Movies/ Series that you are torn over- or- I'd love it if only....

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 08:08
VIEWED: 10810
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Monday, April 11, 2005 6:45 AM


One that gets me is Ladyhawke, it would be in my top 20 as a totally enjoyable little fantasy if not for the horribly uneven SCORE! The sometimes Parsons- sometimes North score almost makes it unwatchable. But I do watch it...with the sound real low. A shame.

Anyone got a love/hate relationship with a show or movie similar to my sad story?

Knights need no rock Chrisisall


Monday, April 11, 2005 7:36 AM


Okay, I'm embarassed to admit it, but I have one that definately fits this category. Besides, it stars one of our BDH. Cleopatra 2525. I hated parts of it like the opening theme, the costumes, the set design, the general cheesiness. But I loved parts of it, notably the arc story and some of the concepts. I used to think it was written by two people: one a guy who hung out in stripper bars all day and then showed up drunk to pitch an idea, and the other a mousy scifi fan very well versed in the genre. Loved where the show was going.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm probably doing Gina Torres a dis-service by mentioning it.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Monday, April 11, 2005 7:50 AM


Yeah, I used to watch that thinkin' "this is almost really good...but..."
Gina and Victoria were the real reasons I watched.
Speaking of Ms. Pratt, Mutant X was another I really wanted to like, but just couldn't seem to get into it...

Chrisisall says "muscles on chicks is good"


Monday, April 11, 2005 7:53 AM


"Charmed" has everything you need to make a REALLY good show. . .I mean WHEDON good. . .but something just isn't quite right, and I can't put my finger on it.

Maybe it's the 'banter' is too contrived. . .maybe it's something about the way the characters are developed. . .I can't figure it out.

I like it. . .I do. . .but there's something that keeps me from being able to LOVE it.


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:04 AM



Originally posted by Static:
I like it. . .I do. . .but there's something that keeps me from being able to LOVE it.

It's utter tripe?


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:10 AM


See. . .

Here's my problem.

We're all die-hard fans of a show that featured a high-school cheerleader-type who fought vampires and demons with kung-fu while trying to figure out who to take to the prom, etc. etc. etc. . .

But "Charmed" is tripe?

I think that's a bit unreasonable.


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:10 AM


Static, I'm with you on Charmed, if it's on I'll watch and really enjoy it, but I don't hunt it down.

The not TOO Charmed Chrisisall


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:13 AM


Now you're gonna make me wipe tears from my eyes?
That was good, Static.



Monday, April 11, 2005 8:22 AM


In Cleopatra 2525, the third girl, Jennifer Sky, appeared on Buffy in the show that had Xander acting like a hyena: "The Pack," ep. 1.6. That makes two out of three of them within the Whedon-verse.

Show I'd like to see is "She Spies" with Carlos Jacott returned, and the other guy GONE.


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:35 AM


AI - Artifical Inteligence

It would be a great movie - a timeless classic for the ages if only the movie faded to black and went to credits when little Haley is sittin' in the jet/sub thing and that crap with the aliens never happened.

It would be an incredible film, as it stands - it's really not.


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:41 AM


every disney movie from 1995 to now.
they all had great storys good casting and nice animation but in every one of them they put like a subliminal message of like an after school program of beliveing in your self and treating others with respect and to me it was like a the more you know commercials in the middle of a really good book it just ruined the whole thing for me. and romantic comedys it had a good plot but the rest was horrible every one was the same , they meet they fall in love they fall apart the they get back together with this cheesey i was wrong and you were right speach( in every one ) and then they end up with a kiss. I would have loved it if it didnt repeat them selves over and over again.

and ps i know you said series but the guy that came up with the idea said ladyhawlk so i thought that movies would count to

atleast Im somethin in the world


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:48 AM


The alien touch in AI was over the top, in fact that was what made the movie memorable to me.
I agree, almost great, but not quite there.



