Your currently-in-production favourite series & why

UPDATED: Thursday, June 26, 2008 22:48
VIEWED: 4397
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Monday, June 23, 2008 10:36 AM


Burn Notice- funny, witty & action.
Heroes- Mohinder still rocks.
Rescue Me- Leary cracks me up, blah blah blah.
Sarah Connor Chronicles- haven't actually seen it( DVD comes out Aug. 19), but I KNOW I'll love it.

Listing Chrisisall


Monday, June 23, 2008 1:11 PM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

Burn Notice - same as above

Battlestar Galactica - Intricate, intelligent, relevant

Chuck - unbelievable, yet believable (sorta)

Scrubs - need I say more?

"No power in the 'verse can stop me."

Rob O.


Monday, June 23, 2008 1:21 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Lost - if it ends on a strong note it just might push Firefly out of my #1 spot

Battlestar Galactica - gritty, bleak and uncompromising look at humanity near extinction. No humor but everything else.

Pushing Daisies - unabashedly romantic, but never trite, and the most colorful television show I've ever seen.

Chuck - pure fun, nerd to the rescue, Adam Baldwin is a hoot, and Yvonne is gorgeously hot.

Dollhouse - just because it's Joss (and it's his birthday).


Monday, June 23, 2008 1:38 PM


only BSG.

the rest is dvd re-runs (Carnivale basically!)
and hunting down Drive episodes and El Santo flix.




Monday, June 23, 2008 2:00 PM


I enjoy Medium.

They keep the show fresh with different plot lines. Allison Dubois is never sure where if her dreams and visions are leading her. She was never given a set of instructions and this allows for a lot of twists in the story line.

In the more recent seasons her daughters have been experincing their own powers. So the show keeps going through changes. This keeps the show fresh.

The characters are more then their powers. This family has the same everyday problems that we all share. This makes them more real.

They only thing I thought was strange was how long it took the husband to stop asking what is wrong every time Allison would wake up in the middle of the night. But he is supportive and trys to help Allison with any problem her powers are causing.



Monday, June 23, 2008 2:12 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

The Shield - it consistently pushes the medium of television well beyond... teevee.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.com


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 5:18 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Lost - if it ends on a strong note it just might push Firefly out of my #1 spot

Really. Hmmmm.
I'm kinda hopin' it tanks- If it ends on a strong note, that's a lot of coin I'll have to shell out!!!

Not Lost yet Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 5:55 AM


Pushing daisies- their use of color to tell the story is mindboggling and makes me as an artist giddy to see, and it manages to be soo incredibly cheery and fun when it could be incredibly morbid. Its sweet, and just a fun ride. and I love quirky shows. Also, i want Chucks wardrobe, and olives too. its such an incredible world they have created and somehow suspended disbelief.

Sarah Connor Chronicles- I was never a fan of the whole terminator franchise, just wasnt my cup of tea, but I love the depth of the characters, and the special effects, and plotline thus far. I really wondered how they would pull off petite delicate Summer Glau as a tincan, and am really impressed so far, and she is an incredible actress.

Chuck- again a fun ride, incredibly geeky and tongue in cheek humor, love it, and Adam Baldwin Rocks. Oh yes and Christina Hendricks will be guest starring, how much better can you get?

My name is Earl- I have a weakness for redneck humor, and i love the way the storyline continues, in some ways is just as quirky as other shows i love.

Scrubs- hmm sensing a trend here? I love my escapism, its fun its quirky, and occassionally its a musical. Very clever show, and excellent cast chemistry.

Heroes- eh this one over the past season has slipped for me, I expected soo much after season 1 i found season 2 to be a bit of a let down, season 1 had such momentum...

The first three on the list I try hard not to miss an episode, and I will be buying the box sets for them. the others I enjoy, but not as much

Also, I would like to take this chance to lament the following recently cancelled shows, Raines, New Amsterdam, and Men in trees, of those three, I miss Raines the most, fun quirky, and not your average detective show.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:03 AM


Not in any order:

LOST - I like that it doesn't give the answers to easily, I want them in the last season.

