Another Putin Disaster

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Monday, December 13, 2021 5:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Here is the formal text of the statement in the video above.


0 December 202118:10
Foreign Ministry statement on dialogue with the United States and other Western countries regarding security guarantees


ru-RU1 en-GB1 es-ES1

We note US President Joseph Biden’s readiness expressed at the December 7, 2021 talks with President Vladimir Putin to establish a serious dialogue on issues related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. Such a dialogue is urgently needed today when the relations between Russia and the collective West continue to decay and have approached a critical line. At the same time, numerous loose interpretations of our position have emerged in recent days. In this connection we feel it is necessary to once again clarify the following.

Escalating a confrontation with our country is absolutely unacceptable. As a pretext, the West is using the situation in Ukraine, where it embarked on encouraging Russophobia and justifying the actions of the Kiev regime to undermine the Minsk agreements and prepare for a military scenario in Donbass.

Instead of reigning in their Ukrainian protégés, NATO countries are pushing Kiev towards aggressive steps. There can be no alternative interpretation of the increasing number of unplanned exercises by the United States and its allies in the Black Sea. NATO members’ aircraft, including strategic bombers, regularly make provocative flights and dangerous manoeuvres in close proximity to Russia’s borders. The militarisation of Ukraine’s territory and pumping it with weapons are ongoing.

The course has been chosen of drawing Ukraine into NATO, which is fraught with the deployment of strike missile systems there with a minimal flight time to Central Russia, and other destabilising weapons. Such irresponsible behaviour creates grave military risks for all parties involved, up to and including a large-scale conflict in Europe.

At the same time, statements are made that the issue of Ukraine’s hypothetical NATO membership concerns exclusively Kiev and the Alliance, and that nobody should interfere in this process. Let us recall, however, that NATO countries, apart from the Washington Treaty, have obligations regarding the indivisible security in the Euro-Atlantic and the entire OSCE space. This principle was initially proclaimed in the Helsinki Final Act and was later reaffirmed in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe of 1990, which states: “Security is indivisible and the security of every participating State is inseparably linked to that of all the others”, whereas in 1999, The Charter for European Security was adopted at the OSCE Istanbul summit, which stressed that the participating States “will not strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States.”

All these documents were signed by the leaders of the OSCE member-states, including all NATO countries.
However, in violation of the principle of indivisible security – as well as in violation of the promises given to the Soviet leaders – NATO has been persistently moving eastwards all these years while neglecting Moscow’s concerns. Furthermore, each new member added to NATO’s frenzied anti-Russia charge.

We have been saying for a long time that such developments are inadmissible. Over the past decades we have offered a number of times to render the principle of comprehensive and indivisible security in the Euro-Atlantic a legally binding status since the West is obviously inclined to disregard its political obligations. However, we were invariably refused.

In this connection, as President Vladimir Putin stressed, we insist that serious long-term legal guarantees are provided, which would exclude NATO’s further advancement to the east and deployment of weapons on Russia’s western borders which are a threat to Russia. This must be done within a specific timeframe and on the basis of the principle of comprehensive and indivisible security.

To ensure the vital interests of European security, it is necessary to officially disavow the decision taken at the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest about “Ukraine and Georgia becoming NATO members” as contrary to the commitment undertaken by all the OSCE participating States “not to strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States.”

We insist on the adoption of a legally binding agreement regarding the US and other NATO member countries’ non-deployment of strike weapons systems which threaten the territory of the Russian Federation on the territories of adjacent countries, both members and non-members of NATO.

We also insist on receiving a concrete response from NATO to our previous proposals on decreasing tension in Europe, including the following points:

- withdrawal of regions for operative military exercises to an agreed distance from Russia-NATO contact line;

- coordination of the closest approach point of combat ships and aircraft to prevent dangerous military activities, primarily in the Baltic and Black Sea regions;

- renewal of regular dialogue between the defence ministries in the Russia-US and Russia-NATO formats.

We call on Washington to join Russia’s unilateral moratorium on the deployment of surface short- and intermediate-range missiles in Europe, to agree on and introduce measures for the verification of reciprocal obligations.

Russia will shortly present draft international legal documents in the indicated areas to launch talks in respective formats.

In particular, we will submit a comprehensive proposal on legal security guarantees as part of preparations for the next round of the Russia-US dialogue on strategic stability. We will advocate holding an in-depth discussion of the military aspects of ensuring security via defence ministries with the engagement of the foreign ministries of Russia and NATO countries.

We believe that the OSCE, which includes all countries of the Euro-Atlantic region, should not to stay on the sidelines of discussions on addressing the issues of Europe’s security.

We urge our partners to carefully examine Russia’s proposals and start serious talks on agreements that will provide a fair and sustainable balance of interests in our common space.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021 1:12 PM


Putin discusses Ukraine tensions with Macron, Niinistö,

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday spoke on the phone with his French and Finnish counterparts and reiterated his demand for guarantees precluding NATO from expanding to Ukraine or deploying weapons there.

