Heroes 2.1 (or wherever...)

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 11:57
VIEWED: 11427
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007 1:32 AM


Old thread's kinda lengthy, so here's a new one.

Okay, so I was wrong about the whole Sylar-redemption thingy. Maybe. Who knows? He's obviously taken a liking to Maya, though whether or not that will keep him from killing her remains to be seen.

Was anyone else going "Claire is amazingly stupid" this week? Anyone could have seen her and West pull that stunt. And I am further convinced that West is bad news (or he's just an ignorant kid. Makes me glad I'm not a teenager anymore).

Mohinder's not a stupid man, but apparently a very naive one. Did he really not expect something like this to happen? And apparently the Company has succeeded in suppressing Nikki. Or even worse, they've integrated the two personalities, which could have all kinds of consequences.

I still contend that Peter has an alternate personality. This stuff in Montreal seems a little sketchy to me, and it reminds me of how Nikki and Jessica first started out. He may not necessarily develop the ability in the same way that they did, but it will crop up eventually.

I loved that bit about the space-time continuum. Made geeks everywhere proud. On the other hand, Hiro has really screwed up. But then, it wasn't likely that Kensei would stay on the straight and narrow, either. People don't tend to change that quickly. One theory I've had though might be that Hiro ends up being the Kensei they talk about in the stories.

I hope they switch back to Matt and Nathan next week. I think Matt might be able to cure Molly, since he was able to pull himself and Nathan out of nightmare land. Now he just has to get to her...


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 3:14 AM


America loves a winner!

I guess we found out what Sylar's intentions were with Maya and her brother. Sylar plans on killing them, both.

With all Claire's been through, I find it remarkable that she's being such a blonde cheerleader. Seriously, she almost died once ( when Peter saved her ) and then again when her house almost got nuked. I'd have thought she'd have grown up some, but I think she's getting more ditzy. And is she gaining a new power ? I caught a hint of her being able to tell where her dad was, while they were talking on the phone. It was like some sort of ESP, just starting to reveal itself in her.

What's up w/ the sudden change of heart from the company man ? That seems odd that he'd turn on a dime and suddenly start helping Mohinder.

"Hillary tried to get a million dollars for the Woodstock museum. I understand it was a major cultural and pharmaceutical event. I couldn't attend. I was tied up at the time." - John McCain

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:05 AM


It now seems more likely that the Haitian could be responsible for Peter’s memory loss.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:05 AM


Move along. Move along!

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:15 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
And is she gaining a new power ? I caught a hint of her being able to tell where her dad was, while they were talking on the phone. It was like some sort of ESP, just starting to reveal itself in her.

I don't think it's some type of ESP, necessarily. It's just that she's been lied to so many times by Noah that she's starting to pick up on when he's not telling the truth. Dishonesty seems to be a family value among the Bennetts.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
What's up w/ the sudden change of heart from the company man ? That seems odd that he'd turn on a dime and suddenly start helping Mohinder.

Not a change of heart, methinks, just a subtle misdirection. Lull Mohinder into a false sense of security, and then screw him over when the time is right.

Wow, am I cynical or what?


Originally posted by AURaptor:
"Hillary tried to get a million dollars for the Woodstock museum. I understand it was a major cultural and pharmaceutical event. I couldn't attend. I was tied up at the time." - John McCain

While I'm not a Republican, I have to admit, I love that quote.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:15 AM


What happened? He see your face?

I actually think Claire is acting more like a teenager now than ever before. Hard to say anything is "realistic" in a show about superheroes, but using the power for teenage prank seems about right. I'm not really surprised, it is just a lil "like father, like daughter". Kinda seemes that the writers were going for that parallel in this ep.

I proposed that Sylar would only kill the brother. Maybe I am wrong. It just seems with how the show is trying to hit every single demographic there is, they would keep a latino role.

Still not sure if the the Nikki/Jessica theory is right. But it surely seems to be Jessica (J.'s the bad one right?)

Last season we got a probable future ep. This season we have a re-write the past ep coming up next. I usually hate these timeline things. They have done well so far with the timelines. We'll see.

