Doctor Who - The 11th Doctor

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 02:16
VIEWED: 8618
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008 12:50 PM


So, David Tennant has finally announced his resignation (by the way, thats not finally as in I want him to leave, but finally as in there's been loads of rumours floating about anyway) and there aren't that many speculations as to who'd be up to play the Eleventh Doctor.

My suggestion: Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Let's face it, he'd be awesome.


Any other suggestions?

--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:00 PM


really? that's sad, I liked him

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:17 PM



Originally posted by WakeupSoon:

So, David Tennant has finally announced his resignation (by the way, thats not finally as in I want him to leave, but finally as in there's been loads of rumours floating about anyway) and there aren't that many speculations as to who'd be up to play the Eleventh Doctor.

My suggestion: Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Let's face it, he'd be awesome.


Any other suggestions?

--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.

Where did you hear/read this officially?
Could you link to or state your source.

I could only find the rumours that have been circulating for ages. He was originally going when Billie Piper left but he's still there. Everyone knows he will quit eventually for someone else to take over. That's the way the show works, but I tend to ignore the rumours.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:27 PM


Yes, its very officially, as in, on the BBC News at 10 o'clock here in England.

But, if you need more confirmation, here's a link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7698539.stm

--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:32 PM



Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:49 PM


Awww, pooh. I was looking forward to more Tennant-y good times. He WAS Doctor Who, from the excitability to the big face-breaking go-se eating grin. (Not to mention the 'Great Big Threatening BUTTON, that must NEVER EVER be pressed!!!') But

Select to view spoiler:

John Simm as the 11th Doctor (so suggesteth the article)? Why can I not see that working after his stint as the Master?

Also too bad this is his final year. IMO, would have been most poignant (and gratifying to the fans) if last year had been his final year and the true Doctor could have gone off with Rose instead of the human clone.

Simon's got
To get a grip
River's turned
Into a ship

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:52 PM



Originally posted by WakeupSoon:

So, David Tennant has finally announced his resignation (by the way, thats not finally as in I want him to leave, but finally as in there's been loads of rumours floating about anyway) and there aren't that many speculations as to who'd be up to play the Eleventh Doctor.

My suggestion: Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Let's face it, he'd be awesome.


Any other suggestions?

I'm sad that Tennant is leaving but i can understand his reasoning. I think that of all the episodes i've seen so far he's my favourite Doctor.
I think Chiwetel would make an excellant Doctor, he has just the right mix of calm and kickass.
Anthony Stewart Head could also be good....although he was a bad guy in series 2 (although that shouldn't stop them, the guy who killed the fifth doctor ended up playing the sixth doctor).
Whoever the BBC pick i'm sure will be great and with Moffat writing they're certain to have interesting storylines.
Just a small note: Tennant isn't leaving 'till the 2010 series so we still have the four specials in 2009 to look forward to first.

Whoever you vote for in an election, the government always gets in.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:52 PM


There've been rumours that Patrick Stewart would like to play a guest character, but I tend to think he'd make an exceptional Doctor. Most people don't realize the guy can do "zany madman" remarkably well; he's always typecast as the erudite scholar.

Sadly, Anthony Stewart Head and James ("not British, but I play one on TV") Marsters are both out of the running, having already appeared in the Whoverse as other characters.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 4:00 PM


When was James Marsters on Doctor Who? I'll definitely need to see that one.

(suddenly remembers there's a thing called imdb.com) Ah, he was in torchwood

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 7:53 PM


That sucks. I actually preferred Tennant over Eccleston. He really brought a manic energy to the character and was able to go from dead serious/weight of the universe on his shoulders to bouncing off the walls/full of life with total ease.

As a replacement, I'd like to see a ginger actor, just to pay off that joke in season 2 of him always wanting to be ginger. Would Rupert Grint be too much of a stretch? Or just any actor that played a Weasley in the HARRY POTTER movies.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:13 AM


HaHaHa ... a ginger Doctor would be awesome. But I also think its time for a black doctor, they avoided it in the EARLY series because back then it really was too controversial, but I think its about time it happened.

I also like Patrick Stewart, and he could do it very well (I saw him in Hamlet playing the King/Uncle-Who-Became-King and he was exceptional at everything which the roles required)

Of course, whoever is picked needs to bring their own thing to the role. Thats part of being the Doctor, you have to mould the character so each Doctor is different. You have to bring your own style to the role.

--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:30 AM


here's my feeling on it all:

It's just a little something I whipped up just thinking about the Doctor. What can I say? I like my heroes-who-have-lost-everything to wear long brown coats and fight using screw drivers! :)

Shiny stuff for not a lot o coin:
and www.FireflyCarboBay.com (we have terrifying space monkeys!)


Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:03 AM



Originally posted by WakeupSoon:
Yes, its very officially, as in, on the BBC News at 10 o'clock here in England.

But, if you need more confirmation, here's a link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7698539.stm

--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.

