Is Trump Nuts?

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Thursday, April 13, 2017 7:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Yep. Sounds to me like Trump is turning into Clinton a little bit more everyday.

Looks like maybe you win Second. No need to gloat about it.

Trump is more right-wing than ever. Trump’s current policies now point toward orthodox conservatism: a return to the days of light-touch regulation on Wall Street and standard Republican business-friendliness. That is completely the opposite of Hillary.

It was never clear exactly what Trump's populism was supposed to amount to, but it sincerely discomfited America’s CEO class and drove the unusual dynamics of the 2016 general election — with Hillary Clinton largely choosing to accept Trump’s characterization of himself as something fresh and new. She simply argued that it was fresh and new and dangerous, rather than primarily casting Trump as a fraud who would pursue an agenda of enriching his fellow rich businessmen.


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Our last two presidents at least thought it was about ruining the economy back home while starting never-ending wars. Glad he's on board with you guys now.

Those never-ending wars that Trump will push forward with encouragement of Republican Congressmen, who give him the money for wars? Those are opportunities for rich businessmen. All that is very orthodox Republicanism. It is as old as Nixon's Vietnam War. There are thousands of old men in Texas that have stories of how they got rich from the Vietnam War. That is the true meaning of "Make America Great Again". It was not really about unemployed coal miners going back to the mines once Trump is President.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 7:28 PM


The press agrees with 6, 2. Trump shifts moderate.
So far, though, this is a lot of noise. IDK if it turns into war or if it's all staged. I'm also a little worried about the backpedaling on trade. Globalist Trump?


Thursday, April 13, 2017 7:35 PM



Originally posted by second:
Those never-ending wars that Trump will push forward with encouragement of Republican Congressmen, who give him the money for wars?

What did Obama and a majority Dems running the place do about our never-ending wars after he got the Nobel Peace Prize?

Oh, that's right. Start a few more never-ending illegal wars.

Mr. Obama. The first president in a while we've had that spent his entire time behind the desk while the country was at war.

That's a pretty low bar he set for Trump. I'm hoping that maybe we see a time of peace in the next 8 years, but since Trump seems more and more everyday to do what you wanted when you voted for Hillary, I really doubt it.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Mr. Obama. The first president in a while we've had that spent his entire time behind the desk while the country was at war.

That's a pretty low bar he set for Trump. I'm hoping that maybe we see a time of peace in the next 8 years, but since Trump seems more and more everyday to do what you wanted when you voted for Hillary, I really doubt it.

It was a choice between Hillary, who was just more of the same old Obama, or Trump, the guy who paid a $25,000,000 penalty in 2017 (you have not forgotten already, have you?) for committing fraud. It was an easy choice for me. Trump was constantly lying. His life history was one lawsuit after another, proving to me he is a lying sack of nuts. It was no surprise to me (and should not have been to you) when he acts like a fraud once he was President. That's Trump's main personality trait. He calls it the art of the deal. I call it lying and in his more restrained moments, Trump is using misdirection rather than outright lies.

Can you see the difference in how Trump speaks truthfully? I can:


Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:15 PM


lol... so I guess it was okay to overlook all of that lying about the servers and all of the stuff on record that Hillary and Bill had been doing for decades while actually in public office?

Trump may be no different, but even democrats agree that every single thing that came out of Hillary's mouth was a lie.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:47 PM



Originally posted by second:

It was a choice between Hillary, who was just more of the same old Obama, or Trump, the guy who paid a $25,000,000 penalty in 2017 (you have not forgotten already, have you?) for committing fraud. It was an easy choice for me. Trump was constantly lying. His life history was one lawsuit after another, proving to me he is a lying sack of nuts. It was no surprise to me (and should not have been to you) when he acts like a fraud once he was President. That's Trump's main personality trait. He calls it the art of the deal. I call it lying and in his more restrained moments, Trump is using misdirection rather than outright lies.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
lol... so I guess it was okay to overlook all of that lying about the servers and all of the stuff on record that Hillary and Bill had been doing for decades while actually in public office?

The people who said that were lying for money. You are old enough to know that Americans get less and less honest as more and more money is involved.

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Trump may be no different, but even democrats agree that every single thing that came out of Hillary's mouth was a lie.

No, no, 6stringJoker, Democrats do not agree with what you wrote. You missed the point completely, didn't you? Trump is different; he is a world-class liar, at a far higher level than Bernie or Hillary. It is no surprise that Trump was believed while campaigning. That was also the secret to his business successes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 13, 2017 10:41 PM


A choice between Hillary and anyone is anyone. It's "Bring back George W. Bush" if necessary. It's true, too. In the Bush years, Hillary headed the committee for the Patriot Act, she was the lead dem in the push for war, she wanted to use nuclear weapons, to push for war with Iran, and under Obama, she was a funder and armer of international terrorists, pushing for war with Russia, and the architect of Arab Spring. IOW, She was the worst part of the Bush admin and then the worst part of the Obama admin. And her husband's admin was pretyt bad as well. Esp. from a Rwandan or Yugoslav perspective.

Any site that doesn't put Hillary's facts as a 90+% pants on fire has pretty much just permanently shot their credibility with me.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 11:12 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
A choice between Hillary and anyone is anyone. It's "Bring back George W. Bush" if necessary. It's true, too. In the Bush years, Hillary headed the committee for the Patriot Act, she was the lead dem in the push for war, she wanted to use nuclear weapons, to push for war with Iran, and under Obama, she was a funder and armer of international terrorists, pushing for war with Russia, and the architect of Arab Spring. IOW, She was the worst part of the Bush admin and then the worst part of the Obama admin. And her husband's admin was pretyt bad as well. Esp. from a Rwandan or Yugoslav perspective.

