This is Why Trump is a SCUMBAG!

UPDATED: Monday, October 14, 2024 04:46
VIEWED: 50570
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Saturday, July 7, 2018 9:10 AM


Incrementalism is a fascist tactic. Hitler didn't start throwing people in ovens the first day.

He started by spewing hate at certain groups. Normalizing it. Kristallnacht wouldn't have happened if the Nazis hadn't already primed the pump.


Saturday, July 7, 2018 9:29 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

40 out of 15,000 isn't a bad number by any means. Should probably wait for more details about the "why" before anybody goes making any rush judgements and starts calling everybody racists.

Those 40 make up .0026% of the amount of people who went into the program since it was enacted by the GWB admin, according to your article.

I can think of about 1,000 reasons why 40 of 15,000 people might be discharged from the armed services, and none of them have anything to do with race or nationality is all I'm saying.

Of course that number is very low percent wise, and I included that part of the article specifically so there are no accusations of hyperbole. The questions any curious person should be asking - especially in this current anti-immagrant climate - is why now? Why not before? Why is this suddenly important? Is this another trial balloon? You don't mess with the Military without seeing what The Base's response is going to be.

There are reductions being made to all forms of immigration, legal and illegal, and now we're even seeing attempts to de-naturalize immigrants. That's f*cked up. Unless maybe that warms your heart?

The number is extremely low, percent wise.

Why now? Because it's a hot topic, and immigration is all that CNN and MSNBC can talk about this week. They know that most people don't even read articles so they can just put a sensationilist headline on there and people will pass it around facebook as yet more proof that everything is racist.

Don't worry. A few weeks from now nobody will even remember that it happened.

Why don't you try to find dates for people who were discharged and why they were discharged. I'll bet that this didn't just happen all of the sudden and was going on the whole time.

Military life isn't supposed to be easy. Not everyone is cut out for it.

99%+ still enlisted in the program is a ridiculously high number. This means that either these immigrants are getting really lax treatment, or they're working exceptionally hard in general to complete the program.

My guess is a little of column A and a little of column B.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 7, 2018 10:32 AM


I should add that I'm actually impressed with the restraint by a few of you to just jump on this one and scream "SEE!!! RACISM!!!! NAZISM!!!! FASCIST!!!!".

It's an action that I'd like to see everybody on both "sides" start practicing more until it becomes a trend... and dare I hope, even one day a habit for everyone.

It's not that the media "lies" all of the time. There's usually quite a bit of factual data presented in any report that comes from either "side" of the news. The "lie" is in the bias in which it is presented and taken out of context. Both "sides" are equally guilty of this. Not only in how it is reported, but in how us idiots respond like rabid dogs immediately when we read the headlines.

I think we could all get along much better if we weren't always so quick to ask "how high" when our Media Masters tell us to jump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 7, 2018 11:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There are reductions being made to all forms of immigration, legal and illegal
Why should e not reduce immigration? Make you best case for open borders and let's talk.

BTW- what do you think the number of legal immigrants was under JFK?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, July 7, 2018 11:43 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

There are reductions being made to all forms of immigration, legal and illegal
Why should e not reduce immigration? Make you best case for open borders and let's talk.

Yes, because we all want open borders....


BTW- what do you think the number of legal immigrants was under JFK?
Irrelevant. This isn't 1962.


Saturday, July 7, 2018 12:02 PM


Trump keeps claiming credit for fixing things that aren't fixed



Saturday, July 7, 2018 1:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Kristallnacht wouldn't have happened if ... Germany had a healthy economy instead of hyperinflation, that saw many previously middle-class Germans starve to death or be at the brink of starvation death. Kristallnacht wouldn't have happened if ... Hitler hadn't ALREADY sent out groups of spies and assassinated many political rivals, making people afraid to speak out. Kristallnacht wouldn't have happened if ... there wasn't a pre-existing, widespread, literally centuries-old bias against Jews.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Saturday, July 7, 2018 4:28 PM



Despite the claims that this is business as usual, an indication of the changed tactics came earlier in the week when Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly testified before Congress. He told lawmakers immigration agents expressed frustration about that they were not fully allowed to enforce immigration laws under the Obama administration. He predicted Trump’s directives would end that frustration.

Kiki, thank you for responding in the way that you did.
Now, I was trying to make a point. I posted the quote above to illustrate a
point. See where it says that the ICE people have frustrated agents on their hands (a quote from John Kelly) because they can't carry on and enforce the
law. On the one hand, they (meaning the right and presumably the Trump regime) call Obama the Deporter in Chief, yet are screaming bloody murder
because they can't arrest people. That's why I say, which is it? You can't be both a major deporter and withhold the agents from arresting people.

