Daisy Ridley Attacked by SJW Idiots

UPDATED: Saturday, August 22, 2020 03:23
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Tuesday, December 10, 2019 12:58 AM


Since we're living in clown world, can I be blamed for thinking this might actually be a marketing ploy to bring back Star Wars fans by getting them to back Daisy and buy a ticket as a big Fuck You to the SJW morons?

Seriously, Daisy...



Tuesday, December 10, 2019 2:17 PM


America loves a winner!

This is like worrying about fixing the barn door after the animals have already escaped.

And this just in, yet another reason to skip this movie...


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 3:43 PM


Well at least we got "End Game" and "Joker" this year. The SJW's are already bitching about the new "Goast Busters" teaser trailer already. BTW, the flick looks awesome.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 5:29 PM


I've got news for them as someone who suffers from seizures ANY sci-fi movie could prompt someone to have a seizure just because of the effects in them.



Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:24 PM


America loves a winner!

Disney seems to think it news worthy. They were the ones issuing the warning.

Make of that what you will.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 11:20 PM


Oh. Cool. Disney's going to be using subliminal hypnosis and flashy graphics to get people to love Star Wars again and buy the toys.

If you don't count all the kids that had epileptic seizures it worked for Pokemon, why not?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 11:22 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Disney seems to think it news worthy. They were the ones issuing the warning.

Make of that what you will.

In this case they are idiots. And yes I do realize that they think people are stupid. But people with a history and parents of children with a history of seizures know what they are getting in to when they decide to go and see a sci-fi movie.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 11:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh. Cool. Disney's going to be using subliminal hypnosis and flashy graphics to get people to love Star Wars again and buy the toys.

If you don't count all the kids that had epileptic seizures it worked for Pokemon, why not?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Not just kids Jack. Adults too. Adults too.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019 12:31 AM


I had no idea that watching your regular sci-fi movie these days was causing seizures. But then I think back to one of the first Transformers movies which was one of the last big budget sci-fi movies I've ever seen and yeah... I guess the question would be how could this crap not cause people to have seizures. You can't even tell what's going on half the time anymore.

Adults got seizures from watching Pokemon too?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, December 11, 2019 3:31 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I had no idea that watching your regular sci-fi movie these days was causing seizures. But then I think back to one of the first Transformers movies which was one of the last big budget sci-fi movies I've ever seen and yeah... I guess the question would be how could this crap not cause people to have seizures. You can't even tell what's going on half the time anymore.

Adults got seizures from watching Pokemon too?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Don't know about Pokémon Jack.

But I know I had difficulty with some of the effects in the last Star Wars movie.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019 12:18 PM


Wow. I didn't consider that would be a problem beyond giving people headaches or maybe a little motion sickness.

The Pokemon stuff was crazy. Tons of colors and flashing lights in the background during specific scenes, and a lot of kids going to the hospital for seizures.

I thought it had to be like a lot of full screen flashing to trigger a seizure. But just the flashing of space lasers can trigger it too, huh?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, December 11, 2019 12:30 PM


Well, I was definitely wrong about the reverse psychology aspect.

As far as I know, Ridley didn't apologize to any of her remarks yet (good for her), but she has now come out and said that anybody who voted for Trump is insane, when talking shit about her own PM.

So she's an anti-Brexit, anti-Trump elitist like the rest of them. How's that for subverting expectations, huh?

I'm sure that's going to play well in the lead up to a movie that a lot of people have already said they're not going to pay to see.

My prediction is that Bob Iger is not going to be occupying that seat much longer. They're going to replace him with a stunning and brave female, but at the same time she's going to get her idiot actors to STFU and keep their political opinions to themselves going forward so Disney doesn't continue to hemorrhage money on franchises that should have been money trees for decades to come.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, December 11, 2019 1:16 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow. I didn't consider that would be a problem beyond giving people headaches or maybe a little motion sickness.

The Pokemon stuff was crazy. Tons of colors and flashing lights in the background during specific scenes, and a lot of kids going to the hospital for seizures.

I thought it had to be like a lot of full screen flashing to trigger a seizure. But just the flashing of space lasers can trigger it too, huh?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yes, and it can be lots of bright flashes going at high speed that if someone has a seizure disorder can cause them.

In a child it can be hard to know what could possibly trigger a seizure, if they weren't born with them. In an adult it is a little more specific usually they are caused by a traumatic brain injury which is what the tumour is "classified" for me and what caused my seizures along with the surgery.

I haven't seen any of the later "Tron" films. Once and this was years ago, I borrowed a copy of the second one from a local library. Thought nothing of it but about 10 minutes into the film, I had to turn it off. The graphics were driving me bugging and I was worried that I would have a seizure. So, I turned it off.

