Another Putin Disaster

UPDATED: Thursday, October 10, 2024 16:48
VIEWED: 67171
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Thursday, February 17, 2022 3:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, the day has ended, even in MY time zone, and still, no Russian invasion!

This is as bad as THUGR'S endlessly ticking clock that never reaches its destination.

Notice how quickly SECOND changes the topic the moment his shit fails to stick?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 17, 2022 7:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, the day has ended, even in MY time zone, and still, no Russian invasion!

This is as bad as THUGR'S endlessly ticking clock that never reaches its destination.

Notice how quickly SECOND changes the topic the moment his shit fails to stick?

If I haven't made it clear, let me try again. I don't know if Putin will invade Ukraine. On the other hand, I know perfectly well that Putin won't stop lying about Ukraine. Do you see the difference, Signym?

Putin will continue to spread his nonsense everywhere he goes:

1) A False Claim From Putin About the Ukraine War

Vladimir Putin: “Opportunities to peacefully restore the territorial integrity of [Ukraine] through direct dialogue with Donetsk and Luhansk are still ignored.” February 15, 2022

Putin’s claim that dialogue has been “ignored” is false. These distortions are aimed at convincing Russian domestic audiences, and less well-informed people in other countries, that Ukraine is to blame for the current impasse.

Putin's claim simply does not comport with reality.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov compared Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Germany’s propaganda minister during WWII.

More at

2) Russian Today (RT) Chief Spouts Ukraine Extermination Camp Lie

Simonyan claimed that Ukraine has been waging a war against its own people for eight years, killing thousands of civilians. Thousands of children who had “their arms and legs torn off” were “buried in small coffins,” she said.

She used inflammatory language to argue for a humanitarian intervention:

“Russia cannot but stop this war. What are we waiting for? For when camps are organized there? For when they are gassing their own people?”

Margarita Simonyan about the situation in Ukraine in the program 'Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov'

3) Will Putin stop lying? No. Will Putin invade Ukraine? How can anyone know?
Putin is such huge liar, it is impossible to know until an invasion happens.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 17, 2022 11:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

One thing I know for sure: the media and most politicians will continue to lie .. about Russia, Trump, China, the virus, and pretty much everything else they talk about.

And you just keep reposting their lies.

AFA Putin's statements about Ukraine, he and the rest of the political and diplomatic establishment have said the same thing over and over. How you you fail to notice? That is:
The answer to the Ukraine problem is the Minsk Agreement, signed by Ukraine, France, and Germany, and Russia (as a guarantor) and approved by the UN, in which ALL of the steps to an internal settlement are spelled out, step by step.

There is no renegotiating it, but apparently Ukraine is unwilling to implement the agreement and talk directly to the DPR/LPR. The "talk" that needs to happen is all internal to Ukraine.

AFA what Simoyan supposedly said: YOU even lied about it! Did you think no one would read the article?

She didn't say what you posted, and I doubt she even said what was written. It was a long interview, the article takes a few snippets out of it, and probably lied about what she said, just like your other article lied about what Putin said.

Nobody should believe a word what the M$M writes, especially when there are better sources of info out there

Meanwhile, Biden* has gone back to saying "Any day now!" only this time he's not even quoting "intelligence sources" this is all about what he "senses".

Yeah, good luck with that Joe*. I'm sure your Albanian mercs are working hard on dreaming up another false flag/provocation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 17, 2022 12:25 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

One thing I know for sure: the media and most politicians will continue to lie .. about Russia, Trump, China, the virus, and pretty much everything else they talk about.

And you just keep reposting their lies.

Signym has always aligned herself with the dictators and thugs of the world. She defends their assault on those who are enlightened, while preaching to the civilized how they are the devils' disciples. She exists in a realm empty of truth. This way she doesn’t have to recognize what a piece of shit she is.

I know she is going to read this. So, my challenge to her is to look into a mirror, any mirror, remember herself as a child doing the same, then see the total tragedy that child grew to be.

This is the truth of you comrade.


‘Shoot Your Own And Say The Other Side Sid It’: Fear Grows Russia May Fabricate Need For War


Thursday, February 17, 2022 12:31 PM



Secy. Blinken Warns Russia Could Use 'Manufactured Provocation' To Invade Ukraine


Thursday, February 17, 2022 1:10 PM



Evidence Russia Moving Toward 'Imminent Invasion'


Thursday, February 17, 2022 1:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
One thing I know for sure: the media and most politicians will continue to lie .. about Russia, Trump, China, the virus, and pretty much everything else they talk about.

And you just keep reposting their lies.

This is no lie: MH17 was shot down.

This is no lie: In another case before a court in The Hague, the Netherlands is prosecuting four men - three Russians and one Ukrainian - who are accused of obtaining the Buk missile and bringing it to a field where it was later used to bring down the Boeing 777. Dutch prosecutors have asked for a life sentence for the men, who all remain at large.

This is a lie: "We cannot be held responsible for what happened outside our territory," Russia’s agent Mikhail Vinogradov told the Strasbourg-based rights court Wednesday.

When asked the question: “Do you think it's time for Russia to admit responsibility for downing of MH 17?” Putin says: “Russian never ducks its responsibilities, when it shoulders the responsibility. But what we have seen, what has been presented as evidence we absolutely disagree with. There is no proof whatsoever. What was presented doesn't prove anything. Where's the firm evidence that it was the rebels that fired the missile? There are many questions, but they don't answer them. They've already made up their minds whose guilty once and for all. We cannot accept such an investigation.” Video at

That’s back in 20 June 2019, but nothing has changed as far Putin is concerned. MH17 still has nothing to do with Russia and never will so long as Putin is President.

