Post your picks for Wonder Woman

UPDATED: Sunday, February 11, 2007 08:28
VIEWED: 29467
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Monday, September 4, 2006 11:23 AM


Yes Yinyang on occasion silly can be hilarious. And I can be a good sport too. Here's a picture of Halle Berry. I'm not sure if we have one or not, this thread is getting large and wonderful to visit thanks to Phoenixrose and all the contributers. Keep them coming.

Here is a picture of Halle Berry that Phoenixrose just mentioned. I think if we mention a possible Wonder Woman we should show people an image of them. I just hope this is a good one.

I wanted her as Storm so you can see her as super hero. This looks good. I think she would be a good choice. I actually was a little angry she didn't get more time in last X-Men.


PS I am not getting notifications of replies so I may not always know of people repling to me and I suspect people do not know when I am repling to them. So until Haken can repair this will do my best to keep up.


Monday, September 4, 2006 12:05 PM


Personally I felt she was horrible as Storm (they should have gotten Angela Bassett), she made the character too weak. Plus, she's already done Catwoman (another character she ruined). I think enough is enough. I think they should impose a one-comic-book-character-per-actor/actress limit.


I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, September 4, 2006 1:42 PM


I'm all for an unknown with knock your socks off talent.
I enjoy seeing a performer and saying "wow, who's that? They're GOOD!"
That was my response to Serenity.

I'm also for a box office smash that will give Joss more weight to throw around in Hollywood.
This would give him the ability to get his "pet projects" greenlighted more easily.
300 lb gorilla, here we come!


Monday, September 4, 2006 2:17 PM


I wouldn’t prefer an African-American looking woman playing Wonder Woman anymore then I’d prefer my own sister doing so (who is Irish-American, and looks it). As far as catwoman is concerned, I think Halle Berry looked the part, since the implied ethnicity was Egyptian. (Whatever other problems may have afflicted the film, it wasn’t Berry’s ethnicity.) I don’t, however, think Halle Berry looks like how ethnically Greek is generally considered to look. But for that matter I don’t think Selma Hayek does either. In fact, Anne Hathaway looks more Greek then either of them.

I did find this model, however. Her name is Valia Kakouti (Βαλια Κακουτη). She is 6’0” Greek model. I think she looks very Wonder Womanish, but I have no idea if she could actually act.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, September 4, 2006 2:26 PM


My vote -- is either for Lucy Lawless. Or as a distant second maybe Jessica Alba.


Monday, September 4, 2006 3:53 PM


The Amazons are associated with the Sarmatians who lived to the east of the Scythians. A grave site of a warrior woman was found near Tiflis that is considered of Sarmatian origin. Coming from the east may imply that they had Asian ancestry. But this region seems to be a melting pot of east and west so it is difficult to place ethnic background. As for size. Most people were smaller in stature in the ancient world. It is the the better nutrition and living standards that have helped increase our height. So an Amazon would also benefit from this. So any height could be be considered.
So there are a lot of women who would fit the part. Even if an actress does not have muscular body could start working out to build one. It would not be the first and actress or actor has altered their body for a role.

An unknown actress may me Joss's choice, but I think he may stick with an established face, since it is only one person and not nine, like Firefly, he would have to pay. But it is only my guess. I'm not River Tam and so can't read Joss's mind.



Monday, September 4, 2006 5:00 PM


Ever since I heard Summer say it I've been for it - Gina Torres for Wonder Woman.
I forget which premier she was at when she said it, but I know that's where I heard it first.

"I'm not going to say Serenity is the greatest SciFi movie ever; oh wait yes I am." - Orson Scott Card


Monday, September 4, 2006 5:01 PM


Strictly speaking there is no historical argument for choosing one ethnicity over another, and Greeks aren’t all dark-eyed brunettes. I just simply prefer the typical Greek “look,” because the whole concept of the Amazons is Greek in origin, regardless of whatever particular people were being referenced, if any, by the Greeks. This is a preference of dilettante artistic license not historical accuracy.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, September 4, 2006 5:39 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Actually, I have to debate that the ancients were of shoter stature. There's quite a bit of evidence that when the main diet was protien, veggies, and some fruit, people were quite a bit taller and also had larger frames. I just saw a re-constructed ancient skeleton in Discover magazine, in fact, and it was quite a bit bigger than the modern. When folk stopped hunting and started farming, the frame shrunk. No one is quite sure why, but it's true. Better nutrition has helped us in modern times be healthier and maybe taller than those a few hundred years ago, but what about before that? Before farming or the concept of farming existed at all and people were always on the move and ate a lot of meat? Just something to consider.
I like the pictures of that model, she does look very Wonder Woman. Can she act? Can she even speak English all that well? Those are likely to be the big questions. But I could see it...

