Latest BSG Episode (3/25/07)

UPDATED: Thursday, March 29, 2007 20:53
VIEWED: 12953
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Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:04 PM


No reason to get excited, the thief he kindly spoke...

WOW! Gotta let this whole thing settle in...not sure what to think yet.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:11 PM


I would just like to say, "Ha! I knew the Starbuck character was coming back!"*

*Note: this doesn't mean she's not a Cylon, just that the character isn't going away entirely.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:13 PM


Also, I'd like to know how you could coherently argue that this happened a long time ago, given that they were singing "All Along the Watchtower." No seriously, I really would.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:14 PM


Yea...my mind is blown... I mean...wow. Frackin' wow.

Is Starbuck mystery cylon number five? She did come out of the cylon fleet didn't she?

I loved Lee's speech. It really summed things up, from episode one to right now.

Not sure what to think of Tigh and Tyrol and Sam and...and....can we get a name on that girl? Or a number?

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at http://richlabonte.net/tvvote/index.html


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:17 PM



Originally posted by Causal:
Also, I'd like to know how you could coherently argue that this happened a long time ago, given that they were singing "All Along the Watchtower." No seriously, I really would.

It would be really, really, interesting if they weren't cylons but somehow heard that song on a transmission from Earth and when they find it it'll be present day. However, I'm still putting my money on the theory that the members of the fleet are our ancestors.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at http://richlabonte.net/tvvote/index.html


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:19 PM


My thoughts.

The 5 cylons are broken off from the rest of the Cylons, hence why the 8 never talk about them. They are free thinkers and don't agree with the cylon way of thinking. Kara resurected at Earth and came back via the nebula. The 4 that we saw's Lock or whatever was programmed to disengage once they hit that nebula, I think they are good guys. That being said Hera isn't the only Cylon/Human hybrid, what about Ty and Ellen's son?


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:22 PM


Just a thought: how do we know they're Cylons? The only thing that we know is that they think their Cylons, and that isn't enough to justify an inference that they are. For all we know, it could be the "transmission" from Earth thing mentioned above. But yeah: wow.

Anybody else notice that they were using the opera house and music from Season 1?? And that Baltar and Caprica 6 were there in the ep tonight, just like in Season 1?

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:23 PM



Originally posted by derangedmilk:
However, I'm still putting my money on the theory that the members of the fleet are our ancestors.

Coherent argument?

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:32 PM



Originally posted by Causal:
Just a thought: how do we know they're Cylons? The only thing that we know is that they think their Cylons, and that isn't enough to justify an inference that they are. For all we know, it could be the "transmission" from Earth thing mentioned above. But yeah: wow.

Anybody else notice that they were using the opera house and music from Season 1?? And that Baltar and Caprica 6 were there in the ep tonight, just like in Season 1?

Yea, I noticed. I'm glad they're bringing it back to. Whenever I rewatch episodes from season 1, the imaginary six and baltar talk about having a baby so much that when I think about how they never mention it now I feel very dissapointed. What I think is very interesting is that they are bridging the gap between the real six and the head one. Not sure how thats going to work.

Perhaps some kind of telepathy (althought that would be kinda out of place in the new, less-scifi BSG). However, between the music and the the mutual dreams, there is enough of it going on to warrant suspicion.

Coherent arguement? C'mon Casual haven't you heard that theory enough already...

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at http://richlabonte.net/tvvote/index.html


Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:42 PM


My thoughts and questions:

1. Why is Starbuck alive? Did she ride the nebula? is she a cylon? what?
2. All five of the people who "are cylons" (I'm including Starbuck) might not be cylons. Something else could be responsible for the music. I think that if they were Cylons for sure, we would have seen faces in the opera house.
3. Is the president a cylon? Something in her has to be connecting her to Six and Sharon for them to be sharring the visions.
4. Was Apollo the only one who saw Starbuck's ship on the radar?
5. What's up with Earth? What year is it? 1967 (the music)? Is everyone on Earth a Cylon? ...will everyone on earth be cylons?

