UPDATED: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:35
VIEWED: 20998
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Friday, May 7, 2004 10:23 AM


My top five favorite tv shows:

5. STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION. This is my favorite Trek series. Like the original series, it's really fun to watch.
4. SEINFELD. The comic talents of the cast, and writers are brilliant. Simply put, this show will never grow old.
3. FREAKS AND GEEKS. I didn't even know this show existed, until a few months ago. I bought the dvd box set, and presto, I loved every minute of it. 18 episodes was way too short for this series. Humor, drama, happiness, sadness, it's all in there. Growing up in the early 80's, I can relate to this show. I loved the Dungeons and Dragons episode.
2. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Buffy is an amazing show, and the start of the Whedon universe. Season 2 is a perfect example, of how a television show can become a cult-like experience. And I mean that in the best possible way. I am a Buffyholic, and proud of it.
FIREFLY. Watching Firefly every Friday night, was the best TV viewing experience I will ever have. When Fox cancelled it, I was depressed. I had to know what happened to the characters. If there were a second season, It probably would have been better than the first, which is really depressing. Hopefully the movie will bring it back to life in a big way.
I also really like ANGEL, and the X-FILES. So let's hear it people. What TV shows are your favorites?


Friday, May 7, 2004 10:44 AM


1. Firefly - One of the only series in which I can say every episode was gold.
2. Buffy The Vampire Slayer - My introdution to the Jossverse, although late, and the reason I found Firefly in the first place.
3. Angel - I loved seasons 2 and 3 of BTVS, so moving on to Angel was a given. I will really miss this show when it is gone. No matter what DB has to say about it.
4. X-Files - Although not always at its peak I was a big fan of seasons 4, 5, & 6. It should have however ended after season 7.
5. Alias - Although it doesn't have the humor of the above mentioned shows, it does have enjoyable story arcs though you miss on ep and have no idea what is going on.
6. My So-Caled Life - One of the first series to garner such a fan outcry at its cancellation. I also came late to this series, which challenged the status-quo of the time, and is earily representative of today's issues though it debuted ten years ago.

Sorry I had to go with 6, I just couldn't narrow it down any further.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:17 AM


1. Firefly
2. Buffy
3. Angel
4. West Wing
5. It's getting difficult now - maybe Due South, although I also like Black Books and Friends on the comedy front.

I can't believe I just said that Buffy wasn't my favourite show! Maybe I should put it first as it will always have a special place as being my first tv obsession. I reckon firefly is better than seasons 1 and 4-7 of Buffy but it would be hard to beat seasons 2 and 3 for me.

Eeek I think actually I might call it a tie. I think they're too different to compare.


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:32 AM


In no particular order:

Twin Peaks
The Simpsons
Blakes 7

Just missing the top 5:
Babylon 5
Dr. Who

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:36 AM


Firefly, EZ Streets, Strange Luck, Cupid (the scripted drama, not the more recent reality show), and Andy Richter Controls the Universe. And if you'll indulge me two more...Freaks and Geeks and The Tick (the live action one on Fox).

I guess the short-lived ones never really gave me a chance to get tired of 'em.


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:39 AM


In no order:

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stargate SG-1
Whose line is it anyways?

The Firefly CCG Web Site:
>Help out today!


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:40 AM


Well, I'm all right. - Mal

Instead of my 5 favorite TV shows, here's my 5 favorite tv writers:

1. Tim Minear: "Out of gas", and all the other Firefly episodes. Havna seen Angel yet.
2. Joss Whedon: Firefly, havna seen Buffy yet.
3. Aaron Sorkin: The west wing, seasons 1-4. Don't like his politics, but the man can write! Early Sport's night was also not bad.
4. Darin Morgan: "War of the coprophages" from season 3, and "Humbug" from season 2 of The X files; and "Somehow, Satan got behind me" from the 2nd season of Millennium.
5. The Monty Python gang. Yes it is!
I am Jack's username
FTL in Firefly? <>
Support our serial killers.

Edited to include the Pythons.


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:56 AM


Hard to put 'em in order. . .

InuYasha "Beauty and the Beast" is my favourite fairy tale. Also, InuYasha and I have many of the same issues/problems (tendency to fall in love with the worst possible girl at the worst possible time, and thus to end up hanging on a tree by an arrow through the heart).