Any site that doesn't put Hillary's facts as a 90+% pants on fire has pretty much just permanently shot their credibility with me.

Straight out of fake news and the RT play book. We have been reading this shit here for years.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 11:32 PM


You guys are just crazy, or at least you have no idea what you want or are even bitching about.

If you were happy with the Obama years, it doesn't make any sense at all that you were unhappy with the GWB years. All signs right now point to Trump turning on everything he said he was going to do and fall right in line with the last 16 years of action.

Looks like you guys won the election either way. Hope it's all you ever dreamed of.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 11:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SECOND:


Bordo’s central premise, she explains, is “that the Hillary Clinton who was ‘defeated’ in the 2016 election was, indeed, not a real person at all, but a caricature forged out of the stew of unexamined sexism, unprincipled partisanship, irresponsible politics, and a mass media too absorbed in ‘optics’ to pay enough attention to separating facts from rumors, lies, and speculation.”
I've read books that completely changed my mind about such basic assumptions as 'Mother Love'. But they were filled with historic data, statistics, records of personal accounts, and a logical explanation that made sense of it all.

As rare as that kind of book is, this could be one of them. But, more likely, given the overwhelming tide, this book is probably just another histrionic, hyperventilating load of bull.

And, after eight years of a contemplative scholar-president—a black man who embodies the aloha spirit—
Was that characterization of Obama actually in the book? Did they not notice the large number of drone strikes Obama had to personally sign off? Or the multitude of countries left literally blown apart and smoldering? Things aren't looking so good for the integrity of the argument.

The magnitude of America’s misogyny was writ large when the nation—abetted by the Electoral College, and perhaps the nefarious handiwork of a few international entities—selected a grossly inexperienced man over an experienced woman.
This is a logical falsity. They're assuming misogyny is the cause, when it's the point they need to prove. And ... did the authors not notice the failed economy?

Bordo’s feminist analysis is concise and incisive. She moves from the double standards faced by female politicians, often in the form of the likeability penalty, through to a discussion of the ultimate red herring, “the emails”... The fact is that it was perfectly legal for Clinton to use a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state ...
This has been DIRECTLY contradicted by the IG report. Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

And at this point I bailed. Either the author is sloppy, stupid, or lying. Why should I read any further?

And why should I put any trust is anyone who believes this crap?

Can you answer, SECOND?

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Friday, April 14, 2017 9:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

Can you answer, SECOND?

Trump has tasted human blood and he craves more and more. Is he nuts?

Trump is getting a taste for pulling the trigger.

In just the last week, the rookie commander in chief has presided over the use of some of the most powerful weaponry in the US arsenal, sending a signal that he is one President who relishes ordering the use of deadly force. It's clear that he believes Washington and the rest of the world are watching.

First, Trump dispatched Tomahawk cruise missiles to slam into an airfield belonging to President Bashar al-Assad's Syrian government forces, to punish what the US says is their use of chemical weapons.

On Thursday, the military dropped one of its most powerful non-nuclear bombs -- a 21,600-pound behemoth -- over a warren of ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan. Afghan officials said 36 militants were killed in the strike.


Friday, April 14, 2017 9:54 AM


Or it's reality. HRC lost because she's a genocidal lunatic who killed millions of people. Only she's still there pulling more stings than Putin.


Friday, April 14, 2017 9:58 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
And why should I put any trust is anyone who believes this crap?

And why should we put any trust is someone who lies in every post?


That is the point isn't it? That some here just lie and spin. Then they say, why bother, all you do is lie and spin. They spew ideological dribble and are allied with trolls and Russian sympathizers.

The most incredible thing is what they post, comment about, and claim to be factual information. No matter how outrageous the claim, they shamelessly continue. They post endless subjective nonsense which is off topic, or use fallacy of relative privation when at a loss. They attempt to make someone's perspective appear bad by comparing it with something else. Usually something not applicable to the conversation.

They don't seem to care that facts mixed with spin is false. They don't seem to care when they are outed as liars. They just move onto the next post with a self righteous indignation. An obstinate dogmatism, which prevents solutions to the myriad of world problems they claim to be concerned about. All they do here is spin their wheels.


Friday, April 14, 2017 11:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Or it's reality. HRC lost because she's a genocidal lunatic who killed millions of people. Only she's still there pulling more stings than Putin.

There actually is an explanation of why Hillary, Trump, and the old fogies in Congress, both Dem and GOP, are too eager to kill foreigners. You can read about it in the article "Few Democratic voters back Syria bombings. So why do so many Democrats in Congress?"

This is how the Beltway establishment, Republicans and Democrats alike, think about American foreign policy:
America’s role is to lead the world. Be it under the slogan of America’s “benevolent global hegemony,” the neoconservative version, or “the indispensable nation,” the neoliberal variant, the party in power scarcely matters. Anything that happens across the globe is potentially a critical American concern.


Friday, April 14, 2017 11:44 AM



I'll take a look. I don't have any faith in neocons or neolibs, they're both globalist commies and have no interest in what's good for America.


