
UPDATED: Friday, February 12, 2010 10:35
VIEWED: 13479
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Friday, February 5, 2010 2:35 AM


I'm just curious to know what you all do career/vocation/hobby wise. I have hinted at my history at before and after school care and vacation care. I worked in that field as both a regualar staff member and a director.I also worked in respite care and disabilities with some seriously disabled kids and their families, and i did youth work with teens and volunteer work with the elderly on and off. all of these contributed to an amazing education process and were extremely rewarding.I decided to go back to Uni full time to become a Speech Pathologist. I'm interested in doing research relating to Stuttering, Executive function disorders and pragmatic/social communication problems.
I have been doing casual afterschool/vacation care work while studying...I think I'm hooked. I am also a major craft boffin and do handfelting, leatherwork, jewellery making...basically anything relating to textiles.
I really would like to know more about what some of you do, if you feel like sharing :-).


Friday, February 5, 2010 3:01 AM


I'm an Administrative Assistant in a community bank. It means I do lots of different things and meet and greet our regular customers.

I sort of fell into the job 10 years ago when I was newly separated and moved back to the small town that my family came from.

I took care of my Mom for 8 years, until she passed away a year and a half ago.

I also have a 20 year old daughter with Asparger's Syndrome (high functioning autistic tendencies. In her case she has problems relating to other people and sometimes the computer is her best friend). She is in a web design program at the local community college and is also taking Cisco networking classes.

My passions are helping others. I'm an original member of Nathan Fillion's charity, KidsNeedtoRead. I also had the honor of being an extra in the fan film Browncoats: Redemption. I'm likely in the Recycle Bin but I had a wonderful time with wonderful Browncoats.

I also love history, good books of any type and of course enjoy good TV series and movies of any genre. My fandoms are Firefly of course and I recently got involved with a great bunch of "Team Bill" True Blood lovers.


Friday, February 5, 2010 3:10 AM


Keeping order in every verse

I work for Her Majesty's Customs and Excise. Mainly surveillance and Law Enforcement.You WILL pay your import duties on my!!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Friday, February 5, 2010 4:19 AM


Hey Boris.

My girlfriend does what you do and I think it's a very honourable profession. My girlfriend is always going above and beyond what her job actually requires and I never hear her complain. Her desire to help is amazing sometimes and I think it just develops naturally as a course of interacting with the kids and the parents.

As for me - I'm a cartoonist/Illustrator/Designer. It's been my profession for some 15 years or so now. In that time I've done all sorts of things. Giant Billboards, Book illustrations, Character designs, and video directing etc.

In terms of hobbies. I play Keyboards and Ukulele and compose my own music. My real desire now though is to develop a couple of TV shows I've been working on for about 5 years.


Friday, February 5, 2010 4:52 AM


Software Engineer. Programming stuff that most people couldn't care less about. It's fun though. When it's not all about business politics.

Hobby is poker. I like having a hobby that pays me to do it. hehe


Friday, February 5, 2010 5:55 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm not in the career I would like, and at my age it is quickly taking its toll on my muscles and joints. I install garage doors, electric openers, gate openers, etc, both residential and commercial. I've lost count of the number of times I've said I'd never put up another door, and yet here I am. It was a business my father started when I was three years old, and I worked for him, and then my older brother, off and on over the years and have been back at it for the past four years after working at a building supply retailer for more than ten years, as well as doing some small construction jobs on my own.

I didn't have a job today, but that was okay by me since I already have over 40 hours for the week.


Friday, February 5, 2010 6:05 AM


I was a professional bum for a couple of years, I've worked in a gas station, and also did some work for TKMaxx... those jobs taught me that retail is not for me. So I'm now in college studying software development, hopefully being a code monkey will suit me better. I'm enjoying it so far. Also taking Cisco networking classes.

As for hobbies, nothing flash... videogames, playing and listening to musics, reading. I used to be very big into sports, not so much now.