Monday, April 11, 2005 8:51 AM


Kill Bill 1 & 2
should have been one movie, with an editor who was ruthless

to go back to ancient history: The Cotton Club would have been a brilliant film if they had made Gregory Hines' story the main one, and cut every single scene with Richard Geer...it would have been shorter too.

Charmed, IMO (obviously), was really a good show in the first couple of seasons, when Pru added some dramatic tension and they actually saved innocents. Now all three girls want to be all nice all the time, they all dress up in silly costumes, and the only people they save are each other.... I say kill all the writers on that show and hire some people with a little imagination. But I'll admit I was watching last night to see Cole return (taking a break from the Nip/Tuck Hell dimension I'm guessing).


Monday, April 11, 2005 8:57 AM


When were there aliens in "AI"? I remember at the end that the little bugwart from "The Sixth Sense" was sitting in a vehicle of some sort, a helicoptor maybe? And then he was talking to robots. They were sort of the descendents (sp?) of the robots made when people were still around, but definitely NOT aliens.

I would have LOVED this movie, except for one single flaw:

It sucked. Immensely.

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Monday, April 11, 2005 9:27 AM


I guess it wasn't as memorable as my memory made it seem, I remember aliens, but I only saw it once when I rented it l a t e at night a long time back. Didn't like it 'nuff to do it again, I'll take your word for it.

The always correctable Chrisisall


Monday, April 11, 2005 9:31 AM


Embers, your right, Kill Bill would have been an enjoyable fast-paced piece of fluff if it had been one movie. As it is I've seen 'em once and that's more than enough for this lifetime.

Don't draw it out Chrisisall


Monday, April 11, 2005 9:54 AM



Originally posted by sanmi77:
and romantic comedys it had a good plot but the rest was horrible every one was the same , they meet they fall in love they fall apart the they get back together with this cheesey i was wrong and you were right speach( in every one ) and then they end up with a kiss. I would have loved it if it didnt repeat them selves over and over again.

If I understand what you're saying, I think I agree about romantic comedies. I find them too locked into formula. Meet cute. Fall in love. Misunderstanding and break up. Pine away for each other. Reconcile.

The reason I really liked "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" was that it wasn't afraid to break with the formula. There was a moment where the friend of the male lead was trying to drive a wedge between him and the female lead by asking "are you just going to let her lead you around like that?" Classic moment where the male lead is supposed to start having doubts... heading for the breakup. But the lead just say, "... ummm, yeah!"

So refreshing.


Monday, April 11, 2005 10:24 AM


Hang on while I pull the DVD from the library (why did I buy it when I hate it? It's great until the ending and I'm a massive Kubrick fan).

Ok - scene selection........frozen twin towers........alien lookin' things......

Hang on - they're acting very robotic all right..... yeah, I think you're right - fuck.

That kind of makes the movie a little better actually, maybe it's just misunderstood, I mean the bear is probably still the best thing in it but maybe the movie isn't as stupid as I thought it was.


Monday, April 11, 2005 10:30 AM



Originally posted by Spookyjesus:
Hang on while I pull the DVD from the library (why did I buy it when I hate it? It's great until the ending and I'm a massive Kubrick fan).

Ok - scene selection........frozen twin towers........alien lookin' things......

Hang on - they're acting very robotic all right..... yeah, I think you're right - fuck.

That kind of makes the movie a little better actually, maybe it's just misunderstood, I mean the bear is probably still the best thing in it but maybe the movie isn't as stupid as I thought it was.

Honestly, it's the only thing I really retained from the flick, that the robots evolved hugely...

Yes, the movie IS as stupid as you thought it was, infact it's stupider than you thought... this movie was, essentially, awful. And boring. And pointless. And dumb. And poopy. And cakka.

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Monday, April 11, 2005 11:05 AM


I don't know - that evolution thing seriously changes everything I thought about it - for now anyway.

