Which would you rather be - Vampire or Warewolf ?

UPDATED: Thursday, July 23, 2009 13:04
VIEWED: 10073
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:16 AM


America loves a winner!

Watching Angel - Season 1, where Oz shows up w/ the Ring of Amara , got me thinkin'.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:06 AM


Always been more of a waer fan than a vampire fan.

(One of my goals as a screenwriter is to someday do for werewolves what Joss did for vampires.)

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:53 AM




Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:56 AM


werewolf all the way. yea! =]


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:04 AM


A Vampire. Because Vampire women are hot. Werewolf women


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 5:44 AM


Vampires just annoy the bejesus out of me. They're either "Oh angst!" or "mwahaha, I am a sexy perfect hyperviolent bad ass who will live forever." Or brainless hissy things.

The former annoys me more than the later, but both of 'em make me want to find a stake.

Being a werewolf would only be good if you could control it. So I'd choose to be a werewolf, but only if that condition were met.

In the mean time, I'll just stay in touch with my inner beast by keeping my elbows firmly on the table, eating as messily as possible, and growling at any hands or other animals that come too close to my food. Only language my damn cats seem to understand. MINE.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 6:46 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Vampire, no question.

1. Daytime is for work, night time for play - I am more suited to an evening routine.

2. As mentioned, vampire women are "hot" and strong and not so hairy and they wear intriguing garments.

3. Barring a well placed wooden stake or silver bullet I live, um, like forever? K?

4. I have extra super stuff like strength upgrade and heightened senses without going through a pretty involved changing process - you can't tell me that tickles btw.

5. More face time. As a vamp I can be seen for who I am and not have my prime time features obscured - handy for endorsement deals.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - Now available on your iPhone


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:10 AM


I think everyone at some point in their lives would like to live forever. The real question is whether it would be as good as it sounds.

If everyone lived forever, it would be easy. Apart from the horrifying overpopulation issues, but... If everyone lived forever, no one would ever lose anyone. But would you be able to ignore the bitterness and grief of the world by focusing on those you love and the connection between you... Or would you live just long enough to know what it feels like for affection to die?

Better to love completely, and return to the earth, and rest, and let your body feed the grass and trees.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 8:27 AM


Er... Yeah, sorry, don't know where THAT came from!

Didn't mean to bring the thread down!

I'm just gonna go over there and chew on a rawhide bone. :)


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:30 AM


Can I be a cyborg instead?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:55 AM


Vampire for sure, and the first thing I'm doing is have metal plating surgical installed around my heart to keep those pesky stakes out. It's not like I need anything in there anyway, I'm immortal.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:03 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Er... Yeah, sorry, don't know where THAT came from!

Hey, no problem - totally disagree - but no problem!

Of course, as you suggest, it really depends on who else is living forever. Talk about a downer... I've seen people married for 60 years not have even close to enough time together. So the one and done thing doesn't work for me.

If the body didn't just wear out I'm sure even those seniors who say, "Eff it! I'm ready!" would instead ask for more.

But most importantly... I'd like to see what happens next, like long term. How will America end? (Has to right?). Will there be another Hitler? Will the Cubs win a World Series! On and on...

"I am Vampire!"

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - Now available on your iPhone


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:29 AM


That used to be how I think, that it is something so sad that everyone's thoughts and voice must someday become silenced, and the desperation of trying to find a way to live on hurting the quality of the life they have. I do still think that.

I didn't want to be immortal because I was scared of dying, but I wanted to see humanity take to the stars, and meet other races, and... evolve, I guess, beyond the short painful lives we currently live.

Being an introvert, and someone not inclined to form attachments to people, I thought that perhaps it wouldn't bother me to live forever. That I could leave it all behind and continue to appreciate life and the progress of history with a scholarly eye.

But, even though the idea still has some appeal to me, I determined that there would likely be some unanticipated downside, and living forever with regrets, however interested I am in everything else, began to seem unappealing.

I determined that I would prefer to live a short life, with few regrets, and love and appreciate it all the more for it's transience. And, when I am gone, it will help other things to live as well.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:57 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:

Nope, not an option

pick one.