Firefly My reasoning should be obvious.

Buffy/Angel Yes, I consider them as one show, given the shared universe and all.

Star Trek DS9 In all the sf I've ever seen, DS9 is one of the two places I'd actually be willing to live (the other being Serenity, of course )

Gargoyles A Disney series from '94-97. Basically "Beauty and the Beast," set in modern New York, amidst a clan of gargoyle "refugees."

Notice a pattern emerging here?

Just missing the list is Stargate SG-1, which I love, but can no longer watch because gorram Global (the Canadian equivalent to Fox) is sitting on the (S6 & onward) broadcast rights. They're not airing it, no one else can air it, and the S6 DVD set is >$65.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, May 7, 2004 12:43 PM


numero uno: *trumpets blare* firefly! -ok, ok so not really a surprise from anyone posting here.

numero dos: buffy/angel -if cybersnark gets to count them as one show, so do i. or i'm telling mom.

numero tres: the simpsons -there's something innately wonderful about a show with these lines-
~mr. burns- "you know homer, there is no stronger muscle than the human heart" (and surprisingly, i caught the irony there )
~homer(in response)- "what about the weiner? i saw a guy on tv pick up a can of paint with his." *snicker, snicker*
~homer- "television.....teacher, mother, secret lover."

numero quatro: survivor - i want to compete so badly (damn crappy health, i'm getting reincarnated as a bionic women), so in the meantime, all i can do is analyze to death.

numero cinco: the oc -i know, i know. as a firefly lover, i am loyal in my bitter hatred of fox, except when it comes to the simpsons and the oc. i just get sucked in by the big eyes and broody moods....that's how i got here in the first place. if angel hadn't been so delciously broody on buffy, i could easily be passed out in a ditch somewhere from a four-day bender right now. instead, joss saved me! i am eternally grateful. *puts down the fifth of vodka and goes back to watching seasons of all things joss*


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?
Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Friday, May 7, 2004 1:22 PM


In no particular order:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Red Dwarf

No other TV show comes anywhere near these shows. I can't even come up with a fifth show that I want to mention in the same sentence as the four shows mentioned above.

EDIT: Well, having thought about it for a while... Pride and Prejudice of course. But that's a miniseries and more like a movie. Perhaps it doesn't count? It is a masterpiece, though.


Friday, May 7, 2004 1:35 PM


No order:

Andy Richter Controls the Universe

Just missing the list...or maybe interchangable on the list are, Family Guy, Simpsons, Farscape, Brimstone, NewsRadio, Keen Eddie, Malcom In The Middle, Gargoyles, Transformers(the original series as well as Beast Wars), Roughnecks: Starship Troopers, and there are probably more it's hard for me to pick my favorites.

"Rule of thumb? Maybe it should be rule of wrist."


Friday, May 7, 2004 1:38 PM


1. Firefly
2. Due South
3. Angel
4. Good Eats
5. American Rifleman


Friday, May 7, 2004 2:00 PM


Gilmore Girls

Honourable Mentions: West Wing, Everwood, Popular (at the beginning), Wonderfalls (would probably have made top 5 had it lasted longer), Friends, Whose Line, Without a Trace


Friday, May 7, 2004 2:14 PM


OOOOOHHH!!! Can I play?

Here are the shows that I had to watch. First, don't hate me, but I never saw Firefly on TV. Blame FOX, cuz thanks to them I can't put them on this list. Now, I watch Firefly on DVD over and over again and show it to my friends, yadda, yadda.

So, I am listing the shows that I centered my life around to see when they were on TV -- mainly before my twins were born in 1996.

As far as memory will allow they are:

- DS9 -- the best black father/son relationship on TV, ever -- oh yeah, good SF, too.
- Nowhere Man (for a brief, but fantastic season)
- Chef (Britcom)
- Red Dwarf
- Third Rock from the Sun -- wacky fun!
- X-Files
- Simpsons -- even when they suck there is usually a moment that requires me to howl, pointing weakly at the screen with tears in my eyes.

Shows that I didn't break my back to see, but really enjoyed include several, but I will mention Frasier and Just Shoot Me. Anyone who saw the ep of Frasier where he was seduced by Patrick Stewart knows what I'm talking about.