Anyone else think of Linderman at first when they kept saying Whitebeard over and over in the Hiro scenes?


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:18 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
What's up w/ the sudden change of heart from the company man ? That seems odd that he'd turn on a dime and suddenly start helping Mohinder.

Bob’s not helping Mohinder. Mohinder made a stand that made it obvious that his principles won’t be so easily compromised. I think Bob was just surprised by this. In a way he was completely honest. He underestimated Mohinder and reacted too soon. To keep from exposing his hand before he was ready, he had to play damage control with Mohinder.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 5:27 AM


What happened? He see your face?

Oh yeah....

Anyone have any paintings theories? Gonna go back tonight and re-watch that part. The only ones I remember are a nose-bandaged, gun-pointing dude who looked similar to Peter. (which is doubtful due to his healing ability) Flying boy maybe? ...AND a girl lying dead on what I think are steps... electric girl?


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 7:36 AM


With the revelation that The Company is experimenting with a virus that can suppress abilities I finally understand why they kept Sylar alive. He may be the ideal test subject as "someone who doesn't deserve their abilities". Also, they probably wouldn't mind if he were to die. This could explain why he has been unable to use any of the stolen powers as well as his original ability. It is odd that we keep hearing the clicking in his head, it's like his brain is trying to find a way around whatever was done to him. Only time will tell.

As far as Maya goes I think he is satisfied to watch her progression with her ability. He seems to delight in the idea of corrupting her. There is no real connection on his part what with him considering her "a shiny new toy". If his ability comes back it will give him all manner of pleasure to dismantle her.

Well Hiro certainly has gotten himself in a peck of trouble. As a bonafide sci-fi nerd he should know better than to mess with history. Can't wait to see how he is going to clean up that mess.

Noah is back to his unlovable self. Maybe that guy had it coming but threatening to take his cherished memories and then gunning him down was just cold blooded. Did anyone else get the feeling that he sealed his own fate with that act?

The painting of the girl on the stairs was Claire.

Peter's jaunt to the future paints an even more bleak picture than Hiro's jump last season. The preview made it seem as though there was a viral outbreak resulting in 93% of the world's population dying. I'm guessing Maya's ability plus The Company's experimentation creates an unstoppable strain as Mohinder feared.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 7:47 AM



Originally posted by singate:

Noah is back to his unlovable self. Maybe that guy had it coming but threatening to take his cherished memories and then gunning him down was just cold blooded.

That was some pretty f***ing cold s**t! Kinda messes with the fuzzyness I developed for him in "Company Man"...

Did anyone else get the feeling that he sealed his own fate with that act?

In Joss' world he would have- we'll see if Tim has similar predilections...



Tuesday, October 30, 2007 7:50 AM


I'm becoming more and more frustrated with this season. The Hiro in Japan storyline has been extremely predisctable, we've seen "evil" Noah before, some characters are becoming inexplicably stupid, and now we're getting flash-forwards to a New York that's been destroyed - again, conveinently timed around the end of the end of the current season - as if that wasn't the thrust of last season.

I was willing to cut some slack with the first few episodes... but it just keeps going nowhere but places they've already been. I'm really hoping things get better very quick, or I'm going to loose interest.

And what happened to the "4 months ago" episode that was supposed to explain what happened between seasons? When the season started, they said it'd be the 4th or 5th episode, yet nada.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 7:50 AM


Oops, double post.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:07 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
The Hiro in Japan storyline has been extremely predictable, we've seen "evil" Noah before, some characters are becoming inexplicably stupid, and now we're getting flash-forwards to a New York that's been destroyed - again, conveniently timed around the end of the end of the current season - as if that wasn't the thrust of last season.

Yeah...the first three eps had me goin', but I wanna see something new also.



Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
we're getting flash-forwards to a New York that's been destroyed - again, conveinently timed around the end of the end of the current season - as if that wasn't the thrust of last season.