Poor Putie. He's trying anywhere he can to find a way to back down gracefully. Oops...



Tuesday, December 14, 2021 1:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Putin never wanted Ukraine. It's a garbage dump full of westerners and oligarch rats gnawing whatever flesh is left.

Oh, btw - Chernobyl? That's Ukraine, not Russia, fyi. Another oozing festering Ukrainian rot.


Friday, December 17, 2021 1:11 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Putin never wanted Ukraine. It's a garbage dump full of westerners and oligarch rats gnawing whatever flesh is left.

Oh, btw - Chernobyl? That's Ukraine, not Russia, fyi. Another oozing festering Ukrainian rot.

FYI, Putin has stuck his nose into crappy little Belarus for the same reason as he did Ukraine -- to save himself from overthrow.

Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko seemed to have no plan. But his neighbors did. On August 18, 2020, a plane belonging to the FSB, the Russian security services, flew from Moscow to Minsk. Soon after that, Lukashenko’s tactics underwent a dramatic change. Stephen Biegun, who was the U.S. deputy secretary of state at the time, describes the change as a shift to “more sophisticated, more controlled ways to repress the population.” Belarus became a textbook example of what the journalist William J. Dobson has called “the dictator’s learning curve”: Techniques that had been used successfully in the past to repress crowds in Russia were seamlessly transferred to Belarus, along with personnel who understood how to deploy them. Russian television journalists arrived to replace the Belarusian journalists who had gone on strike, and immediately stepped up the campaign to portray the demonstrations as the work of Americans and other foreign “enemies.” Russian police appear to have supplemented their Belarusian colleagues, or at least given them advice, and a policy of selective arrests began. As Vladimir Putin figured out a long time ago, mass arrests are unnecessary if you can jail, torture, or possibly murder just a few key people. The rest will be frightened into staying home. Eventually they will become apathetic, because they believe nothing can change.

The Lukashenko rescue package, reminiscent of the one Putin had designed for Bashar al-Assad in Syria six years earlier, contained economic elements too. Russian companies offered markets for Belarusian products that had been banned by the democratic West—for example, smuggling Belarusian cigarettes into the European Union. Some of this was possible because the two countries share a language. (Though roughly a third to half of the country speaks Belarusian, most public business in Belarus is conducted in Russian.) But this close cooperation was also possible because Lukashenko and Putin, though they famously dislike each other, share a common way of seeing the world. Both believe that their personal survival is more important than the well-being of their people. Both believe that a change of regime would result in their death, imprisonment, or exile.

Both also learned lessons from the Arab Spring, as well as from the more distant memory of 1989, when Communist dictatorships fell like dominoes: Democratic revolutions are contagious. If you can stamp them out in one country, you might prevent them from starting in others. The anti-corruption, prodemocracy demonstrations of 2014 in Ukraine, which resulted in the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych’s government, reinforced this fear of democratic contagion. Putin was enraged by those protests, not least because of the precedent they set. After all, if Ukrainians could get rid of their corrupt dictator, why wouldn’t Russians want to do the same?

Lukashenko gladly accepted Russian help, turned against his people, and transformed himself from an autocratic, patriarchal grandfather—a kind of national collective-farm boss—into a tyrant who revels in cruelty. Reassured by Putin’s support, he began breaking new ground. Not just selective arrests—a year later, human-rights activists say that more than 800 political prisoners remain in jail—but torture. Not just torture but rape. Not just torture and rape but kidnapping and, quite possibly, murder.

Lukashenko’s sneering defiance of the rule of law—he issues stony-faced denials of the existence of political repression in his country—and of anything resembling decency spread beyond his borders. In May 2021, Belarusian air traffic control forced an Irish-owned Ryanair passenger plane to land in Minsk so that one of the passengers, Roman Protasevich, a young dissident living in exile, could be arrested; he later made public confessions on television that appeared to be coerced. In August, another young dissident living in exile, Vitaly Shishov, was found hanged in a Kyiv park. At about the same time, Lukashenko’s regime set out to destabilize its EU neighbors by forcing streams of refugees across their borders: Belarus lured Afghan and Iraqi refugees to Minsk with a proffer of tourist visas, then escorted them to the borders of Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland and forced them at gunpoint to cross, illegally.

Lukashenko began to act, in other words, as if he were untouchable, both at home and abroad. He began breaking not only the laws and customs of his own country, but also the laws and customs of other countries, and of the international community—laws regarding air traffic control, homicide, borders.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, December 17, 2021 2:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oh. You mean the US isn't free to create 'fuck the EU' coups wherever they want anymore?

Oh. Dear.

Now we know where you stand on 'democracy'.

Oh, btw, we already know you hate the US.


Friday, December 17, 2021 3:08 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Oh. You mean the US isn't free to create 'fuck the EU' coups wherever they want anymore?

Oh. Dear.

Now we know where you stand on 'democracy'.

Oh, btw, we already know you hate the US.

