Is Enterprise cancelled?

UPDATED: Thursday, March 17, 2005 04:57
VIEWED: 6234
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005 8:58 AM


Rumors say it really is -


I for one, certainly hope it's not true. Here are some reasons not to cancel the show...

It is unclear why the network replays each first-run episode in a weekend timeslot the same week it is released — effectively making its ratings appear worse than they are, since Nielsen does not rate the rerun. The so-called "rerun effect" was particularly noticeable during the 2003-2004 season when Enterprise aired on Wednesday nights in competition with Smallville, a series that attracted a similar demographic; a number of Enterprise viewers indicated that they chose to watch the weekend rerun or otherwise "time-shift" Enterprise (using VCRs, TiVo, or other methods) in order to watch Smallville which was not similarly rebroadcast by The WB.

In October 2004, it was announced that Enterprise was the 25th most popular Season Pass on the TiVo television recording system in the United States. Although TiVo has yet to achieve the same level of popularity as home video recording, this is an indication of the show's popularity among those who choose to tape the program on Friday and watch it later (i.e. "time-shifting"). In December it was reported that Enterprise was the top-rated dramatic program on UPN.

- Source Wikipedia



Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:49 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Okay, that would kind of irk me. Enterprise has finally gotten it's footing with what I think has been a fairly good season thus far. I don't want to get into the whole "why was Firefly cancelled but Enterprise is still on" argument, because I think that Firefly is the far superior show, but I'm enjoying Enterprise now. It getting cancelled would kind of suck.

My opinion, at any rate.



But if your hand touches metal, I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:55 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Well, according to www.StarTrek.com, this will be the last season of Enterprise. It will continue with new episodes until it's series finale on May 13.

And no, I'm not a trekkie. Just in case anyone's wondering...

- Soul


But if your hand touches metal, I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:58 AM


I checked several Trek Sites/BBS, and the report seems to be a hoax. I'm sure if/when UPN cancels Enterprise, it will be posted on every Trek site on the web.

Personally, I believe it's a given that this will be Enterprise's last season. As much as the show has improved this season, it's too little, too late. Paramount lowered UPN's licencing fee's for Enterprise this season, which is a very bad sign. It's obvious to me, that Paramount lowered these fees to encourage UPN to give the series one last season, so that they could wrap Enterprise with a nice 100 episode package for syndication.

Let's face it, when you compare Enterprise to Firefly or the new BSG, it just looks tired. By doing a prequel, they could have taken some risks, shot it more like Firefly or BSG, and given the charaters and stories more of an edge, but instead, they chose to follow the same old tried and true formula, and even hardcore Treks fans turned away. It's the lowest rated Trek ever!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 11:04 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Well, according to www.StarTrek.com, this will be the last season of Enterprise. It will continue with new episodes until it's series finale on May 13.

The rumor said that Paramount would announce something today. That release wasn't posted an hour ago, but there it is now! Nothing more official than a post on the official website!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 11:11 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by MacBaker:
The rumor said that Paramount would announce something today. That release wasn't posted an hour ago, but there it is now! Nothing more official than a post on the official website!

Interesting that just when Enterprise starts showing signs of becoming quality Science fiction, that's when they decide to take it off the air?

If ST:Next Generation had been cancelled after it's third season, where would the Star Trek fandom be today? And let me tell you, those first three seasons weren't their shinest either. First and second in particular. They hit their stride in third season too, and got another four after that.

Production companies are so impatient these days!

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am. http://www.mnartists.org/artistHome.do?rid=7922
Minnesota Meetup - join us! http://firefly.meetup.com/45/


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 11:28 AM


Yup, reports now spreading: it's official, 4 years and it's gone.

Still, that's one year more than the original series got and three and a bit more than that other sci-fi show from around the same time.



Wednesday, February 2, 2005 11:36 AM


Yeah its official, its on www.startrek.com now. I for one am really annoyed - this season so far was again an improvement. Well, I hope all the Enterprise bashers are real happy they got what they wanted in the end. I for one will be sad to see it go, I have enjoyed it - ok it did start kind of weak. And sad for another reason. I have a feeling that may be the end for the franchise, I don't see any Tv or films being made in the near future. I hope I'm wrong.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 1:00 PM


I'm actually kinda relieved by the cancellation of Enterprise. I've followed the show out of a sense of duty to the franchise however I've been disappointed with Trek in general ever since Voyager.

Here is a franchise that stopped taking real plot or character risks after Deep Space 9 ended. We all know every main character will be alive at the end of an episode so there is no real tension generated in the "harrowing" action-filled moments.

