The Immigration Facts Thread

UPDATED: Friday, September 27, 2024 22:58
VIEWED: 2514
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Wednesday, July 3, 2019 6:12 PM


This is spurred by another thread where pizmo claims that so few people want to Immigrate to America, that America must generate some sort of carrot to trick them into crossing the National Border.

I am a bit surprised at how difficult it is to find accurate data with the Libtard-biased search engines.

So I'll try to accumulate the data here. I don't mind if there is not a bunch of discussion, but I'd like to have a central location/depository for the info.

Post 1 is about the Legal Immigrants.

The Immigration Act of 1990 established that a total of 675,000 Visas (Legal Immigrants) per year would be allocated from about 1995 forward.

The mechanics of that "675,000":
480,000 - Family Sponsored. Minimum of 226,000 and up to 480.000. This is roughly the 480,000 minus the number of immediate relatives of U.S. Citizens who became permanent residents in the previous Fiscal Year.
140,000 - Permanent employment-based (including spouses and unmarried minor children). This is 140,000 plus unused family-sponsored preferences in the previous Fiscal Year.
55,000 - Diversity Visa

The above does not include those who are made citizens as part of Chain Migration - immediate relatives of U.S. Citizens.
Limit set by POTUS & Congress for refugees is separate from the above.

This 675,000 is 14% of the backlog in 2018. Many wait 20 years for their license to legally enter. That would cypher out to be about 4.82 Million active Applicants currently waiting their turn to enter, while the Illegal Aliens are Invading across the Border.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019 6:12 PM


Post 2 is about Illegal Aliens.


Friday, April 2, 2021 11:54 PM


Since Lord Darth Obiden opened the Border, the deluge from the floodgates is growing. Reports of thousands per day.
When Criminal Illegal Aliens reach the Border Reception Centers, they are given $1,200 cash and set free inside USA.
They arrive wearing Biden t-shirts.
It is estimated the minimum will be 2 - 2.5 million Criminal Illegal Aliens per year under Biden.


Saturday, April 3, 2021 2:03 AM


Do you have a link showing the $1,200 payouts?

I'm sure that 20 million unemployed tax paying citizens would love to know how people who don't belong here are getting a stimulus for coming here illegally.


" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Sunday, April 4, 2021 4:01 PM


Cavuto continued to press Fauci on Lindsey Graham's concerns about COVID at the border, and after saying it's a "difficult situation," he adds he's too "busy" to get involved with the border b/c "I have more important things to do" than acquiesce to their concerns


Sunday, April 4, 2021 11:43 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Do you have a link showing the $1,200 payouts?

I'm sure that 20 million unemployed tax paying citizens would love to know how people who don't belong here are getting a stimulus for coming here illegally.

Looks like results are currently scrubbed. I'll need to pay more attention to key words. Thanks for pointing out which fact you were not aware of.

Separately, you do know they are all getting the $1,400 Stimulus Checks from the recently passed bill, right? I mentioned it in that thread, along with all prison inmates and current Criminal Illegal Aliens - all of which every single Democrat in Senate voted specifically for.

ETA: it might actually be "vouchers" instead of cash, to be used for flights around America (yes, without ID, or background check, or Al Queda check).


Tuesday, April 13, 2021 10:51 AM


Once again I'll state that a physical wall is not necessary if we just made them know that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for them and their children when they come here, but it looks like Biden is re-thinking the continued construction of the wall.

Border crossings in the first three months of this year have been the most since 2006. We are now only 50,000 short of having more illegal crossings than the entire year of 2020 combined.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021 11:03 AM


Seeing that there have been no facts posted in this thread about immigration, I'll go ahead and drop some truth, just to neutralize the toxicity of Russian trolls and American Nazis spewing their evil filth.

How the right wing invented a fictional 'crisis' — and tricked us into believing it

Most people seem to have accepted the truth about the so-called war on drugs. By that, I mean it was never about drugs. Its true target was non-white people, especially Black people. Its goal was social control. Slavery gave way to Jim Crow, which gave way to the mass incarceration of "undesirables." Illegal drugs were merely a pretext. These days, states are legalizing drugs. Some are even releasing people convicted of drug crimes. In all, we seem to be experiencing a new age of drug enlightenment.

I hope it does not take most people as long with "border security." Like the "war on drugs," it's not about security. It's about social control. It's about having a legal reason to put non-white people in jail, kicking them out or just acting barbarously toward them. Drugs did not threaten the national interest until the government said they did. Same with the southern border. People used to pass freely, wherever the seasonal work took them. It did not threaten the national interest until the government said it did.

