Heroes Season Finale -- SPOILERS --

UPDATED: Sunday, June 17, 2007 01:24
VIEWED: 6630
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Monday, May 21, 2007 4:06 PM


Here there be spoilers--ye be warned!

Now that I'm not channeling pirates, what did everybody think of the Heroes finale? Personally, it left me a little cold. They've been building up the bomb all season, and then they tie up the whole thing with a bow in just 40 minutes. I felt like they could have done a better job with a two-hour finale. Plus, Sylar's alive?? What??


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, May 21, 2007 4:09 PM


What happened? He see your face?

Whoa! Resolutionary War!


so sylar escaped

Nathan could have let Peter go for free fall, then flew away only to fly back for the pickup, hmmmm.... or one could be dead, or *gasp*....

VII - Generations! All those backstories.



Monday, May 21, 2007 4:12 PM


Finally! A first name! And for once I'm not disappointed (I'll never forgive them for giving MacGuyver a first name...).

Never thought of the dropping Peter bit, that's not half bad...

Plus, how sweet was the beginning of Volume 2? Hiro in ancient Japan. YATTA!!


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, May 21, 2007 4:17 PM


Yeah, the "final" battle was a little over hyped, I mean come on

Select to view spoiler:

everyone knows stab the bad guy more than once or he won't die. Hiro reads comics so he should have known that. When Sylar fell to the ground, I was yelling at the TV, "Stab him again, just to be sure.". Hopefully Parkman dies. and hopefully so does Nathan.


Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior


Monday, May 21, 2007 4:25 PM


Hell, I was yelling cut off his head! Love the cockroach climbing over the edge of the sewer lid.

I think Hiro had a little too easy a time stabbing Sylar. I mean come on, Hiro gave a war cry giving Sylar plenty of time to stop him!

I'm hoping both Nathan and Peter survived, but I doubt it.



Monday, May 21, 2007 4:30 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by Causal:
Plus, how sweet was the beginning of Volume 2? Hiro in ancient Japan. YATTA!!

Very... the back stories of heroes of yesteryear. can't wait

they seemed to emphasize Charles character, Peter/Nathans mom.

So who is this evil character Molly can't see or shouldn't see?


Monday, May 21, 2007 4:34 PM



Originally posted by zerokiryu:
Hopefully Parkman dies.

No way! Why Parkman? I really like that character!


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, May 21, 2007 4:46 PM


Here is all of my opinions on what happend.

1. Hiro should have made sure Sylar was dead.
2. I think Peter should have just flew himself. Although i think he can only use one power at a time.
3. Parkman will die. He took 5 bullets to the stomach!
4. 50/50 of Nathan surviving. He could have flown downward since you saw the explosion went horizontally.
5. Sylar will track down the ' boogeyman ' and try to kill him and die. So that will be the end of him.
6. Peter couldn't have died from the explosion. You saw the fututre episode when he did blow up and he was alive.



Monday, May 21, 2007 4:51 PM



Originally posted by BionicBatman:
4. 50/50 of Nathan surviving. He could have flown downward since you saw the explosion went horizontally.

Um...unless an explosive is a shaped charge intended to direct concussive force in only a particular direction, it's concussive force radiates in every direction. It's only on television or in the movies that an explosion appears to have two-dimensional detonation. An explosive in mid-air (or underwater) will radiate in every direction. It's not as though Nathan (or anyone else) could survive by just flying "perpendicular" to the blast. Then again, in real life, people can't fly, so maybe their using make-believe detonation patterns for the blast, too.


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, May 21, 2007 5:00 PM


Keeping with Heroes trend of totally predictable storylines . . . or as I like to call it – plausible storylines without insulting longwinded pointless mysteries, this played out pretty much how I expected it to.

I saw the Nathan/Peter thing from miles away. Everyone knew that Nathan was going to come back and fly Peter out of trouble. But at what point had Nathan decided on that path? When he told Claire that this would make sense very soon, could he have been trying to tell her? Claire’s kind of dumb. If she spent half as much time listening to her elders as she does shooting her mouth off and looking pretty, she could probably save a lot people a lot of trouble.

