Where there is life, there is hope - Part 3 of 3
Sunday, May 22, 2005

The conclusion of the tale...


Part 3 of 3 : Safely home

“Come on, we can’t stay here, we’ll freeze to death. It’s just the climate of this planet. Hot by day and freezing by night. Don’t worry, I know a place where we can stay.” Jayne was still whispering.

Adreana hesitated. She looked up at Jayne and realised that her legs weren’t getting the signal from her brain to get up, probably from crouching in an uncomfortable position for so long. So very long.

He apparently picked up on her emotions and offered her his hand. She took it and in one fluent motion she was standing beside him. He was gentler than she thought he would be. She had known his body must be strong, watching him working out on the ship, but she never expected him to be gentle…STOP! For goodness sake Adreana; she scolded herself. It must be shock. Yup, definitely shock making her think and feel like this.

They walked for a long time, or so it felt to her, until they reached a small tavern in one of the darker parts of the rustic town. She had been walking close to Jayne the whole way. She held on to his arm tighter than she realised, but he let her be.

“Hello Jayne! Funny seeing you after all these years!” the short fat man walking up to them exclaimed. “But you haven’t seen us, understand Vernon?” Jayne stated rather than asked. “Very well, can I offer you a room for the night?”

“Please.” Adreana only half realised that she had spoken. “I could give you your regular room if you like, Jayne, it looks like your beautiful wife is very tired. How’d a guy like you end up with a pretty thing like her andyway?” And before Jayne could state that they aren’t married or slap the guy, he stuffed the keys to the room in his hand.

“Thanks.” Adreana didn’t even care anymore, she was too tired. Physically as well as emotionally. She rubbed her eyes. Jayne led her up the creaking wooden stares to a room.

“You wait here, I have to speak to the innkeeper.” Not five minutes after he had left the room, Adreana fell into a deep sleep. She didn’t even realise that there was only one reasonable small bed in the room. She just climbed under the covers and fell asleep.

Jayne came in half an hour later. He just stood there and stared at her for a few minutes. He wished he could be like her. So strong and yet so sensitive and caring. She knew just how to express her emotions. Even when she was angry. Come to think of it, especially when she’s angry. He couldn’t help but smile. He thought of the debates they had at dinner about the knife throwing techniques and how she could do it better. Always the over-achiever. That’s just part of what made her so special to him. Perseverance. The thought hit him like a ton of bricks. She was actually special to him. It would hurt him if he lost her. He was thrown by this sudden realisation. Being attached to another human being, on whatever level. He pushed the thought as far back in his mind as was humanly possible. “It’s this gorram funny climate on this planet. Making me think funny.” he muttered to himself as he quietly walked over to the chair on the other side of the small room.

* * *

Adreana woke with a start from the nightmare of being chased, but never quite being caught. She sat up and looked around in the darkness. Her face was covered in cold sweat. As her eyes adjusted to the dark she started to realise what had happened. She took a deep breath to slow her heartbeat and clear her head. She was in the bed in the small room they rented. Jayne…where was Jayne…he left her there…She remembered what Zoe had told her about his past. No, he wouldn’t leave her there. She felt a strange connection to him she couldn’t quite express in words. She looked around the room. Her mind racing. Realising that someone else was there. She heard Jayne’s raspy, but deep and even breathing. She was actually surprised that he wasn’t snoring. As quietly as she could, she got up and took the extra blanket from the foot of the bed. Walking over to Jayne she realised that he must be sleeping in the chair because she was sleeping on the only small bed in the room. She instinctively felt that he had been watching over her sleeping until he couldn’t force himself to stay awake anymore.

She felt a twinge of pity for him. He only had himself to depend on. She also only had herself basically. Sure, the others were there. But they didn’t understand. That was why she had an instant non-verbal connection with him. Even if she wanted to ignore it at first. Her train of thought was derailed by him adjusting his position in the chair. It must be very uncomfortable for someone of his size, she thought. She slowly walked over and covered him with the blanket. It wasn’t exactly big enough, but it would have to do. For a moment she almost gave in to the urge of running her fingers over his short hair. The strange moonlight of the planet shining in through the window softened his features almost to the extent of making him look peaceful. Adreana couldn’t fall asleep again, so she went to the small bathroom, shut the door and washed up a little. She wanted to take a long hot bath, but she didn’t want to wake Jayne. Instead she just let some water run in the sink. She didn’t have any make-up with her, of course, but she felt much better at least being clean. It dawned on her that she hadn’t worn any make-up in months. It’s funny how things like vanity just seem to disappear when your life is in danger. It also makes you think about other things in life more important than money and social status. Like acceptance, understanding, empathy and love…

She heard a small crash coming from the room.