If it isn't already, please permit me to make it clear. When the Republicans talk about "illegal immigrants," they're not talking about illegal action. They're giving voice to their real objectives. They want to punish immigrants for who they are. They can't outlaw them outright, of course. The Congress, the law, the courts and popular opinion would prevent that from happening. But they can expand the scope of political conflict so that legal behavior seems illegal, thus forcing the government to respond. The result is billions spent every year on securing a border that will never be secure. The result is billions wasted annually on punching down on the poor, the weak and the brown.

For instance, "unlawful entry." That's the offense of crossing the border without proper authorization. It's a misdemeanor. (I'm serious.) So is overstaying your work or student visa. These are crimes, to be sure, but hardly serious crimes. They don't rise to the level of a felony. They are not deserving of being ripped from one's family or community—presuming the point of the law is justice. It isn't for the Republicans. The point is dominance. So for a decade and more, they have expanded the meaning of a minor criminal offense so that it looks like a dangerous way-of-life threatening crime.

The same thing is being done to "refugees." Fact: Anyone traveling to the southern border to request political asylum is a temporary legal immigrant. Full stop. That's the law. Indeed, the statute requires US Customs and Border Protection to open a process by which the agency tries reconnecting refugees with family in the US. But what began with the Trump administration is being continued by the GOP. Anyone traveling to the southern border is being called "illegal," even if they're children. Another fact: Every one of those 22,000 migrant children in government custody is here legally.

The same thing is happening with respect to the "open border." Fact: There is no such thing. It is a complete fiction. The border is tightly regulated. The Democrats in the Congress are not trying to open it. The Biden administration wants nothing to do with the idea. What it does, however, is follow laws entitling asylum-seekers to a legal process. But because the Republicans have defined refugees as "illegal," that gives the impression the administration, which is following the law, is opening the border.

If 22,000 children are refugees, if they're entitled to ask for asylum and if the government is required by law to try connecting eligible refugees to family if possible, why is everyone talking about a "migration crisis"? Great question! There is currently no such thing as a migration crisis. Yet our national discourse is dominated by this fiction.

Partly, it's because the press corps is laundering right-wing talking points in order to get a reaction out of a Democratic administration. Partly, it's out of genuine concern about "social cohesion."1 But mostly, it's because the Republicans have expanded the scope of conflict by way of nonstop lying. It has made legal action seem illegal. Which brings us back to "border security." It's not about security. It's now about forcing a Democratic administration into acting in ways preferred by the Republican Party.

It nearly worked. The White House said last week it would cap the number of refugees allowed into the country at the same level established by the previous administration, at 15,000. This is almost certainly the result of the Republicans making it seem like the Biden administration was opening the border even as it was merely following the law. Fortunately, there was an enormous reaction from not just liberals but moderates like Dianne Feinstein. By Friday, the White House reversed course and did so in a hurry.

This seems to be the first step in a process that might bring "border security" to a similar level of awareness that the war on drugs has achieved. That first step is refusing to give liars the benefit of the doubt. Drugs were never a threat to the national interest. Immigrants will never be either. What is a national threat, however, is the harmful Republican pursuit of "border security" that just makes everyone less free.
Remember, kids. With fascists, the cruelity is the point. They live to hate and murder people. Nothing more.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021 11:08 AM


^ Not facts.

The Racist Roomba doesn't know what facts are.

There are no Russians posting on

Have a nice day.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021 11:14 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Not facts.

The Racist Roomba doesn't know what facts are.

There are no Russians posting on

Have a nice day.

Still fact-free, as always. ^ The true mark of a fascist.
Every word of the article is fact.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021 11:37 AM



Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Saturday, June 5, 2021 4:05 PM


NEW: Months after the Biden administration canceled a program that deported illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes, the Border Patrol reports a stunning 3,166% increase in sex offenders crossing into the U.S. illegally via Mexico. Known as Operation Talon, the initiative was launched in the final weeks of the Trump administration and was run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Around a month after Biden took office, Operation Talon was canceled, igniting outrage among law enforcement and elected officials around the country. Bad move by the incoming administration considering that between October 2014 and May 2018 ICE arrested nearly 20,000 illegal immigrants previously convicted of sex-related offenses including child molestation, rape, sexual assault, and human trafficking, according to data collected by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).


More than a dozen attorneys general blasted the administration for killing Operation Talon and warned the president in a letter of the repercussions. They specifically mention that it could encourage sexual predators seeking to enter the U.S. illegally. “The cancellation of this program effectively broadcasts to the world that the United States is now a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators,” the attorneys general write. “This message creates a perverse incentive for foreign sexual predators to seek to enter the United States illegally and assault more victims, both in the process of unlawful migration and after they arrive. It will also broadcast the message to other criminal aliens who have committed other offenses that any kind of robust enforcement against them is unlikely.” The signatories include the attorney general of Florida, Alabama, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana, and Kentucky, among others. The chief legal officers proceed to ask: “If the United States will not remove even convicted sex offenders, whom will it remove?”