The real question is did Peter or Nathan survive? Of course Peter has the healing ability, but a fall from that height could have some inviscid flow characteristics. I’m not sure Peter could regenerate if all that’s left is a long wake of plasma. Peter is really far too powerful to keep around, in my opinion. If he survives they will have to produce some kind weakness for him. He’s basically god at this point.

Of course, if Nathan really had it all figured out, he would have told is brother to fly himself off. The exchange could gone like this:


Nathan: “Peter, fly away! Did your stint on the Gilmore Girls rot your brain?”

Peter: “Oh, yeah. I forgot, I’m god. Not only can lay waste to entire cities, but I can fly or teleport to any point on earth or time.”

Parkman has to die. They can’t keep all these characters around. According to certain sources they are already compromising their original premise of having a completely evolving cast, which is good, because I like some of the character. However they can’t keep introducing new characters into the main storyline without removing some others. And what good was Parkman anyway? The guy couldn’t even make detective.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 21, 2007 5:06 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
Of course, if Nathan really had it all figured out, he would have told is brother to fly himself off. The exchange could gone like this:


Nathan: “Peter, fly away! Did your stint on the Gilmore Girls rot your brain?”

Peter: “Oh, yeah. I forgot, I’m god. Not only can lay waste to entire cities, but I can fly or teleport to any point on earth or time.”

My thought on that: Peter was investing so much attention and energy to not going boom that to have taken any of that away--so to fly or teleport--would have made him go boom anyway. Seriously--do we really think he forgot about all that other stuff?


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, May 21, 2007 5:16 PM



Originally posted by Causal:
My thought on that: Peter was investing so much attention and energy to not going boom that to have taken any of that away--so to fly or teleport--would have made him go boom anyway. Seriously--do we really think he forgot about all that other stuff?

Yeah, I think that is a reasonable explanation. I’m not going to speculate about it, because I don’t know why. We were never told. But I like that Heroes doesn’t try to provide all the explanations up front. You only get bits and pieces of it, much like in real life.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 21, 2007 5:18 PM


Curse their realism! Why can't they give it to us with Star-Trekkian techno-babble? Why??


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, May 21, 2007 5:30 PM



Originally posted by Causal:
Curse their realism! Why can't they give it to us with Star-Trekkian techno-babble? Why??

Man, I really hope no one’s blood gets tested for Midichlorians.

And Molly? Does anyone get the impression her lines seemed a little stilted? The boogeyman? Do children really use that term anymore?

But speaking of technobabble – did anyone see X-men:Last Stand? They made a big point of talking about the Level 5 mutants, which I assume are the Omega class mutants from the comic (the mutants whose powers were infinite.) I was thinking the other day about what those levels might actually mean. How would the Heroes heroes level up? Peter is about as close to Level 5 as we’ve seen. Sylar’s ability, intuitive aptitude, was not too impressive by itself – Level 1?

One final point before I’m done, when Hiro had teleported to 1671 Kyoto, I’m assuming the lone Samuraion the hill was Kensei? And didn’t his eyes look a lot of like George Takei? Or am I just confused?

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 21, 2007 5:50 PM


I am just curious to find out who/what is more powerful than Syler. When Molly said there was someone worse than him I got excited because I knew they would have to drop some clue to keep everyone speculating over the summer.

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Monday, May 21, 2007 6:19 PM


OH MY GOD!!! That is without a doubt the most impressive season finale for a first season show I've seen in a very long time. There's so much that happened that's been already mentioned on this thread, so I don't want to re-hash.

As per if the Petrelli's survived, I'd like to think that both of them sacrificed themselves so that they truly could save the world. Peter's arc has always been finding a purpose and meaning with his life and these powers, and Nathan's arc has been one of suppression and learning to finally embrace who he is. So that both of their arc's should come together in one last act of heroism was just beautiful. If they were to show up in next season's premiere with charred clothes and a "I'm all right", then the act would be cheapened, and HEROES's repuation of great storytelling would be ruined.

I also loved the last bit between Hiro and Ando. How it ended with them back in the office cubicles and Hiro saying that he learned bravery from Ando and that Hiro will join the ranks of Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman and Kensei. It was very touching. And of course that last line of "You look real bad ass."

And Hiro ending up in 1671 Japan with Kensei was just icing on the cake.

Noah Bennett. Appropriate name for a guy whose collecting specials.