As stated, my disappointment with Trek began with Voyager. It wasn't a horrible show but it definitely under-achieved. My particular Voyager beef is with the final series. To me, it would have been interesting to see Voyager reach Earth halfway through the season rather than in the final episode. From a character development standpoint, seeing the crew re-adjust to life on Earth (particularly the holographic Dr.) is a great deal more intriguing than another handful of eps dedicated to the make-up dept.'s bumpy headed aliens in yawn-inducing plots. I think a dozen or so eps on Earth would have woken the writing staff from their malaise and ended Voyager with a bit of vitality.

A couple weeks ago on Enterprise (in the episode with the two aliens who could inhabit human bodies) both Hoshi and Trip DIED with non-physical aliens sustaining them. Here was an opportunity for the writers to pull an exciting Illyria-like character development with the aliens forced to inhabit the two bodies until a cure could be found. This development could have gone on for several more episodes OR could have become a permanent change. But no, once again, everything must be wrapped up in a nice little bow with everyone happy at the end.

They were THIS close to getting me excited about the franchise again... THIS close. Sigh.

Just like sci-fi films have evolved far beyond Lucas's banal Star Wars franchise... sci-fi TV writing has, apparently, evolved well beyond where the Star Trek handlers can (or are willing) to take it.

So... Enterprise R.I.P.

Trek TV/film franchise: PLEASE take a breather. Enjoy a mini-retirement. Don't come back until 2010 at the earliest.



Wednesday, February 2, 2005 1:07 PM



Originally posted by mrskborg:
Yeah its official, its on www.startrek.com now. I for one am really annoyed - this season so far was again an improvement. Well, I hope all the Enterprise bashers are real happy they got what they wanted in the end.

As a fallen fan, I feel a little sad that Trek is off the TV, but I'd argue its been lurching on for far too long. Enterprise for my money was a great idea, one that by all accounts seemed to be working, but came into being when the demand for Trek was at an all time low. It never had a chance, and it was only the fact that it was Trek that got it this far - had the same show been launched with a few years break from Voyager, things could have been very different.

The sacred cow is dead - lets wait a few years before Bones leads us on a chase after its coffin.

"I threw up on your bed"


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 1:13 PM


There's no way this was the last outing of the Star Trek Brand.

Money Money Money........MONEY!

Enterprise was..... an idea that worked at times but was FAR to silly at others. I know non-Trek people were bothered by the song and by the fact that it looked better than the original series even though it was set before it.

What bothered me more was that stupid blue room which was just an excuse to show the women in their panties. This says a lot to me about the shows problems - it started off by reaching for the mass (Fox?) audience in L'eu of pushing with what makes 'Trek work.

They got over that recently with the new writers but the problem is that at this point there were a lot of people unwilling to give the show a chance.

Those Tivo stats are scary when you think about it - but they'll be read as "only wealthy men who own Tivo care about this space crap".

A new franchise will definitly come along in the next couple of years - hopefully moving into more of a DS9 kind of show - not like it like it (set on a space station or land base or whatever) but in the way that it tried to put an original tone into the existing Star Trek universe. Enterprise felt to much like Voyager at times. Having said that, I'm aware DS9 took over 3 series before it got good, let alone really good.

Long time since I did a 'net rant about Star Trek.
I truely am a nerd.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 1:26 PM


Here is the official press release.


What makes it especially heatbreaking is that this was turning out to be a really great season.

At least they delved a little more into Trek lore this season. Most notably with how Vulcan culture changed between the 22nd and 23rd centuries, the roots of the Federation and with the upcoming explanation as to what happened the Klingon ridges. I knew the people behind the show were told last year that this would likely be the last season, so they made sure to close a lot of story arcs. The story with the Klingon ridges is something that I and most other Trekkies have been waiting see for many years.

Hopefull fan protest can get them to make a few TV movies using the Enterprise cast, perhaps they can get into the Earth-Romulan War.

Here's a site that might help that happen.



Wednesday, February 2, 2005 2:27 PM


IMHO, the idiots Berman and Bragga are the reason the Star Trek franchise is so bad off these days. Enterprise was actually starting to look like mature Sci Fi this year, since Many Coto came onboard. I am old school, I remember watching ST TOS as a kid. It's just my opinion but I haven't thought anything "Star Trek" has been up to par until this years Enterprise.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 5:01 PM


UPN moves the show, already with low ratings, to the Friday night of death time slot (how many other good shows have died because of the F-N-O-D??). Then, UPN expects the show to do better? Remind anyone of F(u)X?
I've watched every show for the series, and same for Voyager. I almost gave up on Voyager, and last season, same for Enterprise. Every once in a while, tho, a great ep would come along and really surprise me. For this season, the stories have really progressed to being more than just passable. I truly believe that Enterprise is better than Voyager, but they've been given less time to establish themselves, like Voyager and ST: TNG.
Still, you don't put one of your main shows on Friday night!
Would you call me a fanboy? As you wish. More a lover of great writing and acting, plus a lover of sci-fi in general.