I thought of something right after I posted with regards to last season. Isn't it odd that Linderman was trying to ply Nathan by stating that .07% is an acceptable loss and now we are being shown a 93% loss of population due to this new threat. I realize it doesn't add up to 100% because of one decimal place but it is an odd coincedence. Perhaps Linderman and Co. had foreknowledge of this disaster and believed by allowing New York to be destroyed that an even greater future loss would be averted. That old Trek addage comes to mind "the needs of the many outway the needs of the few".


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 9:07 AM


What happened? He see your face?

Last two comments kinda continue the "meh" sentiment from some about this season's storyline. I’ll be on board for the long haul.

My feeling, they dug themselves a hole with way-too-powerful peeps and are trying to get out of it. Separating a lot of the characters, cuz u can’t have a super-powered showdown every week.

I can see some of what ur talkin' about. Would anyone like to explore the "other" options you would have liked to see. I am NOT asking in defense of this show. I am still surprised there is a network TV drama I actually watch. I know u guys have some good sci-fi brains. Just like to pick at it.

Hiro's storyline: too predictable, agree somewhat. Pretty much knew he would prolly gain the love of the girl. didn't see healing boy coming into the mix. Here, the story coulda stayed the same, but with more Hiro ninja-like action. I kinda expected it from the first time we saw future Hiro in the subway.

Noah storyline: we've seen him bad before. Well, there is only good and bad. Not sure what they could have done here. Still some mystery behind it. I like it, he just makes a better bad guy.

Who's stupid? I always thought Claire was too smart last season. Or handled tragedy like a seasoned pro. Her storyline is just destined for cheese, IMO. I just accept it.

Saving the world is hard to top. Save the universe? But, New York again? A convenient on-location thing prolly. They coulda tweaked it a lil, but this tragedy seems worse. If they don't have a world saving task, more woulda complained that there was no build up to a "big bang" finale like last season.

They saw a formula that worked. I just think they need to put it in the mixer a bit.

EDIT: Nice point Sin. Didn't see your post til now. I was writing bewteen work stuff and didn't 'fresh.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 11:21 AM


What's with the Noah bashing? He hasn't changed one iota from last season. He's still doing what he set out to do: protect his family at all costs. And if that means knocking a few people off here and there, so be it. Hell, I was cheering him on yesterday (sadistic? who, me? )

I'll admit, I didn't like Noah at first. But when I came to understand the motives for his actions, I developed an appreciation for his character. Noah isn't meant to be a cheerful or even moral character. He literally is the gray area.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:20 PM


It seems NBC has cancelled the Heroes: Origins min spin-off that was supposed to air durring the main series' mid-season hiatus.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, November 5, 2007 5:12 PM


Why does it all have to be Hiro's fault? Couldn't it be one of the characters I don't like?

I knew Kensei was going to show up eventually. I do still wonder if Claire's a descendant of his, though. It would make a lot of sense.

Bob mentioned that Matt could control anything the human brain can. That opens up a lot of possibilities. His power is going to get really interesting.

And speaking of Bob, Mohinder's turning out to be a real dumbass this season. One boneheaded decision after another. On the other hand, Noah may not be all that reliable. Last season there's no way he would have been as sloppy as he's being now. And that whole thing with Claire was a powder keg waiting to happen. I'm surprised it didn't before now.

The promo for next week looks to answer a lot of pressing questions. The one I'm most concerned with is what the Haitian had to do with Peter's memory wipe, specifically who he did it for. You never know who's side that guy is on. And did Nathan's face actually get mangled in the blast? If so, who fixed it?

Things are going to go really wrong this season. It's just a question of how much.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Monday, November 5, 2007 8:32 PM


Well this episode redeemed one of my earlier predictions so that made me happy. I had a weird feeling that it was Kensei who was killing the older heroes. The introduction of Matt's father with his mental abilities threw a wrench into the works; I figured he was the one pulling the strings. Speaking of Matt I really liked him stepping up the plate and shutting down his father.

I am a bit confused about Kensei, or should I say, Adam's motives. He stated that he would make Hiro suffer. I understand him killing Mr. Nakamura but becomming an evil mastermind because he was betrayed is a bit of a stretch. Clearly he can't be thrilled with the dark turn of events in the future so I do believe he does want to make it better, most notably for himself.