The warning about more sex offenders entering the U.S. illegally has evidently materialized. During a recent one-week period, Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector in Texas arrested 10 convicted sex offenders shortly after crossing into the U.S. illegally. In a statement, the frontline Homeland Security agency discloses that between May 17 and 23, agents arrested Mexican nationals with felony convictions including forcible sexual abuse, sexual assault of a child under 14, sexual assault of a child, sexual assault, sexual conduct with a person under 13 and a registered sexual offender. Agents also arrested two Honduran nationals with felony convictions for statutory rape, and second-degree sexual assault of a child. On May 24, two Mexican nationals with prior convictions were arrested. Record checks revealed one individual had a felony conviction for lewd and lascivious molestation. The second had a felony conviction for lewd and lascivious acts with a child. “The majority of these criminals were apprehended in our sector’s most remote areas, attempting to avoid detection by crossing far from populated areas,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin L. Skero II. “Our agents’ sign cutting and tracking skills were instrumental in capturing these criminals, preventing them from infiltrating our communities.”

This fiscal year, which began on October 1, the Del Rio Sector has arrested 95 convicted sex offenders, shattering a Border Patrol record that amounts to a 3,166 % increase over the same time frame last fiscal year. That is astounding as the Mexican border crisis worsens and frontline agents are increasingly overwhelmed with the onslaught. In April Judicial Watch reported that the Border Patrol had already arrested more than twice as many criminal migrants in those first six months of fiscal year 2021 than it did in all of 2020. In the first half of the fiscal year, the agency apprehended 5,018 “criminal aliens” compared to 2,438 in all of fiscal year 2020. The criminal aliens busted include 265 sex offenders and 576 convicted of assault, battery, and domestic violence. “If you are in this country illegally and have a history of sex convictions you should be a high priority for our law enforcement agencies,” writes a Florida congressman in a letter to Mayorkas shortly after Operation Talon got nixed. “Tragically, human trafficking cases have more than doubled in the last four years alone while other sex-related crimes have also increased,” Congressman Vern Buchanan, who serves on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, writes to the DHS chief. “My home state of Florida has the third highest number of human trafficking cases of any state. Abruptly scrapping this important federal operation exposes potentially countless victims to these dangerous predators.”


Saturday, June 5, 2021 8:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Fucking Biden*. He's an asshole of the worst kind.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 5:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Smugglers Openly Advertise Illegal Border Crossings on Facebook
By Petr Svab
June 4, 2021 Updated: June 6, 2021

Human smugglers along the southern border are openly advertising their services on Facebook and the social media company has fallen short on removing such content.

A plethora of user accounts have posted offers to facilitate illegal border crossings on the platform. Some even directly advertise how much they charge for the service. Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), who took office in January, repeatedly alerted Facebook to the issue in general and to a number of specific posts of this kind, but most of them haven’t been removed, she said.

Facebook has so far failed to accommodate Cammack’s request for an in-person meeting to discuss the issue, she told The Epoch Times.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 6:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Supreme Court Rules Asylum Applicants Bear Burden of Proof, Reversing 9th Circuit [WEST COAST CIRCUIT]
By Matthew Vadum
June 1, 2021 Updated: June 2, 2021

Unanimously ruling against a Chinese asylum claimant, the Supreme Court reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, finding that immigration judges don’t have to explicitly state that an asylum seeker’s story isn’t credible when finding against him.

The court’s opinion in the case, Garland v. Dai, court file 19-1155, was written by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

“The Ninth Circuit has long applied a special rule in immigration disputes,” Gorsuch wrote.

“The rule provides that, in the absence of an explicit adverse credibility determination by an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals, a reviewing court must treat a petitioning alien’s testimony as credible and true.”

The accepted standard for reviewing credibility is “highly deferential” to immigration judges, who work for the U.S. Department of Justice, he wrote.

“The Ninth Circuit’s rule mistakenly flips this standard on its head,” Gorsuch wrote, describing the appeals court’s invented criteria an “outlier.”

In the case, Chinese national Ming Dai claimed he was beaten and arrested in 2009 for trying to prevent Chinese authorities from aborting his second child under that country’s now-rescinded one-child policy. He testified that when he tried to stop his wife’s abduction, police broke his ribs, dislocated his shoulder, and jailed him for 10 days. Dai said he lost his job, his wife was demoted, and his daughter was denied admission to good schools.

Dai came to the United States on a tourist visa and sought asylum shortly after arriving.

