So, Underworld.

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:35
VIEWED: 2362
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Saturday, January 28, 2006 1:38 PM


('Cause I can't find the other thread where we were discussin' this.)

Just got back from seeing Underworld: Evolution. Not as good as the first one. It ranged from "Meh." to "Ugh!" on the film-ometer. Seemed a lot of gratuitous gore and sex that didn't really add anything to the plot. I've got nothing against gore and sex, as a rule, it's just that I don't believe anything should be on screen unless it furthers the story. Okay, let us know that Michael and Selene are having sex, but there's no need to go all porno on us. That's a full minute where, plot-wise, nothing is happening. Plus, I think that a well-executed neck-snap is far cooler than ripping a skull apart and splattering brains everywhere.

There only seemed to be about an hour's worth of actual story buried in there. Also, more of the extreeeeeeeeeem close-up, gritty-filter, and shakey-cam school of action sequences (have I mentioned how sick I'm getting of that? [Not motion-sick, just fed up with that particular directorial bandwagon]). Remember the good old days, when you could actually see fight choreography?

Maybe I've just been spoiled by the Buffyverse; I kept expecting characters to show some personality or wit. I kept rewriting things in my head as I watched it. It really drove home how much I miss Angel's sense of humour, and Buffy's chemistry with the Scoobies, and Spike's general Spike-ness. I don't remember them being quite as stiff in the first one, but that may just be the haze of years since I've seen it.

Thanks for reminding me why I don't usually go in for action or horror movies. Ultraviolet does look kinda cool though (at least, the trailer makes it look like there's a good story in there).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:49 AM


Never been an Underworld fan. The first film just felt flat to me. From what you said here Cyber, Underworld: Evolution doesn't sound much better.

I felt Underworld was just a weak copy of Blade. In Blade you had brilliant characters created by Snipes, Kristofferson and Dorf. Superb fight scenes where you can actually see clearly what was going on (The intro at the vampire club 'The Blood Bath' is oustanding). Underworld doesn't have those strong characters, the and it all just felt a bit wooden.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 4:34 AM


I liked Underworld and UW: Evolution just for the action. They have tons of it. But if you wanna see the best vampire flick see Interview with the Vampire. The Blade flicks were OK, but I just like the action. I can't stand to hear Wesley Snipes talk - he sounds ridiculous with those vampire teeth.

Mal would kick Han Solo's ass.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:50 AM


You may want to check out a couple of vampire movies from the 80's that aren't all action and FX,if you haven't already seen them that is. Both "Vamp" and "Fright Night" rely more on atmosphere and the characters. While I won't argue that these are great movies I still find the latter to hold up quite well.

We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:00 PM



Originally posted by singate:
You may want to check out a couple of vampire movies from the 80's that aren't all action and FX,if you haven't already seen them that is. Both "Vamp" and "Fright Night" rely more on atmosphere and the characters. While I won't argue that these are great movies I still find the latter to hold up quite well.

I love Fright Night. From the 80s The Lost Boys and Near Dark are really good vamp movies as well


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:35 AM



Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
Never been an Underworld fan. The first film just felt flat to me. From what you said here Cyber, Underworld: Evolution doesn't sound much better.

I felt Underworld was just a weak copy of Blade. In Blade you had brilliant characters created by Snipes, Kristofferson and Dorf. Superb fight scenes where you can actually see clearly what was going on (The intro at the vampire club 'The Blood Bath' is oustanding). Underworld doesn't have those strong characters, the and it all just felt a bit wooden.

I liked the original. I thought the sequel might be interesting until I saw the trailers for it, then I decided it might be best for a rental or wait for TV. I always thought Bill Nighy was great as Viktor, especially when he makes his first entrance after being awoken. I liked Blade too and I agree, the Blade character is much more interesting. I really enjoy the part near the end of the first Blade after Blade gets rejuvenated by drinking he doctor's blood (at her order) and goes all beserk looking for Frost. I find it insanely funny and somewhat frightening at the same time. Talk about a guy who has tunnel vision for the moment.


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:48 AM


Blade is easily the best of the 3. I just recently watched Blade trinity 2 days ago as I bought it cheap, just to complete the trilogy, on DVD. I just new it wouldnt stand up to 1 or even 2 and I was right. However on the plus side I have fell totally head over heels in love with Jessica Biel as Abigail Whistler :D


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:59 AM



Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
Blade is easily the best of the 3. I just recently watched Blade trinity 2 days ago as I bought it cheap, just to complete the trilogy, on DVD. I just new it wouldnt stand up to 1 or even 2 and I was right. However on the plus side I have fell totally head over heels in love with Jessica Biel as Abigail Whistler :D

I have only seen the first two. The second one was not too bad, but I did not really go for the "love interest" for Blade. I thought the whole "Who's side is Whistler really on?" to be much more fun and, of course, Ron Perlman was just fantastic. I always enjoy him in movies like that. Plus, I thought the villain, the one who was the lord's son, was pretty neat. I came pretty close to renting the third one over the weekend. I guess I will wait for it to come on TV.

"Catch you f---ers at a bad time?" I love that line. Makes me laugh every time I hear it.


Monday, January 30, 2006 1:07 PM


America loves a winner!

Haven't seen it, don't care much to either. Saw Underworld, but felt... meh. Cute as KB is, I just don't feel the urge...to see the movie. Hell, I've still not seen Kong yet, and likely won't. Unless I'm really bored.

I sorta like how different folks do the whole vampire thing. I admit I never really cared much about the genre until Buffy/Angel. I know there are folk out there who really get into such stuff, strange sh*t....and it's completely unlike anything hollywood puts out... oh well. I'm always now thinking..." I wonder what these vamps would think of Spike or Angel...before getting their asses kicked by either one of 'em "

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 30, 2006 1:18 PM


It's weird, being into vampire movies and all, but I totally couldn't stand Blade.

The opening scene is pretty much the only good thing about it, I thought. It sort of drove me crazy how bloody all the vampires got drinking someone (I mean really, try getting some in your mouth!) and felt Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff weren't that great.

I do, however, love Donal Logue (from Grounded for Life and every I Love Whatever on VHI) as the vampire that keeps getting his ass kicked. He is funny and wicked at the same time!

I have to agree Fright Night and Lost Boys are pretty much at the top of the vampire movie list.

"If they've got guns or brains at all."
"They've got guns."


Monday, January 30, 2006 5:38 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I wonder what these vamps would think of Spike or Angel...before getting their asses kicked by either one of 'em "

For some reason I keep flashing back to that scene in Buffy, where they find a room full of vampire groupies, all goth and stylish, and Angel complains that real vampires don't dress like that. . . just before meeting someone dressed exactly like he is.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:56 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Cybersnark:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I wonder what these vamps would think of Spike or Angel...before getting their asses kicked by either one of 'em "

For some reason I keep flashing back to that scene in Buffy, where they find a room full of vampire groupies, all goth and stylish, and Angel complains that real vampires don't dress like that. . . just before meeting someone dressed exactly like he is.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.

Heh heh...I wanna see that one! Funny.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:35 PM


Loved the first one. I liked the science behind all the horror. It was a new spin on the whole Vamp thing for me. And it was "sleek". Very fast paced, good action & a bit of the sexy without making me feel like I shouldn't be looking. Just the trailers for the new one, make me want to avoid it. It just seems very over the top and very "Hey kids come see this it's got blood & guts & naked chicks" Sorry, not my taste. Anyway, my piece said.

As for Angel...seasons 1 & 2 & 5 forever!!!

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again






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