Friday, February 5, 2010 6:50 AM


Hey Boris,
I'm currently a full-time student, but I guess being in the Air National Guard could be considered my official "vocation" for now, even though I'm part time. It's not my career, though.
I'm hoping for a career in writing/editing. Writing's more of a hobby for me, but I'd love to make it my career ^_^ (as slim as that chance may be). I like to read, paint, make jewelry, sew, pretty much anything tactile because I'm a kinetic learner (and a fidgeter, so I need to have something to actively occupy me so I'm not just sitting still).
Even though I'm an English major, I love languages, and I'm currently studying American Sign Language. LOVE IT. I'd love to become an interpreter in that capacity, (or in whatever other languages I choose to become fluent in).

I'm jealous of your leatherworking skills :P


Friday, February 5, 2010 7:25 AM


Hello Boris!

During the week I schedule appointments for a large corporation of ear, nose and throat physicians. Which means I sit at a desk and answer the phone. I have also branched out with my company and work on fireproofing charts (where we box up and send old charts to a facility) and I am known as the phone guru. In my company if you have a phone problem I am the person you call. On the weekends during the summer and the fall I work at the Ohio Renaissance Festival. I portray Queen Elizabeth there and I have been involved there for 7 years this year. It is one of my favorite places to be and I love what I do. During the winter and spring I am part of the Einherjar which is a Viking re-enactment group. I also enjoy combat with the vikings as well as stage combat at the festival. I frequent stage combat workshops in the off season. I graduated with a BA in Theatre in 2002 from OSU and love working in theatre as much as possible.

"Also, I can kill you with my brain" -River Tam


Friday, February 5, 2010 7:25 AM


I teach MIS at a local University. My research areas are Computer Security, GIS, and HSI. In my free time a paint and game with military miniatures, compete in practical pistol meets, do Civil War reenacting. I also ski and still work out twice a week at the Dojo. I am also a life time student. I am always taking a class in something ;-)


Friday, February 5, 2010 7:25 AM


I teach MIS at a local University. My research areas are Computer Security, GIS, and HSI. In my free time a paint and game with military miniatures, compete in practical pistol meets, do Civil War reenacting. I also ski and still work out twice a week at the Dojo. I am also a life time student. I am always taking a class in something ;-)


Friday, February 5, 2010 7:33 AM



Originally posted by startroop:
I teach MIS

Ah I've always wanted to take a course in Mechanical Internal Swordsmanship. Is it tough to understand?


Friday, February 5, 2010 7:41 AM


I used to drive a cab, I miss that, but the bloody taxes and fuel prices drove me outta work, so now I do contract security - mostly for mid-low income residential, rather than gated communities and whatnot, it pays ok and is much more satisfying than better paying stuff since you're actually protecting, rather than hassling, people.

For hobbies, mostly games, anime, and building/fixing stuff of all kinds, I got a sizeable "mad scientist" streak, so a lot of that's interesting, especially when I get on a roll with it, like I did with a dollhouse for a friends kid once.

And while kinda semi-retired from it, for a very long time I ran what can be vaguely described as an activist front involved in youth rights which started from an extremely aggressive angle since a lot of the work was based in legal grey areas and potentially dangerous up till the past couple years, when others like Caica and Isaccorp joined the brawl and brought it out into the open.



Friday, February 5, 2010 7:57 AM


I am an IT Technician for the School of Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno. Been here for over a year and loving that. Prior to that I was an IT Technician for the Secretary of State for the State of Nevada for 2 years. Prior to that I was the Lead Tech/Master Tech/Tech Manager for CompUSA for close to 7 years in Reno.

Yep. That's about it. I fixes the 'puters that need the fixin'.

In my spare time off work, I like to go dancing when we're out, or work on my computers when at home. My hobby is my work, my work is my hobby!


Friday, February 5, 2010 8:19 AM


Actually, I am a Musical Instrument Sampler so what do I know ;-)


Friday, February 5, 2010 9:01 AM


I retired in 2004. As the saying goes, "I get up in the morning with nothing to do and go to bed at night with only half of it done."

Hobbies include 1/10th scale radio control cars, computer games (Guild Wars, Half-Life).