Putin smoothly lied about MH17 and he can lie smoothly about everything. But he did say one truth: "They've already made up their minds whose guilty once and for all." There is no wondering why poor little Putin is being so treated as guilty and a liar.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 17, 2022 1:45 PM


Nice post SECOND...



Thursday, February 17, 2022 2:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Meanwhile, where are Saddam's WMD?

Whatever happened to Trump's "collusion with Russia" hoax that's the press brayed about for four whole years? (And for which DNC party apparatchiks have now been criminally indicted?)

Where is that "imminent" invasion that the WH and the press have been trumpeting for months? Any day now? Tick tock?

Where are all of those trials and convictions that THUGR keeps predicting... on and on and on... ?

The issue isn't whether Putin lies. Putin is NOT our President!

The issue is whether OUR pols and media lies, because THEY determine what happens to US. Who gives a fuck what Putin says? When he refers to documents, treaties, negotiations, historical events like wars... well, these are things that are written down and witnessed by many. They can be verified independently.

BTW, I would label Putin's response to MH17 a "non-denial". If you're not used to reading pol-speak carefully... and you obviously aren't since you swallow BS whole... you won't notice there's no denial there. A denial would be in the form "We are not responsible in any way" (full stop)

I think it was an accidental shoot down by eastern Ukrainian rebels with perhaps non-official Russian participation. Not bc the evidence is so strong but partly bc Russia has never actually denied responsibility, nor have they come up with evidence showing who was responsible, if it wasn't them. You may not know this, but Putin was not a field KGB officer, he was a back-office lawyer, and his response is very lawyerly and carefully worded. (Unlike our pols who just make up shit whole cloth.) Sometimes absence is as indicative as presence.

I also think SARS-Cov2 escaped from a Chinese lab doing gain-of-function research contracted by American companies, and have thought that for a long time

Unless somebody comes up with solid evidence to the contrary.

Unlike you, I just go where the best evidence leads and reach my own conclusions. I don't take anyone's word on anything, and I don't have my conclusions made for me by the press, the WH, the deep state, the alt media, Putin, Xi, or anyone else. And especially not you two.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 17, 2022 10:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Putin’s Digital War With Ukraine

For years, the Russians have used Ukraine as a proving ground for a new type of digital warfare.

The Russians have for nearly a decade used Ukraine as a proving ground for a new and highly advanced type of hybrid warfare — a digital-meets-traditional kind of fighting defined by a reliance on software, digital hardware and cognitive control that is highly effective, difficult to counter and can reach far beyond the front lines deep into Ukrainian society. It is a type of high-tech conflict that many military experts predict will define the future of war. It has also turned Ukraine, especially its eastern provinces, but also the capital, into a bewildering zone of instability, disinformation and anxiety.

The 24th Brigade first learned about the danger of carrying cell phones on the front lines years ago. On July 11, 2014, in the town of Zelenopillya, roughly five miles from the Ukrainian border with Russia, the brigade had planned to sever the supply line of the Donbas separatists when electronic warfare caught them by surprise. Witnesses described the scene to me: First there came the humming of an unmanned aerial vehicle able to clone cellular networks to locate active cellphones, followed by cyberattacks against Ukrainian command and control systems. Their communication systems disabled, Ukrainian forces were unable to coordinate with one another. Then, short-range rocket systems from inside Russia disabled two battalions, including T-64 tanks and amphibious tracked vehicles. Three trucks carrying troops exploded. Stumbling from the transport, one soldier clutched his entrails, and shouted for his mother. The attack killed 30 Ukrainians and wounded hundreds and lasted roughly two minutes.

Andri Rymaruk, 41, who served for 18 months in 2015 and 2016 as a private in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, had a few days earlier told me about how, during his active duty, he had received text messages from the Russian-backed separatists across no-man’s land.

“Soldier go home.”

“Soldier kill your commanding officer.”

“Surrender, we will defeat you anyway, this is our land and you are Ukrainian fascists.”

That was the last message Rymaruk received in spring 2016 while standing on the outskirts of Horlivka, a coal-mining, coke-producing city in Donetsk along the front line. By then Rymaruk was anticipating the end of his service. A few days after he received the message an endless fusillade tore through the unit. It was the first time Rymaruk saw his fellow soldiers killed. “I went around collecting their body parts in a blanket, tying them up and putting them in the car trunk and taking them to the morgue,” he recalled in an interview. “The medics couldn’t get there.”

Russian-supported forces could deploy such personalized propaganda and location tracking thanks to its use of UAVs but also its control of cellphone towers and the cellular companies that provide coverage to much of Ukraine. While Ukrainian officials and soldiers said they have tightened the security of their internal communications since 2014, like with the incorporation of L3Harris secure handheld radios sent by NATO and the U.S., vulnerabilities remain.

Meanwhile, the Russian military has relocated more electronic warfare equipment to the borders with Ukraine, such as the Leer-3 RB-341V, a drone-based system that can monitor cellular and data transmission networks, suppress wireless communications, locate electromagnetic emission sources and even send text messages to front-line soldiers.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 17, 2022 10:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
Putin’s Digital War With Ukraine

For years, the Russians have used Ukraine as a proving ground for a new type of digital warfare.