Also, I wasn't in love with Family Guy, but I could watch that baby 24/7. Could we do that? A channel dedicated to crazy megalomaniac baby? You could just drop in and check out the madness, then go on to your must-watch shows, which would all be airing on XOF -- the anti-FOX channel.

As a kid, my brother and I would do extra chores to get to go with my dad to see ST:TOS on color TV at his friend's house. We didn't get color until after it was off the air.

And I am a sucker for All My Children and One Life to Live. Thems my soaps and I'm too old to be ashamed.

I'll shut up now.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Friday, May 7, 2004 2:28 PM


1.) Firefly
2.) Coupling (the brit version of course)
3.) My Hero
4.) Cupid (also the drama, not the reality show)
5.) Seasons 1-3 of Hercules


Friday, May 7, 2004 3:22 PM


No particular order:

Twin Peaks
Push, Nevada (if a show only had six episodes, does it still count as a series?)
Doctor Who

Carnivale, MI-5/Spooks, Red Dwarf, and Whose Line are close behind all those, though... it's just so difficult to narrow it down...

EDIT: John Doe. Did anyone watch that? Also, Highlander the series. Sometimes, I think the mythos made a better tv show than film...

“I loath bus stations. Terrible places. Full of lost luggage and lost souls.”


Friday, May 7, 2004 3:27 PM


1 Firefly
2 Futurama
3 The Office
4 Still Game
5 Father Ted


Friday, May 7, 2004 3:50 PM


5.Red Dwarf (Smeg is just as fun to say as Gorram)
4.Whose Line is it Anyway? (cracks me up)
3.Titus (another casualty of Fox)
2.The Simpsons (classic)
and the Number One....though some of you may lynch me for it... is a tie! Between Firefly and Cowboy Bebop.

Sorry, as awesome as Firefly is, Bebop is just too gorram cool (and the music for it is unquestionably the best I have ever heard from a TV show). If I were to list shows I miss the most, Bebop would without a doubt be numero uno. Why? Cauz although Firefly is gone, it's still flying. It will be coming back. So that's not so bad. Bebop on the other hand is not. It's over, gone, finito, dead. That's all there is to it. Just my opinion.

Wu de tyen! How I miss that show.
Bebop. That old tin goddess, with the leaky shower and the rust and the empty fridge and that damned ugly yellow couch…

(wanders off to go watch some Bebop sessions while hoping for a miracle of more in the future)

Conquering the galaxy with terrifying space monkeys, one ship at a time...


Friday, May 7, 2004 5:20 PM


Hmmm ...
1. Firefly
2. Dune (miniseries)
3. Corner Gas (Canadian 1/2 hr sitcom)
4. X-Files (up to when Scully got kidnapped)
5. Quantum Leap

I don't much care for watching TV, what with all the commercials, pre-emptions for crap like sporting events or special editions of The Bachelor, or those endless 'news updates' that really don't tell you anything more than the actual newscast tells.

DVD, how I love thee!



Friday, May 7, 2004 5:44 PM


I didn't get to see a full episode of Firefly when it was on either. I was kinda geographically challenged in relation to places where TV viewing was possible.

Sound the trumpets!

5) Battlestar Galactica : Both in the original versions and the new one which is better than I was expecting it to be.

4) Father Ted : This show was just damn good, although it makes me sad how short the run was. The actor playing Father Ted dying makes me feel worse, but accounts for the short run.

3) Navy NCIS : Which is a fairly redundant title, it should just be NCIS but the show's good enough that I can forgive a little redundency, I say forgive a little redundency.

2) Blackadder : Now I know it was techincally 4 series but I'm lumping it all together because I can. If someone put thumb screws to me I'd have to sub-rate them in best to still damn good but not best order thusly: Blackadder II, Blackadder Goes Fourth, Blackadder the Third and The Black Adder.

1) Firefly : Well duh!

Honorable mention to: Twin Peaks, The Simpsons, Deadwood, Combat!, Space: Above and Beyond, Tour of Duty and Kolchek the Nightstalker

Gleeful mention to: Just about any show from the '70s that I find now and then just because they make me grin. Barney Miller, Starsky and Hutch, Welcome Back Kotter, Buck Rogers, Dukes of Hazzard, you name it. I purr like a kitten (which is hard because I'm a dog person) if you put on some of my childhood memories and make me popcorn. They say the way to a man's heart is his stomach, well not mine the way to mine is through my inner child. Not as easy as it sounds though because he's a real hwoon dahn too.