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, February 4, 2005 5:22 AM


I'm disappointed too. I've actually been considering Enterprise to be the second-best Trek I've watched (after DS9, 'cause, frankly nothing beats DS9). I'm no expert, but I really think that Roddenberry would've been proud of this one.

At least I still have the novels to look forward too, but they're coming fewer and further between (especially in Canada, where we often just don't even get them in stores).

I'm genuinely scared that this could be a death knell for the franchise, and I don't want that. What attracted me to Star Trek in the first place was the idea of self-improvement. That it was possible to find something better in ourselves, and to build something better than this crap-hill 'verse we all seem to be stuck in.

Sadly, it's looking like that's become an unpopular idea. Most people don't even want to be better; they just want to be tougher, meaner, and richer than everyone around them. It's easier to think smaller, to say this is how it is, and how it'll always be, so we might as well forget about changing anything. Since when did giving up become a valid option? Star Trek is about the idea that intelligence, tolerance, and ethics are valuable on a cultural level, and not just individual character traits that we should be willing to abandon when necessary. Let's face it, we need that kind of reassurance, now more than ever.


Originally posted by CrevanReaver:
with the upcoming explanation as to what happened the Klingon rides.

*mental image of a swarm of Klingons invading Six Flags*
I assume you mean ridges, but thanks for the chuckle, regardless.

*wonders absently how to say "tilt-a-whirl" in Klingon*

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, February 7, 2005 6:21 AM


I think I have the anti-taste or something. this is the first season of Enterprise that I really like so far, and now it's the last. couln't they have NOT made the first 3 crappy seasons and maybe started at 4x03 and went on from there for 7 years?

there were maybe 5 EPs in all of season 1-3 that were worth watching but they could have been rescued into S4++ as well. I think about some cool Phlox EPs here mostly. at least they were fun and scifi.

and the guys and girls in underwear for absolutely no reason at all are kinda not so cool. I do love naked people on TV but not just for the sake of naked people on TV. just look at Trash and you know how to do it right.

but I was ranting about all of the trek-girls in catsuite since forever. it just never made any sense to me at all. military girls usually were the same thing the men were and it's practical that way and no one in real life gives a damn that it's not sexy. and just take a look at the early seasons of SG1 to see that a girl in military gear can be sexy/beautiful/desireable.

but then again I also rant about people sleeping in full make-up. and people who wouldn't wear make-up still wearing it on TV...
and people with street-shoes in beds. I don't knwo anyone who would NOT kick of their shoes when putting their feet on a bed. still in Buffy for instance there's almost no EP where no one sits on a bed with shoes on. that's just messy and no one would do it in real life and it's not an affront to viewers if they see actors in socks, is it?

I stop now, you get what I mean. ranting off topic as I am.

it's a sad thing about Enterprise. if they had canceled it after S3 I wouln't have said a word about it but now it's starting to get good, even if it's 'only' Trek where no one dies and nothing weird happens at least not for longer than one EP.



Saturday, February 12, 2005 4:10 AM


I have been reading people's comments on the demise of Enterprise and I wondered if anyone else thought that the crew didn't have great chemistry and if the captain didn't have the gravitas of Picard or Kirk. That is one of the reasons why the show never really grabbed me. Another reason is the one that everyone else has mentioned. I too wasn't grabbed by the story lines, especially during the second season.


Saturday, February 12, 2005 12:57 PM



Originally posted by BruisersMom:
I have been reading people's comments on the demise of Enterprise and I wondered if anyone else thought that the crew didn't have great chemistry and if the captain didn't have the gravitas of Picard or Kirk. That is one of the reasons why the show never really grabbed me. Another reason is the one that everyone else has mentioned. I too wasn't grabbed by the story lines, especially during the second season.

For me, I gave up on Trek at Voyager. I watched the pilot, and nothing about the cast and crew made me want to stick around for episode 2. Had I had the option of watching that the next week, I might have given it more of a shot, but as it was it just drifted out of my viewing radar before it came on TV over here.

Did the same with Enterprise, although in that case the first "episode" was on the next week. The fact is, the characters and the universe failed to grab me.