Every line you wrote a Russian troll has already written a thousand times before, here and elsewhere. There is much overlap, perhaps 100%, between you, a self-claimed "California" "housewife" who is "not a Republican", and a straight forward Moscovian earning a small paycheck repeating Putin talking points about America and Western Democracies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, December 17, 2021 3:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Ah ... yes. Your entirely empty arsenal of facts and thinking is on full display when you have nothing left but 'Russian Troll™'.


Friday, December 17, 2021 3:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Since you can't refute it, I guess my post still stands:

Oh. You mean the US isn't free to create 'fuck the EU' coups wherever they want anymore?

Oh. Dear.

Now we know where you stand on 'democracy'.

Oh, btw, we already know you hate the US.


Friday, December 17, 2021 4:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECONDRATE, you rightly aplogized to me for libeling me as a Russian Troll, now you should apologize to KIKI.

But you can't stop lying, can you? It's in your nature. That's why your thoughts twist and turn and bite themselves. You've got a bag of snakes for a brain bc you're untethered from honesty. And reality.

And you think "Trumptards" are crazy!


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, December 17, 2021 5:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Putin never wanted Ukraine. It's a garbage dump full of westerners and oligarch rats gnawing whatever flesh is left.

Oh, btw - Chernobyl? That's Ukraine, not Russia, fyi. Another oozing festering Ukrainian rot.

SECONDRATE: FYI, Putin has stuck his nose into crappy little Belarus for the same reason as he did Ukraine -- to save himself from overthrow.

By who? Not by Russians! "The opposition" has so little support they can't even get a seat in the Russian Parliament (Duma) and where ppl disagree with Putin they think he's too soft on the West!

The West had clearly attempted to orchestrate yet another "regime change" coup in Belarus, which failed. All that did was to drive Lukashenko into Russia's arms.

Interesting fact: Unlike Russia, Belarus never privatized its production, so it was never raped by oligarchs and western hedge fund managers like Bill Browder. On top of that, since Russia sold oil to Belarus at cutrate prices, Belarus got a good income selling refined oil to the EU at market rates. The living standard in Belarus is quite high, certainly much better than Ukraine (the West's "success story")


The Human Development Index (HDI) ranks nations based on an aggregation of quality of life statistics, including life expectancy, per capita income and education. Based on the quality of these indicators, a country is awarded a score from 0-1. Belarus’ HDI score stands at 0.80, which places the country in 53rd place worldwide. Despite their lack of political freedom, Belarussians have a standard of living well above the world average.

Anyway, the West continues to try and make trouble on Russia's border, taking provocative actions in Ukraine, the Black Sea, Georgia, Moldova, and elsewhere, and Jens Stoltenberg, the know-nothing NATO foreign scy, newly-appointed German foreign scy Annalena Baerbock, and Boris Johnson are clearly on a campaign of provocation. I think they're hoping to come so close to Russia's "red lines" as to force a response, by which the West can then apply full weight of sanctions and other forms of hybrid warfare.

One thing is for sure: Russia is not about to "invade Ukraine" absent military action by Kiev first. Russia will probably respond asymmetrically, by deploying medium-range nuclear missiles in Belarus. And whatever Russia does will be coordinated with China.

Question: If Russia is kicked out of SWIFT, how will the EU pay for its natgas? These bureaucrats in NATO, the EU, and UK are so fucking stupid. I think they're trying to build a moat between "the East" and "the West", but they're only hurting themselves.

But then, that may be why all of this Covid-authoritarianism: To keep "their people" under thumb while they burn their economies and financial system down and try to gin up a war.

I have no idea what the EU/UK are aiming at, since the only winner in a conflict between Russia and the West would be the USA. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, December 18, 2021 4:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

KIKI posted this in April 2019. It's a good summary of policy in 2019, under Trump, and we can see it in hyperdrive today, under Biden*

A good indicator that foreign policy isn't made by Presidents but by "The Interagency".


My #1 priority is avoiding nuclear war with Russia. At this point either country can single-handedly destroy the entire planet at least a few times over. That's a good reason to not get into nuclear conflict, because nobody wins.
It's #1 because if we can't avoid nuclear war in the immediate future, then nothing else matters.

There are 4 kinds of pro-nuclear-war agendas I've noticed.
· One is to provoke Russia with every non-nuclear scenario that can be implemented, including setting up large NATO forces directly on the Russian border, sending nuclear-capable bombers to Europe, pre-deploying nuclear weapons in Europe, threatening or attacking Russia's allies (Syria, Venezuela, Iran), and instituting sanctions for extremely specious reasons - with the (apparent) assumption Russia won't retaliate either with nuclear weapons, or escalate into nuclear war. Most democrats and most republicans are behind this because they've both bought into the deep state regime.
· The second is by dropping out of nuclear treaties.
· The third is through the democratic-supported policy of US 'limited' nuclear first-strikes or 'limited' use of nuclear weapons in proxy wars. That might escalate directly into nuclear war. The other scenario that those brilliant minds haven't seemed to consider is that the US could be subjected to a 'limited' nuclear counterattack that we will have to endure in order to avoid all-out nuclear war.
· The fourth is by trying to have 'the best, fantastic, you would not imagine how unbelievable' nuclear arsenal; which as a side effect has already started another cold war, including the militarization of space.

