Who is scariest?

UPDATED: Saturday, April 3, 2004 17:39
VIEWED: 7965
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Tuesday, May 13, 2003 2:35 PM


Jayne is the fighter, and Mal can shoot people without blinking or breaking stride, River can kill people while facing in the other direction with her eyes closed, and Book is just scary when River does the hearing thoughts thing…

So who do you think is scariest?


Tuesday, May 13, 2003 2:50 PM


My first instinct is Book, but River sure could be scary if she unleashed her mysterious eyes-closed fury.

I'd say it's definitely between Book and River.


Tuesday, May 13, 2003 4:56 PM


What about Zoe? She could take Jayne in most fights (not necessarily hand to hand). Of the rest, I think she could outwit everyone but Mal and River. I think I would have to put my money on her!


Tuesday, May 13, 2003 4:56 PM


What about Zoe? She could take Jayne in most fights (not necessarily hand to hand). Of the rest, I think she could outwit everyone but Mal and River. I think I would have to put my money on her!


Tuesday, May 13, 2003 5:09 PM


Are you talking who would win in a fight or who is scariest?


Wednesday, May 14, 2003 8:17 AM


There is a diffrent thread for who would win in a fight. This is for who's scariest. Although who would win in a fight could play a role in who's scariest.


Wednesday, May 14, 2003 8:58 AM


I believe River to be scariest, mainly because she is so unpredictable and can't control or explain what she does...


Wednesday, May 14, 2003 9:48 AM


I'd have to agree with people on the close call between Book and River, but unless stuff changes later in the story, I'd say Book.

River is right creepifying, but we know she is. It's that whole 'unknown can be scarier than the known' thing with Book that gets my imagination going and chills the backbone.


BOOK: Afraid I might be needing a preacher.
MAL: That's good. You lie there and be ironical.


Wednesday, May 14, 2003 4:37 PM


I'm going with Book, as well. Jayne's too dumb to be that scary, Zoe's...I'm not jumping straight to "upright citizen," but I think she's got a sense of ethics. I just pity River 'cause she's so messed up. Book...he just has this whole innocuous facade, but when he gets violent or angry, he gets really freaky. And he's a preacher! If he didn't have any moral obligations to be a good guy, he could be scary beyond all belief.

"It's a thingie! A fiendish thingie!"--George Harrison, Help!


Thursday, May 15, 2003 1:32 PM


I would have to go with Book also. He's so mysterious that it's frightening. Mal and Zoe are only scary when they need to be - as long as you don't piss them off, you should be fine. River would come in at a close second.




Thursday, May 15, 2003 3:07 PM


I guess I should chime in since I started it.

I have to go with Book too, I was thinking River, but she never did anything to anyone who didn't deserve it, and she is really predictable. She seems unpredictable but she acts just like you would expect an uninhibited psychic super genius to act provided that they were a nice person.

The only tricky part is to figure out what you would expect, but once you do you can pretty much tell what she’s going to do. Although if her brother continues to treat her then that will unbalance the entire thing, and the more she becomes like a normal human being the less predictable she would be.

By the way, when I say "really predictable", I mean really as in "she actually is", not really as in "very".


Friday, May 16, 2003 2:52 AM


If we're just talking about the crew, I say Book is the scariest, no question. If we're not limited to Serenity, I've got six little words for ya:

Two by two, hands of blue....

- Fear the badger, for it is mighty!


Friday, May 16, 2003 5:54 AM


Well, book's hair is definately frightening...or really funny. I think if you could be friends with Mal or Zoe you'd have no problem. River would be a little nerve racking b/c she's not very stable and you never know what she'll do next. Jayne's not scary. His machoness is pretty funny, but he's not theh pee your pants kind of scary.

"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" -Wash
"I told him to sit down," -Simon


Friday, May 16, 2003 7:53 AM



why ?

Because he's such an honorable, decent sort of fellow, that you never, ever see it coming - till it hits you.

Ask Crow about that.. oh yeah, you can't, he got sucked through the intake... maybe you could ask Atherton, perhaps ?
Hell, ask Jayne, there ya go.

Thing is, Mal seems such a decent fellow, till someone crosses a line with him, and there's a natural assumption that being such a decent guy most of the time, he's always that way, and it just ain't so.

