Whatever happened to MH17? SIGNYM 15 8/18/2014 5:55:22 PM
just saw A Most Wanted Man NewOldBrownCoat 3 8/18/2014 5:42:00 PM
Expendables 3 JEWELSTAITEFAN 1 8/18/2014 5:39:41 PM
Porch Shooting Case - Guilty Verdict SHINYGOODGUY 23 8/18/2014 4:20:30 PM
Jewel Staite is the lead in a new comedy! CASSIEC 5 8/18/2014 2:31:10 AM
Robin Williams RIP SHINYGOODGUY 14 8/17/2014 7:10:56 PM
What a man wants.... 6IXSTRINGJACK 2 8/17/2014 10:51:17 AM
For You Jewel Staite Fans SHINYGOODGUY 3 8/17/2014 2:56:16 AM
Boyhood ecgordon 4 8/16/2014 9:25:47 PM
fracking 1kiki 1 8/16/2014 9:08:19 PM
Robun Williams.........R.I.P. SHINYGOODGUY 8 8/16/2014 5:03:14 PM
Anti-war essay in leading German business paper Handelsblatt SIGNYM 19 8/16/2014 3:35:54 PM
Kitty still has 8 lives left WHOZIT 3 8/16/2014 11:04:23 AM
Best Fanfic to read? Chalk 4 8/16/2014 8:18:53 AM
Not just Fergusson. oldenglanddry 2 8/15/2014 4:51:08 PM
Battleborn! (Nevada) SKIDMARK 5 8/15/2014 1:41:43 PM
Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012 (that could have ended life as we know it) 1kiki 6 8/15/2014 11:54:34 AM
Best advertizement ever made... 6IXSTRINGJACK 6 8/15/2014 8:05:59 AM
First Time Watching: What Order Should I Watch? HeAimsToMisbehave 3 8/14/2014 9:52:03 PM
Pirate News playin wit jailbait PIRATENEWS 3 8/14/2014 8:37:21 PM
CNN plays da fool PIRATENEWS 1 8/14/2014 8:23:20 PM
Tit for tat: Exactly equivalent headlines SIGNYM 9 8/14/2014 6:05:27 PM
Highly important race for America may need recount JEWELSTAITEFAN 1 8/14/2014 5:53:39 PM
Robin Williams dead @ 63. RIP. AURaptor 35 8/14/2014 8:31:15 AM
What do you propose we do about this America? oldenglanddry 39 8/13/2014 11:22:52 PM
What's Wrong With This Picture? 1kiki 39 8/13/2014 5:52:44 PM
Voter Fraud - 31 in a Billion Votes SHINYGOODGUY 12 8/13/2014 5:22:23 PM
Lucy JEWELSTAITEFAN 66 8/13/2014 4:39:50 PM
Firefly's Whole Cast Will Reunite for Firefly Online HAKEN 6 8/13/2014 3:01:51 PM
CSTS events in Dallas/Fort Worth, Halifax, Melbourne AU, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Portland 8/14-8/17 2014. Anonymous1 1 8/13/2014 2:18:17 PM
What's Wrong With This Picture? 1kiki 16 8/12/2014 6:35:15 PM
Robin Williams dies WHOZIT 6 8/12/2014 6:12:57 PM
Anniversary of first Mars landing JEWELSTAITEFAN 5 8/12/2014 5:10:02 PM
Are you a fan of Monty Python, Orwellian Stories and Robert DiNero? 6IXSTRINGJACK 2 8/12/2014 9:29:38 AM
Beaumonde - Fort Wiser Patch YELLOWJACKET 1 8/11/2014 11:16:56 PM
Economists Agree the Stimulus Lifted the Economy kpo 21 8/11/2014 9:42:56 PM
Nathan Fillion is Preston Northwest WHOZIT 1 8/11/2014 6:04:18 PM
Captain Kaylee? farfly 3 8/10/2014 6:13:11 PM
USB 'critically flawed' after bug discovery, researchers say SIGNYM 4 8/10/2014 1:45:05 PM
I hated Global Warming for that bitter cold winter..... 6IXSTRINGJACK 2 8/10/2014 12:30:46 PM
How old ARE you? SIGNYM 2 8/10/2014 8:38:51 AM
Michigan groups paintedfirefly 4 8/8/2014 5:47:36 PM
punching kicking throwing people HARRYADLINA 3 8/8/2014 4:46:59 PM
Continuation? HeAimsToMisbehave 2 8/8/2014 12:22:23 AM
Jewel Staite is the lead in a new comedy! CASSIEC 1 8/7/2014 8:47:17 PM
This is one expensive cut... chrisisall 7 8/7/2014 8:11:54 PM
Michelle Nunn’s Campaign Plan AURaptor 19 8/7/2014 6:01:45 PM
Kiev blocks access to crash site SIGNYM 23 8/7/2014 9:24:52 AM
Dragonfly Firefly second 1 8/7/2014 7:25:53 AM
THE OTHER SHINY CAPTION GAME Round #132 - a Jewel in the rough! CUNNINGORANGETOQUE 22 8/7/2014 12:07:50 AM