
UPDATED: Friday, June 10, 2022 08:02
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Saturday, September 22, 2018 7:42 AM


... stay crunchy...

The unbelievably stupid sh*t you post...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
SHE is making wild accusations and false narratives.

Ironically, you just made a wild accusation.
You're basing that on...what? Your feelz again?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry, brother, but I never bought into this whole Leftist idea of "always believe the woman no matter what" bullshit long before Kavanaugh, and neither does most of the country.

Most of the country??? How would you know what most of the country believes?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You're making a choice to believe a 30+ year after the allegation, allegation. I would say that you're only doing that because of the politics behind it, but in this insane age we're living in where you're guilty until proven innocent I really can't say that for sure about your opinion.

According to you she's lying, so according to you she's guilty and has to prove her innocence.
She's calling for an FBI investigation to prove guilt or innocence. Are you even remotely aware of the facts of this case?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How does a thing like this happen under somebody so divisive as Trump? How can the Democrats be so hated by the average citizen that isn't firmly in their echo chamber that Trump likely grows in power 6 weeks from now?

How many average citizens do you know? 20?


Saturday, September 22, 2018 8:56 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
The unbelievably stupid sh*t you post...

Ironically, you just made a wild accusation.
You're basing that on...what? Your feelz again?

No I'm not. The burden of proof is on her. That's the law of the land buddy. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to leave.

Maybe you'd prefer to live in a predominantly Muslim country where they'll just chop a woman's head off if she were to make rape allegations?


Most of the country??? How would you know what most of the country believes?

I talk to people outside of my echo chamber. In fact, if you look around here I don't even have an echo chamber. The ones you agree with here, you agree with every single thing that they say and post. I argue with everyone, including Sigs.


According to you she's lying, so according to you she's guilty and has to prove her innocence

She's calling for an FBI investigation to prove guilt or innocence. Are you even remotely aware of the facts of this case?

According to me, especially in light of the timing and the fact that making rape allegations is en vogue, I think there is a strong reason to be suspicious of her allegations.

But yes, that IS what happens when you make rape allegations. Now the burden of proof lies on you, and if there is no proof then you're lying.

I'm aware of the facts of the case. I'm also aware that if this case gets stalled enough there is hopes that enough Dems can be voted in to block the Kavanaugh appointment regardless of the rape allegations.

Mark my words that if that were to happen, you won't ever hear another peep about this case after the mid-term elections.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How many average citizens do you know? 20?

Probably a lot more than you do.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 9:04 AM


The perv weights in G and it's the women who is lying according to Jack. No surprise there.

"Dr. Ford passed a lie detector test and asked for an FBI investigation," Cummings tweeted. "Will Judge Kavanaugh do the same?"


Saturday, September 22, 2018 9:15 AM



Originally posted by THG:
The perv weights in G and it's the women who is lying according to Jack. No surprise there.

"Dr. Ford passed a lie detector test and asked for an FBI investigation," Cummings tweeted. "Will Judge Kavanaugh do the same?"

Oh. More personal insults. Big surprise.

And about lie detector tests...

But by all means... please allow this farce to continue. I'm entertained.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 9:24 AM


Careful there buddy... you don't want to make the...

Oh... nevermind.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 10:09 AM


Wow Jack, get some help.



Saturday, September 22, 2018 10:27 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Wow Jack, get some help.


Sure. Deny you know what I'm talking about.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 1:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But yes, that IS what happens when you make rape allegations. Now the burden of proof lies on you, and if there is no proof then you're lying.
That's not how it works, legally OR in real life. If there is no proof, then the suspect is found ... not "innocent" but "NOT GUILTY" ... and the accuser isn't necessarily lying. Attempted rape can often occur without leaving evidence, and in the circumstances of THIS accusation, she was a 15-year-old girl in a house with boys and alcohol and no adult supervision (One thing we don't know is whether SHE had been drinking too) and she could have been too scared to report this to the police because she might have gotten into serious trouble with her parents and/or kids just don't snitch on each other and/or she felt she might have at least partly precipitated the event by her own behavior.

So I can imagine how this would have gone unreported and why there would be no "evidence".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, September 22, 2018 1:45 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But yes, that IS what happens when you make rape allegations. Now the burden of proof lies on you, and if there is no proof then you're lying.
That's not how it works, legally OR in real life. If there is no proof, then the suspect is found ... not "innocent" but "NOT GUILTY" ... and the accuser isn't necessarily lying. Attempted rape can often occur without leaving evidence, and in the circumstances of THIS accusation, she was a 15-year-old girl in a house with boys and alcohol and no adult supervision (One thing we don't know is whether SHE had been drinking too) and she could have been too scared to report this to the police because she might have gotten into serious trouble with her parents and/or kids just don't snitch on each other and/or she felt she might have at least partly precipitated the event by her own behavior.