PS Halle Berry is not Wonder Woman and should not be considered. I don't know how many times I'm going to need to restate that. I did not mention her in the context of thinking she should have the role and never would. I like her fine, but no. She doesn't have the power, the presence. She doesn't hold herself like Wonder Woman.

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, September 4, 2006 6:47 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
PS Halle Berry is not Wonder Woman and should not be considered.



I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, September 4, 2006 7:03 PM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:

Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
PS Halle Berry is not Wonder Woman and should not be considered.




Monday, September 4, 2006 7:19 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
But I can think up some criteria on my own, much of which will probably be of importance in the actual choice (or not), such as acting ability, similarity to Linda Carter...

I've been thinking about this more and more; how many people cling to Linda Carter as Wonder Woman.
OK, she gorgeous, no argument. She's a good actress, I really like everything I've seen her in. I haven't seen the original Wonder Woman series with her, but I've talked to my dad about it. He thought she was dead sexy as Wonder Woman, but that she wasn't really a good pick for being a hero because hse lacked athletic grace.
So here's the thing, is I don't want a Wonder Woman now who can fill Linda Carter's shoes. I want one who can fill Wonder Woman's boots!
I posted this a little higher up the thread, but it could stand to be seen again.

That is Wonder Woman. Fierce power and grace. Gorgeous and buff and strong.
This is an overly delicate, 50's school-boy fantasy version of her.

I always thought that particular costume looked a little strange, too. But that's neither here nor there.
As Joss himself says, strong women are hot. I think the time of the delicate Wonder Woman is really over, and rightly so. Linda Carter has her place in the history, but let's leave her there, please.

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, September 4, 2006 8:00 PM


Similar images of superman were just as likely to appear with the same pose and attitude. Neither the cinematography nor the sensibilities of the time were able to bring comic book heroes/heroines to the tv screen as they were depicted in the comics. That’s not the same today. Technology allows us to present comic book heroes in ways that physics would never allow a real person to act. And we should use that technology to the best that we can to tell the story. The social attitudes have changed too, though I’m not sure necessarily for the better. Certainly any depiction of Wonder Woman ought to reinvent her for the modern world, but I still think the principle target audience should be children.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, September 4, 2006 8:41 PM


OK, since my first career goal was to be Wonder Woman II (seriously)
Lucy Lawless has always been the pick for me. I know some say to old but hello...wonder WOMAN. I don't think a child of 19 should be playing the part. Lucy being said I am in LOVE with the thought of Gina. Never would have crossed my mind but what an AMAZING fit.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:16 AM


Both Lucy Lawless and Gina have shown themselves as being warrior women. I don't see them having a problem with this role. As for age. A comic book character is ageless. Most of your most popular superheros have been around for decades. If someone younger than 19 were choosen than I think that would be a mistake. How much older? That is a good question. Wonder Woman always appeared to me as in her early to mid 30's. But depending where they decide to pick up the story of Wonder Woman could be the deciding factor.

I have not heard. Are they going to make Wonder Woman contemporary or go back to the early years when the comics first came out? They started the original TV show taking place in the 1940's than suddenly in the next season the show was contemporary. That's when I quit watching. I prefered the 40's.
But the last few movies of Superman have placed him in our time frame, so I imagine they will do the same with Wonder Woman. That would not disappoint me because I don't believe they will follow the same format as the TV show. Just like the Batman movies were nothing like the Batman TV show.



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11:11 AM


I read somewhere that they were planning on this being an "origins" story, similar to Batman Begins, so having a woung WW is a very real possability. However, it didn't say if it was going to be modern or classic.


