DragonCon Report w/Photos!

UPDATED: Monday, September 13, 2004 02:33
VIEWED: 9138
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:08 PM


Hey all,

Long time Firefly fan, first time poster, with a report from DragonCon 2004. Got there early on Friday and raced down to the autographing area to getautographs for my Mom, the truest kind of Firefly fan who showed me the series while it was still airing.

Anyway, on Friday there was barely anyone there and it was great because I got to spend a few minutes with Nathan, Adam, and Jewel, all of whom are class acts. I told them how my Mom bought three of the DVD sets when they came out just to keep Firefly alive and they were so genuinely grateful.

I was REALLY NERVOUS to approach them, a first for me, as I have never gotten starstruck before, even in the face of other celebs. But Nathan I think saw my apprehension and called out to me first. "Hi," he said and stood up and introduced himself with an upraised arm and shook my hand. A real first class man.

Nathan asked me my name, thanked me, and signed a photo for my Mom which read, "To Ann, Stay Shiny - Shoot First!" He told me to thank her.

Then I got to talk with Jewel, who really took time to listen to me and signed a photo which read, "To Ann, Thank you so much for your support! I hope you enjoy Serenity!"

Then Adam Baldwin and I shared a funny non-verbal exchange as a wayward and confused Star Wars fan got between me and the table and started literally mumbling and muttering while Adam tried to explain to him he was in the wrong place and the Star Wars celebs were elsewhere. The man continued to mill around for a good two minutes, all the while Adam and I exchanging creeped out glances to one another. It was really funny. Then he signed a photo for my Mom.

Later, I went to the Firefly panel where I watched their comedic antics and got to ask them a question! I asked Nathan what Mal's character would be like in Serenity, whether he would remain the comedic Captain from the series or revert back to the harder, colder captain from the pilot episode that Fox didn't like. After I asked the question, the three of them all nodded and Nathan and Jewel both said, "Good question." That made me feel good.

Nathan answered by saying that Joss Whedon had made the choice to pull Mal back a little, bring him closer to the harder Mal for the upcoming film. It was cool b/c he remembered me from earlier and looked right at me the whole time he answered my question. I think we'll still see some comedy from Fillion though...

Nathan also said that sas an actor, he had always wanted to shoot a gun, shoot someone, get shot, and ride a horse, and that he was so happy to have done all of them in the first episode of Firefly. Then he said that now his goal was for a horse to shoot him! Lots of laughs from the audience and his fellow cast members.

I also went to the Saturday panel, but I was late due to some confusion. Got to see the last twenty or so minutes of it. Good stuff from the three of them as always!

I missed the Sunday panel, but took the opportunity to get some photos of them signing autographs and get my picture taken with Nathan Fillion. He remembered me once again, and what was really funny was, after I got a picture with him, he asked if he could get a picture of me and my friend! So, he took a picture of us! What a great guy and I couldn't have been more humbled by his genuine kindness and enthusiasm.

I have posted two pages of pictures I took on Sunday here:

Enjoy guys! And as Nathan wrote to my Mom, "Stay Shiny! Shoot first!"


They say that mercy is the sign of a great man...STAB...Guess I'm just a good man...STAB...Well, I'm all right.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:14 PM


What an amazing first post,and great pictures--I am so there next year.VERY F'N SHINY!

"Hamsters is nice."


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:19 PM


America loves a winner!

Nice pics and post too! Thanks for sharing.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:33 PM


Thanks for your post. I heard the mp3 of the first panel, and thought your question was the best--it's exactly the kind of thing I wanted to know. Well done, and if you remember anymore cool stuff, post it for those of us tragically unable to attend. . . .

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:47 PM



Where can I access the mp3 you mentioned? I would love to have that for my archive!



Wednesday, September 8, 2004 1:26 AM


Hey FireflyJunkie, excellent pictures! Some posed, and some of them just talking. Do you have any more you didn't post?

I was at the panels on Friday and Saturday. I heard your question, and I thought it was a good one too. Wasn't that a great panel? I believe, though no positive, that he also added that:

(hope this isn't too spoilery)

The reason Mal pulls back a little in Serenity is that some things have happened in the intervening months that are affecting him. He didn't specify.