Here I was expecting an in depth, intelligent discussion of the pros / cons of being either a creature of the night, forever, or living a fairly normal life, except on nights with a full moon.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:11 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
living a fairly normal life, except on nights with a full moon.

See, I would probably go the Oz route and lock myself up on those nights cause I couldn't control myself when I was a werewolf. Where's the fun in that?

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:28 PM


To expand on my earlier post, "my" werewolves are a bit different.

Lycanthropy is carried via the Fenris Virus, and can be spread by blood contact. There is no cure, and no human has ever been found to have an immunity.

"Wild" werewolves are the traditional kind; they're human, except when they turn into "mindless" wolves on the nights of the full moon (sunlight overpowers moonlight, so the change only happens after the sun sets).

However, there is an ancient tradition, passed down since Viking days --since the first Wolves. With training, and meditation, and the right mindset, lycanthropes can control the Wolf. Not to tame it, but to train it.

These Wolves can shift between their three forms at will.
As humans, they retain the Wolf's senses; they can hear their prey's heartbeat, track its scent, and see it hiding in the shadows.

As half-wolves, they remain mostly human (just shaggier, with fangs, claws, pointed ears, and yellow eyes), but can draw on the Wolf's inhuman strength, speed, and reflexes.

In their hulk-like Wolf forms, they are unstoppable, nigh-bulletproof, and can move completely soundlessly, while still retaining human consciousness and awareness (and the ability to handle human weapons and machines).

Ancient Briton villagers saw a pack of wolves marching in military step at the head of a viking invasion. One Legion of Roman soldiers were said to have the heads of dogs. At Mons, during WWI, British soldiers were slaughtered by a massive "Hell Hound" of No Man's Land. Today, a squad of "independent military contractors" (read: "mercenaries") fight under contract to the US government.

They call themselves "The Dogs of War," and they maintain strict secrecy, hiding their existence --to the point of hunting down and either conscripting or killing wild werewolves, to keep them out of the headlines. They train, and wait, and prepare for the next war. For the final war.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 2:17 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I'll take Vampyre. I'll make a killing on long-term investments. :)

And I'll just make a killing. Several. Thousands. But I'll try my best to only take those who are truly deserving of death. Having my nights free, I'll have LOTS of time to watch and study, and find out who the worst of the worst are, and oh-so-quietly make them... not so bad.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:34 PM


I'm a werewolf, all the way, no doubt about it. Vampires are half-dead, but werewolves are more alive than anyone. Vampires have icky inner demons; werewolves have ferocious inner beasts. And while vampire chicks may be hot, and immature mortal girls may get all lubed up over angsty Edwards and Angels, the best women want the wolf.

My thoroughly unbiased opinion ,


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:34 PM



Originally posted by Mutt999:
Can I be a cyborg instead?

Take it from me, it kinda sucks.

That said, werewolf - now how's that for scary, a werewolf with mechanical bits, neh ?

Good thing my beliefs have no taboo against long pig, cause were critters are kinda Xtreme Omnivores, yanno.

And it WOULD give value to used politicians, they'd be good for *something*, although too much junk food is bad for anyone, of course.
*picks teeth with a suspiciously bonelike toothpick*



Wednesday, July 15, 2009 9:47 AM


Vampire, definitely. Werewolves by definition don't have control over either when they change or over what they do when they've changed (and if they do, they're just shapeshifters changing into a wolf, not a were-wolf- kinda nitpicky, I know, but we have to keep these things organized), and that definitely appeals to me. But vamps are in control of themselves all the time, and they get their super-strength/senses all the time (instead of just in wolf form), and they get instantly beautified as well (while werewolves remain normal-looking people, or possibly ugly people depending)

you know, I would totally do this-
.... and this!
Both are awesome webcomics, and I would higly recommend reading both of them ^.^


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:56 AM


Neither. I'd prefer to be a "Daywalker". All the strengths of being a vampire, without the weaknesses.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:11 PM



Originally posted by Mutt999:
Can I be a cyborg instead?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As long as you're not one of those cybermen cyborgs trying to get everyone else to go 'borg, I will not EMP you Cyborgs, and the theory of Borg though, give me the wiggins.