BSG - Okay, I know a lot of people hate that it's humourless and seems to have lost direction but it still beats the pants of most other shows out there.

Sarah Connor Chronicles - Takes a couple of episodes to find it's stride but when it does it's great. Plus Summer is the 'icing on the cake'.

Doctor Who - As a life long fan since Tom Baker this show just can't go wrong for me. Even Absorboloff episode had it's moments. As for the good ones I'll just mention Blink. This is to Doctor Who what Hush was for Buffy.

SG Atlantis - The best formulaic TV out there. Everything a show needs, humour, action, romance, humour, chemistry, suspense, humour, writing. All topped off with a healthy dose of humour.

Heroes - Who doesn't want to have superpowers? Normal people with extraordinary gifts. If they can only keep it going.

My Name Is Earl - Yeah, I have a soft spot for this show too. Have many shows can survive the lead character being in jail for half a season and then in a coma for a good portion of the rest. Randy is a true genius comic creation, but the whole ensemble makes the show.

I may add Burn Notice but I haven't seen it yet.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:19 AM


Mine have all been listed except for

Boston Legal: the smartest, funniest show on American television, in my opinion.

Denny Crane!



Wolfram & Hart. Yes. I've heard of it. And of you. Made quite an impression in our little industry. So much accomplishment despite your unfortunate deformities.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:23 AM


Ack! I knew I forgot one! Denny Crane, and that entire cast are fantastic.
or as I call it the Captain Kirk Vs. Odo

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:15 PM


In no particular order:

Chuck: I really don't need to explain. I'll just say... What everyone else said!

Pushing Daisies: Again I really do not need to explain, clever humor, great acting, great imagery... 'nuff said.

My Name Is Earl: Nice to see someone else mention this underrated show. As a person who's known, worked with, and been related to a number of rednecks and white trash, I'd have to say this show captures their essence. It's also hilarious. And good humor is a rare thing on TV these days.

Stargate Atlantis: Also no need to explain.
I will make note that Jewel Staite is a regular in season 5. Also that Robert Picardo(The Doc from Voyager) is joining the cast.

CSI: Not the mediocre to downright hideous spin offs, the original. Great plots, good writing and a great overall cast. Even though it's starting to show it's years it still keeps the pace going and introduces new things you actually enjoy watching. Great series. One of the only crime dramas that I'll watch.

Monk: Just plain fun to watch, even when it's sub-par. Great cast and witty dialog. Can't wait to see where it's going in the next season.

Eureka: May very well be number one on my list. Witty, mostly original and well written. Great cast to boot, with amazing charisma. Not many shows can top this. It's only had a couple episodes where I wasn't impressed or at least entertained. Rare among even the best shows these days.

Dirty Jobs: Yeah I know it's on Discovery Channel, but it's TV, and everyone always seems to forget Discovery. Great show, hilarious. I love how the crew is as much a part of the show as the host. Damn great entertainment. Another real contender for my number one position.

That's it for now.

"True glory consists of doing what deserves to be written, and writing what deserves to be read" Gaius Plinius Secundus


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:22 PM


Ooh, Monk reminds me! (And to almost quote Indiana Jones:)

I like Psych!



All those secrets you've been concealing
Say you're happy now...


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:34 PM


Lost - I like the mystery and the hyper reality. A show hinged on the WRITERS and their imagination. Great to see such freedom of sublime absurdity anchored with the classic Robinson Crusoe premise!

Pushing Daisies - Strong concept with oodles of plot possibilities, winsome characters that I've not seen since Northern Exposure and a colour palette rarely attempted on TV making the small screen seen big again! A masterpiece developing before your eyes.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 2:29 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The Shield - You know a show's going to take you for a hell of a ride when a cop shoots one of his team in the head in the pilot episode! Vic Mackey is the guy you'd love to have on your side when the stuff hits the fan, but you sure as hell wouldn't want him pissed at you.

Reaper - about as quirky as Chuck, and as geeky. Ray Wise is perfectly cast as the Devil.

Chuck - 'nuff said.

Burn Notice - How can this one NOT be on anyone's list?