Here are a few pics from the panel: www.animateanimal/dragoncon/2004
I'll put a gallery up later of more. Frances came through and I'm still without power at home. :(

I finally went to the Walk of Fame on Sunday, and met Jewel Staite. I asked if they were expecting the kind of response they got here, and she said they had NO idea it would be like that. They couldn't believe people were waiting to get in on Friday, which is of course why they moved Saturday's panel to the largest room, and that still filled up.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 1:56 AM



Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:07 AM


Judging by the pictures,It's Good to know that Jewel shakes her snapple bottle the cool way.....(I love the 90's VH1 reference there....never mind me)


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:49 AM



Nathan did say that about the 8 month gap between the last epsiode and the film being the reason behind the regression of Mal's character into the edgier version.

I just didn't know if I should have said that in the first post. It is pretty vague though, so it shouldn't bother anyone here.



Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:29 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site FireflyJunkie! Great to have you w/ us. Thanks for sharing your post w/ us on what you saw & did at the Con.

We are already in the planning stages for next years Dragon Con. We are hoping to have a dedicated Firefly/Serenity fan suite for parties, DVD viewings, mingling of Browncoats, and to invite any and all of the BDHs that show up for the Con.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:40 AM


Count me in! Oh, and sorry about the picture pages being offline. I hate geocities for it's data allocation limits, but just wait a little and the page should be available again.

I scanned the photos big for detail. Geocities doesn't like big...



Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Pics look great Mike! I will put you down for next year. Hopefully we will be able to plan a lot more Firefly fan events. We are working on a fan suite for 2005.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 5:20 AM


Just a bit of trivia for ya. I worked in the con media/ops room so I was there after the Friday Firefly panel.

Scheduling, Facilities and Tech Ops all came into the room, babbling at the top of their lungs while pointing at the schedule for the next day. Apparently what had happened was that the Friday Firefly panel was put into the Centennial 1 Ballroom. For those who have never been to D*C, that will seat about 300 to 400 people or so. They filled the room, put people standing against the wall and STILL had to close the doors and not let another seventy-five to a hundred people in. So everyone was trying to figure out a way to move the Saturday panel into the Centennial 2-3 Ballroom, which can hold almost double Centennial 1.

The punchline here is that the figured it out, made the swap and the staff STILL ran out of room for the panel. Houston, we have a fandom. I think it's a pretty safe bet that they'll be asked back next year.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 5:48 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by arkhamrefugee:
Just a bit of trivia for ya. I worked in the con media/ops room so I was there after the Friday Firefly panel.

Scheduling, Facilities and Tech Ops all came into the room, babbling at the top of their lungs while pointing at the schedule for the next day. Apparently what had happened was that the Friday Firefly panel was put into the Centennial 1 Ballroom. For those who have never been to D*C, that will seat about 300 to 400 people or so. They filled the room, put people standing against the wall and STILL had to close the doors and not let another seventy-five to a hundred people in. So everyone was trying to figure out a way to move the Saturday panel into the Centennial 2-3 Ballroom, which can hold almost double Centennial 1.

The punchline here is that the figured it out, made the swap and the staff STILL ran out of room for the panel. Houston, we have a fandom. I think it's a pretty safe bet that they'll be asked back next year.

You are so right Arkhamrefugee. I was stunned to see that they had standing room only in Centennial II & III for the Firefly panels. People were turned away because the room capacity was reached (and then some!).

Next year when the movie is a big hit I think we will see a lot more Firefly fans then we did this year.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:53 AM


Judging from the fact that last years one and only Firefly Fan panel was SRO I think we might of had an inkling that with 3 BDH's showing up Centennial 1 would be too small, but nobody asked me...

Can't wait till next year... Centennial's 1, 2 and 3 will be ours (insert evil laugh)


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:54 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
We are already in the planning stages for next years Dragon Con. We are hoping to have a dedicated Firefly/Serenity fan suite for parties, DVD viewings, mingling of Browncoats, and to invite any and all of the BDHs that show up for the Con.

It sounds like you guys had a blast. It also sounds like you guys impressed our BDH's and the con organizers so hopefully there will be an even bigger Firefly presence next time. Mark me down for next year BC1. I tried my best to be there this year, but alas it did not work out. Hell nor high water will keep me from the con next year.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:15 AM


Curses! I couldn't download the pictures! CURSES!