That's one guy I would *NOT* piss off, if I could help it.

"This is all the money Nishka gave us..." - Mal


Friday, May 16, 2003 8:40 AM



Originally posted by Gaebolga:
If we're just talking about the crew, I say Book is the scariest, no question. If we're not limited to Serenity, I've got six little words for ya:

Two by two, hands of blue....

- Fear the badger, for it is mighty!

I didn't even consider the posiblity fo off Serenity. Yopu got me they are the scariest in the 'verse, with revers at a close second.


Friday, May 16, 2003 11:27 AM


I will go with Jayne on who might be the scariest one.

All others have their own moral values, ethics thus their actions can be anticipated. Even river is predictable in her unpredictable-weird-crazy way. All but Jayne. All i predict of him is to be tough, be stupid, and doesnt think much. And that combination seems the scariest to me.

to quote Mary in Spider Robinson's Callahan's Lady:
"From force of habit, you'll keep expecting him to react intelligently - and he won't always oblige."


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:53 PM


I have to go with River. Book, Mal, Zoe, and Jayne all have the potential to be dangerous, but River is truly unpredictable. Book used to be frightening, but he is generally safe now, unless he or the crew is in danger. Whatever he was before is over, and he is trustworthy now. The unknown aspect about him is scary sometimes, but he has obviously changed, which he has proven several times.
Mal and Zoe are fine as long as you're loyal. Jayne is plenty predictable; he likes money. If you keep him paid off, he's just boorish and rude.
River, on the other hand, has the potential to be even more dangerous. As Kaylee said, neither Mal nor Zoe nor Jayne could have shot like she did. And she does not always have a predictable pattern of insanity, as someone said above. Of course she's going to have an aversion to the infirmary, but there's no way to predict things like her mistaking a gun for a stick or slicing Jayne open (not that they can't spare him.)
I don't think she can really kill people with her brain or anything, or she would have done it to the three guys she shot, but she is still very dangerous. If that wasn't enough, just being around her without calling the cops makes you a criminal, and the Blue Hands will just kill anyone associated with her, so just knowing her would always carry the possibility of capture or death, in case she wasn't scary enough on her own.
She would also know if you were going to harm her, so you could never put anything over on her.

Book: I'd forgotten - you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now.
Simon: No, but I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:33 PM


Mal cos there is a whole lot of despair and anger tied up inside him. We have seen small parts of it - his treatment of Wash when Zoe got shot and nearly sending Jayne out the airlock. However, would he be able to retain control of it if say, Zoe were killed? I wouldn't want to be around when he explodes.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:19 AM


I'm gonna agree with the "scared of Mal" crowd.

Book is mysterious, and he has a certain darkness to him, but he doesn't strike me as being particularly cruel (which, for me, is a requirement of scary).

I agree with Zoe's analysis of River; that she's not likely to hurt anyone (we can't spare). Jayne may not be too bright, but but I'm pretty sure I could outsmart him. Plus he's the kinda guy who, if you do manage to befriend him, he'll stick by you through Hell until you do something wrong.

Mal, OTOH, is the nice guy. Speaking as a nice guy myself, you do not want to p*ss off the nice guy.

It's like the Joss quote that sometimes pops up upscreen. When you're a nice guy, you can only get so angry, but Mal's been all hollowed out inside. Get in his way, he will kill you dead; no compassion, no mercy, no hesitation.

Everyone has a certain darkness in them. Most people spend their lives trying to tame it. Mal hasn't tamed it; he's trained it. It's not just fury, it's fury with discipline and intelligence.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:38 AM


I'm going to have to agree with Book. The rage with which he says "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not" is extreme. I think his religion keeps his rage in control. If he were forced too much to question it too closely he might go nuts and kill people. We have no idea what he's capable of.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:42 AM


I agree to a certain extent. Can you say "Fallen Angel"? But, I can see Book being methodical about it, planning it out step-by-step, like an assassin. Take everything positive about Book and twist it, turn it dark. River would be scary but you could probably empathize with her. If Book went bad it would be because he lost his faith and then decided to act in such a fassion. That would not be pretty...

