Where are the 'Supernatural' fans at?

UPDATED: Friday, January 11, 2008 09:57
VIEWED: 3872
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Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:22 PM


I let things slide all through season 2, the finale came and went with nary a thread about the series, but enough is enough. So here we are about halfway into season 3 with so many intersesting things having occured in the last year or so.


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So what did my fellow Browncoats think of last season's finale? Personally I hated to see Old Yellow Eyes bite the bullet so to speak but I understand the need to move the story forward. Sam's return from the dead and Yellow Eyes parting words about him no longer being 100% Sam are cause for some concern. It does look as though Sam is a tad more hardcore. He certainly has adopted the shoot first mentality of late.

With the release of the demon army I was expecting this season to be a demon of the week routine. Color me surprised that the writers only touched in this in the season opener. Manifestations of the 7 deadly sins was a cool idea.

The most intriguing development so far has been the female demon aiding the Winchesters. While her motives remain largely unclear she has stated that she knows a way to get Dean out of his bargain. Also she gave Bobby the knowledge to reinvigerate The Colt. I kind of figured it would make a return at some point. The whole idea that no more bullets could be manufactured struck me as being a bit odd. That being said I don't expect them to have it forever, in fact I expect it will be gone by the end of this season. A gun that can kill anything makes it way too easy for the boys.

As for this week's episode I was glad to see Gordon return. I knew jail couldn't hold him forever. In a way he always reminded me of Faith from BTVS, a bit twisted with his own ideas on the right way to do things. In the end his obsession got the best of him. Having him turned into a vampire was so poetic. Like the yellow eyed demon I really hate to see him go but it was necesary. The way Sam finished him off was brutal.

Any thoughts? Did I forget something important? Am I the only Supernatural fan left around here?


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Friday, November 16, 2007 12:46 AM


I'm a fan of this show, and I think Chrisisall is as well.
I think the chemistry between the leads is great and there is some brilliantly funny moments that capture two brothers spot on.

I started watching this on terrestrial UK tv so was quite far behind, and then they pulled season 2 halfway through saying that it didn't get enough viewers (11pm on a Friday - what did they expect??).
So I downloaded the rest and finished S2 a few weeks ago.
As far as S3 goes I'm waiting to see how many episodes get made/shown before the writers strike affects it. Then I'll decide whether to d/load or wait for it to appear on Sky. So please, HIDE SPOILERS!! Thanks.

The show has had posts on here before, but maybe it doesn't get as many as others because it isn't straight sci-fi, but more of a paranormal fantasy, in the same mold as Buffy and Angel (which obviously get posted about because of Joss), although I don't see why that should stop anyone.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Friday, November 16, 2007 4:52 AM


I like it, but don't love it... On the other hand, it's currently one of my favorite shows, which kinda says something about the sad state of television.

Unlike, say, the X-FILES, I think SUPERNATURAL has done a great job adapting to its success and evolving its story and mythology to stay from.

If you like SUPERNATURAL, you should check out MIRACLES. Some of the same folk worked on it, and I feel like they've brought some of the ideas they were unable to explore in MIRACLES over to SUPERNATURAL.

www.stillflying.net: "Here's how it might have been..."


Friday, November 16, 2007 5:05 AM


Big Supernatural fan here.

Personally, I'm kinda hoping that Sam's new dark side is non-demonic. I mean, look at all the crap he's been through. Being p*ssed off is his right. Plus it makes it much more interesting (and scary) if his darkness is entirely, 100% human nature (especially in light of what that demon-girl said to Dean a few weeks back).

And yeah, that Colt is gonna end up shooting them in the foot (so to speak).

As for the girls: I want to see more of Ruby's story. They can go ahead and shoot Bela though (I like her character, I just think that she's been trying so hard to piss people off [and then to weasel out of it when they catch her] that someday her luck's gonna run out).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, November 16, 2007 8:52 AM


Count me in, too!

While it's never been my favorite show, it's consistently good. I may not look forward to it, but it always leaves satisfied (except for the episode with Linda Blair- hate that one!).

Plus, as an added bonus, we got to see Mercedes McNab as a vamp again last night. Truly a sympathetic character.

"Your gratuitous jello awaits." - Dr. Helen Magnus, Sanctuary


Friday, November 16, 2007 9:06 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
I'm a fan of this show, and I think Chrisisall is as well.