The problem with forever is the forever part. Eventually, earth's gonna go. Forever, and nearly indestructible would mean you'd have to witness the death of all of earths inhabitants (even the cute ones) as whatever disaster(s) killed the planet and turned it into either a lifeless rock of tons of little rocks. And you'd just be floating in space, kinda screwed, possibly a mashed pulp and probably severely traumatized....

Sorry, sorry, I have thought of it though.

I for one, dig the underdog (pun intended). The Vampire life, methinks, is over romanticized. However good werewolves are hard to come by in cinema, so, I'd personally dig the awesome powers of the Underworld woofers (namely the ability to change at will) with the look of the Van Helsing werewolf. Then again a lot of werewolf lovers have settled on a person that can change at will anytime from human, to a large upright wolf looking body, to a full wolf. I'd be okay with that too.

I mean, why does it have to be a curse? When Vampirism is looked at nowadays as the coolest thing ever.....

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:56 PM


The thing about the control a vampire has versus the control a werewolf has...

Vampires don't necessarily control themselves. I mean, not just the feeding thing. But in becoming a vampire, there's a very good chance your personality is going to change, and you have no control over what it's going to become. In essence, the person you are dies, and an impostor with your memories, but not your feelings, takes your place.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 1:39 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
The thing about the control a vampire has versus the control a werewolf has...

Vampires don't necessarily control themselves. I mean, not just the feeding thing. But in becoming a vampire, there's a very good chance your personality is going to change, and you have no control over what it's going to become. In essence, the person you are dies, and an impostor with your memories, but not your feelings, takes your place.

That's very true, by Joss' mythology there is no soul and it's really no longer you...

I for one, like my soul

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Sunday, July 19, 2009 2:59 PM



Originally posted by Black12Akytca:
Vampire, definitely. Werewolves by definition don't have control over either when they change or over what they do when they've changed (and if they do, they're just shapeshifters changing into a wolf, not a were-wolf- kinda nitpicky, I know, but we have to keep these things organized), and that definitely appeals to me. But vamps are in control of themselves all the time, and they get their super-strength/senses all the time (instead of just in wolf form), and they get instantly beautified as well (while werewolves remain normal-looking people, or possibly ugly people depending)

This is just so full of fail...

Werewolves aren't in control over when they turn, but vampires aren't in control either. In a normal situation yeah, but once blood is thrown in vampires will lose control and the instinct to feed will take over. Therefore vampires are just as unstable as werewolves.

And "instantly beautified"? I wanna know what you're watching, cause in everything that I've ever seen with vampires they retain the same looks they died with, be it pretty or ugly. Now if you're refering to what they call in True Blood "Glamouring", then that doesn't have anything to do with looks. So far as I've seen vampires just look like normal people, just more pale.

Oh no, the zombies killed god!


Sunday, July 19, 2009 3:18 PM



And I don't watch vampire movies, I read books (The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike is kinda what my mind defaults to for 'vampires'..), so..

Though, we both are right, since so many people have taken the basic concepts and twisted them into making a whole bunch of different definitions for them.......

Ist es nacht... Mitternacht!


Monday, July 20, 2009 6:38 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
A Vampire. Because Vampire women are hot. Werewolf women

Kelley Armstrong has written a load of books based on supernatural species and her werewolves are really cool. The female Elena is great (however she is the only as in her world 'wereism' or whatever is passed on through the male line) She's always struck me as who Buffy would be once she grew up and left the teen angst behind, and, this book verging on being a bonk'n'bite, she's as sexy as hell.

As to are the blokes, yum.

I do think though that it is a good thing that when they change they go fully wolf, as i can't think of any way they could make a werewolf with boobs anything but off-putting.

I'm going with werewolf - they have that whole back to nature/ability to sunbathe thing going for them.


Monday, July 20, 2009 7:23 AM


Originally posted by seryn:

I do think though that it is a good thing that when they change they go fully wolf, as i can't think of any way they could make a werewolf with boobs anything but off-putting.