I'll be in my bunk.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 1:27 PM


Well Who ever they choose I hope the script is good. I enjoyed Spiderman. Not just the plot, but also the developement of the character. The desire just to be normal but realization he has the ablilty to help those in need. The I felt him struggle with this. I thought making him more human made him even more heroic. That's why I like Gina Torres. Of course Wonder Woman is born and raised to this fate. But doesn't mean she won't have inner struggles. I would have selected Gina, but Phoenixrose beat me to it. Well it is her thread.
But Gina showed her ability to balance the struggles of Firefly's criminal activities while maintaining a domestic relationship with her husband, Wash. Who we hope will return. Had to slip that in there in case Joss is reading this. Lucy Lawless has these same qualities, but she is getting older. Anyone have a recent picture of her? I haven't seen her in years so I really should not judge her age until I see a more recent picture. We may have one already, but this site is getting so big it hard to search through it.

So I will repeat myself and hope the script is up to standard that I saw with Gina in the Firefly series, because that would really make a great movie.

I just hate to jinx it by asking to much.
But if Gina is in it I will go just to see her.
And cross my fingers and hope that her next job is Zoe again.



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 2:10 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
Well Who ever they choose I hope the script is good.

It's Joss.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 2:27 PM


I have confidence in Joss, its those other people who keep pulling the strings. I hope Joss has control over this thing.

Can you tell I'm stillabout Firefly.



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 2:44 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

The pic at the top of Lucy Lawless where she's all done up like a dominatrix is quite recent; it's from her stint in "Eurotrip" which was a couple years ago, but still. That's... one of the reasons I chose that shot of her.

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 7:35 AM


I didn't even recognize her. She still looks good. If not better.

Thank You



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 2:03 PM


Yeah, I didn't realize that was Lucy Lawless, either. Was I just not paying attention when Xena was on or did she get better looking with age?

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 5:49 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

She has indeed aged well, hasn't she?

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 6:52 PM


Baby, Thats right, because Joss hasn't done enough things to make sure he is fed. And all of the actors from Firefly has been doing things every since his first works has been out.

Joss isn't the most wealthyist man alive, I know that. But he'll be ok while he makes firefly.

And like you said, "all of us can't hold out for a pipe dream most of us know is never going to come true". So whats the point of this web site again?

You maybe a fan of Joss' work and thats fine. But unless its Firefly, I really don't care what Joss is making. I didn't like Buffy or Angel.

I don't have time to watch every TV show or every movie. But I'll make time to watch Firefly, and as long as we are trying to make a differance to help Firefly come back, I'll make time for that as well. If we are just going to give up and hope for the best, and only use this web site as a chat room. I'm sorry I don't have time for that and I won't make time. If you do not see things the way I do, Thats fine. As long as you can respect it.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 7:08 PM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:
Marine, let's not forget that Joss needs to eat too. And Joss has more passions than just Firefly. Angel was stolen from him (Joss found out like half way through the last season that he had to wrap everything up), and he fought to keep that on the air and lost. Fox doesn't care, they never have. They (Joss and his casts) and all of us can't hold out for a pipe dream most of us know is never going to come true. We got the BDM, and to be honest, it's more than I ever expected. Just be happy we still get the opportunity to see a creation of Joss', whatever it may be, come to life.


I'll be in my bunk.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 8:11 PM



Originally posted by Marine:

And like you said, "all of us can't hold out for a pipe dream most of us know is never going to come true". So whats the point of this web site again?

You maybe a fan of Joss' work and thats fine. But unless its Firefly, I really don't care what Joss is making. I didn't like Buffy or Angel.

I don't have time to watch every TV show or every movie. But I'll make time to watch Firefly, and as long as we are trying to make a differance to help Firefly come back, I'll make time for that as well. If we are just going to give up and hope for the best, and only use this web site as a chat room. I'm sorry I don't have time for that and I won't make time. If you do not see things the way I do, Thats fine. As long as you can respect it.

Not to worry , MARINE ! I feel certain that there will be more Firefly content .

Everyone is willing . Joss is willing . The cast are willing . The Browncoats are willing . The Hollywood investors are willing . Mary Parent took a chance on us once . Sooner or later , the execs at Universal will see the wisdom of greenlighting another sequel .

No doubt there are people in Hollywood who look at Browncoat activities and numbers on virtually a daily basis . There is nothing that Hollywood loves so much as a 'franchise'. We will just keep doing our parts individually , buying the boxsets , the licensed merchandise , novelizations , comic books , etc . Every bit of it 'counts'.

Every time we buy some new Serenity product , another F*X 'executive' goes to Hell... The 'Special' Hell . And we get further along toward reaching our next critical objective...