I haven't got the second season yet on DVD...

It's all I can do to keep up with Heroes (and even THAT I missed #3 this season!!!)

Busy Chrisisall


Friday, November 16, 2007 12:05 PM


Yup. I'm a big fan of this show. However I'm a terrible one for avoiding spoilers so I must respectfully decline joining any debate over this great show. I really wish I could but as I am UK bound, no doubt us 'tea drinkers' are about a season or so behind and I fear I may become aware of events out of phase with where I am presently in the show.

I will just say that I think Supernatural has slipped in unnoticed, glory covered by the hype of bigger shows like Lost, Ugly Betty, and Prison Break etc yet stands proud of all those as a slow brewing classic of modern TV.

If you have the chance try and see it.


Friday, November 16, 2007 12:10 PM


Som, you think it's as good as Heroes? I think it has moments that come close, and is an easier concept to wrap your head around in the first place.

But Heroes is my #1 show being produced Chrisisall


Friday, November 16, 2007 7:40 PM



Originally posted by Sickdude:
Count me in, too!

While it's never been my favorite show, it's consistently good. I may not look forward to it, but it always leaves satisfied (except for the episode with Linda Blair- hate that one!).

Plus, as an added bonus, we got to see Mercedes McNab as a vamp again last night. Truly a sympathetic character.

"Your gratuitous jello awaits." - Dr. Helen Magnus, Sanctuary

I'm a fan. I missed most of season 1, but have caught every ep since the season 1 finale.

I thought the end of the ep with Linda Blair was hi-larious, and the reference to soup.

Dean gets all the best lines though. They need to give some to Sammy once in awhile.

It's the only show I watch that has an arc, which I miss since Joss' shows are gone.


Friday, November 16, 2007 8:50 PM


I enjoy Supernatural a great deal. I liked Miracles too. Another show canceled too early.

A man who walks the Earth.


Friday, November 16, 2007 11:39 PM


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Som, you think it's as good as Heroes? I think it has moments that come close, and is an easier concept to wrap your head around in the first place.

But Heroes is my #1 show being produced Chrisisall

Hey Big 'C'.

Actually yes I think it's a better show than Heroes. I loved Heroes to start with but as the season wore on certain contrivances in Heroes would bother me. I still love it and am watching season two in parts with two friends but there's a distinct feeling like we're treading old ground with Heroes. Where as with Supernatural there's a better sense, for me, that the characters are moving on to places they've not been before. It's more subtle, less in your face and downplayed with just the right amount of humour thrown in.

Plus I absolutely LOVE the way Supernatural is shot. It is a class act. The look and sound of it is so in tune with the theme of the show, I honestly think it's the classiest thing on TV. Watch the episode with the Scarecrow to see what I mean. Everytime those boys are out in that orchard the atmosphere is 'right' on where the characters are with events. It's beyond clever, it's borderline genius!

That said I take nothing away from Heroes - I love watching it too, but it's a whole different experience.


Saturday, November 17, 2007 5:36 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Watch the episode with the Scarecrow to see what I mean. Everytime those boys are out in that orchard the atmosphere is 'right' on where the characters are with events. It's beyond clever, it's borderline genius!

Quite excellent production values for a TV show...I hope the writer's strike doesn't hurt the fanbase.

Ghostbuster Chrisisall


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 2:06 PM


This show is one of the best on television. Good thing it didn't premier on Fox because it probably would have been cancelled after five or six episodes.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 9:05 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Actually yes I think it's a better show than Heroes. ...with Supernatural there's a better sense, for me, that the characters are moving on to places they've not been before. It's more subtle, less in your face and downplayed with just the right amount of humour thrown in.

I totally agree with you on this, other than myself you are the first person I have seen express this opinion. With Heroes, the second half of season 1 is some of the finest television I have ever seen, the first half was nothing to sneeze at either. That said, I still have a preference for Supernatural.