So I can imagine how this would have gone unreported and why there would be no "evidence".

It is my firm belief that the number of women who have been sexually assaulted and have not reported it because: it was just easier not to, or because they thought maybe just maybe it was their fault, or other completely innocent reasons, is astronomical. It dwarfs the number of women who would come forward and fabricate an assault, claim a rape that didn't happen, just to gain some "advantage" - even this one. She's the one who is asking for the claim to be investigated! Jack, as well as most GOP on the judiciary committee are old f*cking fossils that think of women as secondary citizens, "wives" - they need to get out of the way, enjoy their retirement.


Saturday, September 22, 2018 1:49 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Ironically, you just made a wild accusation.
You're basing that on...what? Your feelz again?

No I'm not. The burden of proof is on her. That's the law of the land buddy. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to leave.

Hell yes you are! You said: "SHE is making wild accusations and false narratives. " How do you know she's making wild accusations?

The burden of proof? She's asking for the FBI to investigate, right? You think she is carrying around a receipt? F*cksake. The GOP senators are the ones you need to drop that knowledge on.


Saturday, September 22, 2018 1:49 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But yes, that IS what happens when you make rape allegations. Now the burden of proof lies on you, and if there is no proof then you're lying.
That's not how it works, legally OR in real life. If there is no proof, then the suspect is found ... not "innocent" but "NOT GUILTY" ... and the accuser isn't necessarily lying. Attempted rape can often occur without leaving evidence, and in the circumstances of THIS accusation, she was a 15-year-old girl in a house with boys and alcohol and no adult supervision (One thing we don't know is whether SHE had been drinking too) and she could have been too scared to report this to the police because she might have gotten into serious trouble with her parents and/or kids just don't snitch on each other and/or she felt she might have at least partly precipitated the event by her own behavior.

So I can imagine how this would have gone unreported and why there would be no "evidence".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

That is precisely how the law works.

You're forgetting about Libel and Slander, Sigs, which you and Kiki have brought up quite a bit on these boards.

Let's face it. Up until recently, when false rape allegations were made, it has ruined lives of men who were targets of them, even if they were found Not Guilty. The tides seem to be turning on that these days though because only the most hard core Leftist Feminist blindly believes anyone who cries rape without knowing any of the facts, and there are quite a few women who are being charged for lying about this now. As they should be.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 1:57 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Ironically, you just made a wild accusation.
You're basing that on...what? Your feelz again?

No I'm not. The burden of proof is on her. That's the law of the land buddy. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to leave.

Hell yes you are! You said: "SHE is making wild accusations and false narratives. " How do you know she's making wild accusations?

The burden of proof? She's asking for the FBI to investigate, right? You think she is carrying around a receipt? F*cksake. The GOP senators are the ones you need to drop that knowledge on.

And what, pray tell, do you think the FBI is going to do about it 30 years later?


There is ZERO way to prove that this ever took place. This is nothing more than a political attack that was done in the 11th hour in an attempt to block Kavanaugh from being sworn in before the mid-terms in the hopes that enough Democrats are voted in to block him.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 2:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I was pretty outraged over the way Anita Hill was treated, but the DEMS trampled all over her and approved Thomas' appointment because ... yanno ... black. Identity politics at its finest. They got paid back for it because Thomas turned out to be somewhere to the right of Genghis Kahn. Well done, Biden! - SIGNY

^ I wondered about the truthfulness of this when I first read it... you're acting so certain and blaming the Dems was a dead give away. (See, by now I know your tells and I also know your deep seated bigotry. SIGHEIL!)- SHIT

I wanted to get back to this because I was an adult when this happened, and actually recall what was going on during this hearing.

"Race" was brought up by Clarence Thomas himself, who called the hearings a "high tech lynching". Because Thomas' record was something of a cypher (like Obama before his election), among the Democratic public there was a lot of discussion as to whether Thomas' race would be predictive of a liberal bent. That was the first time I heard the distinction between a "field slave" and a "house slave".