The Russians have for nearly a decade used Ukraine as a proving ground for a new and highly advanced type of hybrid warfare — a digital-meets-traditional kind of fighting defined by a reliance on software, digital hardware and cognitive control that is highly effective, difficult to counter and can reach far beyond the front lines deep into Ukrainian society. It is a type of high-tech conflict that many military experts predict will define the future of war. It has also turned Ukraine, especially its eastern provinces, but also the capital, into a bewildering zone of instability, disinformation and anxiety.

The 24th Brigade first learned about the danger of carrying cell phones on the front lines years ago. On July 11, 2014, in the town of Zelenopillya, roughly five miles from the Ukrainian border with Russia, the brigade had planned to sever the supply line of the Donbas separatists when electronic warfare caught them by surprise. Witnesses described the scene to me: First there came the humming of an unmanned aerial vehicle able to clone cellular networks to locate active cellphones, followed by cyberattacks against Ukrainian command and control systems. Their communication systems disabled, Ukrainian forces were unable to coordinate with one another. Then, short-range rocket systems from inside Russia disabled two battalions, including T-64 tanks and amphibious tracked vehicles. Three trucks carrying troops exploded. Stumbling from the transport, one soldier clutched his entrails, and shouted for his mother. The attack killed 30 Ukrainians and wounded hundreds and lasted roughly two minutes.

Andri Rymaruk, 41, who served for 18 months in 2015 and 2016 as a private in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, had a few days earlier told me about how, during his active duty, he had received text messages from the Russian-backed separatists across no-man’s land.

“Soldier go home.”

“Soldier kill your commanding officer.”

“Surrender, we will defeat you anyway, this is our land and you are Ukrainian fascists.”

That was the last message Rymaruk received in spring 2016 while standing on the outskirts of Horlivka, a coal-mining, coke-producing city in Donetsk along the front line. By then Rymaruk was anticipating the end of his service. A few days after he received the message an endless fusillade tore through the unit. It was the first time Rymaruk saw his fellow soldiers killed. “I went around collecting their body parts in a blanket, tying them up and putting them in the car trunk and taking them to the morgue,” he recalled in an interview. “The medics couldn’t get there.”

Russian-supported forces could deploy such personalized propaganda and location tracking thanks to its use of UAVs but also its control of cellphone towers and the cellular companies that provide coverage to much of Ukraine. While Ukrainian officials and soldiers said they have tightened the security of their internal communications since 2014, like with the incorporation of L3Harris secure handheld radios sent by NATO and the U.S., vulnerabilities remain.

Meanwhile, the Russian military has relocated more electronic warfare equipment to the borders with Ukraine, such as the Leer-3 RB-341V, a drone-based system that can monitor cellular and data transmission networks, suppress wireless communications, locate electromagnetic emission sources and even send text messages to front-line soldiers.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Huh. This doesn't sound like a "Putin disaster" to me. Does it sound like one to you? Or are you just promoting the Russian EW prowess, you Russian Troll, you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, February 18, 2022 12:00 AM


Why do you two want war so badly?

Are you bored?

May I suggest a Disney+ subscription if that's the case.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, February 18, 2022 7:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

1) The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" Propaganda Model

We characterize the contemporary Russian model for propaganda as “the firehose of falsehood” because of two of its distinctive features: high numbers of channels and messages and a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions. In the words of one observer, “New Russian propaganda entertains, confuses and overwhelms the audience.”2

Contemporary Russian propaganda has at least two other distinctive features. It is also rapid, continuous, and repetitive, and it lacks commitment to consistency.

Interestingly, several of these features run directly counter to the conventional wisdom on effective influence and communication from government or defense sources, which traditionally emphasize the importance of truth, credibility, and the avoidance of contradiction.3 Despite ignoring these traditional principles, Russia seems to have enjoyed some success under its contemporary propaganda model, either through more direct persuasion and influence or by engaging in obfuscation, confusion, and the disruption or diminution of truthful reporting and messaging.

More at

2) Trump's Firehose of Falsehood

His refusal to concede is more than sour grapes. It's an information-warfare tactic to leave the public bewildered and cynical.

With the presidential election over and Joe Biden’s victory beyond rational dispute, the game plan of Donald Trump and his allies has come into focus. For their last act, they are executing a Russia-style disinformation campaign.

To be sure, there are other interpretations of the blizzard of spurious lawsuits, baseless allegations, conspiracy theories, and outright lies that the Trump team has unleashed across the courts, conservative media and social media. But none of those interpretations fits the facts.

Do the Republicans really think the election was an intricately coordinated fraud perpetrated in multiple states? There is no evidence that this happened, or even could have.

Do they seriously expect the courts to overturn the result? Legal experts say the chances are infinitesimal. A few narrow claims of miscounts or procedural glitches might stand, but all the charges of fraud on a scale large enough to change the result have been fabrications.

Unfortunately, a more sinister interpretation better fits the facts. What Trump and his supporters are up to should be thought of not as a litigation campaign that is likely to fail, but as an information-warfare campaign that is likely to succeed—and, indeed, is succeeding already. More specifically, they are employing a tactic called “the firehose of falsehood.” This information-warfare technique, according to researchers at the RAND Corporation, is marked by “high numbers of channels and messages and a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, February 18, 2022 10:21 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Well, the day has ended, even in MY time zone, and still, no Russian invasion!

This is as bad as THUGR'S endlessly ticking clock that never reaches its destination.