Supernatural - all the same old demons we know and love, but with some new twists and a fair amount of humor and snark. How can you not like a show in which Jared Pakelecki's character, while touring a movie studio's lot, asks, "Hey, isn't that the set of The Gimore Girls?" :) To me, this show *almost* feels like it fits in with the Buffyverse.

Eureka - S2 left me a little... meh. But I hold out hope for S3.

Pushing Daisies - it has a very Tim-Burton-circa-Edward-Scissorhands feel to it. I *LOVE* the quirk and color. It's visually stunning.

Mad Men - the story drags a bit, but the technical direction and the visuals are fantastic.

Breaking Bad - Malcom in the Middle's dad as a high-school chemistry teacher turned meth cook. It's nuts.

Dexter - have only seen this on CBS, but I liked it.

Weeds - I've bought all three seasons on DVD. What can I say? I'm addicted. ;)

Life - There's so much I like about this show. The lead's utter Zen-ness in the face of so much to be bitter about, for one.

30 Rock, The Office, and My Name Is Earl - they fill my Thursday line-up.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - This is the most mean-spirited show on TV that's NOT a reality show or a game show with people hooked to lie detectors. And it's frakking FUNNY!

Criminal Minds - although it's taken a nose-dive since Mandy Patinkin left. And it left us with a cliff-hanger. And I *HATE* cliff-hangers!

Numbers - this one is slipping down my list of must-see TV, because it's just gotten kinda tired.

Heroes - like many, I wasn't that impressed with last season, but I'll still give it a shot this fall.

I miss Raines, I'll *kind of* miss Journeyman, I can't for the life of me figure out how Dirty Sexy Money is coming back, or why... but I'll probably watch it anyway. And then hate myself for it. :) And I hope Fear Itself dies a miserable, horrible death, just for sucking all the life and fun out of horror.

Could be that I watch too much TV...



Wednesday, June 25, 2008 2:30 AM


Don't have much time to watch the idiot box and most of the stuff on it is extremely over-rated

I did however enjoy what I've seen of Heroes and Terminator SCC

Lost and remimagined BSG looked interesting but have completely jumped the shark
I don't get all the love for Dollhouse, ok its Joss but what if the show turns out to be BS like Aliens4?


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:00 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:

I don't get all the love for Dollhouse, ok its Joss but what if the show turns out to be BS like Aliens4?

Aliens 4 was out of Joss' hands when he handed in the script. Dollhouse will rule ya big silly.

Have Faithisall


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:02 AM


Chuck, Burn Notice, SCC, Heroes and Scrubs for all of the above reasons.

Also Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe and the crew are fantastic. I love to see him all covered with poo!

DrG, Medical Examiner-on Discovery Health. This is the real CSI and sometimes the answers aren't there.

Jon and Kate Make Eight-on TLC. This "reality" couple have a set of six year old twins and two year old sextuplets. They argue, they laugh and they cope with eight kids, 6 of which are in the "terrible twos". It's fascinating to see the distinct personalities emerging in the sextuplets.



Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:29 AM


I forgot one,

EliStone- its an interesting twist on the legal show, quirky, funny and has a heart. Also for a show that wasnt expecting to be picked back up, I really respect how the writers ended the season, it was well done, and felt like closing a chapter, not stopping in the middle of a dead run.

I think i've gotten spoiled by the other beloved shows I watch because this ones set seems like they have really skimped, but it could be artists choice... Oh yeah, and I was never a fan of George Michael, but something about him being what he is in the show (had to resist a spoiler there). The acting is good, the story is good, I like the characters, but I find the sets distracting in their minimalism.

I'm looking forward to the next "chapter" but dreading its new timeslot (late Saturday night)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 4:01 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by JaynezTown:

I don't get all the love for Dollhouse, ok its Joss but what if the show turns out to be BS like Aliens4?

Aliens 4 was out of Joss' hands when he handed in the script. Dollhouse will rule ya big silly.