And curiously, NPR just had a segment on how Joe Biden, chair of the Judiciary Committee, HIMSELF offered a full-throated defense of Thomas ("This is not an attack on his character..."), and how there were three other witnesses offering corroborating evidence that Biden didn't call to testify. So while "Democrats" in general didn't vote for Thomas, BIDEN certainly shepherded Thomas thru the hearings and a critical number of Democrats voted for him.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, September 22, 2018 2:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And what, pray tell, do you think the FBI is going to do about it 30 years later?
There is ZERO way to prove that this ever took place.- SIX

First of all, even in criminal cases you don't have to "prove" your case, all you have to do is demonstrate your case beyond a REASONABLE doubt (not "beyond the shadow of a doubt").

So, how COULD this be demonstrated beyond a "reasonable" doubt? Well, the other highschooler who was in the room - Judge- could suddenly recover his memory and testify with Ford. The two other teenagers there ... did they see Ford run out of the house looking flustered? OR do none of them even remember a party like that ever took place?

There would be no physical evidence, just testimony. And it's unlikely that anything definitive will show up ... or in fact, anything at all ... but not impossible.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, September 22, 2018 2:59 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But yes, that IS what happens when you make rape allegations. Now the burden of proof lies on you, and if there is no proof then you're lying.
That's not how it works, legally OR in real life. If there is no proof, then the suspect is found ... not "innocent" but "NOT GUILTY" ... and the accuser isn't necessarily lying. Attempted rape can often occur without leaving evidence, and in the circumstances of THIS accusation, she was a 15-year-old girl in a house with boys and alcohol and no adult supervision (One thing we don't know is whether SHE had been drinking too) and she could have been too scared to report this to the police because she might have gotten into serious trouble with her parents and/or kids just don't snitch on each other and/or she felt she might have at least partly precipitated the event by her own behavior.

So I can imagine how this would have gone unreported and why there would be no "evidence".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

That is precisely how the law works.

You're forgetting about Libel and Slander, Sigs, which you and Kiki have brought up quite a bit on these boards.

Let's face it. Up until recently, when false rape allegations were made, it has ruined lives of men who were targets of them, even if they were found Not Guilty. The tides seem to be turning on that these days though because only the most hard core Leftist Feminist blindly believes anyone who cries rape without knowing any of the facts, and there are quite a few women who are being charged for lying about this now. As they should be.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You don't think this Floozy-Ford gets a pass since she has been an Ultra Looney Leftist Radical Activist all her life?

Even despite lapsing the 1 year Statute of Limitations?
Apparently, if the storyline were accurate, occurring in Maryland, the category would be a Sexual Offense, 4th Degree, a misdemeanor. Statute of Limitations are currently 1 year, may have been different in 1982, 1981, 1983 (the Radical Activist claiming to be "victim" cannot recall the year of this supposed event in her life.
Or is this an example of Fake Stories planted in Memory by shrinks?


Saturday, September 22, 2018 3:13 PM


I think everyone here knows JSF is the looney one.



Saturday, September 22, 2018 4:07 PM


The Right-Wing Media Machine Was Built to Destroy People Like Christine Blasey Ford

They’re more aroused by the thought of destroying lives than Donald Trump was aroused by Stormy Daniels.

The battle to destroy the life of Christine Blasey Ford is just the latest front in the right’s long war to obliterate anything that stands in the way of its full political hegemony. Ford was right to be nervous about coming forward; she knew that the wolves of right-wing media vengeance would be unleashed upon her.

Destruction of real or perceived opponents was at the core of conservatism from the very beginning. William F. Buckley Jr. really did want to sock Gore Vidal in his face, and probably wanted to break his fingers as well in order to prevent him from communicating his views. The demonization of Ted Kennedy, the spewing of venom towards Hillary Clinton, the rhetorical bludgeoning of Graeme Frost, the sexist scorn aimed at Sandra Fluke; the victims of the right’s media assault, both famous and unknown, all bear the scars.

The right built an entire media infrastructure to fuel this hate. Remember Buckley’s National Review hurling hostility towards civil rights activists. Remember Roger Ailes’s 1970s-era scheme to create a right-wing news channel. Remember the fellow who took advantage of President Reagan’s 1987 repeal of the Fairness Doctrine to spread Rush Limbaugh’s lies all over our public airwaves.

Tuesday night, former right-wing operative David Brock appeared on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes to discuss the right’s modus operandi when it comes to destroying real or perceived enemies. Brock knew Kavanaugh during his time carrying water for conservatives, and his brilliant 2002 book Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative highlights the Supreme Court nominee’s mendacity:

Since my relationships were based on little else but partisan politics, there was little to sustain them once I deviated from the party line. I lost many party invitations; others I turned down, including a huge fete hosted by Boyden Gray at his Georgetown mansion in honor of Rush Limbaugh. I reluctantly accepted Laura Ingraham’s invitation to watch Bill Clinton’s State of the Union address in January 1997 with her and her friends at her town house in Woodley Park.