Something's amiss. But I heard a report where Obama had a simplified
approach to handling families. They would keep them together until seen by
the judge in Immigration court. I have to dig a little to get verifiable
info on that, but I heard this recently as a result of MSNBC's coverage
of Trump's cruelty program. That's why I call "scumbag" on both he and his
regime. Obama enforces the law to a certain degree (the article in politico
described it that way) yet people poo-poo his program because he deported
people that were a danger to our society (I'm paraphrasing here).

So, I don't get it. Not that Obama didn't deport people. He did. But his
administration gave priority to those that would harm the U.S. What Trump
is doing is sanctioned human trafficking and pointed profiteering from
building "detention" centers. I know I'm splitting hairs, but that's the
reality of the situation. Plus the fact that Trump is a disgusting human
being and a racist. That kind of gets me, especially when it involves
young innocent children. Imagine if Obama had locked up little babies and
toddlers and held them hostage? Fuck, he would have been hung...literally!

You're right, rhetoric is all bullshit. But I'm choosing the side of those poor kids. And please don't give me that line that their parents are to
blame. These folks literally "walked" thousands of miles to escape an environment suffocating in violence, greed and exploitation, human trafficking. These are desperate times for the majority of those poor folk.
What Trump is doing is criminal and extremely exploitative. He's profiting
from human suffering and using the babies as a bargaining chip. I say
fuck him and his merry band of cutthroats. My utter hate and disdain has
everything to do with the scumbag way he's using these children. Period.
You want to call Obama a scumbag for what he did, go right ahead. This is
after all, still America. I am proud of people protesting this sleeze we
call Trump. No teams, just reality happening now.

Mark my words, if we as a country allow this to continue, this won't be
America for long.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
The reason why I answered your post, Shiny, even though you posted RIGHT AFTER my post which contained in black and skyblue exactly what you were demanding is this:

I've been trying to point out that just because one "side" is bad doesn't make the other "side" good, or even marginally better. I think a lot of you are stuck in thinking of this as a matter of 'teams', where there are only two in a game, and one side wins and the other side loses. But this isn't televised sports with all the glitz and commercialized team spirit. It's a quieter and more complex reality. We need to solve problems, not pick teams.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Saturday, July 7, 2018 5:31 PM


Trump reportedly treats Putin like a 'confidant' and the 2 men commiserate about how the 'fake news' and 'deep state' are against them

Yeah, poor Blumpy and Pooty.

Pooty's playing Blumpy like a murderous dictator who's a former KGB head, and the very embodiment of the "deep state," manipulating a mindless man-child. Oh, wait. That's exactly what's happening.

Blumpy's oblivious to the fact that he's an actual idiot. Pooty's IQ is about 3x what Blumpy's addled brain can do. Pooty will get everything he wants from the moron, just like Un did.



Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:16 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by reaverfan:
Trump reportedly treats Putin like a 'confidant' and the 2 men commiserate about how the 'fake news' and 'deep state' are against them

Yeah, poor Blumpy and Pooty.

Pooty's playing Blumpy like a murderous dictator who's a former KGB head, and the very embodiment of the "deep state," manipulating a mindless man-child. Oh, wait. That's exactly what's happening.

Blumpy's oblivious to the fact that he's an actual idiot. Pooty's IQ is about 3x what Blumpy's addled brain can do. Pooty will get everything he wants from the moron, just like Un did.


The one thing Blumpy shares with his base - maybe the only thing - is celebrity worship. Putin, Duterte, Erdogan, etc are like celebrities to Trump. You could see the Republican envoy doing the same thing when they lined up to shake Lavrov's hand - like they were meeting some famous athlete.


Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:47 PM


I bet Blumpy has to give Pooty a blumpy whenever he sees him. He owes him everything.


Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"On the one hand, they (meaning the right and presumably the Trump regime) call Obama the Deporter in Chief, yet are screaming bloody murder
because they can't arrest people. That's why I say, which is it? You can't be both a major deporter and withhold the agents from arresting people."

Uhhh ... why not? You can keep them from arresting (and deporting) SOME people, but arrest (and deport) a lot more of others.

The numbers tell the story. In one year alone, Obama deported 406,000 people. That's far more than Trump.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Saturday, July 7, 2018 7:36 PM


Ok, maybe I'm not making this clear. Yes, he deported people, as the LAW required. But, as we seem to agree upon 1 item, policy is determined by
the executive branch of government...Yes. Then, as I have stated, why are
people, such as yourself, making a big to-do about Obama deporting people.
Isn't that what people want?