Citing federal law, Gorsuch wrote that the burden rested on Dai to prove that he was a “refugee,” that is, someone “unable or unwilling” to return to China “because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution . . . for failure or refusal to undergo [involuntary sterilization] or for other resistance to a coercive population control program.”

But Dai failed to disclose the fact that his wife and daughter had already traveled to the United States and voluntarily returned to China, undercutting the claim of a fear of persecution at home.

Dai “hesitated at some length” when confronted with these facts, according to the immigration judge, and then admitted that his daughter returned to China to go to school, his wife returned to her job and her elderly father, and that Dai didn’t have a job in China to which he could return.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, June 7, 2021 12:03 AM



Now enforce that law.

Because they don't enforce any of them.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, June 7, 2021 1:31 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Smugglers Openly Advertise Illegal Border Crossings on Facebook
By Petr Svab
June 4, 2021 Updated: June 6, 2021

Human smugglers along the southern border are openly advertising their services on Facebook and the social media company has fallen short on removing such content.

A plethora of user accounts have posted offers to facilitate illegal border crossings on the platform. Some even directly advertise how much they charge for the service. Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), who took office in January, repeatedly alerted Facebook to the issue in general and to a number of specific posts of this kind, but most of them haven’t been removed, she said.

Facebook has so far failed to accommodate Cammack’s request for an in-person meeting to discuss the issue, she told The Epoch Times.


Thanks for posting.
As long as Darth Biden is getting his cut from the cartels, can't expect FB to interfere.

I'll bet if somebody named Trump offered a smuggling operation, FB would shut it down quick.


Monday, June 7, 2021 6:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Here's another ruling that even more pointed:

Supreme Court rules against immigrants with temporary status

WASHINGTON (AP) — A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday that thousands of people living in the U.S. for humanitarian reasons are ineligible to apply to become permanent residents.

Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court that federal immigration law prohibits people who entered the country illegally and now have Temporary Protected Status from seeking “green cards” to remain in the country permanently.

The designation applies to people who come from countries ravaged by war or disaster. It protects them from deportation and allows them to work legally. There are 400,000 people from 12 countries with TPS status.

The outcome in a case involving a couple from El Salvador who have been in the U.S. since the 1990s turned on whether people who entered the country illegally and were given humanitarian protections were ever “admitted” into the United States under immigration law.

Kagan wrote that they were not. “The TPS program gives foreign nationals nonimmigrant status, but it does not admit them. So the conferral of TPS does not make an unlawful entrant...eligible” for a green card, she wrote.

The (democratic) House of Representatives already has passed legislation that would make it possible for TPS recipients to become permanent residents, Kagan noted. The bill faces uncertain prospects in the Senate.


Monday, June 7, 2021 7:23 PM



Now enforce it.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Wednesday, June 9, 2021 9:59 AM



May 28, 2019:

"Look what has happened with this administration. There are children who are fleeing murder capitals of the world... Let's be clear about this. Imagine a mother who makes a decision to pay a coyote to transport her child across the entire country of Mexico facing unknown peril. She does that because she believes for that child to stay where they are is worse.

But what does this president do?

He virtually looks at those children and says go back to where you came from"

June 7th, 2021:

"And I want to emphasize that the goal of our work is to help Guatemalans find help at home. At the same time, I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States/Mexico border...

Do not come. Do not come."


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, June 28, 2021 12:22 AM


carhorn meep meep
Maybe they can create a Team Road Runner FORCE to take on the Coyote

Biden already signs executive order repealing Trump's jihadist ban of 'Muslim terrorist regions and a ban troublesome terroristic immigration, is he looking for the jihadi votes?
Joe Biden Visa Decision on Donald Trump's 'islamist mohammedan Ban
Would older Democrats the Roosevelts, Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson and the Kennedys turn in their graves.

Biden’s faux ‘anti-crime plan’

On border tour, Harris laments ‘infighting’ over immigration

Harris slams Trump-era immigration policies during border visit: 'We inherited a tough situation'

Ex-President Trump holds first rally since leaving office

Flashback: President Jimmy Carter Banned Iranians From U.S.


Monday, June 28, 2021 4:24 AM


It's not good when Jimmy Carter was a better President than you are.


And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.


Thursday, August 26, 2021 4:32 PM


Over 1.1 million confirmed Illegal Aliens from Jan to July 2021.


Thursday, August 25, 2022 8:45 PM


I really should cross-link some threads.

Border Wall Facts:

Illegal Aliens Facts:


Monday, April 1, 2024 4:39 AM

JEWELSTAITEFAN seems to be a site with data.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 8:48 PM



Friday, September 27, 2024 10:58 PM








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