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"
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Sunday, March 25, 2007 6:21 PM


Didn't that shot of Earth make it look a bit "used up"?


eh, Woulda been cool, though.

2008? Sheesh...I mighta forgotten about the show by then...


Sunday, March 25, 2007 7:41 PM


For half an hour, I was watching a really good sci-fi version of Law and Order/Nuremberg. Then all of a sudden, I got really stoned and saw Tyrrol, Tigh, Starbuck's widow and Rosalinds aid hum Jimi Hendrix and realize they're Cylons. And to top that off you got Starbuck herself back from the dead proclaiming that she'll lead them to earth, and all this on top of a fleetwide power outage and another Cylon dogfight.

Wait, that was for real? Holy shit!! That tops the last two finales.

January 2008 can't get here fast enough.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Sunday, March 25, 2007 8:02 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
...hum Jimi Hendrix...

Actually the cover was performed by Brendan McCreary aka Bt4. He is the brother of series composer Bear McCreary.

More about it at McCreary's blog:



Sunday, March 25, 2007 8:09 PM


Holy hell that episode was fantastic! The last three episodes have really sunk the hook back in me. Although it is going to suck waiting 9 months I'll definitely be back.

Lee's speech was incredible. I thought for sure he would stick the knife in his father but instead he questioned the integrity of the entire fleet.

I knew Gaeta had hatred for Baltar but I didn't expect him to flat out lie on the stand. Of course if he told the truth it would have exonerated Baltar.

During Lee's "testimony" I kept having this feeling that Bill was going to vote not guilty. When he admitted it to Roslin I thought one of them was going to suggest Baltar be dealt with using some non-legal justice. She really has seemed to walk a fine moral line of late.

Not sure what to make of the four would be cylons. I thought there was something about how the skin jobs only came into existence a few years ago. Given Tigh's age and amount of time he has known Bill something doesn't add up. Unless of course the final five are much older and left the cylon community long ago.

I knew Starbuck wasn't gone. What was the deal with her ship blinking on and off Lee's scope? Perhaps a more advanced model...it did appear shiny and new.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, March 25, 2007 8:15 PM



Originally posted by singate:
Of course if he told the truth it would have exonerated Baltar.

No it wouldn't. Because Gaeta wasn't there when Baltar was forced to sign the death warrant. He doesn't know the truth of why Baltar signed it. That's why he's a liar.


Sunday, March 25, 2007 8:54 PM


Incredible. Just incredible. I thought the show had started to go downhill the past season, but the past few episodes have really made up for it. When I saw Starbuck pull up alongside Apollo, I got goosebumps.

I can't believe the show won't be back until 2008 though. Makes me wonder what in the frak Sci-Fi is thinking.....

"How drunk was I last night?"


Monday, March 26, 2007 2:06 AM


I got goose bumps as well when I saw the pyramid of Viper engines behind Lee. That was a great TV moment. My wife came into the room because I was whooping it up so much at the end. All I could say was that might have been some of the best TV I've ever watched. That was a great episode for sure.
I can't believe they are making us wait till 08 to get new shows, but I guess thats alot of time to debate whats going on.


Monday, March 26, 2007 2:49 AM


By the by--anyone know why it's not coming back until '08?

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:00 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
By the by--anyone know why it's not coming back until '08?

My question exactly... How the frak am I going to wait that long!!??

Does it have something to do with the movie they're making to be out in the fall and having ordered the 22 more eps for the next season?

I've been following BSG all along, and love it.
Best show on tv right now, even considering the latest season's faltering start!! It's more than made up for it in these last three eps!

And Mark's performance- Incredible!

Is there a former thread discussing this? I've not been keeping up on the theories and the ideas everyone is having about what is going on and I'd love to catch up.

Causal ( OT ) are you referring to Alvin Carl Plantinga in your sig? Just curious.

From here to the eyes and the ears of the 'Verse!



Monday, March 26, 2007 4:02 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Does it have something to do with the movie they're making to be out in the fall and having ordered the 22 more eps for the next season?

