught her eye.

She had never noticed the scars on Jayne’s face before. Then again, she had never been so physically close to him before. His beard hid those on his chin very well, but she could see the scar running from his temple (just outside his eye socket) halfway down his cheek. It was a very thin line. Almost transparent. She reached out to trace it with her index finger. When she touched his skin, he turned his head towards her slowly and said in a hushed voice, eyes downcast, “Yup, that one was the handy work of that big redheaded guy you saw earlier. And not the only souvenir he left me with after our encounter.” He paused looking up into her green eyes as she looked at the scar. The look on her face wasn’t the one of disgust he was anticipating. And was something else. Then he moved his head away slowly, just out of her reach. She could tell, he hadn’t told anyone about what had happened to him. It’s ironic, she thought. The people who act like they don’t need any help or affection, usually need it the most. Adreana knew that to be true all too well. The men were gone far enough now.



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The many ways of defining "talented" - Part 1
**This one is a follow-up to “Where there is life, there is hope”.
Enjoy. Feedback always welcome.

I have an idea – why don’t anyone and everyone send my suggestions on where the story should go from here? And then I’ll see what I can do…**

Where there is life, there is hope - Part 3 of 3
The conclusion of the tale...

Where there is life, there is hope - Part 2 of 3 (revised and improved)
It continues...

Where there is life, there is hope - Part 1 of 3 (revised and improved)
Revised version of my first attempt at anything fanficcy, so please – be gentle and helpful. Okay, furthermore – just enjoy!

OVC joins the crew of Serenity. Just my attempt at a feel-good story. Some elements from episodes of the show, all belonging to Joss, with the characters of course. Everything else straight from my imagination. I’m just borrowing them and playing with them for a little while…oh, if only I owned Jayne…