I also liked how the showdown wasn't just Peter/Sylar, but a more low key Justice League type showdown.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Monday, May 21, 2007 7:43 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I saw the Nathan/Peter thing from miles away. Everyone knew that Nathan was going to come back and fly Peter out of trouble.

You may have seen it from miles away but I posted this theory months ago when Peter first had the vision of himself exploding. So in the immortal words of Cybersnark, "Called it!" Then again I've come up with so many theories for this show I was bound to get one right. Throw enough darts and eventually you'll get a bullseye.

I was expecting the final showdown to be a bit more than it ended up being. To be honest I did not forsee so many of the others being involved. I have to admit that I enjoyed seeing Nikki kick some ass as herself even though for most of the season I was praying for her death. On a similar note as much as I like Parkman there should be no way he survives all those bullets to the torso. Hiro should have finished the job but I enjoy Sylar as the antagonist so it's just as well. Wonder where the writers are going to take him. That whole thing with the cockroach was a nice throwback to his incarceration. Apparently he studied their amazing survival skills enough to somehow implement them in himself.

I'm curious about something. If Sylar's plan was to upset Peter into nuking the city how is it that he was going to survive? Or did he not care anymore? Does Ted's ability allow him to survive a blast set off by another person? I could understand the radiation aspect but the explosion should blow him apart.

During Hiro's epilogue that guy on the horse really did look like his father. Either an ancestor or his father is a lot older than he appears.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, May 21, 2007 8:06 PM


Okay, a few random points:

1. Peter never did have a lot of skill at the flying thing. I don't recall him ever flying for more than a few seconds at a time except for the five-years-later alternate timeline, when he'd presumably had a lot more time to practice at it.

2. Seeing as it was taking all Peter's focus to stop Ted Sprague's ability from getting all China Syndrome on New York's ass, I can't really see him getting above treetop level before he blew, if he was trying to fly under his own power.

3. Peter will almost undoubtedly survive his self-immolation. We know from the (now excised) alternate future that the regenerative abilities absorbed from Claire will protect him. Nathan, on the other hand, has a much lower probability of survival; even with his speed, I can't see him getting to the edge of space and back to atmo before his lungs would have run out of air, let alone getting clear of effective blast radius. But heck, I don't even believe Steve Rogers is really dead, don't pay no mind to me...

4. I'm a little pissed that they let Sylar live too, but, as a certain Cimmerian barbarian once remarked, "Never count a sorcerer dead until you have killed him at least three times."

5. Parenthetically, returning to the alternate timeline thing: I love the way this series plays new variations on classic comic book riffs. But isn't it funny; if Marvel ever harbored thoughts of adapting "Days of Future Past" into a live-action X-Men movie, they'd better drop them now. Everybody would just say, "Ah, they ripped that off from Heroes..."

(Edited slightly to restore missing observation.)

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 12:56 AM


Maybe the proximity of the sewer entrance was no coincidence. Could Sylar have survived the blast from underground? Goad Peter into starting the nuclear process, then dive into the sewer while everyone is distracted.

I have to admit missing the boogeyman thing as I received a long B-day call during the middle of the ep, but I'll be rewatching it online to catch everything.

Something no one has mentioned yet, where is Molly going to end up? I loved the little family unit scene with Nikki, DL, Micah and Molly. Maybe they can raise and protect her?

And what was the whole thing with Simones dad?



Tuesday, May 22, 2007 1:15 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Okay, I liked the finale, but I felt the ending was a bit rushed, like they were trying to just wrap it up and move on.

The battle between Sylar and Peter should have been a power slugfest, but Peter punches him in the face???

Why didn't Hiro cut off Sylar's head?!? When he ran him through than slid up to the right to stand on Sylar's left I was screaming for Hiro to pivot and cut off Sylar's head. Alas, it seems the writers want him to come back next season.

Who is this man who is worse than the Bogeyman that Molly won't "find"? How is it he can see her?

How did Charles see Peter when he time traveled or dream walked (whatever it was)? Did he have some sort of power? Did Peter imagine it all?

If NBC is not cowards, they will write it as Nathan died saving NYC and saving Peter from the guilt of being the bomb and killing so many people. That way Nathan gets redemption for his duplicity and retains his place as Peter's "hero". If they wuss out they will say he dropped Peter and soared off to save himself. Guess we wait until the fall to find out.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]



Tuesday, May 22, 2007 2:52 AM


Did anybody else get a kick that the building full of mutants was the Kirby Building?