Thanks people. I don't watch TV news as it's too depressing and too biased (like most UK media).

It is a pity that he is going but I fully understand why. Some people said that it would kill the show when Eccleston left but look what we got to replace him. And Doctor Who has always survived the many regenerations before. Let's hope we get the same type of treat with number 11.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:29 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Originally posted by WakeupSoon:

So, David Tennant has finally announced his resignation (by the way, thats not finally as in I want him to leave, but finally as in there's been loads of rumours floating about anyway) and there aren't that many speculations as to who'd be up to play the Eleventh Doctor.

My suggestion: Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Let's face it, he'd be awesome.


Any other suggestions?

--- O.o ---

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.

Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.

Where did you hear/read this officially?
Could you link to or state your source.

I could only find the rumours that have been circulating for ages. He was originally going when Billie Piper left but he's still there. Everyone knows he will quit eventually for someone else to take over. That's the way the show works, but I tend to ignore the rumours.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."

www.zap2it.com also has info.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Friday, October 31, 2008 12:14 AM



Originally posted by WakeupSoon:
I also think its time for a black doctor, they avoided it in the EARLY series because back then it really was too controversial, but I think its about time it happened.

Funny you should say that - current favorite is PATERSON JOSEPH:

He's also worked with Stephen Moffat before, so it seems quite likely.

...but I'd prefer Chiwetel Ejiofor (for obvious BDM-related reasons).

Luckily, it seems like Russel Brand has written himself out (No link, because if you don't know what this is about you're really, really lucky).


Friday, October 31, 2008 12:48 AM


Saw the link on Whedonesque to the bookies odds on the next doctor, I think my favourite on that list would be Paul Bettany. Got the quirkiness needed for the role. I like Chewetel, but I don't think he's right for it.


Friday, October 31, 2008 12:58 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:

Funny you should say that - current favorite is PATERSON JOSEPH:

Yeah, saw that list too. Patterson would be ok., quite like him, and I think he'd be quirky enough for the role.

as for the others :-

DAVID MORRISSEY - would be ok I guess, haven't seen him in much.

SEAN PERTWEE - oh yes! seen him in lots, like Event Horizon, got a very distinctive voice and quite quirky personality, would love to see him in the role.

JAMES NESBITT - oh no! too over exposed on tv and very annoying. can't see it.

RUSSELL TOVEY - again, not seen him in much, apart from the christmas special. not sure I'd like to see him in the role.

JAMES McAVOY - hollywood actor now, so doubt he'd do it. indifferent on whether I'd like to see him do it though.


Friday, October 31, 2008 6:37 AM


It is a bummer that Tennat will be stepping down. On the other hand, it would free him up for an upcoming, high-profile role that I think he would be perfect for: young Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbitt.

Just my own dream casting, but I think he'd be great.

And my pic for the next Doctor (and it'll never happen, I know), is Peter Wingfield, best known as Methos on Highlander: The Series.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, October 31, 2008 9:26 AM


I'm really bummed that David is leaving! I was really bummed when Christopher left as well, but he was only on one season, so now David is the "real" doctor to me.

I just don't want another dork like Colin Baker. Gads I *hated* that version of the Doctor! Didn't watch after that until this new series came on.

The new Doctor absolutely can NOT be James Nesbitt!!!! To me, he'll always be whiny Leo from Ballykissangel. I was so glad they got rid of him on that show!

Davis Morrissey looks more like he'd be great for the Master, but not the Doctor.

Whoever the Doctor is, they have to have the face to be both serious and mischievous at the same time. I don't see that potential in any of the pictures listed for the prospects.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Sunday, November 2, 2008 12:04 PM


Tennats leaving? NOOOO!! I thought for sure he said somewhere he'd be sticking on for another few seies.

Oh man. He's the guy who got me into Doctor Who, so it'll be hard to see him go. I'll welcome a new Doctor though!

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Sunday, November 23, 2008 4:13 AM



On the other hand, it would free him up for an upcoming, high-profile role that I think he would be perfect for: young Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbitt.

Speaking of Tolkien: how about Andy "Gollum" Serkis for Doctor?

He's just done a great turn as Einstein in the new Dr Who special shown last night* (in which the Doc reprises his "John Smith" persona from "Human Nature", goes back to 1914 and helps Einstein prove his theory of General Relativity).

Eh? What do you mean it wasn't Dr Who? What about the pocket watch? All the stuff about space and time? The understated homosexual subplot? The iffy CGI'd solar eclipse? OK, there were no alien monsters but hey, 1914, who needs extra horror?

*Sorry - I'm being silly: in reality, the BBC has just shown an excellent fact-based drama Einstein and Eddington with Serkis as Einstein and Tennant as Eddington, the British astronomer who helped prove his theory despite the slight obstacle of the first world war. I'm sure it will be repeated or turn up on the intertubes.