The shit is really piling up around Mohinder. The sad thing is he wants to do the right thing. Unfortunately, as he said, he doesn't know what that is or who to trust. The real question is can he become morally grey enough to do a bad thing for the greater good? Namely killing Noah when he refuses to turn Claire over.

The following is a sidenote concerning tonight's broadcast. Did anyone else record the show on an HD DVR? The reason I ask is because during playback at the 41 minute mark the audio went out and never came back. More precisely, the sound effects and music were audible but the dialogue wasn't there. Oddly enough the sound was fine during commericials. I had to rewind and watch with the captions on. Did this happen to anyone else or am I just lucky?


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 3:09 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Well, I was surprised to see that Adam is Kensei. Does cellular regeneration make them immortal as well? Because if it doesn't Kensei looks really good for a guy who is hundreds of years old. It does make sense that he is the one killing off the others now and explains how he survived the fall from the rooftop when he killed Hiro's dad. I don't think he wants the world destroyed, but who can say for sure. The man obviously holds a grudge for a very long time.

Shiny to see Matt developing his powers. Saving Molly and trapping his father in his own nightmare was cool. I hope he continues to develop as a character.

Hiro certainly seems to be coming into his own as well. Watching how he handled Kensei in their sword duel in the tent was great. His faith in Kensei and giving him every chance to renounce his path of revenge and become a hero was touching, if not a bit naive. Still, should be really interesting to see what happens when these two come face to face in the present.

What is Adam's agenda and how is he using Peter to make it happen. I hope Peter breaks free of Adam's hold before things get too bad.

So, Nikki now has the virus? How did it mutate? Mohinder's blood no longer is a cure? Could be the beginning of the plague we saw in the future that Peter stumbled into.

Good to see Peter starting to get his memories back. Also seeing that the Company had him confirms my suspicions. The clip from next weeks show that showed the Haitian shooting a shirtless Peter and tossing him into the ocean container also confirms my suspicion that the Haitian may have something to do with the memory loss Peter is suffering.

What happened to Caitlin? She is now trapped in the future? What happens if they avert the plague and that future is erased? Is she gone?

I really do love this show.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company
[img] [/img]



Tuesday, November 6, 2007 4:30 AM


Did anyone else notice that the guy in the future told Peter the first case of the virus was in MARCH 2007? What's up with that. I assumed that this was taking place in the now, Fall 2007.

Any ideas, or am I just missing something?

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 4:44 AM


A few tidbits: the current story arc will be ending by episode 12 :) So only a few weeks left to resolve it all, thank goodness!

Also next weeks episode will answer most of the questions oustanding currently about the characters...

Anyway onto the discussion/predictions. I think Alejandro will be the one who saves the plague from happening by absorbing it into himself. Well that's my guess anyway.

I don't trust West at all, and think that part is going to end badly. Then again, I don't trust Bob's motivation either. I'm wondering if Bob is actually doing what Adam wants.

Anyway, that's it for now, jumping into this discussion mid thread and all (since MsG and I just barely finished getting caught up on the entire series last night).

It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 4:45 AM



Originally posted by singate:
Isn't it odd that Linderman was trying to ply Nathan by stating that .07% is an acceptable loss and now we are being shown a 93% loss of population due to this new threat. I realize it doesn't add up to 100% because of one decimal place but it is an odd coincedence.

2 decimal places. I think it's just coincidence, personally.

Like the rest of y'all, I was really happy to see Matt stepping up and learning more of his abilities. I am glad that he could save Molly and neutralize the threat of his father.

Kensei as Adam was a bit of a surprise, but oddly enough, we had just had a discussion in out little watching group about the cellular regeneration and whether Claire would live a lot longer because of it (Wolverine was heavily used in the discussion, since he lived for about 600 years or so). I can't wait to see the connection with Peter in the next episode.

I think the show is indeed happening in the here and now, but the first documented case of the virus might have been one that the Company was able to contain. That could account for the discrepancy.

I think that Caitlin is lost to us, lost to a future that people are now going to have to try to prevent. We had a lot of talks about other space-time anomalies as well.

