Stargate - Universe

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 12:51
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:02 PM


I think it just aired or is about to, anyone see it yet?

Give us your verdicts?

Any new sci fi is a good thing as far as i'm concerned but i'd be real happy with a great new show.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:19 PM


I think it airs sometime early October. I'm not sure if I'm going to check it out. If anyone does, let me know if it's any good.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:37 PM


Hmm. seems you are correct.. don't know why I thought it was airing now..

Sorry bout that folks.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:11 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I've been following the news on it via Twitter. It sounds really promising and will add nicely to the Stargate franchise.

Caprica is looking good too, though, I must admit, the movie was a bit on the slow side and does take some patience when watching the story unfold.

When I find the time, I'll start posting on Shiny Universe about it.

Going off topic a bit. Another series that I've been watching is Defying Gravity. It's not bad. Like watching an episode of "Thirty-Something" meets "2001" in space. I like it though. Something totally different from any other sci-fi series on TV right now.

Then, of course, there's "Warehouse 13" and "Fringe." Boy, what a ride.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:25 PM


Silly me.. I saw a programme called "The Universe" advertised and thought it was Stargate Universe :)

Heya Haken, It does sound promising, we'll just keep our fingers crossed heh.

Didnt go much on Caprica pilot.. also I am loathe to commit time to it purely because of how BSG was brought to conclusion (BSG was my all time second favourite show but season 4 ruined it for me).

I discovered Defying Gravity 2 days ago and I have since seen the first 8 episodes, have 1 left to watch :) You know its been cancelled and we dont know if/when we'll get to see the last 5 episodes dont you?.. sad.

Warehouse 13 is a bit silly but watchable. I do like fringe though, Walter makes it for me :)


Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:30 PM


Is the documentary "The Universe" any good?


Saturday, September 26, 2009 1:42 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Calhoun:
Hmm. seems you are correct.. don't know why I thought it was airing now..

Sorry bout that folks.

Starting to see ads for it. I'll definitely check it out. I just yesterday saw the final episode of SG-1. Didn't even catch the whole show, but only the end. Then they had a brief teaser on SG-U. Like Caprica, I'll give it a shot.

Also, The Universe is pretty darn good, from what I've seen.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Saturday, October 3, 2009 3:20 AM


I liked it. Better than most other crud out there these days. A bit more gritty than the normal SG stuff.


Saturday, October 3, 2009 10:28 AM


I enjoyed it, it has a lot of potential to be something big. Lets just hope SyFy doesn't piss al over it. The only original cast member to not put in an appearance was T'ealc. Was affraid it was going to be the "Voyager" SG show, but they set it up to be a lot more.


Saturday, October 3, 2009 10:48 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Calhoun:
I liked it. Better than most other crud out there these days. A bit more gritty than the normal SG stuff.

You got that right. I wasn't sure if I was watchin' SG:U or BSG. VERY similar camera work and lighting.

As for the show, It was decent. A curious mix of past and present was a bit confusing to follow, if you just walked in and didn't know the plot.

I liked it, but it's early.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Saturday, October 3, 2009 4:08 PM


I'd say it was not a bad start. There's already lots of backstory to mine, they've got oodles of imminent peril to play with, and nothing says angst ahead like virtuous self-sacrifice in the pilot ep.

I'm not sure if that was sarcastic or not.. I actually think it was not bad for an introduction. They managed to cover a lot of ground fairly effectively without beating you over the head with it. There's definitely potential here, and if they can repeat past performance quality it will bear watching. I still think the chemistry and writing on SG1 was the best so far, but Atlantis had its good points too.

None of them, however, are Firefly. (sigh)


Saturday, October 3, 2009 4:20 PM


The short of it: I liked it.

It started out a bit chaotic; and I didn't much care for the whole 'We must find the 9th chevron' bit again at the opening: there's gotta be more original ways to start a new stargate series. But I liked the moral ambiguity of Dr. Rush.* It's true, it does have similarities to BSG, camera and crew interaction wise (and did anyone catch the FTL reference?). Finding themselves on an alien ship, however, makes it different enough from BSG. Let's just hope it will be different enough from Stargate Atlantis too, and that it won't be just a plot where an ancient city has been replaced for an ancient ship, with drones they find and ancient gadgets, and puddle jumpers, etc. Cuz that would, well, suck.

* Although it's a bit of a rip-off for Gaius Baltar, come to think of it.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, October 3, 2009 5:48 PM


Aw shoot I guess I missed it. Does anyone know if Jewel Staite will make an appearance or two in this one?