When it comes to Venezuela, Russia (an ally) has already sent troops. In addition China (also an ally) has also just sent troops. Hopefully the US will think twice before militarily engaging two powerful countries.

As agents of the deep state, the msm has already started jonesing for confrontation, in the person of Fareed Zakaria, in a double-barreled CNN/ WaPo propaganda push. They're both summarized here with appropriate links to originals:

Given how gullible Americans are (WMDs, anyone?) and how steadfastly people refuse to learn the fact that the government lies all the time, I'll be interested to hear the candidates' takes on this.



Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, December 18, 2021 5:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Russia Formally Quits 'Open Skies' Treaty, Saying There's No Point Without US

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, December 19, 2021 9:56 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Putin never wanted Ukraine. It's a garbage dump full of westerners and oligarch rats gnawing whatever flesh is left.

Oh, btw - Chernobyl? That's Ukraine, not Russia, fyi. Another oozing festering Ukrainian rot.



Russians Have Suddenly Stopped Buying Putin’s Anti-American Propaganda

MOSCOW—It’s easy to see why President Vladimir Putin might have thought ratcheting up tensions on Ukraine’s border and blaming it all on NATO and the U.S. would rally his faltering support back home, but this time something different is happening.

Most Russians aren’t buying it.

Domestic propaganda levels have reached near-hysteria this year after anti-Putin protests swept the country following the attempted murder and imprisonment of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

The drumbeat of war against Ukraine is becoming louder by the week and Putin has made ever wilder demands of NATO, which was the primary focus of his talking points in the video conference summit with President Biden earlier this month. He must surely know those demands can never be met.

If you follow the local—state-owned—TV stations in Russia, you are constantly warned that a new war is on the horizon; that Russia will bravely stand up to the West; and that America is the real enemy.

That message is increasingly falling on deaf ears.

A study published this week by the Levada Analytical Center showed that for the first time in years more Russians think positively than negatively about the U.S.—by 45 percent to 42 percent.

When Levada asked the same question in May, only 31 percent said the U.S. was “good” vs. 54 percent “bad.”

In those intervening months, Moscow has accused Washington of “fueling tension” over Ukraine, gas pipelines, Navalny, and hacking. Tit-for-tat diplomatic spats have led to the U.S. embassy cutting 75 percent of staff in Moscow and no longer processing visas, meaning Russians wanting U.S. travel visas and green cards now have to apply in Warsaw. An agreement is in the works to fix that particular stand-off, but it shows the real world impact of diplomatic wrangling on ordinary people.

“Politicians and ordinary people often have different agendas,” said Susanna Emirali, a young advertising producer. “Most of my friends understand that ordinary Americans are cool.”

Emirali is typical of the Russians who are now rejecting state propaganda. She says she avoids watching political talk shows on television and prefers to read her news on independent outlets online. She believes the United States has nothing to do with Russia’s biggest problems and hopes the conflict between Moscow and Washington will soon end.

While Moscow and Washington are at loggerheads over “red lines” and security guarantees, ordinary Russians are growing tired of the aggressive anti-Western propaganda thrown at them from their TV sets every night. This flies in the face of years of assumptions that Putin can turn up the dial on anti-Americanism feeling among Russians at will.


Monday, December 20, 2021 11:15 AM


Russia on Monday expelled two German diplomats in response to Berlin ordering two Russian diplomats to leave over a German court's ruling that Moscow had ordered the 2019 assassination of an ex-Chechen commander in a Berlin Park.



Monday, December 20, 2021 12:05 PM


Russia seeks urgent US response on security demands

Too funny. How many times does he have to hear fuck you no?



Monday, December 20, 2021 11:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Russia demands USA, NATO, roll back to 1997 configuration.

This is a detailed description -including a direct reading of the Russian provisions/ demands- of two documents provided to the USA via State Department representative.

You should give it a listen if you want to know what the Russians are REALLY proposing.

On the face of it, the documents are unacceptable to NATO and the USA, altho the Russians say they that they're facing a "Cuban missile crisis" in reverse, with nuclear missiles practically on their border, and they want security guarantees.

Mercouris seems to think that Russia is prepared to negotiate over a long timeframe about NATO's eastward march.

I personally think that these proposals are a lot more hostile, and that Russia (and by extension, China) is prepared to force the issue, taking a non-response from the USA as a signal for some action- "you are behaving like a hostile nation, so we will deploy missiles/ mass troops/ shoot down your planes/ sink your ships/ cut of gas supplies" or take whatever military action they feel is necessary to force the issue. China has said they back Russia, and might be prepared to make this a two-front provocation. And with Russia and China taking action,Iran may take the oppty to expands its scope of action in the Mideast.