I'm gonna watch some Buffy series 5 and read my Finding Serenity tonight so I'm not going to sit down and rewatch AI right this second but I will make time for it at some point.

It's really rare that I don't "get" a movie and I didn't "get" this one appartantly - it's far to easy for me to blame Steven "the Beard" Speilberg for that but no - I will watch again. (and hate anew?)


Monday, April 11, 2005 12:12 PM


Here's another for me: Minority Report, another Speilby. I SO wanted to like(no, love) it and when I saw it I was so messed up by it! It had me goin' and when Tom confronted the (supposed) killer, tears were comin' outta me! What a perfomance!!
But then the end got tied in a nice Hollywood knot. The psychs escaped, Tom has new baby, memory of that other son or whatever happily gone...
And don't get me started on the 'eyeballs can't roll once there's no blood pressure to keep 'em round' thing.

And it was ALMOST a good flick.

The demanding Chrisisall


Monday, April 11, 2005 12:47 PM



Originally posted by Spookyjesus:
I don't know - that evolution thing seriously changes everything I thought about it - for now anyway.

It's really rare that I don't "get" a movie and I didn't "get" this one appartantly - it's far to easy for me to blame Steven "the Beard" Speilberg for that but no - I will watch again. (and hate anew?)

I can't believe I'm going to bat for this; I really, strongly dislike Spielberg and his heavy handedness. However, here is what I got from AI (and the only way it makes sense, I think). The things at the end were "evolved" robots. Further, noting the location and amount of ice, you can infer Earth is no longer habitable by living critters (Global warming?) and the only life are these robots. I think AI is a metaphor for a Christ-like savior of robots. Went through many biblical ordeals and ultimately died and then rose (literally) again to save them. Specifically, to allow robots to pass from second-class citizens towards the leadership of civilization.

Or something like that.... I'll sit back down now...

Chrisisall, glad to know I'm not the only one who watched and liked it. Cleo, that is.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Monday, April 11, 2005 1:07 PM


Charmed...was better with Shannen Doherty. It might have done better if the producers (two of the main actresses, at least) had had the brains to keep Charisma Carpenter on as a main character, or if they had done more with Kristen Miller than run her around nude on horseback, with precious little to say. But two of the main gals are seriously aging, and I suspect are jealous of anyone on the show who might make 'em look bad.

And what color IS Alyssa Milano's hair, REALLY?

I also think the acting on that show is uniformly atrocious, among the regulars. They don't seem to give a darn anymore. Charisma, perhaps not the finest of actresses on a world scale, came across far better than any of the regulars, I thought.

At least Rose McGowan comes across as fresh, most of the time.

Oh, and Veronica Mars is on in two hours.


Monday, April 11, 2005 1:11 PM


Oh yeah, Sickdude, back in the day it was Cleo, then Jack of All Trades, right? One hour of zany action and comedy.
Bruce Campbell was at a college 'round these parts when a kid asked him why Cleopatra 2525 was better than his show, to which he replied "Cleopatra 2525 is porno for twelve year olds!"
Funny, huh?

The we go way back with Gina Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:03 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Cleopatra 2525 was better than his show,

But. . . but, it wasn't!!! Jack of all Trades rocked!

Shows/movies that I almost love. . .

Andromeda, because of the beautiful universe, concept, and the first season's gifted cast, and RHW's brilliant writing. The problem: too many producers/network suits spoiling the broth, and a budget in the triple digits. It was dumbed dowm, RHW was thrown out, Brent Stait quit (unavoidable, granted --nobody's fault), Trance was redesigned, KHC's character was emasculated, KHC was thrown out, dragged back in, and killed off in a particularly humiliating and out-of-character way. . . At least I have fanfic.

The Matrix Trilogy. I think I get it (the two sequels aren't nearly as bad as most people think), but the writers didn't really convey what I think was supposed to be the plot. Also there were a few directorial decisions I wouldn't have made (can't call them mistakes, 'cause it's clear enough what they were trying to do, I just wouldn't have gone that route).