Friday, February 5, 2010 9:07 AM



Originally posted by startroop:
Actually, I am a Musical Instrument Sampler so what do I know ;-)

Well I couldn't just come out and ask what it was. Had to take a shot at least.


Friday, February 5, 2010 9:44 AM


OK, I'll be straight this time. Management Information Systems. I am still a geek ;-)


Friday, February 5, 2010 11:02 AM


I'M a personal trainer and I got it all the looks the money the cars the womem I train dumb strippers.I can bench press 550lbs and I am a Kung-Fu and Krav Maga expert.and I went to Yale but I was asked to leave because I was to smart so now I also do work for Nasa and I train the Navy Seals the FBI and CIA in hand to hand combat.My IQ is 550.And I also make money on the sid by lettin women for a small fee of $100 to let them rub there hands all over my hot sexy body.Any thing else you want to know about me feel free to ask.

your stud muffin.KJE


Friday, February 5, 2010 2:50 PM


Thanks for sharing guys...I had a feeling there'd be alot of variety in your answers. Now I want to meet you all :-)
Ncbrowncoat, I'm 40 and on the mild end of the ASD spectrum, so I relate to your daughters social issues. sounds like you are positively encouraging and supporting her. The main reason I got into child care was that I thought it would be a great way to learn about people so I could improve my social skills and the way I relate to others.It turned out to be a smart move. It taught me how to read people which is a really useful skill when you live in your own bubble and everyone else seems to speak a different language. I do still experience some social akwardness when in new situations, and I don't really socialise on a large scale as it's too overwhelming, but I have made some excellent friends, and random people (on busses in queues etc )are always telling me their stories so life isn't too tedious.
Freelancertex: If you are a tactile/kinetic person you'll love Leatherwork. It's a cinch to learn, though it can be hard on your hands and allergies. I've made stuff like masks and molded items. Have you tried Felting? it's pretty amazing how much you can make with wool tops and hot soapy water: hats, masks, bags...sooooo much fun, and all the pretty colours.
Zeek My dad taught me to play poker when I was 4. haven't played in years so I'm rusty. the last time I played was 1992 boxing day in Sicily. I cleaned out my uncle his friend and a cousin who originally laughed when I asked to play. it was an easy $200
Kingeicholz I had a feeling you were a personal trainer what else would a perfect speciman like you do.
for those of you in IT and related stuffI'm starting to get more into computery tech stuff...I have tried not to because I may get addicted and become someone who has to have all the lates gadgets etc. I do want to learn more about programming, as I will probably want to develop new stuff for Speech pathology that is computer accessible.


Friday, February 5, 2010 3:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

These days I run a warehouse for an e-commerce company dealing in dog grooming products. I do shipping, receiving, quotes, assembly, writing up SOP papers for everything I do, troubleshooting the website, proofreading EVERYTHING (being The Spelling Fairy isn't just a job I do here!), etc.

For hobbies, I work on and race Hondas. Or I used to. I haven't been racing in a while - it got to where I was so busy setting up everyone else's cars so they could try to keep up with mine, that I ended up with no time to set up and race my own, which coupled with an average of 70 hours a week at my "real job" (at least I was hourly then, not salaried!), left me pretty much completely burned out after a few years.

Now I *ONLY* work on my own cars, and I'm actually starting to enjoy it again. :) I've got one CRX that's my daily driver, and a very cherry Barbados Yellow 1990 CRX-Si that's stashed in the garage, awaiting some final touches before it makes its debut back into the world. I'm putting together a plan and funding to get it finished out - the interior literally looks like it just rolled out of the showroom, chock full of top-line options. I've got to fine-tune the new DOHC Japanese-market engine (130hp compared to 108hp for the stock U.S. engine) and get the A/C recharged, and she's done.

I'm thinking of selling off the other CRX and putting the funds towards a new Honda CR-Z.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, February 5, 2010 3:28 PM


I'm a struggling screenwriter.