Friday, April 14, 2017 11:58 AM


I like that you post some good facts and opinions here SECOND. However, Vox is a left leaning publication. Sometimes factual, sometimes political in nature. This means it is important to separate reporting from far left opinions and agendas. I'll admit, some Trump supporters are annoyed by Trumps apparent change in policy, from America first, and are responding to that when asked about Syria. Many Democrats voted for Trump as well for the same reasons. Not the police men of the world, remember?


Friday, April 14, 2017 12:53 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Vox is leftwing you say. The Vox article was "I voted for Trump. After the Syria strikes, I'm second-guessing my choice."

No one knew who wrote Trump's speeches or if he consulted with any experts on foreign policy. He didn’t speak as if he had read non-interventionist thinkers like George Kennan or Andrew Bacevich — it’s really quite unlikely he has ever heard of them. But nonetheless, his message was clear: We needed to focus on America, not countries abroad.

And so someone like me came to support and vote for Trump for foreign policy reasons alone. As a founding editor of the American Conservative, I had been working to lay the groundwork for a more realist, less military interventionist Republican candidate for 15 years, without obvious success.

. . .
Madeleine Albright, a Democrat, had said on CBS that “the price is worth it” for the deaths of half a million Iraqi children in order to restrict Saddam Hussein’s access to international commerce. Though she later apologized for the statement and said it was taken out of context, it clearly articulated her priorities — a statement to remember whenever the Beltway establishment, Dem or GOP or Trump, pulls out its violins over dead children.

Originally posted by THGRRI:
I like that you post some good facts and opinions here SECOND. However, Vox is a left leaning publication. Sometimes factual, sometimes political in nature. This means it is important to separate reporting from far left opinions and agendas.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 14, 2017 1:09 PM


Yes, but my point is that because of his America first positions, it should be easy to find someone who is second guessing their vote after his bombing of Syria. It's anecdotal and means little.

A vast amount of Trumps supporters were Bernie supports. They reside in the Appalachians and Rust belt. They are democrats who have lost everything, are fed up, and want our politicians to get out of the foreign policy game. They may also be afraid because Trump is unpredictable. They may be worried a bump in his poll numbers over the bombing may push him to go all in.


Originally posted by second:
Vox is leftwing you say. The Vox article was "I voted for Trump. After the Syria strikes, I'm second-guessing my choice."

No one knew who wrote Trump's speeches or if he consulted with any experts on foreign policy. He didn’t speak as if he had read non-interventionist thinkers like George Kennan or Andrew Bacevich — it’s really quite unlikely he has ever heard of them. But nonetheless, his message was clear: We needed to focus on America, not countries abroad.

And so someone like me came to support and vote for Trump for foreign policy reasons alone. As a founding editor of the American Conservative, I had been working to lay the groundwork for a more realist, less military interventionist Republican candidate for 15 years, without obvious success.

Originally posted by THGRRI:
I like that you post some good facts and opinions here SECOND. However, Vox is a left leaning publication. Sometimes factual, sometimes political in nature. This means it is important to separate reporting from far left opinions and agendas.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 14, 2017 1:37 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THGRRI:
A vast amount of Trump's supporters were Bernie supporters. They reside in the Appalachians and Rust belt. They are democrats who have lost everything, are fed up, and want our politicians to get out of the foreign policy game. They may also be afraid because Trump is unpredictable. They may be worried a bump in his poll numbers over the bombing may push him to go all in.

I am calling bullshit on that idea that Democrats switched to Trump when they could not get Bernie. They went to third parties.

Gary Johnson got 2 to 7% of the vote in various states. He had 0% chance of being elected. Voting for Johnson was pure protest voting by Democrats, not Republicans. The Republicans come out and vote for the Republicans, exclusively, while the Democrats do stupid things like voting Libertarian or, their favorite suicidal tactic to make themselves irrelevant to American politics, Democrats are not voting at all. That really teaches the establishment. What it teaches is that many Democrats are nuts about how elections work.

To simplify things into their broadest terms, in recent elections the Republican always gets around 60 million votes; the question is whether the Democrat can bring out more voters or not. If they can, as Obama did twice, they win. If they can’t, as Clinton and John Kerry failed to, they lose.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 14, 2017 2:08 PM


In November, Donald Trump would be the choice of 44 percent of West Virginia Democratic primary voters who supported Bernie Sanders Tuesday, CBS News early exit polling found.


Friday, April 14, 2017 3:44 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Yes, but my point is that because of his America first positions, it should be easy to find someone who is second guessing their vote after his bombing of Syria. It's anecdotal and means little.

A vast amount of Trumps supporters were Bernie supports. They reside in the Appalachians and Rust belt. They are democrats who have lost everything, are fed up, and want our politicians to get out of the foreign policy game. They may also be afraid because Trump is unpredictable. They may be worried a bump in his poll numbers over the bombing may push him to go all in.

Spot on. This is pretty much it. I didn't vote for Trump, but I know a lot of people who did. Frankly, in platform points, Trump was a lot closer to Bernie. Half of it was that Trump deliberately copied Sanders' talking points while HRC was busy voting them off the Dem. Party Platform, or her clintonistas were, but Trump took them on because he wanted to win. The larger part is that Trump, like Sanders, is anti-establishment. They represent a vote against the status quo. Hillary really was the status quo.

About 40% of Sanders voters went Trump, only 20% went Hillary. Also, a lot of the normally non-voting population in the rust belt also came out for Trump.

