Pitch me your uniqueTV show idea...any genre...pick your actors...have fun!

UPDATED: Sunday, March 6, 2011 16:48
VIEWED: 4039
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Thursday, March 3, 2011 9:35 AM



Thursday, March 3, 2011 10:23 AM



POSTAL! : Tales of mail delivery in the WH40K Universe.

PRECIS: You ever wonder just how much, err.. "fun", the Administratum Postal service has to be in the universe of Warhammer 40K?
Rampaging Orks, Forces of Chaos, the dangers of The Warp, and that's before you even get on the ground!
But still, someone's gotta deliver the mail, and today, that someone... is us.
Good luck, and may the Emperor be with you!

THOUGHTS: I would definately want to get the writer of the Ciaphas Cain novels onboard (Sandy Mitchell) as he's managed a quite humorous take on the job of Commissar and the universe as a whole, and as well I would try to get some writers from the UK, because the dry brit-wit gallows humor they're so good at is just perfect for this one.

It'd also be quite possible to do this on the cheap, by focusing on the characters instead of the action, per se, since they're NOT mighty heros, but mostly-ignored-by-history bit players.



Thursday, March 3, 2011 12:30 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Okay, so there's this ordinary girl, well not completely ordinary because she likes fantasy stuff, pretends etc. She's in high school and finds out that she is really the princess of Ireland in this alternate universe where things are fantasy oriented, you know magic and dragons and stuff. So she has to go between regular life at school with friends etc. and this other realm where she fights bad guys and all this cool stuff. Oh and she has a twin in the other realm who is touched and magical, but you don't find that out until at least the second season. There's the fae etc. This is like my ideal TV show, I used to try and picture myself being the girl in it when I was a kid, but of course the idea has evolved somewhat in my mind. But yeah, maybe no one else would watch it, but I would love it and be devoted to watching it.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, March 3, 2011 3:54 PM


Riona, you seriously need to read Un Lun Dun.
Just based on your thoughts and commentary, you would enjoy it immensely, I think.



Thursday, March 3, 2011 4:05 PM


I should probably point out here that I'm a struggling screenwriter; my whole "thing" is coming up with ideas for new shows (and watching them get shot down).

Just one for now:

This sci-fi dramedy is to the space opera genre what Chuck is to the spy genre. Inspired as much by Star Trek and Avatar as by Galaxy Quest and Irresponsible Captain Tylor, "Cannon-Fodder" would combine edge-of-your-seat action and adventure with character-driven drama and comedy.

The planet Calios is a multicultural haven; a trading hub where hundreds of species and civilizations mix and mingle. Supported by its own system patrol fleet, Calios is a shining gem at the edge of the known worlds --until it is conquered by the human-dominated Vanel Empire. Overnight, Calios' nonhuman population become second-class citizens. Much of the military is disbanded (or simply "disappears"), leaving easygoing second-lieutenant Caleb Voxer (Alan Tudyk) in command of the Starship Legionnaire.

With his crew including Duncan Scott (a hatchet-faced martinet from the Empire, assigned to serve as Voxer's XO as punishment [James Morrison:]), Samantha Rollins (an exotic femme fatale member of the Vanel Intelligence Service, assigned to monitor Voxer in the name of "Imperial loyalty" [Dichen Lachman:]), Docalla (an alien refugee and brilliant scientist), Zane Carret (the foppish son of an Imperial politician [Lee Thompson Young: []), and Immogen Grant (the ship's tomboyish CAG [Laura Harris:]), Voxer and his largely-untrained crew are sent into the unknown regions beyond the Empire's borders. They are alone and without backup, serving as the spearhead of Imperial conquest, not because they're the best, but because they're the most expendable.

Voxer and his crew survive encounters with hostile aliens, enemy stellar nations, God-like superbeings, ancient technology, and potential mutiny through nothing more than wits, desperate improvisation, wild bluffs, dumb luck, and occasionally by running away really fast, while wrestling with the Empire's mandate of "peace through domination" versus the Caliosan way of "all sapients as equals."

(I'm sorry, IMDB is for crap right now.)

