...And the best season of Voyager is:

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Monday, November 26, 2007 8:04 AM



Verbose Chrisisall


Monday, November 26, 2007 8:14 AM



"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, November 26, 2007 8:31 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Huh? But i thought there were only seven seas-



Monday, November 26, 2007 8:49 AM


Why four? Is that the season they got rid of Kes? Cuz I remember really enjoying the season right after Seven came aboard.

On the whole, I liked Voyager a lot. But by the time they had a guest appearance from pro-wrestler "The Rock," I was like, OK, this is getting ridiculous.

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."


Monday, November 26, 2007 8:56 AM



Originally posted by BlueBomber:
Why four? Is that the season they got rid of Kes?

Yep. No fan of Kes here.



Monday, November 26, 2007 9:14 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by BlueBomber:
Why four? Is that the season they got rid of Kes?

Yep. No fan of Kes here.


I actually kinda liked Kes. I could see why others wouldn't, but each to our own.

I have to go with season 4 as well. The introduction of 7 of 9 was a great move, especially early on when she was more Borg than human. I also seem to remember the EMH being on top form this season (my favourite Voyager character).
I also seem to remember Year Of Hell was part of this season and I really enjoyed that two-parter.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, November 26, 2007 11:21 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

I also seem to remember Year Of Hell was part of this season and I really enjoyed that two-parter.

Yeah, I have that on the Borg Collection; it was top shelf stuff.



Monday, November 26, 2007 11:44 AM


I agree that Season 4 is the best with the borg and Jeri Ryan.


Monday, November 26, 2007 11:55 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Ditto. If Christie Golden would just get off her butt and write more of it!!!

I wanna hear more about Captain Chakotay and Commander Paris.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, November 26, 2007 1:44 PM


I guess I'm going to go against the grain with Season 2. The characters start coming into their own. The Kazon are still a constant threat. The cardasian spy lady is still causing problems. The cliff hanger ending where they lose the ship was great. I just really like that season.

I actually felt like it all fell apart in season 4. It became Star Trek: 7 of 9 instead of voyager. Every week it was "what's 7 of 9 up to now?". Year of hell really didn't do it for me. If it ended better that would have been a good two parter. The ending just rubbed me the wrong way. As did the overall ending of the show. Seemed way too rushed and thrown together.


Monday, November 26, 2007 1:59 PM


Gotta go with four, although I thought the first, I dunno, 6 episodes of the very first season were really top notch. Can't beat Year of Hell though. I've got it on the Time Travel Collection. Definitely the best Voyager episode(s) of all and close to rivaling Best of Both Worlds.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at http://richlabonte.net/tvvote/index.html


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 11:44 AM


I still think season 4 is the best, but I do like the earlier seasons too because then the ship wasn't some self sufficient all capable entity that was going to get them home, but the crew had to sacrifice and baby the ship hoping it will get them just a little further towards home, and that is a story element I enjoy.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:23 PM



Originally posted by BlueBomber:
On the whole, I liked Voyager a lot. But by the time they had a guest appearance from pro-wrestler "The Rock," I was like, OK, this is getting ridiculous.

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."

Am I missing something? I watched Voyager end to end (even the abysmally last year when Chakotay was a horny teenager and 7 was a sex pot, and they royally screwed Tuvok's character) but I don't ever once remember seeing The Rock on the show. What am I not remembering?

For me I don't pick season's, I pick episodes. And there were great episodes in all 7 season's (yes, even season 7). There were, to me, no really good seasons because each one had clunker's, season 1, 2, and 7 respectively.

The first two would have been great if it weren't for the Kazon. As quoted by the Comic Book Guy, "Worst villians ever." They were vultures, scroungers, and not even capable of keeping what they took. Hell they couldn't even kill off the Ocampa. Best villians, to me, in Voyager were the Hyrogen, but they didn't focus as much on them as they had the Ka*duh*zon.

And I am a true shipper for Be'lanna and Paris. Two people who really, really needed the other. They compliment each other, and Paris not only can handle her Klingon tendencies, he sometimes enjoys them. Their relationship was the best I've seen on any show. Very well handled.

Best and most favorite episode was The Muse.

Worst episode, the one where 7 and Chakotay are going at each other like sea lions.

As for Kes, I hated her and wished she'd leave the show, but then they brought T & A..... I mean 7 of 9 on board, and suddenly I didn't mind Kes at all. When Kes was on board it was about the ship and the crew and getting home. When they brought T &.... 7 on board, as someone stated earlier, it was about 7. I can understand why Kate Mulgrew became angry.