Movie?? What movie??

Also, I'd heard somewhere that because it won't start back up until January '08, there'll only be 13 season-4 eps. Got any good sources/links?

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:07 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by Causal:
By the by--anyone know why it's not coming back until '08?

My question exactly... How the frak am I going to wait that long!!??

Does it have something to do with the movie they're making to be out in the fall and having ordered the 22 more eps for the next season?

...Is there a former thread discussing this?

Guessing here, but Season 4 only got the greenlight within the past 4 weeks, and so that doesn't give much lead time if they were to start in September. Plus I'm sure the movie (which was already approved) has a lot to do with it.

There's bunches of threads. I've loved how everybody has split it into episode by episode, that has really helped the discussions be productive and nonspoilerish.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:12 AM


Causal, that's right, January 2008, but that's wrong, they're doing a full season of 22 episodes.

Linkage: http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/news/

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:34 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
Movie?? What movie??
Also, I'd heard somewhere that because it won't start back up until January '08, there'll only be 13 season-4 eps. Got any good sources/links?

Yeah.. I do.



Interesting site, full of news generally and also confirmable over at Gateworld and SciFi.

SyFyBoards are awesome too... and they need members.

From here to the eyes and the ears of the 'Verse!



Monday, March 26, 2007 5:06 AM


Hee hee! I finally got one theory right! Yay me! I kept saying, "But Roslyn gave a sweeping pardon..." and it was totally brought up. Of course, I despise the Baltar character, and it wouldn't hurt me one bit if he found some street justice along his book tour...Well, the story would suffer though, so I gues therefore so would I.

My wife and I were discussing the "four" cylons. It seemes to me that they are just too convenient. While I have kinda held the belief that Tyrol was a cylon (the whole, "I don't know what forced me to walk this mile in no discernible direction to find the Temple of the Five" was just too odd to me), it could almost be said that they could have undergone some form of brain-washing that they don't remember on New Caprica. While we never actually saw all of them in the detention facility, it's not totally out of the question. They were all in the resistance after all.

Just my 2 cents and all-in-all a great episode.


Monday, March 26, 2007 5:19 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Best show on tv right now, even considering the latest season's faltering start!!

Have to disagree slightly here, I thought the first 5 episodes were very good (well, episode 3 maybe not so much), after which it started to drag a bit for a while. And then the string of filler episodes in the mid-teens, which I liked but I don't think anybody else did.

Worst aspects of the season for me: cheesy basestar scenes, and the rushed feel of 'Rapture', an episode that had great potential but didn't deliver because it tried to deliver too much. Apart from that I thought the season was quite good.

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.


Monday, March 26, 2007 6:37 AM



Originally posted by Skywalken:

Actually the cover was performed by Brendan McCreary aka Bt4. He is the brother of series composer Bear McCreary.

More about it at McCreary's blog:


Thanks for the link! Very, very helpful to hear Ron's reasoning behind using the Dylan song.

I have to second this being the best show on TV, and that the beginning and end of the season were the best parts, while dragging in the middle. I've heard that Moore only wants to make 13 episode seasons but scifi keeps ordering 22. Kinda blows to know that we're getting filler for no good reason but greedy execs.

The movie sounds great, but two hours of BSG in nine months just won't give me my fix.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at http://richlabonte.net/tvvote/index.html


Monday, March 26, 2007 8:30 AM


"My thoughts.

The 5 cylons are broken off from the rest of the Cylons, hence why the 8 never talk about them. They are free thinkers and don't agree with the cylon way of thinking. Kara resurected at Earth and came back via the nebula. The 4 that we saw's Lock or whatever was programmed to disengage once they hit that nebula, I think they are good guys. That being said Hera isn't the only Cylon/Human hybrid, what about Ty and Ellen's son?"