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:36 AM


I disagree about Book because to me, he seems to be someone with a dark and possibly violent past, but has grown past it and now seeks redemption/forgiveness by being a preacher. All of his violent actions after we've met him have been honorable - taking out Dobson, saving Mal, etc.
About River's reading of him, it depends on whether she was viewing his past or his future. I tend to believe it was something from his past. But if it was in fact foreshadowing, then yes, I would be very scared. But I don't think so.

For River, I think by now we know her trigger, which is Blue Sun stuff. Except for in War Stories, but at least then she was shooting at the bad guys.

Mal doesn't kill unless he has to. Same with Zoe.

Wash, Kaylee, Inara, and Simon... nah.

So I'd have to say Jayne because from what we've seen, he's controlled by money. I think it's scary when someone has no allegiances and will turn on you if paid well enough.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:07 AM


I'd have to go with Jayne because I don't trust him. In himself he's not all that scary, but I know that if you take your eyes off him for a second he'll screw you for a mug of mudder's milk.

Book doesn't scare me because I really think all his evilness is in the past.... I want to know what he was involved in, but I don't get that he's going back to it.

River.... I just think she's way more likely to pour soup in our hair.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:14 AM


The scariest rutter _I_ can think of is the FIRST Fox exec who said. . .

Yeah. . .I don't think this "Firefly" show is such a good idea after all. Hey. . .let's put Paris Hilton on a FARM! THAT is good TV!

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, April 1, 2004 2:26 AM


Inara, it has to be Inara.

That woman could kill me with sex anytime.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:59 AM


I'd have to say Kaylee.

I mean... What if she gave me a disapproving look? That'd just break my poor little heart.

If Kaylee didn't like me, that would mean that, in all probability, I was just about the lowest form of life in the 'verse, and that would be worse than the worst thing anyone else on that boat could do to me.

Although leaving me exposed to the outside while the ship climbs out of the atmosphere does come in a very close second.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:22 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Definitely Mal.

Why? Oh there is that whole despair, anger, resentment thing going on. He lost his faith, lost his cause, and if what we saw of the "real" him in War Stories is any indication, Malcolm Reynolds is one man you don't want mad at you.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:27 AM


I'm going to go with Mal, most of the time. Sure, River can be unpredictable and lethal, but it hasn't been turned against the crew,... yet. (Exceptin' Jayne, and River was really going after the blue sun logo.) I agree that Book has a dark and mysterious past, but he's grown or is trying to grow past it. Jayne is a thug. He's as unpleasant as a knee to the groin. Painful but uncomplicated.

Mal is a ball of worms. He's brave, honest and decent and at the same time he's a rebellious petty criminal with a murderous streak. He hasn't left the war behind where it really counts, inside. He's still carrying around those skills and reactions from fighting the war and on top of that he's bitter about how it ended. Not that he backed the losing side, but that the leadership of that side wasn't willing to back it as far as he was.

Now, one exception stands out in my mind. Zoe. Just from her little discussion about making babies with Wash in HOG I would put her as scariest,... if you threatened her child. Can you imagine what she would do if her child were kidnapped? Everyone, Mal, Jayne, Book, even Wash would be trailing in her wake as she blazed a path right in to the den of the poor bastard who dared mess with her family.

I'd sooner get between a mother bear and her cub than see hair on her child's head harmed. Tampering with nukes would be safer than risking that woman's anger.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 6:08 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
Now, one exception stands out in my mind. Zoe. Just from her little discussion about making babies with Wash in HOG I would put her as scariest,... if you threatened her child. Can you imagine what she would do if her child were kidnapped? Everyone, Mal, Jayne, Book, even Wash would be trailing in her wake as she blazed a path right in to the den of the poor bastard who dared mess with her family.

I'd sooner get between a mother bear and her cub than see hair on her child's head harmed. Tampering with nukes would be safer than risking that woman's anger.

This is where I gotta fall. Zoe all the way. She goes out of her way to respect her war buddies & such, but harm one o' hers, and you won't walk away. Cases in point:

Serenity - "She dies, you'll never make it to the Feds." To Simon, regarding Kaylee

The Message - Shoots Tracey, after he shoots (at) Wash. Tracey: "You shot me!" Zoe (with determination, and aiming for another): "Damn right."