And thanks, T, that is what's really going on. There's no need for Russian hackers or white nationalists, etc.

I find Trump really very predictable. He's running the same sort of scam he ran in NY for years. But who has more pull over him is the question. As long as it's family first, it'll probably be fine. If the McMasters of the world get control of the Donald, we're going to be in a lot of trouble. My take on Clinton would be that she is one of the McMasters, so you're better off with a chance of that than the certainty of it.

That said, it wasn't enough for him to get my vote. I like him more now than I did when he was running, but he would have to actually do something for me to vote for him next time. Like improve the economy. End some wars. And the dems would have to stay on the suicide stampede that they've been on since November. If they nominate someone sane like Warren, i'll probably vote for her. No power in the verse could make me vote for Hillary.

Going to the bar with a buddy tonight who is going to tell me all about how Trump is Clinton's hired fallguy. I'm not drinking that koolaid, but I'm willing to hear the argument.


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:08 PM


Again with the defense of Russia. What I posted does not excuse what Russia did. The smear campaign waged by the Russians and their trolls against Hillary was relentless, and still is. Our threads are full of it. The contacts between Trumps team and Russia that they denied are still under investigation. Two of his team has had to register as foreign agents since news of their connections to Russia broke. His son in laws security clearance is being challenged because he lied about his meeting with Russian agents. And their pulling the same shit with our allies.

No dreamtrove, some of us here can think and chew gun at the same time.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Yes, but my point is that because of his America first positions, it should be easy to find someone who is second guessing their vote after his bombing of Syria. It's anecdotal and means little.

A vast amount of Trumps supporters were Bernie supports. They reside in the Appalachians and Rust belt. They are democrats who have lost everything, are fed up, and want our politicians to get out of the foreign policy game. They may also be afraid because Trump is unpredictable. They may be worried a bump in his poll numbers over the bombing may push him to go all in.

Spot on. This is pretty much it. I didn't vote for Trump, but I know a lot of people who did. Frankly, in platform points, Trump was a lot closer to Bernie. Half of it was that Trump deliberately copied Sanders' talking points while HRC was busy voting them off the Dem. Party Platform, or her clintonistas were, but Trump took them on because he wanted to win. The larger part is that Trump, like Sanders, is anti-establishment. They represent a vote against the status quo. Hillary really was the status quo.

About 40% of Sanders voters went Trump, only 20% went Hillary. Also, a lot of the normally non-voting population in the rust belt also came out for Trump.

And thanks, T, that is what's really going on. There's no need for Russian hackers or white nationalists, etc.

I find Trump really very predictable. He's running the same sort of scam he ran in NY for years. But who has more pull over him is the question. As long as it's family first, it'll probably be fine. If the McMasters of the world get control of the Donald, we're going to be in a lot of trouble. My take on Clinton would be that she is one of the McMasters, so you're better off with a chance of that than the certainty of it.

That said, it wasn't enough for him to get my vote. I like him more now than I did when he was running, but he would have to actually do something for me to vote for him next time. Like improve the economy. End some wars. And the dems would have to stay on the suicide stampede that they've been on since November. If they nominate someone sane like Warren, i'll probably vote for her. No power in the verse could make me vote for Hillary.

Going to the bar with a buddy tonight who is going to tell me all about how Trump is Clinton's hired fallguy. I'm not drinking that koolaid, but I'm willing to hear the argument.


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:12 PM



A tired false narrative, give it up. People have been hating Hillary since Russia was the Soviet Union, an evil empire if you recall. And she doesn't disappoint. She's the world's most accomplished serial killer, and still committing terrorist attacks in Syria. And that's the truth. Feel free to lie about it now, I know you will.

BTW, I also knew you would find a way to disagree with me agreeing with you.


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:20 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by G:
blah blah blah

You troll me because I've proven you wrong too many times. Trolling is all you have left, troll.

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:32 PM


It's about the Russians' attempt to undermine the worlds democracies. It's global and your constant defense of Russia as the world points it's finger at them, is what's tired. What gave you away? Your not being able to let anything negative about Russia pass. You gotta hit it. It's like dangling a worm in front of a hungry fish. It's what blew the cover of 1kiki and SIG as well comrade. Think about it. I tied you to your Polish heritage, and pegged you as a Russia sympathizer not weeks after you started posting again. Your constant defense of Russia is what gives weight to my claim.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

A tired false narrative, give it up. People have been hating Hillary since Russia was the Soviet Union, an evil empire if you recall. And she doesn't disappoint. She's the world's most accomplished serial killer, and still committing terrorist attacks in Syria. And that's the truth. Feel free to lie about it now, I know you will.

BTW, I also knew you would find a way to disagree with me agreeing with you.


Friday, April 14, 2017 6:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Friday, April 14, 2017 6:25 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Care to try addressing the facts, again? Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

I'm good


Friday, April 14, 2017 6:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Friday, April 14, 2017 7:17 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Care to try addressing the facts, again? Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

I'm good

Lol. T, happy in the fact-free zone, spouting mischaracterizations and lies about everyone else. At least he admits it, while hiding behind his sockpuppet.


Friday, April 14, 2017 7:30 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Care to try addressing the facts, again? Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

I'm good

Lol. T, happy in the fact-free zone, spouting mischaracterizations and lies about everyone else. At least he admits it, while hiding behind his sockpuppet.

Me and the worlds free press. I think I'm in good company. What's your excuse for not being on board with the worlds free press comrade?