EDIT! Took my memory enhancing pills so adding in a couple I forgot. Because I can do that.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Friday, May 7, 2004 5:44 PM


well considering I only caught 3 eps of Firefly while it was on the's not going to be on this list.

1. Third Watch
2. Stargate SG-1
3. Space Above and Beyond
4. Tour of Duty
5. Pony Express


Friday, May 7, 2004 5:47 PM


Gah I always keep forgetting S:AAB. That would go on the Honorable Mention on my list with a good shot at a tie for #5.

Bah, I need to start taking those memory enhancin...ohh look a puppy...what was I sayi...bah.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Friday, May 7, 2004 6:26 PM


Homicide Life on the Street (first 5 seasons only)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Star Trek DS9

Honorable mentions: Due South, Forever Knight, Carnivale, Space Above and Beyond, The Pretender, Star Trek TNG (which I liked better than DS9 when I first watched them), Touching Evil (British version), X-Files (haven't seen the crappy seasons yet), OZ, Simpsons, This Hour has 22 Minutes, Air Farce, American Gothic

Kiddie mention, AKA the first shows I remember running indoors for even though I now remember next to nothing about the shows themselves: V, Battlestar Galactica, The Smurfs, Mr Dressup, Seeing Things, Fraggle Rock, The Edison Twins

Heh and now that I've listed practically every show ever made I'll stop.


Friday, May 7, 2004 6:34 PM


this is hard!

5.Andy Richter Controls the Universe
1.Star Trek--DS9 and TNG

I wanted to put Firefly first, but it did only run for one season. And DS9 was really good.


Friday, May 7, 2004 7:03 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

ThatWeirdGirl is correct, this is a hard decision, as is anything that you have to pare down to just five choices out of almost 50 years of tv viewing. But I'll give it a shot, but reserve the right to come back and edit if I recall something else. To make it simpler I will put the five into categories.

Best SF - Firefly (beating out Babylon 5 by a small margin, mainly because I know it would still have been fantastic in season 5...6, 7 and 8 too I'm sure.

Best Fantasy - American Gothic

Best Comedy - The Dick Van Dyke Show (honorable mention goes to the one-season run of My World and Welcome To It)

Best Drama - The Bold Ones (a rotating series that included The Senator, The Lawyers & The Doctors...maybe another but I can't recall now. Late 60s-early 70s show that did not pull any punches in depicting life in those turbulent times)

Best Western - Cimarron Strip (hey, when it features a Harlan Ellison script about Jack the Ripper, what more can I say?)

Best Animated - The Simpsons (although I wish they would put it out of its misery already. The first 7-8 seasons were golden though)

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, May 7, 2004 8:28 PM


1. Firefly
2. Angel
4. Cheers
5. Wings


Friday, May 7, 2004 10:02 PM


In no particular order:

Firefly - Naturally I love it, and actually consider it a superior show to both Buffy and Angel. Also, I think I'd be keel-hauled as a traitor by some of the gang around here if I didn't put it on my list.

The Office - Quintessential comedy. There have been very few shows I have consistently laughed out loud at during their run, and in 12 episodes I've laughed more at this show than pretty much any other. If you have not seen this show, find the DVD's and watch it now. You will not be dissapointed.

Cheers - The sitcom that was happy to break all the rules. There was actually a lot of studio resistance to a show set in a bar when Cheers first premiered. It ran for I believe 10+ years, and its spinoff (the equally good, though essentially different, Frasier)ran even longer. Along with MASH, Cheers paved the way for the kind of sarcastic, biting, intelligent humor that is today a sitcom staple. I'm not afraid to say I actually shed a few tears after the final episode of this show.

Quantum Leap - A wonderful show that never really had the following it deserved. Sadly, this show lost a lot of steam after a few seasons- due mostly to poor writing; the acting remained top-notch. A gentle, alternatingly bittersweet and hopeful show that, in my opinion, was ultimately about how the little choices we make in life are the most important. This is the series I wish I could show to my children.