You ought to look before you leap, Joss is well capable of making mistakes. Aliens4 was one of them and he does hold some responsibility for it. Plus just because the name Joss is on it I ain't going to automatically worship it, I love Firefly, adore it, the show is the best tv/scifi series out there

I won't jump the gun and say Dollhouse sucks or Dollhouse rocks, Dollhouse stinks or Dollhouse is the best show eva
I'm going to wait and see then pass my judgment

but remember you've gone out on a limb with it
and if the show sucks, its your head that's on the chopping block


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 4:17 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:

You ought to look before you leap, Joss is well capable of making mistakes. Aliens4 was one of them and he does hold some responsibility for it.

Actually, I liked the story- just wasn't fond of the execution (CG Aliens, ambiguous 'birthing' near end)

but remember you've gone out on a limb with it
and if the show sucks, its your head that's on the chopping block

Not worried.

Keeping his head Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:41 AM


In order of day and time (since most people like to say in no particular order)

Breaking Bad (A tremendous series about a Chemistry teacher who was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer who starts making Crystal Meth to make money to support his family. Shot like an independent film, with suspense, humor, drama...its got it all)

Dexter (tremendous show about a serial killer who only kills other serial killers. The first season was AWESOME, the second was almost a re-invention but still great)

Chuck (You know it, you love it, you can't live without it)

Heroes (I haven't seen all of the second season episodes yet, but that first season ROCKED!)

Reaper (see Chuck)

Damages (Great legal drama, superb cast, well written show)

Pushing Daisies (See Reaper)

The Office (What can I say, this show makes me laugh!)

Supernatural (See Pushing Daisies)

Lost (THE best show on TV)

Dr. Who (Even when I am not in the mood to watch it, I just about always wind up loving it. And to whoever mentioned Blink, yes that episode was a MASTERPIECE)


Thursday, June 26, 2008 4:15 PM


Eli Stone - I expected to hate that show, but just had to give it a try. It hooked me. It's a nice premise, and it hasn't disappointed me a bit.

Here's to it having a long and successful run.


Takin' Care of Business, Baby!


Thursday, June 26, 2008 6:41 PM


24- Even though last year was the most uneven since Day 3, and it sucks that I have to wait till November for the 2 hour "prequel" to Day 7, which itself won't be out till Jan 09 along with DOLLHOUSE, this has been my favorite series so far of the decade. In terms of what you can get away with on network TV, this show has, to quote Denis Leary "balls the size of two heads duct taped together". Political intrigue, moral ambiguity and Greek tragedy all rolled into an explosive series that's more action packed than a decade of action movies and the TV equivalent of cocaine. Even when it's bad, I can't get enough of it.

AMERICAN DAD- I read a user review of this show saying that this show is to FAMILY GUY what FUTURAMA was to THE SIMPSONS. And after thinking about it, it really is. It's more consistently funny than FAMILY GUY, it has an actual target instead of just 22 minutes of non-sequiters, the characters are a lot more fleshed out than on FAMILY GUY, and it successfully trashes the regal image of Patrick Stewart (alongside his cameo in EXTRAS).

THE BIG BANG THEORY- I know it's from Chuck Lorre and doesn't reach the brilliance of THE OFFICE, but I haven't seen a sitcom so geek friendly since FUTURAMA. I shouldn't like it, but screw you, I do.

HEROES, DOCTOR WHO, LOST, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA- Of the big four sci-fi series, the order that I typed them is how much I love them. With HEROES, even with the handful of weak eps (which isn't as bad as say the year and a half of LOST sticking it's head up it's own ass and the majority of season 3 of BSG), this is a show that's taken the superhero genre and given it a down to earth, neorealist spin and has captured my imagination more than anything else. Plus, Hiro Nakamura is one of the best characters in a sci-fi/fantasy TV series bar none. It's so refreshing to see someone who sees his powers as a higher calling and something awesome than something to be ashamed of. He also brings a sense of humor and adventure to a genre that lately has become pretty morbid. It's also the same reason I love DOCTOR WHO. DOCTOR WHO perfectly balances it's dramatic seriousness and scare factor with it's own kind of cheeky humor and adventurous spirit. And even with the bastardized version of it's iconic theme song, the title sequence still gives me chills of excitement. With LOST, it's amazing how from halfway through season 3 and all the way through 4, the show managed to get its head out of its own ass to become a show I actually care about and get excited over. But that season and a half up it's ass to me still beings the whole season down IMHO. That, as well as a slight whiff of pretention and little to no sense of humor. And with BSG, I guess it's just a toss up. Good show on it's own right, and I loved the recent mid-season cliffhanger, but I don't love it as much as everyone else. Takes itself WAAAAYYYYYYYY too seriously. Plus, we never really see civilian life aboard the ships. It's a bit to militaristic for my tastes.