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:20 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

CaptainCDC wrote:


It sounds like you guys had a blast. It also sounds like you guys impressed our BDH's and the con organizers so hopefully there will be an even bigger Firefly presence next time. Mark me down for next year BC1. I tried my best to be there this year, but alas it did not work out. Hell nor high water will keep me from the con next year.

Got you down for next year CaptCDC!

We did indeed have a blast. Getting to not only see Nathan, Adam & Jewel, but to be able to talk to them, get pics and autographs made it even better. I should have my pics up later this week.

You did miss the Serenity trailer, Serenity gag reel, and the movie slide show that Adam brought in to the Firefly panel Saturday night. We were all so thrilled to see it. Adam was great and when he said he brought them to show us because we are "part of the family" I thought I was going to get choked up. The BDHs were soooooo down to earth and thoughtful it made you realize that we are all part of something very special.

FireflyGal wrote:


Judging from the fact that last years one and only Firefly Fan panel was SRO I think we might of had an inkling that with 3 BDH's showing up Centennial 1 would be too small, but nobody asked me...

Can't wait till next year... Centennial's 1, 2 and 3 will be ours (insert evil laugh)

I agree FFG. I think that we shocked not only Dragon Con w/ our sheer numbers and loyalty, but I think we shocked the BDHs as well.

I think next year that we will be turning people away again even if we have Centennial I, II & III. The movie will have been out (and a hit) by that point, which will draw even more Browncoats to the Con. I think we may very well be one of the largest fanbases at Dragon Con next year.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:24 AM


If you go here:

you will see a con report by Cardie and I added in some of my thoughts and pictures.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:37 AM


Browncoats, no power in the 'verse can stop us!!

By the way, BC1, I hope this is a given but sign me up for next DragonCon, heck, I already bought my ticket!

I too, was touched when Adam called us "family". I don't think I've ever seen an actor so into his fans and so truly grateful to US (what a switch) and Joss. You're right, BC1, Firefly fans will be the largest contingent there, I'd bet my autographed photo of Nathan on it!

Speaking of making the movie a hit (I should probably make a separate post on this but we have a captive audience) A magic number for the opening weekend that was mentioned, in order to be a "hit" was $40M. Now doing a little Browncoat math, using $8/ticket that's 5M tickets we have to get sold (or bought). Now, I'm planning on buying 1 ticket to each showing opening weekend, let's say 8 showings. That means we only need 625,000 fans to make this thing a hit, if each fan buys 8 tickets. And I'd say that's conservative based on tickets prices in high priced markets. Jewel mentioned that a fan bought out a whole theaters worth of tickets in his neighborhood already!! Wish I could do that, but alas, I'm a working class Browncoat.

I'll be trying to upload my pics too.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:42 AM


So sorry about the pics continually being down. Hey, if anyone wants the pics e-mailed to them, e-mail me at and I'll be happy to send you a zip file!

You'll get pics of the Sunday signing, with Nathan's grinning mug and Jewel shaking that Snapple bottle! Yeah, she drinks Snapple like everyone else. Oh, and you can see me with Nathan.


"They say that mercy is the sign of a great man." STAB "Guess I'm just a good man." STAB "Well, I'm all right."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
Browncoats, no power in the 'verse can stop us!!

By the way, BC1, I hope this is a given but sign me up for next DragonCon, heck, I already bought my ticket!

Of course you are down for next year FFG. It wouldn't be Dragon Con without you.


I too, was touched when Adam called us "family". I don't think I've ever seen an actor so into his fans and so truly grateful to US (what a switch) and Joss. You're right, BC1, Firefly fans will be the largest contingent there, I'd bet my autographed photo of Nathan on it!

It was easy to see that Adam was touched by the outpouring of the Browncoats there, especially in the Saturday night panel. Nathan and Jewel seemed very emotional during the guest panels as well, but I did not get the opportunity to seem them interact w/ a smaller crowd of people.

I do believe that we can expect to see at least double the number of Browncoats next year, though more likely it will be more.