The InuYasha movies. I love InuYasha; it's my favourite animé, and Rumiko Takahashi has become one of my four idols as a Storyteller (Joss is another, natch). Only trouble is that the movies have to fit into the InuYasha universe, but can't tamper with it too badly. They're set between episodes ('cause Japanese shows don't actually have "seasons" like American TV), but the episodes can't make reference to them (in case they end up spoiling the plot), nor can the movies directly reference any given ep ('cause the movie audience won't necessarily know the show). Meaning that there's no indication (if you're collecting DVDs and can't watch first-run eps on Japanese TV) where to fit the movies. Thus we get things like Kagome's regenerating bicycle (pulverized in the first movie, and not present for a good chunk of the series, but which then reappears fully intact with no explanation), or that non-sequiturish scene tacked onto the second movie that exists only to effectively undo/abort any character development stemming from The Kiss.

It's a freakin' romance! You can't use a reset button on The Kiss!! It's the whole point!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:40 AM


I almost CRIED when Jack of All Trades dissapeared! No dvd of it in sight....
At least I have most of 'em on tape.

Andromeda was great(not Firefly great but whatever) first couple of seasons, But when RHW 'left' they lost it.

And Matrix 3 is only good if you're extremely drunk and depressed and need to feel a little bit more like life sucks.

Neo rocked in the first one Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:40 AM


And what about Babylon 5, why couldn't I get into it? My friends said it was cool, but I couldn't see it.
Farscape either. I rented the dvd's and really tried.
It's always the same, I rent something (like Elektra-just ok) and I put on an ep of Firefly after to end my day on a high note.

The predictable Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:00 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
One that gets me is Ladyhawke, it would be in my top 20 as a totally enjoyable little fantasy if not for the horribly uneven SCORE! The sometimes Parsons- sometimes North score almost makes it unwatchable. But I do watch it...with the sound real low. A shame.

Anyone got a love/hate relationship with a show or movie similar to my sad story?

Knights need no rock Chrisisall

I absolutely LURVE Ladyhawke - the book is better than the film though - though equally as tacky!

Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:05 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Static, I'm with you on Charmed, if it's on I'll watch and really enjoy it, but I don't hunt it down.

The not TOO Charmed Chrisisall

I'm with you on Charmed - think the problem is it just doesn't have the witty banter of a Whedon production - plus - can anybody explain to me how an angel (White lighter, whatever) can be so prissy and yet so, like, not traditionally "good"? . . . sex outside wedlock for a start!!!

Plus every story line revolves around one of the girls getting her kit off and her paramour being a demon/ monster/ other . . . At least on Buffy the love interest (whist I agree often deamon, vampire etc) is less in your face, less integral to the plot (sometimes) - oh god, don't know where I'm going with this now I think about it - not really got leg to stand on . . .

Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:36 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
And what about Babylon 5, why couldn't I get into it? My friends said it was cool, but I couldn't see it.
Farscape either. I rented the dvd's and really tried.
It's always the same, I rent something (like Elektra-just ok) and I put on an ep of Firefly after to end my day on a high note.

The predictable Chrisisall

With me, the key was getting through the first season for both shows. The first 22 episodes of each are more or less supremely crap, but if you can make yourself sit through them, you're used to the universe and then they really start to play. Each show gets uniformly better over 4 years. (There, they split - Farscape ends in an absolutely fantastic miniseries while B5 ends in a dissappointing 5th season, but that doesn't diminish the show's earlier greatness. And for Farscape, the whole show is worth getting to the miniseries, which is some of the best TV ever.)