This pretty much seems to be along my line of thought, though not sure about Kara resurrecting, I certainly think she might be the last cylon, but I think that would be abit too obvious. They said they would announce who 4 of the cylons are and they did as far as we know, it would be too easy just to say Kara's the last one. Is Kara back though? Her ship didn't seem to stay very solid, but she's definitely less dead than she was so that's certainly fine by me. I'm looking forward to finding out what happens, even if I have to wait over half a year again to find out.
Also, on a more personal note I thought this episode was fantastic, the music worked perfectly and I couldn't really say much against it.

"No! I can't. Too much hair."


Monday, March 26, 2007 9:04 AM


So I'm going to ramble a little here on the episode.

The trial went pretty much the way I thought it would with Adama being accused of not being a inpartial judge, but Lee Adama's testimony was a good wrap up of the show since the beginning. I agreed with him that Baltar was not guilty of treason in the way he was charged. But I also agree with Roslin, that not guilty does not mean innocent.

With the music meeting of Tigh, Tyrol, Samuel Anders and Tory Foster, I am still not convinced that they are Cylons. Though we know little about Tory's background, the others have definate history predating the creation of the skin job cylons. Especailly the history between Saul Tigh and Bill Adama.

This would also make Galen and Cally Tyrol's baby another human-cylon hybrid. Chief Tyrol also had the spiritual experieces on the algee planet, something that cylons would of not known for him to be implanted with the memories.

I think they share a connection, but of a different source. Maybe the proximity to the nebula is affecting them in some way or they share a destiny not unlike what happened to Kara Thrace. Tyrol suspected he was cylon before, and that is why he was the one to offer up the explination that they are cylons. Roslin, Hera, Athena, and Caprica 6 also share some sort of bond that is unexplained. I doubt Roslin is a cylon because of her medical condition.

Then there is the fleetwide loss of power, which originated from two possible sources. The nebula again is doing something wierd, or I have long suspected Gaeta is a sleeper cylon agent and he transmitted a virus with the jump prep codes to the fleet.

I think the nebula, the fleetwide power outage, the Roslin/Athena/6 visions and the meeting of Tigh/Anders/Tory/Tyrol are all related.

The worst thing for me was the end of the season notice, I thought it was going to go at least 3 or 4 more episodes. 10 months is a very long time to wait.


Mechanic & Cook
"So thats where that bolt went to."


Monday, March 26, 2007 11:12 AM


This was nothing short of mind-blowing. Galactica's finest hour.

And, minor datapoint: Kara (assuming she's really there) couldn't have resurrected on Earth. She was in a viper, which are only available in the Colonies, or from a Basestar that scooped some up during the invasion (like the raptor Athena reclaimed after rescuing Hera).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, March 26, 2007 11:49 AM


I agree she was in a viper and we saw her viper explode, but boy her viper sure looked shiny and new. Maybe something she was given to travel home in after she ressurected.
After reading all the replys theres alot of things brought up that make you go hmmm. Such as The Chiefs baby being a Cylon/human hybrid.
I guess maybe its too convienant that the 4 are the cylons, they NEVER showed us the cylons in the opera house, soooo........


Monday, March 26, 2007 12:01 PM


Wacky theory: maybe Kara's viper disassembled on the Galactica side of the nebula and re-assembled on the earth side.

Editted to add: No disassemble, Stephanie!

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, March 26, 2007 12:13 PM



Originally posted by Skywalken

Actually the cover was performed by Brendan McCreary aka Bt4. He is the brother of series composer Bear McCreary.

More about it at McCreary's blog:


Hmmm...I don't know if this has been formally announced:

"Next month, I'm in the studio working on the Battlestar Galactica Season 3 soundtrack album (which will definitely have All Along the Watchtower on it!). Our release date will be mid-August, to coincide with the DVD release."

The question is, will it be two half-seasons like 2 and 2.5 or will it be one big set. Can't wait...nor can I wait until 2008. I mean 2008? On a positive note, gives me plenty of time to catch up my friends.

As far as this week's episode, it was fantastic. I'm not going to post my theories, because they're pretty similar and somewhat unfounded right now. However, it was awesome before the song was revealed, Tigh was like "there must be some kind of way out of here," which sorta made sense during the scene, especially coming from Tigh. But I was like, "hey, that's from Watchtower," and just kept on watching. I'm sure all of you shared my surprise when the lyric continued with the characters.

