Spiderman 2 - Save Your Money

UPDATED: Friday, May 9, 2014 13:07
VIEWED: 5097
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6:02 AM


It wasn't that it was that bad, no Spiderman 2 tries to do too much in giving the Webslinger something to do besides frolic among the skyscrapers of New York.

A barely recognizable Paul Giamatti as one of the villians, used a very bad Russian accent and who's talents were wasted in this mess. Marvel must have paid a goodly sum to convince him and Dennis Leary to cameo because both gifted actors had very little to no screen time. Academy Award winner Jaime Foxx played second banana to a young actor named Dane DeHann, Harry Osborne, son to the dying Norman Osborne (Chris Cooper, who was uncredited) barely has 2 minutes of screen time. A Waste.

Car chases, explosions, building collapses and the obligatory public in danger scene, all by the numbers and what you come to expect from a Marvel superhero movie. But here's where they could have had fun with it. Don't get me wrong, there were some funny and snappy dialogue sprinkled throughout, but here's where I feel they went wrong. They took themselves too serious, then too cartoony, then too melodramatic. It didn't know what it wanted to be. In one scene, where a bad guy threatens the lives of innocent bystanders, about 20 cop cars show up in mere milliseconds. Why didn't they make a joke out of that. Maybe even a sight gag or two. Sprinkle those throughout, then maybe you got something.

Dennis Leary, as Gwen Stacy Police chief dad, shows up, courtesy of Spiderman's troubled conscience, and gives him a disapproving look, causing our hero all manner of anguish (by the way, Andrew Garfield, the star, was erratic in this role - as Spiderman he delivers, but as Peter Parker, you could actually see him "acting"). In one scene with his main squeeze, both in the movie and in real life, he contorts his face in response to a dilemma
with girlfriend Gwen Stacy. It looked rather painful and so contrived, that I heard snickering in the movie theater.

That made the 2 and 1/2 hour running time seem longer. A young kid sitting next to me asked his mother "is it gonna finish soon?" It felt like it was plodding along at times, especially during the overly dramatic scenes between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, discussing their doomed relationship. There was only one dramatic scene in the entire movie that had any kind of resonance with the audience, and proved to be a key scene, but i don't want to spoil it. I must say that Emma Stone does a fine job and acted circles around Andrew Garfield, smoothly transitioning between the dramatic scenes to the action sequences, to the lighthearted attempts at humor.

Well, you get the picture. I'm going to stop here because there are just too many to name. I was somewhat surprised at the end credits to see the name Robert Orci, as one of three screenwriters. He's the co-writer of the new installments of Star Trek, and of one of my favorites from TV, Fringe.
Maybe he's not cut out for movie script writing, or maybe there were too many cooks that spoiled the pot.



Tuesday, May 6, 2014 9:11 AM


Once I found Serenity

Not a very encouraging review.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:33 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Didn't really need your warning. I still haven't seen Raimi's third installment, nor the first of the reboot, and have no interest in changing that situation.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:53 AM


Once I found Serenity


Originally posted by ecgordon:
Didn't really need your warning. I still haven't seen Raimi's third installment, nor the first of the reboot, and have no interest in changing that situation.

Sounds like a yes vote, and you can't wait to see it?


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 12:16 PM


If only you told me sooner. That movie was a disaster. Even some of the things you liked didn't work for me. That "dramatic scene" had me in stitches. I was fighting to keep from laughing too loudly in case people were into it. It was so full of over the top cheese that it didn't ring true to me in the slightest.

The villains were a mess in this film. I'd read that they were shooting for sympathetic villains. Well maybe if they acted in any way human it would help. Instead we have these contrived characters who leave a lot to be desired.