Just my $0.02

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Tuesday, December 21, 2021 9:58 AM


Russia Is Now Claiming the U.S. Is Preparing a ‘Chemical Weapons’ Attack in Ukraine

After the Kremlin’s ultimatums to NATO appeared to fall flat earlier this week, Moscow ratcheted up the crazy on Tuesday with new claims of U.S. mercenaries supposedly preparing a “chemical weapons” attack and a threat of unspecified “military-technical” action.

Anything short of an invasion by Putin now and he loses face. He has backed himself into a corner. Can you say desperate?



Tuesday, December 21, 2021 10:04 AM



Tuesday, December 21, 2021 10:11 AM


Russian Businessman Taken by U.S. Accused of Swiping Earnings Reports From Tesla, Others

Swiss authorities in Zurich put Vladislav Klyushin, a Russian businessman widely noted for his Kremlin ties, on a flight bound for the U.S. on Saturday, ending a months-long extradition fight that cast a pall over this summer’s Putin-Biden talks in Geneva.

Swiss reporters first confirmed Klyushin’s extradition Saturday night; the U.S. Justice Department on Monday said the 41-year-old, a top official at Moscow-based IT firm called M-13, would stand trial on charges of insider trading, citing information allegedly “stolen from U.S. computer networks,” netting “tens of millions of dollars in illegal profits.”

Russian hackers and those who do business with them should not leave Russia. We'll get you if you do.

tick tock



Saturday, December 25, 2021 9:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

On Christmas Day 1991, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev delivered a monumental speech from the Kremlin. Gorbachev announced that after 74 years as one of the world's most powerful nations, the Soviet Union no longer existed, and would break up into 15 separate countries.

"People have short memories," said Vladislav Zubok, a Russian historian who teaches at the London School of Economics. He's also the author of a new book, Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union.

"The story of Ukrainian-Russian tensions go all the way back to the rapid and unexpected collapse of the Soviet Union," said Zubok.

The collapse meant thousands of Soviet nuclear weapons were spread across four of the newly formed states, including Russia and Ukraine.

Russia kept its nukes. Ukraine gave up its arsenal in 1994 in exchange for a promise from Russia and others that its borders would not be violated.

It seemed like a win-win. But Zubok says the reality proved much more complicated.

"When empires of big states collapse suddenly, history produces a lot of flotsam and jetsam, a lot of debris that blocks not just good relations, but block even understanding between the countries," he said.

And when there's friction, Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly intervened.

He calls the Soviet collapse the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century." Russian forces seized the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in 2014, and remain to this day. Putin wrote last summer that Russia and Ukraine are really one country — which they were for long periods over the centuries.

At a Kremlin news conference Thursday, Putin said he wasn't planning an invasion. He said again, as he has many times before, that the real threat comes from NATO expansion into Eastern Europe, and the possibility that Ukraine may someday join the alliance.

"It was the United States that came with its missiles to our home, to the doorstep of our home," Putin said in a reference to NATO. "And you demand from me some guarantees. You should give us guarantees. You! And right away, right now."

NATO now totals 30 members, including 14 European countries that have been added over the past two decades. They include three former Soviet republics, the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Zubok says he doesn't know what will happen short-term. But as a historian, he sees long-term friction.

A lasting solution, he says, "would require a fundamental change of regime, either in Russia or in Ukraine, and I don't see any preconditions for either development."

Missed opportunities

Former U.S. diplomat Donald Jensen says predictions about Russia are always hard. He served at the embassy in Moscow as the Soviet Union was collapsing, and again in the years afterward.

He believes the U.S. was too focused on trying to build democracy in Russia, while the Russians were actually battling each other over power and money.

"By pursuing the set of policies that were premised on a democratic transformation, we got into big trouble," he said. "I say this with great humility, we misunderstood what happened because of missing things like the money issue."

He cites an example in 1995, when he was riding a tram in Moscow and saw Vladimir Kryuchkov, the former head of the Soviet security service, the KGB, who led a failed coup attempt against Gorbachev in August 1991, four months before the Soviet collapse.

Jensen set up a meeting, and over a bottle of vodka they discussed the final days of the Soviet Union. Jensen said he was struck by how some top Soviet officials seemed less worried about a Soviet breakup than about losing privileged positions that allowed them to make large sums of money.

"We spent a lot of time thinking of you (Kryuchkov) as a hard-line communist ideologue, and it looks to me like the KGB was making money," Jensen told Kryuchkov. "He looked at me, with his big Coke-bottle glasses, and said, 'Of course we were.'"

Jensen still studies Russia. He's now at the U.S. Institute of Peace. And while he's critical of some U.S. polices, perhaps the biggest failure is the opportunity Russia has missed over the past three decades.

"Russia has blown a chance to be integrated into the global and European security architecture and economic structures," Jensen said. "We don't expect Russia to be Western. But you expect it to be a positive contributor to global peace and security, and I just don't see that that happening."

The evidence, he says, is on display along the Russia-Ukraine border.