At some scenes in the last Star Wars movie I had to close my eyes. Had to do that in the second prequel movie as I felt as though I was going to have a seizure. Told my neurologist what happened and he said I probably was experiencing little ones through that particular scene. It was one of the space battles. Lots of flashing and things whizzing on screen. Not nice.


Thursday, December 12, 2019 12:18 AM


Jeez... I feel for you.

Did you see Edge of Tomorrow? If you did, how did that effect you.

Just asking because it's one of the only new sci-fi movies I've seen in years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, December 12, 2019 3:26 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Jeez... I feel for you.

Did you see Edge of Tomorrow? If you did, how did that effect you.

Just asking because it's one of the only new sci-fi movies I've seen in years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Don't think I've seen that. What's it about?

That is why I am so careful about watching sci-fi even though it is my favourite movie genre.


Thursday, December 12, 2019 6:58 AM


Edge of Tomorrow?

That's one of my favorite Sci-Fi movies of all time. Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. It's the movie where he dies during a war with aliens and keeps waking up to live the same day over and over again.

If you want to see a badass chick kick ass and be totally believable about it in a movie that isn't pandering to anybody, you owe it to yourself to at least give the movie a try.

I won't say it's worth risking an epileptic seizure to watch it, but it's totally worth risking an epileptic seizure to watch it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, December 12, 2019 12:12 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Edge of Tomorrow?

That's one of my favorite Sci-Fi movies of all time. Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. It's the movie where he dies during a war with aliens and keeps waking up to live the same day over and over again.

If you want to see a badass chick kick ass and be totally believable about it in a movie that isn't pandering to anybody, you owe it to yourself to at least give the movie a try.

I won't say it's worth risking an epileptic seizure to watch it, but it's totally worth risking an epileptic seizure to watch it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Might have to see if I can find that at my local library. Could be interesting because I don't know about it.


Thursday, December 12, 2019 3:02 PM


Yeah. It's a great movie. I won't say any more about it and ruin anything for you.

I can't recall if there are any scenes in it that might be triggers, but I don't really think so. There's quite a bit of CGI in it, but it's mostly on the ground battle stuff more like Starship Troopers than Star Wars. I didn't have any problems following the action like I do when watching a lot of the movies out there today with a billion things happening on the screen at the same time. A lot of the movie outside the battle scenes is pretty chill too.

Let me know if you check it out.

Oh, BTW... an alternate title for the movie was Live, Die, Repeat. I think the box for the DVD says that very prominently, although the actual movie title is on the bottom corner of the DVD. You might want to look for both titles.

And if you like the movie even half as much as I did, I think you're going to get a kick out of the last 30 seconds of it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, December 13, 2019 1:18 AM


My wife also has a seizure disorder and there is one scene that did bother her a little bit, it takes place at night. It didn't actually trigger anything but she did look away for a minute. We both really enjoyed the movie and recommend it. (Hopefully JSF doesn't find out we're talking about it )


Friday, December 13, 2019 11:27 AM


Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, December 13, 2019 1:15 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah. It's a great movie. I won't say any more about it and ruin anything for you.

I can't recall if there are any scenes in it that might be triggers, but I don't really think so. There's quite a bit of CGI in it, but it's mostly on the ground battle stuff more like Starship Troopers than Star Wars. I didn't have any problems following the action like I do when watching a lot of the movies out there today with a billion things happening on the screen at the same time. A lot of the movie outside the battle scenes is pretty chill too.

Let me know if you check it out.

Oh, BTW... an alternate title for the movie was Live, Die, Repeat. I think the box for the DVD says that very prominently, although the actual movie title is on the bottom corner of the DVD. You might want to look for both titles.

And if you like the movie even half as much as I did, I think you're going to get a kick out of the last 30 seconds of it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Thanks Jack. I have to hit my library in the next couple of days so I will look for it.

Need something to watch with all the shows I normally watch going on Christmas break.


Friday, December 13, 2019 1:18 PM



Originally posted by Moose:
My wife also has a seizure disorder and there is one scene that did bother her a little bit, it takes place at night. It didn't actually trigger anything but she did look away for a minute. We both really enjoyed the movie and recommend it. (Hopefully JSF doesn't find out we're talking about it )

I hear ya Moose.


Friday, December 13, 2019 3:10 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Definitely EoT.
I can't even joke around about recommending the recent SW movies.


Friday, December 13, 2019 6:33 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Hey Jack. Found a copy of that Cruise movie at my local library today. It was listed under, "Live, Die, Repeat."

Checked it out and I will check it out and let you know what happens.


Friday, December 13, 2019 8:25 PM



Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Definitely EoT.
I can't even joke around about recommending the recent SW movies.

Yeah. Kind of figured.