Saturday, April 15, 2017 7:13 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Is it finally time to take Twitter away from Trump? Or is he too nuts to stop?

Trump’s use of the social network to bully foreign governments is dangerous, as the Chinese government seemed to say today. “We call on all parties to refrain from provoking and threatening each other, whether in words or actions, and not let the situation get to an irreversible and unmanageable stage,” China’s foreign minister warned.

On Twitter, policy statements that would normally go through layers of diplomatic experts have been unleashed by Trump with no apparent vetting. Earlier this week, Trump tweeted from his own account and from the official @POTUS one that North Korea was “looking for trouble,” and threatened to “solve the problem.”

Such statements have fueled a “vicious cycle” of tensions on the Korean peninsula, North Korea’s vice foreign minister told the Associated Press in an interview.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, April 15, 2017 7:29 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THGRRI:
In November, Donald Trump would be the choice of 44 percent of West Virginia Democratic primary voters who supported Bernie Sanders Tuesday, CBS News early exit polling found.

Trump voters saying “Oh, we would have voted for Bernie rather than Trump” are talking baloney.

West Virginia has been reliably voting more and more for the Republicans. Same phenomenon goes on in Texas, too, except with a twist: when a completely nuts and utterly unsuitable third party candidate like H. Ross Perot comes along, he will still drew 22 percent of the state's vote. In Texas, they like ‘em crazy or Republican. Any Democrat, no matter how sane or conservative, is wasting their time campaigning in Texas.

West Virginia from Wiki
51.9% Bush vs Gore 45.6% West Virginia, 2000
56.1% Bush vs Kerry 43.2% West Virginia, 2004
55.6% McCain vs Obama 42.5% West Virginia, 2008
62.3% Mitt vs Obama 35.54 West Virginia, 2012
68.5% Trump vs Hillary 26.4% West Virginia, 2016

I see a trend in West Virginia. Democrats get less and less and Republicans more and more of the vote. Does not matter who the Democrat (even Bernie) or who the Republican (even Trump the nut).

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, April 15, 2017 9:29 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
In November, Donald Trump would be the choice of 44 percent of West Virginia Democratic primary voters who supported Bernie Sanders Tuesday, CBS News early exit polling found.

Trump voters saying “Oh, we would have voted for Bernie rather than Trump” are talking baloney.

Sorry, I'm not going to go deeper than I have. We disagree about this except to say, millennials. We are talking about millennials, born in the 80's and 90's raised on reality TV. Many did vote Trump, many were democrats.


Saturday, April 15, 2017 11:24 AM


Just going to way in here to say 6 is right, 2nd. You're re-electing Trump right now. "No Drama Obama" is a nice Johnny Cochran, but anything that is flagged as "opposite of Obama" is going to win, just like "opposite of HRC" What we (dems) need is to re-evaluate what we stand for, the way the GOP did in 2010, after Bush. Because the opposite of Bush also automatically got elected. Some republicans were able to redefine themselves as the opposite of Bush.

I give the dems about two years to re-align themselves. If they don't come out with a strong independent progress or moderate message in 2018, then I say any actual liberals should work on electing people into congress in a new liberal party. I humbly suggest something along the lines of the UK's LibDems, that would be my choice. But anything that distances them from the all around disaster that reigned for 8 years and jsut ran for office, which might've been "bush lite" or maybe it was "busy heavy"


Sunday, April 16, 2017 9:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

You're talking crazy. Trump will win Texas in 2020 and there is nothing the Democrats can do, there is no argument they can make or super-duper Democratic candidate or promises Democrats can put before the public to change that Trump is guaranteed a win in Texas in 2020. As for the other 49 states, probably the same. The same people who voted Republican in 2016 will vote the same in 2020, if they don't die in-between.

Your entire suggested strategy for the Democrats is ridiculous. It will no more be a winner for Democrats than would a revised strategy for Libertarians where they disavow Ayn Rand will help Libertarians win Texas.

A majority of Americans, and especially Texans, are addicted to the drug, the snake-oil, that the Republicans are selling and the elderly American baby-boomers will keep buying until it kills them or makes them sick enough to notice their mistake. (Think Bush and Iraq, Nixon and Vietnam, but Bush and Nixon still won a second term by bigger margins than their first elections. If Trump starts a war, his second term margin of victory over the Democrat will be HUGH.) But if the voters do change their minds for one short moment in the voting booth, soon enough they will change right back again to voting Republican. They love their Republican snake-oil. They believe in its healing power.

And your third party idea? "a new liberal party"? You have not gone crazy but you have misunderstood how the Constitution works. The USA is not a Parliamentary system and 3rd parties cannot win even a thin little sliver of power.

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Just going to way in here to say 6 is right, 2nd. You're re-electing Trump right now. "No Drama Obama" is a nice Johnny Cochran, but anything that is flagged as "opposite of Obama" is going to win, just like "opposite of HRC" What we (dems) need is to re-evaluate what we stand for, the way the GOP did in 2010, after Bush. Because the opposite of Bush also automatically got elected. Some republicans were able to redefine themselves as the opposite of Bush.