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, March 4, 2011 3:52 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

This reality/documentary show revolves around the lives of 10 people who post on the same web forum, and follows them as they go about their daily lives and their online lives, and how the 2 worlds influence each other and their friends and family in each. I am ready to write and direct if any production companies are interested.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, March 5, 2011 2:50 PM


not so much a tv-show idea, more like a movie, but there was once made this, quite funny movie in denmark quite many years ago, probably before i was born

not entirely sure what the title would translate into, closest i can figure is: a day without a lie.

its about a young man working for this two real estate buisness men, i guess they are, that gets tired of how his to employers allways lies and cheats others, and he gets a little breakdown that makes him make this bet with them and a third buisnessman(one the other 2 also has tried to cheat)that he can go an entire day without telling a lieĀ“the bet is about 5000grands(quite alot back then)aand then it is about how they 3 guys tries to make him tell a lie and the trouble that insues because of this. would not mind perhaps see maybe Summer(if she would try her hand or talents in comedy play the role instead of a man.

just a thought :-)


Saturday, March 5, 2011 3:06 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

The outer space ones, the postal one and the one where Alan Tudyk plays another pilot, sound like they'd be worth a try. Frem that book sounds okay but talking objects and animals have never been my speed, but I like to think I'm flexible, whether it is true or not.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Saturday, March 5, 2011 3:59 PM


So, it's a western...but in space! Whadya think?


Saturday, March 5, 2011 9:07 PM


Night Watch, a 30 min sitcom based on Terry Pratchett's Diskworld cops. A cross between Barney Miller, Car 54 and Sherlock Homes, as a bunch of misfit cops and citizens deal with crime in the corrupt, sorta Victorian city of Ankh-Morpork. Lots of opportunity for comedy, fantasy, satire, or even serious drama. The cops could include, humans, of several stereotypical types, dwarves, trolls, werewolves, and Igors (Frankenstein monster medical officers), as well as wizards and witches.
No specific casting.


Sunday, March 6, 2011 1:43 AM


I've always liked the idea of a drama/thriller set around a town and it's people. A murder (or some other crime) would kick off the series and then we'd see how the seemingly unconnected townsfolk would gradually be brought into play as connections are made between them.
Sort of a Twin Peaks without the paranormal side. I'd want it to be 'real', more like Short Cuts or Crash. It's an idea that has probably been done but I don't recall any and I'd like it on a big scale, say, 20-ish main characters. It's the type of show suited for HBO.

I'd second the idea of Night Watch as well as long as they are based on the books. In fact they can do all his works.
And The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman would work well as a TV show better than a movie.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Sunday, March 6, 2011 4:37 PM


Okay, I'll bite.

A group of thieves plan a series of heists. They're more successful than Dortmunder, but not entirely divorced. It's sometimes funny, sometimes serious. They are in it for their own gain, but each has a different motivation.

The setting is a post apocalyptic world, in the aftermath of an alien invasion. On this setting, society is attempting to rebuild itself, but there are places where civilization completely falls apart. To complicate the matter, the aliens are still here, and they are also trying to rebuild the world, but with a radically different vision than the humans.

Prominent alien characters are played by CGI with the voices of some pretty decent voice actors: Good, but not recognizable for their voice. I don't want anyone to say "That alien is Sean Connery!"

Every show is better with Summer in it. Also, Every show has to have Adam. I like Morena more as an evil alien, but she'll have to be a human if she's here, but some sort of human alien double agent.

Oh. No one really knows how this war started, or whose fault it was, but predictably, most people blame the other side. There are, on both sides, self-blamers.

Alien technology is radically different, not radically superior. virtually nothing of the original technology is left, so that always makes for stuff worth stealing. The tech there is is basically all rebuild stuff. There might even be one or two alien-human hybrid things.

Everything goes better with Alan Rickman, but I can't decide yet whether he should be human. Maybe he should be a voice for one of the Aliens.

The aliens brought creatures with them. No post-apoc landscape or city scape is complete without critters, large alien animals crawling on the outside of buildings, picking off humans like a woodpecker looking for bugs.


Sunday, March 6, 2011 4:48 PM


I think I'll step over to what NOB's show. Hope you can get better production values than they gave Gaiman's Neverwhere. Your show should have Alan Rickman in it ;)

Then I'll swing over to watch Cannon Fodder.

Then I think I'll stop over to see Postal! Hell, this show is so much going to be CGI anyway, why not just hijack a game engine and make eps and put them up on Youtube?


The Ireland show needs a twist. The people in the real world should show up in the fantasy world, but not as friends, in strange places, like wizard of oz. Have you seen 10th Kingdom?






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