Sure, its the Trek universe, but I've seen that before, two hundred fifty plus times. Their corners of that universe didn't tell me there was going to be anything new in them, so I couldn't care less.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, February 12, 2005 4:54 PM


One mistake people seem to keep making is comparing the first 3 seasons of Enterprise with the last 3 seasons of DS9.

The first 3 seasons of DS9/Voyager/TNG were absolute crap. Weak stories with even weaker acting (the acting in TNG was barely better than a prono).

"If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak!!!"


Sunday, February 13, 2005 12:30 PM



Originally posted by Cleaner:
One mistake people seem to keep making is comparing the first 3 seasons of Enterprise with the last 3 seasons of DS9.

The first 3 seasons of DS9/Voyager/TNG were absolute crap. Weak stories with even weaker acting (the acting in TNG was barely better than a prono)

Not me. Let's just fact check season's 1-3 of TNG and DS9 (we'll pass on seasons 1-3 of Classic Trek for obvious reasons and the fact that City on The Edge of Forever is the Royal Flush in this poker game) - they included episodes such as Measure of a Man, Yesterday's Enterprise, Duet, In the Hands of the Prophets, Captive Pursuit - the mirror universe and holo-deck episodes. Plus, Best of Both Worlds.

Seasons 1 and 2 of TNG had some bad stuff, but generally featured new ideas (save where the script writer's strike lead to them plundering the Trek 2 archives).

"I threw up on your bed"


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 5:05 PM


Hello people. Yeah, ENT's been cancelled, but just because it's going off the air at 4 seasons doesn't mean it can't live on in the world of fanfic. I'm looking to start an ENT Virtual Season Project, and am looking for people to join. If you're interested or simply want to know more, contact me at digificwriter@hotmail.com

P.S.: I hope this isn't against the rules and I apologize if it is (I don't think it is, but still, it's better to be safe than sorry). I just didn't have anywhere else to post this.

Take my love
Take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care
I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I've found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me


Saturday, February 19, 2005 6:01 PM



Originally posted by CrevanReaver:
Most notably with the upcoming explanation as to what happened the Klingon ridges

I have to say that I wasn't very disappointed about hearing about the cancellation,
because I haven't found 'Enterprise' very exciting...
or even very interesting....

But this week's episode with the Klingon ridge issue addressed;
THIS is both exciting and interesting!
This is a subject that I've thought about a lot over the years, and I've really wanted addressed.

I'm so glad they got it in before the show went off the air!


Thursday, February 24, 2005 8:34 AM


First let me apologize, I have not read the entire thread. I hate it when other people do that (dislike with some enthusiasm is probably a better way to say it actually), so I’ll understand if people are pissed. I’m not sure what it is by I haven’t been able to read that much lately, I think I need a new prescription.

Anyway, on to the content of the post:

I was pissed, here was a series that sucked, it was really in the gutter, then all of a sudden I tune in and it’s great. I had no idea where the quality was coming from but I loved it. I’m not saying it was the best show of all time or anything, but it was better than most, and compared to it’s previous self it was a work sculpted by god.

I finally had a Star Trek show to enjoy again, and then I hear that it’s canceled. In the words of my literature professor, “What the shit?”


Monday, March 14, 2005 7:28 PM


They got over a million dollars in donations for production next year, so I don't think its going anywhere.

Keep shiny!


Monday, March 14, 2005 7:43 PM



Originally posted by Channain:

Interesting that just when Enterprise starts showing signs of becoming quality Science fiction, that's when they decide to take it off the air?

No doubt!

Personally, I watched the first couple eps of the first season and stopped. Then season 2 came out, same result.

NOW, I watch it and they are actually tackling the stories that they should've since the beginning. ie How the Human-Vulcan relations were. How the Vulcans (since they're somewhat emotional) got there extremely non-emotional demeanor seen in Spock. etc

Now that it's finally become a show to watch, it's gone.

I guess that's what we get for having exec's at the top with the attention span of a chronically depressed lemmings.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 2:39 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
How the Vulcans (since they're somewhat emotional) got there extremely non-emotional demeanor seen in Spock. etc

I always wondered if Spock might have been compensating for being half-human.


Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:57 AM


Oh, absolutely Spock was compensating. IIRC it was said as much in the show (or possibly one of the movies) itself. It wasn't until the latter movies (after Spock's death, resurrection, and old age) that Spock started to relax a little.

I've noticed that people sometimes forget that Vulcans are every bit as individual as humans. I liked T'Pol, she had a certain wildness to her --if she was human she'd've had dyed hair, numerous piercings, a tattoo that she can't show in public, and probably have spent at least one night in jail. Yet, as a Vulcan, she'd repressed that wildness and channelled it into scientific curiosity.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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