Speaking of making the movie a hit (I should probably make a separate post on this but we have a captive audience) A magic number for the opening weekend that was mentioned, in order to be a "hit" was $40M. Now doing a little Browncoat math, using $8/ticket that's 5M tickets we have to get sold (or bought). Now, I'm planning on buying 1 ticket to each showing opening weekend, let's say 8 showings. That means we only need 625,000 fans to make this thing a hit, if each fan buys 8 tickets. And I'd say that's conservative based on tickets prices in high priced markets. Jewel mentioned that a fan bought out a whole theaters worth of tickets in his neighborhood already!! Wish I could do that, but alas, I'm a working class Browncoat.

I don't recall the figure being mentioned, but $40 million seems like a respectable figure to me. Five million tickets across the country is not an unattainable number. I know I for one will be going to see the movie at least 6-10 times the first two opening weeks. I will also take every family member, friend and co-worker that I can take, kidnap or drag kicking and screaming to see the BDM.

With the way the fanbase has been growing since the release of the DVD, I think we can make this movie a hit. There are 13,744 fans (as of 9/8/04 @ 13:49 EST) registered at the Serenity movie site alone. As the movie gets closer, we will start to see trailers which will draw more interest, there will be Conventions, ads, and a shiny marketing campaign from Universal. Add to that the fact that Browncoats will most likely go multiple times, taking people w/ them, and we should hit that $40 million mark in two weeks without much problem.

Now, what we really need to do is have every single Browncoat push the DVD set, the BDM, and convert as many as they can in the time we have left. We only have 226 days left, and that is not as long as it seems.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 8:38 AM



Originally posted by FireflyJunkie:
So sorry about the pics continually being down. Hey, if anyone wants the pics e-mailed to them, e-mail me at and I'll be happy to send you a zip file!

Hey Mike, get my PM? I still have the pics in my temp files, and I can host them if you want.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 8:51 AM


I work in a movie theater and have for a long time. I would say $22M to $25M would be fine. That's half the budget of $50M. I would estimate approximately $20-30M in marketing is the average. To be considered a hit a movie needs to make back it's budget and marketing costs in the U.S. alone (no counting international). Didn't say it was fair but that is the general way it works. $40M would be out of the park greenlight the two sequels immediately. If it opens in the high $20's with a decent and not massive drop on the second weekend (anything below 50% would be great), then you probably also have a greenlight. The mulitplyer should be around 2.5 to 3 with a little bit of decent legs should be good.

Remember you must go opening weekend and then the second weekend. Both are very very important to gauge not only the interest but the depth of the interest.

BTW, Thursday the Firefly poster goes up in the main lobby of my theater. I can't wait to slap that puppy up.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 9:41 AM


Sure! Host them if people still want 'em! Thanks!

Guys, I know this sounds lame, but HOW DO I CHECK MY PMs? I can't find the link to see them!



"They say that mercy is the sign of a great man." STAB "Guess I'm just a good man." STAB "Well, I'm all right."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 10:16 AM


Hey BC1 and FFG, it's good to see you made it away from the con in one piece. I'm sorry I'm just getting to the boards again but It took me a day or two to recover. Had a Blast and am looking forward to next year. And put me down for around 10 tickets opening weekend. I'll be posting some info soon. I'm heading out of work but I'll post when I get home. See you all soon.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 11:59 AM


Hi JadeHand, Glad you survived the Con. I'm counting the days till next year already.

"Of course you are down for next year FFG. It wouldn't be Dragon Con without you."
Hey BC1, thank you for the sentiment

The 40M I heard was actually from Jewel's husband Matt, when I was at the table talking with them. May or may not be accurate but if the 20-25M is more accurate, then it's a done deal! We Browncoats can do that with one hand tied behind our back.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 12:15 PM


Update on FireflyJunky's pictures -

If geocities won't let you see them here:

try this:

Nice ones Mike!


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 1:14 PM



"They say that mercy is the sign of a great man." STAB "Guess I'm just a good man." STAB "Well, I'm all right."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 1:48 PM


Thanks for all that great info. I don't think we'll have any trouble getting those numbers and more!!
As soon as that poster goes up, PLEASE take a picture and post it!! I'm wondering if you work for a large chain, will that poster go up at all their theatres. I'd love to see if they put one up here locally. I'll go see ANYTHING showing, just to get a first peek at it.

I know I'll be doing my part to make those first two weeks' numbers happen!

Keeping Serenity Flying!!

"It's pretty much down to ritual suicide, lambytoes."