But back to the topic - Alias. I would love Alias if they gave up on the whole inbred-conspiracy thing. There are interesting things in the world that don't involve the main characters' parents.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 6:06 AM


Thrawn, based on your recommendation I'll give it another try with Farscape, as long as it has a satisfactory ending. That was the only thing missing at the end of Dark Angel, you have to imagine some stuff that it left hangin'.
And I bought the first season of Alias, 'cause reviews were favourable, and I couldn't STAND the endless cliffhangers!!! I watched a whole disc and still felt like I hadn't seen an episode, just one long , endless streaming family soap opera with gadgets and super-seriousness that didn't fit with the goofy nature of the plots. James Bond movies (recent ones, anyway) are'nt even that straight faced. I, however, could accept all the flaws if I could just sit down with it for 45 minutes, and feel like I watched something with a beginning, middle, and an end.

The segmented Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:43 AM



Originally posted by Thrawn:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
And what about Babylon 5, why couldn't I get into it? My friends said it was cool, but I couldn't see it.
Farscape either. I rented the dvd's and really tried.

The predictable Chrisisall

With me, the key was getting through the first season for both shows. The first 22 episodes of each are more or less supremely crap, but if you can make yourself sit through them, you're used to the universe and then they really start to play. Each show gets uniformly better over 4 years. (There, they split - Farscape ends in an absolutely fantastic miniseries while B5 ends in a dissappointing 5th season, but that doesn't diminish the show's earlier greatness. And for Farscape, the whole show is worth getting to the miniseries, which is some of the best TV ever.)

I respectfully disagree. Enjoyed Farscape a lot. However, one of the things that really bugged me was their continual tendency to 'lurch' the story. You started watching an episode, and something major would have happened that they barely spend three words describing. You might think you missed an episode, but you didn't. They just neglected to show occasional changes in situation. One example would be when Stark would leave to go his own way. Please don't ask me to think of another.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:55 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Thrawn, based on your recommendation I'll give it another try with Farscape, as long as it has a satisfactory ending. That was the only thing missing at the end of Dark Angel, you have to imagine some stuff that it left hangin'.
And I bought the first season of Alias, 'cause reviews were favourable, and I couldn't STAND the endless cliffhangers!!! I watched a whole disc and still felt like I hadn't seen an episode, just one long , endless streaming family soap opera with gadgets and super-seriousness that didn't fit with the goofy nature of the plots. James Bond movies (recent ones, anyway) are'nt even that straight faced. I, however, could accept all the flaws if I could just sit down with it for 45 minutes, and feel like I watched something with a beginning, middle, and an end.

The segmented Chrisisall

They've realized that, and started doing episodes that don't cliffhanger, but the show is drowning in other problems now. It has X-Files syndrome - there's a Mysterious Conspiracy that they didn't decide on ahead of time and so just keeps getting more convoluted and contradictory, and it's not going anywhere.

And, back on Farscape, to clarify a bit - I'd tried it two or three times, too, never getting past the first few episodes, until a friend of mine MADE ME keep going, and I can't say as I can fault him. Towards the end of first season, there's a two-parter where a new villain is introduced (Scorpius - terrible name, but excellent character) and that's when the show starts to actually go somewhere. Get at least that far before you decide if you want to quit again.

And the ending is the best ending to a television show I've ever seen - it really is a satisfactory end to all the arcs, and the whole show almost literally builds to the final 20 minutes. I can't praise it enough.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:59 AM



Originally posted by Sickdude:
I respectfully disagree. Enjoyed Farscape a lot. However, one of the things that really bugged me was their continual tendency to 'lurch' the story. You started watching an episode, and something major would have happened that they barely spend three words describing. You might think you missed an episode, but you didn't. They just neglected to show occasional changes in situation. One example would be when Stark would leave to go his own way. Please don't ask me to think of another.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson

Farscape is my favorite non-Whedon show ever, I was just saying that the first season was bad. And I thought the tendency to lurch the story was clever, it really felt like each episode was just an hour out of every week of their lives, that there was TONS going on in between episodes. I never had any difficulty figuring out what happened by context. (That said, it is a show you have to pay attention to - you leave the room for a minute and you can miss something important. Which, really, is something else I like - I hate it when shows continually beat you over the head with recaps and summaries, I sorta like having to think as I watch.)