More at

Download the free book Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union by Vladislav Zubok from the mirrors at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, December 25, 2021 10:44 AM


10,000 Russian troops have headed back to their own barracks SECOND. It could be just a feign, we’ll see. Something to remember is Crimea. As long as the Russians are there war is a threat. Ukraine is not going to ever give up its claim. Putin knows this. He also knows if Ukraine joins NATO Ukraine will force Russia out.



Saturday, December 25, 2021 11:44 AM


Thousands of Russian troops withdrawing from Ukraine border: report

Putin backs down.



Saturday, December 25, 2021 11:58 AM


Russia slaps 'foreign agent' label on rights monitor OVD-Info, blocks website

The Russian government has blocked a rights monitor's website to prevent publication of information on rights abuses. Communication watchdog Rozkomnadzor took the action following a court ruling.The Russian state communications regulator Rozkomnadzor blocked the website of Russian rights monitoring group OVD-Info, the organization said Saturday.

Transfer Your Debt and Pay 0 Interest Until 2023
For years, OVD-Info has kept a public log of abuses at anti-Kremlin protests, other instances of political persecutions, and provided legal support to victims. OVD-Info said Saturday its site had been blocked earlier in the week.

A Moscow regional court issued the ruling against OVD-Info, calling on Rozkomnadzor to "limit" access to its website on December 20.

Rozkomnadzor told Russian-state run Interfax OVD-Info was blocked following the court ruling due to "propaganda of terrorism and extremism." The media regulator has also ordered social media companies to shutter its accounts.

Currently in Russia, the website for OVD-Info shows a message that reads access is restricted by the federal law on information, information technologies and data protection.

Let’s see if comrades Signym and Kiki defend Putin against this latest dictatorship type ruling.



Saturday, December 25, 2021 12:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:
Russia slaps 'foreign agent' label on rights monitor OVD-Info, blocks website

OVD-Info translated to English seems harmless, except if you were crooked it would seem dangerous:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, December 26, 2021 11:56 AM


Putin to mull options if West refuses guarantees on Ukraine

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday he would ponder a slew of options if the West fails to meet his push for security guarantees precluding NATO’s expansion to Ukraine.




Sunday, December 26, 2021 7:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

NATO chief seeks NATO-Russia Council meeting in January


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, December 27, 2021 9:26 AM


Moscow sees threat of new missile crisis as serious

Moscow considers the threat of a new missile crisis as serious, the RIA news agency cited Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Monday amid a standoff between Russia and Western powers over Ukraine.

As long as countries like Russia that are run by rulers exist, world peace is in jeopardy. Putin has ruled Russia since the year 2000. China falls into this same category. NATO is the worlds’ best hope.



Monday, December 27, 2021 9:57 AM


WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland’s president on Monday said he has decided to veto a media bill that would have forced U.S. company Discovery to give up its controlling share in TVN, a Polish TV network.



Monday, December 27, 2021 1:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland’s president on Monday said he has decided to veto a media bill that would have forced U.S. company Discovery to give up its controlling share in TVN, a Polish TV network.

Speaking of low-information posters ...

You DO know that Poland is not Russia, right, THUGR?
It is no longer part of the Warsaw Pact, and hasn't been for decades.

Poland is a member state of the EU (2004)
Poland is a member of NATO (1999)
Poland is a vehemently anti-Russian decades-long part of the "cordon sanitaire" that the USA has been trying to construct for decades.

What does Poland and a USA media company have to do with Russia, and how does this qualify as a current "disaster"? There is no change in Poland's status and there hasn't been for decades.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, December 27, 2021 4:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
Moscow sees threat of new missile crisis as serious

Moscow considers the threat of a new missile crisis as serious, the RIA news agency cited Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Monday amid a standoff between Russia and Western powers over Ukraine.

Of course. If we had missiles 100 miles from our border, WE'D consider it a threat, wouldn't we?

US. began to install a missile defense system in Poland
22.06.2021 16:41

The point is that Russia intends to make their problem OUR problem. So...

For example, if missile installations are attempted in Ukraine, I suspect that Russia will destroy them with missiles before they become functional. If Kiev attacks DPR/LDNT, Ukraine's army will be destroyed.

ALL NATO troops, ALL NATO installations, ALL USA "advisors" and troops in the former Warsaw Pact nations are at risk. If war comes... and unless the USA backs down, war is inevitable, I suspect that these will be targeted first. Hypersonic missile and artillery attacks on command structures, airbases, missile installations, concentrations of artillery and tanks, radar bases and so forth. Gas will be shut off. It will be a blitzkrieg. No nation's forces will be safe if they're past a pre-detetmined line.

Furthermore, I think the timing and form of these demands is deliberate. Russia is militarily ascendant. Why should they delay? What would they be waiting for? For the USA to catch up technologically?

Russia is like a skunk: it stamps it's feet and shakes its tail, it warms and backs away, warns and backs away, but at some point it will let loose. Then people will wish they had listened.