I'm passionate about Voyager, because to me, it was the closest we got to the original Trek (I know many, many people will argue with this about me) but it was nice to have a Captain who didn't try to bore their enemies and took a hard ball approach to dealing with a crises. You know, a soldier instead of a politician.

Jayneway was Kirk in a skirt.

End of line.





Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:35 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:

I'm passionate about Voyager

Wow Mistress, I can sure see that by your post! Other than your dislike of 7 of 9 (sorry, guy here- but I also liked the way she and Janeway related), we see this show just the same way!



Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:36 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:

Originally posted by BlueBomber:
On the whole, I liked Voyager a lot. But by the time they had a guest appearance from pro-wrestler "The Rock," I was like, OK, this is getting ridiculous.

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."

Am I missing something? I watched Voyager end to end (even the abysmally last year when Chakotay was a horny teenager and 7 was a sex pot, and they royally screwed Tuvok's character) but I don't ever once remember seeing The Rock on the show. What am I not remembering?

For me I don't pick season's, I pick episodes. And there were great episodes in all 7 season's (yes, even season 7). There were, to me, no really good seasons because each one had clunker's, season 1, 2, and 7 respectively.

The first two would have been great if it weren't for the Kazon. As quoted by the Comic Book Guy, "Worst villians ever." They were vultures, scroungers, and not even capable of keeping what they took. Hell they couldn't even kill off the Ocampa. Best villians, to me, in Voyager were the Hyrogen, but they didn't focus as much on them as they had the Ka*duh*zon.

And I am a true shipper for Be'lanna and Paris. Two people who really, really needed the other. They compliment each other, and Paris not only can handle her Klingon tendencies, he sometimes enjoys them. Their relationship was the best I've seen on any show. Very well handled.

Best and most favorite episode was The Muse.

Worst episode, the one where 7 and Chakotay are going at each other like sea lions.

As for Kes, I hated her and wished she'd leave the show, but then they brought T & A..... I mean 7 of 9 on board, and suddenly I didn't mind Kes at all. When Kes was on board it was about the ship and the crew and getting home. When they brought T &.... 7 on board, as someone stated earlier, it was about 7. I can understand why Kate Mulgrew became angry.

I'm passionate about Voyager, because to me, it was the closest we got to the original Trek (I know many, many people will argue with this about me) but it was nice to have a Captain who didn't try to bore their enemies and took a hard ball approach to dealing with a crises. You know, a soldier instead of a politician.

Jayneway was Kirk in a skirt.

End of line.




I disagree with the line Janeway was Kirk in a skirt. She actually was a good captain and how many times did she sleep with an alien? I can remember one time when she had her memories altered, and I think there may have been one or two more times but with Kirk that was an episodical event.

I didn't like Kess either but I thought the actress was cute. I really liked 7 of 9, and while she defiinately brought T&A to the show I don't think anyone would deny Jeri Ryan is an excellent actress. I refer you to the episode "Infinite Regress."


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:52 PM


Oh, just in case anyone's interested, you can get all seven seasons here
for $136 plus shipping.
There will be Chinese on the menus, but the shows will be normal.
Conjure I just might get this my own self!

Hey Santa! Chrisisall


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 4:17 PM


I bought all seven seasons a while ago and my cd #4 is no good. I would like to get a replacement someday.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 5:16 PM



Originally posted by rallem:
I disagree with the line Janeway was Kirk in a skirt. She actually was a good captain and how many times did she sleep with an alien? I can remember one time when she had her memories altered, and I think there may have been one or two more times but with Kirk that was an episodical event.

I didn't like Kess either but I thought the actress was cute. I really liked 7 of 9, and while she defiinately brought T&A to the show I don't think anyone would deny Jeri Ryan is an excellent actress. I refer you to the episode "Infinite Regress."


Now hold on, who said I was associating Janeway as Kirk through sexual escapades? Yes, a large part of that made Kirk the character he was, I was speaking in terms of a Captain, how she ran her ship, how she dealt with her enemies, and how she was willing to just say "Fuck it, they're not liseting and I'm not going to waste anymore of my time. Arm photon torpedoes and fire." Not to say she didn't look for the diplomatic way out of things but even she realized at a certain point that diplomacy goes only so far and then it's time to bring out your big guns. Sex never entered into it.

Now granted her situation is different, being 70 years from her home, the only other human members being her crew so fraternization would be harder for her than her crew. She's the Captain, her first proiority will always be her ship and crew, and though they leaned towards getting her and Chakotay together (and there was more sexual tension between her and him than there was between him and 7) they realized it wouldn't work out and made it more into a "I want to, but it just isn't possible." But the tension was always there, it just turned into a deep friendship and close bond.

Now I can go into how there seems to be a difference because of her sex, being female she wouldn't be put into situations where she's screwing every moon prince or alien adonis she meets, but that get's into other issues, so I won't go there.