As I arrived at the house, which was decked out in an oversized southwestern motif more appropriate for a bachelor’s mountain hideaway, the network cameras were coming on. When I saw one of Ken Starr’s deputies, Brett Kavanaugh, who was sitting across from me, mouth the word “bitch” when the camera panned to Hillary [Clinton], I excused myself and sat in the darkened pine-scented dining room alone, smoking.

The word Kavanaugh muttered about Clinton in 1997 is the same word right-wingers are muttering about Ford in 2018. Tomorrow morning, in right-wing churches across the country, MAGA-maniac ministers will compare Ford to Jezebel and Delilah, trashing her as a vessel of Satan, calling down God’s judgment upon her. The hatred of Ford will spread like a cancer left untreated by Republican opposition to Medicare for All. It will not cease. It cannot cease.

Even if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, we have already borne witness to the full, dark power of the right-wing media empire–a force powerful enough to drive a woman and her family out of her home. The only question is: can this media empire be destroyed…or will it destroy the country first?


Saturday, September 22, 2018 4:10 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But yes, that IS what happens when you make rape allegations. Now the burden of proof lies on you, and if there is no proof then you're lying.
That's not how it works, legally OR in real life. If there is no proof, then the suspect is found ... not "innocent" but "NOT GUILTY" ... and the accuser isn't necessarily lying. Attempted rape can often occur without leaving evidence, and in the circumstances of THIS accusation, she was a 15-year-old girl in a house with boys and alcohol and no adult supervision (One thing we don't know is whether SHE had been drinking too) and she could have been too scared to report this to the police because she might have gotten into serious trouble with her parents and/or kids just don't snitch on each other and/or she felt she might have at least partly precipitated the event by her own behavior.

So I can imagine how this would have gone unreported and why there would be no "evidence".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

That is precisely how the law works.

You're forgetting about Libel and Slander, Sigs, which you and Kiki have brought up quite a bit on these boards.

Let's face it. Up until recently, when false rape allegations were made, it has ruined lives of men who were targets of them, even if they were found Not Guilty. The tides seem to be turning on that these days though because only the most hard core Leftist Feminist blindly believes anyone who cries rape without knowing any of the facts, and there are quite a few women who are being charged for lying about this now. As they should be.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You don't think this Floozy-Ford gets a pass since she has been an Ultra Looney Leftist Radical Activist all her life?

Even despite lapsing the 1 year Statute of Limitations?
Apparently, if the storyline were accurate, occurring in Maryland, the category would be a Sexual Offense, 4th Degree, a misdemeanor. Statute of Limitations are currently 1 year, may have been different in 1982, 1981, 1983 (the Radical Activist claiming to be "victim" cannot recall the year of this supposed event in her life.
Or is this an example of Fake Stories planted in Memory by shrinks?

It's mildly amusing watching Nazi incels egged on by Russian trolls slut-shaming a woman who is smarter and more successful than they'll ever be.

You're all idiots. Enjoy your misery.


Saturday, September 22, 2018 4:32 PM


Yup. Anybody who doesn't fit your narrative is a woman hating Nazi.

Clinton tried that tactic and lost. And you've been bitching about it now for 2 years.

Some people just don't learn.

Hell... even Obama's recent speeches say that you're wrong bro.

Keep on clinging to your identity politics and die.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 4:49 PM


Some here are to thick to realize that it's what women not men believe that matters. Elections are right around the corner, see you at the polls.



Saturday, September 22, 2018 4:58 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I find the tactics that the Dems are using to delay and obstruct the process quite inventive, considering that they don't have the vote. Aside from the constant shouting from the gallery, the Dems have managed to ...

Demand endless reams of paperwork from Kavanaugh's history in the Bush WH,
Delay allegations of sexual misconduct until VERY late in the process,
Then demand a public hearing,
And then change their stance and demand a "full FBI investigation" as soon as a public hearing was acceded to.

Now, I have no idea whether the allegations are true or false. (But if we were to follow THUGR's stance of letting Clinton's bygones be bygones, I suppose we could let this 30-year old allegation also be lost in the mists of history. Right?)

But I'd be willing to bet SOME dollars that if you were to look into this professor's activities, you'd find her working with Democratic Senators in the past six months or so, working out the timing and tactics for maximum effect.




Saturday, September 22, 2018 5:31 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Some here are to thick to realize that it's what women not men believe that matters.

What does that even mean?

You're definitely going to have to follow up that bullshit with something.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 6:29 PM


Sure, what a fucking moron.