“…gorramit!. Jayne had woken up and stood up too fast. He almost tripped over the blanket trying to get up. She heard two footsteps. “Adreana time to…Adreana?” he forcibly whispered. She quickly opened the door. The bathroom was only lit by one candle but it was enough light to cause a hallow of soft hair to be accentuated around her face. He couldn’t help noticing how much she looked like the angels in the Children’s Bible his mother used to read to him every night before he went to sleep.

“Jayne, it’s O.K. I just wanted to clean up a bit…Why are you standing there like Lot’s wife? Don’t you want to clean up too? I think you at least need a long hot shower…your gettin’ kinda stinky.” She tried to use the humour to diffuse the feeling of embarrassment of him just staring at her.

“Well, as long as hot water is available, I ain’t gonna waste it.” Back to the old Jayne. “Wanna join me?” he added with his familiar suggestive lopsided grin. He was already half way into the bathroom and turned around. She stepped in front of him and shut the door.

”You wish.” She added triumphantly. She could only imagine the look on his face on the other side of the door. Mind games are a fun pastime when you’re running (and hiding) for your life. She wallowed in the irony of the situation for a moment before slowly walking over to the window. Usually people play mind games to get what they want, not to hold on to their sanity. She had to admit, she couldn’t help contemplating taking him up on his invitation… but only for a VERY short second.

She stood there for about ten minutes just staring at the sky when she noticed a faint movement in the shadows. At first she thought that it was only her imagination, but there it was again. She was sure she was hidden behind the curtain but she still had the distinct feeling that the person lurking in the dark was looking through the windows of the rooms. She couldn’t move. The thought of being found…”Jayne!” it was a desperate whisper. Afraid to speak any louder she tried again. “Jay…”

“Be quiet, I heard you the first time. Get away from the window. No! Back up slowly. That’s right.” Adreana slowly walked backwards towards the bed and sat down.

“I knew they’d be lookin’ for us, just didn’t figure they’d find us so fast.” Jayne was staring out the window. She couldn’t quite see his face, but she could feel his mixture of emotions. Fear, anxiousness and anger.

“We have to go. Get the blanket and wrap it around your shoulders, its real cold outside. Put your scarf over your head. I’ll put this hat on. “ Jayne was already half way out the door.

The innkeeper helped them to sneak out the back door. He even gave Adreana the blanket as a gift, as well as some bread rolls. “That husband of yours has done more than his fair share for me, little lady…look after him good, he needs a woman like you” Vernon flashed her a semi-toothless grin. She didn’t speak while they were creeping from alley to alley.

She knew that Jayne was coming up with a plan. “This is how its gonna work. We make our way to the nearest docking bay. But we stay well hidden and move fast. I’m sure they’ll be watchin’ most of the bays, but they can’t be everywhere at once.” Yup, he had a plan alright. And it made sense.

“Alright Jayne. I trust you.”

“…uh…yeah, just stay close and try not to make too much noise. Just like you woman folk, always jackin’ about somethin’.” Adreana knew Jayne was trying to make conversation to steady their nerves, so she gave a chuckle and nudged him to start walking. “Yeah, and you don’t like ladies that like conversation too much…” she added just for good measure, turning around to check if someone wasn’t following them, more that he shouldn’t see the smile on her face.

One of the docking bays, 40 minutes later

Out of nowhere guns started firing, Jayne yelled for her to take cover.

Adreana would remember that moment forever. The way his big muscular body hit the ground. He had jumped in front of her when the third shot was fired. He pushed her out of the way. She fell to the ground. She thought he was dead. She was alone! She pretended to be dead too. If they thought that she wasn’t alive, they would have no further use for her.

“That’s good enough, Joe, let the scavengers take care of the carcases.” She heard their footsteps fade. All she could think about was getting to Jayne and getting his body out of the open. Who knows what kind of animals were on that evil planet.