More Browncoats = More CRITICAL MASS . More butts in theater seats on the next outing . Keep recruiting , Keep Buying , Keep the Faith , We WILL get there . When the next BDM comes along , it will BREAK OUT BIG TIME !

The Serenity dvd WILL be profitable , no doubt it already is... Remember , Serenity was chosen as Universal's first HD-DVD release . They wouldn't do that for a film they considered to be a 'loser'.

One thing that people are forgetting is that shortly after Serenity opened last September , this country had the crap kicked out of it with a couple of MAJOR hurricanes...Katrina and Rita , and the country's attention was diverted to some very pressing matters...

When Serenity opened last year , it opened against Jodie Foster's movie , FLIGHTPLAN . But it turned in some very respectable numbers on opening weekend , despite being on fewer screens .

Now , I like Jodie as much as the next guy , but I considered it to be much more important to see Serenity time and again . On premiere day I took some family members to see it . The next day I went back and saw it a couple more times .

On several more occasions , I took other friends and family back to see it . I saw Serenity at least 8 times while it was on first-run in theaters . If it was playing right now , I'd go back and see it some more . It looks that good on the big screen , and I enjoy it in some new aspect with each repeat viewing . This is not some chore , it is a 'Labor of Love' !

At one of the theaters where it ran for 2 months , I spoke to the manager and asked how it had done for them . He said that Serenity had done solid and steady business while they had it there . I have yet to see 'Flightplan' , either in the theater , or on DVD . Can't say that I feel that I've missed anything .

As long as I've got my Serenity , and my Firefly boxset , I'm going to hold 'til our B-D-Heroes get back...No brag , just fact...As long as any of us are DOING anything , it makes a difference !

This summer , nearly $65,000 was raised at Serenity charity screenings around the world ! This kind of stuff GETS NOTICED in Hollywood . Browncoats are not a bunch of flakes . We are here to stay...And we're just happy to be doin' good works !

We need you , MARINE ! Keep the Faith , Brother , and RECRUIT another BROWNCOAT today !

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Thursday, September 7, 2006 4:33 PM


As for Lucy she looks great. She is actually on deuts with the stars (yes, I know) as a blonde--not the best look for her. She is beautiful but not STRIKING as she is with dark hair. Regardless, she is lovely and aging well.
As for the future of Firefly I got my husband to agree that if we win the big lottery we can finance the creation of Firefly seasons 2 on. (It has to be Firefly because I want Wash alive!) I kept telling my hubby "If we can get it up and running the Browncoats will help." He thinks I'm a little to involved but hey, he loves the show also.
EVERYONE keep your fingers crossed for the big one (lottery). I promise to come through for all of us :)
When I win (positive thinking) I'm also having the mama con the mother of all Jossverse cons...I plan it when I'm stuck in traffic, or frustrated with my job. My own therapy :)
Ok, back to reality.......
I believe that fan intrest CAN make things happen...hello Serenity! So lets keep our heads up and keep voting with our dollars. The studios go where the money is. I bought another copy of BDM on Serenity day even though I was late on other bills. I'm voting with my $ and showing support by being here :)


Thursday, September 7, 2006 4:51 PM



Originally posted by zrbs:

As for the future of Firefly I got my husband to agree that if we win the big lottery we can finance the creation of Firefly seasons 2 on. (It has to be Firefly because I want Wash alive!) I kept telling my hubby "If we can get it up and running the Browncoats will help." He thinks I'm a little to involved but hey, he loves the show also.
EVERYONE keep your fingers crossed for the big one (lottery). I promise to come through for all of us :)
When I win (positive thinking) I'm also having the mama con the mother of all Jossverse cons...I plan it when I'm stuck in traffic, or frustrated with my job. My own therapy :)
Ok, back to reality.......
I believe that fan interest CAN make things happen...hello Serenity! So lets keep our heads up and keep voting with our dollars. The studios go where the money is. I bought another copy of BDM on Serenity day even though I was late on other bills. I'm voting with my $ and showing support by being here :)

Thanks for being here , ZRBS ! And thanks for your support ! Good to know you've got that solid Browncoat spirit ! We love you for that !

Ditto your sentiments about Lucy . She's definitely still looking good . There may be better choices for Wondy-Gal , but there are definitely worse ones ! The striking brunettes always light the belly-fires...

Going to pledge to do my part for Firefly 2 also . Not really a gambler myself , but if there's a sudden windfall , I'm right there with you !