Hee, looks like Micah's got a girlfriend. Definite sparkage between him & Molly.


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
The boogeyman? Do children really use that term anymore?

Well, what else was she gonna call him? She didn't know the name Sylar, doesn't know all the hip pop-culture references that we or Hiro know, doesn't know technical terms that Matt would know.

All she knows is that a very scary guy murdered her parents.


One final point before I’m done, when Hiro had teleported to 1671 Kyoto, I’m assuming the lone Samuraion the hill was Kensei? And didn’t his eyes look a lot of like George Takei? Or am I just confused?
No, I got that too.

Being an Immortal would certainly explain. . . well, just about everything we've seen of Nakamura-san.

So, who do we think's gonna be back next season? Hiro almost certainly. Mohinder will probably still be tracking down mutants, though he'll probably get someone else to look after Molly (or maybe he'll use her to find other mutants, though bringing her along may be dangerous). I'm sure DL and Nikki will be ready to go back to "normal," but Micah seems to have superheroic ambitions, so he may pull them into events.

I can easily see Claire and her dad staying on the sidelines and off-camera. I hope Matt survives, if only so he can go back to his wife and baby-to-be and live a normal life. I doubt Peter and Nathan will be returning, though I'm sure their mother will still be a player in events.

And are we sure Sylar survived being run through? Is it not possible that Someone opened the manhole and dragged his body away for their own nefarious purposes? A non-regenerator surviving being stabbed through the centre of the torso pushes the show's otherwise acceptable credibility (though, given Sylar's powers, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he could have somehow telekinetically "repaired" himself, "bypassing" the internal damage).

When Molly talked about the Other, the one who can see her when she scans him, and cancel out her powers, did anyone else suddenly think that we haven't seen the Haitian in a while?

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 4:19 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Well, what else was she gonna call him? She didn't know the name Sylar, doesn't know all the hip pop-culture references that we or Hiro know, doesn't know technical terms that Matt would know.

Maybe, but I’m generally surprised by how much 10-year olds actually know.

Originally posted by Cybersnark:
So, who do we think's gonna be back next season? Hiro almost certainly. Mohinder will probably still be tracking down mutants, though he'll probably get someone else to look after Molly (or maybe he'll use her to find other mutants, though bringing her along may be dangerous). I'm sure DL and Nikki will be ready to go back to "normal," but Micah seems to have superheroic ambitions, so he may pull them into events.

Peter and Nathan will be back, I suspect. Somehow, they’ll bring them both back and both Peter and Nation will play a major role, if not the major role in the next season. As it stands right now, Ma Patrelli is positioned as the supervillian, and who better to face her then her own sons. Nope, as hard to believe as it might end up being, they will bring them both back, I suspect, but they will have to curtail Peter’s powers somehow.

So will Claire and Nikki and Hiro. They probably won’t get rid of Claire until Hayden wants to go. And Nikki has too much potential to become the next “slayer,” and everyone likes ass-kicking blondes. Hiro is like Peter, he’s too critical to the storyline to lose.

Ando will not. His purpose was to play sidekick to Hiro, but Hiro has emerged as a much more independent and dark figure then he started and doesn’t need a sidekick.

Parkman will not. He was never really an important character. He’ll die or survive and go back to his wife, but he won’t play a major role. Unless Molly ends up with Parkman, that’s the only way I can see Parkman playing any part in S2.

DL, I don’t know. He’s not a very important character either, so he may die. But they’ll keep Nikki, and so they’ll keep Micah.

Molly will be back, my guess she’ll probably go live with someone (Suresh, Nikki or Bennett or some off screen adoptive/foster family), but she’ll remain an import part of Suresh’s study and probably affection.

Suresh will be back. He’s central to the story, because he’s the story-teller. In these kinds of epic stories there’s always a story-teller, someone who is most likely in a position to relate the events of the story.

Bennett will be back too. I suspect Bennett with Suresh’s assistant will become something of a leader providing Peter and others will the benefit of his experience.

Don’t know about the Haitian, but I suspect he will be Ma Patrelli’s right-hand man now and we’ll discover that he was playing a much more sinister role then previously presented.

