Edge of Tomorrow

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 20:25
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Thursday, February 19, 2015 8:50 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Fair enough. I'll rewatch & pay closer attention.

What will the Omega do with Earth after it kills all humans? Maybe do nothing.

France was a mighty quiet and sleepy place, except when Cruise woke up mimics with noisy helicopters or Cruise stepped on a sleeping mimic buried in beach sand. After all the excitement of invading Earth is over, I suppose that the Omega might not do anything with Earth because it had all the time in the world.

Now that Cruise has endless time, what is he going to do with his unlimited time? Celebrating with Emily Blunt the end of the war might get boring after too many repetitions.

Maybe he starts a war, or something equally dangerous, for the fun of it? That's a problem with eternal life -- what to do with it after the first million years and passions have cooled. See "Last Days of an Immortal" --


Thursday, February 19, 2015 10:04 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

second, your last comments don't make any sense when you consider that both Rita and Cage have lost their ability to reset time. Now they're stuck with just their one life like the rest of us poor mortals.


Thursday, February 19, 2015 10:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by ecgordon:
second, your last comments don't make any sense when you consider that both Rita and Cage have lost their ability to reset time. Now they're stuck with just their one life like the rest of us poor mortals.

Did you see the same movie I did? Cruise, who no longer has the reset time ability, kills the Omega with hand grenades. Then Cruise drowns in the blood of his vanquished enemy, the Omega. Remember, the blood is magical, giving Cruise amazing powers to reset time.

Cruise dies, only to come back to life on the morning that Victory is declared in London. He visits Rita in the very last scene, where she meets him for the first time, except for the thousand previous first times.

Now Cruise can drink as much as he wants in celebration with Rita. The cure for his hangover is to kill himself and start drinking again. It can be a drunken Victory Day forever, unless Cruise has a wiser plan.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, February 20, 2015 12:51 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I guess watching it four times wasn't enough to figure everything out. But just because Cage got his mojo back doesn't mean he'll live that long. He could be in an accident and bleed out enough to need a transfusion again. Back to being mortal.


Friday, February 20, 2015 8:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by ecgordon:
But just because Cage got his mojo back doesn't mean he'll live that long. He could be in an accident and bleed out enough to need a transfusion again. Back to being mortal.

Buffy could kill Cruise with a stake into his heart. Then his choices are cremation or burial.

The Omega, with all its resources -- thousands of Alphas and millions of mimics –- lost its magic time reset blood and died the eternal death. No more reincarnations. The same could happen to Cruise, who has only one Rita and one Scientist to save him. He better do some estate planning, sign a will and a medical power of attorney.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, February 22, 2015 11:30 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Fair enough. I'll rewatch & pay closer attention.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

Sorry, that information is incomplete. The backstory is not detailed in the film, other than what was just mentioned above your post.

I agree it should have been included at some point, but it was not. And I also did not read these books.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015 8:15 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Storymark:
Great flick. Saw it a few nights ago. Well made, a clever script, and really well staged action. Way better than most anything in theatres right now.

Unfortunately, it is no longer in my local theaters. But I agree with this at this point.



Although Mal4prez has gone off the deep end, one point was brought up, and I wonder if any others consider it valid.
When the Angel of Verdun goes through the couple thousand versions where only Cage has the experience, and she can only trust what he says, we see her reaction much of the time. When she hears it for the final time, at the end, we don't see it. Will it be a different reaction, merely because the end has come, they have victory, there is no battle or combat or death before them, where all prior versions (which we saw) the promise of death and potential extinction prevailed?
I have not yet wrapped around this entirely. I had not thought it would be different, and the reaction would be much the same as each other time we saw. But do any of you think it would have been different at the end? Not that she would not believe it, but would she have a different sense of it?

I think I forgot about my comment here. Must revisit.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015 8:33 PM


RapKnight: yes, the details were buried in the first 4 pages of this thread. Since I had an idea of what to look for, I went and found it.

To be clear, although second is listed as being quoted, I must again thank second for posting this, because it also helped my understanding and enjoyment even after many viewings.

This was posted September 10.

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Got it on Amazon................

Amazon has two versions of the digital download. The longer version is plus bonus features!
Runtime: 1 hour 54 minutes
Runtime:2 hours 8 minutes
Edge of Tomorrow will be available to rent on October 7, 2014.

FROM AMAZON REVIEW: What I like about the book over the movie is it took the time to tell the reader what Mimics are..

On a planet far, far away, a race of highly advance and intelligent beings on an over populated planet sent out nanobots to terraform a distant planet they felt could sustain their life. That planet being Earth.