I'm going with werewolf - they have that whole back to nature/ability to sunbathe thing going for them.

Hmmm see it's just not working for me the whole wolf thing. It's toooooo animal! I mean we're talking fleas, poop scoops and having to take trips to the vet to have your claws clipped.

Nope. I'm not sold. While Vampires are animal to a point I think the link to being human is closer, and therefore more appealing.

Plus wolves do that whole hunting in packs thing... Does that mean in your human state you'd be more inclined (instincts taking precedence) to live with other werewolves in some sort of communial digs?

I think I'm more the solitary kind, incined to reside in a dark, gothic style manor.


Monday, July 20, 2009 8:24 AM


I imagine when you're in wolf form, assuming you don't have control, no one's going to give you a ticket for public urination or going to expect you to clean up after yourself.

...That's actually tempting all by itself, just for the sheer mischief potential. Don't like your neighbor? Mwahahaha. Sweet, sweet, smelly revenge.

You may have to worry about the dog catcher or animal control, but I think when they find a confused naked human in their cages the next morning, things will probably resolve themselves.

Also, dogs and wolves in the wild naturally wear down their claws. It's the plush living nowadays that forces them to need clipping.


Monday, July 20, 2009 9:14 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Nope. I'm not sold. While Vampires are animal to a point I think the link to being human is closer, and therefore more appealing.

Plus wolves do that whole hunting in packs thing... Does that mean in your human state you'd be more inclined (instincts taking precedence) to live with other werewolves in some sort of communial digs?

I think I'm more the solitary kind, incined to reside in a dark, gothic style manor.

I'll agree with you that vampires aren't animals but thats mainly because what they actually are are corpses. bleurgh.

I can't recall a werewolf ever having gone to the vets, but i'm pretty sure poopascooping doesn't enter into the picture.

As for the pack thing, werewolve have lived in every kind of way, solitary, in packs, in networks, communities and not even knowing if they aren't the only ones, its flexible.

Were I a werewolf? I'm already a pack animal by nature, so why not - my entire life i've been surrounded by family, friends, multiple pets and random strays, i love the chaos and community so bring on pack life.

I can't do solitary, just like i couldn't do with out plants, trees, sunlight, noise, bickering, creme brulee, christmasses and a dozen other things which vampires don't seem that into.

Don't get me wrong, i'd love the chance to be all sexy and irrisistable (its only a glamour but then what is a push up bra?) dramatic and svelt. But after a while my own broodines and tortured soul searching for the meaning to an endless existence would just start to get right up my nose, 'd have to stake myself just for being a pretentious git.

And i'm barely a decent meat eater, i couldn't cope with a blood diet.

again, bleurgh.


Monday, July 20, 2009 9:45 AM


Neither, i'd rather be a, T-REX. It's big, rude, crude, and nearly indestructable, seriously, only three dinosaurs are credited as being bigger.


Monday, July 20, 2009 9:52 AM


Yeah, but T-rex's have those daft little arms and a brain even less efficient than your average Big Brother contestants, and they ate carrion. If I was going to be a dinosaur i'd go for a Velocirapter - small, fast and mean.

But i never was a big dino fan, i was always disappointed that Dragons didn't actually exist.


Monday, July 20, 2009 11:45 AM


Seryn Wrote:


I'll agree with you that vampires aren't animals but thats mainly because what they actually are are corpses. bleurgh.
... Are they? Buffy is a necrophiliac!


I can't recall a werewolf ever having gone to the vets, but i'm pretty sure poopascooping doesn't enter into the picture.

Ummmm. In this day an age!!? If werewolves did exsist one of the many clauses (er-hmm) should you be one or know of one, would be; make sure they don't eat people, that they've had their jabs and that they've been 'fixed' (Ouch!)!!! To add the usual recreational pursuits, such as 'walkies', would be subject to proper hygiene precaution. Should such an act be remise - a heavy fine would be landed by said Werewolf and/or owner. Real pain!