Notice how quickly SECOND changes the topic the moment his shit fails to stick?

Signym says another day has ended and still no war. More Russian propagandist lies. Russia and the separatists have been waging a war against Ukraine for eight years now. And just recently has increased shelling the Ukrainian army while increasing its cyber war against Ukraines’ infrastructure.

Right or wrong is determined by social customs, historical context and the circumstances in which actions occur. What is happening in Ukraine because of Russian aggressions is plain and simple to understand. There is no acceptable debate that would allow that Russia has the right to steal land from and dictate what another sovereign state can or cannot do. Especially since Ukraine has never been the aggressor or given Russia any provocation to attack them.



Friday, February 18, 2022 11:04 AM


Warning siren sounds in rebel-held capital in east Ukraine -Reuters witness

DONETSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - A loud warning siren sounded in the centre of the east Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Friday after a Russian-backed separatist leader in the breakaway region announced an evacuation of residents, a Reuters witness said.

Separately, the head of the self-declared Luhansk People's Republic, east Ukraine's second separatist-held region, also announced an evacuation of residents.

People will start being bussed out from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic on Friday at 8 p.m. local time (1700 GMT), Interfax news agency cited a source as saying.

Putin keeps committing war crimes and the sooner its publicly stated by the worlds leaders the better.



Friday, February 18, 2022 11:38 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ukraine @Ukraine
“The truth is that humor has an enormous power”.

Ukraine @Ukraine
Invade us if you are gay
4:20 AM • Feb 17, 2022

Russia retreats to Siberia
Russia pulls all forces out of Crimea.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, February 18, 2022 11:51 AM



Originally posted by second:

Ukraine @Ukraine
“The truth is that humor has an enormous power”.

Ukraine @Ukraine
Invade us if you are gay
4:20 AM • Feb 17, 2022

Russia retreats to Siberia
Russia pulls all forces out of Crimea.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Yeah ok thats funny.



Friday, February 18, 2022 11:53 AM


In the meantime...


Deputy AG warns a Russian cyber attack on Ukraine could spill over


Friday, February 18, 2022 12:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Apparently Kiev forces began shelling the breakaway republics yesterday. Somebody in Ukraine has a death wish!

DOR/LPR are beginning to evacuate women and children.

This is not a Putin disaster. This is a Ukraine and EU (German, particularly) disaster.

Oh my!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, February 18, 2022 12:54 PM


They're trying to ramp up a war to deflect from the discontent with the Leftist ran status-quo.

It's not going to work.

Joe Biden* and the rest of them are not going to get re-elected if they start a war this time. This ain't the 90's or the early 2000's.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, February 18, 2022 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is the most detail I could fnd

The civilians of the LDNR are being evacuated from the towns near the LOC (line of contact).

The Ukies are bombing the LDNR with artillery and mortar fire along the full LOC.

The city of Gorlovka has lost power. The city is under tank fire. The only road between Donetsk and Gorlovka is under Ukronazi fire.

The cities of Dokuchaevsk, Staromikhailovka and Belaia Kamenka are under mortar attack.

It appears that the Ukronazis want to cut through the defenses between Lugansk and Donetsk.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, February 18, 2022 1:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
They're trying to ramp up a war to deflect from the discontent with the Leftist ran status-quo.

It's not going to work.

Joe Biden* and the rest of them are not going to get re-elected if they start a war this time. This ain't the 90's or the early 2000's.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Not only will USA politics be upended, so will EU politics if the gas is shut off.

Given thata war and subsequent sanctions will be a disaster for Ukraine and the EU (JOE* apparently has no problem throwing "allies and partners under the bus).. who is self-destructive enough to set this off?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, February 18, 2022 1:10 PM


On could only speculate.

Anybody we know by name isn't behind it. They're just puppets.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, February 18, 2022 3:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Russia will set this off in the simplest way:

Russia ramps up 'genocide' accusations

The Russian parliament speaker and ambassador to Washington have both accused
the Ukrainian government of "genocide" following reports of conflict in the
eastern part of the country, where Moscow-backed separatists
ordered an evacuation of civilians on Friday.

Such claims have been vehemently denied by Ukraine and
come amid accusations by Washington and its allies
that Russia could be seeking a pretext to invade Ukraine.
Moscow denies this.

Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the lower house, wrote
on Telegram that Moscow should intervene to stop "genocide"
and "crimes against humanity" allegedly perpetrated by Ukraine.

"Peaceful people are suffering, dying. We cannot stand idly by.
We are concerned with defending Russian citizens and compatriots
who live there," he said.

"Kyiv's crimes are being hushed up by Washington and Brussels," he wrote.

Similar accusations were earlier voiced by the Russian ambassador
to Washington, Anatoly Antonov.

"How else can one assess the shelling by Ukrainian forces of residential areas
using multiple-rocket launch systems? Or the mass burials
of almost 300 peaceful civilians that have been found outside Luhansk,
who died only because they saw Russian as their native language?"

he wrote on Facebook.

Antonov was referring to the recent allegations by Russian investigators
that "mass graves" had been discovered in Eastern Ukraine.

Russia must attack now, Now, NOW! before more Russians are killed by Ukraine.
It is that simple.


Friday, February 18, 2022 5:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In 2008 Russia announced a military withdrawal from its border with Georgia.
8 days later, it invaded

Russia on Tuesday claimed it was withdrawing some troops from Ukraine’s border as it denies plans to attack the country, but the US and NATO said Russia appeared to be increasing its military presence there.