The Admiral redeemed himself in my eyes, although we still need the formal apologies, aka a hug, to bring Lee and Bill back together. And Romo's (Mark Sheppard) "Usual Suspects" exit was awesome...just like his character.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Monday, March 26, 2007 12:25 PM


I was just at another board checking some stuff out when someone posted a really great theory.

For those of us that have watched the original series you might have noticed that the new series somewhat mirrors it.
Well I don't think anyone has mentioned the white glowy god like aliens in the original series.
Seems like maybe they are trying to portray the original 5 as maybe these aliens. Any thoughts?


Monday, March 26, 2007 12:26 PM



Wacky theory: maybe Kara's viper disassembled on the Galactica side of the nebula and re-assembled on the earth side.

Eh? Yes, that's is definately a wacky theory.

Anyway, just piped in to say Roslins connection to the hybrid baby is the blod transfusion that cured here first bout of cancer...

If it caused any "other" changes in her as well as curing the cancer, that might explain her inclusion with the shared visions.



Monday, March 26, 2007 12:48 PM


Augh! iTunes still doesn't have the episode. I'm spoilering myself to death here.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, March 26, 2007 12:58 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:

Wacky theory: maybe Kara's viper disassembled on the Galactica side of the nebula and re-assembled on the earth side.

Eh? Yes, that's is definately a wacky theory.

I'm just saying: everybody's saying she "resurrected" on Earth. What if she didn't? What if she never died in the first place? Plus, I'm just happy my "there was no funeral" thing worked out.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, March 26, 2007 1:16 PM


all interesting... I read somewhere (sorry cannot recall where) that indeed RDMoore prefers 13 episode seasons.. SciFi DID renew for 22 next year, rumor is he may make NEXT year the last season.. so 22 is ALMOST 26... and maybe there would be less filler (as there has been)

we didn;t necessarily see Starbuck's ship explode.. we saw fireworks,,, but that could be re entry into the nebula... or.. is Starbucks just in Lee's head? His head starbuck a la Baltar's head 6??? She was all calm and peacful, not the stress kitten who went up in that maelstrom episode...

They said they would show who the cylons were.. the last five, but to MY MIND they still have not made it clear. so they are frakin with us.. and I don't mind.

I HOPE Romo comes back.. usual suspects indeed.. love the little homages...



Monday, March 26, 2007 1:23 PM


This episode. It made me produce a highpitch noise in the back of my throat, and I don't make high pitched throat noises very often. It was fan-fraking-tastic. I must hand it to RDM. The season was occassionally uneven, but when it comes time to deliver this show does. Every single time.

I just can't get over how good this show is. Remember how shocking it was when Adama was shot? Or when they flashforwarded a year and a half later?

Those just don't compare to this.

I mean, seriously. Tigh, Anders, Tory, and Tyrol are cylons? Starbuck is back from the dead? Six, Roslin, and Athena are walking together in vision-land? This is going to change the fabric of the show. It just will.

Nevermind the whole "It's going to be okay. I've been to Earth. I know where it is. I'm going to lead us there."


I must tip my hat to Jamie Bamber -- he has been utterly amazing in these last four or so episodes. This season in general he has really stepped in up, going from a character I like only sometimes and get annoyed by quite often to becoming compelling, even vital.

So many good little things:
And, oh... Bill and Laura on the phone! Aww.

Geata really fraking hates Baltar. He's the most straighlaced character ever, but for Baltar he will attempt murder and lie on the stand.

Laura knowing that Caprica was part of the dream by the look on her face.

Baltar actually saying "How am I going to survive?" Hehehehe. Its been the driving force of his character forever, and he finally spoke it aloud. How delightful.

And big things:
I admit, I guessed who three of the four final fivers were last episode and I spent all week wondering how Tigh especially was going to take it. I just couldn't see how he could live with himself. But, he did, and his speach about how realizing he was a cylon doesn't change who he is at all was one of the best Galactica moments yet.