Upon arriving Earth the ship broke into eight parts while the mothership remained in orbit. 4 parts fell into the sea, the rest on land. All communications from Earth were ignored. After the world's nations finished auguring among themselves it was decided that they blasted the mothership to space bits with missiles. Meanwhile In the depths of the oceans, the machines chanced upon echinoderms—starfish

The nanobots penetrated the rigid endoskeletons of the starfish and began to multiply in symbiosis with their hosts.

The resulting creatures fed on soil. They ate the world and spat out poison. Toxic to earth life but suitable to the beings that sent them. When the machines arrived on land, they concluded that in order to fulfill their objective of xenoforming the planet, they would have to remove the obstacles standing in their way.

That's where the movie starts.

The name change from "Edge of Tomorrow" to "Live Die Repeat" makes it sound like a made-for-TV movie, not a huge motion picture. Talk about a marketing department that has no idea what they're doing.

Much of the other posts were attempted discussions, bickering, and justifications about how a Field Grade Officer Commissioned by the United States Congress (Major Cage) could have his Commission revoked and all rank stripped by a Staff Non-Commissioned Officer of the United Doofus Fartwads (Sgt Farell) in a matter of hours, and how Farrell and the General were not really cowardly treasonous bastadges.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015 8:49 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
But just because Cage got his mojo back doesn't mean he'll live that long. He could be in an accident and bleed out enough to need a transfusion again. Back to being mortal.

Buffy could kill Cruise with a stake into his heart. Then his choices are cremation or burial.

The Omega, with all its resources -- thousands of Alphas and millions of mimics –- lost its magic time reset blood and died the eternal death. No more reincarnations. The same could happen to Cruise, who has only one Rita and one Scientist to save him. He better do some estate planning, sign a will and a medical power of attorney.

Wondering about this.
The time detonation at the end of the film:
was it a result of the Omega dying? Doesn't seem so, otherwise the time it took Cage to absorb the blood would have not happened.
was it a result of Cage absorbing the blood? not sure, traversing to another species didn't have too much reaction when coming from Alphas.
was it a result of Cage dying after, or as the blood was absorbed? if this is the case, it could happen again when Cage dies again. Perhaps it works differently when in another species.

Has this been discussed before?
If Cage dying ends the time reset ability, then him dying right after the Omega does would have not resulted in the final scenes.


Thursday, February 26, 2015 1:59 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Although Mal4prez has gone off the deep end, one point was brought up, and I wonder if any others consider it valid.

OK Kiki/Sig/Rap clone. Keep it up LOL! I disagree with any of you trolls and the only way you can dismiss it is by declaring me crazy. So funny! You are so full of yourselves!


When the Angel of Verdun goes through the couple thousand versions where only Cage has the experience, and she can only trust what he says, we see her reaction much of the time. When she hears it for the final time, at the end, we don't see it.
We see her reaction to Cage wearing his fancy shmancy uniform rather than the Private duds. Her reaction is different. Go watch the movie. The last time, she says something like: "Can I help you?" She's never said that before. (I have pointed this out before, but like Sig/etc you don't seem to actually read anyone's posts but your own.)

As for why I hardly reply to you JSF, it's because you're as pointless here as you are in RWED. You've desperately re-written Farrell just to preserve your odd interpretation of this movie. Hey, whatever makes you happy.

You're still wrong. *kisses*

Replying to reasonable people: I also find it amusing to think about the consequences if Cage still has the uber-reset power. Does the whole universe have to keep resetting and resetting every time he grows old and dies, so that time can't move forward anywhere until he messes up and gets a transfusion?


Just for JSF:
Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.


Thursday, February 26, 2015 8:11 PM



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Although Mal4prez has gone off the deep end, one point was brought up, and I wonder if any others consider it valid.

OK Kiki/Sig/Rap clone. Keep it up LOL! I disagree with any of you trolls and the only way you can dismiss it is by declaring me crazy. So funny! You are so full of yourselves!

When the Angel of Verdun goes through the couple thousand versions where only Cage has the experience, and she can only trust what he says, we see her reaction much of the time. When she hears it for the final time, at the end, we don't see it.
We see her reaction to Cage wearing his fancy shmancy uniform rather than the Private duds. Her reaction is different. Go watch the movie. The last time, she says something like: "Can I help you?" She's never said that before. (I have pointed this out before, but like Sig/etc you don't seem to actually read anyone's posts but your own.)

As for why I hardly reply to you JSF, it's because you're as pointless here as you are in RWED. You've desperately re-written Farrell just to preserve your odd interpretation of this movie. Hey, whatever makes you happy.