He was lying on his side with his back to her. She had never touched a dead body before. Not even in the Alliance Lab. But this wasn’t just any dead body. This was Jayne. She reached for his shoulder and turned him on his back. She just looked at his face with her tear filled eyes. She saw the crimson circle of blood on his left shoulder increasing in size. She took his hand in hers. Suddenly she saw his chest move slightly and heard a soft moan. He was still breathing! Now she wanted to cry of happiness. It started to rain again softly.

“Jayne! Please hear me. We have to get out of here. I know your hurt, but please…” Adreana pleaded, she knew that there was no way she would be able to move him without his assistance. Slowly he opened his eyes. “No, don’t say anything, just try to move your right arm and get it around my neck. “

She couldn’t lift him. They where going to die right there in this creepy, dusty town. She involuntarily started thinking about people who would miss either of them if they died. She was shocked by the thought that there wasn’t many. Family…friends…Who was this stranger that she had gotten so close to? Where did his mother and father live if they were still alive? If he died, she would miss him…it was a scary thought. She didn’t even really know any of the details of his life. Except the not so nice ones she had heard from the crew.

She had always been use to looking after herself and only worrying about how she was going to survive. She couldn’t believe it. The bond between them. She needed for him to live, so she decided to drag him behind the only bushes she could see in the near vicinity. It’s true what they say: you really do have super human strength when your adrenalin is pumping. At least they were out of sight now. Hidden under the blanket of darkness. He was totally unconscious now. Her mind was blank. She wasn’t even aware that she was holding onto his hand as if her life depended on it, and that he was squeezing her hand.

17 minutes later

Her mind was still blank. She couldn’t think of any plan. She became aware of the noise getting louder, closer. Suddenly it hit her: it’s Mal! She would know that roar of Serenity’s engine anywhere! She remembered her first night on the ship. She had fallen asleep listening to the soft, peaceful humming of the engine.

Adreana jumped out of their hiding place and frantically started jumping up and down despite the agonising pain in her angle. Wash landed Serenity a ways away, but as soon as she touched ground, the cargo bay door swung open, and Mal, Zoe, Wash and Kaylee came out (or rather ran out).

“You didn’t really think we would leave you here, little lady?” Wash offered her a reassuring smile.

“Not for a second…but we can discuss an improvement on your flying speed later. First help me get Jayne to the doctor. He’s real heavy.” Jayne, who had regained some consciousness tried to protest, but suddenly felt so light-headed he couldn’t even get himself 5 centimetres off the ground. Everything went dark before his eyes. The last thing he could remember was Adreana’s concerned face.

“Just the blood loss. Doc’ll have him running about again in no time.” Mal smiled at her as he motioned to Zoe to come and help him carry Jayne’s 6’4 frame into the ship before the ruckus caught the attention of any of the locals.

“Glad to see you survived us abandonin’ you for a few hours…” Mal did feel bad about having to leave them.

“Thank you for risking your lives to save us, Mal. Again.” That was all Adreana could say…all she needed to say.

“Are you hurt?” Simon asked Adreana in his clinical voice after Mal and Zoe had taken her and Jayne directly to the sickbay.

“Minor bumps, bruises and scratches, I think I twisted my ankle a tad,” she replied, “but Jayne was shot in the shoulder. Please take a look before it starts to develop an infection. He went down hard and also hit his head. I’ll hand you some sterilised bandages. It looks like the bullet went straight through”. Simon motioned for Mal and Zoe to put Jayne down on the bed. By that time Jayne had regained consciousness and after a lengthily “discussion” Simon finally managed to cut Jayne’s shirt off where it had already gotten stuck in the dried blood. Adreana wiped away the blood from the wound with a cloth soaked in antiseptic.

“Hey, that ruttin’ stings!” Jayne exclaimed.

“Oh, don’t be such a big baby.” she said with a serious face but couldn’t quite keep the smile from her eyes.

“We have to get you ship shape, Jayne.” She stated.

“Why?” he asked puzzled.

“So you can save my ass next time I get us into hot water…” she smiled at him.

“So…there’s gonna be a next time? You think you’ll be able to stand being on a ship and in situations that almost get you killed?” Mal asked trying to sound funny, but still serious enough for Adreana to feel obligated to answer the question.