That's why I'm calling "hypocrites" to those fussing over this issue.
Secondly, my issue with the fucking Trump regime is the cruel and abhorent
treatment of the kids - locking them in jails, never bathing or feeding
them properly, having them sleep on cold concrete floors, improper health
and medical treatment, etc. They also have contracted military-run companies
to care for these children; people that haven't a clue as to how to care
for children. I could go on, but you get the idea.

Now it turns out that the "government" cannot keep the deadline set by the judge to reunite the kids (babies under 5) with their parents. They requested more time, this after the head of HHS testified in Congress that
they could match the kids and parents with a few keystrokes on the computer.
In other words, THEY LIED.

These are Gestapo tactics at best, cruel and unusual.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"On the one hand, they (meaning the right and presumably the Trump regime) call Obama the Deporter in Chief, yet are screaming bloody murder
because they can't arrest people. That's why I say, which is it? You can't be both a major deporter and withhold the agents from arresting people."

Uhhh ... why not? You can kep them from arresting (and deporting) SOME people, but arrest (and deport) a lot more of others.

The numbers tell the story. In one year alone, Obama deported 406,000 people. That's far more than Trump.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Saturday, July 7, 2018 11:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Then, as I have stated, why are people, such as yourself, making a big to-do about Obama deporting people.
Isn't that what people want?

I can't speak for 'people' but I can speak for myself. I'm not sure where you got the idea *I* advocate for deporting anyone. I don't think I've made a case one way or the other, only that Trump - and Obama - are within what is legally allowed.
My point is that people need to take stock of where they are ON THE ISSUE, no mater who is in the WH. Do you think that Trump is evil for deporting people? Then that makes Obama even more evil. Do you think Trump is evil for separating parents and children? Then that makes Obama even more evil. Do you think Trump is evil for handing children over to for-profit contractors? Then that makes Obama even more evil.
For everything Trump has done, Obama has done it as well, but moreso.

That's why I'm calling "hypocrites" to those fussing over this issue.
So am I, unless of course they're being consistent ON THE ISSUES, in which case, they're not hypocrites for holding Trump and Obama to different standards.

Secondly, my issue with the fucking Trump regime is the cruel and abhorrent
treatment of the kids - locking them in jails, never bathing or feeding
them properly, having them sleep on cold concrete floors, improper health
and medical treatment, etc. They also have contracted military-run companies
to care for these children; people that haven't a clue as to how to care
for children.

Well ... Obama did the same thing. The circumstances were different. Trump separated families at the border, while Obama separated families already living here in the US. But if you live in the SoCal area, I'm sure you remember the news stories of children who came home from school and found their parents had completely vanished. That was Obama.

I could go on, but you get the idea.
I do. And I appreciate your reply.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Sunday, July 8, 2018 8:04 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Then, as I have stated, why are people, such as yourself, making a big to-do about Obama deporting people.
Isn't that what people want?

I can't speak for 'people' but I can speak for myself. I'm not sure where you got the idea *I* advocate for deporting anyone. I don't think I've made a case one way or the other, only that Trump - and Obama - are within what is legally allowed.
My point is that people need to take stock of where they are ON THE ISSUE, no mater who is in the WH. Do you think that Trump is evil for deporting people? Then that makes Obama even more evil. Do you think Trump is evil for separating parents and children? Then that makes Obama even more evil. Do you think Trump is evil for handing children over to for-profit contractors? Then that makes Obama even more evil.
For everything Trump has done, Obama has done it as well, but moreso.

That's why I'm calling "hypocrites" to those fussing over this issue.
So am I, unless of course they're being consistent ON THE ISSUES, in which case, they're not hypocrites for holding Trump and Obama to different standards.

Secondly, my issue with the fucking Trump regime is the cruel and abhorrent
treatment of the kids - locking them in jails, never bathing or feeding
them properly, having them sleep on cold concrete floors, improper health
and medical treatment, etc. They also have contracted military-run companies
to care for these children; people that haven't a clue as to how to care
for children.

Well ... Obama did the same thing. The circumstances were different. Trump separated families at the border, while Obama separated families already living here in the US. But if you live in the SoCal area, I'm sure you remember the news stories of children who came home from school and found their parents had completely vanished. That was Obama.