As for the pack thing, werewolve have lived in every kind of way, solitary, in packs, in networks, communities and not even knowing if they aren't the only ones, its flexible.
Do they do the Times crossword too :) ?


Were I a werewolf? I'm already a pack animal by nature, so why not - my entire life i've been surrounded by family, friends, multiple pets and random strays, i love the chaos and community so bring on pack life.
Fair 'nuff. To each their own I guess.


I can't do solitary, just like i couldn't do with out plants, trees, sunlight, noise, bickering, creme brulee, christmasses and a dozen other things which vampires don't seem that into.
Who say's Vamps don't do creme brulee, or blamanche or even custard pies! I bet a vamp loves a good custard pie fight! Who doesn't ?


Don't get me wrong, i'd love the chance to be all sexy and irrisistable (its only a glamour but then what is a push up bra?) dramatic and svelt. But after a while my own broodines and tortured soul searching for the meaning to an endless existence would just start to get right up my nose, 'd have to stake myself just for being a pretentious git.
Ahh you'r focussing on Angel here.. There are other vampires with a lot more sense of humour and fun. Willow vamp for instance.


And i'm barely a decent meat eater, i couldn't cope with a blood diet.
Er if you're a werewolf you're hardly eating tofu and quiche y'know.

Also that morning after being a werewolf there's the horrible realisation that you'd probably spent most of the night licking your own nuts! Or worse still sniffing some other werewolfs bum....

Count me out! Count me Dracula..... (sorry couldn't resist)

Anyways it's all good. Wouldn't be any fun if we all wanted to be vamps would it.


Monday, July 20, 2009 12:42 PM


I think the ass licking would be worse than any other kind of licking, really. But you know how some dogs wipe by scooting?

I would hope and pray I'd be one of those. Either that, or extra strength industrial toothpaste.

Or I could put on one of those ridiculous neck collars before I went wolfie.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:30 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Seryn Wrote:


Buffy is a necrophiliac!

In one sense yes, though on the other hand, i've a vague suspicion that real necrophiliacs wouldn't go anywhere a partner that could still move and talk to them...

At the very base of the legend they are the dead animated. Pretty much only a working vocabulary above zombies. At the other end, it doesn't seem to matter which book you read or film you watch, they have to be dead to be a vamp. I know of versions where they can be born with a vamp 'virus' or whatever, but true, fully powered up vamps are dead dead dead.

Angel too - even if he is all souled up and whatnot, she still did a dead guy.


Ummmm. In this day an age!!? If werewolves did exsist one of the many clauses (er-hmm) should you be one or know of one, would be; make sure they don't eat people, that they've had their jabs and that they've been 'fixed' (Ouch!)!!! To add the usual recreational pursuits, such as 'walkies', would be subject to proper hygiene precaution. Should such an act be remise - a heavy fine would be landed by said Werewolf and/or owner. Real pain!

I have to point out that werewolves are WOLVES and not dogs. Their natural hunting grounds are going to be forests and other out of the way, uninhabited places, or even private land - in the books i talked about before, the pack spent a considerable amount of time and money aquiring vast tracts of NY state pine forest Even in being human the werewolf finds a forest with an abandoned house to change in. Even when away from home they would choose to run in wastelands, wooded areas, abandoned neighbourhoods and other places where sensible humans would venture little. The last place they would ever go would be manicured public parks with wardens and fine systems.


Do they do the Times crossword too :) ?

I can think of at least one that does, another that paints for a living... another that lectures at a university... ;)


Who say's Vamps don't do creme brulee, or blamanche or even custard pies! I bet a vamp loves a good custard pie fight! Who doesn't ?

The point would be that I like eating them! Most authors agree that vamps no longer eat food, there are a few exceptions, but on the whole no.
And throwing a creme brulee at someone would be pretty close to heresy! ;)


Ahh you'r focussing on Angel here.. There are other vampires with a lot more sense of humour and fun. Willow vamp for instance..
fun, if torturing, killing, maiming and generally being really naughty is your idea of fun..
I was actually thinking of Louis du Pont du Lac or whatever his name was, Dracula himself to some extent, half a dozen other vamps that i've read about.. the only one I ever Liked was Lestat - but he was still a troublesome git.