Noah is still one of my favorite characters, but then again, I know I'm a sadist.

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 5:20 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Noah is still one of my favorite characters, but then again, I know I'm a sadist.

Everyone loves a violent sociopath.

Actually, it makes sense that the first documented case takes place in March 2007. Remember that the season finale was on Election Day, and that's always in November. Four months after that, when the show picks back up, would be in March.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 1:31 PM


A thought regarding Caitlin: when the future she's in is erased, she may just get shunted into the "fixed" future, with her memories intact.

Her temporal signature won't match the timeframe. She's out of synch with the spacetime point she's in, so any changes to that timeline wouldn't influence her.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, November 9, 2007 7:09 AM


What happened? He see your face?

Very interesting Kring, very interesting indeed.



Friday, November 9, 2007 7:21 AM



YOUNG LOVE STINKS Kring regrets sticking Claire (Hayden Panettiere) with a super-dud boyfriend and forcing Hiro to moon over a cutesy princess. ''I've seen more convincing romances on TV,'' he admits. ''In retrospect, I don't think romance is a natural fit for us.''

Wow. Such Joss-like humility. That's refreshing, and gives me faith in the rest of the season!

Are you listening, Ron Moore? Chrisisall


Friday, November 9, 2007 7:45 AM


If only more show runners could be as Tim. Someone admitting they're wrong in Hollywood, perish the thought.

On the other hand, I don't think all of the things he mentioned were horrible. West has some potential (they could, I don't know, make him evil ). Maya and Alejandro aren't bad characters, and I was always fond of how their powers worked in conjunction. I think the biggest problems so far have been execution.

I will agree that they kept Hiro in Japan for too long. They could have managed most of that storyline in three or four episodes.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Friday, November 9, 2007 8:04 AM


I think their only real problem thus far for me has been the pacing- but now they're gonna switch gears, so COOL!!!



Friday, November 9, 2007 8:05 AM


Is it just me with the hunch that West works for Adam and / or if he doesnt now, he will soon?

my reasoning for it is twofold, one, did you notice how he skirted the question about his parents? two, he singled her out the moment she stepped onto campus, and doesnt seem to interact with anyone in the halls except Claire.

Reading the comics that take place in around around the show, I get the impression the haitian is looking to make amends, but for whom is beyond me.

I too kept thinking Linderman when I heard whitebeard!

and I have to agree with everyone here that Mohinder is acting like an idiot, also, why did the company have soo much of that vaccine on hand? A full fridge of it, that mohinder destroyed, and then learning there was even more of it? also, if it was a new strain, why since they had him there did they not test his antibodies against it before guineapigging it on folks?

things are not adding up. Also, why hasnt Matt tried to read gold creating company mans brain yet? that would quickly get them an answer.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop


Friday, November 9, 2007 8:36 AM


I think Matt has been too pre-occupied with making Molly better that it hasn't occurred to him to read Bob's mind. I think that now he might start to think about that sort of thing, especially after talking to Mohinder some. Also, we have no idea what Bob's power is, yet.

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.


Friday, November 9, 2007 8:58 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I think their only real problem thus far for me has been the pacing- but now they're gonna switch gears, so COOL!!!

But who knows when. They've only filmed up through episode 11, which the network had them shoot an alternate, season-finale end for. If the strike doesn't end soon, we may not see that change in pace untill next fall, if then.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, November 9, 2007 8:58 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Also, we have no idea what Bob's power is, yet.

He is an alchemist. He turned a spoon into gold when he and Mohinder met for the Co. job. Where dey get dat paper.

As to his powers full extent, I am unsure.


Friday, November 9, 2007 9:02 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
They've only filmed up through episode 11, which the network had them shoot an alternate, season-finale end for.

I was unaware of this. I shame my geekdom.



Friday, November 9, 2007 9:09 AM



Originally posted by pdcharles:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Also, we have no idea what Bob's power is, yet.

He is an alchemist. He turned a spoon into gold when he and Mohinder met for the Co. job. Where dey get dat paper.

As to his powers full extent, I am unsure.