I give the dems about two years to re-align themselves. If they don't come out with a strong independent progress or moderate message in 2018, then I say any actual liberals should work on electing people into congress in a new liberal party. I humbly suggest something along the lines of the UK's LibDems, that would be my choice. But anything that distances them from the all around disaster that reigned for 8 years and jsut ran for office, which might've been "bush lite" or maybe it was "busy heavy"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 16, 2017 9:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

“When I hear the president talk about the wall, I think he’s speaking metaphorically.”
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas


Sunday, April 16, 2017 10:27 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Sorry, I'm not going to go deeper than I have. We disagree about this except to say, millennials. We are talking about millennials, born in the 80's and 90's raised on reality TV. Many did vote Trump, many were democrats.

I hate that they started calling me a Millennial when I was in my mid-thirties. I was going to tell you that you got your generations mixed up, but I guess Generation Y isn't a thing anymore and somehow I'm lumped in with kids that are in College still today.

I was never a big fan of the "Generation Y" moniker, but I was already going to college before the first season of Survivor aired, I still had dial-up, my friends and I were playing Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye, Emo wasn't a thing yet, crystal meth was only on the West Coast, gas was 88 cents a gallon, minimum wage was $5.25 and bought a shit ton more, Karaoke was still cool, Trump hadn't done reality TV yet, Bill Clinton was still president, we wouldn't see our first black president for almost a decade and nobody even knew who Barack Obama was, the Twin Towers were still a thing, rap still wasn't mainstream, Auto-Tune wasn't a thing yet, mp3 players weren't a thing yet, Napster was thriving, Metallica hated Napster, kids knew who Metallica was, nobody dreamed that pot would ever be legalized even for medicinal purposes, Facebook wasn't a thing, YouTube wasn't a thing, MySpace wasn't even a thing, smart phones weren't a thing, flip phones weren't even a thing.... I could seriously go on all day about this....

Putting people my age into the same box as college kids today is crazy.


Sunday, April 16, 2017 11:14 AM



You're holding a bucket of FAIL, complaining about it, and asking how you got it. Here's how: you pick of a package of FAIL from the shelf and dutifully mixed the ingredients.

Dems made their own suicide pact with HRC and Bill Maher called it out years ago. To blindly follow team Democrat and hope liberalism will follow is cognitive dissonance.

Trump got a large number of first time votes and first time republican votes. Only half of his voters were traditional republicans. But keep beeping that horn, I'm sure the traffic will move your way.

As for third parties, I disagree. The major problem with third parties is internal. We don't have opposition that believes in being the opposition. We have aux dems and aux gop. To win you have to start with the realization that it doesn't matter who becomes president, because we're never going to get a liberal into the presidency. The closest we ever came was a corporate dixiecrat. Unless it was Trump.

So, screw the presidency. It's still a congressional republic. Elect some liberals to the house and senate, even governors. Reform got Jesse Ventura in. could've kept him if they hadn't fallen apart. We just have to stop being afraid of the splitter mentality. In what way is Hillary Clinton even teh remotest bit a liberal? I mean, like Obama, she's probably a "libtard" as JSF would say, but not in any way liberal. Obama himself said in his campaign that his presidency would offer "no real policy change" over that of George W Bush. So, we elected Bush.lite for 8 years. Big accomplishment. We got an admitted neocon on a democratic ticket, who did so little for liberalism that even his own neighborhood in chicago remained a war torn ghetto. In fact, got worse. Which is why he's not back there. Despite having his own right hand man as mayor. Democrats can't fix it either because they can't or they won't and why does it really matter which?

So, you can go beating the drum for republican.lite, but recognize that Trump's appeal was being not the status quo, in spite of being a billionaire. Pink cat hats are not going to do it.


Sunday, April 16, 2017 3:31 PM



Originally posted by SECOND:
“When I hear the president talk about the wall, I think he’s speaking metaphorically.”
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas

Yes, I'm with Cornyn. Please, no wall, Trump, it's not good. I know, it was gonna= be yuge, the biggest, china's got a wall, but ours was going to reach to the moon. Better to just reach of the moon and forget about the wall. It didn't stop the Mongols, after all. Besides, the Mexicans, great people. Not the greatest people. Americans are still the greatest. But Mexicans, great hotels, great food, and hard working people. Fantastic people. Love 'em. But if they want to come over here, they're going to have to apply for citizenship. We got a lot of peopel here from the Mexico. We love 'em. Ven aquí si tú quieres trabajar. ¡Viva Mexico!


Sunday, April 16, 2017 6:52 PM


There's no need for a wall if you don't give free shit away and allow them to send it back home. No free healthcare, no welfare and no education unless you came here legally. No more anchor babies. Don't send the ones here already home. Set a date 1 year from now. That will give them 3 months to create one and then never again. Don't allow any wire transfers to Mexico unless you have an established bank account that only a citizen could get.

I have changed my mind about the wall. It's stupid.

Do that other shit and the only people who will want to come here are people who want to work.


Monday, April 17, 2017 6:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

CHRISTOPHER HILL, FMR. U.S. AMBASSADOR TO SOUTH KOREA: Well, I think Trump is trying to out-North Koreans the North Koreans. So let's see if that works. Certainly it makes people nervous when they're not quite sure what he means by it. And, you know, great powers can't really bluff.

So when you talk in those terms, you have got to be prepared to back it up. And I guess that's what worries people the most.

That said, I certainly appreciate the fact that he has understood this is a major issue. I mean, if I were President Trump, I wouldn't want to go before the American people in 2020 and say, well, you know, we gave it the junior college try and we decided there is nothing we can do about this...