Didn't want to make an ass of u and me.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Hey Jack. Found a copy of that Cruise movie at my local library today. It was listed under, "Live, Die, Repeat."

Checked it out and I will check it out and let you know what happens.

Nice. Hope you enjoy it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, December 14, 2019 7:56 AM


Looks like EOT is getting a sequel if this article is true.

I thought the movie was just ok, but with Ms. Blunt runnin' around all sweaty and grimy throughout, it's hard not to be glued to the screen.


Saturday, December 14, 2019 2:21 PM



Looks like EOT is getting a sequel if this article is true.

Yeah. I read about that a while back. I think JSF brought it up before. It sounds promising (that they'll make it... I'm hoping that it's not just a cash grab that ruins the first movie for me like the Matrix sequels did).

Good thing that Tom Cruise is timeless. Dude's almost 20 years older than me but somewhere along the line I went and got 10 years older than he did.


I thought the movie was just ok, but with Ms. Blunt runnin' around all sweaty and grimy throughout, it's hard not to be glued to the screen.

Can't please everybody. I'm hoping that Brenda likes it after I pumped it up as much as I did. I'm no stranger to people telling me that I gave them a shitty movie recommendation.

I love time travel stuff, and REALLY love a well told story of somebody being stuck in a time loop. I was always a huge fan of Groundhog Day when I was a kid, which was itself a re-telling of a 30 minute short film I only saw once when I was even younger called "12:01 PM". It wasn't until years later through the wonders of the internet that I was even able to find anybody else who ever saw that one, let alone actually watch it again. Dark stuff... not much comedy there. Which is quite ironic since it was only when I re-watched it about 25 years later that I realized that the main character was played by the dad on That 70's Show.

I love stories of redemption too. That's why I still have Ink at the top of my favorite movies of all time because I think it did it best, but there's something satisfying about watching a well told and well acted story of somebody who is basically a dirt bag facing adversity and realistically overcoming it. Something I imagine is not easy to do in a sci-fi setting.

I think it's one of the main reasons why most folk aren't too happy with the Disney Trilogy. There's not much enjoyment to be derived from unearned accolades.

There's one other thing that happens in the movie that I really love when it's done well, but I don't want to bring that up until after Brenda's seen it.

Blunt is a beautiful gal for sure, but it was a wise choice to have her in combat gear and not running around in a bikini or Lara Croft outfit. She's very believable in the role.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, December 14, 2019 7:59 PM


Only 6 more days until Soy Wars: The Rise of Disney!

Who's excited?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:53 PM


America loves a winner!

Spot on w/ that Nerd Crew vid!!


Tuesday, December 17, 2019 4:48 PM


I know that RedLetterMedia isn't for everybody, and a previous Nerd Crew video I put up here a year ago went over like a lead balloon, but I felt that they really have improved that particular segment of their channel and their parody of access media shills, cancel culture and SJW idiocy really shines in this one.

It's a good move for them, I think. If you watch their regular shows they seem to try to take as much of the politics surrounding things out of them as humanly possible, which opens them up to a much wider audience, and their Nerd Crew allows them to play characters that bleed out some of their real thoughts about things in a way that also successfully masks the fact they're doing that from the dimwitted media shills and followers they're parodying.

This one in particular really took a lot of shots at Disney, and some of them were textbook priceless.

The bits about the Chinese Social Credit Score and Vitamin D in particular were pure art, IMO.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, December 21, 2019 4:34 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Hey Jack. Found a copy of that Cruise movie at my local library today. It was listed under, "Live, Die, Repeat."

Checked it out and I will check it out and let you know what happens.

What is the verdict?

Somebody mentioned that some scene might be troublesome, flashing or strobing sort of light action, at night time scene. I am wondering if this is the scene approaching the Louve, via helicopter or cargo chopper, and then on the ground with some plane type fuselage. Once they get to the Louve, I think you should be OK.
I had not thought of these special effects as triggering siezures, but the reason films seem to be so dependant upon them is that they are trying to distrat, to jump focus on sparkly ball to different spots on the screen, so much of the audience cnnot keep up with all the ADHD lures. In older film this was done with snappy scriptwriting, clever plot twists, McGuffin Ploys.
At this point, I wonder if anybody has caught Tarantino resorting to the lowest level of flash-bang.


Saturday, December 21, 2019 6:58 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Hey Jack. Found a copy of that Cruise movie at my local library today. It was listed under, "Live, Die, Repeat."

Checked it out and I will check it out and let you know what happens.

What is the verdict?