Baltar deserved to be aquited, for all the reasons Lee listed and more. I am very exciting to see what will become of him. Caprica's role in the Opera House visions is the same as his from s1, so no doubt he will come into play as far as that storyline is concerned, though right now I think that is head-Baltar at her side, not real Baltar. Still... what about head Baltar, huh? And head Six. I have a feeling that they and the opera house visions will be connected to the final five.

Starbuck's alive! She's alive! Yayayayayay! I have read a few interview with Ron Moore that lead me to beleive she is not going anywhere! Then again, after "Maelstrom" I listened to his podcast and wa convinced she was really dead, so maybe I can't trust him. Still...


TVWeek: After "killing" one of the most popular characters on the show, Starbuck, she reappears in the last scene in the March 25 finale. Does that mean she'll be back for season four?
Mr. Moore: Yes, definitely.

TVWeek: Katie Sackhoff [who plays Starbuck] made it sound in media interviews as if she's off the show and getting new jobs. Was that part of the ruse?
Mr. Moore: We were trying to walk a very fine line. She was very careful how she phrased it. We wanted people to feel the loss. We didn't want to put Katie in the position of lying to people. She did look for other work and is getting other work -- just other work that won't interfere with her "Battlestar" commitments.

Looks like the Bear McCreary thing has already been mentioned, so I won't talk about that. I will share links to Ron Moore interviews, though (including the one with the above quote).

* The man behind "Battlestar Galactica"
Ronald D. Moore, creator of TV's smartest sci-fi show, talks about the creative freedom of serialized drama and how to comment on the Iraq war in a story set in outer space
link: http://www.salon.com/ent/feature/2007/03/24/battlestar/

* Executive producer Ron Moore discusses thrilling 'Galactica' cliffhanger
link: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07085/770732-352.stm

* (quoted above) Q&A with "Battlestar" Showrunner Ron Moore
On the Return of Starbuck, Falling Ratings and 'Caprica' Prequel
link: http://www.tvweek.com/article.cms?articleId=31699

Arcadia (aka Greyfable and/or Katie)
www.stillflying.net -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Monday, March 26, 2007 3:48 PM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
Tigh, Anders, Tory, and Tyrol are cylons? ... I admit, I guessed who three of the four final fivers were last episode and I spent all week wondering how Tigh especially was going to take it. I just couldn't see how he could live with himself. But, he did, and his speach about how realizing he was a cylon doesn't change who he is at all was one of the best Galactica moments yet.

I have to reiterate on this, because I feel strongly for some reason: we don't know that they're Cylons. The final five weren't revealed. They remained cloaked the whole time. So as far as I'm concerned, the identities of the final five remain an open question. If they have multiple Tyrols and Tighs walking around, then I'll believe it. But you have to admit, it is very much like them to do some misdirection. Have us convinced that we know the final five only to find out that they are not who we thought. Think Pegasus--it looked at the cliffhangar like there was going to be a rumble; but no. I guess I'm just saying, people are leaping to the conclusion that these are the final five (of twelve, I might note, so please stop talking about the other "8") is completely unwarranted as far as the evidence we have goes.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:04 PM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
And, oh... Bill and Laura on the phone! Aww.

"Get your fat, lazy ass out of that rack, Roslin!"
"Sir, yes, sir. . ."

Even if nothing else had happened during that episode, I'd have loved it just for that.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:08 PM



Ozzysun wrote:
Sunday, March 25, 2007 17:19

Kara resurected at Earth and came back via the nebula.

Her viper resurrected with her?


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:09 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Ozzysun wrote:
Sunday, March 25, 2007 17:19

Kara resurected at Earth and came back via the nebula.

Her viper resurrected with her?

How would that be weirder than Roslin, Athena and Caprica 6 simultaneously having the same vision?

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:09 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Ozzysun wrote:
Sunday, March 25, 2007 17:19

Kara resurected at Earth and came back via the nebula.