Sunday, October 4, 2009 3:37 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SpaceBumpkin:
Aw shoot I guess I missed it. Does anyone know if Jewel Staite will make an appearance or two in this one?

Clearly, I'd love to see her more, but as a secondary character on a spin off of the original show.....

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Sunday, October 4, 2009 3:59 AM


Caught the pilot SG-U Friday night. It was interesting enough to keep me watching. To tell the truth I was planning to watch it since seeing it advertised the week before. That, and a friend of mine from work is a big SG fan. Thought it would be something we could talk about and discuss over coffee at work.

Looking forward to more. Didn’t have any kind of hook to give you the drop about any particular character ( like when Kaylee eats the strawberry in the Serenity pilot) although I did like the innocent young gamer who had his life changed in the blink of an eye. Also Dr. Rush kinda creeps me out but it’s still early enough for him to prove to be a good guy.



Sunday, October 4, 2009 4:17 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

To judge by most of the posts over at scifi.com you would think this is the worst thing they have ever broadcast. It wasn't great, but it was watchable, and since next week's ep is essentially the conclusion of the pilot we should get an idea of what it will be like on a weekly basis. I am hoping it will be more arc-based stories rather than stand-alones like the two previous series.

Considering that Sanctuary starts again next Friday, I will probably be watching Sci-Fi and DVR'ing Dollhouse for later.


Sunday, October 4, 2009 6:20 AM


Rush strikes me a dirtbag. Does anyone really believe O'neill would put him in charge? He is clearly working on his own agenda. Whether it is based on scientific curiousity or if he is in cahoots with higher ups remains to be seen.

So I guess Eli is supposed to be the character the audience relates to. His recruitment was more than a little amusing. It was nice how there was none of the usual "you aren't government or military so we don't value your opinion" bs from the other characters. In fact, I liked the interactions between characters of differnt backgrounds. The only moment when they fell back on stereotypes is when the Lt. threatened to lock everyone down. I suppose he had a legimate reason for that.

I think the main problem with the episode is almost nothing gets resolved. The big dramatic scene is when the Senator sacrifices himself to seal the breech. Though this was nice change to how politicians are typically portrayed it probably wansn't enough to get the audience all geeked out. I'm not saying the episode was bad, in fact, I liked it. The best thing I can say is like a decent prologue in a novel it has gotten me interested. I suppose that is what a pilot episode should do.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, October 5, 2009 1:34 AM


SG-U didn’t strike me as terrible….there did seem to be an awful lot of people that were saved through the Stargate Portal though. A lot of throw away characters that may have a line or two before they can be killed-off. Kinda resembles the Lost tv series on ABC……like they’re Lost on a alien spaceship in space…..Lost in Space…..hey??!!!



Tuesday, October 6, 2009 5:11 PM


No Jewel?


Tuesday, October 6, 2009 6:23 PM


Seems to me that SGU is going with the current formal: dysfunctional, semi-psychotic individuals vie for their own personal interests with little attention to what is best for the group except when require by military protocol and even that is often dysfunctional - we saw it in LOST and recently in DEFYING GRAVITY and VIRTUALITY. Personally, I don't like that attitude for a show. The reason why I loved Firefly/Buffy is the sense of family took precedence over dysfunction. Even River felt it. Even Jayne.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009 6:37 PM


Just got done watching the premier of "Stargate-Universe" on Hulu. A lot happening. But then they have a big cast and they want some background on each so we know who were dealing with. These premiers are not easy. I feel they did a great job. Kept the pace up and brought the characters to life. Now for the test of time. I hope they keep up the good work. There is not much science fiction out there and I don't have cable so the SyFy channel is not available to me. I thank the different networks for allowing their shows to be aired on Hulu. So I hope they will continue because I want to see more.



Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:56 PM



Friday, October 16, 2009 8:45 PM


I'm not enjoying the show so far. It seems injected with too much self-importance in order for them to tell a character driven story. To be honest, it bore the hell out of me.

((( Dooms Day )))


Friday, October 16, 2009 10:07 PM


I have to agree. The story is unraveling at a painfully slow rate and the way they are telling it makes it even less interesting.

Plus what little science they have in the show is so painfully wrong it makes this show, that is taking itself way to seriously, look childish.

The money shot from this episode "oh, it's beautiful" wasn't beautiful at all. It was muddied up like the rest of their highly stylized shooting/lighting.

It seems to me that they are working off some strict formula that tells them how the show is supposed to look, how the scripts are supposed to be laid out, how the backstories unfold, and nobody is actually trying to see if the show has a decent 'feel' or 'groove' to it.


Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:13 AM


I agree. I would much rather watch a story that is more about people pulling together in adversity rather than pulling each other apart and taking out their frustrations on each other. It's like adult Day Care. I didn't like BSG for the same reason, I've lost interest in the characters of Lost for the same reason, and will only watch it out of curiosity for the secret behind the technology. I don't mind knowing that the character is flawed - no one is perfect - but I hate watching the show and leaving for boredom or the strong desire to scream at the character to just grow up. If this is what the future holds for humanity, then we're all screwed, and so are our kids. And I don't want to believe that. We can all do better than this if we just try.


Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:54 AM


I totally agree with your concurrence.


Monday, October 19, 2009 1:12 AM


Mornin browncoats……

Caught the last two eps of SGU last Friday night and although I haven’t given up on the show it seems to be crawling into a rut IMO.

First of all this Rush fella is becoming more and more unlikable. He may be smarter than your average joe, but this “superior attitude” is really giving me a bad taste for the character. Maybe that’s the way the role is meant to be played…..but I ain’t liking it. Heck I prefer Niska!!

Also (imo) the last installment, episode 3, seemed to conjure images of Firefly’s OOG episode. The ship is dying and needs to be fixed or we will all die……type of thing.

I donno, the characters are very superficial at this point to me and I suppose that I wouldn’t have cared if they had ran out of air.

I’ll still watch but somebody needs to step up.



Tuesday, October 20, 2009 2:52 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:

First of all this Rush fella is becoming more and more unlikable. He may be smarter than your average joe, but this “superior attitude” is really giving me a bad taste for the character. Maybe that’s the way the role is meant to be played… but I ain’t liking it. Heck I prefer Niska!!

Or Gaius Baltar, for that matter, who is, after all, the person Rush was modelled after. Which is precisely the gripe I have with the show: it's an all too blatant mix between Battlestar Galactica and Stargate Atlantis. Dr. Evil incarnate, Gaius Baltar, now is called Rush: brilliant, but deceitful and up to no good, and part of a lucky few who made it off a doomed rock. Sound familiar?


Also (imo) the last installment, episode 3, seemed to conjure images of Firefly’s OOG episode. The ship is dying and needs to be fixed or we will all die type of thing.

It rather conjures up images of Stargate Atlantis for me. They find an alien cit.., err, ship, power it half-way up, only to find out shields, warp-drive, etc., are all but gone. Sound familiar? I swear, if in the next installment they're gonna find a ZPM, I'm gonna scream! :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, October 20, 2009 3:24 AM



Originally posted by Mangolo:

Plus what little science they have in the show is so painfully wrong it makes this show, that is taking itself way to seriously, look childish.

Well, at least the tech is a LOT better than the ridiculous tech-crap talk on Dollhouse. Maybe atmo-scrubbers don't really work that way, but it was not enough for me to get irritated over or anything.

Chloe Armstrong, described by Wikipedia as a "stunning and sexy" daughter of a US Senator, is indeed fair hot, I'll give her that. But she's a lot more childish than all tech put together. I'm thinking shower-scene, where the entire ship goes dark, and all our little princess can think of is Eli having turned of the light (to tease her?). Is it utter ego-centrism? Or extreme vanity? Or both? Well, whatever it was, it was a turn-off alright.

Other than the fact that's a mite too reminiscent of BSG and STG:ATL, I still find it enjoyable to watch, kinda.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, October 25, 2009 3:46 AM


Hello SGU watchers!

Well I watched the last installment of SGU last Friday night. I was impressed. Not so much with the aesthetics ( don’t get me wrong the f/x are beautiful and those folk should be commended for their work) but with the emotions involved in certain things happening to many of the people that I’m connecting to.

I’ll try not to give anything away in my post here but I’m not sure if browncaots are interested in this Sy/Fy original. I can tell ya that it’s one of the few tv series on that channel that I have kept up with so far.

Anyway, I still dislike this Rush guy. Somehow it didn’t bother me so much when he got his “Burn Notice”. Just the same I think a lot of shows have characters that make people hiss and moan about. Anyway, neat ending of the episode. Kept me interested.

Z, out


Sunday, October 25, 2009 8:01 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Hello SGU watchers!

Well I watched the last installment of SGU last Friday night. I was impressed. Not so much with the aesthetics ( don’t get me wrong the f/x are beautiful and those folk should be commended for their work) but with the emotions involved in certain things happening to many of the people that I’m connecting to.