As for 7 of 9. I realize I may have been snarky towards her, an imbedded bias. But there are many stand alone episodes centered around her that I like and are on my favorite epi's list. Too many to count actually. I just hate how during the course of the show almost everything centered around her (and if you don't believe me watch from the moment she comes on board and episodes after) eventually the suits decided to make her the main character (though not officially in the credits) because she was exactly that, a geek boy's fantasy. I mean, her suits alone. I don't discredit her acting ability or the fine stoic way she protrayed 7, and it wasn't her fault really. The suits wanted her to be the focus because they were losing viewers. Of course they never once thought it may be because of the writing, or lack there-of, or their own interference. But that's another topic.

And yes, I do love the relationship between Janeway and 7, I mean it was a near classic parent/child relationship where Janeway (the mom) was trying to teach her newly found foundling (7) the rights and wrongs of the world and find her own place in humanity (simplified but you get the idea) Just after a few years even that relationship was secondary to mundane stories. But I do like watching her evolution.

My point is that after a while the other main characters became the nameless extras who stand around doing nothing. THAT, I think, was one of the downfalls of the show. I say one.





Tuesday, November 27, 2007 5:28 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Am I missing something? I watched Voyager end to end (even the abysmally last year when Chakotay was a horny teenager and 7 was a sex pot, and they royally screwed Tuvok's character) but I don't ever once remember seeing The Rock on the show. What am I not remembering?


"Tsunkatse." The ep where Seven & Tuvok were abducted by a Jeffrey Combs alien and forced to take part in gladiator fights. It also had J.G. Hertzler as an aging Hirogen who taught Seven how to fight.

And Rock wasn't really a "guest star." He just turned up, did his Eyebrow Thing, and beat up Seven.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 6:04 PM


Well if you are refering to her abiity to just say fuck it and arm the torpedos, I won't argue, because now that I think of it she did have a rather blatant disregard for the time continuum sort of like Kirk.

I won't argue that after series four almost every episode was about her, but the creators of Voyager discovered that sex sells and they capitalized. Lots of other great stuff happened as well like Be'elana (sp) and Tom. I hated Chicote and 7 of 9 at the end and I think it wold have been interestin if the Doctor and she hooked up.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 6:30 PM



Originally posted by rallem:
Well if you are refering to her abiity to just say fuck it and arm the torpedos, I won't argue, because now that I think of it she did have a rather blatant disregard for the time continuum sort of like Kirk.

I won't argue that after series four almost every episode was about her, but the creators of Voyager discovered that sex sells and they capitalized. Lots of other great stuff happened as well like Be'elana (sp) and Tom. I hated Chicote and 7 of 9 at the end and I think it wold have been interestin if the Doctor and she hooked up.

That would be CHA-KO-TAY. With the emphasis on the first 3 letters.

And I wouldn't call it a dis-regard of the time continum. In most cases she and her crew were thrust into these situations, and even helped the future by killing Stark before he could use the time ship to go to the 27th century and destroy it.

And that was my point. The suits saw the geeks go into a lather when they brought her on and decided to do away with most well written stories and show her running around in her suit. Again nothing against the actress, it wasn't her fault, I just feel bad for the established cast.

And Jayneway, she could knock Picard on his ear without breaking into a sweat. Riker too come to think of it.

Consider that in ST:TNG the women never got into any fights only and UNLESS there were onjects around to hit the enemy with. And that happened throught the entire series. Very much a man's mans show.

But then we get Voyager, lead by a female Captain who can actually fight, hand to hand at that. And more female fighters than any other ST. Well, equal to Deep Space Nine (another favorite of mine) They actually took a big leap forward with Voyager. If not for that show I don't believe we'd have such strong female roles like Dax or Kira. I just don't get why people have a problem with it. I will always prefer it to ST:TNG.





Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:59 AM


Pairing Chakotay with 7 was the only thing I hated in the series (much like I hated pairing Troi with Worf)- it was just kinda dumb. And a few in-jokes about 7's need for a form-revealing outfit on the show would have been nice.

I went for a long time not seeing any of the shows, and only when I got the Borg Collection did I remember just how much I used to look forward to this show when it was first on!

Mulgrew's Janeway was a delight, and a great role model for young girls (Like Kirk was for me...except for the babe-hunt he was always on, that got me in some situations early on...- but I digress.)

Random Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 1, 2009 1:16 PM


Seasons 4 and seven respectivally. 4 because Tom and B'Elanna started dating, and admittied they loved eachother. And season 7 because they get married, and have a little addition to there family, i mean come on you have to love kids. The only eps i didn't like where the "Equinox" eps.






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