Sci-Fi shows that let you down....BIGTIME!

UPDATED: Thursday, November 3, 2011 13:14
SHORT URL: http://bit.ly/vOno7M
VIEWED: 9836
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011 7:44 AM


1) LOST-I'll admit I was hooked on this show. It filled the gap of Buffy, and Angel ending(still not nearly as good as those shows though). I thought the writing of the characters was especially well done. I hated the last couple seasons, and lost interest. I did watch the final episode though.

2) Star Trek Enterprise-Xindi story arc anyone? For a series that really needed to stay focused on exploration, and discovery as the main theme the Xindi story arc sure bogged it the hell down.

3) Planet of the apes(animated 1975)-I was very excited to see this released on dvd....then I watched it. Nostalgia be damned, the writing was horrible(even for a cartoon). And whats with the apes living in cities, flying helicopters, and driving tanks and jeeps?

4) Star Trek TNG-seasons 6, and 7. Brannon Braga.

5) Andromeda-Started out loving it, ended up hating it.




Wednesday, November 2, 2011 8:28 AM


When I read the thread title, I thought it meant "Which (Sci-Fi produced by Skiffy) shows let you down....Bigtime!"

I no longer have any outlet for the series of hilarious jokes I came up with. :(

But, I have to admit, I was really looking forward to Dollhouse, and while I think it had it's positives and I don't think it was as bad as some people, I felt a little disappointed by the first episode. I guess I was expecting to find a moment that would just hook me and resonate, like the charm in Dr. Horrible when the very first song kicks in, or the moment the dialogue caught me in Firefly ("Right. We win."). But for Dollhouse that never really happened.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 8:32 AM



Heroes (big time!)


Most others I either liked all the way through (Lost, BSG) or avoided from the get-go (Andromeda).

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 8:34 AM



Seaquest, Earth 2 and a million things like them


I guess I'm not a big fan of TV in part for this reason: they almost all let me down, and probably all eventually. Buffy Season Seven, anyone?

Dr. Who still doing okay.

I don't remember STNG as degenerating, but I'm not going to watch again to see. I liked Jonathan Frakes better when he was holding the camera than in front of it. I found Riker initially uninspiring as a character, but later when he directed episodes I thought they kicked ass.

Overall, though, STNG was such a jump from cowboys in space of the classic trek towards some paramilitary pooftas in pajamas for a new galactic order of socialist uptopia, it was kind of hopeless.

ETA, Story first me on Dollhouse by 2 min.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 10:29 AM


Star Trek: TNG
I'll admit that I didn't last long with this series when it first aired as it bored me. Riker and Troi were portrayed so badly and blandly by the actors that it put me off continuing. Frakes is definitely better behind the camera. I have seen quite a few episodes over the years but the only ones that really interested me were the Borg episodes and the Q ones.

Star Trek: Enterprise
Re-wrote too much and didn't look right. It should never have been made. They threw too much Trek at us over the years that fans got turned off and this show came at a time when they should have taken a break. It's a pity because I actually liked some of the characters in this a lot more than Voyager or TNG.

Babylon 5: Crusade
After the 5 year epicness of the original show how could they go so wrong? A show that genuinely deserved it's cancellation.

There was great potential in the idea but it got off to a bad start with poor episodes and studio interference. Plus, whilst I have nothing against Eliza Dushku she wasn't really up to be the lead.

The Cape
I don't really class this is sci-fi but others do so it's here. Could have been a take on Batman/Dark Knight on TV. Turned out to be Batsh*t. Only Summer kept me watching but even then I wonderered why.

After a truly excellent first season they had nowhere left to go. They should have spread the story about saving the world over a few seasons. Done more of a slow build but they didn't and it went downhill from that moment on.

I could also mention: the new V series and Stargate Universe (to a small degree as I found it watchable).

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 11:29 AM


Total agreement on Lost. I was really disappointed by the answers we got. They were pretty much all let downs. I was hoping it would be something clever or thought provoking. Instead we got something that just felt very small and pointless. "You can't leave...cause well...I don't know you just can't...lets fight over it for an eternity" bah

V was pretty bad too. I didn't make it through the whole first season even. I just couldn't stand that moron teenage son or the fact that the resistance group seemed so insignificant. There was just no way that group would have made a dent in the visitors plans. They really needed to introduce a much bigger movement and make our heroes one resistance cell or something. Then it would at least feel like there was a point.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 12:12 PM



Warehouse 13 (Should be cancled)


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 2:14 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by whozit:

Warehouse 13 (Should be cancled)

Agree w/ Enterprise. It was great seeing Scott Bakula again in SciFi, but ugh... I never was drawn into the show. Seems to me that it'd be pretty easy to make pre ncc 1701 era technology. Early story lines dealing less w/ aliens, and more w/ man's struggle to deal with leaving the solar system...

Actually liking WH 13 more and more.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 3:43 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Before there was Lost (which I never watched, actually) there was X-files. I was completely over the moon for that show at one point. I stopped watching it three years before the series ended.
I haven't watched Heroes since the first season.
Caprica bored me to tears. When the majority of the audience knows how a story will end, building plot tension is not really the way to go. You need dynamic and interesting characters, and I didn't care about a single one of those people.
The Cape. It could have been so good if they'd had writers that were half awake, but it was just painful.
The Dresden Files. Considering the source material (which I read after watching the show) this comes as an even greater disappointment. It could have been fantastical noir with great characters. It was really none of those things.
Red Dwarf. I know, it was never supposed to be a serious show, but the sheer lack of any continuity really started to get to me. It's fine to have random things happen, I'm all for that, but when you spend a season talking about one subject that's never resolved or something is completely contradicted in later seasons... meh. The hilarity doesn't make up for what is basically lazy writing, and the lazy writing starts getting kind of unfunny.
The Hitchhiker's Guide miniseries. Who hired those actors? Ford was the only one with any good deliveries, despite the prevalence of great lines.
I don't think Dollhouse was as bad as most do - actually there were moments when I really loved that show - but glimpsing how good it could have been makes the final result a letdown for sure.

