Why Communist Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro must DIE

UPDATED: Thursday, June 7, 2012 17:39
VIEWED: 2277
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Thursday, June 7, 2012 5:34 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!! immediate arrest, waterboarding at Gitmo, secret martial law tribunal, guilty verdict, summary execution live on TeeVee, along with his entire administration, and the entire Bush Jr administration, the entire Clinton administration, the entire Bush Sr administration, the entire Democratic Party leadership, the entire Republican Party leadership, the entire Israeli administration, the entire English monarchy and administration. Warcrimes are a capitol offense in every jurisdiction.

Obama LOVES Terminator snuff video: This is what genocide of a wedding party looks like:

Obama Bombs Civilians, Then Police & First Aid, And Then Their Funerals, Again
Posted by Alexander Higgins - June 6, 2012

Women, children among 18 Afghans dead in NATO wedding strike - report (PHOTOS) 06 June, 2012

Dr Strangelove Obama ordered Terminator assassination of 12 year old kid with camera


WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Barack Obama’s High Tech Snuff Films…

So having Obama so oddly focused…not just focused…he gets excited…visually…the guy gets off on it and he ain’t even hiding that fact anymore. And some are repulsed by it. They’ve done video reviews you know…of the missions. The drones. The kills.

UM: The president you mean? He watches videos of the drone attacks?

WHI: Yeah – like it was…like it was porn. I can’t emphasize…I don’t think I’m painting a clear enough picture here for you of how this thing has people really freaking out inside the administration. It’s good on one hand because it’s got more of them willing to talk…but…the fact it’s gotten this bad…these drones…an American president who has the video sent up to his personal study so he can watch them over and over again…like I said – sh-t ain’t right.

Those drones are the one thing he really feels he has control over…all the rest…he’s been told what to say and where to go…when to wake…when to sleep…but the drones. The drones are all his – and he ain’t given those up. For nobody.

The weekly meetings, the kill list…I mean c’mon now…he’s got his own personal kill list. The guy who campaigned against Bush era interrogations…Obama don’t interrogate. He picks a name off a list…some of these people have beenU.S. citizens…he picks that name off a list and orders the kill. Then he gets the video confirmation of the kill…and he watches it. Over and over and over again.

Jarrett knows she has got to tap that down. That kind of display…it’s repulsive to people. And it’s freaking them out. Jarrett don’t mind the drones…she approves of the program…she approves of what…of how they will be utilized at HOME. But if the president…if his reaction to using them…how he gets off on it…that endangers them having control of those drones after 2012…and beyond.

But now Barack Obama…he’s judge and jury. With a pointing of a finger to names on a list…Barack Obama gets to play God. No day in court. No guarantee innocent people won’t be killed as well – and they have been killed. Children. Women. Over and over again. And this president…he has that knowledge when he watches the kill confirmations. And he watches it over and over again. These are high tech snuff films – a multi-billion dollar snuff program…and he gets off on it.

Those drones…their domestic use…don’t think he ain’t thought about it. A lot.

You see, Obama – he don’t trust the military. Not all of them…not many of them. But he trusts those drones, now don’t he? Don’t take him having to trust some military official to order troops to carry out an order inside the United States. It’s just inputting a bit of data – and the push of a button, right? And keep the f-cking military out of that equation there. Move the program…attach it directly to the White House. Make it…make it part of Homeland Security, right? Simple as that. One appropriations bill – just one…and it’s done.

…And Valerie Jarrett – she wants that. Her…the investors who are behind Obama…they are completely in favor of that.


front cover of May/June 2012 issue of National Guard's official GX Magazine

National Guard now in charge of Predator Reaper drones inside USA

UM: Of a domestic drone program? Why? What’s the purpose?

Same as everything else this administration has attempted to implement – control. Absolute and total f-cking control. No different than Obamacare…expansion of the EPA…all the czars…bypassing of Congressional oversight…it’s all about control. And in order to secure that control – you need chaos. That chaos gives the justification for the drones. And the Occupy bullsh-t, the race riot threats…think about that. Think about the timing of the domestic drone program…tie it in with all the manufactured chaos that’s comin’. His calls for a citizen police force that was equal to the United States military. Obama said it himself, right? Before he was elected? He said it. His wife said it.