The Adventures of Brisco County Junior - The fact that I still think fondly of this show, considering how long it has been since it aired, must say something. This is the kind of show that rarely survives, as it flat-out refused to pander to its audience. A show that truly marched to the beat of its own drummer, and wasn't afraid of smart social commentary. DVD's of this are something I hope for, but don't expect to have.

This list, naturally, could have been a lot longer, but since many of my choices )The Simpsons, Buffy, etc. had already been elaborated on, I decided to go with these. Close alternate to this list: The Sopranos.

Interesting point- I noticed Star Trek: Deep Space Nine found itself onto a lot of lists. This rather surprised me, as I'd always considered ST: The Next Generation to be the superior show, and most people I'd talked to had agreed with me. Perhaps I've found a dissenting opinion here?

You got a wife? All I got is that dumbass stick sounds like it's raining.


Friday, May 7, 2004 10:55 PM


Wow It's good to see there are some Due South fans out there. I thought I was pretty much alone.


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:04 PM


well, lemme think about it...

1. Firefly (who would've guessed? )
2. Quantum Leap
3. Buffy
4. The X Files (up to season 5, I didn't like the rest)
5. Space above and beyond

You can't take the sky from me


Friday, May 7, 2004 11:38 PM


So difficult...

Top 5 with eps less than an hour and fairly recent:
1 Firefly
2 Stargate SG1
3 Titus
4 Twin Peaks
5 American Gothic

with honours: CSI, Space: Above and Beyond, Due South, Babylon 5, Deep Space 9, Star Trek the Next Generation.

Top 5 with eps more than hour:
1. Sharpe
2. Touch of Frost
3. Hornblower
4. Cadfael
5. Midsomer Murders

Yep great British serialised tv movies.

Top 5 for when I was a kid:
1. The A-team
2. Dukes of Hazzard
3. V
4. Knight Rider
5. Nonnie and Mannie

With honours: Riptide. I left out the shows I watched and loved before I was ten.

"It's life Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it. It's life Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, capt'n."


Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:27 AM


"4. The X Files (up to season 5, I didn't like the rest)"

It's quite interesting that lots of people make a point of mentioning that they only liked X-Files up to a point. Out of all the above posts I only noticed one person who mentioned any dip in quality in Buffy - does everyone love Joss too much? While I didn't catch X-Files first time round, I have since bought and watched nine seasons and, for me at least, the slide in quality is far less severe than that of Buffy. Don't get me wrong, if Buffy Seasons 6 and 7 had to be awful in order for us to get Firefly then that's a price I'm willing to pay Sorry, that was kind of a random and somewhat pointless rant.

More on topic:

1. Angel (I've managed to almost completely repress Season 4)
2. Buffy (ditto Seasons 6, 7 and most of 5)
3. Firefly (only makes number 3 because it doesn't have enough episodes to be comparable to Buffy/Angel)
4. Seinfeld
5. X-Files

I see no one has mentioned the brilliant and equally mistreated Miracles, although perhaps it's hard to consider that a favourite given there are so few episodes. Another one of mine would be the early days of Sliders but only if we can forget the later years ever existed


Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:43 AM


1. Angel - I am obsessed with this show! Ihe only reason I watched Buffy early on is because of Angel. He was the cool, mysterious, silent guy. When I heard he was getting his own show I almost died of ecitment. I love the whole cast of Angel and the show has outdone Buffy almost every year since it has been out. I was hoping it would make it to season 6 but 5 years is still good when you consider Firefly ended after a mear 14 episodes.

2. Firefly - I only just recently got into this after buying the DVD last week (it was either this or S.W.A.T. and I'm glad I picked Firefly). The main reason I like the show is because I love all the characters. Especially Kaylee cause she is soooooo cute! Storytelling is some of the best Joss has ever done and I'm so happy I'll be seeing the movie soon.

3. Red Dwarf - The best show to come out of England! End of discussion. The most funny show I have ever scene and a great cast of characters. Just wish they would hurry up with the damn movie (been waiting 3 years for it).

4. Black Books - VERY FUNNY. This british comedy puts Friends to shame. Seriously one of the best comedies to come out of England.

5. Futurama - Much better than The Simpsions in every aspect. Why do so many of my favourite shows get cancelled? Its a crime that this series is dead and I would rather see every copy of The Simpsions burnt if it meant this could come back.