I could go on, but you get the idea.
I do. And I appreciate your reply.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

Post of the week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:15 AM


Godwin of Godwin's Law: 'By All Means, Compare These Shitheads to the Nazis'



Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:20 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Post of the week.

If you routinely lie, maybe.

Did the Obama Administration Separate Families?

Did Barack Obama Oversee the Separation of 89,000 Children From Their Parents?

No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families was not Barack Obama’s policy


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:35 AM


Thousands participate in Brussels ‘Trump’s not welcome’ march ahead of NATO summit

Remember when they marched in the UK and Belgium with signs saying “Obama not welcome”? Yeah, me neither.

What do they know that you keep denying? Could it be that Blumpy's a SCUMBAG?


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:40 AM


I'll be willing to admit that Trump is a scumbag, as soon as you admit that Obama and Hillary were also scumbags.

Hell. Yanno what? I'll do it now, lol.

I just happen to like the reasons that Trump is one a tad more over the others.

Why don't you fix that Democratic party of yours so I don't have to vote for Trump again. You've got 2 more years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 8, 2018 12:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.
The U.S. has deported more than half a million parents since 2009. Here’s what happens to their kids.
When unauthorized moms and dads disappear, their U.S. citizen children suffer. (Obama's policies)


Originally posted by reaverfan:


"In defending its “zero tolerance” border policy that has caused the separation of families, the Trump administration has argued that the Obama and Bush administrations did this too. ... Under a “zero tolerance policy” on illegal immigration announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in early April, the administration is now referring all illegal border crossings for criminal prosecution." "Under President Barack Obama, 89,000 children were separated from their immigrant parents at the United States border."

As I indicated, Trump separated families AT THE BORDER. Obama separated families by DEPORTING PARENTS ALREADY IN THE UNITED STATES. *see my many previously posted links for confirmation and those found below* I'll be repeating this fact until you 'get it'.
The U.S. has deported more than half a million parents since 2009. Here’s what happens to their kids.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

Deportations: Missing parents, scared kids

Divided by Detention: Asylum-Seeking Families’ Experiences of Separation
Family separation: The unforgivable result of the Obama administration’s unprincipled deportation policy.

Deportation Separated Thousands Of U.S.-Born Children From Parents In 2013

Lulu’s choice - At 16, the U.S.-born daughter of deported Mexicans must decide between life with her parents and life in America.

The U.S. has deported more than half a million parents since 2009. Here’s what happens to their kids.

Orphaned by deportation: the crisis of American children left behind
Thu 8 Jan 2015 16.49 EST
Thousands of parents of US citizens still face deportation despite reforms


Sunday, July 8, 2018 12:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Why don't you fix that Democratic party of yours so I don't have to vote for Trump again. You've got 2 more years.

Jayne said in the movie, "What are we hoping that 6ix does or says that equals the worth of a turd?" Nothing. Just want to remind you, 6ix, your value to America. Big business got what it paid for when they bought Trump. But even big business can’t overcome Trump’s love for Vladimir Putin:

A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly….Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.

American officials sought to water down the resolution….When that failed, they turned to threats….Ecuador, which had planned to introduce the measure, was the first to find itself in the cross hairs. The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced.

Health advocates scrambled to find another sponsor for the resolution, but at least a dozen countries, most of them poor nations in Africa and Latin America, backed off, citing fears of retaliation, according to officials from Uruguay, Mexico and the United States.

….In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, July 8, 2018 3:08 PM


In Blumpyworld, the interests of infant formula makers are more important than the health of babies.

Unless, of course, Pooty tells you to stop. Then you do what he says. His wishes are paramount to Blumpy.


Sunday, July 8, 2018 3:19 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The Russians did it! And it was good.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Sunday, July 8, 2018 5:17 PM


Trump and team are anti-federalists whom are using the same toolbox that Putin has used to stay in Power—

American Historian specializing in Central/Eastern Europe Timothy Snyder calls it schizo-fascism—-

He promoted ideologies that Snyder inventively describes as schizo-fascism: “actual fascists calling their opponents ‘fascists,’ blaming the Holocaust on the Jews, treating the Second World War as an argument for more violence.” Putin’s favored ideologist, Alexander Dugin, “could celebrate the victory of fascism in fascist language while condemning as ‘fascist’ his opponents.”

Trump and Team are anti-federalist because they are completely against the liberal notion of centralized government. They don’t see the central government's role in the welfare of its people. They don’t believe the federal government can create the conditions favorable to induce job growth let alone lead this nation to prosperity. They believe that individuals or states can do that for the nation as a whole.