You're still wrong. *kisses*

Replying to reasonable people: I also find it amusing to think about the consequences if Cage still has the uber-reset power. Does the whole universe have to keep resetting and resetting every time he grows old and dies, so that time can't move forward anywhere until he messes up and gets a transfusion?


For those interested in catching up, Mal4 has quoted a post of mine from 10 July, perhaps the 53rd post of this thread, in the second page. The "point" of hers I was referencing was in the "spoilers" blacked out section of her post on 3 July, about 45th in this thread, near bottom of the first page. She mentioned not seeing Rita's face in the final shot.

For ease, here it is, mostly:


Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
Hi all. Haven't had a chance to write a good reply here, especially since I burned out my laptop. :/. But now due to yet another wiring problem on the lovely .$@#ing metro north, I'm going to be stuck on this stupid train for some time.

So - SGG, sorry I never replied to your post way up. Yes, we saw it much the same. Except I'm confused as to what you meant by the hero seeing his truth. And what was your quibble with the aliens?

Maybe we need some spoiler discussion re the ending...

Select to view spoiler:

What irks people? Do we mean Paris? Or that it backed up one extra day after the omega was killed so that d-day never happened? Or that on the final timeline our hero never actually talked to our FMB?

Honestly, I kind of liked how it cut off. I like imagining him explaining it all to her, and her reaction. That would be fun, but couldn't be done in the film. Nice thing to imagine while leaving the theater.

As for backing up a day, it made sense. It totally fit into the arc that he didn't deserve his rank and uniform initially, but after all his heroics he did, and his cowardly act of desertion was wiped out. Yes, it was very pat and neat. But it fit the arc. I too want to read the story it was based on and see what happened there.

So I agree that there is something annoying about how tight and happy-happy it all was, which is what I meant in my first review. I can't explain it, but I prefer to be left a little more... Not confused, but something like that. It was just too neat. But I can't really fault it because it was all explained and set up very well.

So, on to the casting. Emily Blunt = perfection. No doubt there.

Tom... Well, actually, he was quite good. I don't think he's too old at all. It fit the plot that the character had to be an untrained noob, but smart and of high rank, and his history as an adman was funny and fit well. It totally worked in terms of him being so dislikable at first, so I could get over how much I don't like the actor. I like to think that wasn't an accident. The writers knew.

But I don't see much else as a plot adjustment made just so they could cast Tom. The age thing, I mean. It was basic to the story that he had to be a dork with absolutely no combat training to start. How else could that be true of a grunt? And him being high rank allowed as to meet the top commander guy at the beginning. A grunt wouldn't get that. And if he wasn't a noob, we wouldn't need all those great training scenes with the FMB. (I like that name lol!)

My problem is my own bias, really. Tom played it perfectly. I can't fault him, don't know who else I'd cast there. I just hate the idea of providing any kind of support to this despiccable man. I don't think the movie would be better with a different male lead, but I'd feel better about liking it.

The only name I'd throw out there is Jeremy Renner, but that's only because I had a wicked crush on him for a while. :) until he sucked in the avengers, that is.


Thursday, April 9, 2015 7:31 PM


While watching again, I noticed the first few times Cage wakes up, when he views the Full Metal Bitch pic, the position of the buss is further along than the last time he saw it, it is progressively to the left of the pan.

Hadn't seen that mentioned before.


Friday, April 10, 2015 3:22 AM


Here's the part where the comparisons to Groundhog Day come to the forefront. Cage starts getting to know Rita and each time he fucks up, he restarts, and so on. Love conquers all. Neat little Hollywood package, but, and this is why I changed my mind about the ending, it's left up to the audience to fill in the blanks (such we are doing here).

There are few films that spell it out for the audience and are successful. I truly and deeply appreciate such endings, as in Inception and in Birdman, where it's left to our imagination what comes next. Of course, that's if the director carefully crafts the beginning and middle to the impactful ending.

But I tend to agree with you that Cage will be living for the moment with Rita, because he knows all he needs to know.

Ain't love grand!



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I guess watching it four times wasn't enough to figure everything out. But just because Cage got his mojo back doesn't mean he'll live that long. He could be in an accident and bleed out enough to need a transfusion again. Back to being mortal.


Friday, April 10, 2015 3:51 AM


I did notice it, but I never mentioned it in any of my responses. You're the first.
But here's another thing that I noticed but never mentioned: The drill instructor that says "Maggot," at one point his response changes; I believe it's when Cage decides to go it alone after seeing Rita die yet again (at the farmhouse). There are so many subtle changes in this movie, great story set-up.