Then, of course, there's the aforementioned conversation with Wash about having children.
Heart of Gold - "I ain't so afraid o' losin' somethin' that I ain't gonna try to have it. You and I would make a beautiful baby, an' I wanna meet that child someday. End of discussion."


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 6:46 PM


This is a pretty good question.

Mal doesn't scare me at all, because I very much get how he thinks and why he thinks it. If I were him, I'd be just as pissed off at the 'verse.He's got a lot of reason to be angry, and I sympathize with his motivations.
But Mal's not gonna shoot you for snorin' too loud. You do pretty much have to give him a reason before he even slugs you. And if you give him that reason, well, then it's your own damn fault and don't stand next to any engines.

River -- well, I think someone said, as long as you always predict that you can't predict what River's gonna do, you'll be ok. Now from a crewmember point of view, I can see where she'd be the scariest, because they don't know her Blue Sun-phobia, and we do.
But I generally just feel too sorry for River to be scared of her. I mean, she knows she's broken, and that must just be hugely frustrating, especially for someone that intelligent. I want to give her hot chocolate with little marshmellows and maybe a cookie.

Jayne -- Yeah, I do agree, there is something scary about someone driven solely by money, but I don't think that's all there is to Jayne. Oh, that's alot of it, but remember how worried he was about Kaylee, and remember how he didn't want Mal to tell the Tam kids he ratted them out. For whatever reason, Jayne didn't want to be thought badly of -- which means that he's taken at least one baby step toward actually caring about his fellow crewmembers, and one baby step away from being interested in only money.
Not that I'd trust him as far as I could spit a dead rat, though......

Book -- I don't know that I'd call Book "scary", but I sure would be highly suspicious of him. I mean, he definitely can be threatening, but that just makes me wary of him, not scared. Now I may revise that opinion in the future, but right now, I'd just keep my eye on him all the time.

I've got to go with the Blue Hands. Part of my deal is that, in my entertainment, I can see the points of view of almost any character, and usually justify it from their point of view, but I just can't even begin to understand their motivations and/or rationalizations. For that matter, I find Atherton Wing scarier than any of our crew, because I don't understand the kind of mindset he has.

"So...would his job be available?"


Friday, April 2, 2004 12:47 AM


I think each person can be scary given the right circumstances (except maybe Kaylee), but Mal gets my vote overall.

Mal seems to have some unresolved issues and it seems that things not going smooth might start getting to a person after awhile. He's had moments, but I think if he were to really snap, he'd do some serious damage.

But in minor points, I have to agree that any person who let's money run them is someone to be suspicious of. I think with River and Jayne the fact that the crew knows they have to be alert around them takes away from their scariness. River's unpredictibility is very predictable.

Now, not knowing Book's whole history makes him suspicious, but I agree with the person who said he seems methodical. Once again people you have to be alert around makes things a little less scary. You kinda expect them to pull something. I'm a very suspicious person in general so I expect things from Book, Jayne, and River. Shoot, it may turn out that the crew are even more suspicious of Book than we are.

I think Zoe could be scary too though. Not Mal scary, but quite scary. I agree with the mother/child theory. Most mom's would kill for their children.

But I think Wash could be a darkhorse (no pun intended) here. If someone were to murder Zoe, well, I think he might snap. He didn't do anything (in OOG) because even though she was hurt, she was still alive. If she died, he might do something stupid and everyone knows truly stupid acts are more than a little frightening.

I'm not sure about Inara, she seems iffy. Sometimes she seems rather strong and sometimes weak. I wonder about her getting to any scary level. Simon doesn't quite suit me as the really scary type either.


Friday, April 2, 2004 12:47 AM


I think each person can be scary given the right circumstances (except maybe Kaylee), but Mal gets my vote overall.

Mal seems to have some unresolved issues and it seems that things not going smooth might start getting to a person after awhile. He's had moments, but I think if he were to really snap, he'd do some serious damage.

But in minor points, I have to agree that any person who let's money run them is someone to be suspicious of. I think with River and Jayne the fact that the crew knows they have to be alert around them takes away from their scariness. River's unpredictibility is very predictable.