Ah, I forgot about that. Thanks!

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.


Friday, November 9, 2007 9:55 AM


I read Tim Kring's thoughts with interest, and like was said above, I disagree with some of them. Basically there is nothing about this season that I have not liked. I love slow build-ups and suspense. Anyway, I was going to say that I was struck by the art direction in Hiro's Adventures in Medieval Japan. They kept framing shots in ways that reminded me of goofy low-budget Japanese romance films. Especially the last scene where he bids farewell to his princess in the scene with the cherry blossoms all about and the golden light slanting on them. I thought it was a very clever visual joke and I loved it.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Friday, November 9, 2007 11:44 AM


Did anyone else notice that the tattoo? Caitlin's brother sported and well the whole gang sported http://www.heroes-tv.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2919&vie
If you missed it here is the link

whats interesting is that same symbol appears on jessicca but not on nikki...

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop


Friday, November 9, 2007 2:07 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Storymark:
They've only filmed up through episode 11, which the network had them shoot an alternate, season-finale end for.

I was unaware of this. I shame my geekdom.


Don't feel too bad. They only did that reshoot last weekend.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, November 9, 2007 2:15 PM



Originally posted by artcat81:
Did anyone else notice that the tattoo? Caitlin's brother sported and well the whole gang sported http://www.heroes-tv.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2919&vie
If you missed it here is the link

whats interesting is that same symbol appears on jessicca but not on nikki...

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop

You mean the symbol from Hiro's sword, Molly's drawing's, Claire's notebook, the building in Montreal, the Haitian's necklace, and a number of other places?

Nope. Hadn't noticed.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Saturday, November 10, 2007 5:08 AM


Methinks we're confusing tattoos here. The one Caitlin did for Peter is some type of Celtic symbol, from the looks of things. The one that appeared on Peter's arm (and just about everywhere else in the series) was the symbol for "godsend" or "great talent".


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Monday, November 12, 2007 9:04 PM


Well we finally got some of the story between last year's finale and the beginning of season 2.

I really did not believe Peter's amnesia was caused by the Haitian, though in retrospect the necklace was a dead giveaway. His dealings with Adam have me thinking that Adam is the type who speaks 90% truthfully. That is how he gets people to go along with his ideas. The problems occur when his accomplices figure out what the other 10% entails.

That Elle is a twisted little mynx. Granted she had a difficult upbringing(if we assume she told the truth) but it is hard to excuse her sadistic and domineering behavior.

DL's death was so damn pointless. I was actually hoping that Jessica/Nikki/Gina lost control due to the medication but getting shot by some punk is down right annoying.

Wasn't this episode also supposed to explain what happened with Sylar? There was nothing on him until the story shifted back to the present.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:30 AM


Considering she's so well-loved by fandom in general, couldn't they have made Kristen Bell a little more likable? Then again, I can't blame her for wanting a change in pace.

D.L.'s death kinda made sense to me. Here Nikki has worked so hard to keep her family together, been through so many amazing and terrifying things, and then her husband's killed in a senseless act of violence.

What I wonder about Adam is what his reaction will be once he sees Hiro. Then again, the fact that it was probably him who killed Hiro's dad speaks volumes. Guy sure knows how to hold a grudge. It's only been what, three centuries and some change?

The Company keeps throwing curve balls at us. Adam says that he tried to go public, but they stopped him. They say he can control weather or some such (can't remember the exact quote, but seem to recall Bob saying something to Nathan about it) and that Linderman and Matt's dad were his disciples. Who's really being truthful, or is truth a luxury at this juncture?

I noticed during one of the commercials they had a "Create The Next Hero" thing online. With the strike going on, I wonder how this will be affected (since they couldn't feasibly air a new hero until after things have been resolved)?


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:50 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by singate:
I really did not believe Peter's amnesia was caused by the Haitian, though in retrospect the necklace was a dead giveaway.

I just knew it was the Haitian. As you said the necklace was a dead giveaway and who else have we met at this point that can extract memories as he does? Seems he was trying to do Peter a good turn. Didn't work out too well, but it was not done with any sort of malicious intent.