Meanwhile, EU and the USA are busy ignoring their immigration issues and are busy distracting themselves with gender and race issues, and making pointless Covid mandates, as if virtue-signalling is going to save them from existential economic and military threat.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, December 27, 2021 7:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are reports that American PMCs in Ukraine have been equipped with bio and chemical weapons, not to use them in an attack but to create a false flag. This wouldn't the first time that USA assets have created chemical weapons false flag attacks (most notably in Syria) so if a "chemical/biowarfare" attack occurs in Ukraine... well, I guess you heard it here first.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, December 29, 2021 3:05 PM


US flies reconnaissance aircraft over eastern Ukraine

The US Air Force flew a reconnaissance mission this week over eastern Ukraine to gather intelligence about the situation on the ground -- two days after Russia announced it would withdraw 10,000 troops from its border with that nation.



Wednesday, December 29, 2021 3:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Because the US has a KEY INTEREST in defending US borders!!! ... with Ukraine (check out any map!!! Ukraine is right there, bordering the US!) ... and isn't just provoking Russia ...


Wednesday, December 29, 2021 3:42 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Because the US has a KEY INTEREST in defending US borders!!! ... with Ukraine (check out any map!!! Ukraine is right there, bordering the US!) ... and isn't just provoking Russia ...

Nope, we have a key interest in defending democracies against dictatorships. One border with Russia is enough.



Wednesday, December 29, 2021 6:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


1KIKI: Because the US has a KEY INTEREST in defending US borders!!! ... with Ukraine (check out any map!!! Ukraine is right there, bordering the US!) ... and isn't just provoking Russia ...

THUGR: Nope, we have a key interest in defending democracies against dictatorships.


That is, assuming that Ukraine even qualifies as a "democracy", that is; and that Russia qualifies as a "dictatorship".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, December 31, 2021 2:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

1KIKI: Because the US has a KEY INTEREST in defending US borders!!! ... with Ukraine (check out any map!!! Ukraine is right there, bordering the US!) ... and isn't just provoking Russia ...

THUGR: Nope, we have a key interest in defending democracies against dictatorships.


That is, assuming that Ukraine even qualifies as a "democracy", that is; and that Russia qualifies as a "dictatorship".

It's obvious isn't it. Because comrade because...



Friday, December 31, 2021 2:43 PM



French warship visits Ukrainian port amid escalating tensions with Russia. Dec 25, 2021 • French warship has dogged in Ukrainian port


Friday, December 31, 2021 5:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

THUGGER thinks the US qualifies as the supreme dictator of the world, able to remake any country into any image it finds more lucrativ...; convenien...; malleabl... ... there's a good word somewhere that means all of that.


Sunday, January 2, 2022 1:12 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

THUGGER thinks the US qualifies as the supreme dictator of the world, able to remake any country into any image it finds more lucrativ...; convenien...; malleabl... ... there's a good word somewhere that means all of that.

The rights group that dug up Russia's dark past

For over 30 years, Memorial worked on uncovering the fates of the victims of Soviet political repressions. It also exposed human rights abuses in present-day Russia.



Sunday, January 2, 2022 6:51 PM


I'm far more concerned about the human rights abuses going on in our country.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, January 2, 2022 6:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Why are you so deeply attracted to Putin that you can't go a single day without thinking of him?

You're his most extreme fan here.


Sunday, January 2, 2022 9:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


1KIKI: Because the US has a KEY INTEREST in defending US borders!!! ... with Ukraine (check out any map!!! Ukraine is right there, bordering the US!) ... and isn't just provoking Russia ...

THUGR: Nope, we have a key interest in defending democracies against dictatorships.

That is, assuming that Ukraine even qualifies as a "democracy", that is; and that Russia qualifies as a "dictatorship".

THUGR: It's obvious isn't it.

No, it's not. Why don't you try explaining in your own words instead of reaching for a stupid video that doesn't even say what you want it to say? I mean, did you even WATCH it?

The reporter even noted the "far right" (ie Nazi) presence in the Ukrainian nationalist crowd, and admitted that most Crimeans were happy that Russia took over.

So maybe you should make a more convincing argument.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, January 5, 2022 11:52 AM


Go Joe...



Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Earth to THUGR: In what world does Biden* getting his head blown off by Putin, who appears to be holding all the cards, qualify as a "Putin disaster"?

Looks more like a Biden* disaster, to me. Unless you count Biden* braggadoccio/suicide as some sort of success, that is?

Again, like your video, the cartoon doesn't say what you think it does. Maybe you should understand your cartoons and videos before you post them?

Not BTW that I agree with the cartoon, just pointing out your general lack of understanding.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:12 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Earth to THUGR: In what world does Biden* getting his head blown off by Putin, who appears to be holding all the cards, qualify as a "Putin disaster"?

Looks more like a Biden* disaster, to me. Unless you count Biden* braggadoccio/suicide as some sort of success, that is?

Again, like your video, the cartoon doesn't say what you think it does. Maybe you should understand your cartoons and videos before you post them?

Not BTW that I agree with the cartoon, just pointing out your general lack of understanding.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

So why doesn't he then? No balls?