According to

To Antifederalists the proposed Constitution threatened to lead the United States down an all-too-familiar road of political CORRUPTION All three branches of the new central government threatened Antifederalists' traditional belief in the importance of restraining government power.
Boy doesn’t someone we know like calling out Corruption?

Alexander Dugin, Putin’s favorite ideologist has this to say about how to turn the US on its head. This was said in his book “Foundations of Geopolitics”

Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".


Sunday, July 8, 2018 5:44 PM



Sunday, July 8, 2018 5:51 PM


A 1-Year-Old Boy Had a Court Appearance Before an Immigration Judge in Phoenix

Justice, Blumpy style.



Sunday, July 8, 2018 7:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
American Historian specializing in Central/Eastern Europe Timothy Snyder calls it schizo-fascism—-
Snyder is ... a passionate champion of endangered democracy in Ukraine and Eastern Europe—and now, the United States. Increasingly, he sees his concerns fusing into one great narrative ...

So, he has an agenda.

I noticed that one big question was unasked - if the US had not had such a long history of deceiving its citizens, and such a long history of the two major parties being merely different flavors of the same policies, would people be so mistrustful of it?
The US isn't a hapless, innocent victim in this. When it's accused of something nefarious, like, for example, torture in Afghanistan and Iraq, its long history of suppression, kidnapings, torture, and death squads in other countries make this new claim entirely feasible. It's denials, as inevitable as the sunrise and sunset, are viewed suspiciously. And it's eventual unmasking only adds to the jaded, cynical view many people have of the government.
In this context, people are willing to believe negative claims.
The US media is no better. It's merely a mouthpiece for whatever narrative the government - or the power behind the government - thinks is convenient at the time. Iraq WMDs wasn't the sole invention of Bush or Cheney. And if anyone really needs a refresher on this, I'll oblige at a time more convenient for me.
Even the author recognizes the problem:

Perhaps this campaign might have been defeated by strong responses by Western governments and truthful reporting by Western media.

In any case, you can tell the people all sorts of crap, and for the most part, they'll go along with it as long as they are economically comfortable. But when people start to be economically unhappy, they stop being so blasé about the government.
At that point, past experience of being propagandized becomes a felt negative. People become mistrustful (for good reason, though I would argue it's a bit late in the process). And once they're mistrustful, it's very difficult to win back trust.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Sunday, July 8, 2018 8:40 PM


The old "both parties are the same" canard. You guys really are falling apart!


Sunday, July 8, 2018 8:49 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Why don't you fix that Democratic party of yours so I don't have to vote for Trump again. You've got 2 more years.

Jayne said in the movie, "What are we hoping that 6ix does or says that equals the worth of a turd?" Nothing. Just want to remind you, 6ix, your value to America. Big business got what it paid for when they bought Trump. But even big business can’t overcome Trump’s love for Vladimir Putin:

A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly….Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.

American officials sought to water down the resolution….When that failed, they turned to threats….Ecuador, which had planned to introduce the measure, was the first to find itself in the cross hairs. The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced.

Health advocates scrambled to find another sponsor for the resolution, but at least a dozen countries, most of them poor nations in Africa and Latin America, backed off, citing fears of retaliation, according to officials from Uruguay, Mexico and the United States.

….In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Nice story.

What does this have to do with fixing the Democratic party?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 8, 2018 8:51 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
In Blumpyworld, the interests of infant formula makers are more important than the health of babies.

Unless, of course, Pooty tells you to stop. Then you do what he says. His wishes are paramount to Blumpy.

I'd have thought you'd be all on board with infant formula.

It's got everything your vegan pussy diet has.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:18 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
In Blumpyworld, the interests of infant formula makers are more important than the health of babies.

Unless, of course, Pooty tells you to stop. Then you do what he says. His wishes are paramount to Blumpy.

I'd have thought you'd be all on board with infant formula.

It's got everything your vegan pussy diet has.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That's because you don't know anything about anything. You're just a broken, miserable person, and you don't think it's your own fault.


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I see multiple pages of REAVERFAN stomping his feet and banging his fists.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:21 PM


HHS official celebrates Kennedy retirement with anti-choice activists: ‘We’re just getting started’
With Justice Kennedy on the way out, the assault on women's rights is fully underway.

Say goodbye to worker's rights, education, affordable health care, and any other social good achieved in the 20th century, too.


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:22 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I see multiple pages of REAVERFAN stomping his feet and banging his fists.


You see me owning you, and have no counter because you lost.