Saturday, September 22, 2018 9:44 PM


The wild allegations are coming from the Republicans (naturally), and they just keep screwing up.

Ford runs circles around hapless Republicans, who now have a second scandal

You can't make this stuff up.


Saturday, September 22, 2018 10:11 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Sure, what a fucking moron.



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 22, 2018 10:38 PM


Republican spokesman for nomination of Brett Kavanaugh resigns after past harassment claims surface


Sunday, September 23, 2018 1:55 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
No I'm not.

Yes you are. I'll try again - You said: "SHE is making wild accusations and false narratives. "

How do you know she's making wild accusations?

Why can't you answer that simple question?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
And what, pray tell, do you think the FBI is going to do about it 30 years later?

And what pray tell would you know about what the FBI can do about it 30 years later? You think you can walk in off the street and be an FBI agent? Just, "I read the Internet, so I know she's lying?"


Sunday, September 23, 2018 2:02 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Maybe you'd prefer to live in a predominantly Muslim country where they'll just chop a woman's head off if she were to make rape allegations?)

WTF? Do you read your own posts? I'm defending her right to speak and have the FBI investigate - why would I want her head chopped off? That's what you want. Taking tips from Siggy?

The stupid sh*t you post.


Sunday, September 23, 2018 4:36 AM


Fucking laughing my ass that's funny!



Originally posted by second:
Got a minute? Kavanaugh's High School Yearbook

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 23, 2018 5:14 AM



Let's face it. Up until recently, when false rape allegations were made, it has ruined lives of men who were targets of them, even if they were found Not Guilty. The tides seem to be turning on that these days though because only the most hard core Leftist Feminist blindly believes anyone who cries rape without knowing any of the facts, and there are quite a few women who are being charged for lying about this now. As they should be.


I'm trying to understand your post here because it seems you're making two opposing arguments:

1- That the law provides certain protections regarding rape charges and rightfully so...

2- and that women have taken advantage of said laws to make false claims
of rape against unsuspecting and innocent men

Correct me if I'm wrong. The lives of these innocent men have suffered
because of these false claims. And these claims are blindly believed to be
true, seemingly only by the left, and that consequently two trends have
arisen as a result:

a- namely, innocent men's lives are ruined
b- that these "false claimers" are being caught and punished

Well, that's a mighty bold and extremely general statement. Has there been
a recent rash of innocent men, who's lives have been ruined by false rape
allegations? Is there a movement on behalf of these men? Or, perhaps, a website that speaks as to their shame and ruin? Perhaps a #I'veBeenWronged!

Years ago, I heard of an organization of single fathers who formed a
support group and met every Wednesday at 7 p.m. They would discuss legal
ways to combat women who would use the system against them to abuse and
mistreat them as fathers. You mean something like that has been formed?

In other words, facts man. The very thing you mention in your post in your
response to Sigs and Keeks. Has such an organization been formed? Is there a
hashtag? Have there been reports of women being punished for false claims
and accusations? Just curious as to how you came to the conclusions you made.



Sunday, September 23, 2018 5:50 AM


As to your post regarding criminal cases and such...yes, there are differences
in proving one's case (reasonable doubt, etc.), but this is not a criminal case. It is a hearing where you present your side. In this matter, the JC
will hear testimony as to charges brought against Kavanaugh regarding assault.

The best that can be done is to interview all involved. That screams for an
FBI investigation, since this is what they do as professionals in the field.
Sending a letter that he doesn't recall or blacked out and knows nothing is
one thing (meaning his friend), but testifying under oath is a whole
different kettle of fish.

Getting testimony under oath is, to me, a little more reliable...don't you
think? Hell, they can still vote the fucker in, if that's what they want.
But the goal is to get to the truth of the matter, or as close to it as
possible. It seems to me that many have already decided and are ready to
crown this guy King, er..., I mean SCJ.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And what, pray tell, do you think the FBI is going to do about it 30 years later?
There is ZERO way to prove that this ever took place.- SIX

First of all, even in criminal cases you don't have to "prove" your case, all you have to do is demonstrate your case beyond a REASONABLE doubt (not "beyond the shadow of a doubt").

So, how COULD this be demonstrated beyond a "reasonable" doubt? Well, the other highschooler who was in the room - Judge- could suddenly recover his memory and testify with Ford. The two other teenagers there ... did they see Ford run out of the house looking flustered? OR do none of them even remember a party like that ever took place?

