Battlestar: Galactica "The Passage" (Jane Espenson's episode)

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 05:21
VIEWED: 2586
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Saturday, December 9, 2006 8:22 PM


So, what did everybody think?

I really enjoyed it, better than last week, actually. I think they do fairly good character episodes, but it is nice to get back into the swing of things, get back to the cylone-story a little.

Man, this episode was rough. I've always liked Kat. well, sort of. She comes off as bit strong sometimes, but, hey, that's Kat. So, at the end... *tears*. Adama at the end, then Starbuck. *more tears*

Remember when everyone thought that Jane Espenson was going to bring some funny to BSG? So didn't happen. Well, except for the Adama and Tigh moment, laughing about a paper shortage. That has to be one of the best moments ever.

I always do love the episodes about pilots, though. You really can't help but feel for them, because they ARE the ones dying, putting themselves out there and dying. And, man, they had it rough this week.

My only complaint is Starbuck -- her characterization had been a bit all over this season. After the catharsis of "Unfinished Bussiness", I thought she would be a little less angry. But, she wasn't. Oh well. I guess it *is* Starbuck.

Still... I think it would have been a more interesting dynamic between her and Kat if they weren't at each other's throat. I thought they'd gotten that out of their system in "Scar." Kat really was the one who fueled the anamosity between them, but I thought she'd more or less let it go when Starbuck filled that cup for her and she had proved herself. But, oh well.

Also *tears, tears, tears* at the placement of Kat's photo next to the photo of Riley's girlfriend. It's awesome continuity, and heart-wrenching.

Arcadia (aka Greyfable and/or Katie)
www.stillflying.net -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:13 PM


Eh, I thought it was alright. Some parts were very touching and the effects were fantastic as usual, but I thought last weeks was better. This ep seemed to really just be setting up for next week's.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

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Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:22 AM


This was sad. I'm gonna miss Kat.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:59 AM


I was disapointed in it. I thought it seemed too formulatic. I knew Kat was going to die within the first 10 minutes. And I felt like they were trying to cram this whole character arch they'd probably had on the back burner and had never been able to use into one episode so she could have some sort of closure.

Dunno. I thought the Cylon stuff was more interesting, personally.

But I agree, the paper scene was just about the funniest moment ever!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom



Sunday, December 10, 2006 9:16 AM


The paper shortage scene was good, but overall (*puts on his flame suit), I felt this was the worst episode of BSG to date...and I don't say this lightly. I've been proclaiming to people that this season of BSG has been one of my favorite seasons of any television show. Something about the show just seemed really off. It also didn't help that this episode was Kat-centric (the only character I might hate more is Starbuck)...and maybe that's why. I also thought Scar was one of the worst eps of BSG.


Sunday, December 10, 2006 10:57 AM


the episode was better than some. i was actually happy when Kat died. I cant stand characters that have to be bitches in order to appear strong. Thats why I LOVE Zoe, shes definitely not a bitch.

Anyways, back to what I was saying... it was enjoyable but I didnt quite understand what Xena-Cylon was doing when she kept resurrecting herself, i'd appreciate it if someone could explain it to me and what does that cylon in the tub have to do with anything besides being the brains of the ship. someone said she's one of the 5 special Cylons but I dont understand any of that.

I wish for more Baltar cause even though he's a wuss and only cares about himself I just love him. I love watching his reactions on things and his "distressed" look is great. I miss Baltar!

Overall great episode.

Shepherd used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, December 10, 2006 11:38 AM


I thought it was okay. I was happy to see Jane's writing again. Seemed a bit rushed and somewhat convoluted with the whole back-and-forth thing... very formulaic... which doesn't necessarily translate as "bad."

I was also happy that Kat died. I hated that character. Unfortunately, since I hated her, her death meant nothing to me, so that made the whole episode kind of "meh." It is always nice, though, to see how Adama honors his people.

Anyways, DQBaby76, I think the whole LuCylon resurrection thing is about what lies between death and life. Sort of an "after-life," I believe, and she just wants to know what it is and what it means. I also think the Ship Cylon is one of those that isn't really alive, but isn't dead... so she kinda exists at, or just before, the point of resurrection. ?? Dunno if that makes the kind of sense in writing that it does in my brain. That's what I got out of it, anyway.



Sunday, December 10, 2006 4:41 PM


I didn't much care for Kat either, but I thought the episode was good and I'm not necessarily happy to see her go. I think as a viewer, it isn't really which characters die that I do or don't like, it's how the death of said character affects the other characters I care about. I mean, I don't know too many people who liked Ellen Tigh's character, but I was still sad when she "died" because of how it affected Col. Tigh, which affected the Admiral, which in turn affected the crew, etc.

I guess I just don't understand the people who are like "well, didn't care about his/her death," because in a good show, every event is an important part of the complete fabric. So basically if I am sad for a character I wasn't particularly invested in, I think the people on the show are doing their job well.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Monday, December 11, 2006 9:17 AM


Well, I'm surprised! I figured on coming here and joining a "wasn't that the most awesome episode evvurrrr?" sorta thread. I mean, Jane and all. Anyway, we had to wait a WHOLE FRAKKIN EXTRA DAY before seeing it, as it did not upload to iTunes all day Saturday, which was frustrating, but we thought it was well worth the wait when it finally appeared. I was floored. Absolutely floored. I need to watch it all again. Mr. Grizwald commented after the very first part that this was going to be an excellent episode. And it was.

Especially in contrast to last week's. Which of course I know some of you love. In fact, those who loved last week's don't seem to like this week's at all. Interesting.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:21 AM


Best part: Whedon Alum with work on a top show.

Worst part: Everything else.

I'm a fangirl, and I have to say I was disappointed. Not the Best. Episode. Ever.
Other than the scenes between D'anna (LuCylon) and Baltar, the episode really did nothing to further the arc of the story.

*Husband liked seeing LuCylon, Caprica, and Baltar in bed together...again.*

Kat's story line has been done before. "Bad girl escaping her past by assuming a new identity."

I don't believe Adama/Roslyn would have put so many civvy ships in danger after the first jump where they so easily lost one ship. They would have found another way.

Well, I'm looking past this episode as a blurp in the story line, and looking forward to next week's Eye of Jupiter episode.






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