Sunday, July 8, 2018 9:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Ok, maybe I'm not making this clear. Yes, he deported people, as the LAW required. But, as we seem to agree upon 1 item, policy is determined by the executive branch of government...Yes. Then, as I have stated, why are people, such as yourself, making a big to-do about Obama deporting people. Isn't that what people want?

That's why I'm calling "hypocrites" to those fussing over this issue.

I think you have this backwards. The point is that people who are fussing about Trump are hypocrites if they don't ALSO fuss over Obama.


Secondly, my issue with the fucking Trump regime is the cruel and abhorent treatment of the kids - locking them in jails, never bathing or feeding them properly, having them sleep on cold concrete floors, improper health and medical treatment, etc. They also have contracted military-run companies to care for these children; people that haven't a clue as to how to care for children. I could go on, but you get the idea.
I heard a story on NPR about this poor, hapless Honduran (or maybe Ecuadorian) mother who brought her four children across the border with her, and how she was stuck in detention in New Mexico (or Arizona) while her four children were all the way in New York state. She WAS on contact with them (by phone) and her oldest son breathlessly informed her that he got to see the Statue of Liberty, in person, and how HUGE it was and how exciting!

If that was the worst that NPR could dig up, then where are these hellholes of which you speak?


Now it turns out that the "government" cannot keep the deadline set by the judge to reunite the kids (babies under 5) with their parents. They requested more time, this after the head of HHS testified in Congress that they could match the kids and parents with a few keystrokes on the computer. In other words, THEY LIED.
Not according to NPR, which has a well-established, anti-Trump bias. According to them, the computer systems which track the children do not communicate with the ICE computer systems, and therein lies the problem. Also, they are applying DNA testing to make sure that the adults are the true parents.

The end of this story about the poor hapless mother and her four children is that she was bonded out of detention, saw her children (who, she said, looked "fatter", which she was happy with) and was donated an apartment in NYC so she could be close to her children.

Do you have LINKS for these allegations? Or is this all just rumor, allegation, and outraged hyperbole?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Monday, July 9, 2018 1:45 AM


Hey Six, you want in on this discussion, then bring something more than Shit of the WeaK. Otherwise, butt out.

Seriously, you got something to say....Say It.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Then, as I have stated, why are people, such as yourself, making a big to-do about Obama deporting people.
Isn't that what people want?

I can't speak for 'people' but I can speak for myself. I'm not sure where you got the idea *I* advocate for deporting anyone. I don't think I've made a case one way or the other, only that Trump - and Obama - are within what is legally allowed.
My point is that people need to take stock of where they are ON THE ISSUE, no mater who is in the WH. Do you think that Trump is evil for deporting people? Then that makes Obama even more evil. Do you think Trump is evil for separating parents and children? Then that makes Obama even more evil. Do you think Trump is evil for handing children over to for-profit contractors? Then that makes Obama even more evil.
For everything Trump has done, Obama has done it as well, but moreso.

That's why I'm calling "hypocrites" to those fussing over this issue.
So am I, unless of course they're being consistent ON THE ISSUES, in which case, they're not hypocrites for holding Trump and Obama to different standards.

Secondly, my issue with the fucking Trump regime is the cruel and abhorrent
treatment of the kids - locking them in jails, never bathing or feeding
them properly, having them sleep on cold concrete floors, improper health
and medical treatment, etc. They also have contracted military-run companies
to care for these children; people that haven't a clue as to how to care
for children.

Well ... Obama did the same thing. The circumstances were different. Trump separated families at the border, while Obama separated families already living here in the US. But if you live in the SoCal area, I'm sure you remember the news stories of children who came home from school and found their parents had completely vanished. That was Obama.

I could go on, but you get the idea.
I do. And I appreciate your reply.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

Post of the week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 9, 2018 2:28 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
The old "both parties are the same" canard. You guys really are falling apart!

Did Obama close Gitmo? Close the government/ lobby revolving door? Reform the banks? Prosecute anyone for their role 2007/ 2008? Raise the minimum wage? Keep immigrant families together? Create the most transparent administration, ever? Or reward whistleblowers? Stop NSA bulk data collection? (White House allows NSA's bulk data collection to continue - CBS News
/ Feb 3, 2015 - One year after Obama called for NSA reforms, the White House unveils modest surveillance changes that allow for continued bulk data ...) Stop insanely sending US forces and the CIA all around the globe? Shrink the wealth gap? (or at least hold it steady?)

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Monday, July 9, 2018 2:47 AM


Vox Article regarding Trump vs. Obama handling of immigration


Monday, July 9, 2018 5:10 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm pretty familiar with the specifics, though it was nice to see them compiled in one place.