UM: Who are “they”?

I already told you…the socialists…Marxists…globalists, progressives, Big Labor, Green Energy…just different sides of the same fact. Leo Gerard. He’s a kingmaker in all of this.

But try and get the kind of information that can burn them – the stuff that you could send to the Hill…as long as Eric Holder is holding the line…very tough. And very dangerous. That’s why I’m telling you to stay out ofChicago. That’s why I’m staying out of there.

UM: You got spooked. Why?

The body count got a little high for my personal comfort. I’d ain’t quite reached as ripe an old age as I would like – not just yet.

That’s what they are counting on you know? America will forget. Lose focus. Shrug it shoulders. Say whatever. And before they get back to paying attention again – too late. For all of us. I been sayin’ for a long time – few things in this world more stupid than the American voter. Poor dumb bastards.

This has always been about letting them know – we got their number. They can’t hide everything. The information is getting out…they have threatened. They have fired. Hell…they’ve silenced some of us permanently. But the information is still getting out – and it’s driving them crazy. It’s making them sloppy. It’s giving us an advantage. The Old Man said it – this is a war we are fighting here. Call it us against them – good vs evil…whatever. Call it whatever. I don’t give a sh-t what you wanna call it – just as long as we win and they lose, because if they win – it’s like Obama said himself – the fundamental transformation of America. They gonna tell us what to think. What to eat. What to drink. What to read. What to watch. And if somebody don’t like that…then you’ll be on a list now won’t you. And an order will be given. And later, sitting up in some second floor study will be that skinny ass Manchurian piece of sh-t playing it over and over again.

Stop it – NOW. Leave. It. Alone. You’re a f-cking bug. An ant. You won’t be missed. Those readers of yours? They could give a sh-t. Here or not here. They could give a sh-t. Dancing with the F-cking Stars they care about. You – not so much. You understand that? This ain’t about you. It sure as hell ain’t about them. Grow up. Shut your mouth and print what I tell you to print. No less. No more. Do it like I say or I find someone else who will. God-mmit you are gonna get yourself hurt in a bad way, son.

Don’t let your ego take over for good sense, right? If I tell you to leave it alone – you best believe I know what I’m sayin’ in that. We’ve gone over the body count. You ain’t even gonna make that list. That’s how insignificant you are. That’s why you get away with what you do. It’s the entire premise of plausible deniability we talked about on day f-cking one. So step down, shut up, and follow my lead. I can’t save you from stupid – and that’s what you got going in this.

Stop playing detective and shut the f-ck up. I mean it…

Operation Northwoods used Terminator kamikaze drones on 9/11, now Reapers are based in USA...


"To all my conspiracy oriented friends on the right who think I'm planning to unleash some secret agenda, you're absolutely right. What’s the difference between a hockey mom and pit bull? A pit bull is delicious. My step-father always told me it's a boy-eat-dog world out there. My father was born in Kenya and I of course was born in Hawaii (wink)."
-Communist Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro, 2012 White House Presstitues Dinner


Thursday, June 7, 2012 7:04 AM


Just curious but is'nt the isssuing of death-threats against public figures on a public forum a little, you know, Illegal ?


Thursday, June 7, 2012 7:14 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Just curious but is'nt the isssuing of death-threats against public figures on a public forum a little, you know, Illegal ?


If Piratenews was a credible threat I imagine he'd have been disappeared some time ago.

ETA: Thus far he usually isn't credible, much less a threat to anybody.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 8:24 AM


I'm sure the use of the word "Soetoro" wins him a place on an FBI list. Hey, now I'm on the list too! Good times.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 11:20 AM



Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Just curious but is'nt the isssuing of death-threats against public figures on a public forum a little, you know, Illegal ?


If Piratenews was a credible threat I imagine he'd have been disappeared some time ago.

ETA: Thus far he usually isn't credible, much less a threat to anybody.


Would'nt it be funny though, to watch him conduct a Pro-Se defence.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 5:39 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Just curious but is'nt the isssuing of death-threats against public figures on a public forum a little, you know, Illegal ?

It's not a death threat if the govt does it to itself based on probable cause. Sedition, paerhaps, if sedition is defined as demanding arrest of criminals with jobs as govt employees. These career criminals ocnfess their crimes on TV and in newspapers every day. Since when is it a crime to demand justice for criminals?