Sylar will be back.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 4:37 AM


Question. Has Peter at any time shown any sign of having absorbed Hiros power? He met Hiro several times after absorbing first Nathans then Isaacs powers.

I'm not counting his trip to the balcony in this last ep because he was only visible to Roundtree, and they usually show if he goes invisible.

If he has Hiros power, might he tell Nathan when to fly away, explode, then blink someplace else to heal?



Tuesday, May 22, 2007 12:08 PM



Originally posted by sweetserendipity:
Question. Has Peter at any time shown any sign of having absorbed Hiros power?

He is reported as having used Hiro's ability to freeze time in an episode I personally missed, but so far he's shown no ability at time travel per se.

His apparent jaunt back in time in the season closer seems most likely to me to be related to his earlier semi-precognitive dreams. (Which have proven inaccurate in detail, possibly because of Hiro's/Future Hiro's attempts at correcting the timeline.) Perhaps it's a result of Hiro's time-bending abilities interacting with the telepathic abilities Peter absored from the mind-reading cop. Whether the time travel aspect is real or merely an extension of "dream logic" is up in the air right now. Rather like Peter and Nathan...

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 12:18 PM


A general question: Did anyone else note how the "Deliberate death of half of New York to unite the world against a common enemy" thing echoes the classic graphic novel "Watchmen"?

Of course they have no right to complain, as Alan Moore cribbed the theme from an old "Outer Limits" episode, as acknowledged in a bit of dialog in the last chapter of "Watchmen". In much the same way "Heroes" acknowledged their debt to X-Men's "Days of Future Past" storyline by having Hiro refer directly to it in an early episode.

As they say, if you're going to steal, steal from the best...

"Homage? That's French for "rip off"."

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:17 AM



Originally posted by sweetserendipity:
Question. Has Peter at any time shown any sign of having absorbed Hiros power? He met Hiro several times after absorbing first Nathans then Isaacs powers.

Peter showed signs of having Hiro's power when he first met Hiro on the subway. Hiro's ability to take someone out of space-time is limited to physical contact. Hiro mmust be touching the person who he's trying to take out of space-time.

When Peter met Hiro, he was the only one on the subway who was not "time stopped". This is because the moment Hiro came into close proximity to Peter, Peter's power began mimicking Hiro's.

Aside from this case, we saw Peter blatantly use Hiro's power in "5 Years Gone".


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:08 AM


Just seent the episode not as good as what thought it would be but it didnt dissapoint. Cant wait for the new season. Hiro stabbed Sylar right through the gut but he still managed to get away without anyone seeing come on....Hiro rules!!

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:52 AM


I expressed my own doubt over Sylar slithering away into the sewer without being noticed. But my sister reminded me that at the time, everyone was looking up.

I'm next to positive that Mr. Nakamura and Kinsei are one and the same. But that doesn't necessarily mean he is immortal. If he has the same power as Hiro, then time is irrelevant. He can conquer his enemies in the 18th century and then jump ahead to the 20th century to settle down and raise his mutant family. I wonder what power Kimiko has???


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:59 AM


Kimiko may have none. Didn't daddy Nakamura say he was waiting for the ascension and didn't expect it to be Hiro?



Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:26 PM


Overall, I liked the episode but thought that some of the writing was perhaps a bit contrived. I don't recall Nikki meeting either Sylar or Peter, so why attack either one? As far as she knows she could be attacking a good guy. I liked seeing her get involved but give her a reason; she'd probably trust Parkman if he had said something like "Help him".

I don't mind if Sylar lives, I just don't like the way it happened. Good guys look away and the "dead" villain disappears? That's a bad horror movie ending, and I consider it one of the weakest parts of the series. (Although his comment to Ando when he saw his death scene in the comic could have been a way of saying "A sword won't kill me.")

Personally, I think Sylar was actually trying to be a hero of sorts. He killed Ted to stop the explosion (and took his power because, well, it's a useful power). Then he discovers it's not Ted, it's Peter who explodes. I think he might have been trying to provoke Peter so that it would become very public, at which point he would kill Peter and stop the explosion, appearing as a hero to the general public.