They may worry that the situation could mirror Russia’s actions in 2008, when it said it was withdrawing troops and invaded eight days later.

At the time, Russia said it sent soldiers to the Abkhazia region to fix a railroad, and then said they were withdrawing. Russia’s Lt. Gen. Sergei Klimets said on July 30, 2008: “It’s certain that all the personnel and all the equipment will be sent away from here.”

On August 7, 2008, Russia sent troops into the South Ossetia region, and troops and tanks then advanced further into the country. Tbilisi’s international airport was among the sites damaged.

Russia stopped its assault on August 12. Russia denied invading Georgia, saying that it only started sending in troops in response to Georgian military action. Georgia said it was responding to Russia's military action.

The Georgia 8 days rule would mean Russia invades Ukraine on Wednesday of next week and then claims Ukraine attacked first.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, February 18, 2022 7:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Kiev shelling civilians just to start war.

Who is the evil one, again?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, February 18, 2022 8:21 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Who is the evil one, again?

Second. Second is the evil one.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 19, 2022 5:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Kiev shelling civilians just to start war.

Who is the evil one, again?

To hear Russian media tell it, the government of Ukraine is run by neo-Nazis waging a genocidal campaign against ethnic Russians in the country’s east, where Moscow-backed authorities regularly uncover mass graves full of the corpses of women and children with bound hands and bludgeoned heads even as they face the hell of constant shelling.

Such false images and narratives have become a daily staple in Russia....The Russian media have gone into overdrive with stories depicting a government in Kyiv so cruel that Moscow has no choice but to swoop in and protect the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region.

“It’s a war between the Ukrainian government and its own people. ... People are dying there every day. Thousands of civilians died there. Thousands of children lost their limbs there, buried in little coffins,” Margarita Simonyan, head of the state-funded broadcaster RT, said on a talk show on the Russia-1 channel.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 19, 2022 6:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Find me that quote about budgeoneed corpses. Bc every time you quote Simoyan, you keep returning to the same quote where she tells the absolute truth:

Thousands of CIVILIANS were killed in easterm Ukraine (3000+, which -last time I checked- qualifies as "thousands") and...

Once you've been blown apart by shell or landmine, there really IS little left to bury.

So, who's lying here? Simoyan, who's telling the truth? Or SECOND, who's trying to bury it?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 19, 2022 7:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Neuer Aktenfund von 1991 stützt russischen Vorwurf
Russland behauptet seit Jahrzehnten, die Nato-Osterweiterung verstoße gegen westliche Zusagen nach dem Mauerfall. Nun ist ein bemerkenswertes Dokument aufgetaucht.

Machine translated


New file find from 1991 supports Russian accusation Russia has been claiming for decades that NATO's eastward expansion violates Western promises after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Now a remarkable document has surfaced.


West promised not to expand NATO – Der Spiegel

NATO deceived Russia about expansion and a British document proves it, top German weekly discovers

A newly discovered document from March 1991 shows US, UK, French, and German officials discussing a pledge made to Moscow that NATO would not expand to Poland and beyond. Its publication by the German magazine Der Spiegel on Friday comes as expansion of the US-led bloc has led to a military standoff in Eastern Europe.

The minutes of a March 6, 1991 meeting in Bonn between political directors of the foreign ministries of the US, UK, France, and Germany contain multiple references to “2+4” talks on German unification in which the Western officials made it “clear” to the Soviet Union that NATO would not push into territory east of Germany.

“We made it clear to the Soviet Union – in the 2+4 talks, as well as in other negotiations – that we do not intend to benefit from the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe,” the document quotes US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Canada Raymond Seitz.

“NATO should not expand to the east, either officially or unofficially,” Seitz added.

A British representative also mentions the existence of a “general agreement” that membership of NATO for eastern European countries is “unacceptable.”

“We had made it clear during the 2+4 negotiations that we would not extend NATO beyond the Elbe [sic],” said West German diplomat Juergen Hrobog. “We could not therefore offer Poland and others membership in NATO.”

The minutes later clarified he was referring to the Oder River, the boundary between East Germany and Poland. Hrobog further noted that West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher had agreed with this position as well.

The document was found in the UK National Archives by Joshua Shifrinson, a political science professor at Boston University in the US. It had been marked “Secret” but was declassified at some point.

Shifrinson tweeted on Friday he was “honored” to work with Der Spiegel on the document showing that “Western diplomats believed they had indeed made a NATO non-enlargement pledge.”

Honored to work with @derspiegel's Klaus Wiegrefe in drawing attention to British documents (cc: @UkNatArchives) from 1990-1991 showing senior Western diplomats believed they had indeed made a NATO non-enlargement pledge. Link below:
— Josh Shifrinson (@shifrinson) February 18, 2022

“Senior policymakers deny a non-expansion pledge was offered. This new document shows otherwise,” Shifrinson said in a follow-up tweet, noting that “beyond” the Elbe or Oder by any standard includes Eastern European countries to which NATO started expanding just eight years later.

During a major press conference in December 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the West had promised the Soviet Union NATO would not expand “a single inch” to the east, but “brazenly deceived” and “cheated” Moscow to do just that.

Responding to these comments, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance “has never promised not to expand.” In an interview with Der Spiegel later, Stoltenberg repeated that “there has never been such a promise, there has never been such a behind-the-scenes deal, it is simply not true.”