Just finished Film School in 2008 (just in time to watch the economy go down the tubes), spent 2009 doing volunteer gigs. Which is great for networking, not so much for getting paid.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, February 5, 2010 3:51 PM


I'm pretty creative, bit I've never been able to draw that well. though every now and again my brain regurgitates something fabulous (I get random urges to draw sometimes and the end product is usually pretty amazing though I'm baffled as to where it came from). I also like to write and tell stories. People are always telling me to find a publisher, but I'm pretty sure my stuff won't be as entertaining if I try to market it.
I envy people who can draw and play music effortlessly...both skills I'd love to have. Oh well can't be greedy :-).


Friday, February 5, 2010 4:20 PM


I play in traffic....

My official title is Traffic Control Technician. I'm a crew Chief/Driver for my company and I am responsible for the safe flow of traffic and mitigating other road hazards around our client's work zones.

Where I work :

I also spent a few years playing with jets (And other airplanes) as a Line Service Tech for a large Air Charter and Aircraft Maintenance company.

I've also done a few stints in the automotive parts field.

My longest job was the one with the highest stress, most headaches (dealing with the public and management) but also the most rewarding.

I spent ten years as An EMT working for the fourth busiest ambulance service in the state of VT. That combined with another 5 years as a Volunteer EMT and 13 years as a Volunteer Firefighter... Well after a total time of over 20 years in emergency services, I was kinda burned out.

For hobbies? Well currently I write Firefly Fanfic. I was also pretty heavily involved with the freeware and payware addon community for Microsoft Flight Simulator and I still mess around with automotive stuff.

I also like to rock out to some good classic rock.



Friday, February 5, 2010 4:26 PM



Originally posted by boris:
Thanks for sharing guys...I had a feeling there'd be alot of variety in your answers. Now I want to meet you all :-)
Ncbrowncoat, I'm 40 and on the mild end of the ASD spectrum, so I relate to your daughters social issues. sounds like you are positively encouraging and supporting her. The main reason I got into child care was that I thought it would be a great way to learn about people so I could improve my social skills and the way I relate to others.It turned out to be a smart move. It taught me how to read people which is a really useful skill when you live in your own bubble and everyone else seems to speak a different language. I do still experience some social akwardness when in new situations, and I don't really socialise on a large scale as it's too overwhelming, but I have made some excellent friends, and random people (on busses in queues etc )are always telling me their stories so life isn't too tedious.
Freelancertex: If you are a tactile/kinetic person you'll love Leatherwork. It's a cinch to learn, though it can be hard on your hands and allergies. I've made stuff like masks and molded items. Have you tried Felting? it's pretty amazing how much you can make with wool tops and hot soapy water: hats, masks, bags...sooooo much fun, and all the pretty colours.
Zeek My dad taught me to play poker when I was 4. haven't played in years so I'm rusty. the last time I played was 1992 boxing day in Sicily. I cleaned out my uncle his friend and a cousin who originally laughed when I asked to play. it was an easy $200
Kingeicholz I had a feeling you were a personal trainer what else would a perfect speciman like you do.
for those of you in IT and related stuffI'm starting to get more into computery tech stuff...I have tried not to because I may get addicted and become someone who has to have all the lates gadgets etc. I do want to learn more about programming, as I will probably want to develop new stuff for Speech pathology that is computer accessible.

I'm about to turn 50 in a week or two and if I have my head in a book or watching a good movie WWIII could be going on around me and I wouldn't know it. That's one reason I love my work, it makes me more social but some times I come home so tired (I'm borderline ADHD myself and have more than a few autistic or extremely geeky tendencies.

My cousin is also a speech pathologist. She and her partner adopted a two year old Russian girl with a severe cleft palate and have done wonders for her. The little girl not only had a physical deformity (she's had several surgeries and it's about as good as it's going to get) but also has psychological problems from being in an orphanage. But she has blossomed in the 4 years that my cousin has had her.