As for the dream, I think that was a power that belonged to Simone's father. Peter absorbed it while caring for him and unconsciously used it at that point, as well as a couple of times earlier in the season (Nathan's car accident, the passing of Simone's father). And as someone else already suggested, it's probably a combination of this and Hiro's abilities that allowed him to communicate in the past.

How long will Suresh have to keep creating a serum for Molly, and can it be synthesized? I think that will determine what happens to Molly.

So when Chloe got knocked out did she revert to her true form? Or did she decide that Nikki was too much of a threat and create an illusion that would end the fight, and choose a form that Micah would recognize?


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:56 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


Finn mac Cumhal wrote:
Monday, May 21, 2007 17:00
Keeping with Heroes trend of totally predictable storylines . . . or as I like to call it – plausible storylines without insulting longwinded pointless mysteries, this .....I saw the Nathan/Peter thing from miles away. Everyone knew that Nathan was going to come back and fly Peter out of trouble......The real question is did Peter or Nathan survive? .....Of course, if Nathan really had it all figured out, ....The exchange could gone like this:


Nathan: “Peter, fly away! Did your stint on the Gilmore Girls rot your brain?”

Peter: “Oh, yeah. I forgot, I’m god. Not only can lay waste to entire cities, but I can fly or teleport to any point on earth or time.”

Parkman has to die.....

That is rich. You're right they never explained that Peter couldn't use more than one power at a time. The Heroes could have stopped the explosion any number of ways, inlcuding killing Peter or knocking him out, if the Hatian was around he could have just willed him unconscious.

Why wasn't Parkman wearing a vest?


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 7:13 PM



Finn mac Cumhal wrote:

One final point before I’m done, when Hiro had teleported to 1671 Kyoto, I’m assuming the lone Samuraion the hill was Kensei? And didn’t his eyes look a lot of like George Takei? Or am I just confused?

That's exactly what I was thinking, as we have not been told/shown what Hiro's father or Nathan's mother can do.

I'm assuming he's immortal until further notice.


The best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde


Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:32 AM


I've been seeing a lot of posts here and over at the NBC board detailing disappointment with the finale. Most notably Sylar's escape and the lack of a major Peter/Sylar power display. Okay, so maybe the others should have been paying more attention to Sylar but come on, it was a little more important to see if Nathan was going to get Peter clear in time.

For those complaining about him surviving Hiro's attack the better question should be why didn't he prevent it? There was ample time to push Hiro away, after all he had no problems stopping those bullets with even less reaction time. I'm thinking he had the same vision that Isaac drew in the comic and knew he would survive. Either Hiro missed the magic kill spot or Sylar has other abilities that have not yet been revealed. Remember, he had already killed several people before Parkman was on the case.

With regards to a major throwdown between Peter and Sylar we already had a taste of that during the future episode. Besides, this show isn't an all out action slugfest anyway.

The only concern I have is that Nathan and Peter both will be back next season. Apparently Nathan released him and flew away before the explosion. As much as I like Nathan I really would have preferred the finality of a heroic sacrifice.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:09 AM


Thank you for posting what I was about to post. Keep in mind that this is a tv show. An expensive tv show, but a tv show nonetheless. Nowhere in their budget can they have a huge fx filled slamdown like in X-MEN: THE LAST STAND. And after that anal rape, why would you want to emulate that. So instead of going for the fx bonanza, they went for the emotional and spiritual climax of self sacrifice ala THE IRON GIANT.

My eyes were watery after that, so don't say that the finale was underwhelming.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Friday, June 15, 2007 9:49 PM


great tv show

can't wait to see more


Sunday, June 17, 2007 1:24 AM


I personally found it quite good... and not very underwhelming like people seem to want it. I hope they close out Nikki, DL, and Micah next season or their time on screen is minimal... allow more room for more Heroes.

I've got a feeling that Nathan might revert... since he is now the actual one of the senators of the state he has a rep to uphold. Might be Peter's conflict next season is that since he has all these powers to suppress them will start to get harder.

I can see Claire, Noah, Molly, and Mohinder working together next season, that is... in some form. Could be 2 different storylines but it could be something like... Mohinder finds the heroes with Molly and Noah finds them sanctuary away from the paper company.

(On a sidenote I still can't get that scene out of my head... "What am I thinking now? "Your last thought" KABOOM!)






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