The editing on the film seemed to be non-existent. There were long pauses where we just stare at electro. I'm guessing we're supposed to be feeling something in those scenes but his CGI face shows little to no emotion. So, there's basically nothing going on. Then there are scenes where dangerous stuff is happening that spiderman can effect but he's not actually aware of the danger. So, there's no tension. It just serves to waste screen time. They also bring up a plot involving Peter's parents that never seems relevant and by the end they just wipe it away anyway. All of that stuff could have been snipped right out to cut this thing down. Maybe then I wouldn't have been checking my watch every 15 minutes.

Ugh I went in with low expectations just because of how many villains they were cramming in the film, but since I liked the first Amazing Spider-man I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I think I'm done with this incarnation of Spidey. Call me when they reboot again.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 4:07 AM


Didn't think you would have any interest whatsoever EC, the "warning, as it were, is for those that may want to take the kiddies, or those that want to go with a group of friends (like I did). I didn't think there would be one worse than Raimi's, but I was mistaken.

Still though a good time was had by our little group as we counted the times Denis Leary appeared to frown at our "hero." Now that was truly hilarious, "poor" Denis Leary must be laughing all the way to the bank. Marvel spared no expense - Leary, Giamatti, Cooper - all for naught. There were several unintended cringe-worthy moments that I won't bother to list here, that's how bad it was.

My guess that the comic book/superhero phase will run it's course (Hollywood tends to beat a trend to death, and the flogging is far from over).



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Didn't really need your warning. I still haven't seen Raimi's third installment, nor the first of the reboot, and have no interest in changing that situation.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 4:24 AM


I went to see it on Sunday with a group of friends and my son, but I agree, this was a total mess. Afterwards we had fun picking apart the various goofy parts throughout the movie. Leary's disapproving stare won the Booby Prize hands down. What didn't surprise me was Garfield's acting, it was all over the place. How do you go from The Social Network to this fiasco?

The one saving grace: Emma Stone, she's easy on the eyes.



Originally posted by Zeek:
If only you told me sooner. That movie was a disaster. Even some of the things you liked didn't work for me. That "dramatic scene" had me in stitches. I was fighting to keep from laughing too loudly in case people were into it. It was so full of over the top cheese that it didn't ring true to me in the slightest.

The villains were a mess in this film. I'd read that they were shooting for sympathetic villains. Well maybe if they acted in any way human it would help. Instead we have these contrived characters who leave a lot to be desired.

The editing on the film seemed to be non-existent. There were long pauses where we just stare at electro. I'm guessing we're supposed to be feeling something in those scenes but his CGI face shows little to no emotion. So, there's basically nothing going on. Then there are scenes where dangerous stuff is happening that spiderman can effect but he's not actually aware of the danger. So, there's no tension. It just serves to waste screen time. They also bring up a plot involving Peter's parents that never seems relevant and by the end they just wipe it away anyway. All of that stuff could have been snipped right out to cut this thing down. Maybe then I wouldn't have been checking my watch every 15 minutes.

Ugh I went in with low expectations just because of how many villains they were cramming in the film, but since I liked the first Amazing Spider-man I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I think I'm done with this incarnation of Spidey. Call me when they reboot again.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 10:45 AM


Is saying something doesn't happen a spoiler? Bah I'll spoiler tag anyway.

Select to view spoiler:

So, I heard a good idea for the Dennis Leary cameos. They were saying it would be redeemed if they were actual illusions being created by Mysterio. Granted he'd have to somehow know who Spider-man is and have overheard the conversation between him and Captain Stacey. Still it would make those scenes far less cheesy if they're actual emotional sabotage. That would take decent writing though.

Emma Stone did a good job acting, but I felt like she didn't look as good this time around. Seemed like they really caked on the makeup this go round. Not my favorite look. Felicia was easy on the eyes though.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 11:15 AM


Once I found Serenity


Originally posted by Zeek:
Is saying something doesn't happen a spoiler? Bah I'll spoiler tag anyway.