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:03 PM


I also want to thank you guys for posting info and pics. It means a lot...especially since I didn't get to go to DragonCon this year *pouts* *crosses arms over chest*

BTW, I'm converting (along with everyone I come in contact with, of course) people in my English class. We had to give a speech about ourselves and I pretty much just ended up talking about Firefly, the movie, and so on. Some were openly interested and full of questions--including my teacher.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 4:03 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Jadehand:
Hey BC1 and FFG, it's good to see you made it away from the con in one piece. I'm sorry I'm just getting to the boards again but It took me a day or two to recover. Had a Blast and am looking forward to next year. And put me down for around 10 tickets opening weekend. I'll be posting some info soon. I'm heading out of work but I'll post when I get home. See you all soon.

Hey Jadehand! Glad to see you back on the board.

Yeah, the wife & I made it home okay. Frances chased us all the way home. We hit heavy rain, high winds, and poor visibility from Columbia, SC all the way to the Virginia border. It caused some major delays, but no serious problems.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:16 AM


Hey BC1,
Glad you guys got home ok, we hit the same yuck heading south. One of the guys in our group is a professional truck driver so he got us through no sweat. See you guys in 360 days or so


Thursday, September 9, 2004 8:09 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
Hey BC1,
Glad you guys got home ok, we hit the same yuck heading south. One of the guys in our group is a professional truck driver so he got us through no sweat. See you guys in 360 days or so

Yeah we made it home okay FFG. My wife does not care for wet weather driving, so she was on edge most of the way home, but other than that we did alright.

How about you? ShinyHappy said they were without power until yesterday. Do you have power? Any damage from Frances in your area?

360 days and counting.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:53 AM


Power came back on the next morning, the most it was out was for 24 hours (luckily). Now here comes Ivan the Terrible.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 4:30 PM



Originally posted by arkhamrefugee:
...the Friday Firefly panel was put into the Centennial 1 Ballroom. ... They filled the room, put people standing against the wall and STILL had to close the doors and not let another seventy-five to a hundred people in.

So did anyone out there who was turned away go into Centennial 2/3 and try to listen through the wall? That was the Opening Ceremonies and Friday ARTC show.


Friday, September 10, 2004 12:39 AM


Well... that was a fantastic first post, can't wait to see what you're going to come up with next. :)
Is it just me or has someone been messing with Nathan's hair color? (possibly nathan, possibly the hair department for the movie)I'd really like to know. Like the scruffy look on him. :)



Friday, September 10, 2004 3:55 AM


I'd post my pictures, but I don't know how to post them here.

*Went down to the Walk of Fame early Friday and Nathan and Adam were there by themselves with no one around. I paid for two pictures and talked to Nathan. The BrownCoat table had given me a Firefly poster which I showed him and told him I was putting up in the lobby of my theater on Thursday and that I would do all I could to get butts in the seats at least at my theater. I thanked him for coming and told him how much I appreciated him posting on the internet. He was really pleased I enjoyed what he posted. I just remember intense eye contact and the fact that the is really "pretty" (and he would agree with me in a fun way). He is also very slender and I think I was expecting more beefed up. I thanked him for his time and asked him for his picture and he said sure go for it.

*Moved over to talk to Adam. Told him I really enjoyed Jayne but that I also got a big kick out of his appearance on SG-1. He was really delighted I had noticed that role and said he had a great time on that gig. Took his picture after I asked and thanked him.

I was about to leave when I realized I totally forgot to ask White Tiger's question. That is when I apologized to Nathan for taking his time (but no one was in line). But I asked, got the response, thanked them again (yes I was into babbling at this stage) and ran away.

*Fan Tables -- The 501st StormTroopers had a game going all weekend that will play into later with Nathan. You got handed a Droid Badge that you had to wear (not hide) and if a Stormtrooper in full uniform with helmet came up and asked you how long you had those droids, you had to answer and hand over the badge. They had a game going. I managed to keep mine all of 2 hours before I got nabbed (sneaky stormtroopers).

The Browncoat table was pretty cool. They had lots of flyers and a great postcard for Kaylee made up. The SouthPark picture above was from a guy who used to do the Firefly Southpark takes who very sadly passed away. Adam stopped by the table and signed it. It was really cool.