Originally posted by JEELSTAITEFAN:
While watching again, I noticed the first few times Cage wakes up, when he views the Full Metal Bitch pic, the position of the buss is further along than the last time he saw it, it is progressively to the left of the pan.

Hadn't seen that mentioned before.


Friday, April 10, 2015 5:28 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
While watching again, I noticed the first few times Cage wakes up, when he views the Full Metal Bitch pic, the position of the buss is further along than the last time he saw it, it is progressively to the left of the pan.

Hadn't seen that mentioned before.

I did notice it, but I never mentioned it in any of my responses. You're the first.
But here's another thing that I noticed but never mentioned: The drill instructor that says "Maggot," at one point his response changes; I believe it's when Cage decides to go it alone after seeing Rita die yet again (at the farmhouse). There are so many subtle changes in this movie, great story set-up.


I believe that was mentioned already, likely by me.


Friday, April 10, 2015 5:30 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
I guess watching it four times wasn't enough to figure everything out. But just because Cage got his mojo back doesn't mean he'll live that long. He could be in an accident and bleed out enough to need a transfusion again. Back to being mortal.

Here's the part where the comparisons to Groundhog Day come to the forefront. Cage starts getting to know Rita and each time he fucks up, he restarts, and so on. Love conquers all. Neat little Hollywood package, but, and this is why I changed my mind about the ending, it's left up to the audience to fill in the blanks (such we are doing here).

There are few films that spell it out for the audience and are successful. I truly and deeply appreciate such endings, as in Inception and in Birdman, where it's left to our imagination what comes next. Of course, that's if the director carefully crafts the beginning and middle to the impactful ending.

But I tend to agree with you that Cage will be living for the moment with Rita, because he knows all he needs to know.

Ain't love grand!


You think Inception was open-ended? What do you think the ending meant?


Monday, July 10, 2023 8:28 PM


Just read an article about the Sequel.

It mentioned several times that Cage was killed 26 times in EoT.
I forget how many I counted.


Monday, July 10, 2023 9:58 PM


Only 26. I never counted but that seems lower than I would have thought.

Those were on screen kills though.

For all we know he died a million times before the end of the movie. There have been the same arguments about how many times Bill Murray repeated Groundhog Day, whether the day ended with him killing himself or not.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 8:25 PM


From 20 NOV, 2014.

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Continued from yesterday's post...

Exposed card game first time at 12:33, after first reset 26:59, second reset Cage exposes the cards, don't see again until at least 9th reset when Cage covers up the cards after Rita says to find her, at 34:52.

Pertinent lines:
You are not mentally equipped to fight this thing, and never will be. Cage to doofus Brigham.

Credits: uncredited soldier Johnson is listed at imdb as a black actor, but the MP type escorts for Cage to J-Squad are both white - the guy to the left is Johnson, to the right is Goodman. Sure, more than one Johnson is likely, but the credits shouldn't normally confuse them.

Cage has at least 8 resets before Rita tells him to find her.
At least 17 resets before he gets the Vision of Trap.
At least 29 resets before we see him at the tavern getting a brew.

The helicopter scene with Rita is around 7 in the evening, and Cage has been through this many times by the time we see it. The span of waking on the duffel bags to this is about 24-34 hours each time. He has not mentally gotten sleep because he is training Rita all the time, and she must know this, but Rita complains that SHE is tired and wants to start over.

The 3 sugars scene with Rita. I wonder - is he testing her, to see if she will go along with his idea this time?

I am assuming that the book had much plotting worked out, but had a different point to be made with it's conclusion. The happier ending/outcome came from the treatment, or screenplay, but this adaptation seems also where all the plot holes and problems come from.

I have not reconciled the reset capabilities. Rita says it "resets the day" and from Cage's first time, he would reset to waking that morning in his rack in the J-Squad barracks. But he wakes instead to his recovering from taser on the duffelbags, the afternoon before. All following resets are to the same time, even if he only lasts less than an hour. If the reference is the Omega's sense of day, why would that be to the middle of the day about 18 hours prior? The final destruction of Omega resets to Cage's nap time in the arriving chopper, arriving Whitehall, a few hours before all the other resets.
In training, he is dead after a few hours or more. The beach is the next morning at 0600. The helicopter/farmhouse is about 7pm the day after being tasered. The bar is late morning or noonish of the 2nd day. The bleed out is afternoon of the first day, and the escape after bleedout is about 3am, hours before the beach assault - so the killing of Omega is about 0530 (sunrise).

No wonder that 26 deaths didn't ring my bells. I never completed counting them, according to this thread.
I know I did, and wrote them down, but apparently never committed them to posts in this thread.






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