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:47 PM



Originally posted by Thrawn:
Farscape is my favorite non-Whedon show ever, I was just saying that the first season was bad. And I thought the tendency to lurch the story was clever, it really felt like each episode was just an hour out of every week of their lives, that there was TONS going on in between episodes. I never had any difficulty figuring out what happened by context. (That said, it is a show you have to pay attention to - you leave the room for a minute and you can miss something important. Which, really, is something else I like - I hate it when shows continually beat you over the head with recaps and summaries, I sorta like having to think as I watch.)

I'll agree with that. You're soooo right about the having to pay attention constantly.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:37 PM


Well *takes deep breath*

I would love Battlestar Galactica if only Starbuck wasn't played the way she is.

I do not mean that I want Dirk Benedict back as Starbuck and in no way am I objecting to Starbuck being female.

It is just the way Starbuck is played. The character is just so annoying, so "overdone" (for a lack of better words) that I can not stand watching her.

I have to admit, I only watched the first three hours (guess it is kind of a two part pilot) of the show, but I know that I only will watch it when I happen to zap into it by accident.

This one char spoils the whole show for me.
I really wished I would have the abilities to explain in english and in written words what it exactly is that is so annoying about her.

Don't want to blame only that character for my torn feeling towards BSG though.

The "#6-in-the-head-trying-to-be-oh-so-seductive" thing is another thing that makes the show not enjoyable for me.
Just as annyoing in my eyes.

So if only Starbuck wouldn't have been so overdone "cocky", "smartassed", "I-wanna-play-the-character-oh-so-tough" and #6 wouldn't show up all the time, I actually could like the show.

I love the new Vipers, the new Cylons and the new spacebattle scenes. But they just aren't enough for me to enjoy the show.

See ya,


Monday, April 18, 2005 3:34 AM


Gavida, I agree with what you said, the same things irritate me, too (understood you perfectly, by the way).
It ain't quite irritatin' enough to make me not buy season one when it comes out, however( I don't watch things with commercials anymore).

And the new vipers are THE best looking fighters ever designed!!

Apollo-like Chrisisall


Monday, April 18, 2005 3:54 AM



Originally posted by Spookyjesus:
Hang on while I pull the DVD from the library (why did I buy it when I hate it? It's great until the ending and I'm a massive Kubrick fan).

Ok - scene selection........frozen twin towers........alien lookin' things......

Hang on - they're acting very robotic all right..... yeah, I think you're right - fuck.

That kind of makes the movie a little better actually, maybe it's just misunderstood, I mean the bear is probably still the best thing in it but maybe the movie isn't as stupid as I thought it was.

I liked AI for the most part, even the 'highly advanced robots at the end' (and that was the take I had for it)... but there was one thing I hated, hated, hated, hated, and that was the cheesy, attempt to be manipulative (I say attempt because the only thing it did was make me angry and whoever added that bit), the "We'll bring her back, but only for ONE DAY! AND THEN NEVER AGAIN!" There's no good reason for it only be one day. It's just a meaningless roadblock added to try to give the ending one particular type of emotion. It's almost the opposite of Deus Ex Machina - in that, a god comes up at the end and saves everything. In this, a problem comes out of nowhere (completely made up science gunk) that prevents the main character from getting exactly what it was that he wanted, but gives him just enough of a taste of it to be sad. They should have either ended it in the ocean, given the damn kid what he wanted, or even leave on a bittersweet 'we made a robot copy of his mother. He'll never know.'