Er if you're a werewolf you're hardly eating tofu and quiche y'know.
I know - i'd be relying on the hope that while wolf i'd develop more of a liking for it, and have the stomach to deal with it. I can't see me staying human shaped and suddenly loving the runny protein.


Also that morning after being a werewolf there's the horrible realisation that you'd probably spent most of the night licking your own nuts! Or worse still sniffing some other werewolfs bum....

It could go two ways. A, i'd be wolf formed but retain human conciousness, in which case no butt licking there or b, i'd be fully canine and not give a monkeys. The realisation on return to human form would be something you (might) eventually become accustomed to. Strong toothpaste, yes.

Scent is how canines communicate, hunt, bond and mate, they aren't just smelling the poop.

I'd also like to point out that not 24 hours ago i was watching a show and a vampire pointed out that he quite liked the vein at the top of the inside leg (Tru Blood) which isn't a million miles from the butt and also that a vast number of humans aren't adverse to a little mouth-to-bits contact, again not a million miles away from the parts in question.


Anyways it's all good. Wouldn't be any fun if we all wanted to be vamps would it.

no it wouldn't be at all fun if everyone were the same! In fact it would be miserable and a wee bit booring. And theres nothing to say the two couldn't happily co-exist. Infact I think there are several versions where the vamps had to rely on the weres to save their sleeping asses many a time.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3:30 AM


Very interesting thread, especially since I'm in the middle of season 1 of True Blood in DVD and have read all the Twilight books (yes I know, but they were going around work and irresistable).

Being female and middle aged, the vampire seems to be the only choice...but I wouldn't mind remaining human and having an "encounter" with Bill or maybe even Eric?


Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:10 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Yeah, but T-rex's have those daft little arms and a brain even less efficient than your average Big Brother contestants, and they ate carrion. If I was going to be a dinosaur i'd go for a Velocirapter - small, fast and mean.

But i never was a big dino fan, i was always disappointed that Dragons didn't actually exist.

FINE! if i had to be one, i'd be a damn waerwolf, there vicious, furry, and have such sharp teeth.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009 1:29 AM


Oh i'm sorry! You can be a T-rex.

They did have that marvellous ability to walk in really slow motion (Jurrassic Park) and they are scary looking m******ers.

My niece went through a serious Land Before Time phase and the big bads in that are always T-Rex's - floaty light sing song pastel baby dino's and then this red coloured beastie come roaring and slavering through.

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:17 AM


Seryn Wrote:


At the very base of the legend they are the dead animated. Pretty much only a working vocabulary above zombies. At the other end, it doesn't seem to matter which book you read or film you watch, they have to be dead to be a vamp. I know of versions where they can be born with a vamp 'virus' or whatever, but true, fully powered up vamps are dead dead dead.

What abouy BLADE? How's he figure in all this mythos?


I have to point out that werewolves are WOLVES and not dogs.
I was just going with the funny....


The point would be that I like eating them! Most authors agree that vamps no longer eat food, there are a few exceptions, but on the whole no.
And throwing a creme brulee at someone would be pretty close to heresy! ;)

Ah yes but you do have to take into account that 'instincts' take over and things like Creme Brulee, well you just grow out of it, (in vamp form of course) and it no longer is an issue.


fun, if torturing, killing, maiming and generally being really naughty is your idea of fun..

..and being a werewolf would involve no killing or maiming or - ok maybe not being naughty... But y'know close enough


I know - i'd be relying on the hope that while wolf i'd develop more of a liking for it, and have the stomach to deal with it. I can't see me staying human shaped and suddenly loving the runny protein.

What for quiche? As a wolf?! You're kidding right? If you start watering down the essence of being a wolf, what exactly is it that you're drawn to in chosing to be a werewolf?


It could go two ways. A, i'd be wolf formed but retain human conciousness, in which case no butt licking there or b, i'd be fully canine and not give a monkeys. The realisation on return to human form would be something you (might) eventually become accustomed to. Strong toothpaste, yes.