The one specific objection I have to the article is that it glosses over how MANY people Obama deported, as if his numbers weren't extraordinary - especially in terms of family separation - in order to focus exclusively on border practices. It misses a big part of the picture. Obama isn't nicer by comparison because his border policies were marginally better; when his deportation practices were far more draconian.

Also, I do wonder about the basic premise of the article. It seems to imply that illegal border crossing is normal, expectable, and allowable as long as the numbers aren't as high as they used to be (at some undefined level). I don't know that I've ever seen a discussion about whether zero illegal border crossing is a worthwhile goal. And if not, why not.

It seems we strive for a law abiding society in other areas: we don't discuss acceptable levels of rapes, murders, muggings, car thefts, and so on. Why should illegal border crossing be different?

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Monday, July 9, 2018 9:29 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm pretty familiar with the specifics, though it was nice to see them compiled in one place.

The one specific objection I have to the article is that it glosses over how MANY people Obama deported, as if his numbers weren't extraordinary - especially in terms of family separation - in order to focus exclusively on border practices. It misses a big part of the picture. Obama isn't nicer by comparison because his border policies were marginally better; when his deportation practices were far more draconian.

Also, I do wonder about the basic premise of the article. It seems to imply that illegal border crossing is normal, expectable, and allowable as long as the numbers aren't as high as they used to be (at some undefined level). I don't know that I've ever seen a discussion about whether zero illegal border crossing is a worthwhile goal. And if not, why not.

It seems we strive for a law abiding society in other areas: we don't discuss acceptable levels of rapes, murders, muggings, car thefts, and so on. Why should illegal border crossing be different?

That fact that you and Siggy keep comparing Trump to Obama to find a hint of a thread of negativity is enough for me to know your intentions are bent. Where were you guys during Obama's admin? I don't recall you saying anything good or bad on immigration, and according to at least SIGGY's latest stance on immigration, she should be saying, "sure wish we could go back to the good ole days when Obama kept even more people out - Trump is soft." But no, don't hear that. All I hear is double deflection talk.


Monday, July 9, 2018 9:58 AM


Putin’s Man in the White House? Real Trump Russia Scandal Is Not Mere Collusion, U.S. Counterspies Say

“Everyone continues to dance around a clear assessment of what’s going on,” says Glenn Carle, a former CIA national intelligence officer responsible for evaluating foreign threats. “My assessment,” he tells Newsweek, “is that Trump is actually working directly for the Russians.”



Monday, July 9, 2018 10:21 AM


Is the president scared to sit down with Mueller?

I don't know how narcissists feel, but he should be.


Monday, July 9, 2018 10:31 AM


Ivanka Trump's Chinese-Made Products Conveniently Spared From Dad's Tariffs

Can you say "RICO?"

A whole family of SCUMBAGS!


Monday, July 9, 2018 10:39 AM


Journalist Held by ICE Speaks: ‘Without a Doubt’ I Was Targeted for My Work

Illegal as hell, but then, fascists hate a free press.


Monday, July 9, 2018 11:51 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"That fact that you and Siggy keep comparing Trump to Obama"

I'm trying to make sense of YOUR posts. If Trump is bad - why is he bad? If Obama did the same thing - why is he good? And I'm not the only one. All those links I posted were written by people who MADE IT THEIR JOB to track down Obama's policies, Trump's policies, or both. What do you suppose THEIR intentions are? Don't be shy! Shout it out!

In the meantime, *I* did not take a stand during Obama's administration, and I haven't taken one now. *I* am simply discussing the parameters by which YOU have judged both, to see if they're the same, or different.

As f0999999999999999999999999999 sigh I get pestered at least three times in every post - that makes posting VERY tedious

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Monday, July 9, 2018 12:26 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm trying to make sense of YOUR posts. If Trump is bad - why is he bad?

Scroll up. Read some links.


Monday, July 9, 2018 1:04 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

YOUR SELECTIVE JUDGMENT IS BIASED. Which makes it pointless. Which is why I read about one sentence, then scroll on down to the next post.

Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm trying to make sense of YOUR posts. If Trump is bad - why is he bad?


Originally posted by reaverfan:
Scroll up. Read some links.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Monday, July 9, 2018 1:19 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

I'm trying to make sense of YOUR posts. If Trump is bad - why is he bad?

Scroll up. Read some links.

Incredible, we have two years of discussions in many different threads explaining not only why trump is a bad president, but why he is a nightmare.