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/newnumber6 (real)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/alternaljournal (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: http://www.unreachablestar.net - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Monday, April 18, 2005 3:58 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Here's another for me: Minority Report, another Speilby. I SO wanted to like(no, love) it and when I saw it I was so messed up by it! It had me goin' and when Tom confronted the (supposed) killer, tears were comin' outta me! What a perfomance!!
But then the end got tied in a nice Hollywood knot. The psychs escaped, Tom has new baby, memory of that other son or whatever happily gone...
And don't get me started on the 'eyeballs can't roll once there's no blood pressure to keep 'em round' thing.

And it was ALMOST a good flick.

The demanding Chrisisall

I like the alternative view: Everything after John was captured is a delusion. At some point they mentioned that when you're held in stasis by the Precrime things, "It's like all your dreams come true"... so, what happens after he's captured? His wife uncovers the conspiracy, and everything he wanted to have happened if he wasn't captured, happens, right down to a romantic happy ending. It's not a perfect explanation for everything that happens, but it's the one I prefer. :)

Total Recall has a similar 'secret alternative explanation' with the Rekall tech saying at the beginning 'Blue Sky on Mars, that's a new one...'.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/newnumber6 (real)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/alternaljournal (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: http://www.unreachablestar.net - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Monday, April 18, 2005 4:02 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Thrawn, based on your recommendation I'll give it another try with Farscape, as long as it has a satisfactory ending. That was the only thing missing at the end of Dark Angel, you have to imagine some stuff that it left hangin'.
And I bought the first season of Alias, 'cause reviews were favourable, and I couldn't STAND the endless cliffhangers!!! I watched a whole disc and still felt like I hadn't seen an episode, just one long , endless streaming family soap opera with gadgets and super-seriousness that didn't fit with the goofy nature of the plots. James Bond movies (recent ones, anyway) are'nt even that straight faced. I, however, could accept all the flaws if I could just sit down with it for 45 minutes, and feel like I watched something with a beginning, middle, and an end.

The segmented Chrisisall

That's something they have changed for this season of Alias (and maybe last season... I'm repressing).

Personally, I kind of liked it but after a while the 'wrap up last week's episode' teaser was annoying. Had I seen them when it originally aired I might have been more annoyed.

Oddly enough, 24 has also spent most of this season toning down its cliffhanger endings. Which is sad because they are mucking with the formula. I remember S1 when, at the end of an episode, they had 4 or 5 shots of their main characters, all in some sort of trouble. Now it's maybe Jack in a little bit of a problem and 4 or 5 guys sitting around CTU.

I blame execs who think that people aren't able to catch up if they miss an episode.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Monday, April 18, 2005 4:13 AM



Originally posted by Static:
See. . .

Here's my problem.

We're all die-hard fans of a show that featured a high-school cheerleader-type who fought vampires and demons with kung-fu while trying to figure out who to take to the prom, etc. etc. etc. . .

But "Charmed" is tripe?

Puts things into perspective doesn’t it?

I watched the first episode of Buffy and didn’t watch it again until the 4th season, because I thought it was tripe. In fact I believe I actually used that word to describe it to many of my friends. I learned my lesson in judging a show by its apparent tripe-ness, when years later I had to explain how a show went from being “tripe” to being one of my favorites. Now-a-days I’m not so quick to judge a show, or at least to tell my friends that I don’t like it.

On the topic at hand:

I think the 2nd Season of Dark Angel falls into this category with me. I loved the first season. I’m a big Heinlein fan so Dark Angel was like a TV version of Friday, only with very noir, postapocalyptic scenery. And then there was Jessica Alba: back before she went BritneyMurphy she was very sexy and pout-y. Season 2 however lacked something. I’m not sure what it was. I think 9/ll put an abrupt end to the original plotline and they had to invent a new plotline or adapt a secondary plot to the main storyline, but something about it seemed forced, repetitive and unnatural. Alba lost her ability to fill in her jumpsuits as well. I’m not sure what could have been done; I think DA was a victim of circumstances in the 2nd Season