Friday, February 5, 2010 5:19 PM


Boris: fortunately I has no allergies ^_^ I reupholstered my couch by hand (btw, bad idea, I'm using a machine next time)...THAT put a hell of a stress on my fingers ><;; some of the fabric didn't want to give to the needle -_- What sort of tools does leatherwork require?


Originally posted by Briglad: I play in traffic....


Friday, February 5, 2010 5:20 PM


Right now I'm a nurse.
I got an undergraduate degree in Design and Technical Theater with a concentration in costume. Then said "Naaaahhhh... I think I'll go do stuff that isn't much fun at all for the next decade or so!" for a few reasons.

After spending way too much time on the sharp and pointy end of customer service in various guises. I spent two glorious years at home as a mom, and then got stupid again and went to nursing school. (Surprise! More customer service!) I'm currently Nurse Manager/Charge Nurse/Call line nurse/whatever else at a clinic through a temp agency. I'm trying to decide in which direction my next career change should go, as I definitely don't want to do this nurse thing when I grow up.
I'm going on an interview on Wednesday to see about a change of scenery at a new practice. I hope it's an improvement, because I like regular paychecks but don't want the same exact headaches under a different hat.

A job where I could wear a Wash shirt and a Jayne hat... hmm.. that could be interesting.
I could've done it when I was a stay at home mom.. but I didn't know about the 'verse back then. Missed opportunities, alas.


Friday, February 5, 2010 7:41 PM


Full-time student majoring in Sports Management with minors in Business Administration and Communication.

Hobbies are paintball and hockey.


Friday, February 5, 2010 8:22 PM


Wow, we have people from all walks of life here!
Boris, I really respect your a former life I worked as a clinical assistant (on-call), and did some urgent care shifts, and the sick children and infants were just the hardest to work with for me. The rest I liked, but that took a lot out of me. Currently I work for a defense contractor focusing on environmental issues for the Services. My free time I pretty much spend reading, horseback riding, and I'm a part time student as well (MBA).
I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up.


Friday, February 5, 2010 9:14 PM



I have a small production company (12 employees). Mostly educational media, documentaries, and small animation gigs. We've been working on a feature film as a side project for a few years. Last year we started working on it full time. We are mixing the film at Skywalker Ranch (geek dream come true) this summer with their best mixer (Gary Rizzo). We have Gina in the line up for the cast and some great Grammy winning musicians doing the music. It is kind of my dream job.

We actually went into development in 2000 on this. When Firefly came out we were floored because there were so many similarities. The original 3D build outs of our cop vehicles look almost exactly like a Firefly class ship! (I'll post an image soon)

We have a couple of projects in development. Love to read some stuff by Cybersnark and TheSomnambulist.

My hobbies besides raising 3 kids? I have a 15 acre farm here on the Hamakua coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. We're trying to get our carbon foot print to as close to zero as possible. I also love SCUBA diving. If I'm going to leave these islands, it is for either a film gig or a dive trip.


Saturday, February 6, 2010 5:26 AM


Here's to living the dream!


Saturday, February 6, 2010 6:24 AM


Another IT geek, here. Programmer with the company known to many as "The Mouse". Actually a very progressive and enjoyable company to work for, with great benefits and a fun work atmosphere.

Hobbies are playing hammered and mountain dulcimer, doing websites for Girl Scouts and others, and tutoring in ESL. I have pretty much been a part of a Mexican family for several years, now, tutoring the father and visiting the rest of the family in Mexico several times. Great food and fun!


Saturday, February 6, 2010 6:51 AM


By day: Assistant Producer/Education Coordinator of a planetarium, which means that I do school planetarium shows for kids PK-12 (and the public too), as well as photograph, develop and produce hundreds of 35mm slides for planetarium shows.

By night: I do Slumber Parties, which are fun Ladies Night Out's. I show off lotions and lingerie and things that go buzz in the night *wink wink* in the MD/DC/VA area. Go to for more info :-)

Hobbies: Belly dancing, reading, mythology

No power in the 'verse can stop me!