Saturday, May 8, 2004 2:24 AM


in no order
firefly hasn't aird here yet so if I were to not count that then

DS9 (loved the pants off this show)
B5 (so very arcy)
tng (first show I got fanatical about)
early buffy(I liked the late stuff but it got almost too depressing, I prefered it when it was more happy fun times buffy)
The young ones (just because)


Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:25 AM


In no particular order:

Due South
Coupling (Brit one)
Made In Canada (Evil Canadian Sitcom by Rick Mercer)

"We're all dreaming. ...Don't make faces."


Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:03 AM


1- the prisoner
2- Night Court
3- The original Star Trek
4- Firefly
5- The Simpsons


Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:55 AM


ok Top5 XD no particular order still put numbers in...dunno why the hell i did that..

1.Bo selecta
2.Red Dwarf
3.Band of Brothers
4.Quantum Leap (original)

sadly only 5 could go in, to make the 10 up i'd have to have, Coupling(UK), Buffy, Angel, Dr Who (those special effects were just too damn good ),Sliders

Proper Bo i tell thee


Saturday, May 8, 2004 5:04 AM


Oooh! Another Black books fan! I love Dylan Moran!


Saturday, May 8, 2004 5:11 AM


arg, I can't believe I forgot Band of Brothers. That was an awesome miniseries! I hope that Hanks and Spielberg get working on the miniseries about the Pacific Theater they've been talking about.

Honorable Mentions (just cuz others have done it): Due South, Law & Order: SVU, Farscape (first 2.5 seasons), and Combat.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 5:59 AM


In no particular order:

Remember WENN
Due South
State of Grace

Had to pick six, and curious coincidence, five of them were cancelled -- three quite abruptly. Maybe I'm a jinx . . . .


Saturday, May 8, 2004 7:08 AM


It's too hard to put these in any particular order, so I'll just take a stab at it:

1. Invisible Man - wonderful show, very fun to watch. Had some serious problems first half of the second season, but they were worked out and it ended with a bang. Firefly gives me hope that we may be seeing more of it.

2. Firefly - has everything I love in a show, wonderful characters, an appealing cast, AWESOME score and a very unique 'verse'. Along with these, I have to say I'm thankful this was on Fox and not SciFi Channel - it would have fared MUCH worse! And it gives me hope that there IS life after cancellation for a good show.

3. 24 - has me on the edge of my seat. And I love the flawed characters.

4. Miami Vice - had its ups and downs, and the fifth (ahd last) season was just awful, but it's still the show that defined the 80's.

5. Quantum Leap - Another show that had an awful fifth season, but when it was good, it was VERY good.

6. X Files - I could have lived without the last season, even though Robert Patrick was WONDERFUL! I loved the freaked-out look on his face when he encountered the weirdness that is X Files.

7. Red Dwarf - absolutely, hands down the FUNNIEST tv show ever aired!!! I laughed so hard I'd be tongue tied.

Ok, I never DID know when to quit.

I know I'm missing something, but the question WAS pick 5.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Saturday, May 8, 2004 7:18 AM



Originally posted by Arden:

... good stuff edited ...


The Adventures of Brisco County Junior - The fact that I still think fondly of this show, considering how long it has been since it aired, must say something. This is the kind of show that rarely survives, as it flat-out refused to pander to its audience. A show that truly marched to the beat of its own drummer, and wasn't afraid of smart social commentary. DVD's of this are something I hope for, but don't expect to have.

I loved it too! I think part of the reason why I love Firefly so much is because in a way it reminds me of TABCJ. :)


Interesting point- I noticed Star Trek: Deep Space Nine found itself onto a lot of lists. This rather surprised me, as I'd always considered ST: The Next Generation to be the superior show, and most people I'd talked to had agreed with me. Perhaps I've found a dissenting opinion here?

A couple of dissenting opinions - I'm adding mine. ST:TNG was an awesome show, but ST:DS9 blows it completely out of the water as far as I'm concerned.

Only disapointment about DS9 is the DVD set. The packaging was wonderful, and the special features were good, but it looks like CRAP (and I do mean CRAP) on hi def tv's. Terrible terrible. Firefly's DVD set on the other hand, looks like it was MADE for hi def. Top notch job, my hat's off to all involved.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Saturday, May 8, 2004 8:28 AM



Originally posted by Duckie:
In no particular order:

Due South
Coupling (Brit one)
Made In Canada (Evil Canadian Sitcom by Rick Mercer)

"We're all dreaming. ...Don't make faces."