I would prefer if Starbuck were a guy. Although I think I have come to like this new Starbuck as much as the original. I still think it could be played better had they not messed with such a fundamental aspect of the character. As far as the tough and cocky thing, I actually like that, and it seems to be done really well, I just think they should have considered doing it with one of the original female Viper pilots instead.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Monday, April 18, 2005 4:50 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Knights need no rock Chrisisall

Just read this line and I have to disagree a bit

One of the reasons I like "A Knight's Tale" is the soundtrack. I loved the Joust with "We will rock you" and the banquet where they danced to "Golden Years". The other one is Alan Tudyk of course

But "A Knight's Tale" was filmed with the intent (intend? not sure about the spelling) to be a modernized medieval movie, so maybe that is why it works here.


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

I would prefer if Starbuck were a guy. Although I think I have come to like this new Starbuck as much as the original. I still think it could be played better had they not messed with such a fundamental aspect of the character. As far as the tough and cocky thing, I actually like that, and it seems to be done really well, I just think they should have considered doing it with one of the original female Viper pilots instead.

Like I said, I have no problem with Starbuck being female. Although HE was my favourite character in the show.

It is more of a thing that the original Starbuck bent the rules when needed, but was not some kind of insubordinating person. He was cocky, tough and smartassy, but he had style.

I would like some tough and cocky female Starbuck, if it was done "right". And here I have to disagree with you. I don't think it is done "really well". To me it is overdone to the point that you realize that someone is trying to play a toughy, pulling every clichee from every war movie that is/was available on DVD.

The way Starbuck is played makes it an unbelievable character, because in every scene you realize that it is someone "playing the role" (and not very good in my eyes).

But everyone has his/her own taste

See ya,


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:04 PM


-One movie disappointed me so much was Queen of the Damned. I've seen Interview with a Vampire and I liked it so much so I was thrilled when I heard another Anne Rice book was gonna be made into film and I saw the trailer and was really excited about it! But when I saw the movie, it just bummed me out. The story seemed like it was rushed.Everything went by quick. Hardly any action. You kind of knew what was gonna happen next. Stuart Townsend is a very hot guy but I really didn't like him as Lestat. He came off as like a horny vampire trying get into some gal's pants and is all liked 'I'm dead sexy'.Didn't stike me as evil at all.
Loved the music
though. Bought the soundtrack.

But I really loved Dracula 2000. Gerard Butler! Hottie!! Not many people know of that movie. Wished it did better in the Box Office. Gerard Butler Sucjh Hotness!
-Freakylinks. I loved that show so much! Another F**'s cancelled show. I will hate them forever because of that! No DVD yet!

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."- Lao Tzo


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:44 AM


Maybe if in Charmed they would stop saying Vanquished every other minute then I would probably enjoy it a great deal more.

I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:49 AM


My problem with AI......

Wow torturing a child for 10000 years. Like that's not bad enough.....Ohhhh nooooo.... In the end we have to leave the teddy bear just sitting there ALONE!!!!!!!!!!

For all of the emotions that evoked in me, it is an excellent movie. Pure torture for me.

I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:58 AM


I LOVED FreakyLinks. It needed some storyline work but the fact that it was interactive was awesome.

I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:18 AM


Charmed. I would love that show, if it wasn't for one problem... it bores me to death.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:22 AM


Charmed first season...not bad.
Charmed after first season...mind numbling boring.

Squee! How could I forget about Jack of all Trades? I watched that all the time, Cleo too.

Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:30 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Squee! How could I forget about Jack of all Trades? I watched that all the time, Cleo too.

That was ONE WACKY HOUR of nonsence!!!!!!!!!!!



Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:10 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
Total Recall has a similar 'secret alternative explanation' with the Rekall tech saying at the beginning 'Blue Sky on Mars, that's a new one...'.

I thought that was the obvious interpretation, not secret alternative.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Dark Star Orchestra, "Music Never Stopped", from "Thunder & Lightnin' "






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