Wednesday, January 5, 2022 1:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Do you WANT a war with Russia? Because it is a war we would lose, no matter what the arena and whether conventional or nuclear. (Of course, in a nuclear war, we ALL lose, so... no winners there!)

Maybe Putin isn't as warlike as YOU are, THUGR, bc you seem pretty itchy to pull triggers. He's probably a better person than you are. You're just a hyperagressive asshole who seems to think that mindlessly picking fights "proves something".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, January 6, 2022 11:57 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Do you WANT a war with Russia? Because it is a war we would lose, no matter what the arena and whether conventional or nuclear. (Of course, in a nuclear war, we ALL lose, so... no winners there!)

Maybe Putin isn't as warlike as YOU are, THUGR, bc you seem pretty itchy to pull triggers. He's probably a better person than you are. You're just a hyperagressive asshole who seems to think that mindlessly picking fights "proves something".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

That’s funny Polish Russian Collaborator Signym. Very funny indeed.


Kazakhstan: Dozens of protesters reported killed as Russia-led military alliance heads to the country

Dozens of protesters were killed and hundreds injured during clashes in Kazakhstan, a police official from the largest city Almaty said Thursday, as troops from a Russian-led military alliance of post-Soviet states begin their operations in the Central Asian country to help quell the unrest.


Thursday, January 6, 2022 12:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

These are not "protesters", and this is not a "protest".
It is an armed insurrection.
Those killed were armed groups attacking police stations.

Having watched videos of the insurrection, I can tell you what I did NOT see:

I did NOT see masses of people in the tens or hundreds of thousands pouring through the streets.

What I saw were small groups of well-armed young men attacking government buildings and looting stores. What MAY have started out as a protest against LPG price hikes has apparently been hijacked by a much smaller, armed group dedicated to overthrowing the government. So far, I see no evidence of broad, popular support.

Calling these "protests" is a much a perversion of reality as calling Jan 6 a "coup attempt".

Once again, you should be ashamed of being taken in by spin, but I know you're too dunderheaded to be embarrassed by your own gullibilty.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, January 6, 2022 1:25 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
These are not "protesters", and this is not a "protest".
It is an armed insurrection.
Those killed were armed groups attacking police stations.

Having watched videos of the insurrection, I can tell you what I did NOT see:

I did NOT see masses of people in the tens or hundreds of thousands pouring through the streets.

What I saw were small groups of well-armed young men attacking government buildings and looting stores. What MAY have started out as a protest against LPG price hikes has apparently been hijacked by a much smaller, armed group dedicated to overthrowing the government. So far, I see no evidence of broad, popular support.

Calling these "protests" is a much a perversion of reality as calling Jan 6 a "coup attempt".

Once again, you should be ashamed of being taken in by spin, but I know you're too dunderheaded to be embarrassed by your own gullibilty.

Putin’s Next Door Nightmare Just Came True Right Under His Nose

As the country’s rich elite took off in their private jets, the “revolution”—sparked in part by hiked up fuel prices—showed no signs of slowing down. Protesters have set administrative buildings on fire in several big cities across the country, disarmed cops, torn epaulets off of police uniforms, and demanded an end to the three-decade-long career of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the powerful head of the country’s National Security Council and a long-time Putin ally.

Meanwhile, Kremlin’s state TV channels—wary of the fact that the protests are a living nightmare for President Vladimir Putin—failed to translate the demonstrators’ chants. The Kazakh protestors may have been all too direct in their message to Nazarbayev for Russian airwaves, as they demanded that he “Shal ket!”(Get out, old man!).

Moscow descends into a panic every time such protests threaten to end old regimes, and has done so ever since Hillary Clinton called for the U.S. to “figure out effective ways to slow down or prevent” Putin’s efforts to re-Sovietize former USSR territories like Kazakhstan. After Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev dismissed Nazarbayev from the top position at the National Security Council on Wednesday, there was no doubt left that the old regime, including Putin’s closest ally in the country, had fallen.

“This is the last day of the Soviet Union; today is the day when the USSR has finally died,” a pro-Kremlin expert on Central Asia, Yuriy Krupnov, told The Daily Beast.

A sure-fire sign of Moscow's concern about Kazakhstan emerged on Wednesday when the chairman of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CTSO)—a military alliance led by Russia that includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan—declared it would send troops at Tokayev's request to "to assist Kazakhstan in overcoming this terrorist threat."

Ah shucks...



Thursday, January 6, 2022 1:41 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Putin never wanted Ukraine. It's a garbage dump full of westerners and oligarch rats gnawing whatever flesh is left.

Oh, btw - Chernobyl? That's Ukraine, not Russia, fyi. Another oozing festering Ukrainian rot.

Britain warns Russia over Ukraine: we're working on high-impact sanctions

LONDON (Reuters) -Britain warned Moscow on Thursday that it was working with Western partners on high-impact sanctions targetting Russia's financial sector should it invade Ukraine.







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