Yes!!! Made in Canada is one of the best-ever shows. Can't believe I forgot it! I also really enjoyed the first edition of "The Newsroom". Brilliant work.



Saturday, May 8, 2004 9:59 AM


Arg just thought of spaced, monty python, Faulty Towers,Captin Scarlet,Thundercats,Dead like me

why 5

Bill Bailey what a guy.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 10:55 AM


I'm going to go ahead and toss my few in the ring:

1-Firefly (after watching all the eps, I miss is so...)
2-Angel (loved the characters and some memorable stories)
3-Futurama (Zoidberg was my favorite)
4-MST3K (it's like they read my mind)
5-Stargate SG-1 (great GREAT show...up to season 7)

It's a shame that 4 out of 5 of my top shows have been cancelled. Hon. Mention: B5, Due South, Smallville, and Farscape.

Johnny H.-
"How'd you like a bite outta this green apple, America?"


Saturday, May 8, 2004 6:08 PM


blake 7
crusades/babylon 5
and American Gothic
Forever knight
(I know thats more than 5 but I like to live dangerously)


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:11 PM


Way WAY too short a list....

Star Trek
Nowhere Man
The Dead Zone
Twilight Zone
[six I know, but i can't ditch any of these]

also could have easily made the list:
Midnight Caller
The Rockford Files
24 (though honestly I don't watch it as much as it deserves)
American Gothic
Due South
Joan of Arcadia
(I'm sure I'm forgeting a dozen more)
The Dike Van Dyke Show
WKRP in Cincinati
Night Court
(again, plenty more are close)

limiting it to 5 is enough to make one crazy....

"Why we still discussin' this?"


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 8:59 PM


o well lets see
family guy
cowboy bebop
the critic

atleast I'm sumthin in the world


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:36 PM


bring back american gothic!


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:50 PM


Err...just 5? At first I thought this would be easy, but people kept reminding me of other shows to add to it.

1)Firefly - Wins on the basis that I like every single episode, which has never happened to me on any show for the first 12 episodes.

2)Angel - Brilliantly deep plot arcs. Characterization very well done for a TV show. Comes very close to Firefly in my opinion, but not quite.

3)Farscape - Huzah! Miniseries! This show just makes me happy. Almost tied with Angel (the two tend to flip flop depending on my mood).

4)Deep Space Nine - Disenting opinion, coming right up. Man this show makes TNG look like a paper cut out (okay, so I love TNG to--but for very different reasons that keep it off the list).

5)Alias - Awsome show. A little dryer then the others I mention, but still very well done.

Honorable Mentions

Buffy - Hello, it's Buffy for gosh sake. High-larious and dramatic. Special props to seasons 2,3,5, and 6 (season six is awsome, and don't anyone try to argue with me on it).

X-Files - I'd also say I liked mostly the first few seasons. It was a bizare mix of horror and humor that has yet to be matched.

The Lone Gunmen - Awsome. Awsome. And awsome.

Sienfield, The Simpsons, Titus, The Tick, Dead like Me, The Dead Zone,

Okay--thats it. I'm stopping myself, I could go on listing awsome shows all night. Time to go to bed.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:12 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

My Top 5 shows:

1) Firefly: a given, right? Quite honestly the best gorram show I have ever seen on TV. I never get tired of watching the episodes over & over again.

2) Angel: another brilliant Joss show. I love the characters, even the evil one. The story arcs are great and the plot twists keep me guessing. I also like James Marsters. I think he is by far the most talented actor from the BtVS series and was a great addition to Angel.

3) The Shield: okay, I normally don't do cop shows. There are so many cop shows out there & they all seem nothing more than carbon copies of each other, but The Shield is different. This show is intense w/ so many turns & twists it is like a roller coaster ride.

4) Stargate SG1: yep, I am a Gate fan. The movie was okay, and I had my doubts about the series, but here I am, eight years later not missing an episode. I am even looking forward to Stargate: Atlantis when it comes out this summer.

5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I never missed an episode while the show ran. I still watch episodes on rerun all the time. This is the show that started it all for Joss and introduced me to the Whedonverse. Hated to see the show end, but I suppose they all have to sooner or later.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."






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