I think it is -- we have come to a moment where this is kind of different from the past. First of all, they have had over 25 missile tests. They're working on a whole new generation of missiles. Of course, one of them failed in the last 24 hours. But that doesn't mean they'll try again.

So it's a new generation of missiles. And clearly, they're working on a warhead design for nuclear devices. So this is, I think, a very serious matter. And it's coming down the tracks.

And people often take the view, well, somehow, this is all about their regime survival. This is how they'll survive being a nuclear weapons country. Actually, I think they're more ambitious about it. They see this as a means to somehow decouple the U.S. from its ally in South Korea, from its ally in Japan, and somehow create a situation whereby, at least in theory, holding the U.S. at risk, the U.S. would be less willing to participate in a conflict on the Korean Peninsula, were it to come to that.

So they have ambitious plans for this. And I think we need to be very clear about the need to stop them. And I'm particularly discouraged when I hear people talking about, well, maybe we can freeze their tests in return for freezing our exercises with South Korea.


Monday, April 17, 2017 6:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
There's no need for a wall if you don't give free shit away and allow them to send it back home. No free healthcare, no welfare and no education unless you came here legally. No more anchor babies. Don't send the ones here already home. Set a date 1 year from now. That will give them 3 months to create one and then never again. Don't allow any wire transfers to Mexico unless you have an established bank account that only a citizen could get.

I have changed my mind about the wall. It's stupid.

Do that other shit and the only people who will want to come here are people who want to work.

You are worried about anchor babies. You will see that Republicans writing the 14th Amendment were confused about anchor babies back in 1866 if you check the debate about the Citizenship Clause. Only a very few in Congress correctly understood what they voted for.

You wrote: "Don't allow any wire transfers to Mexico unless you have an established bank account that only a citizen could get." That just means that American citizens will become intermediaries between banks in Mexico and illegal Mexicans. They will start businesses of making wire transfers to a third country and then to Mexico and take a fat fee from the illegals for doing it, unless that is what you really want. Forget wire transfers. Maybe Americans will smuggle tons and tons of cash to Mexico, kind of like the drug cartels are already doing with drugs going in the other direction.

If you really want to stop illegals from any country, not just Mexico, working in the USA, jail their bosses. Throw a few thousand bosses in jail every year and the rest will get the message. I believe the Republican Party won't be doing that even though there are already laws that could be much better enforced.

Really good jobs that US Citizens want, but can't have because of illegal aliens:


Monday, April 17, 2017 9:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump’s big problem is he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

At least it’s one of his problems. This became clear when he said he realized dealing with North Korea was “not so easy” after 10 minutes with the Chinese president.

Dealing with complicated problems is an occupational hazard faced by outsiders in all fields — and there’s never been a president who is more of an outsider. Consequently, a lot of his assertions about critical matters of public concern are based on ... nothing at all. As president, he is fitfully coming into contact with concrete policy choices, actual information, and well-informed people. And it’s making a difference.

That’s the dynamic behind many of this spring’s jarring policy reversals on backing out of NATO, Chinese currency manipulation, and relations with Russia.

And to the extent that Trump is replacing ignorance with information and bad policy with good policy, it deserves to be celebrated rather than mocked. But the wild swings themselves are disturbing and have consequences. And Trump’s actual habit of failing to obtain sound information don’t appear to have changed. That leaves him easily manipulated, like when Paul Ryan convinced him Republicans had to do health care reform before tax reform. As his equal-opportunity openness to both new information and fake “information” become clearer to all interested parties, the race will be on to manipulate the president and incite further chaos in American public policy.

The fact that it keeps happening suggests Trump has not really internalized the key lesson.

Peter Baker of the New York Times reports that only after he publicly accused Mr. Obama of having wiretapped his telephones last year did Trump ask aides how the system of obtaining eavesdropping warrants from a special foreign intelligence court worked.

One particularly chilling example of Trump’s casualness about information gathering is that Michael Crowley and Josh Dawsey report he was asking aides for information about why Assad would use banned chemical weapons only after American Tomahawk missiles had destroyed Syrian military targets. The shocking truth is that it’s probably Trump’s own rhetoric about Syria in particular and chemical weapons in general that led Assad to think there would be no consequences for violating his 2013 agreement.


Monday, April 17, 2017 11:39 AM



Originally posted by second:
If you really want to stop illegals from any country, not just Mexico, working in the USA, jail their bosses. Throw a few thousand bosses in jail every year and the rest will get the message.

Yup. Do that too.

And throw out a few elected officials creating sanctuary cities for illegals too.


I believe the Republican Party won't be doing that even though there are already laws that could be much better enforced.

Why does it always come down to that with you? 8 years of Obama and it didn't happen. It would never have happened with him, and you know that. At least now there might be a chance.

The wall is just symbolic. It's pointless.

How do we fund the preventative measures that will work?

There is that 1.6 billion in "Wall Money" still sitting there since the Bush administration for starters. We could also end the "war" on drugs and re-direct some of the DEA to this instead of outright firing all of them too.

And once the jails are being emptied of their free prison labor for non violent "criminals" who did nothing but provide a service that shouldn't have been illegal in the first place you'll have plenty of space for actual criminals. The added bonus is that when jobs aren't being done for virtually free with the prison labor, wages in general might actually see a bump too.


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:14 PM


Great post SECOND. I enjoyed reading it, but times are a troubling.