Saturday, February 6, 2010 8:29 AM


Livin' the dream is what its about! :)


Saturday, February 6, 2010 1:57 PM


A lot of the stuff I'd like to grow does not like winter here. Something about a killing frost just makes citrus and figs throw in the towel. I can't even get rosemary to overwinter at this latitude.

We do, however, get kick-ass apples. It's a trade-off.

The next time you devour a ripe mango you just plucked from your own back yard, think of me.

I simply cannot look at your avatar without thinking "Electric Broccoli".


Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:16 PM


Will do. Plenty of mango blossoms right now. At night the air is heavy with the aroma.

We have about a dozen old growth mango trees (about 100-150 years old). The fruit is small, but the trees produce some serious tonnage. Each tree is about 100' tall and has an 8' foot trunk.

I like Electric Broccoli!


Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:41 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Mangolo:
I have a 15 acre farm here on the Hamakua coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. We're trying to get our carbon foot print to as close to zero as possible. I also love SCUBA diving. If I'm going to leave these islands, it is for either a film gig or a dive trip.

How is the vog affecting you there? I've read a few stories in the last year in the Star Bulletin about the vog just decimating all these farms. Hope it's not too bad at where you are.

BTW, great stuff you're doing on Love & Sax. Was blown away the first time I read about the project on TechHui. Keep up the great work!


Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:53 PM



Originally posted by Haken:
How is the vog affecting you there? I've read a few stories in the last year in the Star Bulletin about the vog just decimating all these farms. Hope it's not too bad at where you are.

BTW, great stuff you're doing on Love & Sax. Was blown away the first time I read about the project on TechHui. Keep up the great work!

The vog was bad for about two weeks here on the Hamakua, but Ka'u and South Kona had it really bad.

Mahalo for the kudos. I really can't wait to get it done!


Saturday, February 6, 2010 5:11 PM


I get paid for doing tech support in a call center. When I'm not doing that, I'm making movies. Someday I'll get paid for that, but probably not very soon.

"Always be yourself. Unless You suck." - Joss Whedon


Sunday, February 7, 2010 9:13 AM


Govt. (fed) water treatment plant operator.

passoniatetly indifferent


Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:42 AM


I work at a pool supply retailer but the hardest work and all the headaches come from nursing school.

its funny when you say you're a-ok-MCS



Monday, February 8, 2010 1:50 AM


I have alot of respect for nurses, ward aids clinical assistants etc anyone that works in clinival environments. I learned alot of valuable practical stuff from nurses when I did my acute adult placement for speech path. One of them even taught me how to suction a trachy patient, but I'm not actually allowed to do that until i get "proper training"( what better training is there?)
I love that I'm not the only one who doesn't feel like they've grown up yet. It took me 20 years between university degrees to decide on speech pathology, though some friends keep wondering why I'm not a textile artist as I have some talent in that area.
paintball and hockey,two things I'd like to get friends refuse to go to paintball with me. they think I'd be too agressive and competitive with a weapon in my hand...phooey I'd be restrained. I played Hockey once in year 9 and the PE teacher never let me play again because I scared the other girls. I didn't hurt anyone I just seemed agressive. The year 12 girls who coached hockey wanted to put me on a team, but they were outranked. I was sooo disappointed as it was the only competitive sport I was interested in.


Monday, February 8, 2010 3:25 AM


Aw, I can sorta sympathize with the hockey thing. I discovered roller hockey in high school (after hating every other competitive sport I tried) and LOVED it. It was only a gym elective and my district didn't have a hockey team of any sort, but my immediate thoughts were "why the hell DON'T we? This is the best fun EVER!!!" Would've been awesome to get into that for at least some amount of time.

Hell, in that class being aggressive was practically a requirement XD we padded the walls and just pummeled each other.


Monday, February 8, 2010 5:32 AM


I’m quite sure that the attraction of Firefly has appealed to many people from many avenues of life. My story is no different.

I worked 14 years for 2 major oil companies, both would be known to most folk if I did name them. One took over the other in the mid 80s and I continued to work for my new employer at that time until layoffs in the early 90s, at which point I became employed by a synthetic rubber producing company. Have worked for this particular company 17 years and hope to be finishing up soon.