Monday, November 24, 2008 8:03 AM


I have seen most of the Doctors, not all, and Tennant did a fine job. I have liked all of them. Each has brought a new dimension to the character. Baker was my favorite, but I have no complaints about the others. So I am hopeful that who ever is choosen will prove to be an interesting character.

The only thing I would like to see is more travel to other planets. There seems to be less of that in this new series. The Tardus seems grounded on Earth. In the past the Doctor visited other planets with different civilisations on them. That would be a nice change in the future episodes. Other planets need help to.

It has been great seeing th Daleks, though their voices are get on my nerves, and the Cybermen again, so I am hoping to see the Master and some of the Doctor's other nemesis.



Monday, November 24, 2008 9:14 AM



Originally posted by traveler:
The only thing I would like to see is more travel to other planets.

Trouble is - there's nowhere left to
Have you seen what they've done to Skaro?

Here it is in 1975: http://www.english-nature.org.uk/imagelibrary/image_details.cfm?id=109

(...or maybe that's Magrathea from HHGTTHG, its so hard to tell)

Now look at it!: http://www.edenproject.com/whats-at-eden/eden-in-pictures/general-eden

I mean, the building is pretty SciFi, but its much too distinctive to use (although the producers of "Die Another Day" didn't think so).

I suspect the other "alien planets" have been similarly done for: the gravel pit in Surrey is probably under a shopping mall and I expect the spoil heap in Wales is now either an indoor ski slope or a nature reserve.

Where else can you film an alien planet? The only other types of known alien geography are:

1. The Californian desert (Firefly, Star Trek)
2. A forest just outside Vancouver (Stargate, BSG)
3. Tunisia

...but they're not available on a Doctor Who budget.


Monday, November 24, 2008 9:19 AM


Since when did Dr Who need an actual place to go to film another planet?

The best part about the Tom Baker/Peter Davidson years for me were the cheesy sets that somehow worked to create different worlds.

They have been doing more CGI stuff so they could really have a great time imagining other places.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, November 28, 2008 3:17 PM


I also suspect this new series has a bigger budget. I have been impressed with the work they have been doing. It almost makes you wish for a little of the old cheesy low budget shows of the original. I enjoyed the obvious painted scenery and some of the monsters dated back to the fifties. But the imagination was there and that made it great. And that is why it had to come back.



Tuesday, December 2, 2008 1:44 AM


Paul Bettany could do the Doctor, but if you want a 'jinj? - how about Damien Lewis? And it's a shame Gattiss has already been in it - he's got that otherworldy bonkers thing going on. As does Alan Davies. Paterson Joseph will forever be the Marquis de Carrabas for me, which makes sense in view of the rumours as to who will be writing for the specials.

I'm sorry, David Morrisey doesn't cut it. He's too much like that abhomination foisted on us after Peter D.

ps - the return of the Master? I think;

Select to view spoiler:

he moved his consciousness into his wife, and it was a shadow copy that died in the series - I don't think Gallifreyans can prevent their reincarnation happening. Plus, the hand that picked the ring up? Now that would be an interesting showdown.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008 2:16 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:

Originally posted by traveler:
The only thing I would like to see is more travel to other planets.

Trouble is - there's nowhere left to
Have you seen what they've done to Skaro?

Here it is in 1975: http://www.english-nature.org.uk/imagelibrary/image_details.cfm?id=109

(...or maybe that's Magrathea from HHGTTHG, its so hard to tell)

Now look at it!: http://www.edenproject.com/whats-at-eden/eden-in-pictures/general-eden

I mean, the building is pretty SciFi, but its much too distinctive to use (although the producers of "Die Another Day" didn't think so).

I suspect the other "alien planets" have been similarly done for: the gravel pit in Surrey is probably under a shopping mall and I expect the spoil heap in Wales is now either an indoor ski slope or a nature reserve.

Where else can you film an alien planet? The only other types of known alien geography are:

1. The Californian desert (Firefly, Star Trek)
2. A forest just outside Vancouver (Stargate, BSG)
3. Tunisia

...but they're not available on a Doctor Who budget.

have you watched the past 4 seasons??
good chunks of several eps have been shot in a welsh gravel pit. just off hand...The impossible planet/The Satan Pit, planet of the ood, Utopia/The Sound of Drums, The Fires of Pompeii, and others i can't think of at 7am. the old Doctor Who tradition of making quarries look like alien planets is alive and well.
( it helps to watch Doctor Who Confidential each week)

and you forgot a 4th type. Arctic tundra - (Alaska, northern Greenland, Siberia, Antarctica, Etc.) As used in The Empire Strikes Back. (Depicted in the planet of the Ood, by dressing a gravel quarry in august with a fine paper mulch. actors were supposed to be freezing cold, with parkas and what not, but it was in the upper 70's to mid 80's (F) and many on the crew were getting sunburn from the light reflected back up from the white mulch fake "snow"
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