There would be no physical evidence, just testimony. And it's unlikely that anything definitive will show up ... or in fact, anything at all ... but not impossible.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, September 23, 2018 8:19 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Let's face it. Up until recently, when false rape allegations were made, it has ruined lives of men who were targets of them, even if they were found Not Guilty. The tides seem to be turning on that these days though because only the most hard core Leftist Feminist blindly believes anyone who cries rape without knowing any of the facts, and there are quite a few women who are being charged for lying about this now. As they should be.


I'm trying to understand your post here because it seems you're making two opposing arguments:

1- That the law provides certain protections regarding rape charges and rightfully so...

2- and that women have taken advantage of said laws to make false claims
of rape against unsuspecting and innocent men

Correct me if I'm wrong. The lives of these innocent men have suffered
because of these false claims. And these claims are blindly believed to be
true, seemingly only by the left, and that consequently two trends have
arisen as a result:

a- namely, innocent men's lives are ruined
b- that these "false claimers" are being caught and punished

Well, that's a mighty bold and extremely general statement. Has there been
a recent rash of innocent men, who's lives have been ruined by false rape
allegations? Is there a movement on behalf of these men? Or, perhaps, a website that speaks as to their shame and ruin? Perhaps a #I'veBeenWronged!

Years ago, I heard of an organization of single fathers who formed a
support group and met every Wednesday at 7 p.m. They would discuss legal
ways to combat women who would use the system against them to abuse and
mistreat them as fathers. You mean something like that has been formed?

In other words, facts man. The very thing you mention in your post in your
response to Sigs and Keeks. Has such an organization been formed? Is there a
hashtag? Have there been reports of women being punished for false claims
and accusations? Just curious as to how you came to the conclusions you made.


Men don't get to create groups for any reason. They're labeled misogynists or incels if they do. So no, I can't say that I know of any groups for men who were wrongfully accused of rape. Can you think of a single man who would be crazy enough to put their name on that mailing list? They'd probably have some Antifa nutjobs dressed in all black break into their house and "bravely" kill him in his sleep.

Innocent men's lives are ruined. Just the allegation of rape is all it takes. Most colleges today will immediately remove the male from all of his classes and withdraw any scholarships he had. In the event that they backpedal on this at a later date, the damage had already been done. Not only with lost time, but because his name had been dragged through the mud.


Has there been
a recent rash of innocent men, who's lives have been ruined by false rape

How many would you consider a "rash"?

How many innocent men is a number you can live with?

Is this your answer?

Because this seems to be the popular opinion these days from the extreme left.

Here's a story of two men who were finally exonerated of a rape claim that happened while I was still in grammar school:

You know... I was going to take some time here to start drudging up a lot of stories for you to read regarding this, but I don't feel I have to.

You've got the internet. You can find them if you'd like. But I would think that these two men losing 26 of the best years of their life over a lie would be powerful enough to prove the point.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 23, 2018 8:24 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

How do you know she's making wild accusations?

How do you know she's not?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 23, 2018 8:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

How do you know she's making wild accusations?

How do you know she's not?

The obvious reasons:
1) She is placing her entire reputation on the line when she has nothing to gain. And this ruin of her reputation will go on and on for the rest of her life. She could have said nothing.
2) She is risking death. There have been death threats. Those won't end after she testifies.

For Kavanaugh, the situation is completely reversed:
1) He is placing his entire reputation on the line if he does NOT lie. He has every motive to lie.
2) If he lies and is believed, he receives a lifetime job on the Supreme Court. See Justice Clarence Thomas for how that works.

The political compromise: Ford is not believed and Kavanaugh is not confirmed to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh goes back to his previous job and a new person, not Kavanaugh, gets the appointment to the Supreme Court. It is a win-win for both sides.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 23, 2018 10:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, it seems that perhaps testimony from corroborating witnesses won't have to be taken, since it's happening in the press


"Lifelong Friend" Of Kavanaugh Accuser Denies Attending Party Where Alleged Sexual Assault Occurred

A woman believed to have been one of five people at a party some 35 years ago where Christine Blasey Ford claims she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh has become the fourth person to deny any recollection of the event.

In a Saturday night email to the Senate Judiciary Committee also received by several news outlets, Leland Ingham Keyser - a "longtime friend" of Blasey Ford said through her attorney:

"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Keyser's attorney Howard Walsh, who has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser, according to Politico.

Kavanaugh and Mark Judge - the other teenager allegedly in the room during the alleged sexual assault - have both stated that they have no recollection of the incident, while a third man who Ford claims was at the party - Patrick J. Smyth, also denied any recollection of the event, telling the Judiciary Committee last week in a statement: "I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as 'PJ' who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post," Smyth wrote in his statement. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh."