NATO admitted Poland, Hungary, and Czechia in March 1999, just before launching an air war against Yugoslavia without the permission of the UN Security Council. This put NATO directly on the Russian border – the enclave of Kaliningrad – for the first time ever. The next round of expansion in 2004 included the former Soviet republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, placing NATO’s eastern frontier just 135 kilometers (84 miles) from St. Petersburg.

In a series of security proposals made public in December, Russia demanded NATO publicly renounce expansion to the former Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia and withdraw US forces to the 1997 boundaries of the bloc, among other things. The US and NATO have rejected this, arguing the alliance’s “open door” membership policy is a fundamental principle for them.

Yanno, I've been in official negotiations albeit at a much lower level. even at MY lowly level, there's no such thing as "just verbal" agreements. EVERYONE at the table is taking personal notes. There are presentations, now in Power Point but back then by slides. At the international level, translators are not only translating, they're creating transcripts. Thinking that the agreements between Russia and NATO are
"verbal only" and unenforceable is mistaken (at best) and dishonest (at worst). The only time that people are very careful not to leave a written record is if they're knowingly breaking the law,
or lying.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 19, 2022 8:00 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Find me that quote about budgeoneed corpses. Bc every time you quote Simoyan, you keep returning to the same quote where she tells the absolute truth:

Thousands of CIVILIANS were killed in easterm Ukraine (3000+, which -last time I checked- qualifies as "thousands") and...

Once you've been blown apart by shell or landmine, there really IS little left to bury.

So, who's lying here? Simoyan, who's telling the truth? Or SECOND, who's trying to bury it?

Signym, you are taking the side of Russian media that wants Putin to free Ukraine from an evil government in Kyiv. It just so happens that Putin wants what Russian media wants. Nice to see so much agreement between Russian media and Putin. It is almost like Putin controls Russian media or the other way around. But it is funny that a so-called American, aka Signym, is taking Putin's position. It would be more convincing if you pretend indifference toward international events since none are Californian's business and you don't travel and you never fought a war. Be neutral, like the Swiss, Signym. But for some reason, you side with Putin. Every. Time.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 19, 2022 8:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, I'm on the side of TRUTH, wherever it happens to lead. You OTOH lie - constantly, demonstrably. And when you're shown to be lying, you resort to the oldest dodge in the book - you name-call!

How old are you? Four?

Well, YOU eat boogers!
How's THAT for a response?
It's just like yours.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 19, 2022 8:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

the dratted dbl


Saturday, February 19, 2022 8:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, I'm on the side of TRUTH, wherever it happens to lead. You OTOH lie - constantly, demonstrably. And when you're shown to be lying, you resort to the oldest dodge in the book - you name-call!

How old are you? Four?

Well, YOU eat boogers!
How's THAT for a response?
It's just like yours.

How can Putin NOT overthrow the evil Ukraine government in Kyiv? Maybe Putin is joking but he says it is genocide. He says punishment is inevitable. He says US and Ukraine were developing biological or chemical weapons for use on Russians. How can Putin let this evil go on?

Russia's Investigative Committee claimed on Wednesday that mass graves of hundreds of Russian-speaking civilians had been found in the Donbas region, as the Russian government continued to accuse Ukraine of genocide and human rights violations in Donbas.

The committee claimed that the civilians found in the area controlled by Russian-backed separatists were killed by Ukrainian shelling. "The Investigative Committee continues to take all possible measures to uphold the principle of the inevitability of punishment for those responsible for committing crimes in Donetsk and Luhansk areas," said the committee.

The announcement comes a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that "in our view what is now happening in Donbas is genocide" and claimed that there were "mass violations of human rights in Ukraine" during a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Putin has made similar accusations in the past.

US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said in a regular press briefing on Wednesday night that the United States was concerned by Russian President Vladimir Putin's claim that "genocide" was taking place in eastern Ukraine's Donbas region, and said claims that the US and Ukraine were developing biological or chemical weapons for use in the region are "entirely false."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 19, 2022 9:06 AM


It's hilarious watching the hypocrisy here.

Second is fully on board with Trudeau stomping people in Canada who aren't doing anything wrong.

And there's PLENTY of video evidence of it.

Second is cheering for tyranny in Canada.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 19, 2022 9:29 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's hilarious watching the hypocrisy here.

Second is fully on board with Trudeau stomping people in Canada who aren't doing anything wrong.

And there's PLENTY of video evidence of it.

Second is cheering for tyranny in Canada.

I do not care what happens to insane truckers. I'm not buying their tomfoolery about Trudeau being a tyrant. Meanwhile, Putin is selling tomfoolery about Ukraine committing genocide. I'm not buying that, either. Putin is as insane as Canadian bridge blocking truckers, except Putin can believably threaten to destroy bridges.

Just realized that insane truckers and insane Putin may have insane definitions of "tyranny" and "genocide". Their loss of touch with reality might explain Putin's and truckers' insanity. Oh, and claiming a loss was a win is Trump's insane redefining the word "win".

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 19, 2022 10:19 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not only will USA politics be upended, so will EU politics if the gas is shut off.

Given thata war and subsequent sanctions will be a disaster for Ukraine and the EU (JOE* apparently has no problem throwing "allies and partners under the bus).. who is self-destructive enough to set this off?

It’s sad how comrade Signym can make false claims and assertions and think her lies aren’t occurring in plain sight. Her explanations of current events are brainless and dense in pretty much all her debated topics.