“Absolutely, sir! I mean it was actually my fault that I was in that situation in the first place. If I hadn’t…”

“No, don’t go thinking like that, child.” Book had come into the infirmary unnoticed. “That is the worst poison there is to the body and soul. Thinking about what could have happened had we made another choice. We are thankful that both of you are safe.”

She gave him a thankful smile.

The anaesthesia Simon had given Jayne was taking effect. Simon was going to have to clean out the wound because the bullet he was shot with was home made. Covered in some sort of slow acting cytotoxic poison. “It’s not…not your fault…Adrea…“ Jayne slurred before going out like a light.

“I know, but still…” she said more to herself than to anyone.

“It truly wasn’t. I honestly believe that everything happens to us for a reason. And if this didn’t happen for any other reason, it happened to make both of you stronger.” Book led her to the kitchen to get something to eat.

* * *

Adreana slept pretty much the entire next day. So did Jayne in the infirmary. It was almost suppertime when Simon woke Jayne and River went to get Adreana.

As was expected the conversation at the dinner table revolved around the happenings of the previous day. Adreana felt that she had talked so little to the people she was going to spend a great deal more time with, that she decided to tell the story. Jayne let her. As he listened to her, he realised she felt that the whole situation was her fault. Including him getting shot. He had to think of something clever to say to make her feel better. So, he decided on: “You know…I wouldn’t much mind saving an ass like yours every once in a while…” Adreana was caught off guard and looked at Jayne, then at Simon with shock written all over her face. She was surprised to see Simon go beet red in the face. Jayne saw it too. And for the first time, they laughed together. There was a bond between them nobody else would ever understand, and yet it brought peace to both their hearts. At least for a little while. Peace and happiness for a little while is better than never having it at all.

Mal pulled Adreana a little to the side and in his best fatherly voice said: “You do deserve to be looked after. The way I see it, you’ve made a lot of friends on this ship. You never have to feel alone again, ever. And if I hear that you felt sorry for yourself…I’ll put you across my knee and give you a royal spanking!” Everybody broke out into hysterical laughter.

Adreana did her best to look angry, but had to start laughing eventually. She laughed so hard her sides hurt. When it had died done some, Jayne stated: “hey, I’ll do the spankin’ around here!” The laughter broke out all over again.

”In your dreams!” Inara said with a very pretentious look on her face.

“Oh, like you wouldn’t believe!” Jayne stated with conviction. Adreana couldn’t take it any more and said: “Please, enough already! Can we continue this conversation tomorrow? I’m so tired and I don’t think my stomach muscles can take much more of these shenanigans…”

“Sure, I understand you youngins should be in bed early, so that’s it for tonight. Round 2 tomorrow then?” Mal always knew exactly what to say.

“Fine, but tomorrow it’s my turn, K?” Wash stated.

“Yes, dear.” Zoe pulled him up by the arm and they said goodnight. River looked directly at Adreana and spoke in a clear voice with a perfect British accent:” So, you see, you have all these strong men looking after you, watching out for you, so your body won’t get hurt. And you even have someone looking after your heart, keeping it safe, my dearest darling.”

“Thank you, River.” Adreana just giggled. Simon said that River talked in meaningless riddles, but sometimes…

Adreana almost couldn’t believe how little worldly possessions these people had, and yet they were so happy. She now knew that everything truly does happen for a reason and she was looking forward to many more adventures with the crew of Serenity, class one flying hotel!

The end (for now)



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The many ways of defining "talented" - Part 1
**This one is a follow-up to “Where there is life, there is hope”.
Enjoy. Feedback always welcome.

I have an idea – why don’t anyone and everyone send my suggestions on where the story should go from here? And then I’ll see what I can do…**

Where there is life, there is hope - Part 3 of 3
The conclusion of the tale...

Where there is life, there is hope - Part 2 of 3 (revised and improved)
It continues...

Where there is life, there is hope - Part 1 of 3 (revised and improved)
Revised version of my first attempt at anything fanficcy, so please – be gentle and helpful. Okay, furthermore – just enjoy!

OVC joins the crew of Serenity. Just my attempt at a feel-good story. Some elements from episodes of the show, all belonging to Joss, with the characters of course. Everything else straight from my imagination. I’m just borrowing them and playing with them for a little while…oh, if only I owned Jayne…