Her viper resurrected with her?

Also, resurrection implies death. Maybe she didn't die.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, March 26, 2007 4:18 PM


Okay, If Laura is having shared dreams with the Cylons as a result of a blood transfusion....

What could explain the others not being Cylon.

Not knowing much of Tori, I'll leave her out for now.

Anders, and the Chief both had sex with Cylons

Tighs wife did as well, and Kara... likely the way she goes

Perhaps it's a Cylon STD infection making them hear the music / Cylon communication.

It is a common factor with all but Tori, and other s may hear it as well, but were not on Galactica, or in a position to go to that room.

Just a weird thought....

Wrap it before you Frack it


Monday, March 26, 2007 6:15 PM



Originally posted by Causal:
So as far as I'm concerned, the identities of the final five remain an open question. If they have multiple Tyrols and Tighs walking around, then I'll believe it.

Ah, but we've always known that there is *something* fundementally different about these five, ever since they were connected to the temple. There might not be many copies. ;-)

Or, it could be a mislead. I would be really skeptical if it was, though, but that's just me. I guess we must wait until next season.


Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
Anders, and the Chief both had sex with Cylons

Umm... when did Anders sleep with a cylon, exactly? Sexually, he's been linked to Kara, Tory, and maybe Diana Seelix... so, unless one of them is a cylon...

Arcadia (aka Greyfable and/or Katie)
www.stillflying.net -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Monday, March 26, 2007 7:14 PM



Originally posted by Arcadia:

Originally posted by Causal:
So as far as I'm concerned, the identities of the final five remain an open question. If they have multiple Tyrols and Tighs walking around, then I'll believe it.

Ah, but we've always known that there is *something* fundementally different about these five, ever since they were connected to the temple. There might not be many copies. ;-)

Or, it could be a mislead. I would be really skeptical if it was, though, but that's just me. I guess we must wait until next season.


Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
Anders, and the Chief both had sex with Cylons

Umm... when did Anders sleep with a cylon, exactly? Sexually, he's been linked to Kara, Tory, and maybe Diana Seelix... so, unless one of them is a cylon...

Arcadia (aka Greyfable and/or Katie)
www.stillflying.net -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.

Either Kara is a cylon,

Or the six - Baltar - Kara connection


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2:49 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
Ah, but we've always known that there is *something* fundementally different about these five, ever since they were connected to the temple. There might not be many copies. ;-)

You mean the final five Cylons are fundamentally different? I'll give you that that might be (it might even be probable). But seriously, how can we know that these four people are Cylons? We don't know they are. All we know is that they think they are. There could be some completely different explanation for the music. The mere fact that they concluded that they were Cylons means only that they concluded that they were Cylons. It does not follow from their conclusion that they are Cylons.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:44 AM


Ron Moore said in an interview that they are in fact Cylons.

I still think it was a bad mistake to kill Kara even if they bring her back as a Cylon or just a head vision for Apollo. Bad move.

NY/NJ/CT Browncoats: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/firefly_nyc


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 4:28 AM



Originally posted by dietcoke:
Ron Moore said in an interview that they are in fact Cylons.

I still think it was a bad mistake to kill Kara even if they bring her back as a Cylon or just a head vision for Apollo. Bad move.

NY/NJ/CT Browncoats: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/firefly_nyc

Given the fact that Ron Moore and Katee Sackhoff conspired to throw off the press and fans regarding her return to the show, I'm not sure how seriously to take that interview. We won't know conclusively whether or not they're Cylons until the show tells us they're Cylons. For crying out loud--the man has as much as admitted to changing major plot directions on the fly. We just don't have enough data to conclude that they're Cylons yet.

In addition, you're assuming she died. Again, we don't know that she died because we don't have enough data.

I guess we'll just have to wait until January '08.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 7:15 AM


It's true they deliberately threw us off so you really can't trust the guy. He hasn't done a commentary for the episode yet. Normally he puts it right up.

NY/NJ/CT Browncoats: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/firefly_nyc






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