Turning off the gas is how Putin attempts to blackmail the world. He’s been doing it for decades. Recent events have shown Europe their reliance on Russian fuels is a greater problem then they realized. Putin has highlighted that. What Putin achieved, is Europe accelerating their resolve to move away from Russian oil, leaving Putin with only his threat to start a nuclear war to get what he wants. Shit, he now has China doing it.

America and its allies are standing with Ukraine. Nobody is throwing anybody under a bus. Europe understands what Putins' latest escapades can lead to. He has united NATO and increases the desire of other countries to join in a way not established in a long time. He has them all increasing their defense budgets as well.

Once again, as with Trump, we have comrade Signym defending the inexcusable.



Saturday, February 19, 2022 11:00 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's hilarious watching the hypocrisy here.

Second is fully on board with Trudeau stomping people in Canada who aren't doing anything wrong.

And there's PLENTY of video evidence of it.

Second is cheering for tyranny in Canada.

I do not care what happens to insane truckers. I'm not buying their tomfoolery about Trudeau being a tyrant. Meanwhile, Putin is selling tomfoolery about Ukraine committing genocide. I'm not buying that, either. Putin is as insane as Canadian bridge blocking truckers, except Putin can believably threaten to destroy bridges.

Just realized that insane truckers and insane Putin may have insane definitions of "tyranny" and "genocide". Their loss of touch with reality might explain Putin's and truckers' insanity. Oh, and claiming a loss was a win is Trump's insane redefining the word "win".

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Go eat a dick, brownshirt.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 19, 2022 11:53 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not only will USA politics be upended, so will EU politics if the gas is shut off.

Given thata war and subsequent sanctions will be a disaster for Ukraine and the EU (JOE* apparently has no problem throwing "allies and partners under the bus).. who is self-destructive enough to set this off?

It’s sad how comrade Signym can make false claims and assertions and think her lies aren’t occurring in plain sight. Her explanations of current events are brainless and dense in pretty much all her debated topics.

Turning off the gas is how Putin attempts to blackmail the world. He’s been doing it for decades. Recent events have shown Europe their reliance on Russian fuels is a greater problem then they realized. Putin has highlighted that. What Putin achieved, is Europe accelerating their resolve to move away from Russian oil, leaving Putin with only his threat to start a nuclear war to get what he wants. Shit, he now has China doing it.

America and its allies are standing with Ukraine. Nobody is throwing anybody under a bus. Europe understands what Putins' latest escapades can lead to. He has united NATO and increases the desire of other countries to join in a way not established in a long time. He has them all increasing their defense budgets as well.

Once again, as with Trump, we have comrade Signym defending the inexcusable.



Ret. Gen. Allen: ‘Putin Never Imagined That This Could Backfire In The Way That It Has’


Saturday, February 19, 2022 12:22 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Has anyone here seen the movie Behind the Curve [2018]? The last few minutes have genuine Flat Earthers doing a "scientific" experiment to prove the Earth is flat. It involved two boats on the water and a light beam with experimenters (who believe the Earth is flat) on both boats talking to each other over the radio.

What did they prove? That the Earth is flat.

They created fake explanations. True believers believe that light moves in a curve while the Earth is flat. True believers believe Ukraine shot down Flight MH17, not Russia and believe Biden stole the election, not Trump failed to steal and believe Trudeau is a tyrant, not that truckers are insane and believe vaccines kill while nobody dies of Covid-19. True believers create their own little version of reality.

Behind the Curve 2018 / TV-14 / 1h 36m

The Flat Earthers know they won the argument. About that there can be no argument because logic, science, facts, and commonsense are on the Flat Earth side as on Russia's side.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 19, 2022 3:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR: Russia has NEVER abrogated contractual gas deliveries. Believe what you will, but EU and member states are the unreliable partners, not Russia.

SECIND: If you were interested in doing anything other than lying, you would explain to everyone how I'm wrong, with facts and logic. Instead, you've switched up your name-calling- from "Ruusian Troll" to "flat earther".

Not interested in arguing with a demonstrated liar and its half-with follower.

Peace out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 19, 2022 4:57 PM



Originally posted by second:

Has anyone here seen the movie Behind the Curve [2018]? The last few minutes have genuine Flat Earthers doing a "scientific" experiment to prove the Earth is flat. It involved two boats on the water and a light beam with experimenters (who believe the Earth is flat) on both boats talking to each other over the radio.

What did they prove? That the Earth is flat.

They created fake explanations. True believers believe that light moves in a curve while the Earth is flat. True believers believe Ukraine shot down Flight MH17, not Russia and believe Biden stole the election, not Trump failed to steal and believe Trudeau is a tyrant, not that truckers are insane and believe vaccines kill while nobody dies of Covid-19. True believers create their own little version of reality.

Putin Has Made America Great Again

The Ukraine crisis has revealed that the U.S. can’t shed its “big brother” image on the world stage.

Donald trump was supposed to have changed the world, robbing America not just of its luster but of its allies’ trust. Here was a president of such gauche ignorance and hostility, it seemed impossible that American power would ever be seen in the same light again. For Europe, in particular, Trump’s jingoistic belligerence was poised to be an adrenaline shot to the heart, Pulp Fiction–style, jolting the continent out of its American dependency.

And yet, here we are, facing the first serious threat of invasion in Europe since the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and it’s as if nothing has changed. The story of the Ukraine crisis so far has been about many things: blackmail; realpolitik; appeasement; even, apparently, Western provocation regardless of the facts. But, here in Europe, the one thing it very much has not been about is American decline. In fact, from here, the story of this latest crisis is of the reestablishment of America the Good, America the Bold, America the Supreme—and, by extension, Europe the Weak.