Well in terms of A, again you're moving yourself away from the 'animal' aspect to your curse - if you see it that way, which it doesn't sound like you do, so I'd have to say it sounds like yes, B. In which case Strong toothpaste it is :D Still if you are ready to accept your lot then you'd maybe not worry about that side of things after a while, which is fair enough. It's all just instinct so go with it I guess.


Scent is how canines communicate, hunt, bond and mate, they aren't just smelling the poop.

Yes, but we've all seen those wildlife documentaries on the TV. When wolves meet, if they don't fight they sniff butt first!...And how about that whole Alpha male type thing within the wolf world. Would it come through amoungst other werewolves in society? Could you be at a dinner party with fellow werewolfers and suddenly the evening turns nasty on account of two males going for one female as the salmon mouse is passed around. Dinner would be a bust! Shocking disaster! Take more than after eight mints to smoothe that one out!


I'd also like to point out that not 24 hours ago i was watching a show and a vampire pointed out that he quite liked the vein at the top of the inside leg (Tru Blood) which isn't a million miles from the butt

No it aint that's true - but it's far enough away, thank you very much!

Someone might know of it's name but that vein is often tapped into when people need to have their hearts looked at. I had a friend who had a medical camera put right into that vein as it goes all the way up to the heart. *shudders*


and also that a vast number of humans aren't adverse to a little mouth-to-bits contact, again not a million miles away from the parts in question.

Well humans eh? I guess the leap to wolf isn't so great after all. A little lax on personal grooming and I dare say a lot of folk are almost there...


no it wouldn't be at all fun if everyone were the same! In fact it would be miserable and a wee bit booring. And theres nothing to say the two couldn't happily co-exist. Infact I think there are several versions where the vamps had to rely on the weres to save their sleeping asses many a time

Indeed. Aren't dogs suppose to keep guard over Dracula's coffin or something... ?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:50 AM


Unless I'm mistaken, Blade is a dhampir, a half human, half vampire born from a human female. Not a vampire.

And actually, in a wolf pack, there generally aren't fights over mates. Using the alpha male/female in that sense is a mistake. Generally, ONLY the alphas mate. Sometimes the alpha male mates with betas, and if the pack can handle the increased population, sometimes betas mate. But generally, because overpopulation will kill a wolf pack, the alpha wolves do NOT allow other wolves to mate. A bit of teeth snapping, tail between the legs, maybe even a submissive roll onto the back, and it's a done issue.

Hierarchy would be worked out at the very beginning of the dinner party, and would likely not be transgressed.

I'd be a lone wolf anyway, so I'm not too concerned.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:14 AM


Originally posted by Bytemite:

Unless I'm mistaken, Blade is a dhampir, a half human, half vampire born from a human female. Not a vampire.
Is he alive or dead though?


And actually, in a wolf pack, there generally aren't fights over mates. Using the alpha male/female in that sense is a mistake. Generally, ONLY the alphas mate. Sometimes the alpha male mates with betas, and if the pack can handle the increased population, sometimes betas mate. But generally, because overpopulation will kill a wolf pack, the alpha wolves do NOT allow other wolves to mate. A bit of teeth snapping, tail between the legs, maybe even a submissive roll onto the back, and it's a done issue.

I know - I'm just going for the laughs. Still there's always rival pack fights so could be a dinner party with a Werewolf from across the ther side of town...


Hierarchy would be worked out at the very beginning of the dinner party, and would likely not be transgressed.
Pheeuw. The brulee is safe :D


I'd be a lone wolf anyway, so I'm not too concerned.
So what d'ya do to be run from the pack eh?.. Still I have to agree. If I were cursed as a werewolf I'd go it alone too, and I'd howl at the moon with solitary glee!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:52 AM


He'd be alive, because he wouldn't BE a vampire, in that case. And half-vampires don't drink blood either... And I don't think they're immortal. Though I think they do have a curse. Lots of them become vampire hunters because they hate their nonhuman parent, and for good reason. And they're good at it because being a dhampir allows them to see things, and in ways they couldn't otherwise, plus gives them a boost in strength.