Now, not knowing Book's whole history makes him suspicious, but I agree with the person who said he seems methodical. Once again people you have to be alert around makes things a little less scary. You kinda expect them to pull something. I'm a very suspicious person in general so I expect things from Book, Jayne, and River. Shoot, it may turn out that the crew are even more suspicious of Book than we are.

I think Zoe could be scary too though. Not Mal scary, but quite scary. I agree with the mother/child theory. Most mom's would kill for their children.

But I think Wash could be a darkhorse (no pun intended) here. If someone were to murder Zoe, well, I think he might snap. He didn't do anything (in OOG) because even though she was hurt, she was still alive. If she died, he might do something stupid and everyone knows truly stupid acts are more than a little frightening.

I'm not sure about Inara, she seems iffy. Sometimes she seems rather strong and sometimes weak. I wonder about her getting to any scary level. Simon doesn't quite suit me as the really scary type either.


Friday, April 2, 2004 1:06 AM



Is true, is not, that Niska is more than just... (hand waving in air) ... Rumored to be scary.

I call her "Vera"


Friday, April 2, 2004 4:33 AM


"Two by two, hands of blue..."

Taking what could be interpreted as a sweet verse from a nursery rhyme and twisting it into such horrid malevolence sends a chill up my spine.

I vote for Joss W.

-Ocelot Wreak

"I figure you're here 'cause you need some whacko who's willing to stick his finger in the fan. So who are we helping?" - Mickey K., in 'The Equalizer'


Friday, April 2, 2004 5:47 AM



BrownCoat1 wrote:
Thursday, April 01, 2004 05:22
Definitely Mal.

Why? Oh there is that whole despair, anger, resentment thing going on. He lost his faith, lost his cause, and if what we saw of the "real" him in War Stories is any indication, Malcolm Reynolds is one man you don't want mad at you.

I, too agree. Mal's "true self" seems to be rather scary to me. Like the kind of guy who had a staring contest with darkness and all the evils therein, ...and won.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Friday, April 2, 2004 3:40 PM


Does no one else think Saffron is the creepiest thing around? She has no conscience, she is only predictable in that she will ALWAYS, ALWAYS lie and has no loyalty to anyone ever.

She is the worst kind of loose cannon, self destructive, casualty of her own actions I can imagine, and she reminds me of people I have known.

Saffrons don't go away easily either. They keep popping up and ruining everything until, finally, you end up dead.


"Play nice with the other kids...unless one of the other kids wanna fight; then you have to kick the other kids' butt."
-Mushu in "Mulan"


Friday, April 2, 2004 4:38 PM



Originally posted by ConanTheBarbie:
Does no one else think Saffron is the creepiest thing around? She has no conscience, she is only predictable in that she will ALWAYS, ALWAYS lie and has no loyalty to anyone ever.
She is the worst kind of loose cannon, self destructive, casualty of her own actions I can imagine, and she reminds me of people I have known.
Saffrons don't go away easily either. They keep popping up and ruining everything until, finally, you end up dead.

Geez, I hadn't thought of Saffron when I was thinking of scary people, but you do have a point. You're right, the "popping up when you least expect her" is a little scary, cause I hate when ex-boyfriends do that, and none of them have tried to waylay and/or kill me.
I guess the scariest thing about her would be that she screws people over just for kicks. There doesn't seem to be any real motivation there, she just does it cause she can.

"So...would his job be available?"


Friday, April 2, 2004 6:19 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Is true, is not, that Niska is more than just... (hand waving in air) ... Rumored to be scary.

Niska is only scary when he has someone tied down and helpless.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 4:54 AM



Originally posted by Veteran:

Niska is only scary when he has someone tied down and helpless.

True, but Niska is creepy all the time.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 5:39 PM


I vote River.

If she was still in Alliance/BlueSun hands, she would become a formidable weapon, without doubt.

Luckily, she's in good hands now, and gentle folk need not fear her...

But, when she finally returns to her self -- as she seemed to be doing in the final ep of the season, much more lucid, smiling at Mal after foiling Early -- I would not wear blue gloves.

For them she will become scary, indeed.




"River didn't fix faith. Faith fixed River."

- Senator Richard 'Book' Wilkins, Independent Congress
author of A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence






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