Select to view spoiler:

So, I heard a good idea for the Dennis Leary cameos. They were saying it would be redeemed if they were actual illusions being created by Mysterio. Granted he'd have to somehow know who Spider-man is and have overheard the conversation between him and Captain Stacey. Still it would make those scenes far less cheesy if they're actual emotional sabotage. That would take decent writing though.

Emma Stone did a good job acting, but I felt like she didn't look as good this time around. Seemed like they really caked on the makeup this go round. Not my favorite look. Felicia was easy on the eyes though.

I'll wait to see it when it is the movie of the week.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 2:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Rex Reed peed on The Amazing Spider Man 2: “It is not a sequel, just another retread of tired material in a franchise that is more than ready for the big comic book bonfire. And why the title? There is nothing amazing about it.”

What is wrong with The Amazing Spider Man 2? It only got a 53 metacritic rating, which is the weighted average of opinions from the world’s most respected critics. That means the movie is neither good nor bad; it is “mixed” or “blah”.

How bad can the average Hollywood movie be? “Maybe every generation gets the Spider-Man it deserves, but must every micro-generation? . . . The project as a whole conveys a drab sense of bureaucratic necessity, a "let's get this over with" wheeziness.” --

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 3:17 PM


"The project as a whole conveys a drab sense of bureaucratic necessity, "

I think that's a HUGE part of the problem. Raimi's films had their flaws - but they were made by a real fan of the character, who wanted to see those stories translated to the screen. His first 2, at least - the third is where the suits started dictating the story (forcing Venom on him) and his unease with that situation came through in a lousy film.

This run, though, is entirely the result of corporate planning. There's no creative vision, just a business plan. And again, it shows.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov

Americans killed under Obama due to "intelligence failures": 4

Americans killed under Bush due to "intelligence failures": 7000+


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 3:28 PM


Once I found Serenity


Originally posted by second:
Rex Reed peed on The Amazing Spider Man 2: “It is not a sequel, just another retread of tired material in a franchise that is more than ready for the big comic book bonfire. And why the title? There is nothing amazing about it.”

What is wrong with The Amazing Spider Man 2? It only got a 53 metacritic rating, which is the weighted average of opinions from the world’s most respected critics. That means the movie is neither good nor bad; it is “mixed” or “blah”.

How bad can the average Hollywood movie be? “Maybe every generation gets the Spider-Man it deserves, but must every micro-generation? . . . The project as a whole conveys a drab sense of bureaucratic necessity, a "let's get this over with" wheeziness.” --

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I think it all falls to the writers, directors and the execs. that get in the way. Spider man is a hero comic book character that deserves to live. They just keep getting it wrong.

Something goes wrong with too many big budget films. They lose what is most essential, a character driven story where the characters are well developed.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 8:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by MIKER:

I think it all falls to the writers, directors and the execs. that get in the way. Spider man is a hero comic book character that deserves to live. They just keep getting it wrong.

Something goes wrong with too many big budget films. They lose what is most essential, a character driven story where the characters are well developed.

I saw a quote about the excellent actors. But the words they were given to speak . . . I don't know what to say . . .

"Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone—who have become an item in real life since the last movie, to the joy of the tabloids—seem to interact within a charmed, charged space: When they flirt with each other, it feels real. That could have been the basis for a genuinely memorable romantic storyline, but Garfield and Stone aren’t given enough good dialogue to speak. They tend to trade lovey-dovey compliments rather than screwball-comedy barbs. It’s as if there was a script meeting where someone threw up his hands and said, “Eh, just let ’em be cute together.” Stone has a knack for giving a just-OK line a dry Rosalind Russell snap, and her character, the valedictorian and molecular-biology whiz Gwen Stacy, does get in a few amusing retorts. But Garfield, a tremendously appealing and intelligent presence in The Social Network, seems misplaced and a bit wasted as a human arachnid. In a scene in which Peter pries a painful family secret out of his beloved Aunt May (a very good Sally Field), you get a glimpse at how well Garfield can act when the neoprene hood is off, and hope that when this franchise is over he takes the money and sprints in the direction of something more interesting." --

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 8, 2014 3:40 AM


Felicia was easy on the eyes though.