*Panels: Firefly Panels were the best hands down I think I have ever been to. It started out Friday night and I got there very early which I'm glad I did. I remember sitting there and the event coordinator saying she didn't think they would fill the room for Nicole or Firefly afterward. This is the second or third biggest room in the place. Well did they get surprised. Much to their credit they put them in the biggest rooms afterwards and both times the place was to capacity. Impressions from the Firefly panels and of the single panel Nathan did on Buffy:

-Adam singing Jaynestown.
-Nathan saying his Caleb accent came from his friend he knew from his soap opera days who talked like that when he got drunk.
-Nathan's list of things the wanted to do: shoot a gun, get shot, ride a horse, shoot a horse and the fact he did it all in the pilot of Firefly. Now he just wants to have a horse shoot him and he will be all set.
-A girl getting nervous at the microphone and saying it was because he was so pretty.. the laughter... and then him turning around and saying it was true to much laughter.
-Jewel being a girly girl and Morena being the tomboy.
-Jewel would come as Jessica Rabbit if she could dress up at a con.
-Adam having to leave to go to South America for a job I think.
-Nathan's hair being done up so pretty for his stint on Firefly which had just wrapped the week before. Joss is taking some down time with his family and then is going to start cutting the movie together.
-The same guys who did the FX on the show are doing the movie.
-The music will not be the same but will be the same flavor.
-Being asked to sing the theme song and Nathan saying on no we couldn't possibly and oh 1-2-3 and they all burst into song.
-The observation that Nathan seems to have become the leader off set as well as on. Jewel said Alan, she and I think Morena were sitting around and Nathan comes by and says Craft Services has sandwiches let's go and they all get up and go and half way there Alan asks why the heck are they following him?
-Jewel realizing that she does that and right after that Nathan tells her to pick the next question and she does and then laughs.
-Later she asks Nathan if it is ok to tell a story and then laughs about why she asked his permission.
-That they were so thoughtful to hand out gifts to people who asked questions: continuity poloroid shots, alliance money and a hand comm.
-Favorite lines from the show: Adam's I'll be in my bunk, Jewel's I can't remember, Nathan's was Huh?
-Favorite scene between Nathan and Jewel is in Out of Gas about the broken part.
-Nathan's eeehh he would do it again if he could was the whole episode of Shindig. He said he had worked 3 weeks straight with zero time off and they had been 13-15-16 hour days and he felt he didn't give it his all for that entire episode.
-Jewel said it was something she said to Simon. I can't quite remember but she had taken a cold tablet as she was so sick and she felt like she was really high during that scene and it didn't come out well.
-Adam said his first scene was with Dobson and he didn't know his character as well as he should have. He should have sat on Dobson's lap and held the knife to this throat. It would have been much better.
-Speaking of Dobson, Nathan said that Jayne set the whole getting Dobson free up to test the Captain and to have him be forced to deal with Dobson.



Friday, September 10, 2004 4:00 AM


Man I'm rambling on more than I thought.

*The guy sitting up the flipping of the bird of Nathan. He said he and Jewel had the contest and Nathan had gotten her last on the gag reel. So when he got asked a question, he would stand up on his chair, and say: "On behalf of Jewel" (then everyone would get to their feet), "we at Dragon*Con salute you" and everyone would flip Nathan the bird. He happened better than anyone could have possibly planned. Nathan turned red, his jaw hit the table, he couldn't think of what to say. Jewel just shrugged her shoulders and looked adorable. Adam was laughing so hard he was red in the face and flipping off Nathan. Nathan finally figured what to say: "that's f**ked up". Funniest thing I think has ever happened there. First question asked. It was stunningly great.

*Nathan talking about the 501st storm troopers and how when cornered for his badge he said "hey look jawas" and when they turned to look he ran. Of course he ran right into another group of stormtroopers who got his badge. He also went about 10 minutes over schedule and they came and dragged him off stage with his hands up. He made Jewel take a picture of him.

NOTE Possible small spoilers:

*We will get to know more about Book and River in the movie. The movie starts about 8 months after the show ends.

*There is something animated going to be released before the movie that fills in about the missing 8 months.


*Jewel's scene she is most proud of was the one in the Engine Room with Early. It was the most difficult but she was very proud of it.

*Nathan liked the scene where he sees Serenity for the first time as the moment when he knew the character and the love for the series he would have.