So Dr Ford doesn't recall the year that this event took place or where, but has placed four people (Kavanaugh, Judge, Keyser, "PJ" Smyth) besides herself at the party.

At this point, all four deny that the party ever took place. Keyser denies even knowing Kavanaugh.

As I posted before, I believe that Ford believes she's telling the truth, but she may be mistaken. However, it's difficult to understand how someone could be so massively mistaken as to invent a traumatic event that never took place.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, September 23, 2018 12:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So Dr Ford doesn't recall the year that this event took place or where, but has placed four people (Kavanaugh, Judge, Keyser, "PJ" Smyth) besides herself at the party.

At this point, all four deny that the party ever took place. Keyser denies even knowing Kavanaugh.

As I posted before, I believe that Ford believes she's telling the truth, but she may be mistaken. However, it's difficult to understand how someone could be so massively mistaken as to invent a traumatic event that never took place.

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

Signym, you didn't mention that Trump picked Kavanaugh, when there were so many better possibilities, because he wrote that a President can't be subpoenaed and can't be charged with a crime. And Kavanaugh does not even want to talk about Trump pardoning himself. All three things will probably be heading to the Supreme Court and Trump wants as many justices as possible on his side when that happens.

If Kavanaugh can't be confirmed because of an unproven incident in his sex life, how did Trump get elected because of his very proven sex life with thousands of incidences? Books have been written about Trump's sex life. He has gone on radio about it. Women have been paid to keep quiet. Trump has been sued about his sex life.

Trump wants to ram Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court. Trump probably won't back down for a justice with a more distinguished record and less sex baggage, although there are no reasons, other than Trump's legal problems and sex life, why Trump should not change his mind about Kavanaugh.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 23, 2018 12:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, this is a pointless point:

Signym, you didn't mention that Trump picked Kavanaugh, when there were so many better possibilities, because he wrote that a President can't be subpoenaed and can't be charged with a crime.
Unless Kavanaugh can convince four OTHER Justices to vote with him, his views on this topic are meaningless.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, September 23, 2018 1:18 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Unless Kavanaugh can convince four OTHER Justices to vote with him, his views on this topic are meaningless.

Your point, Signym, has no point because you are arguing that there is no reason to think about Kavanaugh unless there are an additional four other justices who also do not have a judicial temperament in addition to the fact that they are lying about sexual assault of a 15-year-old 35 years ago: The Many Mysteries of Brett Kavanaugh’s Finances: "Who made the down payment on his house? How did he come up with $92,000 in country club fees?...

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 23, 2018 1:32 PM


Asia Argento, one of the leaders and largest faces of the #MeToo movement alongside Rose McGowan was caught a while back with photographic evidence of having sex with a minor, right before Anthony Bourdain killed himself. She had paid Bennett off several hundred thousand dollars after the incident.

Argento's laywer fired off a letter to him warning him not to talk about the incident.

It seems that she's not a big fan of Rose McGowan's tweets on the incident either, giving McGowan 24 hours to remove a tweet stating that she knew about the sexual encounter.

I think at the end of the day I'm going back to my old standby.

Rich people are fucking gross.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 23, 2018 1:51 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I think at the end of the day I'm going back to my old standby.

Rich people are fucking gross.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

How about my old standby? Do not hire people you don't trust for lifetime positions on the Supreme Court? No other recent Supreme Court nominee has come before the Senate with so many unanswered questions about his finances.

A number of the questions Whitehouse sent Kavanaugh dealt with the house he bought in tony Chevy Chase, Maryland, in 2006 for $1.225 million. Kavanaugh would have needed $245,000 in cash for the traditional 20 percent down payment on the house. But in 2005, when his nomination to the DC Circuit was pending, Kavanaugh reported a total net worth to the Senate of about $91,000, which reflected a mere $10,000 in the bank and $25,000 in credit card debt. According to his financial disclosure forms before and after the purchase of his house in 2006, Kavanaugh’s liquid assets and bank balances never totaled more than $65,000, and those balances didn’t decline after the purchase of the house.

Whitehouse wanted to know why. He wrote, “The value of assets reportedly maintained in your ‘Bank of America Accounts’ in the years before, during, and after this purchase never decreased, indicating that funds used to pay the down payment and secure this home did not come from these accounts. Did you receive financial assistance in order to purchase this home?”

In his responses, Kavanaugh didn’t answer the question.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 23, 2018 2:03 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Maybe you'd prefer to live in a predominantly Muslim country where they'll just chop a woman's head off if she were to make rape allegations?)

WTF? Do you read your own posts? I'm defending her right to speak and have the FBI investigate - why would I want her head chopped off? That's what you want. Taking tips from Siggy?