The most amazing thing the show has going for it is that the story is carried by only two main characters. There are so many ways this could have gone bad but the actors and writers are continually pushing the dynamic between Sam and Dean. Sam has really matured, so much in fact that he has taken on the role of the protective brother. What is there to say about Dean that hasn't already been said? He initially comes off as the typical smartass tough guy but in truth he is much deeper than he would like anyone to realize. At the end of last season we finally saw the extents to which he would go in order to look out for Sam.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 11:10 PM


Singate wrote:


I totally agree with you on this, other than myself you are the first person I have seen express this opinion. With Heroes, the second half of season 1 is some of the finest television I have ever seen, the first half was nothing to sneeze at either. That said, I still have a preference for Supernatural.

Yes indeed. Heroes is great. No doubt about that. I think where supernatural swings it for me is the fact that the long term arc is taking a more gentle sweep up. That works better for me personally. I'm slowly gently being spoon fed the fantastic ideas that Supernatural is undertaking, and being kind of old school, I need that. Heroes went from here's some characters with cute powers, to then suddenly it's; SAVE THE WORLD! It was fun but just a bit too much too soon. The other thing that Heroes has done which I think makes it a tad awkward are the amount of characters to deal with. It's similar to Lost. Sometimes they have to deal with charcaters who frankly you're just not interested in, and then it'll be weeks before you return to the plot line and character development you were enjoying. Can be frustrating.

Anyway really don't mean to be negative about either show Lost or Heroes as they are far far better than TV has any right to be but SUPERNATURAL is now right up there for me with BUFFY :D I'm starting to absolutely love it.

BTW I'm only on ep4 of season 2 - so I have plenty of fun to come :D



Friday, November 23, 2007 5:57 AM


Where are the Supernatural fans at?
In their bunks, of course.

Sorry...:shakes head:...really really sorry.

Supernatural is part of my "man-candy" regime. I have an unfortunate yen for the slightly bad hero, i.e. Mal, Han Solo, and Dean.

Not a single one I'd kick out the airlock for eating crackers. :drool:


Friday, January 4, 2008 9:24 AM


I only just discovered this show online at Stage6, and I am flabbergasted!

This is the best damn paranormal show since The X-Files (Cool seeing David Nutter in the credits!)!
I really like this actor playing Dean, and the brotherly friction (head slaps, etc.) are a nice touch.
What I love most is that both these guys have been dealing with this stuff since childhood, so there's no time wasted with one character trying to convince the other about the "reality" of the situation, like with Mulder & Scully.


Friday, January 4, 2008 10:11 AM


I love Supernatural.

Even though I've seen it on the internet I can't wait until the third season begins in the UK




Friday, January 4, 2008 12:08 PM


I'm a fan since the beginning. Have you noticed this season there is not as much hard rock music, also they seem to be lighting it different. The Bella character so far has not been very interesting. The demon lady is ok.

I loved the Christmas special.


Friday, January 4, 2008 12:31 PM



Originally posted by DRU:
I loved the Christmas special.

Yes that was quite hilarious.

Select to view spoiler:

There's just something funny about Sam and Dean being tortured by two old people who are fine with eating people but don't appreciate foul language.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Friday, January 4, 2008 3:54 PM


The music amazes me as well. I mean, the releases of Miami Vice & Tour of Duty on DVD were held up for so long because of the music rights issue, and then they had to change many of the songs to royalty-free versions.
Supernatural uses the real AC/DC, Allman Brothers, Foreigner, Rush, etc.!!
How did they manage that?

EDIT: I'm on the third episode now, and just when I thought the cinematography couldn't get any better, they toss in a shot like this!

I had to pause it, and just sat there staring at it for a good couple of minutes.


Monday, January 7, 2008 4:20 PM


Ugh, I just read on Syfyportal that Supernatural lost its time slot to Reaper. The article says that Supernatural isn't cancelled but it doesn't mention what time slot Supernatural will be shown.

I really hope they don't cancel it.


Friday, January 11, 2008 9:57 AM



Originally posted by DRU:
Ugh, I just read on Syfyportal that Supernatural lost its time slot to Reaper. The article says that Supernatural isn't cancelled but it doesn't mention what time slot Supernatural will be shown.

I really hope they don't cancel it.

Supernatural has 4 remaining episodes, due to the writers' strike, that will be shown in the regular time slot beginning January 31. After that run, Reaper is moving to the Thursday time to finish its remaining new episodes. At this point, no Supernatural reruns will be shown during the strike. It appears the CW is going to focus on supporting it's newer shows, and believes Supernatural can withstand the hiatus.






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