In 31 years I have worked as a warehouse person, painter, refining unit operator, tank farm operator, laboratory technician, equipment operator and currently am in charge of the tail end of a processing area and am responsible for 10 employees.

I found FF soon after renting the BDM on dvd and have become a major fan ever since. I love the people, love the fans and respect all the actors and creative force behind the show. Joss’ sincerity in the bonus material of Serenity convinced me to rent and watch Firefly and it is something I will never regret. I consider myself a browncoat through and through and at some time in the future would like to meet many of my acquaintances here from Will it happen? Not sure that it will , but I would like for it to. If I ever make a convention I’ll be the one with the “Z” nametag, fair warning……



Monday, February 8, 2010 7:46 AM


As some of the Real-Worlders can tell you, I work for a Member of Parliament in Canada. The equivalent to the US Congressperson. But I'm thinking about changing professions to a job I can do in the afternoon/evening, because of sleep issues. Anyone have any ideas?

Most of my spare time goes to training for roller derby. Right now my focus is being able to jump over an obstacle (as I am a pansy-ass, and am scared to jump).

People before profits


Monday, February 8, 2010 9:40 AM


Been working for over 30 years as an Industrial Maintenance Mechanic/ Electrician. I fix stuff in factories, large or not so much.

I have a BA in Theatre Arts, I wanted to be a Scene /Lighting designer, stage Manager or stage hand. Couldn't get a job at any of that...

Hobby wise, theatre, art, books, baseball, model trains, and computers. I learned to program a long time ago, in a couple of languages as dead as Aramaic, and I still dabble at it, when the mood strikes.


Monday, February 8, 2010 11:12 AM



Originally posted by UnabashedVixen:
As some of the Real-Worlders can tell you, I work for a Member of Parliament in Canada. The equivalent to the US Congressperson. But I'm thinking about changing professions to a job I can do in the afternoon/evening, because of sleep issues. Anyone have any ideas?

Most of my spare time goes to training for roller derby. Right now my focus is being able to jump over an obstacle (as I am a pansy-ass, and am scared to jump).



Monday, February 8, 2010 12:03 PM


Unabashed vixen: I'd love to do roller derby...but am too dyspraxic to skate...have tried and tried but just can't get it. I think it's the idea of balancing and moving on both legs, as I have the same problem with skiing, ( and walking somedays) though the one time I tried snowboarding I was ok (not brilliant and I had some spills but I managed) Afterschool care is an afternoon job, or you could become a disabilities worker and do afternoon/evening shifts. or work in restaurants etc. or start your own business, then you could choose your hours.


Monday, February 8, 2010 1:43 PM


I'm in the Bay Area of California as a college student at an art school. It's my forth year of college, but I transferred into here two years ago to go for my Bachelors in Classical Animation (2d) with an Emphasis in Storyboarding/Visual Development. We're not allowed to double major but I'm preparing to take animal anatomy/creature design classes so I can also have that under my belt.

Basically I'm a preproduction monkey. I set up the project concept/story/shot wise before it's handed off to the animators. We don't get a whole lotta credit (hence there aren't too many of us out there), but it's fun and I can branch out into live action films/TV and eventually become a director. Essentially that's my goal, creator/director with studio backing or my own independent studio.

Hobbies? sleeping, writing, drawing, prop fabrication, muppet building, watching TV, singing, being a college student :) Summers I usually teach art to kids at a summer camp too.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Monday, February 8, 2010 1:59 PM


Its weird when you guys talked about the hockey thing. I loved hockey in school and everyone loved watching the girls hockey games in gym class. We were able to push each other around and go crazy. I sooo wish I could join a real field hockey team.

It was good too because no one ever got out of control or stupid. We all knew there were no hard feelings it was just part of the game.

And for topics sake. I'm just a temp doing whatever I can now. But I'm going to school for Information Technology with a concentration in Networking. I already have a bachelors in criminology so maybe I can do other stuff like cyber crime or IT security too.






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