Somebody mentioned that some scene might be troublesome, flashing or strobing sort of light action, at night time scene. I am wondering if this is the scene approaching the Louve, via helicopter or cargo chopper, and then on the ground with some plane type fuselage. Once they get to the Louve, I think you should be OK.
I had not thought of these special effects as triggering siezures, but the reason films seem to be so dependant upon them is that they are trying to distrat, to jump focus on sparkly ball to different spots on the screen, so much of the audience cnnot keep up with all the ADHD lures. In older film this was done with snappy scriptwriting, clever plot twists, McGuffin Ploys.
At this point, I wonder if anybody has caught Tarantino resorting to the lowest level of flash-bang.

Didn't get a chance to watch "Edge of Tomorrow" and had to recheck it out. I should be able to now that I am basically done with my visiting for Christmas.

Like I said up thread sci-fi is my favourite genre of films and that can make it tricky when it comes to picking a movie to watch because of all the effects. Too much flash and too much fast moving objects on screen and a seizure disorder, not good.


Sunday, December 22, 2019 3:59 PM


I was starting to think of films which might suit you.

Arrival is one of the best films of the past decade, it is Sci-Fi, and I don't recall things that might trigger. Not a lot of action scenes in that one. Cast includes Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forrest Whittacker.
Have you seen it?

TC also did Oblivion, which was another wonderful Sci-Fi film. They did some gizmo gadgetry with flying craft, to impress us, but I don't recall a whole pile of scenes with gobs of combat. They have lazer type weapons, but they don't run amok with them, IIRC. Also stars Morgan Freeman.
Have you seen it?

The Quiet Place also has Emily Blunt, with her husband. Aliens hear the slightest sound, so everybody must remain silent. Pretty quiet film overall. One scene had some explosions, I think. I don't know if enough to trigger. Anybody else know?

Has anybody else had feedback about these 2 films, in relation to seizure triggers?

Or other suggestions?


Monday, December 23, 2019 7:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Which movie you talking about now, Moose?

Thread kind of got de-railed here (my bad), and just want to make sure you're referring to Edge of Tomorrow now and not one of the SW movies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Hey Jack. Found a copy of that Cruise movie at my local library today. It was listed under, "Live, Die, Repeat."

Checked it out and I will check it out and let you know what happens.

What is the verdict?

Somebody mentioned that some scene might be troublesome, flashing or strobing sort of light action, at night time scene. I am wondering if this is the scene approaching the Louve, via helicopter or cargo chopper, and then on the ground with some plane type fuselage. Once they get to the Louve, I think you should be OK.
I had not thought of these special effects as triggering siezures, but the reason films seem to be so dependant upon them is that they are trying to distrat, to jump focus on sparkly ball to different spots on the screen, so much of the audience cnnot keep up with all the ADHD lures. In older film this was done with snappy scriptwriting, clever plot twists, McGuffin Ploys.
At this point, I wonder if anybody has caught Tarantino resorting to the lowest level of flash-bang.

Finished posting the links I intended, so there are 2 more.

Oh, and let's all agree to not let Moose know we were talking about EoT.


Monday, December 23, 2019 8:52 PM


Ha! I already know!

Good thing you haven't found the Wind River discussion...

I'm just messing with ya, I love how extensive your movie threads can get.


Monday, December 23, 2019 11:20 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I was starting to think of films which might suit you.

Arrival is one of the best films of the past decade, it is Sci-Fi, and I don't recall things that might trigger. Not a lot of action scenes in that one. Cast includes Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forrest Whittacker.
Have you seen it?

TC also did Oblivion, which was another wonderful Sci-Fi film. They did some gizmo gadgetry with flying craft, to impress us, but I don't recall a whole pile of scenes with gobs of combat. They have lazer type weapons, but they don't run amok with them, IIRC. Also stars Morgan Freeman.
Have you seen it?

The Quiet Place also has Emily Blunt, with her husband. Aliens hear the slightest sound, so everybody must remain silent. Pretty quiet film overall. One scene had some explosions, I think. I don't know if enough to trigger. Anybody else know?

Has anybody else had feedback about these 2 films, in relation to seizure triggers?

Or other suggestions?

I've seen "Arrival" and "Oblivion" and I don't remember anything in them bothering me. Haven't seen "The Quiet Place" would have to look it up on YouTube or at my local library.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019 11:21 PM


Jack, watched some of "Edge of Tomorrow" and yes some of the combat scenes are a little rough for me and when Cruise's character is being trained with the robots. Had to shut my eyes through those scenes.


Monday, July 6, 2020 11:33 PM


Finding spots in "Ad Astra" that are a little rough.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020 12:31 AM


I missed your post about Edge of Tomorrow, Brenda.

Sorry to hear it bothered you.

Did you struggle through it or did you have to give up?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 22, 2020 3:23 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I missed your post about Edge of Tomorrow, Brenda.

Sorry to hear it bothered you.

Did you struggle through it or did you have to give up?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I struggled through it but it isn't something I would watch again.






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