I’ll try not to give anything away in my post here but I’m not sure if browncaots are interested in this Sy/Fy original. I can tell ya that it’s one of the few tv series on that channel that I have kept up with so far.

Anyway, I still dislike this Rush guy. Somehow it didn’t bother me so much when he got his “Burn Notice”. Just the same I think a lot of shows have characters that make people hiss and moan about. Anyway, neat ending of the episode. Kept me interested.

Z, out

Certainly the best episode so far. It was, dare I say it, actually pretty good. :) The ending was a mite predictable (if, for nothing else, you simply *know* they're not gonna lose the ship, as that would end the show). All-in-all, it had a modicum of depth, and it all made for an enjoyable watch. As a STG:ATL follower, I'm not sure I'm ready to take another 5 years of discovering all cute gadgets of an alien ship, in this case; but for now, gotta say, it's the best thing out there. Perhaps that's a commentary on everything else. Or perhaps it's simple good. No final verdict yet. History will attend to itself.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, November 7, 2009 3:31 AM


"Earth" is the title of the seventh episode in Stargate Universe.

Spoiler warning:

IOA scientists have hatched a plan that could return the crew to Earth.
But the plan is far from foolproof and carries potentially deadly consequences.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009 8:49 AM


guess who showed up


Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:43 PM


Is it my imagination, or did the last two episodes really suck?

Sometimes you travel back in time when a wormhole opens near a solar-flare.... Riiiiight. C'mon, guys! That was so crap! And last installment, nothing happened; and then it was over. Yawn.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:43 PM


Frakkin' double post.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 1:49 AM


I think its ok, its steady and entertaining but nothing to do a big song and dance about...yet
So far its steady

The SGU series is better than a lot of the Star Trek's, its better than New-Battlestar Galactica because averaged out Battlestar's episodes did not really work. BS G had a great first season but overall most people do not approve of the show, the political angle burnt some viewers and the BS G characters became irritating and annoying not thought provoking. I also think SGU is better than Stargate Atlantis, SG Atlantis suffered from poor writing choices and poor cast decisions like suddenly killing Weir off

bye bye Weir

I also enjoy the SGU ragtag motley bunch they have wrote, the writers and the cast and their acting skills have really done a good job at filling out the characters


Sunday, November 22, 2009 2:57 AM


This Rush guy is very annoying to watch. He has no commendable quality about him. The viewers have nothing to hold on to and root for him. Although the last two episodes we just learned that he likes old films and he doesn't believe in the afterlife blah and that's about it. Still nothing really like a 'WOW' moment for him.

I do like the aesthetics; its definitely dark like the new BSG and it doesn't have that in-your-face alien-y bad guys (yet).


Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:56 AM


I'm still liking it. I'm glad they're giving us some backstory on everyone, because I've been trying to pick apart the characters. "Why did s/he react like that, what was behing that look/comment". Ship time can't have been much more than three weeks if that, so they're still adjusting to the new environment.

And yes, people trapped with strangers for an indefinite period of time, afraid and in some cases terrified that they're going to die and/or never make it back home can tend to get a little petty and snippy. Or psychotic. Especially since most of them hadn't planned on going anywhere the day they arrived on the ship except for the military. High stress, low supplies, near basic survival conditions without preparation or training.. you're asking for a train wreck unless you've got at least a few people who are very good at leadership. Plus, no coffee.

I liked the last episode showing that people are starting to build community and try coping with the stress together. (The exercise group so far but people will find common interests or try new things out of a desire to connect. Eli started yoga.) Humans crave connection and belonging to the social group. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up forming a band if they can find something to make instruments out of, and where there's music there's dance or concerts. Which is a good way to blow off steam and lift your spirits.
Or they'll all just start having sex with one another until everyone's pregnant and they're in deeper doo doo. You never know where a writer's going until they get there.

I'm wondering who's going to end up in the chair. Will it be the guy who just ran out of his meds and is going berserk, or someone who's already volunteered. They have introduced the chair and there's no way they're not going to end up using it. The ban will be lifted just as soon as the situation gets dire enough.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 6:52 AM


I'm not saying I didn't like the series. It's just that Rush is very distant, we don't know which side he's on. We've seen him lie more than a couple of times before and his intense desire for self preservation as demonstrated this week that he doesn't want to sit in the chair. As viewers we need something to like or dislike a character and Rush, I feel, doesn't make me like or dislike him in any way.

I think it will be Greer who will sit in the chair. The guy who ran out of his rage meds will just off himself.