The stupid sh*t you post.

Yep, I keep pointing that out as well G.



Sunday, September 23, 2018 3:42 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

How do you know she's making wild accusations?

How do you know she's not?

I'm not the one making any wild @ss statements like you did, d*ckhead.

How do you know she's making wild accusations? You said it with certainty.

How do you know?? Or are you just making sh*t up?


Sunday, September 23, 2018 3:43 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THG:

Yep, I keep pointing that out as well G.

The shear volume of them is remarkable!


Sunday, September 23, 2018 3:50 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by THG:

Yep, I keep pointing that out as well G.

The shear volume of them is remarkable!

I know right.



Sunday, September 23, 2018 4:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, it seems that perhaps testimony from corroborating witnesses won't have to be taken, since it's happening in the press


"Lifelong Friend" Of Kavanaugh Accuser Denies Attending Party Where Alleged Sexual Assault Occurred

A woman believed to have been one of five people at a party some 35 years ago where Christine Blasey Ford claims she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh has become the fourth person to deny any recollection of the event.

In a Saturday night email to the Senate Judiciary Committee also received by several news outlets, Leland Ingham Keyser - a "longtime friend" of Blasey Ford said through her attorney:

"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Keyser's attorney Howard Walsh, who has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser, according to Politico.

Kavanaugh and Mark Judge - the other teenager allegedly in the room during the alleged sexual assault - have both stated that they have no recollection of the incident, while a third man who Ford claims was at the party - Patrick J. Smyth, also denied any recollection of the event, telling the Judiciary Committee last week in a statement: "I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as 'PJ' who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post," Smyth wrote in his statement. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh."

So Dr Ford doesn't recall the year that this event took place or where, but has placed four people (Kavanaugh, Judge, Keyser, "PJ" Smyth) besides herself at the party.

At this point, all four deny that the party ever took place. Keyser denies even knowing Kavanaugh.

As I posted before, I believe that Ford believes she's telling the truth, but she may be mistaken.

However, it's difficult to understand how someone could be so massively mistaken as to invent a traumatic event that never took place.

You've never heard of McMartin Preschool? Fells Acres Day Care? Bernard Beran?
Or are you one of those believers in anything that a shrink says? I thought Wishi was the only one of those left here.

All of this Floozy-Ford story is a result of her Mental Deterioration Sessions with her shrink, decades after the imagined incident. It exists only in her mind, and only after frothing from her shrink. Nobody else recalls what she now imagines, and even she didn't recall anything for decades. She needs to blame somebody for her sorry state of incompetence, and it cannot be a result of her Ultra-Libtard Socialist Feminist Activism, so guess who she needs to fabricate blame against?

Perhaps the only truthful thing she rememberfies is drinking alcohol at age 15 at a stranger's house.


Sunday, September 23, 2018 5:51 PM


Crazy, angry delusional victims. This place has it's share. It would surprise me to find out our local trolls aren't complicit in harassing people online.



Sunday, September 23, 2018 6:50 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Crazy, angry delusional victims. This place has it's share. It would surprise me to find out our local trolls aren't complicit in harassing people online.


Spare me.

You actively engage in harassing people online every day.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 23, 2018 8:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Crazy, angry delusional victims. This place has it's share. It would surprise me to find out our local trolls aren't complicit in harassing people online. -CRAZY DELUSIONAL THUGR

Spare me.
You actively engage in harassing people online every day.- SIX

OMG, no shit.

I have never seen anyone with less insight than THUGR. He constantly accuses people of doing exactly what HE does, and he never notices!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Monday, September 24, 2018 2:03 AM


rezident owtsidr

Not doing a proper investigation iz going to be another collosal mistake by the GoP. McConnel haz the power to push Kavenaugh thru So he will.

Then wut do you think Ford will be forst to do?

She will file a complaint in Maryland, wich haz no time limit on this kind uv crime.

So the GoP will hav the distinction uv having a Supreme Court Justis under inditement for attemted rape. & likely more charjez will stem from the investigation.

Evry time i see Grassleys stoopid smirking fase on TV my hand goez into slap mode. Pleez sumbudy slap him so i dont haf to!

MaN, this smart fone typing iz a pain inthe ass

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, September 24, 2018 2:03 AM


rezident owtsidr

Kavenaugh the drunk teen did a bad thing. Kavenaugh the SC nominee shoud hav owned up to it & sed 'I wuz 15 & drunk, so not the wizest animal in the forest'. But insted he haz prooven that hiz jujment haz nevr improovd.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early






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