Wolf packs are territorial. Either they wouldn't associate with each other, or the packs would merge together and dinner table hierarchy would be determined in the manner I've already described.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:00 AM


I'm seeing the funny! don't worry, i'm giggling through most of this.

The point I a was making about wolves/dogs was that a wolf would go to the park and it would turn into a scene from a disaster movie. First people would stop and stare in befuddlement at the problem (our wolf) then the first woman would scream, then they'd all start screaming, then there would be running around willy nilly and the snatching up of babies apart from that one abandoned child who would sit in the sandpit and wail and then the park would empty, wailing toddler n'all.

Still, at least then i'd get free run of the slides - i likes slides i do.

As long as the creme brulee is safe.

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:09 AM


Bytemite wrote:


He'd be alive, because he wouldn't BE a vampire, in that case. And half-vampires don't drink blood either... And I don't think they're immortal. Though I think they do have a curse. Lots of them become vampire hunters because they hate their nonhuman parent, and for good reason. And they're good at it because being a dhampir allows them to see things, and in ways they couldn't otherwise, plus gives them a boost in strength.

Wolf packs are territorial. Either they wouldn't associate with each other, or the packs would merge together and dinner table hierarchy would be determined in the manner I've already described.

Cheers for the update Bytemite. I'm going to have to re-watch blade to know exactly what he is supposed to be now. I'm still confussed on why he was taking that injection. Anyway cheers.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:14 AM


Originally posted by seryn:


The point I a was making about wolves/dogs was that a wolf would go to the park and it would turn into a scene from a disaster movie. First people would stop and stare in befuddlement at the problem (our wolf) then the first woman would scream, then they'd all start screaming, then there would be running around willy nilly and the snatching up of babies apart from that one abandoned child who would sit in the sandpit and wail and then the park would empty, wailing toddler n'all.

Yeah - yeah I'm seeing it. It's working. By the way great use of the word "Befuddlement" :D


Still, at least then i'd get free run of the slides - i likes slides i do.
Hey who doesn't. Slides are tops. Wish they made adult ones that slid from work to home! Now that's a commute.


As long as the creme brulee is safe.
I think I hear a musical number coming on....
•OPERATIC VOICE• " The Creme Brulee is Saaaaaaafe!"


Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:30 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Unless I'm mistaken, Blade is a dhampir, a half human, half vampire born from a human female. Not a vampire.

I've seen two thoughts on whether a female human can have a vampire's child.

Yes from Twilght. One time and wham bamm you're pregnant with a monster that'll kill you being born, if not before.

Or you can take the Tru Blood idea, vamps are dead, no little swimmers to worry about but boy oh boy they are much better than human males in bed(and you only have to put up with them at night and are starting to look more and more like the perfect guy!).

But you do end up with pesky puncture marks that you hsve to explain and more than likely anemia.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:20 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
I think I hear a musical number coming on....
•OPERATIC VOICE• " The Creme Brulee is Saaaaaaafe!"

Heh. It ain't over til the fat lady ate the pudding, got bit by a vampire and was chased off stage by wolves...

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:11 AM


Those are pop culture reinterpretation. The slavic people, who came up with the baseline for the popular notion of the vampire, believed that half humans were possible. So that's what I consider the mythos.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:51 AM


No problems. One of my internet friends is doing her Phd thesis in Russian literature on vampires in Russian literature. I hope she lets me read it when she gets it finished.

I just got the first 7 Sookie Stackhouse novels in the mail this morning from Amazaon so I'll likely be taking Tru Blood to task as to vampire lore.

I have read the first one. It's gory, funny, sexy and frightening all at once. I'm already mad at the TV series. Alan Ball had Bill kill Longbow and it was Eric that did it and saved Sookie in the novel.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:04 PM


Would rather be a Vamp more perks, less transformation pain, no having to steal clothes or walk around naked in public places when you morf back, more control over your transformations etc....having said that I have been known to howl at the fool moon so maybe it's outta my hands.






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