*It's always Summer's fault even if she isn't there. That is an inside joke they always use. If they flub a line they yell "Summer!".

*Jewel kept her hammock, one of the comms, some alliance money and the sign from her quarters door that says Kaylee's Room. Adam kept his knife and all the t-shirts. Nathan kept some money, his fake gun and holster and the part from Out of Gas. Alan T kept the red button and gave it to Joss and told him if they ever need them to press it and they will all come running.

*There will be no return to the series even if the movies do well. Fox has it in the contracts with Universal that they can't do that. However, if the movie opens well (APRIL 22nd!!!!), then they (Universal) will greenlight two more movies. This movie has got to open to about $20-25M for it to be considered a greenlight for more movies. Get everyone you know to the theater opening weekend. Go more than once!

*Joss wrote the movie as a standalone so anyone off the street can understand it, but Firefly fans won't be disappointed. He more or less worked backstory in that will be new to fans, and will help the newbies so we both should be satisfied.

*Nathan plans to take time off and sit on his butt. It's also his favorite passtime when not working.

*Somebody asked their Porn Names? I can remember Jewel's starts off with Rainbow but can't remember the last part. I certainly remember Nathan's: Chip 75.

*I talked to Jewel very quickly as word had gotten around they were there and I didn't want to seem too big a stalker. She is even more freaking pretty in person.

*I was at the Browncoat table after the Friday night panel and somebody says "excuse me" and I turned around to get out of the way and it was Nathan Fillion! I was oh my god! But just said sure and scooted out of the way. Jewel was right behind and Adam was there too. Adam is very tall. Jewel is really slender but in a healthy way and did I mention even prettier in person and Nathan is slighter than I imagined stil taller but not as tall as Adam. I understand Adam showed the gag reel and some other highlight tape somewhere to the browncoats but I never did see it.

*Jewel was really glad to get the job with Firefly especially when they told her to add weight. She had lost weight by the time the movie came around and was worried Joss wouldn't be happy but he said he was cool with it.

*Nathan about the nekkidness in Trash. He said usually he would get a heads up a couple of months out, he would really hit the gym, no more candy bars, push away the Dr. Peppers and get ready. However, for Firefly it was "Nathan on Tuesday you have to do this". No stunt butts were used, it was all him. On the coldness level he said "turtle who was really scared". At another point he mentioned his mom had seen an actor taking off his shirt and was tut-tuting over that and hoped he didn't have to do that. Then Nathan is pretending to look at the Trash script going, no, I don't have to do that. It's hard to describe but it was really funny.

*Nathan used to host Karoke as a job.

*Joss was worried about what the internet would say about casting Nathan, Adam, etc. in Buffy and Angel. Nathan said it was nepotism and he was all for it. What's the use of knowning Joss if you can't work with him

*When asked about merchandising Jewel said she would like to see a doll that when you press it's tummy it says "shiny". Nathan wasn't to keen on the doll issue seeing as how they could be place in compromising positions. However, they all agreed a Universal ride would indeed be shiny and went on to plan it out. It was cool.


Friday, September 10, 2004 2:39 PM


Wow Movieimp, thanks for the extended ramblings and musings - I'll haven't even finished them yet. What I've read really refreshes my memory.

Here's even more panel photos, and most of the ones I took at the Friday and Saturday panels:

and don't forget FireflyJunky's pics:


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:14 PM


Thanks for the refresher. Some other bits that I can recall that I don't recall reading just now:

Jewel's other reaction to the en mass birding: "I win."

Adam also has the head of the statue from Jaynestown.

Jewel was disappointed that the reconstructed engine room set didn't have the Crazy Ivan lever.

Jewel told a Summer anecdote which basically had her (Summer) cutting a bagel she was holding with a plastic fork and cutting into her hand, causing a lot of bleeding. According to Jewel, her reaction was a mildly surprised "oh".

Nathan surmises that in each of the crew members of Serenity, there is an essence of personality that Mal himself has lost (and together they form Mighty Voltron, Defender of the Galaxy! Okay, I might be misremembering that last part)


Monday, September 13, 2004 2:33 AM


I just remembered one thing and it's amazing I had forgotten it:

Nathan Fillion does a spot on imitation of Christopher Walken that is down right scary.






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