If Obama et al were arrested, given a trial, found guilty, sentenced to death, lost all appeals, I would most definitely apply for the govt job to be the govt employee orderedto pull the trigger, drop the gallows, chop the head off, pass the gas. My prior govt job ordered me to help kill women and children, so killing actual killers would be a good govt job.


Innocent, but still locked-up: Guantanamo prisoners stay behind bars years after being cleared for release

07 June, 2012

President Obama didn't keep his promise of closing the Guantanamo Bay military prison, but has the White House even tried? A new report reveals that more than half of the detainees cleared for release from Gitmo are still imprisoned there.

Of the 169 international terror suspects still stuck behind bars at one of the world’s most notorious jails, 87 have been long-approved for release, some as far back as during the George W Bush administration. British journalist Andy Worthington writes on his website this week that not only has US President Barack Obama failed to keep his promise of closing down Gitmo, but his administration has had serious problems with processing prisoners.

During his second day as commander-in-chief, President Obama signed an executive order that he said would be the first step in quickly closing down Guantanamo Bay. Now as the president campaigns for reelection more than three years after taking the oath of office, not only is Gitmo still in operation but it its confines contain prisoners cleared for release before Obama was even elected for his first time.

Many Gitmo detainees, writes Worthington, were told they’d be let go half a decade ago.

“One of the greatest injustices at Guantánamo is that, of the 169 prisoners still held, over half — 87 in total — were cleared for release by President Obama’s interagency Guantánamo Review Task Force,” writes Worthington. That task force, he says, was established at the dawn of the Obama administration and has pulled minds from varying intelligence agencies and government departments to determine the fate of the prisoners. Even after being let off the hook, however, dozens of those detainees have been subjected to continuous imprisonment at the military jail.

“What this analysis makes clear is that almost a quarter of the prisoners still held at Guantánamo — men that the US government acknowledges it does not want to continue holding, or to put on trial — have been waiting for their freedom for between four and eight years, a statistic that ought to shock anyone concerned with fairness and justice,” says Worthington.

What’s more, he writes, is that the government is going to great lengths to keep the identity of those unjustly imprisoned detainees under wraps. The journalists explains, however, that through research accumulated by combing through the classified military files released last year by WikiLeaks and by documents made available by President George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Worthington has been able to identify 40 men— 23 Yemenis, and 17 from other countries — “who, between 2004 and 2009, were cleared for release by the Joint Task Force at Guantánamo, by military review boards under the Bush administration, or by President Obama’s Task Force.”

Worthington also says that he has identified the actual authorization forms where these decisions were noted yet apparently ignored.

Obama’s Task Force, he adds, has cleared 156 prisoners for release since he entered office in January 2009. In those three-and-a-half years, however, only 69 have actually been released from Gitmo.

“The majority of the 40 men identified through my research were cleared during the Bush administration, between 2004 and 2008, but although it is possible that some of them subsequently had the recommendations for their release withdrawn, it is, I believe, fair to assume that the majority did not, and that the Task Force largely concurred with the decisions made by military review boards under the Bush administration,” he adds. “I believe it is fair to say that the 40 names that I have identified clarify who has been cleared for release to a greater extent than has previously been revealed.”

Since these POWs were just farmers not soldiers, how safe do you think YOU are in the current US Civil War, where our own govt attacked USA in a false flag massacre on 9/11, as "justification" to overthrow dozens of nations, kill dozens of world leaders, and genocide millions of innocent people?


'One of them made cuts in my penis. I was in agony'

Benyam Mohammed travelled from London to Afghanistan in July 2001, but after September 11 he fled to Pakistan. He was arrested at Karachi airport on April 10 2002, and describes being flown by a US government plane to a prison in Morocco. These are extracts from his diary.

They cut off my clothes with some kind of doctor's scalpel. I was naked. I tried to put on a brave face. But maybe I was going to be raped. Maybe they'd electrocute me. Maybe castrate me.

They took the scalpel to my right chest. It was only a small cut. Maybe an inch. At first I just screamed ... I was just shocked, I wasn't expecting ... Then they cut my left chest. This time I didn't want to scream because I knew it was coming.