Originally posted by second:

CHRISTOPHER HILL, FMR. U.S. AMBASSADOR TO SOUTH KOREA: Well, I think Trump is trying to out-North Koreans the North Koreans. So let's see if that works. Certainly it makes people nervous when they're not quite sure what he means by it. And, you know, great powers can't really bluff.

So when you talk in those terms, you have got to be prepared to back it up. And I guess that's what worries people the most.

That said, I certainly appreciate the fact that he has understood this is a major issue. I mean, if I were President Trump, I wouldn't want to go before the American people in 2020 and say, well, you know, we gave it the junior college try and we decided there is nothing we can do about this...

I think it is -- we have come to a moment where this is kind of different from the past. First of all, they have had over 25 missile tests. They're working on a whole new generation of missiles. Of course, one of them failed in the last 24 hours. But that doesn't mean they'll try again.

So it's a new generation of missiles. And clearly, they're working on a warhead design for nuclear devices. So this is, I think, a very serious matter. And it's coming down the tracks.

And people often take the view, well, somehow, this is all about their regime survival. This is how they'll survive being a nuclear weapons country. Actually, I think they're more ambitious about it. They see this as a means to somehow decouple the U.S. from its ally in South Korea, from its ally in Japan, and somehow create a situation whereby, at least in theory, holding the U.S. at risk, the U.S. would be less willing to participate in a conflict on the Korean Peninsula, were it to come to that.

So they have ambitious plans for this. And I think we need to be very clear about the need to stop them. And I'm particularly discouraged when I hear people talking about, well, maybe we can freeze their tests in return for freezing our exercises with South Korea.


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:19 PM


More please


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:22 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump should keep his campaign promise to build a wall between Texas and Mexico. WWII was won in 4 years and Trump can build a Wall in 4 years. Republicans have been whining since 2001 that terrorists could cross as easily as Mexicans. Build the wall and stop the whining forever. And it needs to be well designed and constructed so that maintenance of the Trump Texas/Mexico Wall does not become an issue for future elections.

Like the Wall, the Sanctuary City is another Trump brainstorm. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March said the Justice Department may withhold federal grant money from cities that don't comply with ICE detainer requests. That move followed Trump's executive order to cut federal funds for cities and counties that provide sanctuary to undocumented immigrants.

Supporters of the crackdown say these sanctuary policies allow undocumented immigrants to be released back into society rather than turned over to federal authorities. Those who oppose it say forcing local and county officials to comply will make victims and witnesses less likely to come forward for fear of deportation and reduce the immigrant labor pool that businesses rely on. Texas' GOP lawmakers have tried since 2011 to pass a sanctuary cities ban.

"What we are trying to do is protect the trust relationship that exists between law enforcement and our community," Austin Mayor Steve Adler says. "That's why we're one of the safest communities in the country. We've invested a lot of time and a lot of money in building that trust and we're trying to preserve and protect it."

"There is no law that says you have to honor an ICE detainer," says Austin's Travis County District Attorney Margaret Moore, who handles felony cases. A legal review by the local county attorney found Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez' policy was "crafted carefully to be in compliance with that law."


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by second:
If you really want to stop illegals from any country, not just Mexico, working in the USA, jail their bosses. Throw a few thousand bosses in jail every year and the rest will get the message.

Yup. Do that too.

And throw out a few elected officials creating sanctuary cities for illegals too.


I believe the Republican Party won't be doing that even though there are already laws that could be much better enforced.

Why does it always come down to that with you? 8 years of Obama and it didn't happen. It would never have happened with him, and you know that. At least now there might be a chance.

The wall is just symbolic. It's pointless.

How do we fund the preventative measures that will work?

There is that 1.6 billion in "Wall Money" still sitting there since the Bush administration for starters. We could also end the "war" on drugs and re-direct some of the DEA to this instead of outright firing all of them too.

And once the jails are being emptied of their free prison labor for non violent "criminals" who did nothing but provide a service that shouldn't have been illegal in the first place you'll have plenty of space for actual criminals. The added bonus is that when jobs aren't being done for virtually free with the prison labor, wages in general might actually see a bump too.


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:23 PM


Go dig up some more Russian dirt kid. The adults are talking.


That was posted to T, obviously, but you snuck your post in right under me Second.


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:30 PM



Originally posted by second:
Trump should keep his campaign promise to build a wall between Texas and Mexico. WWII was won in 4 years and Trump can build a Wall in 4 years. Republicans have been whining since 2001 that terrorists could cross as easily as Mexicans. Build the wall and stop the whining forever. And it needs to be well designed and constructed so that maintenance of the Trump Texas/Mexico Wall does not become an issue for future elections.

It's still only symbolic if none of those other things we talked about are done, but you do have a point here. Sure. Put it up and be done with it. I'm really bored about hearing about it too.


Like the Wall, the Sanctuary City is another Trump brainstorm.

No it wasn't. Read the rest of what you just posted. I'll highlight the important part.


U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March said the Justice Department may withhold federal grant money from cities that don't comply with ICE detainer requests. That move followed Trump's executive order to cut federal funds for cities and counties that provide sanctuary to undocumented immigrants.

Supporters of the crackdown say these sanctuary policies allow undocumented immigrants to be released back into society rather than turned over to federal authorities. Those who oppose it say forcing local and county officials to comply will make victims and witnesses less likely to come forward for fear of deportation and reduce the immigrant labor pool that businesses rely on. Texas' GOP lawmakers have tried since 2011 to pass a sanctuary cities ban.






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