Never mind about 'reality'. What passes for 'reality' these days is definitely sucking...
Paying bills also sucks ; more 'Serenity' is always good...Maybe that one will be a loaner or a gift for someone you care for...

Browncoat Welcome and Thanks for keeping the Faith , ZRBS ! Appreciatin' your post !

Browncoat Solidarity !


Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:26 PM


Hello Marine:

For me, I feel lucky. I only saw about five minutes of Firefly when it actually aired. A lot of time went by and I really didn't think much about it. Then one day I wanted to by some new DVD's so I went to the nearest Best Buy to see what they had. I noticed the Firefly collection and took a look at it. I began to remember the five minutes I watched. Ron Glass was in it. Now I like Ron Glass so I said to myself "Lets give this a try". Well you know the rest. I've gone through the entire series 12 times at least. When the movie came out I went the first day. As soon as the movie DVD hit the streets I bought it. Now it is the fifteenth episode for me.

I like a lot of science fiction. I remember "Men into Space", in the early 60's. "Twilight Zone" was excellent. The first Star Trek. Our TV was broken and all we could get was the sound so I listened to the first Star Trek without even seeing who was in it.

I have a thing for science fiction.

I started watching Buffy almost from the start. I was in my mid forties when Buffy aired and here I was watching teenagers fight off vampires. I do not think the show was designed for my age bracket but I think it was a great show.

Maybe I don't eat, drink and sleep Firefly, but I want it back. I googled Firefly and found this site. It is people like Phoenixrose who have helped me learn about the characters, the way the plots weave together, how they change with each episode. Now when I start watching Firefly it is fresh again because I know more about it from people like Phoenixrose.

We don't always agree, but we are diverse. Firefly has a fan base that spans different age groups, cultures, religious beliefs, and every other group you can come up with. I am 54 years old and share this fan site with people who are 10 year olds. Joss created a show that has no boundries I can ever find.

My favorite thread is when a new Browncoat makes their first post to say hello to us. We run to to that thread a greet that person with open arms and big hugs.

If there was never another episode of Firefly again I would not cry about it. I feel blessed with what I have.

They can not take the sky from me. Those words mean something to me.

So we discuss other things besides Firefly. I am a fan of the early Flash Gordon series. Others have their own favorites.

This thread is about Wonder Woman.
I'm more an X-Men fan myself, but I didn't like the movies that much.

I'm waiting for Wonder Woman, because I think it will be great.

That does not lesson my desire to see Firefly back on TV.

I think Joss really wants to do Wonder Woman. He could just about do anything he wants. But he choose Wonder Woman. Joss is more than Firefly. Who knows what projects he has in his mind. We don't own him. He is free do what he wants. But we are here to let him know we would like more Firefly. I am sure he is quite aware of that. He made the movie "Serenity" didn't he? That's because he knew we wanted more.

He had about one week to make the Train Job, but did he just throw something together. No. It is a fine piece of work that holds it own with the rest of the show. Joss does not create junk. And I will be there when Wonder Woman comes to my town. Because Joss always does his best with any project.

The fans, of this site, are here to let Joss know we want Firefly back. Never doubt that. For all our diversity we have that in common.
So do not doubt our purpose. We are Browncoats.



Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:52 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Thank you, traveler; very well said!
I'm glad I can help make the show new for you! I feel all warm and fuzzy...

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, September 7, 2006 6:08 PM


Phoenixrose, you and the others have made Firefly very special to me. I hope Marine will see that as well.



Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:51 AM


Well said Traveler. Thank you for helping me understand a little bit more about the web site.



Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:24 PM


Hello Marine:

I know this place can seem wacky at times but we are just trying to learn about each other.

I just finished answering a thread from a 13 year old who wanted to know if he should ask this girl, he likes, to go out with him. Hell yes!
You should see all the people giving him positive reinforcement and advice. I hope the girl realizes how special he is and says yes.

When I joined this site the last thing I thought I'd be doing is talking about girls to a 13 year old. But a Browncoat asks for help. Of course I didn't tell him I was single and didn't know what I was talking about, but I wished him luck and I hope it works out okay for him. To be that young again.



Sunday, February 11, 2007 8:28 AM



Originally posted by Marine:
I think that Joss should just throw away the whole WW idea. It should never take place. Joss should be thinking about directing the second season of Firefly, not some other movie......

Whoa! Listen: can I hang out with you the next time you're updating your stock portfolio?







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