What reason had proved best ceased to look absurd to the eye, which shows how idle it is to think anything ridiculous except what is wrong.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 7:15 PM


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayl!

Dollhouse had me hooked from the get go. I've known about it for five months less than Firefly... which I discovered in April. Curse Australian free to air TV. No Firefly or Dollhouse, as I don't have Fox channels...

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 7:20 PM


Patrick Stewart with hair kind of looks like James Marsters.




Thursday, November 3, 2011 1:12 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I know this may be jumping the gun a bit, but I'm putting Terra Nova at the top of my list.


Thursday, November 3, 2011 1:52 AM


Battlestar Galactica. That final scene completely destroyed any sense of satisfaction. (I know that it's nitpicking but the whole "we are descended from aliens that agreed to give up space travel instantly even though they couldn't agree on anything a week earlier and apparentely Bob Dylan has visions of the past" plot "resolution" was a piece of shit)

"I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?"


Thursday, November 3, 2011 4:01 AM


I feel almost like this should be two separate threads: Shows that let you down at the beginning and shows that let you down as they progressed.

X-FILES, for example, was an amazing show to start, but I don't think Carter ever expected it to go past, say, three seasons. One of the strongest beginnings in television history eventually became a muddled mess that was barely watchable without a scorecard.

At the other end of the spectrum is, say, DOLLHOUSE, which took one of the most dismal, disappointing first few episodes and turned it around into something that was eventually a few steps north of decent (although it never achieved the consistent quality of Joss's other works).

I find myself pretty consistently disappointed by superhero shows. NO ORDINARY FAMILY had a better first episode than THE CAPE, but I was done with both of them by the third or fourth episode. HEROES was, from the start, a tease where almost every episode was a lackluster mess capped by an amazing cliffhanger that drew me back the next week for 42 more minutes of mediocrity ending in two minutes of greatness.

I was very disappointed by the new BSG and STARGATE: UNIVERSE. Both were just so unrelentingly dreary. Now, I'm not saying that every sci fi scenes needs to be wacky fun, but after seeing the brilliancce with which folk like Whedon and Abrams can stir a few smiles into even the direst situation, I find myself bored by any sci fi show that can't evoke a periodic grin. And the less said about CAPRICA the better.

On the Star Trek front (since many people have mentioned some of the series), I have never been a big fan (my favorite series is DS9, since it's as close as you can get to Star Wars in the Star Trek universe--and at the time it came out, there just weren't many options). Because of that, I think I enjoyed ENTERPRISE more than most. Because it was a prequel, I was able to enjoy it without having to worry about a few decades' worth of continuity (although I imagine I missed a few inside jokes). Not necessarily the strongest beginning, but I thought it really found it's stride with multi-episode arcs.

But I digress...

Another one that really disappointed me was ANDROMEDA. I had heard a fairly decent amount of positive stuff about it, but when I finally got around to seeing a few episodes, I found that the limited budget was too much for the semi-interesting character and plot ideas they were trying to showcase.

www.stillflying.net: "Here's how it might have been..."


Thursday, November 3, 2011 4:06 AM


yes i agree the last episode of bsg sucked.i did love the series and wont condem it for that.


Thursday, November 3, 2011 5:34 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Babylon 5: Crusade
After the 5 year epicness of the original show how could they go so wrong? A show that genuinely deserved it's cancellation.

I really wonder how that show would have turned out without the massive interference from TNT.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, November 3, 2011 10:47 AM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.


Originally posted by dmaanlileiltt:
Battlestar Galactica. That final scene completely destroyed any sense of satisfaction. (I know that it's nitpicking but the whole "we are descended from aliens that agreed to give up space travel instantly even though they couldn't agree on anything a week earlier and apparentely Bob Dylan has visions of the past" plot "resolution" was a piece of shit)

Couldn't disagree more. The Starbuck thing was meh, but I thought they wrapped up the opera house thread perfectly and that there was no better or more timely and relevant way to bring the series to a close.

As for big time let downs...

Heroes (the minute they didn't blow up NYC)
Lexx (what a terd coated terd with terd filling)

I pray for one last landing,
on the globe that gave me birth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecy skies
and the cool, green hills of Earth.


Thursday, November 3, 2011 11:04 AM



Originally posted by DMI:

Originally posted by dmaanlileiltt:
Battlestar Galactica. That final scene completely destroyed any sense of satisfaction. (I know that it's nitpicking but the whole "we are descended from aliens that agreed to give up space travel instantly even though they couldn't agree on anything a week earlier and apparentely Bob Dylan has visions of the past" plot "resolution" was a piece of shit)

Couldn't disagree more. The Starbuck thing was meh, but I thought they wrapped up the opera house thread perfectly and that there was no better or more timely and relevant way to bring the series to a close.

Right there with ya. It wasn't perfect (aside from the Starbuck thing, having Anders lay out 3/4th of the secrets while sitting in bed was rather anti-climactic), but it was still damned good.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, November 3, 2011 1:14 PM


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayl!

Heroes- bored me.
Smallville- nice concept, not my thing.

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems.






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