And yet, here we are, facing the first serious threat of invasion in Europe since the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and it’s as if nothing has changed. The story of the Ukraine crisis so far has been about many things: blackmail; realpolitik; appeasement; even, apparently, Western provocation regardless of the facts. But, here in Europe, the one thing it very much has not been about is American decline. In fact, from here, the story of this latest crisis is of the reestablishment of America the Good, America the Bold, America the Supreme—and, by extension, Europe the Weak.

And yet, here we are, facing the first serious threat of invasion in Europe since the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and it’s as if nothing has changed. The story of the Ukraine crisis so far has been about many things: blackmail; realpolitik; appeasement; even, apparently, Western provocation regardless of the facts. But, here in Europe, the one thing it very much has not been about is American decline. In fact, from here, the story of this latest crisis is of the reestablishment of America the Good, America the Bold, America the Supreme—and, by extension, Europe the Weak.

And yet, here we are, facing the first serious threat of invasion in Europe since the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and it’s as if nothing has changed. The story of the Ukraine crisis so far has been about many things: blackmail; realpolitik; appeasement; even, apparently, Western provocation regardless of the facts. But, here in Europe, the one thing it very much has not been about is American decline. In fact, from here, the story of this latest crisis is of the reestablishment of America the Good, America the Bold, America the Supreme—and, by extension, Europe the Weak.

And yet, here we are, facing the first serious threat of invasion in Europe since the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and it’s as if nothing has changed. The story of the Ukraine crisis so far has been about many things: blackmail; realpolitik; appeasement; even, apparently, Western provocation regardless of the facts. But, here in Europe, the one thing it very much has not been about is American decline. In fact, from here, the story of this latest crisis is of the reestablishment of America the Good, America the Bold, America the Supreme—and, by extension, Europe the Weak.

Stupidity and an anti-science stance SECOND is what always leads to a moron's downfall.



Saturday, February 19, 2022 5:07 PM



Saturday, February 19, 2022 6:05 PM



Originally posted by second:
Has anyone here seen the movie Behind the Curve [2018]? The last few minutes have genuine Flat Earthers doing a "scientific" experiment to prove the Earth is flat. It involved two boats on the water and a light beam with experimenters (who believe the Earth is flat) on both boats talking to each other over the radio.

What did they prove? That the Earth is flat.

They created fake explanations. True believers believe that light moves in a curve while the Earth is flat. True believers believe Ukraine shot down Flight MH17, not Russia and believe Biden stole the election, not Trump failed to steal and believe Trudeau is a tyrant, not that truckers are insane and believe vaccines kill while nobody dies of Covid-19. True believers create their own little version of reality.

Behind the Curve 2018 / TV-14 / 1h 36m

The Flat Earthers know they won the argument. About that there can be no argument because logic, science, facts, and commonsense are on the Flat Earth side as on Russia's side.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A dumb analogy such as this is dumb because I could just change a few words and apply it to you.

You, specifically, are cancer.

Go eat a dick, brownshirt.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, February 20, 2022 9:24 AM


Russian State TV Is So Ridiculous Right Now It Looks Like a Farce

Anyone who might be watching exclusively Russian state television would never know President Putin has massed his troops on the border of Ukraine, that Kremlin-controlled separatists shelled a kindergarten full of children and Russian forces are in position for an offensive against its beleaguered neighbor. On Kremlin-funded networks, the vision of events is presented not only upside down, but backwards. Panicked pundits blame the United States and Ukraine for the escalation, claim that Russia doesn’t want the war and theatrically ponder: “Why won’t somebody stop Biden?”

This period in history will go down as one where you had two types of people globally. Those who are emotionally mature and those who are not. Those who take information and form judgments based in reality and on facts, not on emotions, and those who do not. At firefly fans it is obvious who’s who.



Sunday, February 20, 2022 10:19 AM



Kremlin reportedly lies about pulling back from Ukraine border


Sunday, February 20, 2022 11:46 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Russian State TV Is So Ridiculous Right Now It Looks Like a Farce

Until you start taking a critical look at the media you choose to ingest, save it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, February 20, 2022 2:00 PM


U.S. has intel that Russian commanders have orders to proceed with invasion

Washington — The U.S. has intelligence that Russian commanders have received orders to proceed with an invasion of Ukraine, with commanders on the ground making specific plans for how they would maneuver in their sectors of the battlefield, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reported on "Face the Nation" Sunday.

The intelligence indicates that "they're doing everything that American commanders would do once they got the order to proceed," Martin said.

Ukraine is no match for Russia. Still, I hope Russia gets its clock cleaned with heavy casualties.



Sunday, February 20, 2022 3:03 PM


This economic weapon could cut Russia off from 'the 21st century economy'

In addition to the severe sanctions that Joe Biden has promised, the White House says it's ready to deploy another economic weapon if Vladimir Putin goes ahead with his planned invasion of Ukraine.

That weapon, the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), allows the Biden administration to ban foreign and domestic companies from exporting products like high-tech semiconductors to Russia.



Sunday, February 20, 2022 3:13 PM


Ted's never met a Ukrainian in his life.

I bet he's met Canadians though.

But he doesn't' give one single shit about the Canadian government waging war on Canadian citizens.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."






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