Yet kiki says what? Where I come from we call that a runaround. Informal deceitful or evasive behavior.



Monday, July 9, 2018 4:49 PM


Here comes the next fascist outrage:

Trump, Not Content With Cruelty to Undocumented Immigrants, Moves to Deport U.S. Citizens

I’ve said it before, but this maxim may not be true anymore given that we live in an era where it is difficult to agree on a shared reality. The most hackish way to begin a column is to cite the dictionary, but given America’s shameful history with putting Japanese-Americans in concentration camps during WWII, and our various attempts at ethnic cleansing (which have all been largely forgotten to history/whitewashed), these words don’t resonate today like they should. Encyclopedia Britannica defines ethnic cleansing as:
The attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship.

Now consider that definition with the child concentration camps at our southern border, baby prisons, and this AP interview with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director L. Francis Cissna in mind:

The U.S. government agency that oversees immigration applications is launching an office that will focus on identifying Americans who are suspected of cheating to get their citizenship and seek to strip them of it.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director L. Francis Cissna told The Associated Press in an interview that his agency is hiring several dozen lawyers and immigration officers to review cases of immigrants who were ordered deported and are suspected of using fake identities to later get green cards and citizenship through naturalization.

Now, of course there are probably cases where someone received citizenship and should not have—because the only consistency throughout the history of humanity is our ability to make mistakes. In a bubble, reversing wrong decisions per the letter of the law is far from ethnic cleansing. However, we don’t live in a bubble. We live in Trumplandia, and the word “cheating” in the AP’s report is a giveaway of the administration’s true intent with this task force. This is about demonization, not strictly adhering to legal processes.

President Trump opened his campaign by calling Mexicans murderers and rapists. No one should trust that this task force will be conducted in any manner other than the one that Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions and the rest of the white nationalists currently sitting in the seat of power have pledged to execute. This is ethnic cleansing. The ethnicity targeted is “immigrants” because that’s what our legal system allows the executive branch to enforce, but they also have the ability to enforce it selectively. If you think that the Trump administration will focus on white immigrants with the same intensity as any immigrant with dark skin, you’re either willfully stupid or haven’t been paying attention.

America has done this before and we are doing it again. Don’t forget, we inspired Hitler. Per Mein Kampf:

There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but [the US], in which an effort is made to consult reason at least partially. By refusing immigrants on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain races from naturalisation, it professes in slow beginnings a view that is peculiar to the People’s State.

Make sure that everyone you know is registered to vote before the midterms in November. Any vote (or non-vote) other than one for the Democrats enables the Republicans to continue their march down this dark and very American path.


Monday, July 9, 2018 8:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:
YOUR SELECTIVE JUDGMENT IS BIASED. Which makes it pointless. Which is why I read about one sentence, then scroll on down to the next post.

Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm trying to make sense of YOUR posts. If Trump is bad - why is he bad?


Originally posted by reaverfan:
Scroll up. Read some links.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

Russian intelligence gains influence in foreign countries by operating subtly and patiently. It exerts different gradations of leverage over different kinds of people, and uses a basic tool kit of blackmail that involves the exploitation of greed, stupidity, ego, and sexual appetite. All of which are traits Trump has in abundance.

Throughout his career, Trump has always felt comfortable operating at or beyond the ethical boundaries that constrain typical businesses. In the 1980s, he worked with La Cosa Nostra, which controlled the New York cement trade, and later employed Michael Cohen and Felix Sater, both of whom have links to the Russian Mafia. Trump habitually refused to pay his counterparties, and if the people he burned (or any journalists) got in his way, he bullied them with threats. Trump also reportedly circulated at parties for wealthy men featuring cocaine and underage girls.

One might think this notoriety immunizes Trump from blackmail. Curiously, however, Trump’s tolerance for risk has always been matched by careful control over information. He maintains a fanatical secrecy about his finances and has paid out numerous settlements to silence women. The combination of a penchant for compromising behavior, a willingness to work closely with criminals, and a desire to protect aspects of his privacy makes him the ideal blackmail target.

It is not difficult to imagine that Russia quickly had something on Trump, from either exploits during his 1987 visit or any subsequent embarrassing behavior KGB assets might have uncovered. But the other leverage Russia enjoyed over Trump for at least 15 years is indisputable — in fact, his family has admitted to it multiple times. After a series of financial reversals and his brazen abuse of bankruptcy laws, Trump found it impossible to borrow from American banks and grew heavily reliant on unconventional sources of capital. Russian cash proved his salvation.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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