One of them took my penis in his hand and began to make cuts. He did it once, and they stood still for maybe a minute, watching my reaction. I was in agony. They must have done this 20 to 30 times, in maybe two hours. There was blood all over. "I told you I was going to teach you who's the man," [one] eventually said.

They cut all over my private parts. One of them said it would be better just to cut it off, as I would only breed terrorists. I asked for a doctor.

Doctor No 1 carried a briefcase. "You're all right, aren't you? But I'm going to say a prayer for you." Doctor No 2 gave me an Alka-Seltzer for the pain. I told him about my penis. "I need to see it. How did this happen?" I told him. He looked like it was just another patient. "Put this cream on it two times a day. Morning and night." He gave me some kind of antibiotic.

I was in Morocco for 18 months. Once they began this, they would do it to me about once a month. One time I asked a guard: "What's the point of this? I've got nothing I can say to them. I've told them everything I possibly could."

"As far as I know, it's just to degrade you. So when you leave here, you'll have these scars and you'll never forget. So you'll always fear doing anything but what the US wants."

Later, when a US airplane picked me up the following January, a female MP took pictures. She was one of the few Americans who ever showed me any sympathy. When she saw the injuries I had she gasped. They treated me and took more photos when I was in Kabul. Someone told me this was "to show Washington it's healing".

But in Morocco, there were even worse things. Too horrible to remember, let alone talk about. About once a week or even once every two weeks I would be taken for interrogation, where they would tell me what to say. They said if you say this story as we read it, you will just go to court as a witness and all this torture will stop. I eventually repeated what was read out to me.

When I got to Morocco they said some big people in al-Qaida were talking about me. They talked about Jose Padilla and they said I was going to testify against him and big people. They named Khalid Sheikh Mohamed, Abu Zubaidah and Ibn Sheikh al-Libi [all senior al-Qaida leaders who are now in US custody]. It was hard to pin down the exact story because what they wanted changed from Morocco to when later I was in the Dark Prison [a detention centre in Kabul with windowless cells and American staff], to Bagram and again in Guantánamo Bay.

They told me that I must plead guilty. I'd have to say I was an al-Qaida operations man, an ideas man. I kept insisting that I had only been in Afghanistan a short while. "We don't care," was all they'd say.

I was also questioned about my links with Britain. The interrogator told me: "We have photos of people given to us by MI5. Do you know these?" I realised that the British were sending questions to the Moroccans. I was at first surprised that the Brits were siding with the Americans.

On August 6, I thought I was going to be transferred out of there [the prison]. They came in and cuffed my hands behind my back.

But then three men came in with black masks. It seemed to go on for hours. I was in so much pain I'd fall to my knees. They'd pull me back up and hit me again. They'd kick me in my thighs as I got up. I vomited within the first few punches. I really didn't speak at all though. I didn't have the energy or will to say anything. I just wanted for it to end. After that, there was to be no more first-class treatment. No bathroom. No food for a while.

During September-October 2002, I was taken in a car to another place. The room was bigger, it had its own toilet, and a window which was opaque.

They gave me a toothbrush and Colgate toothpaste. I was allowed to recover from the scalpel for about two weeks, and the guards said nothing about it.

Then they cuffed me and put earphones on my head. They played hip-hop and rock music, very loud. I remember they played Meat Loaf and Aerosmith over and over. A couple of days later they did the same thing. Same music.

For 18 months, there was not one night when I could sleep well. Sometimes I would go 48 hours without sleep. At night, they would bang the metal doors, bang the flap on the door, or just come right in.

They continued with two or three interrogations a month. They weren't really interrogations, more like training me what to say. The interrogator told me what was going on. "We're going to change your brain," he said.

I suffered the razor treatment about once a month for the remaining time I was in Morocco, even after I'd agreed to confess to whatever they wanted to hear. It became like a routine. They'd come in, tie me up, spend maybe an hour doing it. They never spoke to me. Then they'd tip some kind of liquid on me - the burning was like grasping a hot coal. The cutting, that was one kind of pain. The burning, that was another.

In all the 18 months I was there, I never went outside. I never saw the sun, not even once. I never saw any human being except the guards and my tormentors, unless you count the pictures they showed me.

Besides, I must be safe, since my song is the only one banned at Gitmo, during Support The Troops Tours.






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