BIG LOVE, ENTOURAGE, IN TREATMENT - I'm a sucker for anything on HBO, so I always like to check out their stuff. Of the handful of series left, these three are the main ones, although I am still excited to see TRUE BLOOD, the latest from Alan Ball. BIG LOVE is my favorite so far since it really explores the dynamics of a polygamist family and the love they all have for each other, as well as exploring the fundamentalist Mormon faith and how one tries to live a spiritual life in the modern world. Plus, it's Bill Paxton's best role in years, and Bill (the character) kinda reminds me a bit of my Dad. ENTOURAGE, moreso for the behind the scenes Hollywood intrigue than the four guys from Brooklyn living the sweet life in L.A. And IN TREATMENT I'm into since I myself was in therapy through college, so I could identify with the situation, as well as liking the fact that it's gutsy in terms of only using the bare minimum. Anyone who can take two people in a room and make it riveting is a true dramatist.

THE OFFICE - THE OFFICE is pure genius. Nuff said.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:48 PM


Hey Artcat81,

Were you peeking at my list?
Ditto for me on all counts and here's why:

Pushing Daisies - FUN,FUN,FUN. Everything you said plus the premis, storytelling and actors. wonderful casting. I can't wait until the new season starts in the fall.

Chuck - I just began watching this show because of Adam Baldwin, but its quite funny and interesting.

My Name is Earl - I love the way this poor schmoe is trying desparately to right the wrongs he committed so that Karma would have mercy on him. Its Do the Right Thing redneck style.

Scrubs - Quirky fun, although there are a few times when they overdo it. I love the unpredictable way they go about doing things to reach thier conclusion. BTW I heard its going over to ABC this fall.

Heroes - Ditto on the 1st and 2nd seasons. I hope season 3 improves.

SCC - I'm still undecided on this series. There are times I find it quite good and then something goes wrong (which I can't put my finger on) but I will try again this fall. Summer is the reason I watch this show. I loves me some Summer.


Originally posted by artcat81:
Pushing daisies- their use of color to tell the story is mindboggling and makes me as an artist giddy to see, and it manages to be soo incredibly cheery and fun when it could be incredibly morbid. Its sweet, and just a fun ride. and I love quirky shows. Also, i want Chucks wardrobe, and olives too. its such an incredible world they have created and somehow suspended disbelief.

Sarah Connor Chronicles- I was never a fan of the whole terminator franchise, just wasnt my cup of tea, but I love the depth of the characters, and the special effects, and plotline thus far. I really wondered how they would pull off petite delicate Summer Glau as a tincan, and am really impressed so far, and she is an incredible actress.

Chuck- again a fun ride, incredibly geeky and tongue in cheek humor, love it, and Adam Baldwin Rocks. Oh yes and Christina Hendricks will be guest starring, how much better can you get?

My name is Earl- I have a weakness for redneck humor, and i love the way the storyline continues, in some ways is just as quirky as other shows i love.

Scrubs- hmm sensing a trend here? I love my escapism, its fun its quirky, and occassionally its a musical. Very clever show, and excellent cast chemistry.

Heroes- eh this one over the past season has slipped for me, I expected soo much after season 1 i found season 2 to be a bit of a let down, season 1 had such momentum...

The first three on the list I try hard not to miss an episode, and I will be buying the box sets for them. the others I enjoy, but not as much

Also, I would like to take this chance to lament the following recently cancelled shows, Raines, New Amsterdam, and Men in trees, of those three, I miss Raines the most, fun quirky, and not your average detective show.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!






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