I wish Eli would have someone to have a dynamic with. It's just sad that the comic relief of the show ends up like a bad joke as I think David Blue has a natural comedic timing with him.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 11:11 AM




This is hands down the laugh I needed before bed tonight…

According to the Syfy Wire, there is a a war going on between Stargate Universe's producer, Brad Wright, and the Chicago Tribune's Maureen Ryan over a review for ABC's 'V'.

Where does all this fit in with each other?

Well Ms. Ryan's review of 'V' included a swipe at Stargate Universe, which prompted Mr. Wright to comment on the article in the comments section. Mr. Wright's comment ruffled the feathers of Ms. Ryan enough for her to rebuttal with yet another article, this time focusing entirely on Mr. Wright's comments.

A lot of the comments on the second article include rants and raves for Maureen standing by her beliefs and calls for an apology from Brad Wright. Here is a link to the second article.

Post your thoughts because I am dying to hear them!

Source: SyFy Wire


Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:34 PM


I'm finding the show intriguing enough to keep watching at the moment. Almost stayed in the doom/gloom mood of the pilot and first 2 eps after for too long -picked up some lighter moments and such at the right time to keep me from beginning to feel depressed during each episode.

I personally really liked the time-loop episode - lots of tension and WTF/Holy-crap-they-just-did-that moments. Yes, it was a done plot, by both previous SG shows all the way back to the season 2 episode of SG1: "1969", but the way in which it was done was quite cool. Liked the use of the Kenos to tell the story and give some character moments.

One thing that i found very, very intriguing if my 'what-if-there's-a-connection' sense is right:

The space suits they find look FAAAARRR to similar to the suits of the 'unknown aliens' who are prominent in the Season 5 2-parter of Atlantis that feature Daniel Jackson (not to spoil people who haven't seen the episode).
The suits, aside from the helmets, ARE EXACTLY the same design, and can't in my mind be a coincidence.

One reason to keep watching!

Time for some thrilling heroics!


Saturday, December 5, 2009 9:20 AM



Sunday, December 6, 2009 7:55 AM


Shocking end to the "mid-season finale."

wtf is a "mid-season finale" anyway?


Sunday, December 6, 2009 8:15 AM


From what I saw, I actually like it and will be looking for the first season on Blue-ray.

To be fair, I was never a big fan of the various Stargate incarnations. This goes right back to the original movie. I felt cheated. Great, and I mean truely GREAT premise and the first part of the movie right up to when they opened the gate had me rivited.

BUT, once they went through... I very nearly walked out.

I think the reason I like Universe, the thing that sold me on it not even 10 mins into the show, was the characters. Even the effects seemed much more darker, more gritty.

So I'll watch more! I'd rather let the show dissappoint me than to pre-judge it. It's actually a good rule to live by.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, December 17, 2009 10:58 AM


SPACE, Canada’s national science fiction, speculation, and fantasy channel, announced today the exclusive Canadian acquisition of the second season of STARGATE UNIVERSE (SGU). Twenty, all-new, hour-long episodes of SGU are scheduled to premiere in Fall 2010. Following its television broadcast, each 60-minute episode of SGU is available on demand at www.spacecast.com.



Friday, December 18, 2009 6:43 PM


America loves a winner!

Been trying , sort of, to get hooked on this show, but it's just not happening. Not even close. I have no idea who anyone is, why I should care, and can't find any remote connection w/ the other SG shows.

It just doesn't FEEL like it's a part of the SG family.

Am I the only one?

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Friday, December 18, 2009 11:21 PM



AURaptor wrote:
Friday, December 18, 2009 18:43

It just doesn't FEEL like it's a part of the SG family.

Am I the only one?

You're not alone, and I am not crazy about this new SG but it really isn't bad. Certainly not bad compared to most other stuff on TV.


Saturday, December 19, 2009 5:23 AM


I have already given up on this show


Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:11 AM


yes i like it bieng a gate fan, im willing to try anyshow gate related. good things: eli, col young blond female caracter, black caracter. the kino bits. col young needs to lighten up a bit. bad things, kind of too gritty vibe, makes me think of BSG. RUSH is a dirtbag, but he didnot deserve to be stranded on that planet by the col. i do like the things with the comm stones, so everyone can touch base at home, and i think the cols wife has issues, what a biotch.


Saturday, December 19, 2009 1:55 PM



rivergirl22 wrote:
Saturday, December 19, 2009 05:23
I have already given up on this show

Well now you will have more time for The Bachelor, The Millionaire Matchmaker,
Project Runway, Idol, Survivor, The Apprentice, I could go on and on.... my point is when there is such an abundance of utter tripe on TV i'm prepared to give SG a chance.






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