Oooooo, yep. I agree.

By the way, that whole Mysterio thing could actually work, but it would take some pretty damn good writing. Writing that they could have used in this installment. I read somewhere that they plan 2 more of these.......I'll wait for the video.



Originally posted by Zeek:
Is saying something doesn't happen a spoiler? Bah I'll spoiler tag anyway.

Select to view spoiler:

So, I heard a good idea for the Dennis Leary cameos. They were saying it would be redeemed if they were actual illusions being created by Mysterio. Granted he'd have to somehow know who Spider-man is and have overheard the conversation between him and Captain Stacey. Still it would make those scenes far less cheesy if they're actual emotional sabotage. That would take decent writing though.

Emma Stone did a good job acting, but I felt like she didn't look as good this time around. Seemed like they really caked on the makeup this go round. Not my favorite look. Felicia was easy on the eyes though.


Thursday, May 8, 2014 3:46 AM


Yep, it was as though Marvel said, "After you put Stan Lee in a cameo shot, we have a few other suggestions."

It was painting by numbers.



Originally posted by Storymark:
"The project as a whole conveys a drab sense of bureaucratic necessity, "

I think that's a HUGE part of the problem. Raimi's films had their flaws - but they were made by a real fan of the character, who wanted to see those stories translated to the screen. His first 2, at least - the third is where the suits started dictating the story (forcing Venom on him) and his unease with that situation came through in a lousy film.

This run, though, is entirely the result of corporate planning. There's no creative vision, just a business plan. And again, it shows.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov

Americans killed under Obama due to "intelligence failures": 4

Americans killed under Bush due to "intelligence failures": 7000+


Thursday, May 8, 2014 3:48 AM


Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! What do we have for him Johnny!



Originally posted by MIKER:

Originally posted by second:
Rex Reed peed on The Amazing Spider Man 2: “It is not a sequel, just another retread of tired material in a franchise that is more than ready for the big comic book bonfire. And why the title? There is nothing amazing about it.”

What is wrong with The Amazing Spider Man 2? It only got a 53 metacritic rating, which is the weighted average of opinions from the world’s most respected critics. That means the movie is neither good nor bad; it is “mixed” or “blah”.

How bad can the average Hollywood movie be? “Maybe every generation gets the Spider-Man it deserves, but must every micro-generation? . . . The project as a whole conveys a drab sense of bureaucratic necessity, a "let's get this over with" wheeziness.” --

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I think it all falls to the writers, directors and the execs. that get in the way. Spider man is a hero comic book character that deserves to live. They just keep getting it wrong.

Something goes wrong with too many big budget films. They lose what is most essential, a character driven story where the characters are well developed.


Thursday, May 8, 2014 3:58 AM


The writer had some good insights. Garfield was, as I said, a bit erratic in his acting, mainly in his role as Peter Parker. The scenes with Stone only managed to show how awkward and disconnected he was. Stone, on the other hand, was so good, as the writer suggested, taking the dialogue and breathing life into the words. While he struggled, she flourished. I also agree Sally Field was rock solid.
But the director, IMHO, dropped the ball in all other instances, hence the mess.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by MIKER:

I think it all falls to the writers, directors and the execs. that get in the way. Spider man is a hero comic book character that deserves to live. They just keep getting it wrong.

Something goes wrong with too many big budget films. They lose what is most essential, a character driven story where the characters are well developed.

I saw a quote about the excellent actors. But the words they were given to speak . . . I don't know what to say . . .

"Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone—who have become an item in real life since the last movie, to the joy of the tabloids—seem to interact within a charmed, charged space: When they flirt with each other, it feels real. That could have been the basis for a genuinely memorable romantic storyline, but Garfield and Stone aren’t given enough good dialogue to speak. They tend to trade lovey-dovey compliments rather than screwball-comedy barbs. It’s as if there was a script meeting where someone threw up his hands and said, “Eh, just let ’em be cute together.” Stone has a knack for giving a just-OK line a dry Rosalind Russell snap, and her character, the valedictorian and molecular-biology whiz Gwen Stacy, does get in a few amusing retorts. But Garfield, a tremendously appealing and intelligent presence in The Social Network, seems misplaced and a bit wasted as a human arachnid. In a scene in which Peter pries a painful family secret out of his beloved Aunt May (a very good Sally Field), you get a glimpse at how well Garfield can act when the neoprene hood is off, and hope that when this franchise is over he takes the money and sprints in the direction of something more interesting." --

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 8, 2014 12:08 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yep, it was as though Marvel said, "After you put Stan Lee in a cameo shot, we have a few other suggestions."

It was painting by numbers.



Originally posted by Storymark:
"The project as a whole conveys a drab sense of bureaucratic necessity, "

I think that's a HUGE part of the problem. Raimi's films had their flaws - but they were made by a real fan of the character, who wanted to see those stories translated to the screen. His first 2, at least - the third is where the suits started dictating the story (forcing Venom on him) and his unease with that situation came through in a lousy film.

This run, though, is entirely the result of corporate planning. There's no creative vision, just a business plan. And again, it shows.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov

Americans killed under Obama due to "intelligence failures": 4

Americans killed under Bush due to "intelligence failures": 7000+

Replace Marvel (who has nothing to do with these films) with Sony, and you've got it. All the studios are building their entire business model around the "mega-franchise" model that Marvel Studios (proper) has shown to be a success (Disney is using it for Star Wars, Warners for the DC universe, Fox with X-Men and FF). Sony has no viable franchise right now other than Spider-Man (a recent corporate audit named it as the one property keeping the studio afloat) - so rather than doing the hard work of trying to create a new one, they're planning to release a Spidey movie (either the main man, or a spin-off) every single year, starting in 2016.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov

Americans killed under Obama due to "intelligence failures": 4

Americans killed under Bush due to "intelligence failures": 7000+


Thursday, May 8, 2014 12:32 PM


Once I found Serenity


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Felicia was easy on the eyes though.

Oooooo, yep. I agree.

By the way, that whole Mysterio thing could actually work, but it would take some pretty damn good writing. Writing that they could have used in this installment. I read somewhere that they plan 2 more of these.......I'll wait for the video.



Originally posted by Zeek:
Is saying something doesn't happen a spoiler? Bah I'll spoiler tag anyway.

Select to view spoiler:

So, I heard a good idea for the Dennis Leary cameos. They were saying it would be redeemed if they were actual illusions being created by Mysterio. Granted he'd have to somehow know who Spider-man is and have overheard the conversation between him and Captain Stacey. Still it would make those scenes far less cheesy if they're actual emotional sabotage. That would take decent writing though.

Emma Stone did a good job acting, but I felt like she didn't look as good this time around. Seemed like they really caked on the makeup this go round. Not my favorite look. Felicia was easy on the eyes though.

Writing for a comic book is way different than writing for a movie. I think in these movies there is too much comic book writing.


Friday, May 9, 2014 2:58 AM


Writing for a comic book is way different than writing for a movie. I think in these movies there is too much comic book writing.

To Miker,

I agree. In that vein, I'm pretty impressed by the writers who have brought Thor to life.



Friday, May 9, 2014 1:07 PM


Once I found Serenity


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Writing for a comic book is way different than writing for a movie. I think in these movies there is too much comic book writing.

To Miker,

I agree. In that vein, I'm pretty impressed by the writers who have brought Thor to life.


I liked Thor, it was pretty well done. As to what SECOND write about Spiderman being ready to be retired. I would say there has been I don't know how many years of comics there as compared to movies. They just do not get it right. I think there should be more as though there never was a first one.

Serenity can only be achieved in the wilderness.






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