Originally posted by singate:
His dealings with Adam have me thinking that Adam is the type who speaks 90% truthfully. That is how he gets people to go along with his ideas. The problems occur when his accomplices figure out what the other 10% entails.

Agreed. I am still trying to figure out what Adam is all about. I don't think it is as simple as revenge and I do get the feeling he is somehow twisted and trying to save the world, but in such a manner where he is calling the shots. So far we have not seen any exhibition of power from him other than healing and longevity.


Originally posted by singate:
That Elle is a twisted little mynx. Granted she had a difficult upbringing(if we assume she told the truth) but it is hard to excuse her sadistic and domineering behavior.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. If what she says is true, I can see why she has issues. It would also explain why she is such a dedicated bloodhound to the Company. New twist for Kristen Bell, but an interesting one.


Originally posted by singate:
DL's death was so damn pointless. I was actually hoping that Jessica/Nikki/Gina lost control due to the medication but getting shot by some punk is down right annoying.

That is what I took away from that too Singate, that DL's death was complete pointless and seemed to be forced just to get rid of his character. He phases to avoid a punch, but doesn't phase when the guy comes back looking for more? That was lame and so poorly written.


Originally posted by singate:
Wasn't this episode also supposed to explain what happened with Sylar? There was nothing on him until the story shifted back to the present.

Well we didn't get anything on Sylar, but we did get back story on Maya and Alejandro that filled in some of the blanks. That's something I guess.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company



Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:42 AM


The Elle character - and the way KB is playing her - is interesting. She's supposed to be 25, right? She acts like a much younger person, given to pulling wings off flies and stirring up trouble between people just because it fights the boredom. Not a lot of depth behind those eyes. Logical given her story of a life lived behind bars, without normal human contact.

I think KB is doing a wonderful job of portraying a person who is scary because she is so immature and therefore unpredictable.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 5:38 AM


DL's death was really bad. As someone pointed out above, he phased for a punch, which was essentially thrown unprovoked, in a darkened room. yet when they gey comes back, in a bright stairwell, with a scowl on his face, pulls a gun, presses it to DL and pauses before firing - and he didn't think to phase? Huh?

The other thing that bugged me about that scene, and it's strictly a production error - but it bugged me - was how the blood hit Nikki. DL was on her left, but when he gets shot, the blood splatters on the right side of her face. Sloppy work.

Otherwise, I actually thought tis was one of the best episodes in what has been, IMO, a lackluster season.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 5:51 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
It now seems more likely that the Haitian could be responsible for Peter’s memory loss.

It seems even more likely now.

And DL has shown a difficulty in phasing for high velocity impacts. This isn’t the first time he’s been shot, just the first time it killed him. And I sort of like how he went. It was pointless, but it provided the perfect vehicle to drive Nikki into the company of the Company.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:04 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

And DL has shown a difficulty in phasing for high velocity impacts. This isn’t the first time he’s been shot, just the first time it killed him. And I sort of like how he went. It was pointless, but it provided the perfect vehicle to drive Nikki into the company of the Company.

When has he shown trouble phasing high velocity objects? The first time he was shot, he took the bullet intentionally, to save Nikki. That was not the case here.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:12 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
When has he shown trouble phasing high velocity objects? The first time he was shot, he took the bullet intentionally, to save Nikki. That was not the case here.

Well he was shot by Nikki.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:14 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
This isn’t the first time he’s been shot, just the first time it killed him. And I sort of like how he went.

Actually, while it saddened me (especially for Mica), it was one of those Wash-like randomnesses that points out that dumb s**t happens, and it seemed real to me.

Loved the ep Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:56 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by Storymark:
When has he shown trouble phasing high velocity objects? The first time he was shot, he took the bullet intentionally, to save Nikki. That was not the case here.

Well he was shot by Nikki.

True, I forgot that. But she (and the writers) made a point of doing so from far away, so he wouldn't see it coming. She didn't put the gun against his gut and look him in the eye before firing.

Chalk it up to poor editing at the least, but I felt it was a completely false moment, given what was already established about the character.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."






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